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Science/Technology / Re: China’s Bus-size Space Station Is About 80 Hours Away From Crashing To Earth by NaWetinDey(m): 1:55pm On Mar 30, 2018
Design stolen from the USA, product manufactured in China.

Still a thousand years better than 'Niger area
Culture / Re: Igbo OR Ibo? What You Should Know. by NaWetinDey(m): 11:51pm On Mar 28, 2018

Please some being emotional

This is directly from the constitution of Nigeria.

Where were you and your elders when it was written

55. The business of the National Assembly shall be conducted in English, and in Hausa, Ibo and Yoruba when adequate arrangements have been made therefor.

EVERY IBO man has accepted this by virtue of it being in the constitution

There is no correlation between Yoloba and Awusa and bring those into the mix is just gratuitous churlishness. None of those entities had anything to do with the introduction of the term.

The Yoruba don't know you from anywhere You were introduced to us from day one as IBO By the Britiish/Nigeria that is how we have always known you without malice or mischief. That is how your authors have intrduced you to us in their works and that is how you are recognized in the Constituton of Nigeria

You have eyes but. sadly, you do not see; the same goes for your two previous but worthless ears.


Celebrities / Re: Brymo's G-String Costume In His Music Video Causes Commotion Online by NaWetinDey(m): 9:46am On Mar 28, 2018
Animal . Trying to be different at the expense of his Sanity

Romance / Re: She Said No To Me In 2011, But Now We Are Getting Married - Man Reveals. Photos by NaWetinDey(m): 8:07am On Mar 28, 2018
You are a good man - waiting and going for what you want. Although the same cannot be said of your girl. She's gone round the world of men like the prodigal son but found no room. Now her only option is your steadfastness. That's good anyways as long as she lives to always respect you for that. But, please, let's not hear her ever say she only managed you, because we will come slap sense into her. God bless your union.
Romance / Re: She Said No To Me In 2011, But Now We Are Getting Married - Man Reveals. Photos by NaWetinDey(m): 8:06am On Mar 28, 2018
You are a good man - waiting and going for what you want. Although the same cannot be said of your girl. She's gone round the world of men like the prodigal son but found no room. Now her only option is your steadfastness. That's good anyways as long as she lives to always respect you for that. But, please, let's not hear her ever say she only managed you. God bless your union.
Culture / Re: Igbo OR Ibo? What You Should Know. by NaWetinDey(m): 7:56am On Mar 28, 2018
No Igbo man accepts Igbo to be Ibo. It can be tolerated because there are people finding it difficult with our vowels. However, those who still write it as Ibo as simply being derogatory. It's just like someone writing Yoruba as Yoloba or Hausa as Awusa in formal written works. it's insulting.
Crime / Re: Abraham Badru Shot Dead In UK (Enitan Badru's Son) by NaWetinDey(m): 7:52am On Mar 28, 2018
So sad! East or west, home is the best!
Please explain: do you mean that he will be safer in Nigeria than in the UK?
Politics / Re: Don’t Vote Buhari Out, Martin Luther King’s Jrn Family Charges Nigerians by NaWetinDey(m): 6:58pm On Mar 27, 2018
Every idiot sees Nigeria as a goldmine with foolish, dead bodies scattered about. When you take your cut, you praise the powers that be. It only takes a man who has nothing to lose - really - to be different in the tight way.

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Autos / Re: Mercedes-benz GL450 2015 Toks Location Ikeja Price N24m Negotiable by NaWetinDey(m): 2:30pm On Mar 26, 2018
Is it bulletproofed?
Career / Re: The Key Differences Between A Chauffeur And A Driver by NaWetinDey(m): 7:32am On Mar 26, 2018
"I must lecture," 'I must go to school," "We must have many schools..." these are some of the problems in this society. Why? Because we are good at half-baking things.

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Business / Re: Paddy Adenuga Advises Men On What To Do Before Sending Money To Their Women by NaWetinDey(m): 12:38pm On Mar 24, 2018
If you are a man and you are quick to give out money to women just because of what you get/will get in between their legs but you do not take care of your mother...or even your siblings, shame on you! One day, their cries will drag locusts and cankerworm into your riches and eat them off.


Technology Market / Re: Brand New Ipad Air by NaWetinDey(m): 4:16pm On Mar 23, 2018
You need to itemize it's specifications.
Travel / Re: Bike Men Gather To Dump A Cab Blocking The Road Inside Gutter In Ibadan (video) by NaWetinDey(m): 3:52pm On Mar 23, 2018
all diz afonjas are too weak... come to aba, we would have burned the car. no time

I really don't believe you are Igbo and live in Aba because your comment is plain stupid.
Religion / Re: "Mountain Of Fire Allows Wearing Of Trousers In UK & US" - Daddy Freeze Reacts by NaWetinDey(m): 9:14am On Mar 22, 2018
Churches that frown on women wearing trousers are just following the sentiments of their founder. It's not Biblical no matter how long they keep misquoting God in Deuteronomy.

A woman is safer in trouser and more decent in some trousers than in skirts. That corrupted doctrine foes not apply to me even if the church I choose to go anytime has s dogma against it...unless God reveals otherwise to me.

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Romance / Re: Doctor Narrates His Encounter With A Lady And Her Abusive Boyfriend by NaWetinDey(m): 10:48am On Mar 21, 2018
As an educated man, you should have found out that they were into mutually benefitting business when she said no. You should have simply left it at that.

The guy has money to lavish on a cheating women (who could also be lavishing the money on the one she truly loves) who knows no one else will take what she does for what she gets. it's a symbiosis.

Bottom line: they are both sick in the head, dishonest to themselves and enslaved by lust and materialism. If they do not seek council and/or quit, they may be the undoing of each other and will end up destroying themselves physically and emotionally.
Family / Re: Is This What Being A Supportive Husband Means Or Just Plain Stupidity? by NaWetinDey(m): 10:34am On Mar 21, 2018
If a man can love his wife this much.

If a man can humble himself this much.

If the man has job and not dependent on his wife.

If his wife loves him and submits to him in all things.

By all means, all men should think thus.

We will live long giving them the impression that they are priceless eggs that indeed they are.

But otherwise,...
Crime / Re: Ugandan Victim Confesses To Have Enjoyed Rape, Suspect Acquitted by NaWetinDey(m): 10:13am On Mar 21, 2018
O ho!
Our women haf kwayet.
This wicked revelation be opening women's secrets anyhow.
It seems that even the quietest of women enjoy it hammered forcefully especially after months and maybe years of gentleman's business.

But if that man truly raped her, no matter how she felt, he will be cut down by karma someday. Rape is like man playing unsolicited godhead over another and whoever does that is guilty of the highest crime.
Politics / Re: FG Files Fresh Charges Against Co-defendants Of Nnamdi Kanu by NaWetinDey(m): 9:57am On Mar 21, 2018
Terrorist govt.
The Meaning Of Python Dance
When buhari's destructive govt realized that they will lose the case against Nnamdi Kanu in court. They deviced a plan to usurp the court of law and turn justice around in their favor. How can they achive this without public black clash? They decided that "Provocation" was the answer. That was how military operation code named "Python Dance" was hatched.
Like a snake that close on its prey and squezze it until it can no longer defend itself, the idea behind Python Dance was to close in on IPOB members to Provoke them and force them into arms rebellion, sort of like boko-Haram to defend themselves.
Unfortunately for army, Nnamdi Kanu knew very well what the Nigerian military were up to when they showed up in his compound. On interveiw shown on some Tv networks in the country, Kanu declared before journalist that "the reason the military has resulted to provocation and show of force on an unarmed civilian was because the Nigerian govt lost the argument." Having lost the argument about the right of Biafran citizens to campaign for self determination as enshrined in the United Nations chatter of Human rights, the govt under buhari resorted to provocation.

It was clear by actions the army battalion were trying to intimidate Nnamdi Kanu through show of force, to force him and IPOB members to bear arms.
But after seeing how peaceful IPOB members were, who rather preferred to throw stones at the army than carry arms, the military under direct order of buhari opened fire on IPOB members right on the scene, killing over a hundred of them and buried hurriedly in mass graves just like victims of shiite massacres by the same army in 2015.
The resultant shooting can be seen on Nnamdi Kanu family compound as the structure was covered with bullet holes from the military.
Since that military confrontation, Nnamdi Kanu and his parents were never seen again till date!!

Cover Ups And Conflicting Accounts by Govt And Nigerian Army.
The same military who claimed they never entered Nnamdi Kanu's house during python dance managed to recover petrol bombs inside Kanu's house. The same people who claimed they never went closed to Kanu's house, yet Nnamdi Kanu's family house is riddled with bullet holes.
Knowing the reputation of Nigerian govt under buhari as a pathological lying govt, one will not be surprised by the show of shame of the army when the same Nigerian military through its spokesman announced the unilateral declaration of IPOB as a terrorist organization before the court of law, only to DENY it a day later, as was reported by various dailies across the country.

Only a govt of tyrrany will take laws into their hands and invade (Under a code name Python Dance) the premises of an individual already undergoing trial in the court of law because they know they would lose the trial againt him. If not they wouldn't have resorted to self help to circumvent the law in their favour.

Let them keep up the charade. The world is watching!!
Buhari's destructive rudderless govt should enjoy their moment and continue to lie about their involvement in Nnamdi Kanu disappearance. But one day, just one day, the Truth will reveal itself!!

You must learn how to present your case next time. in fact, you should read well before trying to present any case because, with this your 100 page thesis, you only got 29% which means you failed. Nnamdi Kanu is a terrorist. �
Romance / Re: "2 Curvy Ladies In Pretoria Robbed Me After Wild Sex" - South African Man by NaWetinDey(m): 10:51am On Mar 19, 2018
You are "6 times" a fool.
Family / Re: My Marriage Is At The Brink Of Collapse Help Me by NaWetinDey(m): 9:11pm On Mar 18, 2018
This epistle of yours is longer than Paul's. I couldn't read half of it but, from what I got so far, it's not a peculiar issue. The mistake you did in your financially trying time is bringing in your mother together with your wife's mother to stay with you and your wife who's already considering giving herself to the white man. She's bidding time and testing the waters by fronting her friend first. And how do you think your in-laws will be seeing you (seeing how your 'so good' sister in-law has started talking yo you) when they have almost become your survival? Those women will ruin you, but before your impending and almost unavoidable divorce (unless you will accept your wife sleeping around and coming back to you), try to brace up and guide your life because, if you are not careful, your marriage will not be all you may lose.


Politics / Re: Obasanjo Meets Kwankwaso, Duke, Agbakoba, 35 Parties In Lagos by NaWetinDey(m): 8:10pm On Mar 18, 2018
Obasanjo's obsession on blocking Atiku at all cost will help Buhari back in 2019. Mark this!

There's nothing to mark, Buhari will never rule Nigeria again after this tenure. People fail to realize that the same measure with which they measured other will be used on them. He and his APC brought in strange politics only so they could grip power, now they cannot close that channel they brutally created. Others will go through it come 2019 and they will modernize it.
Autos / Re: Would You Buy This "Okada" For N340million? by NaWetinDey(m): 7:41pm On Mar 18, 2018
Politics / Re: Governor Udom Emmanuel Donates N1m To Orphaned UNIUYO Student Who Hawks Food by NaWetinDey(m): 2:14pm On Sep 21, 2017
She's a rich orphan. Many girls with parents cannot afford to have such restaurant. They should also be given helped by the government. The good thing, though, is that she did not sell off what was left to buy sexy clothes and lingerie for runs like so many of them do. That's a plus and reason.


Business / Re: DSTV In Trouble As TSTV Takes Center Stage On 1st October by NaWetinDey(m): 2:09pm On Sep 21, 2017
It will be welcome by the society although your information has no source let alone verifiable source.
Politics / Re: #biafra: What IPOB Will Do If Nnamdi Kanu Is Not Produced Within 7 Days by NaWetinDey(m): 2:06pm On Sep 21, 2017
Lol I thought they said demonstration is going on in Aba and that Kanu is expected shortly, how then do they ask the government to produce him?

Celebrities / Re: Uche Ogbodo Disagrees With Monalisa Chinda On Domestic Violence by NaWetinDey(m): 4:56pm On Sep 19, 2017
For some who need a lasting family with a man, please listen to and follow Minalisa's truest advice. For those who are worthless to any generation, follow Uche's advice.

A man should not beat a woman no matter what she says or does, really? And your mathematics is based on?
Education / Re: Facebook User Kosi Ugo Cries Out About Unizik Girls by NaWetinDey(m): 5:05pm On Sep 11, 2017
its always easy to call a female a prostitute what about the men. the guy just criticized only the girls living the boys off his topic. SMH both the man and woman are guilty.

It's people like you who think they are being wise and considerate that destroy the society. A woman sleeping with men here and there and a man doing same with women, though they are both morally wrong, are not the same. The woman's destroy the society beyond what you can imagine.
Politics / Re: Army Shares Video Of IPOB Members Attacking Soldiers Outside Nnamdi Kanu's House by NaWetinDey(m): 2:25pm On Sep 11, 2017
One side of the story, why was the police van and armored vehicle lurking around Nnamdi Kanu's perimeter?

Your question is silly. It's just the same Nigeria power tussle between pdp and apc that still allows people like you yo think that Kanu is untouchable. Just wait a while and you will choose between dying from stupidity to keeping your life.

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Romance / Re: Lady Calls Out Ex-boyfriend Who Cheated Her, Shares Pics Of His Dirty Boxers by NaWetinDey(m): 8:00am On Sep 11, 2017

she is as dirty as he is na

That's correct if it's actually true that it belongs to the man. But she only ended up disgracing herself and only marketed the man because another woman will come in with a dozen new boxers if he's that good to have evoked her jealousy to that height.
Religion / Re: TD Jakes Traces Igbo Roots, Visits Nigeria (Photos) by NaWetinDey(m): 7:56am On Sep 11, 2017
Oh! Well...

I suggest that the management of Nairaland adds to its barred list the use of children's pictures as memes here. That's a form of child abuse, you know - especially when they use it in sex matters and romance section. It's becoming a norm.
Romance / Re: Lady Calls Out Ex-boyfriend Who Cheated Her, Shares Pics Of His Dirty Boxers by NaWetinDey(m): 7:36am On Sep 11, 2017
Rubbish. So you saw it and you neither advised him nor changed it for him when you saw it? You simply snapped and kept it as blackmailing chip and u still continued with him with all the blowjobes. I don't think you were ever in a relationship. You were just servicing a client but you became attached and jealous because of the financial gains. A hotter woman has probably been warming his nights more often than you and you re now passed. What you have succeeded in doing is marketing him to other women like you. So shut up!

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