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Family / Re: For The Married Peeps What Are The Things Nobody Told You About Marriage? by NDakota: 9:49pm On Jul 14, 2023
Career / Re: Tax In A Big Four Audit Firm Or Investment Banking by NDakota: 9:56pm On Dec 17, 2022

I think if I get into tax, I can negotiate to be transferred to audit. How about that

If you can, perfect!

2 - 3 years in audit gives you lots of better options.

Wish you the best!

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Career / Re: Tax In A Big Four Audit Firm Or Investment Banking by NDakota: 9:04pm On Dec 17, 2022
If I were you, I'd choose investment banking.

You'll get bored with the dull, repetitive work in tax at a Big 4. And, your exit options are just too damn limited.

Even audit has better exit options.

Investment banking is where the money, the learning, and the intellectual challenges are!

Don't do some rote regulatory work. You add little value to society...

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Career / Re: Should I Relocate From My Village To Lagos To Learn This Skill? by NDakota: 4:54pm On Sep 07, 2022
Don't look for recommendations online only.

You need to first make the leap.

Get to Lagos first. Do your due diligence by visiting the schools.

You're trying to mitigate risk by getting all the facts first. Major reason you've been lukewarm about coming to Lagos.

Leave Owerri. You'll get a school, get trained and land a good job. All the best.

PS: I know one or two around Ogun State. But that's not what youare looking for.

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Career / Re: Career Opportunities For A Third Class Graduate by NDakota: 5:35pm On Nov 24, 2021

With a 3rd class degree, you have access to less than 10% of plum jobs out there. Don't let any motivational speaker sweet talk you.

So if I were you, I'd give as little time as possible to the dumbass NYSC PPA. I'd focus on learning something useful.

Say if you're posted to a school, only go there if you have a class. Use the free hours for personal development.

Learn to code. Become a data Analyst. Or data scientist. Or Data Engineer.

Your statistics degree will give you a big leverage. Class of degree matters less when it comes to programming.

The bottom line is can you make something useful, something that helps people or businesses solve a problem.

Caveat: going this path is pretty hard. It'll challenge you. You'd want to give up every single hour. But victory is not to the lazy.


Jokes Etc / What Is The Funniest Comment You Read On Nairaland? by NDakota: 8:20pm On Sep 26, 2021
Most times when I'm bored I just visit nairaland to read comments and laugh.

Below is a screen grab of what I feel is the funniest comment I've ever seen here.

Do you have screen shots of any funnier comment?

Please share...

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Career / Are You 30 - 35? Do You Feel Lost? Let's Brainstorm... by NDakota: 6:22pm On Aug 05, 2021
Okay, I had a one-on-one today with a colleague.

He said, "Boss, I'm not a small boy. I'm over 30, but I feel so lost..."

This got me thinking.

* What could make one feel lost in life (like you look at your life and all you see is gloom and darkness)?

* How can one find meaning in life when we feel lost?

* Tell me what it is you always wanted to do with your precious life. And where you lost it?
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: A by NDakota: 11:57am On Jul 26, 2021
Career / Re: ICAN May 2023 Diet Exam - Let's Meet Here by NDakota: 4:07pm On Jun 10, 2021
Career / Re: ICAN May 2023 Diet Exam - Let's Meet Here by NDakota: 3:37pm On Jun 10, 2021
Career / Re: Just Before You Start Job Hunting As A Fresh Graduate by NDakota: 3:14pm On Jun 10, 2021
My all time favourite....

A) Mastery by Robert Greene.

Everyone should read this!
Career / Re: Just Before You Start Job Hunting As A Fresh Graduate by NDakota: 5:29pm On May 09, 2021
Nice list...
Career / Re: ICAN May 2023 Diet Exam - Let's Meet Here by NDakota: 1:30am On Apr 18, 2021
Hey guys,

If you paid via Quickteller, try sending a mail to support@interswitchng.com (Do attach proof of payment. Quickteller generates a receipt for you once you do the transaction on their platform).

Ask them to send you your transaction reference number ASAP. You should get a response within 24 hrs.

This worked for me. Maybe it could help.
Education / Re: Why The Government Is Right In Licensing New Private Universities (Opinion) by NDakota: 3:33pm On Apr 09, 2021
You have your points. The people against the licensing of more private universities also have their point.

What do you think is one essential macroeconomic objective of government?

It's wealth and income re-distribution....

Nigeria is heading for doom, not necessarily because of poverty. She is heading for doom because of the gap between the rich and poor.

Ask yourself...

If millions are getting poor education, don't you think the few who get world class education will take away all the opportunities there are in the economy?

I'm not telling you what I'm imagining. I'm telling you what is happening already.

Go to Big 4 firms, for instance. The majority there are from private universities. Not because they are necessarily more intelligent, but because they have had "assumed" better education and better exposure.

And how were they able to do it? Well, because their parents can afford to give them an un-subsidized higher education, of course.

Licensing more private universities makes economic sense. But think again does it make social sense? Does it help create a society with equity?
Romance / Re: What Was Your First Impression About Your Partner? by NDakota: 12:04am On Dec 18, 2020
Married my partner once I got a fairly good job in 2018.

I was 26. 98% of the people I knew called me the foolish one.

But I saw something in her. Something I always advise the young lads I mentor to look for.

Ambition. Drive. Or whatever?

It turns me on.

You see the shit Generation Alpha chase: fine face, fat backside, big boobs.

They matter less. Money talks. Bullshit walks.

Women with builders' mentality are rare these days.

If you find one, don't bed her, just wife her.


Investment / Re: ... by NDakota: 12:02am On Dec 18, 2020
All valid points. Great writing!
Jobs/Vacancies / 3 SEO Content Writers Needed Urgently by NDakota: 4:14pm On Oct 03, 2020
Hello there,

If you're a great content creator on the following niches:

* Personal Finance
* Career and Technology
* Business Relationships

Please send a mail to vince dot chuks at gmail dot com (in your mail, please attach your best writing sample).

Pay is #1 per word for 800 - 1000 word original articles.

N/B: content must be conversational, well-researched (links to sources must be included), and plagiarism-free. This is a long term project (about 100 articles needed).
Business / Re: ... by NDakota: 3:42am On Sep 07, 2020
Great info.

What struck me was where you mentioned that most entrepreneurs in Nigeria are imitators.

Nothing could be so true!

1 Like

Business / Re: After NYSC What With #500,000 In My Account? by NDakota: 2:01am On Jul 26, 2020
First off, congrats, man.

You went in and passed out of NYSC in one piece. And you were able to save much with little pay. Kudos, you've built something solid that will serve you whatever you do...

What you have developed is called financial discipline.

It's rare to see Nigerian youths with this skill these days.

My advice to you?

I don't give business or investment advice. But I can tell you what not to do...

...Never EVER go back to Abia. You'll kill the little dreams you have if you get back to that backwater.

I left Abia a few years ago, and it's been the best decision of my life so far.

Ota is close to Lagos. Whatever you start there has a 10X chance of gaining more traction than whatever you start in Abia.

#500,000 isn't a lot of money. Stay put and grow tha tmoney where you made it from!

84 Likes 6 Shares

Romance / Re: Should A Lady Marry A Man With No Job? by NDakota: 10:05pm On Jul 02, 2020
Career / Re: How Did You Discover Your Talent? by NDakota: 12:30pm On Jun 21, 2020
Romance / Re: Trying To Toast A Girl As A Shy Guy. Share Your Experience by NDakota: 10:47pm On Jun 13, 2020
Career / Re: Should I Pursue Another Federal Job Or Leave For Canada? by NDakota: 7:19pm On May 22, 2020

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Career / Re: Should I Pursue Another Federal Job Or Leave For Canada? by NDakota: 7:00pm On May 22, 2020
The career dilemma...

Many years ago I was where you are now.

I took the road less traveled. I settled for a career in Nigeria.

I got a job in a Big 4. Then moved on to an FMCG, where the perks are much higher!

On education, I got chartered, and I'm finishing an MBA.

On family, I got married to my best friend from University, and I just made my first baby.

Do I regret not moving to the US to join my mom, a US citizen?

I do. Every. Single. Minute.

Why? Nigeria is a very uncertain place to stay and thrive. You could be up there in the sky today and the next week you're back on the mud. In a country of many poor people, you run the risk of becoming a victim of crime due to envy...post COVID-19 it'll get worse.

Look at you at 30. You're dithering. You're pussyfooting.

Look at me at 28. I still regret the mistake my 25 year old self made. I'm pushing daily to leave Nigeria.

I want to leave, not because I'm broke in Nigeria, but the collective poverty in this country scares me...

Most crimes committed today are more out of envy and hunger than of greed.

If you can, please run. For your SAFETY!

1283 Likes 123 Shares

Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Please I Need A Job, I Am A Female, Age 25 Studied Religion And Cultural Studies by NDakota: 8:36pm On Apr 11, 2020
I wish someone could help me self... I did drop a post hunting for job since January only two persons comment. With all my begging asking for someone to help me with any job but at the end, it was only 6 persons made a comment now a lady posted looking for job, u could see the bombarded comments...

Very very sad one... I drop my pen here thanks to the reader
Look at you spitting bigotry.

You feel defeated already. I'm sorry to say.

As somebody who occasionally makes hiring decisions, I rip CVs of people like you into shreds. Your greatest strength is to blame people for your misfortune!

People who can see 1000 reasons why a project won't succeed have no place in a corporate environment.

So because a lady has a better pitch than you - with your poorly constructed sentences - you are feeling bitter? Shame!

If you do nothing else during this lockdown, do this: get a post-it note, write the words, "don't get bitter; get better". Recite it every day for 2 weeks.

That's how to heal your mind if at all you want to thrive!
Jobs/Vacancies / WANTED: Hygiene Content Article Writers by NDakota: 6:23pm On Jan 20, 2020
Career / Re: I Am Going Crazy And Out Of Hand by NDakota: 3:00am On Jul 28, 2019
please nairalanders i am losing my senses and entering into depression as the day goes by.

I am a young lawyer, i came out with a 2.1 in my Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) and 2.1 from the Nigerian Law School.

I really worked my ass out in school to get good grades but uptill now no job. I have applied to several law firms, companies, federal institutions but no headway.

They keep on saying no vacancy, i guess the Nigerian factor of knowing somebody playing out. I dont have any god father to help me.

I really need your help. i am based in Lagos but if i see a good offer in Abuja i dont mind relocating.

I am versatile and willing to work in a law firm, bank, company, NGO or any place a lawyer can work.
Thanks and God bless.

You have done well for yourself. You can now take any of the below options.

1. Look out for good schools in Lagos. There are plenty. Apply to teach English/Literature/Civic, etc. Pay? 30 - 60k, depending on location in Lagos. You can hold this down while you keep scouting.

2. Are you below 26? Try any of the Big 4. PWC, KPMG, EY, etc. I know a few lawyers in the tax practice of most Big 4 firms.

3. Knock on doors of every law firms you can find, and offer your services for free to gain experience. Do this if you still have funds to sustain yourself...

Choice is yours. Cheers...
Technology Market / Re: Buy Plasma, Lcd And Led Televisions For Affordable Pricein Lagos. by NDakota: 6:32pm On Jun 24, 2019
How much for this TV?
Career / Re: ICAN November 2023 Diet Exam - Let's Meet Here by NDakota: 7:53pm On May 26, 2019
Okay, guys, I need help...

I registered, wrote and passed the required 4 foundation level courses in May, 2018.

Right now I would like to write the skill level courses.

My major challenge, however, is whether it's possible to do taxation with the other courses (since taxation has been moved to foundation).

Pls I need guidance. I've already started preparing for the 6. Is this wise? Will I be required to write taxation (foundation) before writing the other 5 (skills)?
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: How I Made ₦250,000 In 1 Day by NDakota: 5:35pm On Apr 07, 2019

Interesting. I sent you a mail. Please respond.

Jobs/Vacancies / Re: PwC Graduate Recruitment 2019 by NDakota: 2:03pm On Mar 23, 2019

Does not matter bro. People got in even at 26

Thanks for the kind words.

I actually wrote that before invites were rolled out. Then, I was under the impression it was nearly impossible to get an invite if you were in the 26-30 age bracket.

Events after that have now cleared my doubts, and in retrospect there was no need for the anxiety...

Thanks again, at least those coming after me will be saved such unnecessary worry.
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: PwC Graduate Recruitment 2019 by NDakota: 3:35pm On Mar 04, 2019
I truly appreciate you responding to my message without turning to insults or name calling. It shows who you really are.

I did not come here to talk about how everyone who doesn't pass is a failure, neither did I comment on the state of people's mouths. All I said and still say is that companies are looking for people who are resourceful and creative, we have international peers to compete with, do you think they care about the fact that we are a third world country with plenty problems... yada yada yada.

The truth is we celebrate and tolerate mediocrity in the name of "you don't know my story". I didn't ask for anyone to have knowledge of coding or python or whatever funky name coding apps use. All I said was there is a link that you can click and download past questions, I get that you have a mesiah complex but common na, if you cannot do the barest minimum, how will you ever compete.

If what I wrote offended you, please think very deeply about your situation. All I said was click a link, my mother is 57 and she isn't very good with tech like most in her generation, but everytime she suprises me with things she knows because she's willing to learn.

Remain teachable and read wide so that you will have better quotes.


I'm not here for bants.

But for the records, wisdom is profitable to direct.

Understand: you didn't just say click a link. You made snide, condescending comments. Don't try to cover it up with long bullshit. I can see through the sugar-coating. If you find anything people do annoying, then don't engage. Just stick to your lane. Why?

Everybody can't be you. Allow PWC do the selection. The judgment of who is "resourceful' and 'creative' is left for PWC to make. Not YOU.

Here is a poser for you: If on your first audit, tax or advisory engagement, you send a zipped file repeatedly to the client, and each time the client replies that s/he can't open the file. Would you send them the snide comment you made earlier in an email? That you find it a little annoying that a young professional can't open a zip file in the 21st century?

The best life advice is: treat and respond to people the way you will treat your customers. The customer is KING.

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