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Literature / Re: Monetize Your Novel Writing Skill And Earn In Dollars by needanswer: 6:07pm On Aug 16, 2022
A lot of people in jobs/vacancies section will need this post.
Nairaland / General / The Problem Of Flooding In Lagos State. by needanswer: 5:06pm On Jul 09, 2022
Lagos state, the commercial centre of Nigeria is 41 meters above sea level, making it a lowland state. A lowland is any land between 0-200 meters above sea level.

To make matters worse for lagos state, it has a huge inlet of water forming a lagoon inside of the state that accounts for almost 40% of the land mass of the state, making it easily prone to flooding.

On a macro level, to combat imminent flooding the lagos state government should have created flood plains within the state, pushing back residential and commercial buildings further inland into higher grounds.

The lagos state government should also have created flood water reservoirs either on land or underground, so that when the water level raise above a certain limit, the excess water will spill over into this man made reservoir.

The Lagos state government should also create gutters with various capacity to channel drainage waters into the right exits.

On a micro level, the lagos state government have the duty to ensure the drainage are well maintained and cleaned. They should also ensure the citizens are conscious of this as well, so everyone can play their little roles.
Health / Covid-19: China Confronts Dilemma Of Lockdown In Beijing As Cases Hit Record Hig by needanswer: 3:21pm On Apr 30, 2022
Chinese authorities are seriously considering imposing a lockdown in Beijing as confirmed cases of Covid-19 in the country's capital topped 100 on Wednesday. But after a much-criticised month-long lockdown in Shanghai, such an option could have a very high economic and political cost.

lockdown, and they will absolutely impose it … or the situation in Shanghai will keep dragging on, leading to fears that anger would also rise in the capital. In this case, the authorities could try to avoid locking all inhabitants up at the same time," the Sinologist said.

But there could be one last option: recognising that China’s "zero Covid" policy is not as effective when it comes to the Omicron variant, and thus adopt a more flexible strategy. For Xin Sun, this would be impossible: "Xi Jinping has made this policy his own, and abandoning it would mean that he made a mistake, which is unimaginable," the expert predicted.
Religion / Re: Chrisland School Sex Scandal: How The Devil Catches Them Young by needanswer: 4:32pm On Apr 24, 2022
It worked with me and my siblings. Tell us your story

You got a new follower. Kindly follow back, thanks.
Religion / Re: Hea by needanswer: 11:49am On Mar 20, 2022
6 Billion viewers, not 6 billion invalids.
Critics included in viewing list.
Congregants involved
People learning involved.
And invalids included.

6 billion plus are supposedly in attendance and you think the invalids are not in the billions? With an attendance of more than 80% of the worlds population?

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Religion / Re: Hea by needanswer: 9:02pm On Mar 19, 2022

based on facts and data

doesn't matter

Thank God they still have jobs .

The facts and data is a discussion for another day.

It does matter. The facts matter. The truth also matters.

I don't care if health practitioners have their work or not, they can always learn another skill. People getting healed in their billions matters more to me than a few million people keeping their jobs and profiting from the ill health of others.

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Religion / Re: Hea by needanswer: 7:34pm On Mar 19, 2022
6 Billion viewers.
Not 6 billion invalids.

Didn't you read where I said 95% of the world's population have some form of illness, whether major or minor.

Those 6 billion people make more than 80% of the worlds population and billions there would have some form of illness, whether major or minor yet they arent healed annually from attending the healing streams.

If this healing streams were potent, health practitioners would be out of work globally already but the reverse is the case.

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Religion / Re: Hea by needanswer: 7:10pm On Mar 19, 2022

That's an assumption. The church never said so .By Data Billion were reached . it is quiet different from saying Billions got healed or saved

you're correct

Yes according to BLW, billions were reached for a healing stream. But I can't see the billions of people getting healed annually from this annual healing stream. Health practitioners worldwide should have been out of jobs by now.

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Religion / Re: Hea by needanswer: 3:36pm On Mar 19, 2022
My God is alive.
And healing people.
Many have been healed and will still be healed in the name of Jesus

Jesus, the same, yesterday, today and forever.
Blessed be the Lord Jesus [the ] Christ [ Man's messiah]

The stats say contrary. 6 billion plus people attends annually online according to BLW, yet 95% of the human population still battles with illnesses.
Religion / Re: Hea by needanswer: 11:25am On Mar 19, 2022

My friend's mother who was diagnosed with HIV and given few months to live, who was bedridden and couldn't do anything for herself was healed at the healing school by Pastor Chris. She is alive and strong today and has had some more children over the years.

An animal like you stands up to insult generals who have given their lives to bring salvation even when you know this is real, you choose to believe a lie. You will NEVER have a voice strong enough to stand against the Church of Jesus Christ. The numbers are real and the miracles are real. But demon possessed animals like you will always want to do the work of your father satan and hinder those who believe. You have failed...more people will be healed today and more testimonies will arise. You can do nothing to stop it. You and your father the devil have failed! And will always fail!

Are you done ranting or you are just warming up?

With your lack of information you think HIV is a death sentence, it is not. AIDS is the death sentence. And the story of your friends whatever been healed from HIV at the healing stream is also false.

Healing stream that falsely claims it broadcast to more than 6.5 billion people but can't still heal those amount of people in the live stream. Doctors and hospitals should be out of work after the annual healing streams, yet sicknesses are rampant everywhere.
Religion / Re: Hea by needanswer: 10:53am On Mar 19, 2022

Don't brag as if you have all the knowledge! Just ask for the reference I have. I may be wrong and you may be wrong too!

My ref. is the woman that came to Jesus that the disciples tried to chase away! The metaphor of the master & dog!

Jesus judges intentions SOMETIMES before he heals whether for Israelites or non-Israelites but most times he doesn't.

For examples:

In the woman's case jesus judged her intentions first and viewed it worthy to grant her request.
The Roman general, jesus healed his servant without hesitation. Jesus even commended his outstanding faith.

In jesus' home town, he refused to perform as many miracles as he did outside of his home town. Their intentions wasn't pure and jesus knew.

Jesus also miraculously fed the Jews on more than one occasion and when he suspected they had gathered again for another miraculous "feeding" instead of coming to listen to his teachings, he did not give them anything.

Bottom line, all those that jesus WANTED TO PERFORM MIRACLES FOR got their miracles. He didn't perform any miracle for anyone that didn't work. Once he says you are healed, you are healed immediately whether Israelites or non-Israelites.

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Religion / Re: Hea by needanswer: 10:27am On Mar 19, 2022

Point of correction
Jesus healed all the Israelites brought to him. Non-Israelites will have to exhibit great faith to be healed.

Did jesus ever go out of the territories of Judah and Israel to preach or heal? No.

But non- Jewish people and non-Israelites were healed. Nothing like having greater faith please.
So when I said he healed all according to those verses you should have understood.

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Religion / Re: Hea by needanswer: 9:19am On Mar 19, 2022

Smiles. Go and read the scriptures again. You obviously don't know what you're quoting. Good day

Read Luke 4:40 and Matt 15:30 -Jesus healed all the sick people brought to him. You think this is like healing stream?

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Religion / Re: Hea by needanswer: 9:13am On Mar 19, 2022

Smiles. Go and read the scriptures again. You obviously don't know what you're quoting. Good day

Drop the scripture, let me expose your fake healing stream if you are confident you know it. Drop it, don't run.


Religion / Re: Hea by needanswer: 9:09am On Mar 19, 2022

Even in the Bible, tons of sick people went to the pool for healing and only one got healed. Abeg i comot my hand for spiritual matter abge you

They went there but in truth only Jesus could heal them and jesus never invited tons of people to the pool. All those jesus invited for healing got healed. You don't even know the scriptures.
Religion / Re: Hea by needanswer: 9:06am On Mar 19, 2022
6 Billion people tuned in isn't 6 Billion healed. Take it easy


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Religion / Hea by needanswer: 8:53am On Mar 19, 2022
You always

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Foreign Affairs / Re: Council Of Europe Expels Russia From Human Rights Body by needanswer: 1:08am On Mar 19, 2022

I could have send you the video of Mandela condemning America, America dey use media to their advantage.

Japan kill the citizens ?

I am not justifying America's atomic bombing of Japan. I am just stating that if Japan had not attacked the US first at Pearl harbour, the US would not have attacked Japan in return.
Foreign Affairs / Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by needanswer: 7:54am On Mar 18, 2022
Irregardless of what you do outside of nairaland your expertise is worthless in this case because you are mot an american financial expert. Sure u may be a financial expert based on the nigerian economy but both countries hv extremely different financi prowess. No one can pin point the exact date but they can definitely give a range of when that will happen. Which is what they have been doing. President biden and all the big american companies wouldnt hv financial experts around them if they didnt believe in them.

Financial experts need to speculate so that they can have answers to future financial problems. Eg the reserve bank already said in 2020 they would most likely raise rates in 2 to 3 years. This week they raised the rates. That's a financial expert. You see? Just disproved your point again.

I only agreed with you on one point and that is the US treasury will pay Russian debts with the frozen asset. That is all.

Every other thing you typed does not tally with the facts as I proved.

You still don't know the work of a financial expert and think it is to speculate, when they deal in facts and figures. Youtubers, tiktokers, newspaper analysts, etc speculate and not financial experts.

Mention me whenever you leave the US for Russia then we can chat about more facts, until then you have clearly lost your PUTIN'S SUPREMACY and CHINA'S DOMINANCE arguments.

Foreign Affairs / Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by needanswer: 1:21am On Mar 18, 2022
Lol potential becomes reality. Everything in this world is speculation. We speculating that rusdia economy will fall...We speculated that russia would invade Russia and they did speculations by financial experts can become realities faster than anything you could think of. Speculations have levels. Speculations by a high ranking financial expert holds more weight than from a nairalander.

Cause I am on nairaland doesn't tell you my real life occupation or expertise does it? Financial experts that cannot foresee exactly when the next global financial crisis will occur...lol.

They are all speculation experts. Speculation is not the field of financial experts, solutions and problem solving are. I don't want to explain those too. No need because you won't leave the US for Russia!
Foreign Affairs / Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by needanswer: 1:16am On Mar 18, 2022
Never said i hate USA. Just because i dispell false narratives by ppl like you on nairaland doesnt mean i hate usa.

But you actually do. You have never said anything good about them, only bad. You really need to move to Russia, so you can enjoy Putin's paradise. I think commenting from Rissia will make a lot of sense for you but if you still prefer staying back in the US, then I guess we are done with this conversation.
Foreign Affairs / Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by needanswer: 12:52am On Mar 18, 2022
No one is arguing with you. Just providing facts to you.

Plus experts say yuan could possible overtake usd but it will be hard. But this article stated that the yuan rose from 12th place to 4th place in terms of global use with 3 years.


For any country to grow like that it means it has potential. The article lists everything china needs to do to overtake dollar. Since 2015 China has already started doing those things that's why they now 4th after jumping from 12th place in the space of 3 years.

Also those American companies and European companies outsource to China but they do not own the manufacturing companies. The CCP won't allow that.

You are talking about potential. Potential is simply speculation or probability at best but not unchangeable facts. Those potential calculations were made at a time the west were in bed with Chinese manufacturing. Now the world is changing and those potentials may never be realized.

Your last point has nothing to do with what I am talking about.
Foreign Affairs / Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by needanswer: 12:41am On Mar 18, 2022
Fact still remains Russia wont be defaulting on their debts anytime soon. America reason is bogus. Werent you the same person saying no one can use the funds in an account thats frozen. Now you saying the reason was becuz its for foreign debts. Why didnt america say that before they froze the accounts or before Russia stated America would pay the creditors no matter what?

2nd yes dollar still accounts for 38% but chinese yuan is the only currency growing and is purpoted to take 2nd place by the year 2030. Go argue with the experts on how they found that number.

Lol you know nothing about China if you think the American companies own half of chinese companies. I see you haven't heard of Tencent or Alibaba or Baidu. Most American companies have branches in China yes but own very little companies in China. Have you read about the CCP? They don't want American companies owning companies in their country. They try to minimize. As I have been learning Chinese for years and immersing myself in their culture. Very few american companies are here.

For example ameican company. walmart almost lost 20% of their value when China threatened to ban them eventhough 90% of Walmart products are made in China. Walmart had to apoease the CCP so that they wouldnt get banned. If china really depended on one of americas biggest companies then why were they so willing to ban them? China doesn't care. Also China's biggest trading partner is now Asean. While America's biggest trading partner is still China. China no longer depends on America for trade, they have found other partners but American still depends on Chinese trade.

Lastly why aren't you in Russia? I travel to Canada once in a while cause I like their policy. You obviously loved Russia, why not base there? Why live in a country you hate?
Foreign Affairs / Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by needanswer: 12:37am On Mar 18, 2022
Fact still remains Russia wont be defaulting on their debts anytime soon. America reason is bogus. Werent you the same person saying no one can use the funds in an account thats frozen. Now you saying the reason was becuz its for foreign debts. Why didnt america say that before they froze the accounts or before Russia stated America would pay the creditors no matter what?

2nd yes dollar still accounts for 38% but chinese yuan is the only currency growing and is purpoted to take 2nd place by the year 2030. Go argue with the experts on how they found that number.

Lol you know nothing about China if you think the American companies own half of chinese companies. I see you haven't heard of Tencent or Alibaba or Baidu. Most American companies have branches in China yes but own very little companies in China. Have you read about the CCP? They don't want American companies owning companies in their country. They try to minimize. As I have been learning Chinese for years and immersing myself in their culture. Very few american companies are here.

For example ameican company. walmart almost lost 20% of their value when China threatened to ban them eventhough 90% of Walmart products are made in China. Walmart had to apoease the CCP so that they wouldnt get banned. If china really depended on one of americas biggest companies then why were they so willing to ban them? China doesn't care. Also China's biggest trading partner is now Asean. While America's biggest trading partner is still China. China no longer depends on America for trade, they have found other partners but American still depends on Chinese trade.

I see you just want to argue. I only quoted the source of the articles you posted. Their reason there was because it is foreign debts, owed to foreign investors.

Yuan as foreign reserve may be growing but will never dwarf that of the USD. The macroeconomic policies of the west against China has guaranteed that.

And lastly I said, US and Europe owns about half of the companies in China. I don't mean Chinese companies, i mean international companies manufacturing in China. It is ease to grabs.
Foreign Affairs / Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by needanswer: 12:06am On Mar 18, 2022
I'm glad you able to see that Rusisa didn't default. They were too smart for the world.

2ndly attached link 1 shows yuan is now the 3rd global currency . As of August 2021.


While America claims chinese yuan is the 4th global currency after surpassing Japanese yen

Also the article stated chinese yen was the only currency to see an increase in use While usd and Euro actually decreased in use.

Also you mention Vietnam. You forgot to include Bangladesh and all poor south east Asian countries. Another thing you forgot to include is that China bought 90% of factories in those countries. So anything being produced in Vietnam or Bangladeshi etc is still chinese.


The US treasury reason for allowing payments of debts was because it was owed to foreign investors. The frozen reserves can ONLY be used to pay debt for foreign debts until May.

While it is third, the news article stated that is makes up about 2.25% of foreign reserves in the world. Meaning more than 97% of foreign reserves are accounted for majorly by USD, followed by EURO, etc. That's a very wide margin.

Of course I can't start to list all other south east Asian countries but you get the point, production is moving from China. USA and Europe owns about half of all major companies in China but while that is the case, the products those companies make still account for the gross GDP of China, hence China is the second largest economy behind the US. IF China owns most of the companies in south east Asia that will only make the GDP of those countries grow while that of China shrinks. That is the problem of out sourcing production.
Foreign Affairs / Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by needanswer: 11:10pm On Mar 17, 2022
Theres so much evidence you just choosing to ignore all the evidence without oroviding any of your own proof. Attached is a screenshot from the cnn article i sent you that you said you didnt see anything stating usa treasury would allow the payments. China. You seeing it on multiple people's posts that they used the frozen accounts then that should show you that we actually saw it on our news channels today. It was all over american cnn. You do know they show different programs in different countries.

Even if the Euro is the 2nd most wanted currency. Fact still remains China is trying to get countries to stop using the dollar and of right now. Russia and India have agreed to use yuan for certain products. Saudi arabia is also in the final stages of approving to use yuan for certain oil. These are all things you can google. In the next 10 years definitely yuan will be 2nd most wanted currency and maybe close to becoming the first. The world depends too much on china.

I modified my earlier post. Guess you didnt refresh to see it. I said I have confirmed the debt is to be paid with the frozen reserve.

As for the second part of what you wrote, Yuan will never be the second most in demand currency for global trade. The war between Russia and Ukraine has opened the eyes of the west on over reliance on any country for supply. Europe and US have started shifting operations to Vietnam. You can read about the gradual exodus of big western companies production from China. China's crises with Taiwan could further accelerate the weakening of the Chinese economy if they choose to invade Taiwan.

Bottom line, it is still USD/EURO domination in the global monetary trade.

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Foreign Affairs / Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by needanswer: 10:47pm On Mar 17, 2022
No offense dude but I live in USA. A lot of people not me are pissed of right now because the USA treasury secretary said this morning they would let Russia use funds in the frozen account until May. The USA economy is not like it used to be
That's why Jerome Powell had to increase interest rates yesterday. There is still a lot of fighting concerning renewable energy. We not going to move to renewable energy within the next 20 years. USD will fall if Saudi arabia finally decides to trade with yuan for their oil exports to China. Just the news coming out made the usd drop for the day, Look at forex charts. Also china, india and russia signed a deal to trade between each other using yuan/rmb. China is also working with other countries to get them to start trading using yuan.

I have verified the payment and it is true.

Interest rate increase has to do with post covid19. Those free money the US government gave from the US treasury during lockdown are being collected now through higher interest rates.

The next global currency in demand as a world trading currency is the Euro, not Yuan. You can read about it online.
Foreign Affairs / Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by needanswer: 10:28pm On Mar 17, 2022

Thanks for sharing. I have read through. The debts are being paid but I didn't find something important there. I also Google searched but nothing yet, maybe when I see it I will tell you.

What I am looking for is this: did Russia pay their debts from frozen foreign reserve or from the foreign reserve in dollars they have access to in China? The source of the dollar payments was not made clear in this article or the others I read. It only mentions that the debts will be paid.
Foreign Affairs / Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by needanswer: 10:14pm On Mar 17, 2022
Read the article well. They said they will pay.

Either way as of 2 hours ago both Jp morgan chase and citi bank have made statements saying they have received their money. So you too late.

Also the secretary of the treasury already made a statement to the news and public.

Please drop the news link you found this
Foreign Affairs / Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by needanswer: 10:12pm On Mar 17, 2022
I live in the USA. 2021 USA almost defaultrd on their debt. Yes it may have been because congress could not agree but they obly paid their debts on the day of... The value of a countries currency used to be determined by the amount of gold reserves but now its based on demand. USA growth rate has significantly decreased over the years. With this year only projected at 2% growth while china is growing at over 6%.

Yes the media says Russia economy is going down but the media also said russia would default today on their debt. Guess what Russia was able to pay their debt using their frozen funds. Russia is also stable because the last time they defaulted on their debt was a 100 years ago.

Emphasis- US never defaulted yet. To default would mean the USD will have to be devalued.

US Economy growth rate has only slowed down a little which is understandable, as the US cuts down on some important sectors of its economy eg stopping of crude oil production in the US. The US is gradually shifting to renewable energy which when completed by 2030 will maintain their status as the number 1 economy.

What news article said Russia was able to pay their debts from frozen asset. Don't you get it? It is frozen like Chelsea Fc. Abramovich won't be getting Chelsea back and so will Russia not be getting their frozen reserves back.
Foreign Affairs / Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by needanswer: 8:44pm On Mar 17, 2022
Read articles published by economist Paul Craig Roberts, Dr. Sergey Glazyev and Lyndon LaRouche

Credit to these thinkers
Russia can create all the rubles it wants without a single cent of US dollars. They are created on a keyboard and can only be created on a keyboard, regardless of how many dollars are received or not received from exports. The exchange rate is completely irrelevant to what Russia’s government can spend rubles on in its domestic economy. The only real (as opposed to imagined, or self-imposed) limitation is inflation, which stems from the limited pool of labor, raw materials and energy available in the domestic economy (and which do not magically become greater from more dollars appearing in the Central Bank of Russia’s bank accounts in New York, except if those dollars are used to increase imports into Russia).

The only reason to raise foreign currency through exports is to pay for imports.

Russia has no need for foreign exchange. She does not need to import energy and minerals. Russia is full of engineering and science and can make whatever she needs. The central bank can finance all internal projects.

"The exchange rate is completely irrelevant to what Russia’s government can spend rubles on in its DOMESTIC ECONOMY. The only real (as opposed to imagined, or self-imposed) limitation is INFLATION, which stems from the limited pool of labor, raw materials and energy available in the domestic economy"

"except if those DOLLARS are used to INCREASE IMPORTS into Russia".

I just quoted some points from your post. Pay attention to the words capitalized. In Macroeconomics no nation's economy is in isolation from the global economy. That is where IMF, world bank, WTO etc comes in. Russians can spend ruble in Russia which is not a problem but the problem comes due to rubles reduced power of purchase abroad (due to seized foreign reserve, reduce export and trade). This can also affect prices of goods in Russia unless the Russians want to ignore currency pegging which is part of international monetary policy but it will make Russians poorer as there is no equivalent currency to peg their devaluing currency against.

How much will ruble be worth compared to the USD after the sanctions are done with their work? Will Russians be richer or poorer in general? Will the Russian economy be stronger or weaker?

All the answers will be negative.
Foreign Affairs / Re: Anton Siluanov: Russia Made Bond Payment, Now Up To US To Pay Bondholders by needanswer: 8:11pm On Mar 17, 2022
Actually wrong analysis...

US debt is bigger than their income. So yes in your case study you would be richer than dangle if he owed 1 billion while he only brought in 900 million. When debt is more than income you basically broke.

There are 10s of countries that have larger debt than russia and lesser income.... Russia is a very stable economy. One of the most stable economies....2014 their currency dropped in half but they survived with ease. Imagine if naira moved to 1000 naira per dollar do u think nigeria would survive?

You don't understand the Macroeconomics of USA and Russia as economies and countries.

I'll just simplify it for you to understand.
Macroeconomic factors that indicate US economy is broke would be -
A negative GDP growth.
Drastic fall of the USD and
Huge foreign debt greater than local debt that can't be serviced.

The US economy does not suffer from any of those issues because -
Their GDP growth is positive,
The USD is stable because all debts are serviced and paid as at when due and
Citizens in America and countries overseas are still buying US debts and bonds because they know the US treasury always pay their debt with interest as at when due.

Thede are the Macroeconomics that makes the US economy strong and the largest in the world.

Russia economy, Macroeconomics-
Their GDP growth is racing towards negative due to economic sanctions of export and trade.
The Ruble is undergoing devaluation because the foreign reserve (in USD of about $315 Billion) which is pegged to the Russian currency is frozen. The foreign reserve is what gives the currency monetary value.
The russian central bank can no longer pay investors their debts and interests as at when due because of their frozen reserve (about half of it), this will cause the russian economy to shrink further because future investors will be afraid to invest. Meanwhile Russia still has about $300 billion foreign reserve in China and other countries that they can access but they dare not spend that money. Remember I said that the value of a countries currency is pegged to its foreign reserve. If Russia spends out of those unsanctioned reserve the value of the rumble will crash further unless they are quickly replaced.

I tried to simplify it. I hope you can understand it.

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