Romance / Re: UBUNJA's MISEDUCATION: Chosen. by Newbielearner(m): 11:33am On May 02, 2023 |
ubunja: this write-up goes hard bro. we all read it once in a while. it's among my top 5 favorites. thanks man. I studied this about 2 years ago. Now, I'm gonna start all over with actionable plans. Thanks boss 4 Likes 1 Share |
Romance / Re: My Friend's Boyfriend Is Being Unreasonable by Newbielearner(m): 11:07pm On Apr 22, 2023 |
Come out plain, we know you're d friend, say d truth we won't beat u. After all it's a faceless forum. The man knack u or he no knack u? Brother Bernard, must you always talk true  1 Like |
Romance / Re: Could She Be Possessed Or Something? by Newbielearner(m): 10:55pm On Apr 22, 2023 |
I brought it here, because i really want to be with the girl Don't you value your future? Forget about lust. God just saved you!!! |
Romance / Re: Is Going On A Harmless Date While Married Okay??? by Newbielearner(m): 8:17am On Apr 19, 2023 |
Allardyce: Just incase you want to delete this post.  |
Romance / Re: My Wife Admitts She Visited A Guy But There Was No Sex by Newbielearner(m): 8:09am On Apr 19, 2023 |
[quote author=Newton2024 post=122598526][/quote]
How did you meet your wife? |
Romance / Re: Help, My 3months Marriage Is In Danger, Should I Confront Her? by Newbielearner(m): 10:05pm On Apr 17, 2023 |
Met her online, we speak same dialect. Her parents are good, siblings are awesome as well. One the siblings will soon become a Rev. Fr. Her đŞbackground in general are good Met her online đ No wonder. Leave with this your choice or count your loses and retrace asap. If you know you know |
Family / Re: Frustrated With My Wife by Newbielearner(m): 7:44am On Apr 11, 2023 |
tomi4life: I am 35 and my wife is 29, we have been married for 6 years now, we have 2 children a boy and a girl. We didnt court much during our courtship because of long distance.
I really have a problem with my wife and not sure what can be done to address, now I must be very honest am not sure there is anything I can do I just want to use the platform to vent my frustration.
My marriage has not been very good, lately myself and my wife leave like room mates and not lovers, despite the age difference between me and my wife she doesnt really respect me. For the 6 years we have been in marriage 3 things have caused all our fights: cooking, Sex and finance
My wife rarely cooks in the house, things around welfare are not taken seriously, actually in a week, my wife can cook for me just 1 time. She cooks for the children and baths for them daily, we also have a help who does alot of cooking. She rarely askes me what I will eat, honestly I always have to go to the kitchen to sort myself, sometimes I buy food outside from eateries and bucker. Sometimes when she cooks it usually very late 10pm. I have complained severally and what happen is she tries to change, after a week, we are back to the same state. My wife can do without cooking for me for weeks. It really really pains me cos am a foody and I knw hw my mum treats matters of food. she is this person that forms busy, either she is busy with work or some church activities, she always has an excuse. She goes to work only ones a weeks the remaining 4days are remote. To address this issue I now order soups from major restaurant outlets, An example is today easter sunday, I had to tell our maid to prepare rice for myself and the kids, cos my wife was in church, we all went to church but she decided to stay back, knowing fully well no food was prepared.
Sex: [/b]our sex life is very boring, when we got married we always fight about sex, cos anytime I ask for it she always complain she is tired, so what I now do is ask for it only sat morning, brethen this is only day I get sex. If I miss that day, it is still next week. We sleep in different rooms, she sleeps with the children in the master bedroom while I sleep alone in another room. I can tell most time she doesnt enjoy it and never ever askes for it, I always ask and initiate it. She just lays like a log, even kisses is a no no, except she is really on, which rarely happens. [b] Finance: I have always earned more than my wife, when we got married, I was earning 3 times what she was earning, but she changed jobs and got promoted severally and we were earning the same amount. she also does alot of side runs where she gets 200-300k monthly as side hustle, there was even a time she was earning more than I did. I dint let it bother me I continue to foot the entire house bills. 95% of the enitre house of comes from me, she only pays the maid , buys cooking gas and my sons diaper. Every other thing in the house is covered by me, house rent, school fees, project, all the bills. I give her 75k as food money monthly. I have continue to question her why I should give her food moeny if I still have to end up going out to eat. I think the only reason she sometime listens to me is cause i still provide the finances for the house. The time she was earning more I could see how she belittle some of my decisions. I just prayed to God, cos I noticed the respect was gone, when I talk to her about her role as a mum and mother to the home, she says she is working, she is busy, I mentioned to her that the money she works is for her, she doesnt share with the house, I have never asked her for it and am not against her working, she however should not neglect her responsibility as a mum. That my role as a father, God helping me is to provide, and this is why I work. I also noticed when I got a new job and my salary increased she kinda off felt jealous she didnt tell me but i noticed it, she began to aggressively look for jobs.
I really dont think we have that initmacy, we are just there, my wife cant come to tell me anything bothering her, she keeps to herself. Funny part is she is a very religious person, my wife will sleep with bible on her hand, wake up with bible pray and serve in various church unit, I however dont think she really understands what she reads. She also has a very bad temper sometimes when I raise certian issues, the ways she talks sometimes I have to hold back a response if not the whole thing will escalate. There are days I will raise certain issue up, the next things she mentions is " let just dissolve this marriage as it is not working" sometimes , I just refer her to her bible cos the utterances that come out of her mouth makes me doubt her understanding of Christianity.
I have never assaulted her, we have nt had any physically fight, what happens is most times when we have issues, I dont speak to her for days, then she come back apologizing. Sometimes when am wrong I also apologies.
Am not saying am perfect, I know there are areas I can do better, like in the buying off gift, I rarely buy her gift, not cause I cant but Cos she earns well and I believe she should buy whatever she needs with her money my wife earns approximately 800k monthy.
I expect my wife will support me but it like she is stressing me. when we go see my parent or our parent, it is all smiles, they dont knw hw stressful their daughter is, she even forms trying to serve me food and all.
Dont get me wrong she has some good side, but this thing is really getting into me. I dont drink, smoke or womanise, divorce is also not on the table for me. Learn to live with your choice of wife. Our experiences are the products of our choices. If anything would change for better now, you have to make a better decision. Since it's an issue of marriage, no be me go tell you wetin to do May God guide you. Pray o. It might not be ordinary |
Romance / Re: (Update) Tempted To Order An Escort But Donât Honestly Want To. Konji Isnât Good by Newbielearner(m): 5:35am On Mar 29, 2023 |
You 100 percent correct. My brain reasons logically and all. But when the konji comes I just donât know the problem itâs like my brain goes to sleep and slumber, it just doesnât function anymore at that point the money and all doesnât look big so long my konji is cured. Now thatâs the addiction Iâm hoping God helps me solve. It happens bro. Once I feel that way. I activate my brain switch into any of these five: 1. It means movie time 2. It means spoil myself with a crazy food delicacy 3. It means exercise time 4. It means worship song time where I am looking up to God and expressing my love for him. 5. It means meditation time (with enya songs). This leads to transmission of sexual energy into creative thoughts. Don't use this too often. You might lose interest in sex completely. These might not work for you or anyone else. But give it a trial. You'll be amazed with what you can do with your sex drive. It's something people are paying to even experience (if you know). Wishing you the best. |
Health / Re: Help Me. I Am Diagnosed With H.I.V by Newbielearner(m): 8:26pm On Mar 22, 2023 |
depressedlad: no deal but i will try to read the books u recommend. Noted |
Health / Re: Help Me. I Am Diagnosed With H.I.V by Newbielearner(m): 8:24pm On Mar 22, 2023 |
Where should he source the resources to finance learning a skill? It's free on YouTube. |
Romance / Re: After Using Ashawo's Soap To Wash My Hands, Their Is A Problem! by Newbielearner(m): 8:15pm On Mar 20, 2023 |
immanuelsize: I visited ashawo house today to cool off myself. We negotiated the prize on short time. After banging her with cd, i went inside her bathroom to flush the cd. A drama started after i flushed the cd and colled her soap to wash my dick and my hands. There were two different soaps inside the bathroom and both were placed in the same place. I just picked the bigger one and used it to wash my hands and intend to wash my dick too. But as i was still washing my hands, she shouted and said that i have spoilt something. She said that that soap is not meant to be used by anyother person and even if someone else has to use it, she must be the one to directly give it to the person. Immediately, i knew that something is wrong. She said that she need to travel to PH to get another soap in the next two days. . my question is... Has anyone here encountered this type or similar case before? . is their any negative effect on me for using the soap? . what should i do right now? . admin, mod, seun, abeg push it to fp. Couldn't you cool off in the swimming pool? Now see what cooling off immorally has caused you. No condemnation intended. But street girls are barely without jazz. I pray God help you o |
Romance / Re: I Met A Demon ( A Fallen Angel Of I Am) by Newbielearner(m): 7:31pm On Mar 19, 2023 |
Incognito21: I was on my bed almost about the time am about to fall asleep, It looked like a dream but it wasnât, my nepa light suddenly ceased, I wanted to on my phone torch light, for the first time my iPhone 13 Pro Max torch light refused to on, it wrote Temp needs to cool down. Then I felt this cold feeling and I felt strong goosebumps all over my body, and it feels like someone is sucking my life out of me, I checked my phone time it was 2am and I was constantly using my phone screen light to light my room up cause I hate darkness, then my legs suddenly start vibrating softly, then my mind tells me something strong is here, suddenly I saw a big figure close to where I dropped my microwave, then I wanted to shout Jesus, then my other mind was telling me not to shout it, I should be quiet and the figure will disappear, then this big figure started talking to me but wasnât speaking, I was hearing it in my mind, just the way your conscience speaks to you, the figure said that it will be with me some other event, that I should call it moon Gasha, and if Iâm willing to create an event I should call on it, stare at the moon and call moon gasha it will create an event with me, this figure was speaking to me through my mind and wasnât speaking any language and in my mind I was receiving it and understanding it, do you know that as soon as this figure was gone the Nepa light suddenly came on and my phone light started working, please this isnât a made up story.. can anyone understand this meaning, I have a feeling that there were some days when you were sad, asking for events that would happen for you to achieve certain things. This being got drawn to you while roaming. Know this, Jesus should be your focus. Don't summon anything that would eventually leave you with regrets. Wait, that being left without you calling on Jesus? Don't be deceived. Speak that it should never appear to you again in Jesus name! |
Health / Re: Help Me. I Am Diagnosed With H.I.V by Newbielearner(m): 7:09pm On Mar 19, 2023 |
depressedlad: for the past 2years i have been struggling with illnesses, sometimes stomach issues and sometimes fever, bodyache and general fatigue. everytime i go to the local hospitals in my vicinity they do typhoid and malaria tests to me which always come out negative. my life is revolving from going to this local hospital to another in search for proper treatment which i still havent got. life in nigeria is very tough more expecially when you are jobless and masturbates, sometimes i feel like deleting myself because i consider myself as a failure. 28years on this earth and i still got nothing to show except my 2set of clothes and my broken gionee gn500s phone. sometimes i think im under a spell or have been cursed by someone because nothing is working for me, it hurts me when i look at my friends circle and see a lots of them doing well while i wallow in sickness and poverty. today i wake up very sick and depressed i thought about commiting suicide, i bought my sniper mix it with my tea, i was about to drink it then i stopped and ask myself what is really wrong with me? i foung out that all these years i have been suffering with H.I.V human induced vehement poverty i called it human induced because i think its me who caused this poverty to myself. because i hv been waiting for god to solve my problems while its clear that god hates me. Start with your mind. Stack up relevant skills, Read the Richest man in Babylon. Think and Grow rich. Work hard and see how God himself has no choice than to help you, especially if you ask. Try this for three months. If things remain the same, I owe you 30k. If things get better, you owe me 30k. Deal? 1 Like |
Romance / Re: Should I Tell My Bestfriend That Her Boyfriend/fiancee Sleeps With Dead Bodies? by Newbielearner(m): 8:36pm On Mar 01, 2023 |
Nia69: Wrong. Some men enjoy fvcking dead women. It's called Necrophilia. I hope you know that most cases of necrophilia emanates from the man actually killing the woman himself |
Celebrities / Re: Seun Kuti Accused Of Using Peter Obi And Peter Okoye To Promote His Career (Pix) by Newbielearner(m): 2:55pm On Feb 10, 2023 |
Asgard13: This one wey Dey sell sk and loud .. he get plenty boys wey Dey run am ..for am.
Na this kind person Peter go dey follow argue.. na he don use am chase clout.
Who get Seun song for phone .. Abi who Dey play am.. If not for Baba.. he for don disappear like Azzadoz..
 Omo, where Azardous dey sef? |
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Please Help Me Decide On This Present Job Offer by Newbielearner(m): 9:12am On Feb 05, 2023 |
Huge red flags!! â ď¸
1. It is a one man business. Trouble!! 2. He/she will owe you salary, manipulate and abuse you till you question your sanity. 3. No heirarchy nor structure which is obvious in paragraph 2 means ordinary cleaner can endear herself to the boss and Bleep you up. 4. They will not pay you anything no matter what you do. They will always find an excuse to ensure you don't ever meet up to that target and activate the salary. 5. Eventually, you will be fired or worse still, accused of stealing/fraud.
Advice: Stay where you are and keep applying. Don't contact them again, don't negotiate. The more you negotiate the more convinced you will be about their scam.
OR You can ignore me and return here to create a wailing thread in 2 months time. Just make sure to mention me so I can laugh well. The best advice I can see here. Op, take this advice seriously. |
Career / Re: What Skill Can Call Member Learn During The Service Year ..? by Newbielearner(m): 8:26pm On Jan 30, 2023 |
Murphy870: Help, Iâm a call member serving in Ibadan, i want to learn a skill but Iâm confused about the type of skill to lean and I donât waste the whole year..All suggestions would be appreciated! Website design or digital marketing |
Science/Technology / Re: Earth Receives Signal From Galaxy 9 Billion Light Years Away ( Pics) by Newbielearner(m): 11:04pm On Jan 28, 2023 |
SenatePresdo: What it means is that the signal was released 9 Billion years Ago, so it took the signal 9 billion years to reach the Earth.
And the speed at which the signal was travelling is the speed of light, with such speed, you can go round the Earth 7 and half times in 1 second. So with such mind boggling speed, it still took 9 billion years to reach earth.
What a distance!
Sometimes I wonder if we really actually exists, regarding how extremely microscopic we are in the grand scheme of things.
Have you watched the matrix? Our reality seems like a gaming session with different codings that are difficult to unravel. There has to be a super Intelligence; a God who is the game designer. 2 Likes |
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Previous Company Sued Me To Court After I Got Another Job With A Company. by Newbielearner(m): 10:12pm On Jan 27, 2023 |
Othniel4mi: Fellow Nigerians. I need help because I don't want to be terminated from my new job.
I resigned after working for the previous company for 3 years for the following reasons: 1. No benefits except HMO 2. Only your salary 3. Performance commission not paid 4. I was doing job of 4 people without appreciation. I have to do it to keep feeding my family.
I got another job after 7months I have resigned properly from the previous company.
The previous company has sued me to court with my new company. My New company doesn't want to let terminate my employment with them because I am the operations manager and I have the business knowledge.
Myself and 1 Lebanese man started the previous company in 2018 in Nigeria before the company became big. I have full knowledge and my new company is now a big treat to them. I believe because of this they sued us to court.
My new company doesn't have enough money to pay lawyer we consulted.
The previous company said I have signed a letter that stated that I cannot work on same field for 3 years. When I checked their claim, they didn't write that I cannot work on same field for 3 years AFTER TERMINATION (Please check the attached document).
I know if I go to court with them i will win this case. How can a company said i shouldn't use my skills to work in another company.
In the previous company they didn't do any training for me, the only in house training was the onboarding training for 2 days and after that no training cost invested on me and no any form of performance benefits paid.
Now I got another job, the previous company is trenthening my new company to terminate my job. Now we need to go to court and they claimed 20M for damages.
Fellow Nigerians what can I do to this Lebanese company that want to deprive me of my right in my own precious Nigeria where I dey hustle to feed family and make it in life.
Please what can I do đ.
Kindly check the attached document they said I signed, of which it was signed after like 8months of starting with the previous company.
We didn't have HR when we started in 2018, I was the one that recommended the HR through a friend from my Church. The HR is the one persecuting me and acting as a witness in court against me.
I wish I didn't help her to get the job.
Please help. I think they were right for sueing you. Check the last document you uploaded. The three years was clearly stated. You don enter this one. Deliver yourself like a gazelle. Go back and work for them or leave this company. You can only win the case if this new company is not in the same industry as the previous 1 Like |
Romance / Re: This Is The Only Thing Nigeria Girls Can Offer You by Newbielearner(m): 9:46pm On Jan 27, 2023 |
Smartguyboy: Can you guys stop complaining about Nigerian girls for once ? Life gave you choice You have different options in life to choose what you want , you want a model you think it cheap? Just look for your standard and be happy with her My babe have made me realize not all Nigerian girls are useless sheâs been the one spending on me I was even surprised a lady can do that my first time experiencing it. She have spend more on me than I have spent on her . No negative intentions bro. But have you checked her WhatsApp chats and IG DMs? |
Romance / Re: Some Men Will Never Knack Their Wives The Number Of Times Her Ex Knacked Her by Newbielearner(m): 8:58pm On Jan 20, 2023 |
If you can't doesn't mean I can't I can easily do 4rounds per day and I only Bleep weekends..... Speak for yourself..... . You even get bleeping schedule  4 Likes
Romance / Re: Stop Inviting Hookup Babes Or Girlfriends To Your House, Here's Why by Newbielearner(m): 9:03pm On Dec 29, 2022 |
BadRadio: The only person that should know where u live are ladies you don't have sex with.
When u intend to have sexual relationship with anyone, don't let them have ur personal details or home address.
Hookup babes can be dangerous and mean... if u fall-out with them and they have ur home address, u are finished !!!
Girlfriend will always find her way to your house after she has ur address whether u like it or not, and if ur the cheating type, expect her to show up uninvited.
If you have issues with her, and try to stay away from her, she'll always be at ur doorstep to resolve with u.
It's hard to break-up with a woman who knows where u live, u ignore her calls and she'll keep coming to ur house and begging u to take her back., if you refuse, she'll start talking to the people around, like ur flatmates or siblings to talk to u on her behalf.
If she accidentally gets pregnant, she'll just pack her family or the police to your house, that's if u try to deny it.
If you forcefully reject, hurt and abuse her... she could just get some tough thugs to attack u.
Receive sense in Jesus Name  Words of wisdom on marbles |
Romance / Re: I Caught My Friend's Wife Having Sex With A Man by Newbielearner(m): 7:19pm On Dec 20, 2022 |
The great mosdii has always been right about Nigerian girls  |
Business / Re: Tax Clearance Certificate Required For Foreign Exchange Transactions In Banks by Newbielearner(m): 7:12pm On Dec 20, 2022 |
1 Like |
Romance / Re: Should I Get My FiancĂŠe Arrested? by Newbielearner(m): 3:54pm On Dec 04, 2022 |
Think I remember clearly, I advised you not to do any birthday for her but you still proceeded with it. I'm saving my advice this time  I love your response, man.  |
Romance / Re: My Ex Is Making Me Depressed by Newbielearner(m): 11:03pm On Dec 01, 2022 |
Sports / Re: Switzerland Footballer, Karim Gazzetta Commits Suicide By Jumping From Building by Newbielearner(m): 10:34pm On Nov 21, 2022 |
This one wey Righteousness2 and Zonefree just comment above me.
This thing go enter FP tomorrow morning.  He don enter o, boss 1 Like |
Health / Re: Photo Of Oko Poly Student Who Committed Suicide Over Failed Relationship by Newbielearner(m): 9:47pm On Nov 20, 2022 |
ecolime: He made Mama & Papa cry 
Lord, let me not father a useless son. Amen o. My child would live a great life. 1 Like |
Foreign Affairs / Re: Russian Missiles Kill Two In Poland, US Intelligence Says by Newbielearner(m): 11:31pm On Nov 15, 2022 |
Zoharariel: The United Snakes of Amerikastan can no longer justify being a necessary evil. Itâs either her way or the highway.
Some assholes up there are already saying Mother Russia will apologize.
Apologize for what exactly?
What if this incident is a false flag to implicate Russia?
How many false-flags has Amerika executed in Syria & Ukraine just to frame Mother Russia?
She parades herself as the champion & purveyor of Democracy when in fact she is the harbinger of all the chaos & anarchy that have ravaged every continent of the World since the end of WW2.
In the guise of pushing her satanic âFreedom & Democracyâ mantra, the number of good men and women that have been wasted all over the world by this useless self-acclaimed World Police cannot be counted.
A World Police that was chased with her tail between her bow-legs out of Afghanistan after 20years of incompetence? Is that one a World Police?
A World Police that has to assemble a gang of 29 other Countries just to be able to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with one mighty Country (Mother Russia), is that one a World Police?
If Mother Russia releases âBULAVAâ; World Police will scram into the underground bunker that she has been covertly building for the past 15years. 
The Turkish Interior Minister succinctly captured Amerikaâs treachery by likening her useless condolence message to Turkey âas a murderer arriving a crime scene as the firstâ.
In my village, It is exactly what we call âAseni ba ni daroâ. Someone or an entity perpetrating evil against you and still sympathizes with you.
Amerika will hijack & bomb a commercial airliner (Malaysian MH-370) and will be the first Country to launch search & rescue operations.
Amerika will deliberately bomb a civilian hospital, filled to the brim with patients and claim it was a mistake just to force your Government to resign or abdicate. (It happened in Syria, it happened in Iraq, infact, it has happened everywhere with US Military presence).
Amerika will train terrorists in order to depose an unfriendly foreign Government and still refer to the terrorists as freedom fighters.
Amerika will bury nuclear bombs at your backyard in order to checkmate your retaliatory capabilities but will immediately cry wolf if you return the favour (Cuban Missile Crises).
Amerika will sponsor terrorists in your domain (Boko Haram & ISWAP) in order to destabilize your Country and still be giving you sabotaged Military hardwares that could not give her victory in Afghanistan to tackle your terrorism at home. 
I have no shred of doubt in me that the United Snakes of Taliban is the most useless Country in the Universe.
It is not a curse, I expect a nuclear war between the axis of Evil (Amerika & Co.) and the axis of Resistance & Freedom (Mother Russia & Co.) within the coming year.
Alois Irlmaier (the German fortune teller that died in 1959) has already predicted that the spark of WW3 will be triggered from the Balkans, and these events are slowly and surely unfolding right before our koro-koro eyes.
Let us observe whether the gangs of cowards (30 Countries) calling themselves NATO will execute their useless âArticle 5â (their mutual suicide pact if enacted against Mother Russia).
How will that war be waged? Announce to the Russians that âHey, we have Article 5 turned on, get ready for war?â 
I trust Mother Russiaâs nuclear submarines are already idling away under the Pacific and the Atlantic oceans in case any unfortunate Country will allow Amerika use her as the Catâs Paw.  Do you just love war and terror? Why is it so fascinating to you? I guess you have no relative around any potential hit region. |
Politics / Re: Video Of People Paid To Attend A Rally Was Not APC But A LP Bus (Picture) by Newbielearner(m): 6:36pm On Oct 18, 2022 |
Just because you are suffering because of your lazy sit-at-home madness, you think the rest of Nigeria is suffering with you..
This one don miss road.. 
I'm in Lagos. Do you have more abusive words from your bowels to throw out? |
Foreign Affairs / Re: Thousands Take To The Streets Of Paris To Protest Soaring Prices by Newbielearner(m): 6:34pm On Oct 18, 2022 |
angelfallz: Lol. In criminal investigations, usually, the first thing that is asked is who stands to benefit? In this case, the US, Norway and maybe Poland stand to benefit. The US, because they are selling LNG(which is expensive compared to Russian gas) Norway, there is a gas pipeline coming from Norway that is competing with Russian gas(Russian gas is cheaper) Poland, along with the US, Ukraine and Poland were vehemently opposed to Nord Stream 2 pipeline because the pipeline would not pass through their countries and therefore Ukraine and Poland would not get transit fees. Nord stream 1 pipeline goes through Ukraine and Ukraine is paid transit fees.
Now also in criminal investigations, usually, the second thing that is asked is who is capable of committing the crime. Norway, Ukraine, Poland. Who do you think has the tech and expertise(capability) to blow up an underwater gas pipeline? I leave you to answer for yourself.
Valid points though. I was just judging based on reports from CNN (which could also be biased( 1 Like |
Foreign Affairs / Re: Thousands Take To The Streets Of Paris To Protest Soaring Prices by Newbielearner(m): 6:33pm On Oct 18, 2022 |