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Compulsory Fellowship at the office ; way out? - Islam for Muslims - Nairaland

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Compulsory Fellowship at the office ; way out? by fizzybaba(m): 10:20am On Sep 09, 2009
just got the shocker of my life this a.m

i work in a company i joined some four months back

the first day at work, i joined the supposed staff meeting which turned out to be an extensive fellowship excercise (lasts abt 30 minutes depending on the spiritual strength of the leader-in-prayer)

i joined subsequent editions but decided to back out when i realised its aint a staff meeting but a daily devotion and since the manner of worship does not agree with mine, since most time i am always looking like a fool (cant speak in tongue, sing fellowship choruses)

then came the shocker this morning, from the MD(owner),  every staff must assemble at the board room by 8.am prompt for the morning mass and attendance shall be marked. attendance marking, for me, dates back to my undergraduate days.

am wondering, is  this not meant to be a corporate organisation, where worship is personal?  entity concept nko?

am disturbed!
Re: Compulsory Fellowship at the office ; way out? by Abuzola(m): 11:45pm On Sep 09, 2009
Have you find the courage to talk to the oga that you are muslhm, a practising one for that matter and the bitter part. Don't be surprised if tells you to come to his church on sunday
Re: Compulsory Fellowship at the office ; way out? by fizzybaba(m): 3:19pm On Sep 10, 2009
Don't be surprised if tells you to come to his church on sunday

lol.he couldn't

he clearly knows that.but he is just flexing his authority

Actually, the instruction came on the heels of two of the companies vehicles involved in separate accidents in quick succession

he felt negative power is at play, hence the need for prayer by all. he reiterated his instruction at todays' fellowship.

what do i do coz i feel like resigning?
Re: Compulsory Fellowship at the office ; way out? by Abuzola(m): 3:52pm On Sep 10, 2009
Can't you convince him that you will pray for him islamically and he shouldn't mingle you with their fellowship because you are odd, can't you ?
Re: Compulsory Fellowship at the office ; way out? by justfash50: 1:32pm On Sep 12, 2009
Can't you convince him that you will pray for him islamically and he shouldn't mingle you with their fellowship because you are odd, can't you ? Quote Abuzola


This i also concur this is a very good suggestion above, its better to let him know now rather than later he invite every body to his church with Attendance as the whipping cane.Be proud to be a Muslim.
Re: Compulsory Fellowship at the office ; way out? by abbeydot: 12:20pm On Sep 13, 2009
@ Poster,

This is a very serious issue and i will advise you pray to Almighty Allah about this. Also start looking around for a job elsewhere, because it might get to a height and you could be told to leave (Allah forbid except that is the best for you) except if you are highly strategic to the growth of that company.

I can inform you that i once turned down a job offer because i was informed that i would have to join in Morning fellowship every morning. THough know that legally, U cannot be sacked if you refuse except if there are specific clauses in your engagement letter. Look at it again and see if there are any such clauses.

May Almighty Allah see us through. Amin
Re: Compulsory Fellowship at the office ; way out? by fizzybaba(m): 10:32am On Sep 14, 2009

Can't you convince him that you will pray for him islamically and he shouldn't mingle you with their fellowship because you are odd, can't you ?

telling him i am a muslim is to tell the obvious.he is abundantly informed of that.

he would readily point to the fact that :

1)there are other muslims in attendance not just me.telling other muslims to join me in the agitation may not be feasible as not a few of them feel disturbed.

2)he is self opionanated.

3)the issue requires caution. he is a devoted xtian who strangely and interestingly employs both muslims and xtians alike.he does not discriminate in employment.it is of essence not to give him reason to think otherwise.so i think
Re: Compulsory Fellowship at the office ; way out? by fizzybaba(m): 10:39am On Sep 14, 2009

@ Poster,

This is a very serious issue and i will advise you pray to Almighty Allah about this. Also start looking around for a job elsewhere, because it might get to a height and you could be told to leave (Allah forbid except that is the best for you) except if you are highly strategic to the growth of that company.

I can inform you that i once turned down a job offer because i was informed that i would have to join in Morning fellowship every morning. THough know that legally, U cannot be sacked if you refuse except if there are specific clauses in your engagement letter. Look at it again and see if there are any such clauses.

May Almighty Allah see us through. Amin

looking for another job is about the best thing to do.things like these is what you get in a one man show(a big organisation, though)

clause? no such thing!
Re: Compulsory Fellowship at the office ; way out? by Abuzola(m): 11:08am On Sep 14, 2009
Ur case is beyond my scope. May Allah guide us amin, rabban latuzig kulu bana bahda iza dai tana wa ablana minla dunka rahmatan innaka antal wahab amin, keep saying this invocation in this blessed month Allah will guide you to the right path
Re: Compulsory Fellowship at the office ; way out? by fizzybaba(m): 11:24am On Sep 14, 2009

jazakumulah khairan

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