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Investment / Re: Will Naira Crash Further Against Usd? by Nitric(m): 5:59pm On Jan 04, 2024
It is very likely it will crash further due to demand pressure because Nigeria is an import dependent country
Business / Re: In What Good Business Can One Invest N5,000,000? by Nitric(m): 5:52pm On Apr 26, 2023
Charcoal business.... you can't get it wrong with that one.... start with 2m and you can make minimum of 500k monthly....I can show you how....

Charcoal business is rubbish business, you people should not be giving investment advise about business you know nothing about.

I invested in that business and every single day I remember that investment I get angry for wasting so much money in a stupid business. angry

If you are sure of what you are saying provide a movable collateral worth 4 million let me give you a loan of 2 million so you can show us how you will perform the miracle of making profit of 500K every month from charcoal business!


Investment / Re: Seeking Export Partnership For Food Items - N1million Fund Available by Nitric(m): 2:48pm On Sep 24, 2022
Nice idea, but you would definitely need more than a million because you must get approval for every single commodity you intend exporting from their regulating authorities which would also cost you. Why not start with a single commodity that is cheap and easily sourced in Nigeria but not available in the UK and US.

Thank you for your input...I have a few additional questions

The intended customers are Nigerians who live in Europe and the Americas.

Do you have any idea how much it costs to register a product with the regulating authorities in these countries?

If these items have already been registered is it still necessary for me to register them because I'm very sure I won't be the first to start exporting these items?
Investment / Seeking Export Partnership For Food Items - N1million Fund Available by Nitric(m): 11:35am On Sep 23, 2022
I want to explore opportunities available in export of food to the United Kingdom and the United States and I need partners who have experience in it.

An investment fund of N1 million is available to use as working capital for purchase of the first few items to do a test run.

I'm not looking to invest in another person's business, there is already a business name and a dedicated bank account for this business therefore what I need is someone who will lead the business operations while I provide the funds and at the end we share profits on pre-agreed ratio

The items I want to start exporting are Nigerian packaged foods and condiments that have a shelve life of at least 4 months such as Nigerian made noodles, food seasoning such as Maggi cubes, Onga, Knorr etc, then palm oil, ogiri and the like.

This proposal is not for people who only have theoretical knowledge, it is for those who are currently involved in it and understand the entire value chain from export in Nigeria up to marketing and actual delivery to African shops in the UK and US

Please contact me using the email address below -


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Investment / Re: 2022 Investment Thread by Nitric(m): 11:19am On Jul 21, 2022
Number 99 is the almighty dry cleaning business.
I personally love this business BC os it requires almost zero start up capital. And secondly u don't need to be a first class student to start it

Where are the remaining 98 business opportunities you talked about?
Investment / Re: Suggestions Needed On Where To Invest N11million For 17months by Nitric(m): 10:14am On Jun 13, 2022
Hello I've contacted you on this

I replied your PM but it bounced back. It appears there's a problem with your email
Investment / Re: Suggestions Needed On Where To Invest N11million For 17months by Nitric(m): 1:48pm On Jun 11, 2022
Good day, is this window still viable today?

Yes it's still viable however the amount available is smaller now.

Please note that the conditions for making an investment still remain - Only existing businesses which have been in operation for at least 5 years will be considered
Investment / Re: Suggestions Needed On Where To Invest N11million For 17months by Nitric(m): 11:31pm On Apr 23, 2022

Can you kindly update us on how the rice distribution partnership has been going so far?
Let's know if there's still any Nigerian out there that's still reliable/trustworthy.

Well it started off well but eventually I realised that it's not even as profitable as I was led to believe.

When people bring business proposals to you they make it seem as if everything will proceed like clockwork once you invest money in it especially if you will bear most of the risk of financing the project


Investment / Re: Suggestions Needed On Where To Invest N11million For 17months by Nitric(m): 11:19pm On Apr 23, 2022
If you will take my advice, you will be very glad you did in a couple of months.

Set up a Standard Equipped Arcade Gamings Centre in a Campus Settlement (Federal University to be precise).

Your Arcade Gaming Centre should also serve as a Digital Hub where students can Browse and learn skills to make money online with Accessible WiFi Service. Charge a monthly subscription token for all students to subscribe to browse unlimitedly.

You will be surprised at how many more branches of this you would be considering opening in a few months time after understanding and loving this business model.

If you are interested in advancing deeply and learning more about this business model, feel free to consult me through my contact on my siggy.

Productive Conversations ONLY.

PS: Nobody should come up to my WhatsApp desk with lame words like "Hi", "Hello"....

Do not reach out to me if you do not have a purpose.

Best Regards,

MESSIAH. ONI, Ayodeji Anthonyeshua

Why would anyone go to an arcade to play digital games in 2022 when he/she can do so online using his phone or computer?

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Investment / Re: Suggestions Needed On Where To Invest N11million For 17months by Nitric(m): 2:53pm On Aug 28, 2021
Venture into a partnership business as a key distributor with an indigenous manufacturing company, that is into fmcg. A double concentrated tomato paste that has a good ROI and with a good market share, will not be a bad idea to invest in. Invest wisely.
For further enquiries simply call me on 08037745258.[

Do you have any particular company in mind?
Investment / Re: Suggestions Needed On Where To Invest N11million For 17months by Nitric(m): 2:48pm On Aug 28, 2021

You can actually invest in a real project/ company and not just some kind of digital Farm. A company we can actually be proud of in the next 3 years!

I own a farm registered with CAC, I produce cassava, maize and yam. I want to expand this production to large scale and food processing into by-products and derivatives.

I have tried government interventions program but wasn't successful.

If you're interested in real farming project and food processing can invest in this project.

I have two proposed way of investment depending on the investor final decision: either
1. ROI at the end of the year,
2. Dividend payment annually.

Checkout the website I created recently

I hope to grow this company to full scale by next year.

I also intend to hand over 45% stake of the company to investors control.

It's good to note that plans has been made to register with the Nigeria export promotions commission for the swift exportation of this farm produce.

How long has this business being in operation?

Do you have assets you can use as collateral?
Investment / Re: Suggestions Needed On Where To Invest N11million For 17months by Nitric(m): 2:46pm On Aug 28, 2021

You can partner with agrobint. We have a partnership with a producer in the agric value chain to move their products to the customers.

Our target is to move 10,000Tons of the products in 6Months. Each ton will cost 6000-12,000 depending on the distance. If you are serious about investment Let discuss on 08181149796 or whatsapp me 08038636142, akilaso@agrobint.com

What your money will be use for to buy trucks of 2.5Tons, 5Tons, 10Tons, 15Tons for logistics and full insurance to replace the vehicle incase of accident.

You can reach out to me on this Minimum investment is 2m for 6-12Months or you buy the truck and bring it to us to manage. Depending on how much you invest return can be upto 500k - 1m per month.

We have broiler production investment opportunity as well. If you invest 6.5m for 5000birds we pay you 500k every 2Months/60days.

Thank you


How long has this business being in existence?
Investment / Re: Suggestions Needed On Where To Invest N11million For 17months by Nitric(m): 6:14pm On Jun 27, 2021
With this amount. U will be getting N700,000 every month as return. Guarantee. No story. If u are interested. Let meet in persons, and have a great deal.

What's the investment proposal about?
Investment / Re: Suggestions Needed On Where To Invest N11million For 17months by Nitric(m): 6:08pm On Jun 27, 2021

They (Risevest) have an office in Nigeria. Check out their FAQ page on their website. Piggyvest and Carbon are also in Nigeria.

I already have an active savings scheme in Piggyvest. I'm not interested in Risevest
Investment / Re: Suggestions Needed On Where To Invest N11million For 17months by Nitric(m): 9:42am On Apr 21, 2021
Hi, did you find any viable idea?

Kindly share if you don't mind as I am also looking to invest.

Kind regards.

Quite a number of people contacted me here and through PM so I received a wide rage of business proposals from ones that were very good to some that were foolish or just downright scams.

The major issue is that they all claim not to have collateral; based on my previous experience there is absolutely nothing that will make me provide funding without unless I get a collateral or have some way to implement tight controls to secure my funds.

I did go into a partnership with an upcoming rice distributor of Nigerian rice.

To secure my funds we opened a business account to which I am the sole signatory but she receives credit alerts on the phone while I receive the email alerts so we can both keep track of payments and deposit of sales to the account.


Investment / Re: Suggestions Needed On Where To Invest N11million For 17months by Nitric(m): 9:28am On Apr 21, 2021
Like someone here rightly said, it's about the the safety of your funds rather than the payment of Roi. That said, some other person's have suggested trusted and secure fintech platforms like risevest, carbon, piggyvest etc. These are all great places but the last I checked, their rates are really quite little ranging from 5-15% per annum depending on which plan you subscribe into. And the flexibility of most of these platforms ain't so it, to say the least.
Let me introduce you to crowdyvest.com . This is another investment portfolio from the owners of farmcrowdy and Plentywaka. It offers a sweet rate from 12.5-25% and the flexibility is really amazing. Please do your findings on its reliability then choose which plan best suit your needs.
I only request you use my referral link to sign up where you and i both make #500 bonus each. Click https://dashboard.crowdyvest.com/register?referral=CV-0EB9988C to join.
Note, am not a staff or promoter of this platform, only one who has and is still using the platform for investment purpose. Should there be any questions I will suggest you reach out to their help line or email. Also, if anyone knows other trusted and reliable fintech/investment platform with better rates, Do share with us.
Don't forget to use my link and earn. Click https://dashboard.crowdyvest.com/register?referral=CV-0EB9988C

Thank you for your advise, I will bear it in mind
Investment / Re: Suggestions Needed On Where To Invest N11million For 17months by Nitric(m): 9:27am On Apr 21, 2021

If you can invest in buying and selling of cryptocurrency, you can make at least #200k to #500k daily from that amount alone.

I'm not interested in anything that has to do with speculation of any kind no matter the potential profit. I only want real businesses
Investment / Re: Suggestions Needed On Where To Invest N11million For 17months by Nitric(m): 9:03am On Apr 21, 2021
Do you know with that amount of money, u can invest a little in a bar/restaurant/inn business? I have a duplex for rentage in a very good location at Akure in ondo state. U can make up to a million monthly if you know what u are doing. The rent is #400k. There are lots of things u can invest in. If interested to know more kindly quote me.

I live in Lagos and would prefer to only get involved with businesses that are within Lagos so it will be easy for me to monitor
Investment / Re: Suggestions Needed On Where To Invest N11million For 17months by Nitric(m): 6:38pm On Dec 31, 2020

Oh OK. What exchange rate are you looking at per annum? Have you heard of Risevest? You can invest in US Real estate, US stocks and Eurobonds. You can also look at Piggyvest and Carbon.

I will only consider companies that are physically located within Nigeria's legal jurisdiction

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Investment / Re: Suggestions Needed On Where To Invest N11million For 17months by Nitric(m): 6:36pm On Dec 31, 2020
invest in agriculture, oilpalm farming. It's really lucrative. I'd recommend that you adopt the Malaysian improved variety (super genetic oilpalm seeds). It has high FFB and started fruiting within 24 months

I have no experience in large scale agriculture and because of the nature of my job I will not be able to physically oversee the operations of a new farm

I would consider investing in an already farm (It must be located in Lagos or Ogun State) so long as it has already been in business for a minimum of three years.

Please note that before I release any money I will conduct a thorough financial due diligence
Investment / Re: Suggestions Needed On Where To Invest N11million For 17months by Nitric(m): 6:27pm On Dec 31, 2020

A very close relative is currently in the process of a loan recovery, someone borrowed some money & drop documents to a house as collateral as well as a buyback agreement that has since elapsed; my relative is a licensed moneylender (Covid and recoveries just took a toll financially this year).
My relative needs a loan of under 500k to fast track the court process to allow him take over the property and sell, all done within 90days, there’s already a willing buyer but we need to get the transition process sorted in court. You can perform your due diligence with the lawyers in charge. Would you be open to considering a short term loan for 4 months?

I'm open to considering short term loans with adequate security (collateral) so long as the loan will be used for a productive business that will generate inflow for servicing and repaying the loan.

In this case I do not think the owner of the property will give it up without a fight which means that the process will likely take longer than 90 days resulting in any loan I provide getting tied up.

Good luck in your search
Investment / Re: Suggestions Needed On Where To Invest N11million For 17months by Nitric(m): 9:02pm On Dec 20, 2020

You sound like a knowledgeable person versed in finance and investment. Too knowledgeable to come to NAIRALAND asking for advice. Something's off.

I'm not asking for investment advise I'm asking for suggestions of investment opportunities...they're two very different things
Investment / Re: Suggestions Needed On Where To Invest N11million For 17months by Nitric(m): 9:53pm On Dec 05, 2020
If you are still looking to invest, my company has got plots of land close to Nigerians largest modular refinery (Waltersmith Refinery) located in Imo State. It's affordable and an extremely low risk investment.

Kindly contact Alex on 08170406903 for enquiries.


I'm not particularly interested in real estate at the moment
Investment / Re: Suggestions Needed On Where To Invest N11million For 17months by Nitric(m): 11:21am On Dec 04, 2020

Well no 2 kicked me off as I'm not in Lagos

I'm based in Lagos therefore I would only enter into such an agreement with a company that is based here because it would make it easier for me to conduct a due diligence and also do periodic reviews after the asset has been acquired
Investment / Re: Seeking Person(s) With Experience In Fintech by Nitric(m): 11:17am On Dec 04, 2020

Hope you sorted out the fintech investment, I would be interested.

Email: mike.cameo@yahoo.com


Thank you for reaching out Mike but I have suspended the project for the time being
Investment / Re: Suggestions Needed On Where To Invest N11million For 17months by Nitric(m): 8:58pm On Nov 29, 2020
I actually want to teach u how to manage ur money urself. It is better to manage ur money urself than risking it in all these stupid Investments scattered all over Nigeria. I will advise u taking ur destiny into ur hands. I myself did not realize this truth in time, not until I lost so much money in Nigeria Stocks Exchange. So forget all these Investments, acquire the best skill that will help u manage and earn profits for urself. By the time u are through with the training, u will never think of Investing ur money with anybody.

I don't mean to sound rude or immodest but I don't think there is anything you are going to teach me about investment which I don't already know. I have managed teams that provided investment advisory services to some of the biggest private equity firms in Africa including Abraaj, Helios Investment Partners, Actis etc.

My purpose here is to sift through investment opportunities and select the best ones and I have the competence to do that.

The only reason why I contacted you is because you said you are involved in an enterprise which trades in food items; I would need you to provide further information on this business bearing in mind the guidelines which I gave earlier.

I'm into trading in food items. Kindly WhatsApp me, let do business.
Investment / Re: Suggestions Needed On Where To Invest N11million For 17months by Nitric(m): 8:43pm On Nov 29, 2020

Will you give equipment loan? You hold on to the equipment documents as collateral?

I will consider it subject to the following conditions being met:

1. The business to use the machine must have been in operation for at least 24 months with registered business name and dedicated bank account

2. The equipment to be purchased must be brand new

3. The equipment must be stationed in Lagos

4. The equipment must be fully insured

5. It must not be an equipment that is so specialised such that it cannot be sold in the open market

6. It should be a machine that can be sold on it's own

7. The company must not have a loan from another lender whose value is more than 25% of the value of the equipment
Investment / Re: Suggestions Needed On Where To Invest N11million For 17months by Nitric(m): 5:20pm On Nov 29, 2020
Sir, u contacted me some days ago. I still have some fantastic Investment opportunities for u. Kindly call me for details.

I don't remember having contacted you, I'm sure you have me mixed up with someone else.

That notwitstanding since you say you have a business that needs finance I would like you to give a brief description of the business here.

I hope the business name is already registered and that it has a dedicated bank account.

You must also have at least bank statements of the business for the last 24 months at the very least

Please send me a PM if you have all the requirements in place especially the bank statements

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