Travel / Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 7 by Nuges11(m): 10:49am On Feb 24, 2019 |
GloShare: Hello guys,
I'm still stuck with IELTS writing. It feels worse because I actually write for a living.
I have decided to unlearn everything I know, and re-learn from scratch. I need people to help me look through my essays. Please.
I've registered for the third time with MOD for the March 2nd Test.
Earlier tests had me at 6.5 for writing, with reading, listening and speaking standing at 8, 8.5 and 8 respectively.
Don't be discouraged. If you haven't, search for Jay IELTS on YouTube, he has some very useful and easy to understand tips on writing. All the best |
Travel / Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 7 by Nuges11(m): 4:36pm On Feb 23, 2019 |
ebixxx: Hello TheRayem! I also wrote on the 9th of February and am considering requesting for remarking. I scored: L 8.5/ S 7.5/ R 8/ W 7, but my CRS is still 439 (need 7.5 in writing to move up to 442 and continue prayers and waiting). Can I still get my IELTS TRF number on Monday and use to enter the pool in the meantime, while awaiting the outcome of remarking? OR is there a rule against that? If miraculously the CRS cut-off score for ITA drops to 439 and my IELTS remarking score changes, will that be taken as misrepresentation? Please Gurus advice... Thanks!
Very similar scores and situation. If I had your reading score my CRS score would have been 438. You can't use your IELTS result while it's being reviewed though, but you can remark and wait for the outcome before entering the pool. From my calculations based on the last draw, it'll take a couple of back to back draws for cut off to drop below 440 so I'm thinking you might use that window to get your IELTS remarked and hope to get your writing up to 7.5. Or you can enter the pool now and hope cut off drops really low (there are indications that there'd be a lot more draws in 2019) Wish you all the best on your journey 2 Likes |
Travel / Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 7 by Nuges11(m): 9:54am On Feb 23, 2019 |
Topsmamen: Hey Chief. I suggest you get into the pool ASAP and take advantage of the tie-breaking rule. 441 is quite a good score and is highly likely to fetch you ITA in subsequent draws. While you're in the pool, you can try to get a job and prepare for the IELTS. "Just 6 more points?" 1 point matters a lot. I once had 433 in 2017 and I missed a draw (434 at the time) by just 1 point. I wanted to die! Since then, the CRS draw has not dropped as low as 436 sef. Good luck.
I agree with @ontarioissauga. The PNP is another route to consider. Try do some research on it.
Thanks for this. Guess the best thing to do at this point is get in the pool while I try the pnp and job route then retake IELTS. @pyruvateluv @ontarioissauga thanks guys 2 Likes |
Travel / Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 7 by Nuges11(m): 9:21am On Feb 23, 2019 |
Good morning everyone and thanks for all the words of encouragement, you guys are too awesome. So I spent the whole of yesterday and night thinking and I have questions:
What are the chances of getting a job in Canada while in the pool?
Getting perfect scores in IELTS will only take my CRS score to 441 from the present 435. I really don't think 441 is good enough considering the cut-off point for the last draw and spending another 75k and time to write IELTS again in March for just 6 more points doesn't look like the best move to me. Getting a job will get my score up to 485.
What do you guys think? Get in the pool first and try to get a job or try get my score up to 441?
Thanks so much guys 1 Like |
Travel / Re: Canadian Express Entry/federal Skilled Workers Program - Connect Here Part 7 by Nuges11(m): 1:45pm On Feb 22, 2019 |
ladymarshall: Silent reader but not anymore, lol. Decided on this journey January 2019.
Wrote ielts 09 Feb (first attempt)
LRWS: 8.5, 8.5, 8, 8. Overall band= 8.5. I saw my result and could not believe. I still think maybe it is not mine and they switched results.
I am grateful to @Eshay for introducing me to the Cannyland journey, this platform and thread, guiding me and sharing her experiences while I prepared for the exams. You are my angel. May our dreams come true 
I prepared for a month.
Listening: Practice and concentration is the key. I practiced at least 3 times a week. First results were poor but over time it got better. Know the scores you need to get an 8 (36/40 minimum) and never give up until you can score it in at least 6-7 practice tests consecutively. @happyme31 is so right, that listening tip helped me too especially part 2, 3, and 4. I remember it was a lady that scored so high in part 6 that gave that tip. Practice writing out keys parts of the conversation as you hear them, especially for those academic and touring conversations (part 3 and 4). This will be so useful for answers that are synonyms of what was spoken. For instance, in part 3 of my exam, the supervisor told the student that her presentation was too sudden and the answer was Abrupt. She told the student that she was also too slow, too fast in her speaking and the answer was Irregular. Writing out that conversation helped me identify the synonyms as I rechecked. In those sections, where you have A, B, C options, You would waste a lot of time and lose concentration if you are looking for the answers while the conversation is on. Write out key words and points. Part 1 and sometimes part 2 are straightforward, no need to write all, just listen carefully. If you miss an answer, MOVE ON FAST, don't panic or think about it.
Reading: Skimming and scanning are the keys. The answers are sequential through the passage but they can be tricky. In passage 3 of my exam, the last two answers were in the second paragraph because it mentioned two sentences about outdoor jobs, while the rest of the paragraphs were about indoor jobs. When you cannot find the answer, move on immediately and finish the rest, then return to those unknown questions and read the passages carefully sentence by sentence in that paragraph you think it is, you will find it, depending on how much time you have. While practicing, I noticed my weakness was the difference between False and Not Given, so I spent more time on those parts.
Speaking: Telling a story in part 2 and talkativeness in all the parts are the keys. As @happyme31 pointed out, Jay's videos are the best. I also watched past interviews of band 9 candidates and asked myself why they were deserving of band 9. They never stopped talking and used the right vocabulary for the topic. Talk so much and allow the examiner to get tired and stop you (Be a talkative on that day, even if you are not naturally one). It does not matter if you have no idea. If you are unlucky like me to be asked about tough topics like Global Trade, importation and exportation between countries and sustainability in businesses in part 3, still say anything. I paused and told the examiner that this was a tough question because economics is not my strength but I will answer it anyhow based on my layman's knowledge. I used the example of computer village, Nigeria's population and our hustling spirit as the country's best export. I knew I did not make sense but I was determined to keep talking. I just kept thinking of President Trump who says rubbish with so much confidence and still gets supporters, lol.
Writing: Structure and complex sentences are the keys. Just like @happyme31 said, Jay's video was my only guide. Please use the first 2 minutes to understand the question and what is required. Then use the next three minutes to draw an outline in your question paper of points you want to write. May a sketchy outline so you do not get stuck in the middle of your writing especially for Task 2. Practice using different kinds of sentences (passive, complex, compound questions, etc. Avoid writing in simple sentences). Also, use transitional words like your life depends on them (However, even though, although, yet, still, nevertheless, etc). Use uncommon words as long as they make sense (critics, cousine, turbulence, flabbergasted, etc, write like those village headmasters of those days who use big grammars that make sense). Also keep writing, do not stop, collect extra sheet (you can only do this if you have drawn an outline of your ideas).
For task 2, fill at most three pages or three and a half. Structure is everything in task two, there is a template for writing from Jay's video (introduction, four to five paragraphs for body and elaborate on your ideas, then conclusion). Elaborate on each point in each paragraph (use examples, quote researches and studies (whether they are true or not, the examiner does not care about whether that research really exists), use your personal experiences as a student, worker, mother, father, Nigerian, hustler, business man anything). As you write, imagine you are a debater in the room trying to convince, expantiate, elaborate or prove to your listener about points. Finally, don't be like me, please proofread, allocate the last five minutes to proof read and edit all your tasks. I think I was only fortunate that I write error-free sentences on first draft, but maybe if I had edited, I would have scored higher (maybe, or maybe I scored lower but God touched the examiner's heart). Editing helps and might improve your score by .5 which might make a big difference.
Most importantly, avoid over-confidence. This exam is about technique and strategy, not English knowledge. I am at the level of a native speaker and very advanced user in my profession but I practiced like it was German or Chinese I was preparing for. And after writing the exams, pray, pray, pray to any God you believe in.
Apologies for the long post but I just wanted to help like previous posters in part 6 have helped me too.
ECA is in the final evaluation stage with Wes. Once it comes, I will dive into the pool. I am currently gathering post-ITA docs because my CRS score is really high (thanks to IELTS scores) as our seniors here have advised potential CRS high scorers.
Fingers crossed for us all in every stage of our journeys. May our dreams come true. It will end in praise. This is beautiful. May all your wishes come true. I also wrote IELTS on Feb 09, first attempt. LRWS: 8.5, 7, 7, 7.5. Overall band 7.5. Really not sure what to do next because this leaves my CRS score at 435 but I really don't feel like taking the test a second time. I'm quite disappointed anyway because the test seemed easy enough, in fact I wasn't expecting anything less than a 9 in both reading and listening. I also followed Jay's methods for the writing but obviously I must have done something wrong. I'm still sulking sha, I'll decide what the next step will be later. Again, I wish you all the very best 2 Likes |
Travel / Re: Canadian Express Entry/Federal Skilled Workers Program- Connect Here Part 5 by Nuges11(m): 11:42am On Nov 08, 2018 |
while you study for IELTS, why not kickstart your ECA at once? If you start now, your assessment could be ready by December. I'll start working on that as soon as I sort out the funds, hopefully in the next couple of days. Thanks so much |
Travel / Re: Canadian Express Entry/Federal Skilled Workers Program- Connect Here Part 5 by Nuges11(m): 11:31am On Nov 07, 2018 |
Good day to all the gurus in the house and to everyone. I've had serious goosebumps reading through this thread with people's stories and PPR testimonies, as I'm typing now sef my hand dey A friend recently mentioned this Canadian EE to me and I've been doing a lot of research on it and that's what led me here. I'll be taking IELTS in December and will start the application process fully in January, when I have my results. I also hope to share my PPR testimony soonest. Abeg tips and guidance will be greatly appreciated. Thank you all 12 Likes |
Sports / Re: Ronaldo's Sponsors, Nike & EA, Express 'Deep Concerns' Over Rape Allegations by Nuges11(m): 8:40am On Oct 05, 2018 |
A man's greatest fear is no longer whether or not he'll succeed, it's now what lurks at the other side of success that is waiting to rid him of everything he's ever worked for. Dear Lord, when we start to fly without wings, please save us from the fright and plight that height brings, amen. 11 Likes |
Education / Re: 2018/2019 University Of Ibadan Postgraduate Aspirants by Nuges11(m): 7:30pm On Jul 22, 2018 |
Please add me to the whatsapp group 08132404458 |
Sports / Re: Japanese Footballers After Losing To Belgium At Word Cup Cleaned Dressing Room by Nuges11(m): 7:55am On Jul 03, 2018 |
We see that in their movies every time. It's the reason why Jet Li will fight with 129 people and his shirt will still be perfectly tucked in. Very organized set of people  17 Likes 4 Shares |
Sports / Re: Did Anyone Notice The Bias Of The Foreign Media Regarding Super Eagles Victory? by Nuges11(m): 11:07am On Jun 23, 2018 |
Gudiza: Yeah. a team composed of farmers, fishermen, salt producer and an infamous movie producer in the person of the goal keeper, and making their ever first appearance at the World Cup... WHY NOT? that is their pedigree...Not taking anything from Musa or the team. far from it.
Forget Western media. Focus on YOUR OWN media...Afterall, it was one of your news outlet yesterday that said "Nigeria Melts Iceland" ..To me the celebration is WwAyyYY overdone! A victory securing our place in the next round, over Argentina would be worth celebrating.
You are appraising yourself NOT looking at how OTHERS are celebrating or what OTHERS say about you..and that is the difference between ME and you of servitude!
Oh no there's a whole lot of difference between us, which is why I won't push this any further. Cheers! 1 Like |
Sports / Re: Did Anyone Notice The Bias Of The Foreign Media Regarding Super Eagles Victory? by Nuges11(m): 10:23am On Jun 23, 2018 |
Gudiza: Pls. Nigeria played rubbish at first half. No one even in the studio at half time said any meaningful thing about the eagles. The screen analyst said maybe the team would finally show up at World Cup 2022 certainly not this one.
0 shots on target ??
Let me ask a question. (Q) How do people respond to criticisms? (A) By achieving more and more Success.
Nigerians like heroes so much. They are desperate because their lives are basically shit. Just a moment of brilliance from one man and they are dancing all over the place forgetting we have not even qualified yet. the curse of the black man indeed...need for celebration like a child. later they lose..they curse all over again
Since you like asking questions I'll also ask you one. Do you know what happened in Iceland after the team played a draw against Argentina? I'll tell you; the whole country went into national jubilation. The media was flooded with talks about how a small country has come to Russia to prove a point. In fact businesses, both private and governmental, closed early for the second match so that people will get home early to view it. All that jubilation was for a draw, in the very first match, but you feel we shouldn't celebrate a win? Another question. How many times has the brilliance of one Messi given Barcelona defining victories? Countless times. By the way, was it Musa that saved the free kick in the first few minutes of the game, or the the close range shot that followed shortly after? Was it Musa that held a tight defence? Was it Musa that struck the bar from wide range? Was it Musa that delivered the cross that Musa converted? Or you don't think all those were brilliant efforts too? I think the real curse of the black man is the belief that everything he does, or doesn't do, is directly influenced by something called "the curse of the black man" 9 Likes |
Sports / Re: Did Anyone Notice The Bias Of The Foreign Media Regarding Super Eagles Victory? by Nuges11(m): 6:20am On Jun 23, 2018 |
The commentator just couldn't hide his bias, all his analysis was about Iceland beating Nigeria, even after 80mins he was still talking about Iceland getting back into the game. The one I find interesting the most was when he said Nigeria will only win at fashion at the beginning of the first half, then repeated it again at the beginning of the second half just in case you missed it the first time. It all made the victory sweeter anyway. 7 Likes 1 Share |
Business / Re: Are you on steemit??....let's Meet Here... by Nuges11(m): 6:59am On May 31, 2018 |
Steemit is okay if you do the right thing. It is more about who you know and how well you interact than the quality of your content.
Channels on the other hand is good but there are a few people complaining I joined channels last night after reading this comment and made an introductory post almost immediately. Till now no views, no subscribers even after subscribing to lots of channels all night, I feel progress there would be quite slow. How did you manage to get that many subscribers and how do you drive traffic to your channel? My username is @nuges11 and is the link to my introductory post. Nice story by the way. What's your steemit username? |
Business / Re: Airdrops; Getting Free Money From The Cryptocurrency. by Nuges11(m): 6:09pm On May 12, 2018 |
Is there still a way to get the whatsapp group running? Can you add manually? I'm in dire need of mentorship |
Business / Re: Airdrops; Getting Free Money From The Cryptocurrency. by Nuges11(m): 3:11pm On May 12, 2018 |
graciousolo: @Nuges11 your fears are founded, my subsequent post will address them, if they don't. I will give a direct response.
@Solstar you are a smart one. However, this thread is for those that do not understand the Blockchain ecosystem. I want them to benefit from it too.
We can talk later on the whole ICO ish.
Thank you. @graciousolo and @solstar I'm not the one with the fears guys, I believe that is @daudugod. I'm the one with zero knowledge about how this whole crypto thing works and how or where to start |
Business / Re: Airdrops; Getting Free Money From The Cryptocurrency. by Nuges11(m): 2:49pm On May 12, 2018 |
@OP, I've always wanted to venture into the cryptocurrency world but problem is I don't have the slightest idea how to start or where to even start from. I could really use a mentor, please would you like to show me the way? |
Business / Re: Are U On Steemit Buzz In by Nuges11(m): 12:40pm On May 11, 2018 |
I've been trying to register for a while now but can't seem to get past where I'm to enter my mobile number for a quick text to be sent. The text never comes in. |
Literature / Re: Google: Short Stories Google Told As They Celebrate Women Today. by Nuges11(m): 12:52pm On Mar 09, 2018 |
I dont think it does... maybe your imagination.
theme,,, more like Love of a woman/lady It does actually. I also had to look harder before I got the real message. What fell from her bag was her ID that shows she's actually a man |
Phones / Re: What You Need To Know About A Dual Camera When Choosing A Smartphone by Nuges11(m): 7:49am On Dec 19, 2017 |
All you need to know is in the last paragraph of the epistle. The rest is not exactly useful, except you're conducting a research centered around Honor smartphones |
Car Talk / Re: Thread For Toyota Users And Lovers by Nuges11(m): 10:12pm On Sep 18, 2017 |
For number one to avoid trail and error, you need to scan engine and transmission to ascertain where the fault is.
For number two some Toyota engines of that year are known for burning oil like no man's business.
But let's know your location, what engine type I4 or V6 and what oil brand and weight you bought to service the car and also your current mileage.
Also throttling down and running engine at high revs causes engine oil Burning away in some Toyota engines. Thanks a lot nurey. Location is Ibadan, engine type is I4, oil brand and weight: Adrenaline 20W/50 and current milage is 166,103km |
Car Talk / Re: Thread For Toyota Users And Lovers by Nuges11(m): 9:39pm On Sep 16, 2017 |
Hello auto gurus, I would like to seek your expert opinion on these 2 issues I have with my Toyota camry 2003:
1. I observed recently that the car jerks whenever the gear is engaged and I completely press the brake pedal or when I slow down to a stop during motion. The jerking continues as long as I have my leg on the brake pedal but stops when I put the gear in Park. Some times the engine will go off after jerking for a while.
2. I checked my engine oil this morning and discovered it's almost halfway between full and empty. I serviced the car about 2 months ago and since then I've done about 1000km. What could make engine oil reduce without leakage?
Thanks |
Autos / Re: Genuine Toyota Spare Parts by Nuges11(m): 2:46pm On Jul 06, 2017 |
How much does Camry 2005 headlamps and rear lights go for? |
Autos / Re: Reg 2005 Honda Accord by Nuges11(m): 7:54am On Jun 25, 2017 |
amstamon: But i thought it's NOT FOR SALE na? Y still selling it? FiiahnAuto:
I believe you I wan sell it reason I list on this site Lol....Op missed the joke 5 Likes |
Autos / Re: ***SOLD***Tin-can Cleared 2005 Toyota Highlander Limited Gold Color by Nuges11(m): 12:10pm On Apr 26, 2017 |
Autos / Re: SOLD!!!! For Sale 02/03 Toyota Camry XLE (big Daddy) 1.950 by Nuges11(m): 8:55am On Apr 26, 2017 |
This car is the definition of sexy, so sad it's far beyond the reach of my pocket. Op sef no too try with the price  Austin4real are you sure this is not 04 model?? |
Autos / Re: Registered 2005 Toyota Camry For Sale by Nuges11(m): 3:48pm On Apr 24, 2017 |
05? With that dashboard, gear and steering?? |
Autos / Re: Nigerian Used Honda Accord 2003(EOD) For Sale by Nuges11(m): 6:33am On Apr 18, 2017 |
Is that the first body? Is there anything that needs fixing?
800k, very interested buyer |
Autos / Re: Sold sold sold>>>>>Price finally slashed>>>>> Tokunbo Volvo S60 2002 900k by Nuges11(m): 5:43pm On Apr 16, 2017 |
I'll just wait till your price drops to 450k, you're getting there very fast  |
Autos / Re: Registered Honda Accord For Sale (clean) by Nuges11(m): 5:59pm On Apr 09, 2017 |
EOD?  Abeg which model? Abi shey pepper af entered my eyes ni coz ayam not understanding o. Isn't this evil spirit? 1 Like |
Literature / Re: Horror In Two Sentences.. by Nuges11(m): 11:33pm On Mar 21, 2017 |
She had danced seductively with me that night at the club and I just couldn't help bringing her home.
After we had sex she stared at nothing in particular and whispered, "Jackson baby I told you you'd enjoy the three^some".
My name is Segun 15 Likes 1 Share |
Autos / Re: »»» Sold!! Neat Hyundai Sonata 06 @ N850k Non Negotiable ««« by Nuges11(m): 10:29pm On Mar 21, 2017 |
TrumpDonald2: Location Port Harcourt
Buy and Drive
For Enquiry/Inspection Contact Emeka Ugo (Patz Autos) 07036831386 Whatsapp Inclusive Or 08129373174 900k......serious Lagos buyer. |