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Business / I Need Help by Olaniawo20: 9:45am On Dec 21, 2021
hi Nairalander’s i need your help, i am a 20yr old Guy with big dreams of been stable financially before 25 legitimately i learnt alot of skills Graphics design,web development etc cos im much more intrested in this digital age but rn i don’t understand my life everything is just shattered im loosing my mind tried of everything tried ending my life couple of times but either i can’t go through with it or i was found doing it, and this all happened early this year i took a loan of 150k to import watches in my mind 19yr old entrepreneur my watches cAme through and a week after haven’t even made any sales yet my house was raided and my phone laptop and wristwatches was stolen now i was balls deep in debt i took loans from different platforms including Lcredit,palm credit,migo,fair money its been months i haven’t been able to pay back the interest on this loans is almost 3x frequent harrasment and calls to the extent i had to get a new sim my life is in shambles my credit score has been bleeped i can’t even get a loan anymore
please i need help, if i could get couple of web developing jobs or if its by your humble donations i’ll really appreciate and if it’s possible to get a loan from any of you in which ill pay back monthly for a year i’ll really appreciate i just don’t wanna enter a new year this way i need peace of mind
i have tried everything beg from friends and family nothing tried making a repayment plan but they are done having patience with me
i got a job that pays 20k monthly now not far from my house but that can’t solve my immediate problems
i have paid some but rn with the interests doesn’t seem like i have paid anything

Investment / You Can Make 10$ In 5 Minutes This Way... by Olaniawo20: 10:26am On Sep 18, 2020
Investment / Invest In Yourself by Olaniawo20: 5:13pm On Jun 19, 2020
If you willing to Learn forex on your own ....or gain more knowledge I have the best solution
For as low as 2500....u would get 8 Different course teaching you....
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Send me a DM @ 09073825506 for more details...(after purchasing this and you ain't satisfied get assured that u will be refunded 100%)

Business / Learn And Earn by Olaniawo20: 2:22pm On Jun 19, 2020
If you willing to Learn forex on your own ....or gain more knowledge I have the best solution
For as low as 2500....u would get 8 Different course teaching you....
Strategies that can be applied to ANY market (e.g. Forex, Stocks, Crypto)
– The Basics of Forex
– How To Enter/Exit The Market
– Risk Management Strategies
– An Exact Trade Goal Plan
– A Precise Compound Plan
– Time Zones To Make the Best Market Predictions
– How To Trade With Institutional Traders
– Understand How Market Makers Move the Forex Market And How NOT To Be Fooled
– How to Scalp
– How to Swing Trades
– Exact Template/ Indicators For MT4 and How To Use Them
– The OPM Strategy
And much more!
Send me a DM @ 09073825506 for more details...(after purchasing this and you ain't satisfied get assured that u will be refunded 100%)

Politics / Akabueze Explains Rising Service Wide Vote by Olaniawo20: 1:00am On Feb 01, 2018
ABUJA— The Service Wide Vote, which rose to N198.7 billion in the 2018 budget, is not only for unforeseen expenditures, Director-General of Budget, Mr. Ben Akabueze, has said.
Fielding questions from journalists and Civil Society Organisations on the 2018 budget in Abuja, yesterday, Akabueze said the vote contained other expenditures that were not agency-specific and armed forces operations, which figures had not yet been determined.He said: “Service Wide Vote is not only for unforeseen provisions. Yes Service Wide vote is for contingency provisions, which amounts are not fully determined but there are also certain items of expenditure that are not agency –specific, that are service-wide. It is then thought that it is important to manage access to such votes centrally.
“There are also some items of expenditure requiring further scrutiny at the time of actual expenditure and approvals at certain levels which are, therefore, intentionally put under service-wide vote.
Full story @http://fettysnews..com.ng/2018/01/akabueze-explains-rising-service-wide.html?m=1
Crime / Breaking: Suicide Bomber Hits Borno Idps Camp, Many Feared Dead by Olaniawo20: 12:47am On Feb 01, 2018
Several persons have been feared dead as suspected Boko Haram suicide bomber, Wednesday, attacked the Internally Displaced Persons’ (IDP) camp in Dalori, Borno state.
However, confirming the incident, the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), in a statement, said only two of the suicide bombers died in the incident.
According to the statement, “Multiple suicide bomb attacks involving two suicide bombers at Dalori quarters near Dalori IDP camp. One person was inflicted with a mild injury whereas the suicide bombers were killed by the explosion,” it said in a statement.
Recall that Dolori has been frequently attacked by Boko Haram, with at least, three attacks launched on the community since last two years.
For more exciting stories visit
Politics / We Saw A Billion Naira And Didn’t Know It by Olaniawo20: 1:19am On Dec 07, 2017
The story is told of a past State Governor who went to the House of Assembly to present his annual Appropriation Bill. The Assemblymen wanted to know what was in the budget for them. They were told that a bullion van was stationed at the members’ car park. Some members were dispatched to go and verify if the content was right. As soon as the question was resolved in the affirmative, the Appropriation Bill was received. Before the Governor got back to his office, the news was already on radio that the Bill had received its first, second and third readings and passed. That’s rapid result!
As crude as this sounds, the truth remains that we may not have gone much higher than that level. There is the mistaken impression that the legislature is merely a rubber-stamp on issues of the budget. In reality, though, none of the two branches of government – the Executive and the Legislature – is any less important than the other.
All those calling on the National Assembly to pass the 2018 Appropriation Bill recently presented to the National Assembly, before the end of the year are, indeed, calling on the National Assembly to rubber-stamp the document. This is a wrong call. They are actually asking the National Assembly to pass the Bill as presented; and they could as well proceed from there to insist that the budget must also be implemented as passed. Indeed, they are saying that there should be no role for the National Assembly.
Apparently, no one appears to be telling our functionaries the real truth. We keep dancing around the truth; but year after year, we keep getting the wrong results. An Executive that wants an early budget must learn to return to early presentation to the Legislature. It can’t be done otherwise.
At the risk of repetition, let everyone insist that the National Assembly should quickly give us an Act for a Budget Cycle as sketched out in this column a fortnight, ago, which will compel certain actions on the budget by specific dates. Otherwise, by this time next year, and subsequent years, we shall still be dancing in this same awkward circle.
Essentially, every budget is incremental – for better and for worse. As population increases and technology advances, budget continues to rise. As the increased population and enhanced technology begin to tamper with Nature’s purpose for the earth’s surface, the propensity for natural disasters – earth-quakes, tsunamis, typhoons, hurricanes, etc., also increase in intensity, thus requiring bigger budgets to checkmate them.
The incremental nature of the budget must be gradual. In the First Republic, the budget of the Federal Government of Nigeria hovered around the lower millions. The increases kept trickling in and had a major boost in 1973 when the OPEC intervention drastically moved up the price of our crude oil, which astronomically moved accruable revenue upwards.
Nigeria is today in a race towards the Zillion Naira mark for its budget. In 1981, when this writer was the Secretary to the House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations, we hit the Billion Naira mark; without recognising it. By the time we summed up the returns from the various Committees of the House, we had ten digits. To us, this was one Thousand Million Naira. It took the intervention of Hon. Ralph Obioha (NPP/Imo State), a profound CPA who, prior to his election, was a major player in the American Financial System, to educate us that we had hit the Billion Naira mark.
And so soon, we have been talking of Trillions since the past four Financial Years. Quite frankly, this has been largely in the abstract – we budget in Trillions and perform barely above the Billion Naira mark.
All eyes are today on the Governor of Cross River State, Prof. Ben Ayade, over his Budget Estimates of N1.3 Trillion, christened Budget of kinetic crystallization. There is nothing serious, but everything unserious, about this Appropriation Bill. First, like most Nigerian budgets, the Ayade measure is loud on the Expenditure side but stoically silent on the Revenue side, which runs against the time-honoured accounting principle that for every debit, there must be a corresponding credit.
Secondly, Ayade had a N300 Billion Budget in 2017 and that budget is still limping below the 50% performance level in a State that is defaulting heavily on the payment of staff salaries and pension arrears! Prof should have been liberal enough to tell his audience where he has suddenly hit some uranium mines that will bridge the humongous difference. Certainly, such a man must be hiding somewhere. So, we must credit him with some sense of responsibility and wait to see what happens in the next few months. For all we know, no other State, even Lagos, is attempting this apparently vainglorious move!
You must take a holistic view of the budget. How else do you discover multiple entries in the budget? For example, in the Second Republic, President Shehu Shagari’s, Administration was in a hurry to develop Abuja. It had robust budget for the Federal Capital Development Authority; and still went ahead to make humongous provisions in every Ministry “For the development of Abuja”
– leading one opposition member to exclaim at a point, “Abuja, Abuja, Abuja. We don’t want to be Abujalised”. Every budget has its own tricks.
Why is the Budget today shrouded in secrecy? Time was when the citizen could walk into the PAPER OFFICE and a copy of the budget was his for the asking. Not anymore. We demand greater accountability and more transparency on the Budget. After all, it is a public document.
Full story @http://fettysnews..com.ng/2017/12/we-saw-billion-naira-and-didnt-know-it.html?m=1

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Health / Husband, Your Wife Has A More Active Brain by Olaniawo20: 9:55am On Oct 08, 2017
Attention men. You may not know it, but your spouse’s brain is more active than yours. Generally, as a matter of fact, women’s brains are far more active in many areas than men’s brains, according to a study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.
Before you begin to challenge the study findings, you need to know that the discovery of increased ”prefrontal cortex” blood flow in women compared to men may explain why women tend to exhibit greater strengths in the areas of empathy, intuition, collaboration, self-control, and appropriate concernThat’s not all. There are downsides to this development, because brain disorders affect men and women differently and it could be responsible for making women more prone to certain disorders than men.
The study found increased blood flow in “limbic” areas of the brains of women, which may also partially explain why women are more vulnerable to anxiety, depression, insomnia, and eating disorders.
Women have significantly higher rates of Alzheimer’s disease, depression and anxiety disorders, while men have higher rates of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)., conduct-related problems, and incarceration.
The functional brain imaging study carried out at the Amen Clinics, Newport Beach, CA., compared 46,034 brain single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) imaging studies provided by nine clinics, quantifying differences between the brains of men and women.
Full story @https://fettysnews..com.ng/2017/10/husband-your-wife-has-more-active-brain.html?m=1
Sports / Russia 2018: Dogara Congratulates Super Eagles, Wishes Them Success by Olaniawo20: 9:40pm On Oct 07, 2017
Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hon. Yakubu Dogara, has congratulated the Nigerian Super Eagles on their well-deserved victory over Zambia which qualified them to the 2018 World Cup finals in Russia.
In a statement issued by Turaki Hassan, his Special Adviser on Media and Public Affairs, Dogara hailed members of the national team for their dedication and patriotism, and commitment to doing Nigeria proud.
He said: “The Super Eagles have once again made us all very proud. Being the first African team to qualify for the World Cup is no small feat, and the sense of patriotism and dedication to national duty must be commended by all”.
He further pledged the commitment of the House of Representatives to prioritising sports development and ensuring better welfare for athletes.
Full story @http://fettysnews..com.ng/2017/10/russia-2018-dogara-congratulates-super.html?m=1
Politics / My Country Is Committed To Democratic Transition – Speaker by Olaniawo20: 3:24pm On Oct 07, 2017
Mr Qusseini Tinni, Speaker Nigerien National Assembly, says his country is committed to democratic transition, climate change and digital revolution.
He spoke on Friday in Niamey, when he hosted some parliamentarians of the ECOWAS Parliament at the opening ceremony of the Second Ordinary Session of the Nigerien National Assembly.
The parliamentarians who were led by Mr Moustapha Cisse´ Lo, Speaker ECOWAS Parliament, were in Niamey for the 4th Legislature Delocalised Meeting.
Tinni, who commended the efforts of the community parliament, said his country was committed to the development and integration of the ECOWAS region.
Cisse´Lo, later led the parliamentarians on a visit to the Nigerien President, Mahamadou Issoufou, where he expressed gratitude to the Nigerien authorities for their commitment to the regional integration process.
He expressed gratitude to the Nigerien Government for facilities made available to the parliament to facilitate its deliberations at the meeting.
Full story @http://fettysnews..com.ng/2017/10/my-country-is-committed-to-democratic.html?m=1
Agriculture / Harvest Commences In Edo State-saro Farm, Sobe by Olaniawo20: 10:18am On Oct 07, 2017
All is set for the evacuation of tonnes of maize to the market as participants in the Edo State government’s farm settlement scheme in Sobe, Owan West Local Government Area, have commenced harvest.
The Public-Private Partnership initiative with Saro Agro Sciences Ltd., a leading company in agribusiness, was conceived by Governor Godwin Obaseki to create jobs for thousands of youths across the state.
According to Obaseki, the maize farm is part of his administration’s accelerated agriculture initiative to boost job creation in the state, as between 50,000 to 80,000 agricultural jobs would be created before the end of the year in five local government areas.
Speaking at the inauguration of the farm in April this year, Obaseki said maize cultivation could directly empower several youths in agribusiness.
He explained that the first phase of the initiative targets job creation for 1,000 farmers through the cultivation of 5,000 hectares of maize farms across five local government areas of the state.
“Today is the first step towards actualising the 200,000 jobs promised by my administration. If we invest in agriculture, we can do more than 200,000 jobs in Edo and Nigeria as a whole,” he said.
The Group Managing Director of Saro AgroSciences, Mr Oluwole Adeyegbe, the technical partner for the project, explained that the scheme targeted a minimum of four metric tonnes of maize yield per hectare, which would be bought directly from the farmers.
Full story @http://fettysnews..com.ng/2017/10/harvest-commences-in-edo-state-saro.html?m=1
Politics / Inside NNPC Ibadan Depot Comes Alive by Olaniawo20: 9:50am On Oct 07, 2017
South West region of the country, following the re-commissioning of the Ibadan Depot of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) yesterday.
Group Managing Director, Dr. Maikanti KacallaBaru, who flagged off the resumption of loading operations at the Depot, said the re-commissioning was in fulfillment of the Presidential mandate of revamping the nation’s critical oil and gas infrastructure for the benefit of the citizenry.
“It is one of the key mandates of the present administration to revamp these abandoned assets and put them back to work for the overall security and improvement of petroleum products supply and distribution for the benefit of all Nigerians,” Dr. Baru stated.
The GMD noted that Nigeria’s energy supply security is underpinned by a robust pipeline network of over 8000km used for the transportation of crude oil, petroleum products and natural gas, of which NNPC has the largest downstream footprint with over 5,120km of pipeline network and 21 depots spread around the country.
He, however, expressed dismay that over the years, these critical national assets had become subject of incessant vandalism, theft and sabotage which result in huge loss of revenue, lives and property as well as serious damage to the environment.
“It is rather unfortunate that any time oil pipelines and associated facilities are vandalized, our ability to supply petroleum products to the nation is hampered, and the livelihood of many law abiding people negatively impacted,” he said.
He informed that since coming on board, the NNPC has re-streamed a number of its pipelines, leading to massive resumption of loading operations in Depots within those areas.
Full story @http://fettysnews..com.ng/2017/10/inside-nnpc-ibadan-depot-comes-alive.html?m=1
Sports / Why Super Eagles Must Qualify For Russia 2018 World Cup by Olaniawo20: 12:55pm On Oct 06, 2017
When the Super Eagles class of 1997 qualified for France ’98 World Cup, they did so with a match to spare; and 20 years later history is about to repeat itself.
But for the Super Eagles to qualify the way their illustrious predecessors did in 1997, under the tutelage of Phillipe Troussier, the famed “White Witch Doctor’’; the team must scale the Chipolopolo obstacle.
With three points separating the two archrivals, with the Super Eagles topping Group B with 10 points and closely followed by the Chipolopolo with 7 points; the Zambians believe that they can close the gap.
The back-to-back victory recorded by the Chipolopolo over hapless Desert Foxes of Algeria, and the 1-1 draw with the Indomitable Lions of Cameroon at Yaoundé; the Zambians are now hopeful of qualifying for the World Cup.
Even though the Super Eagles have all, but qualified for the 2018 World Cup, they must affirm their qualification by beating the Chipolopolo in Uyo; before the final qualifying match against the Desert Foxes.
This is where the tactical acumen of Coach Gernot Rohr must be brought to bear on the Super Eagles as they engage their very worthy opponents; who are hell-bent on knocking the Eagles off their perch.
The likely defensive quartet of Shehu Abdullahi, Leon Balogun, Troost Ekong and Elderson Echiejile must play as a cohesive unit, and maintain their shape against the expected onslaught from the Zambians.
As for the midfield, depending on the combination, Mikel Obi is expected to roam box-to-box, Wilfred Ndidi and Ogenyi Onazi or whoever, must provide a near impregnable cover for the defence line.
Victor Moses and Odion Jude-Ighalo and others in the attack must be razor sharp in front of goal, and make hay when goal scoring opportunities come their way.
The Super Eagles must be focused, must be professional in their approach, must be their “brother’s keeper’’; so to speak; by closing ranks when the team is under attack from the rampaging Zambians.
The team must guard against conceding a goal before scoring their own, because where the Zambians should score before the Super Eagles; we stand the chance of conceding more goals from counter attacks.
Full story @http://fettysnews..com.ng/2017/10/why-super-eagles-must-qualify-for.html?m=1
Travel / Catalans, Rohingyas And Other Minority Eruptions by Olaniawo20: 8:11am On Oct 06, 2017
MINORITIES , or those who feel they have become minorities, are erupting across the world; English-speaking Camerounians in Africa, the Rohingya in Asia, the Kurds in the Arab world and the Catalans in Europe.
Today in Catalonia, one of the wealthiest of Spain’s 17 autonomous regions, the right to self-determination is no longer a theoretical postulation; it is a practical political struggle being waged in the streets.
independence Catalan flags) during a pro-independence demonstration, on September 11, 2017 in Barcelona during the National Day of Catalonia, the “Diada.”
Hundreds of thousands of Catalans were expected to rally to demand their region break away from Spain, in a show of strength three weeks ahead of a secession referendum banned by Madrid. The protest coincides with Catalonia’s national day, the “Diada,” which commemorates the fall of Barcelona in the War of the Spanish Succession in 1714 and the region’s subsequent loss of institutions and freedoms.
The region which had held a non-binding referendum in 2014 with a 90 per cent “Yes” vote for independence had decided to hold a binding referendum on Sunday, October 1, 2017. However, the Spanish Government secured a court order which declared the referendum illegal because it violates the country’s 1978 Constitution which guarantees the “indissoluble unity of the Spanish Nation.”
On this basis, the central government sent in the police to seal off voting centres, seize the ballot papers and block websites and other communication sites that support the referendum. When these measures did not seem to be effective, the federal police was drafted into the region to physically stop the vote. The result was massive violence between the police which used rubber bullets, truncheons and other crowd subjugation methods, and pro-referendum activists. This left 844 people including 33 policemen injured.
Spain faced the moral crisis of using violence against people who just want to vote. Perhaps realising the damage in using such force against people who in any case, are Spanish citizens, Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy tried to rationalise it by saying: “We did what we had to do,” but this was good ammunition for the separatist group.
The Catalan Regional President, Carles Puigdemont argued: “The unjustified, disproportionate and irresponsible violence of the Spanish state today has not only failed to stop Catalans’ desire to vote … but has helped to clarify all the doubts we had to resolve today…The image of the Spanish state has reached levels of shame that will stay with them forever. Today, the Spanish state has lost a lot more than it had already lost, and Catalan citizens have won a lot more than they had won until now.”
Full story @http://fettysnews..com.ng/2017/10/catalans-rohingyas-and-other-minority.html?m=1
Politics / Judge Returns Babangida Aliyu’s Case File To CJ For Re-assigment by Olaniawo20: 7:49am On Oct 06, 2017
Justice Nnamdi Dimgba of Federal High Court, Abuja, on Thursday, returned the file of criminal case against former Gov. Babangida Aliyu of Niger to Acting Chief Judge for re-assignment.
In his ruling, Dimgba ordered that the case file be returned to the Acting Chief Judge of Federal High Court, Justice Abdul Kafarati, for re-assignment to Minna Division of the court in Niger State.
Justice Dimgba held that the application was meritorious.
He made the order following an application by Aliyu’s co-defendant, Umar Nasko, who was the governorship candidate of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the 2015 poll in the state and ex-commissioner for Environment, Parks, Gardens and Forest Resources in the state.
The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) had on May 16 arraigned the duo on
an eight-count charge of conspiracy and diversion of over N1 billion ecological fund which the state received from Federal Government in 2014.
Nasko had through his counsel, Mamman Usman (SAN), filed an application seeking the transfer of the case to Minna Division of the court.
Usman argued that the alleged offences were said to have been committed in Niger and insisted that it be transferred to the state.
He said “the basis for the application is to see that the trial is conducted at the proper forum and not out of lack of trust in this court to do justice.
“The prosecution had not placed or shown any evidence before the court of lack of security in Minna.
Full story @http://fettysnews..com.ng/2017/10/judge-returns-babangida-aliyus-case.html?m=1
Crime / Man, 47, Faces Trial For Allegedly Beating Up Step-mother by Olaniawo20: 3:17pm On Oct 05, 2017
A 47-year-old driver, Yusuf Oloyede, who allegedly assaulted his step-mother, was on Thursday brought before an Ikeja Magistrates’ Court in Lagos.
The accused was arraigned before Magistrate O.I. Raji on charges of breach of peace and assault.
Oloyede, who lives at Oke-Odo area of Agege, Lagos, however, pleaded not guilty and was admitted to a bail of N50,000 with two sureties in like sum.
Raji said the sureties should be gainfully employed with an evidence of two years tax payment to the Lagos State Government.
According to the prosecutor, Sgt. Yomi Egunjobi, the accused committed the offences on Aug. 27 at his residence.
He said the accused conducted himself in a manner likely to cause a breach of the peace by assaulting his step-mother, Mrs Modinat Oloyede.
“The accused assaulted his late father’s sixth wife by beating her up,” he said.
Egunjobi told the court that the accused and the complainant had been having disagreement since the demise of their father and husband.
Full story @http://fettysnews..com.ng/2017/10/man-47-faces-trial-for-allegedly.html?m=1

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Crime / Alleged N5m Bribe: ICPC Arraigns Dropped Board Nominee In Court by Olaniawo20: 12:39pm On Oct 03, 2017
Barely two months after being dropped as a nominee into the board of the Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Commission (ICPC), a former Chairman of the Governing Council of Kwara State Polytechnic, Ilorin, Dr. Saadu Ayinla Alanamu, has been charged for allegedly collecting N5million bribe from a contractor.
Alanamu was arraigned with the Chief Executive Director of Namylas Nig. Ltd, Salman Sulaiman.
The two suspects are facing eight -count charge before Justice Mahmud Abdul Gafar of the Kwara State High Court 7, Ilorin.
A statement by the Spokesperson for ICPC, Mrs. Rasheedat A. Okoduwa, said the charge sheet indicated that Alanamu, who was also the Chairman of the Kwara State Polytechnic Tenders Board, allegedly collected N5million bribe from a contractor Salman Sulaiman as kickback for the award of a contract.

The statement said: “The counsel to ICPC, Sunny Ezeana, told the court that Dr. Alanamu received the bribe money through his First Bank account on 11th February, 2015 from Namylas Nig. Ltd, a company owned by Sulaiman who is also his friend.
”The court heard that Alanamu ensured that the contract for the construction and furnishing of an auditorium in Kwara State Polytechnic, at the cost of N182, 369, 625.00, was awarded to Namylas Nig. Ltd, even when it was found that the company was not qualified to execute the contract
Full story @http://fettysnews..com.ng/2017/10/alleged-n5m-bribe-icpc-arraigns-dropped.html?m=1
Politics / State Governors Are More Powerful Than The President by Olaniawo20: 9:54am On Sep 29, 2017
Former President Olusegun Obasanjo has said that state governors are more powerful than President Muhammad Buhari or any other Nigerian President.
Obasanjo speaking with
Africanarguments in an up close and a little too personal interview said ‘In fact, state governors are more powerful than the president. That’s the truth’
He also said President Buhari has not done enough on unemployment and recession saying “Buhari has made some announcements. He has tried to keep on going in the area of agribusiness, but not enough. It is not yet enough to prepare the ground for uninhibited growth of the economy, which we need”.
He further said that he believes that President Buhari can do more for the youths area of empowerment saying: “All youth in Nigeria have legitimate reasons to feel frustrated and angry,”
Full story @http://fettysnews..com.ng/2017/09/state-governors-are-more-powerful-than.html?m=1
Phones / Re: The Ultimate Android Studio Tutorial For Beginners by Olaniawo20: 4:03pm On Sep 28, 2017

you i sha dey see ur advert everywhere for nairaland i wonder y dem no ban you for 6 month angry angry angry angry
lol grin
Crime / Re: :former Adamawa PDP Boss, 2 Others Remanded In Prison Over Idps Food by Olaniawo20: 4:02pm On Sep 28, 2017
To be frank that's bad as if they don't have their own
Smh #greed#
Crime / Re: :former Adamawa PDP Boss, 2 Others Remanded In Prison Over Idps Food by Olaniawo20: 4:00pm On Sep 28, 2017
Food meant for the helpless, now diverted for selfish interests. Who knows, they might have converted it into cash by now.

People have no conscience nowadays.

abi oooo
Politics / 2019 Presidential Race: Fayose Declares Under Pdp….vows To Defeat Buhari by Olaniawo20: 4:00pm On Sep 28, 2017
The Ekiti State Governor, Dr. Peter Ayodele Fayose on Thursday declared his intention to contest the 2019 Presidential Election under the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) with a vow to defeat the incumbent, President Mohammadu Buhari in a free and fair election.
Speaking to a mammoth crowd that came to witness his official public declaration for the pump job, Fayose declared that he was in the race to win and be sworn-in as the next President of the country come May 29, 2019.
He stated that God made 17 Nigerians and being one of them, Nigerians should watch out for his eventual emergency as the next President as the likes of Buhari, Jonathan, and the late Umar Musa Yar’adu never thought of being the Presidents but later manifested as ordained by the Alnihty God.
He declared that the era of packaged Governors or President come 2019 has gone forever saying, ” we don’t want packaged governors or President again, this time around we need a very agile, an experienced fellow like me”
According to him, “my inviting you today, distinguished leaders of our party, is to inform you formally that I will be seeking the ticket of our great party, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), to contest the 2019 presidential election. This is without prejudice to our party’s position
“However, I am a supporter of competence and capacity, especially now that this country needs young and able leaders that can take our country out of this present state of hopelessness
Full story @http://fettysnews..com.ng/2017/09/2019-presidential-race-fayose-declares.html?m=1
Crime / :former Adamawa PDP Boss, 2 Others Remanded In Prison Over Idps Food by Olaniawo20: 12:18am On Sep 28, 2017
A Federal High Court in Yola has ordered the remand of former Adamawa PDP Chairman, Alhaji Abdurrahman Bobboi, in prison for allegedly diverting food meant for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs).
Also remanded were Mr Sanda Lamurde, a former Commissioner for Finance, and Feredan George, a former Chief Store Officer of the State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA).
Justice Bilkisu Aliyu gave the order on Wednesday, at the hearing of a case of alleged forgery and stealing brought against the trio by the Economic and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC).
The accused are facing 16 charges bordering on forgery, theft and fraud.
According to the EFCC Counsel, Mr Abubakar Aliyu, the suspects were arraigned following a petition received from members of Agricultural Transformation Agro-Allied Farmers Cooperative Union, Adamawa chapter.
The union, in its petition to the EFCC, had alleged that the loan granted to Adamawa State farmers, from the Central Bank of Nigeria. were not disbursed to them.
It claimed that the funds were diverted into the purchase of food for IDPs by the state government.
Aliyu said that after investigation, the commission decided to arraign the suspects over the said transaction.
He alleged that the accused persons took advantage of their membership of the State Committee on the Welfare of the IDPs, to perpetrate crime.
Full story @http://fettysnews..com.ng/2017/09/former-adamawa-pdp-boss-2-others.html?m=1
Politics / Breaking: Kanu’s Lawyers Asks Court To Order Buratai Produce Him Dead Or Alive by Olaniawo20: 6:05pm On Sep 27, 2017
A team of lawyers representing the embattled leader of the proscribed Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, Nnamdi Kanu, has asked the Federal High Court in Abuja to compel the Chief of Army Staff, Lt.-Gen. Tukur Buratai, to produce their client in court dead or alive.
Kanu’s lawyers, led by Mr. Ifeanyi Ejiofor, told the court that they have not seen or heard from their client since September 14 when the “Nigerian Army invaded the Applicant’s house on a murderous raid, where life and mortar bullets were fired on unarmed and defenseless populace, leaving 28 persons dead and abducting many”.
Pursuant to section 40 of the Federal High Court Act, F12, LFN 2005 and section 6(6) (1) (4) of the 1999 constitution, as amended, Kanu’s lawyers applied for “an order of Habeas Corpus ad subjiciendum, commanding the Respondent, to produce the Applicant in Court”.
The lawyers, in the suit that has Kanu as the Applicant and Buratai as Respondent, told the court that their request was predicated on the following grounds:
“That the Applicant is the Leader of th IPOB, a group largely made up of People from South-Eastern part of the Country, mostly Biafra extraction; who are at all times materials lawfully exercising their constitutionally guaranteed rights to self determination, freedom of Association and peaceful Assembly.
“The Applicant was arrested on the 14th day of October, 2015 and consequently arraigned in Court along other Defendants on the 20th day of January, 2016, on 11 (Eleven) Count charge of Treasonable felony, conspiracy to Commit treasonable felony, belonging to an unlawful society, importation of goods, publication of libelous matters, etc. Six out of this eleven count charge had since the 28th day of March 2017, been struck out by the Court, including allegation of belonging to an unlawful Society.
Full story @http://fettysnews..com.ng/2017/09/breaking-kanus-lawyers-asks-court-to.html?m=1
Celebrities / Psquare Feud: Wives Not Involved—keyamo by Olaniawo20: 12:17am On Sep 27, 2017
LAGOS -based lawyer, Mr. Festus Keyamo (SAN), said, yesterday, that none of the wives of Peter and Paul Okoye, widely known as Psquare , has anything to do with their feud, noting that “the wives have kept their respectable and dignified distances from all the issues involved.”
Mr. Keyamo, who is lawyer to the Nigerian music icons, said his law firm was not involved in the leakage of a video that showed Peter and Paul fighting in his chambers.
Keyamo, in a statement, admitted that the feuding brothers had on some occasions in the past, had meetings in his chambers as late as 12 midnight and 2a.m., one of which he said was captured in the video circulating online—which occurred in 2016.
While appealing to Nigerians to grant the Okoye family the privacy, prayers and support they need “at these trying times,” Keyamo, who is their lawyer, said efforts were under way to reconcile the duo.
Full story @http://fettysnews..com.ng/2017/09/psquare-feud-wives-not-involvedkeyamo.html?m=1
Science/Technology / Japan Kills 177 Whales As Planned In Spite Of International Outcry by Olaniawo20: 11:59pm On Sep 26, 2017
One hundred and seventy-seven whales have been killed by Japanese whalers in the north-west Pacific Ocean as part of an annual hunt, Japan’s Fisheries Ministry said on Tuesday.

The number of whales killed had been previously stipulated for the hunt, which Japan says is carried out in the name of scientific research.

This year, 43 minke whales and 134 sei whales were killed, the ministry said.

Whaling is formally allowed in Japan in spite an international moratorium banning the killing of whales for commercial purposes in place since 1986, and repeated public protests against it.

Critics said that the country uses a loophole in the charter of the International Whaling Commission by claiming that the killings are carried out for research purposes.
Full story @http://fettysnews..com.ng/2017/09/japan-kills-177-whales-as-planned-in.html?m=1
Crime / 60 IPOB Members Docked, Remanded In Prison by Olaniawo20: 12:45pm On Sep 26, 2017
Sixty suspected members of a pro-Biafran group were remanded in custody on Monday when they appeared in court after clashes with the security services in southeast Nigeria.
The defendants, all said to be members of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) movement, are charged with a string of offences, including attempted murder and terrorism.
Abia state police spokesman Geoffrey Ogbonna said the case before magistrates in the state capital Umuahia was adjourned until October 25. No plea was entered.
The case is the second involving suspected IPOB members following the clashes earlier this month that were sparked by a build-up of troops in the southeast.
Seven people were remanded in custody last week in the commercial hub, Aba.
Full story @http://fettysnews..com.ng/2017/09/60-ipob-members-docked-remanded-in.html?m=1
Crime / Police Arrest Wanted Boko Haram Terrorist Commander In Ondo by Olaniawo20: 12:33pm On Sep 26, 2017
Police Arrest Wanted Boko Haram Terrorist Commander in Ondo State, hands over suspect to Army.
The Nigeria Police, Ondo State Command on Sunday 24th September 2017 at about 2pm, arrested a Boko Haram Terrorist kingpin who had been declared wanted by security agencies for serious atrocities.
The suspect who is one of the Commanders of the Boko Haram Terrorist group is known as Idris Ibrahim Babawo, aged 42, and goes by the nicknames,’ “Idoko” and “Nagada”.
A statement by Brigadier General Sani Usman, Director, Army Public relations said, “Babawo is believed to be on serial number 156 on the wanted Boko Haram terrorists list.
“He was handed over to the 32 Brigade, 2 Division, Nigerian Army, at about 2pm on Monday 25th September 2017 by the Ondo State Command of the Nigeria Police.
Full story @http://fettysnews..com.ng/2017/09/police-arrest-wanted-boko-haram.html?m=1
Sports / Chinese FA Probes Tianjin Derby Thrashing by Olaniawo20: 12:21pm On Sep 26, 2017
The Chinese FA have launched an investigation into the Tianjin derby after relegation-threatened Teda stunned Fabio Cannavaro’s heavily fancied Quanjian 4-1 in the Chinese Super League.
Ghana’s Frank Acheampong scored twice in two first-half minutes at home on Saturday as Tianjin Teda buried their city rivals to boost their chances of avoiding relegation from the CSL with five games to go.
It was Teda’s first win in nearly four months and the one-sided result raised eyebrows.
Brazilian striker Alexandre Pato pulled one back for Tianjin Quanjian, who are fourth in the table.
The CFA said in a statement on Weibo, China’s equivalent of Twitter: “The Chinese Football Association has launched an investigation into the game.
“Any violations of fair play will be severely dealt with according to the law,” it added, saying that the CFA “will collect all available facts and evidence related to this game”.
The CFA did not give further details, but Chinese football is attempting to move on from past controversies including match-fixing and corrupt referees.
Full story @http://fettysnews..com.ng/2017/09/chinese-fa-probes-tianjin-derby.html?m=1
Celebrities / Mr P Says Psquare Is No More by Olaniawo20: 2:14pm On Sep 25, 2017
Nigerian’s super star twin brothers, Peter and Paul Okoye of P-Square have slipted again.
According to reports Peter Okoye whose name Mr P said: “Psquare is no more. I have nothing against my brothers. I saw Paul’s post on Instagram about blood being thicker than water. ‘Who is water and who is blood?’ Peter asked, stressing that his nuclear family are very important to him and he has decided to move on
Full story @http://fettysnews..com.ng/2017/09/mr-p-says-psquare-is-no-more.html?m=1
Politics / IPOB Agitation For Secession, Misplaced Priorities – Don by Olaniawo20: 10:39am On Sep 25, 2017
ILORIN – Director, Centre for Peace and Strategic Studies (CPSS), University of Ilorin, Dr. Mahfouz Adedimeji, has said that the agitation for secession by members of the proscribed Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) is misplacement of priorities.
The University Don said this while speaking at the 2017 UN international day of peace and lecture in Ilorin.
Dr. Adedimeji said that secession was not a precursor to the Eldorado that some people were fantasising about.
Adedimeji also posited that agitation for secession is like cutting the head to cure head ache, which is never a solution,even as he added that there are bigger problems unknown to the agitators after secession which they won’t be able to cope with.
He noted that whoever had witnessed war won’t ever opted for it, stressing that there is no way they can embark on secession mission without lives and properties of innocent Nigerians been needlessly lost.
He therefore urged various agitators with one demand or the other to rather embrace dialogue and round table options to achieve their aims.
Full story @http://fettysnews..com.ng/2017/09/ipob-agitation-for-secession-misplaced.html?m=1

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