Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Vic Lawrence And Associates Recruitment Test by omauchay(f): 8:50am On Nov 06, 2019 |
Before sasun round about trans Amadi round fabulousemuchay: Pls i need vic lawrence address in Port-Harcourt.thanks |
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: 120,000NAIRA Salary Job With A Private Firm Or Salary Below 100,000 With FCSC by omauchay(f): 3:05pm On Jun 24, 2016 |
bodmas2005: Nairalanders please i need your opinion.If u have to choose between a job of #120,000 with a private firm or 70,000 naira job with Federal Civil Service Commission,which will you choose and why Kindly drop your opinion. Thank you check ur network is poor..incase u see a lot of my just trying to be sure..u got my mail.pls also rply asap.thanks alot |
Travel / Re: Female Corper Burnt To Death In Akwa-Ibom Car Accident - (photos) by omauchay(f): 12:30pm On Jun 23, 2016 |
tayadof9ja: where ever you are now dearie,know that i felt ur pain while u were engulfed in dat merciless flame. I pray the Good Lord has mercy on you and accept your soul into his Kingdom....RIP bae. seems like you know her....soo sad |
Education / Re: Why I Will Never Forget The Day I Wrote My Pume Exam! by omauchay(f): 2:11pm On Jun 17, 2016 |
Literature / Re: Letting Go By Audrey Timms by omauchay(f): 2:09pm On Jun 16, 2016 |
Thank you ma Audrey it was worth my was worth my was worth my sleepless nights...thanks again...patiently waiting for the next.. 1 Like |
Crime / Re: Married Woman I Gave Lift In Enugu Yesterday Stole My Tablet From My Car by omauchay(f): 10:28pm On Jun 15, 2016 |
obilli: Am still in shock! Yesterday around 6:55am I was driving to work and I got to the junction before Ebeano Tunnel in Enugu, saw a woman who looked elderly atleast in her mid forties flagging me down I didnt want to stop but on the second thought I stopped. I have been regretting that decision ever since. The Lady/woman tried striking a conversation but all that was on my mind was to drop her and head to my office at Presidential Road Enugu. After stating her name she asked my name and where I work since it appeared from my dressing that I was heading to work. I told her my name but lied about where I worked. Initially she said she was heading to Okpara Square which happened to be along my route to office when I told her where worked she changed her mind and said she would drop at Tuscann Hotel junction.
I had no problem since the junction is still close to my supposed office. Shortly before the junction, she insisted on giving me her number at that point I reached for my tablet at the back seat switched it on and dial her digits and then dropped my tablet beside me not at the back seat again. When she dropped i drove off and got to my office cos inside of me I was happy I had dropped her off. Just as I was about alighting from my car I started looking for my Tablet like play like play it wasnt inside my car. I searched everywhere even in my boot to no avail. At that point I realised I made a grave mistake by giving a total strange a drive.
On the other hand, it could have been worse than that. Enugu as a city dont wake up early unlike places like lagos so at 7am the roads are still abit scanty so she could actually snatch my car or kidnap me with no one knowing. Though the experience made me determine not to give lift to people which i normally do especially when am driving from Enugu to Awka.
But my question is why would someone wake up that early to prowl on innocent people? What could have been her motive of taking such high risk cos if I had discovered it earlier and raise alarm she could be mugged just for a tablet?? Please Enugu Residents be careful of giving people lifts. sorry just have to be careful next time..that is if there will be a next time...days / people are bad really... |
Education / Re: Why I Will Never Forget The Day I Wrote My Pume Exam! by omauchay(f): 4:54pm On Jun 15, 2016 |
LouisBERG: This is getting more interesting Lols....well, you never can tell i might be this Louis of a guy. beyond every reasonable doubt, you are kinda hellbent and sure of this FEELING of yours *the name and method of writing* are rare coincidence. So this what's going to happen. I think a few decription of him to ascertion your instinct Like Height, skin colour, territory, etc. Might help here.
#caLLmeBERG lol dark tall..territory)? Don't know where he stays  |
Education / Re: Why I Will Never Forget The Day I Wrote My Pume Exam! by omauchay(f): 8:08pm On Jun 14, 2016 |
Romance / Re: I Caught Her Double Dating Just Few Months To Our Wedding. by omauchay(f): 11:11pm On Jun 03, 2016 |
POWEROFPEACE: I already done that. She told me she met the other guy before me and that she love him. Thanks Op it's justified then..go ahead and break off the engagement...let her go n stay wt the love of her life... |
Romance / Re: I Caught Her Double Dating Just Few Months To Our Wedding. by omauchay(f): 5:03pm On Jun 01, 2016 |
POWEROFPEACE: My fiancée took money from me one day only to wire it into another guys account. God so kind, she forgot the teller inside her bag and I saw it. I took the name and brows it on Facebook. I was very honest with the guy during our chats so that he told me the whole truth. I wish to quit the relationship even though she is begging but I don't know if that is the right decision because I will be 35 years in just few days from now. Your quality advice might just give way to meaning, Please. please I beg u...dont be one sided..u have heard from the guy...hear from your fiancee before u make any decisions...I know u myt feel you already have ur facts but still ask ur fiancee questions first..speaking from xperience, I have had facts some time but I listened to a one sided talk and judged from there..uptill now, I still regret opinion bros |
Celebrities / Re: Toolz Blasted For Not Inviting Toke Makinwa To Her Wedding [PICS] by omauchay(f): 3:14pm On May 28, 2016 |
So this wedding i yaf finally finished...with all the news, I almost thought it would be celebrated till d year runs out..happy married life toolzz  1 Like |
Celebrities / Re: Davido's Sagging Picture On Instagram Got Everybody Talking by omauchay(f): 8:38am On May 28, 2016 |
sinaj: I just hate it wen guyz sag 
Itz a big turn off to me I hate too...sag, bushy hair, fried hair  very big turnoff |
Education / Re: Why I Will Never Forget The Day I Wrote My Pume Exam! by omauchay(f): 8:23am On May 28, 2016 |
LouisBERG: i loVe the atticulation of your presentatioN it speaks volume of how literally prowess your diction and sense of humour amounts..
Nice story
#caLLmeBERG louisberg...why do I have this feeling that I know you.the feeling is as strong as a smell to my nose  anyways I love the way you passed ur compliment to op..nice one. |
Celebrities / Re: Patoranking Celebrates His 26th Birthday Today With This Photo by omauchay(f): 11:36am On May 27, 2016 |
ShitHead: Happy Birthday to #TheVoiceNigeria most confused judge. am telling you..very confused judge.. |
Food / Re: Mum Brought Tin Tomatoes From England by omauchay(f): 6:11pm On May 26, 2016 |
souljaboi51: Tomato Wahala: See What Mum Brought From England
Hi guys, usually when mum travels, she brings stuffs like clothes, chocolates and stuff. this is usually the norm for those who can relate. But this time around, she brought a box load of this. Got it at tesco for 3 for £1. so far so good it has been serving us well in this trying times  so you made front page..  meanwhile no more stew in my house..its either jollof or banga..all because of tomato wahala.  1 Like |
Politics / Re: Eberechi Suzzette Nyesom-Wike's 44th Birthday Celebrated In Grand Style - Pics by omauchay(f): 12:18pm On May 25, 2016 |
They are edible and not eatable bros. edible and eatable re they not synonyms? Check ur dictionary pls..or is eatable not in use offenses..
Career / Re: Life As A Nurse – The Male Perspective by omauchay(f): 10:32am On May 17, 2016 |
bbulldog: I have warned all my family members that_ no matter the condition will they plan to date or marry a nurse, police officer , inshort any profession that includes shift type of working hour. I am not sorry to say that most nurses are highly frivolous, which is passed on to their children. I know people here will want to have my head because of this. But if you people can sit down to think and look around, you will find out about their lifestyles. but why is that? Why would you warn ur family members against such...? I want to know ur reasons..which lifestyle..not seeing anything..thats the more reason u should tell me what u re seeing |
Romance / Re: Is It Possible For A Wife Beater To Change? by omauchay(f): 2:59pm On May 14, 2016 |
Humans are not leopards. Do people who meet their special woman ever have issues at any point in time? Are you saying they have never quarreled? yes they have relationship is perfect. The ability for the two persons involved to settle amicably defines what they truly feel for each opinion though |
Properties / Re: Living In London, Building In Lekki by omauchay(f): 2:45pm On May 14, 2016 |
222Martins: The issue of shrouding your building project and any other investment in secrecy is something most of us in Nigeria are guilty of. I think it is a Nigerian factor that stems from the fear of evil people and security concerns. As for the issue of handing your project to a family member, i don't do such. I would rather give it to someone without blood or friend ties; so that when the chips are down, i can skin the person alive without feeling an iota of pity or regret. very just wrote it all |
Family / Re: Our Role In Eliminating Domestic Violence from Our Society** by omauchay(f): 10:51am On May 14, 2016 |
johnson232: Is there really anything parent can do about a child's temperament? it seem more of natural thing... yes...johnson...there is .to a reasonable extent.. |
Family / Our Role In Eliminating Domestic Violence from Our Society** by omauchay(f): 5:21pm On May 13, 2016 |
Hi all....lots of things are just racing through my head about this domestic violence issue everywhere. Yes, everyone is lamenting about it but we really haven't considered how to stop it, reduce it or the role one has to play to have a society free from this vice in the nearest future. I would like to use this medium to educate us on this; both single and married. 60% of domestic violence started from the childhood. A violent man was once a violent child. I want to appeal to parents especially mothers to pay more attention to their children.Providing for them materially is not just enough, you should be able to nurse the formation of their character because this is the first step and will determine how they will become in future. There are some characters a child will exhibit, you shouldn't just fold hands and watch/ ignore. For example ;hot temper : I hear some mothers make comments like, this my boy is very hot tempered, they even laugh over it with friends even the child hears it and feel he is being praised Meanwhile the mother should have taken actions both physically and prayerfully to get to the child letting him know that hot temper is bad. I once watched a little boy of 6 slap his younger sister, the mum asked why, he proudly said she took his drawing book. Mum simply carried the crying girl consoling and telling her not to take her brothers book again not even a word of caution for the boy.. In my opinion, it all starts little.He keeps doing this and grows to be a potential woman parents your role is enviable in this, start training ur boy child with good morales. It is not of place for you to some times tell ur boy child to allow the girl child enter the car first before he enters and closes the door.When the girl falls on the ground by mistake while running or playing, you may sometimes ask the male to help his sister up and dust her cloth. When they re rushing for something, if the boy is older, u may occasionally tell the boy to calm down and that ladies should go first. All these may look insignificant but trust me it's very powerful and works on the boy's psyche. The boy should understand that being a boy is not about physical strength even his strength should be used to protect not to abuse***. Another reason we have kids that turn out violent when they grow is things we expose them to. Pls parents if you re ever having an indecent argument or verbal fight which involves raising voices, pls make sure ur kids are not around you..if they are, u can ask them to go to their rooms or better still take them away. YOUR kids should not see u quarreling. This is an unhealthy upbringing Finally in other not to end up in an abusive relationship or marriage pls make enquires before saying I do", most young people ignore this. They ride on the fact that they hv dated for yrs and they love each other.  love is a necessary criteria for marriage but don't be decieved by it. It is not the only prerequisite. #SAY NO TO DOMESTIC VIOLENCE # GIVE YOUR BOY CHILD QUALITY CHARACTER FORMATION # 2 Likes |
Family / Re: Woman Celebrates Her Marriage Breakup With Cake by omauchay(f): 8:50am On May 09, 2016 |
greatness22: You welcome.
Seems you know me very well No I don't know just being polite really |
Family / Re: Woman Celebrates Her Marriage Breakup With Cake by omauchay(f): 12:39am On May 09, 2016 |
[quote author=greatness22 post=45444047] Auntie Nneoma, he pushed me to. How do you do beautiful Oma? Am very well..thanks for asking... |
Family / Re: Woman Celebrates Her Marriage Breakup With Cake by omauchay(f): 10:51pm On May 08, 2016 |
greatness22: Endure abuse abi? I recommend you get a new brain because the one u have now is made in CHINA. jeehz uncle greatness...u can talk o  |
Travel / Re: My Cousin Is Stranded In The US.. Needs A Place To Stay (He Is Single & Handsome by omauchay(f): 7:37pm On May 07, 2016 |
All dis ya story done dey plenty, which one be he has accomodation for 1st conference and no accommodation for 2nd conference.One wonders why a grown ass man would set out for a journey of dis nature with no proper planning (no plan B )..Besides ,I would advise you to modify this ya topic and remove dt "he his handsome and single",sun never beat am,dts y u still feel it is handsom.
Ok mayb I could help a Lil bit, Ohio was d 1st place I landed when I 1st came to yanky, so what part of Ohio is he? -Sincinnati? -Cleaveland?(my home boy leaves in Cleveland, but me need to ask him 1st if he is willing to accommodate ) -Sandusky?(I have an akata family here,but d woman. Go won collect small money from am ohh)
Another very good advice is that he should go to a n9ja church (Redeemed )cos i know my church in LA always help in cases like this..,he is 98% sure of getting a place to sleep..)if he tries a n9ja church..
Finaly,whts his plan after conference, is he coming back abi him won start to dey hustle iyawo for kpaly?how I wish he was in Cali, I for carry am go drop for my church, (there,he went have to worry for food,accommodation and free internet cos my pastor and his crew are among d nicest peeps u will ever meet) modify this ur topic and remove the single and handsome...that line got me loling...hehe but seriously being single and handsome will not guarantee him a place to stay..  1 Like |
Romance / Re: How To Spot Broke Girls Trying Too Hard To Impress by omauchay(f): 4:41pm On May 07, 2016 |
Celebrities / Re: Sylvia Nduka In Husband Snatching Scandal by omauchay(f): 12:18am On May 07, 2016 |
Why is nobody looking at the other could be true she's sleeping with another woman's could also be true someone is just trying to tarnish her image and the best place to do that is on social space..the account dosnt look real to me plus the wrong grammer...just my thought.. |
Celebrities / Re: Ini Edo & Alex Ekubo In A Boat, Almost In An Intimate Way by omauchay(f): 9:55am On May 04, 2016 |
UIA04: Who doesn't know Alex ekubo is everybody's friend.
He belongs to everybody and to nobody sister seems like u know him re very correct  |
Career / Re: All Expense Paid Scholarship To Thailand Or A Job With A Top Bank? by omauchay(f): 9:49am On May 04, 2016 |
Op you just know what to do...Bank job job ni 1 Like |
Fashion / Re: Every Slim Nigerian Girl Will Relate To These Problems by omauchay(f): 10:02pm On May 03, 2016 |
Nne you just said it all...I can relate to most of this...  |
Career / Re: Masters Or Stay On Job? by omauchay(f): 8:05pm On May 03, 2016 |
D bicmitchum: This is a point in my life where I really need other opinions about my pending decision. Here are the points:
-I graduated first class some years ago after completing studies at the University of Lagos -Secured numerous masters admission with and without scholarship and intended to go for masters immediately, but got an attractive job offer with an oil multinational. Took the job offer. -I've worked now about 4+ years with this multinational and the going has been incredibly terrific. Even with the incredible layoffs in my company and in the oil industry, it looks very likely I'll continue to keep my job. -Every year I have continued to apply for masters in universities abroad given my intention to really acquire a masters and possibly a PhD degree. Never once accepted any of the offers I have been getting. Simply ignored them. As the years rolled by, the offers are no longer coming as usual. I'm getting turned down by schools. -This year I have now obtained an offer to complete my masters at the No.1 ranked university in Canada, my desired destination. The only offer I got among the top schools I applied to. No scholarships. -I'm yet unentitled to study leave
Here's the question: do I quit my job and go complete this masters in a really reputable school or do I stay back in Nigeria and continue slugging it out in the oil industry? Who knows what will come of the industry as the oil price continues to flutter? Who knows how my future might turn out if I leave to go chase the masters?
Here's my decision: Work is getting boring as time races on. I'm not getting any younger. I'm in my very late twenties. I should quit, go chase my masters and embrace any uncertainty that may come out of that. If I'm unable to secure an attractive job I'll go with academics for life whether in Canada or in Nigeria. I might even secure a Canadian citizenship. Canada is a lovely destination where I don't mind spending a large chunk of my life.
My worry: I have a comfortable life here. Why shake the bottle? Why stir the pot? Racism is still rife in these "white" countries. My life could get unbearable mixing in a culture I'm not familiar with.
Any inputs, please. go for your masters...its important...that's the only lines I can say to you...there re professional levels u can't attain just with your BSc...the earlier the opinions though..btw am not advising u quit ur job o  |
Science/Technology / Re: Hand Swells After Killing A Snake by omauchay(f): 8:21pm On May 02, 2016 |
J talktonase: probably the force you used in hitting the snake as it dodged caused you the sprain and swelling.. ...u re right... |