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After going through 2015, 2016, 2017 and
part of 2018 with APC at the helm of affairs,
I have come to a reasoned conclusion that
the party was never prepared for leadership
at all. Even if Nigerians give Tinubu and
Buhari's APC another 20 years to rule, we
will never see any meaningful growth and
sustainable development, rather we shall
experience more lies, nepotism, tribalism,
ethnic bigotry, herdsmen killings, terrorism,
corruption, economic stagnation, poverty
and severe hunger in the land. Having ruled
for 3 years, I have come to realise that APC
and PDP are exactly the same. They are
hopeless parties with no good agenda for
the Nigerian people.
APC rescue mission come 2019 was
borrowed from Rochas Okorocha rescue
mission in Imo State. I strongly believe that
come 2019, the rescue mission proposed by
the APC will entail erecting worthless statues
all over the country with billions of naira.
Rescue mission kor, mission rescue ni. |
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I was listening to the Nigerian National
anthem being rendered by young nursey
school children in my school this Morning.
These children's version of the anthem has
not changed from what I used to hear many
years ago. One would think that there is a
musician somewhere bent on making them
stick to this version no matter what.
,Nursery school teachers will bear me
witness. I bet you sang this version too
when you were growing up...
Araise oh Compasion
Naigerias call obey
To sa awa fadaland
With love and fresh and fail
The laboron ati rosa,
sha nefa be in fain
To sa fisa awa maaaarch!!!
One nation bondi freeedom
Piss and unity!! 1 Like |
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Recharge what 1 Like |
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Samsa is a popular musician in ondo state who's music is being played on radio everyday... Pls i need a site where i can get his music download |
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There is no commandment in the
Bible that says, “Thou shall not be late, ever,”
so it’s not as simple as one Scripture
reference to determine God’s view on
tardiness. Everyone has been late to
something at some point, often due to
unforeseen or unavoidable circumstances.
But, if someone is habitually late and
unconcerned about being on time, especially
if that person professes to be a Christian,
then scriptural principles do apply. As with
all things, God looks at the heart, “for the
Lord does not see as man sees; for man
looks at the outward appearance, but the
Lord looks at the heart” ( 1 Samuel 16:7).
For one thing, continual lateness does not
express love for others. Forcing others to
wait for us time after time is simply rude.
Christians are to love one another and love
our enemies as well, and “love is not
rude” ( 1 Corinthians 13:5). When others
perceive that we are unloving and
unconcerned about them, our reputations
as Christians suffer. “A good name is better
than precious ointment” ( Ecclesiastes 7:1). A
good name, a good reputation is important
for a Christian. This means that we should
be known as people of our word,
trustworthy and dependable, and not be
known as always late, slothful, or
unconcerned about others. Our actions as
Christians point back at Christ. Do they
glorify Him? Do they bring Him honor? “And
whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the
Lord and not to men” ( Colossians 3:23).
Furthermore, as Christians we never want to
cause someone else to sin. Constantly being
forced to wait for someone can be very
aggravating, especially to those who make
an effort to be on time. Minor irritation can
easily become anger, which can easily
become sin, and we are never to be the
cause of someone else’s sin. “Jesus said to
his disciples: ‘Things that cause people to
sin are bound to come, but woe to that
person through whom they come’” ( Luke
Waiting can not only be frustrating, but it
causes unnecessary stress and wasted time
for the person that has to wait. Christians
are exhorted by Paul to “do nothing out of
selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in
humility consider others better than
yourselves” (Philippians 2:3). The perpetually
late person does not consider others’ time
as more important than his own. Most
habitual late-comers are concerned only
with themselves. Continually being late does
not communicate a zeal or diligence in
serving Christ by loving others as He loves
us. It also does not communicate
faithfulness or trustworthiness.
For the person who is habitually late, there
is hope. For many, it is simply a matter of
overcoming bad habits built up over time.
Sometimes it’s just a matter of changing
those habits to be more aware of time,
planning ahead, and leaving ample time for
the unexpected. Recognizing the spiritual
impact on others is the first step in
understanding the importance of reversing
the bad habit of tardiness. If we are
motivated by love for others and a desire to
maintain a good reputation for Christ’s sake,
then prayer for wisdom and help is the next
step. God has promised wisdom to all who
ask for it ( James 1:5), and He is never far
away from those who call upon His power
for godly living. |
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Text>> Titus 2:11-12.
Grace is provided primarly to bring salvation
to man and to turn man to a new leave.
Because of sin the frist man fell out of Gods
grace due to his sin, man lost the plan and
the glory of God, man, having falling out of
Gods favour and plan due to sin, had lost all
the rights, privileges and fellowship with
God Almighty.
Due to that man became an out cast on the
face of the earth set for eternal doom as he
could not save him self or afford to atone
for his sins, Roman 3:23.
This remained the fate of man until God
Amighty provided away of escape for man
which is the grace of God for man freedom.
This grace enables man to reconnect and
get back into relationship with God and into
fellowship with God his maker.
Grace brings us closer to God, grace
recreated us and reformed us to Gods
patter, grace transform us to be like our
God. If not for grace man would have be
Grace is Gods gitfs for human salvation and
freedom from sin and bondage, but many
people do not understand it that grace
brings salvation, Eph 20:5-8. No one can say
he/she merited grace because we are
bound for hell but Gods grace fine us out
from the pit of hell.
Grace is given by God to all men to be save.
The grace of God has appeared to all men
for salvation, Titus 2:11 says, For the grace
of God that brings salvation has appeared to
all men.
But is only those who takes the advantage
of the opportunity and yield willfully to God
can enjoy and benefits fully from God grace.
No one can beat his/her chect and say i have
achieved grace, you can't achieve grace the
way you achieve success, nor can anyone
achieve grace by any form of religious
activity or by any good works.
It is freely given by God and not of works.
You can't have the grace of God and still
abiding in sin because grace we make you
victorious of sin, because grace does not
tolerate sin.
Grace we so grace your life and make you a
shining light in the dark, Gods grace is very
real to save and to convert. The grace of God
in a believer we give him/her confidence
and hope for the future.
My beloved, don't wast the grace of God or
take it for granted in your life because it we
make you to shine, the grace of God we
single you out when men do not even
recognize you or remember your person.
Grace we beautify your life for extra-
ordinary person, grace we skips the
qualified to qualify the unqualified, don't
look down on Gods grace because grace we
mark your life for distinction regardless of
your background.
Grace we so transform the life of a sinner
bound for hell and make him/her a saint
and a citizen of heaven. Your alive is by His
grace, you have your beam is by grace, your
have what have is because of His grace.
We are not wrothy of God grace but God
bestward it on us all because of mercy,
through this wonderful grace your sin is
forgiven you and all unrighteousness of the
past are be completely cancelled from God
My Beloved, come to this grace and enjoy life
the way God plan it for you.
The grace of God is still saving souls today if
you have not be saved. The grace of God is
stil very much avaliable for your savlation,
give God a test and see how grace is, if you
have not give your life to Christ repent now
and turn a new leave to the Lord.
Marvelous grace of our loving Lord,
Grace that exceeds our sin and our guilt,
Yonder on calvary's mount outpoured
There where the blood of the Lamb was
Grace, grace, God's grace,
Grace that will pardon and cleanse within;
Grace, grace, God's grace,
Grace that is greater than all our sin.
My prayer is that we we not fall short of this
wonderful grace of God.
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Text prayer message to her for seven days, after that open up to her |
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Isn’t it hard to keep focused on God? I have
tried so hard throughout my life to stay
focused on Him. I so often say “this time I
won’t fail”, but at one point or another,
something always clips me from behind, and
keeps me from exceeding!! Why?!
Well, I think it has to do with what we allow
into our lives that can distract us from God.
Not all of these things are “bad” in their
nature…in fact, a lot aren’t, but they become
a problem when we allow them to distract
us from looking at, and to God. You know
those things I’m talking about; they can be
anything from a job, car, or movie, to fantasy
football, Xbox Live, a magazine, or even
church. There are so many things in this
world that fight for our time…and when we
allow them to take too much…well…we lose
our focus. The answer is not necessarily to
cut these distractions out entirely (in some
cases it is), but to realize that they can
distract us…and we need to keep them in
In the following paragraphs, I have listed 10
common things that can interfere with our
walk with God.
1. Money
Money. I’m sure you all could have guessed
this one would be on this list. We all need it
to live in this world, but we must not be
owned by it if we are to be not of this
world. Money itself is not an interference in
our walk with God…the love of money is. I
think the following passage sums this up
quite nicely (its long, I know…but when I
read it, I felt all of it applies to this topic):
Matthew 6:19-34
19“Do not store up for yourselves treasures
on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and
where thieves break in and steal. 20But
store up for yourselves treasures in heaven,
where moth and rust do not destroy, and
where thieves do not break in and steal.
21 For where your treasure is, there your
heart will be also.
22“The eye is the lamp of the body. If your
eyes are good, your whole body will be full
of light. 23But if your eyes are bad, your
whole body will be full of darkness. If then
the light within you is darkness, how great
is that darkness!
24“No one can serve two masters. Either he
will hate the one and love the other, or he
will be devoted to the one and despise the
other. You cannot serve both God and
25“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about
your life, what you will eat or drink; or about
your body, what you will wear. Is not life
more important than food, and the body
more important than clothes? 26Look at the
birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or
store away in barns, and yet your heavenly
Father feeds them. Are you not much more
valuable than they? 27Who of you by
worrying can add a single hour to his life[b]
28“And why do you worry about clothes?
See how the lilies of the field grow. They do
not labor or spin. 29Yet I tell you that not
even Solomon in all his splendor was
dressed like one of these. 30If that is how
God clothes the grass of the field, which is
here today and tomorrow is thrown into the
fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you
of little faith? 31So do not worry, saying,
‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’
or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32For the pagans
run after all these things, and your heavenly
Father knows that you need them. 33But
seek first his kingdom and his
righteousness, and all these things will be
given to you as well. 34Therefore do not
worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will
worry about itself. Each day has enough
trouble of its own.
So in a nut shell, if we trust God, He will take
care of us. That doesn’t mean we should
quit our jobs, or not earn money…we just
need to realize that God is more important,
and is far more capable of taking care of us
than we are. Money might be the blood flow
of the world, but it is not the blood flow of
those who are in Jesus…faith is.
2. Media
Another big one; the media. This is probably
one of the biggest distractions for me
personally right now….I mean, just the other
night, I realized I haven’t spent that much
time praying this week…but instead of
going and praying, I said to myself I’ll do it
later because the Lakers are playing and
Lost comes on in an hour.
It is so easy to get caught up in the media.
And when I say media, I’m referring to the
Internet, TV, movies, music, video games,
newspapers, magazines…all of it (broad, I
know…but hey, I’m only making a list of 10
things to here, so I can be a bit broad,
right?). Like I said before, the media is so
dangerous because it is so easy to get
consumed in. Everywhere we turn, some
sort of media is right in our face. And the
worst part; it’s littered with filth. Almost
every commercial on TV, and every
advertisement on the Internet is trying to
convince us that we are missing something,
and they are the ones that can fill the need.
Our young girls and women are bombard by
the media with how they should look, feel,
and act…movies, music, TV shows…they all
are horrible influences on us because they
can subliminally tell us how to live, whats
right and wrong, etc. And video games…ah,
video games….give me the right one on the
right week, and I won’t spend a free second
with God (sad….but true). I could literally go
on and on about the media, and how
distracting it is. The key to overcoming the
media is to be wise in what we watch, read,
play, etc, and in how much time we spend
with it. We should always be willing to give
it up, and quite honestly, some of the things
we indulge in (in the media), we need to
give up. If a something is pure filth, we
shouldn’t be giving it any time to influence
us, no matter how funny, sexy, or “cool”, it
3. Church/Religion
Church, or religion. Believe it or not, these
can be HUGE interference in our walk with
God. Church does not do this intentionally,
but we can easily let it hinder our
relationship with God. Why? The main
reason I see is that it can be so easy to
pursue church, and beliefs about God, but
forget to pursue God Himself. It is so easy
to go to church to…well…go to church,
when the real reason we should be going
church is to refuel for our week by coming
together with fellow believers to worship
and meditate on God.
Also, somewhere along the way, at so many
churches, people have gotten the idea that
we need to pretend to be perfect at church.
That if we show our weaknesses and
struggles, we’ll become outcasts…and since
so many people parade around in this
stained glass masquerade, if one person
does reveal their weaknesses, they’re so
easily looked down upon. This is opposite of
what church is supposed to be. Church is
really the body of believers. We are
supposed to help each other, hold each
other accountable, pray for each other, and
love one another!
To keep church from becoming a distraction
from God, make sure you are pursuing God
before pursuing “beliefs” about Him, or
church/religion. We need to get past religion
and into a relationship
. It starts with you! Love your brothers and
sisters, be open to people, and DO NOT
CONDEMN others when they fail!!
4. Relationships
Relationships. I’m sure you knew this one
would be here. Every kind of relati0nship
falls into this category; friends, parents,
siblings, spouses, girl/boy friends, children,
co-workers, bosses, etc. We can allow any of
these relationships to distract us from God.
It is our relationships that are our
connection with the world, and it is our
human nature to have them, but when we
allow any one of these relationships
threaten to become more important to us
than God…well, they become a distraction.
Remember, God calls us to love one another
(1 John 3:11), so when we do, it is an act of
obedience to God. But don’t forget about
God in the process. We need to make sure
we are giving God ample time everyday.
I would have to say the relationship with the
most danger of becoming a distraction from
our walk with God would be that of a boy-
friend, girl-friend, or spouse. These
relationships in their nature, demand the
most time, and that is why it is extremely
important that they are centered around
God. If they aren’t, you will see your walk
with God spiraling downward. In a dating
relationship, don’t compromise your morals.
In a nut shell, relationships are extremely
important, but our relationship with God is
of the utmost importance. Remember that!
5. Routine
Routine. This is a common thing I allow
myself to get distracted by all the time. The
most important thing is that spending time
with God should be in your routine! Far too
often do we just squeeze God in when we
have down time (I am extremely guilty of
this). Its so easy to get caught up in all the
things we have to do, like work, eat, sleep,
etc. I often find sleep getting in the way! I
mean, if I didn’t spend that extra hour
sleeping in, I would have a whole hour with
nothing to do but seek God!
So make sure spending time with God is a
part of our routine. And also, make sure you
are willing to abort your routine, and let God
have complete control.
6. Our Work
Work, work, work. What a distraction this
can be! And I’m not just referring to a job, I
mean everything from a job, to leading
worship, a bible study, or anything! I
personally have often allowed this site to
become a distraction from God. I want it to
bless people, I want it to look good, I want
it…I…I..I…but all that I should really be
worrying about is that I am doing it as God
wants me to, if I do that, He’ll take care of
the rest. I love this following scripture:
38As Jesus and his disciples were on their
way, he came to a village where a woman
named Martha opened her home to him.
39 She had a sister called Mary, who sat at
the Lord’s feet listening to what he said.
40But Martha was distracted by all the
preparations that had to be made. She came
to him and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that
my sister has left me to do the work by
myself? Tell her to help me!” 41“Martha,
Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are
worried and upset about many things,
42 but only one thing is needed. Mary has
chosen what is better, and it will not be
taken away from her.” -Luke 10:38-42
It is so easy to get caught up on our duties,
but the most important thing is that we do
it entirely for the Lord. They are to glorify
God, not ourselves. That being said,
sometimes the duty we have is not as
important as doing something else. We
always need to be flexible! This falls in line
with routines as well. We can have great
motives behind our work, but sometimes
we let the work become more important
then “listening to Jesus”. Listen and be
7. Our Hobbies
Hobbies. I love hobbies! I have a huge rang
of them; from playing guitar, and singing, to
video games, sports, andnumerous others.
The dangerous thing about them is that
they can consume a lot of our time. A great
way to keep them in check is to do them
with God in mind! Like worshiping God with
music. Also, we can play video games or
sports, etc. with people to develop
relationships. Having hobbies is a great way
to get yourself into the world to be an
influence…so keep that in mind.
8. Desiring a blessing from God, more than
God Himself.
Desiring a blessing from God, more than
desiring God Himself. I have to be honest,
this is easy to fall into, at least for myself. It
can be so easy to pray for a specific thing
over and over again, but forget about
spending time with God. This would be like
a husband wanting that special “perk” he
gets from wife, without wanting to give any
time to other parts of their relationship.
Remember, its “seek first his kingdom and
his righteousness, and all these things will
be given to you as well” (Matthew 6:33), its
not “first seek all these other things”.
9. Our Pastor
Our Pastors! What!? Whats this doing on the
list!?…Well, to your relief, I don’t mean your
pastor exactly (at least I hope not). What I’m
referring to is becoming dependent upon
your pastor. This can be a really deadly
interference in our walk with God. It is not
our pastors responsibility to feed us all we
need to be spiritually healthy…it is our
responsibility. A lot of people fall into the
habit of only giving God Sunday morning.
This would be like only eating once a week!
If we did this, we would be horribly
malnourished! And sadly, this is the case for
many spiritually. Our pastor is a, or should
be, great leader, but he/she should only be
that…nothing more.
10. Ourselves
Ourselves. Us. The last one on the list of
distractions, and possibly the most likely to
distract us. We are, by nature, sinful, and if
we live by our nature, we will not get close
to God. That is why we need to die to
ourselves, and live in Christ (Romans 6:11).
But no matter what we do, there will be a
constant battle within ourselves between
spirit and flesh (Romans 7:15-21). That is
why we need to constantly allow God to
search our hearts, and purify it (Psalm
139:23-24). The first step to overcoming
ourselves is being aware.
So there we have it. A list of 10 common
things that can distract us from God. It is a
constant struggle to keep our eyes fixed on
Jesus, and to not become distracted by the
passing concerns and things of this world.
But if we are aware of what can, and does,
interfere with our walks with God, we can
begin to take the necessary actions to
prevent them. Remember, seek first his
kingdom and his righteousness, and all
these things will be given to you as
well” (Matthew 6:33). |
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As a married man am totally confused on which should come first. A house or a car...which should i buy first? |
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Before l begin, as Christians we love and
appreciate moslems and every other human
1. It is a meat of sacrifice . As Christians we
are not to participate in any other
unscriptural to eat sallah meat.
HEB 9:26, .
2. Some fetish Moslems lay curse on the
meat they want to share by saying
something like 'let all my sickness/problems
be transfered to anybody that eats this
meat'Then they go ahead and share it to
innocent people.
3. Moslems do not believe that Jesus is the
son of God .They don't believe that Jesus is
the saviour so we are not to partake in any
religious practice of the Moslems by eating
Salah meat.
1 JOHN 4:3.
4.Every meat of sacrifice that is unbiblical is
unclean.So don't eat it ACTS 15:29.
5.They say they sacrifice ram to remember
Abraham's obedience to God by trying to
sacrifice lSMAEL contrary to Bible record that
it was ISAAC God was about to sacrifice.
GEN 22:1-13 |
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Why is the newly wedded man called groom
and the woman called bride?
A friend of mine got tired of his wife just
about six months after wedding. He
complained bitterly to me about her and told
me that he has concluded to break up with
her; he went on to say that he was sure that
he made a mistake.
I did not respond immediately because I
knew I must tell him that right thing, so I
went home.
And that is what birth this message.
Many men have broken up with their wives
because they end up not being the wife that
they have dreamt of. But they have forgotten
that on their wedding day was when the
man was commissioned for the new task.
Nobody calls the woman wife on her
wedding day but bride, because it is the
man that will groom his bride to become the
That is why the man is called ‘bridegroom or
groom’ and the word grooming has to do
with patiently nurturing, teaching, tending
and helping someone to become what he or
she should be.
It is therefore believed that a man that takes
a woman to the altar of marriage is matured
enough to patiently groom his bride to
become the wife. The man is not supposed
to just expect the bride to automatically
become the wife, she must be groomed.
It is clear that many of us men have
unnecessary expectations when we were
getting married, we want some magic to
happen to our wives, we want them to
become what we have had in mind about
who we want our wives to be; not
considering the fact that the woman does
not know what is on your mind except you
teach her.
Our expectations are often too unrealistic,
because we don’t remember that change
takes time and we can only expect
something from someone that knows what
we want.
So before you think of breaking up, have
you groomed her? Have you given her time
to understand you? Hope you realize that a
turtle will never become a hawk? God often
brings people that are opposites of each
other together in marriage so that they can
help each other in their place of
If your wife is weak where you are weak,
then where will you get the strength that is
needed? The problem with many of us is
that we don’t accept people before
attempting to change them. Of course, our
wives are not from our backgrounds, so it
will take time for them to adjust.
Stop trying to change her, accept her, love
her, teach her and be patient with her; that
is what grooming is all about. She is going
to be your wife but she is your bride now,
so groom her. Stop complaining about her,
she may be a turtle and you a hawk, she
cannot fly so be patient with her.
I don’t believe that your marriage can’t
work, be patient and allow God to help you. 3 Likes |
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It's normal for girls to struggle during their teenage years to figure out the "right" way to do things. You may have noticed some of your friends beginning to date and want to join in on the fun. If you want to start dating but aren't sure how to do so successfully, 1 Look for a date among your classmates. Most teenagers are still in school, whether they're in college, high school, or middle school. Dating someone who goes to the same school as you is often the most convenient and safest option for a teenage girl. A classmate is more likely to have a similar schedule to yours. This will make planning and going on dates much easier. You likely share some social connections with a classmate and may be able to ask a friend of a friend about his or her reputation.[1] If you see someone you like in one of your classes, you can let that person know you're interested in him or her in subtle ways. You can smile at him or her in class or as you walk by in the hallway. If your classmate stops to talk to you, bring the conversation around to what you enjoy doing for fun. Mention a movie you really want to see or a restaurant you want to try. Your classmate might take the hint and ask you on a date. If your classmate doesn't, try being more direct and ask him or her out on a date yourself. There's no reason a girl can't ask someone out. 2 Be selective. Don't just date the first person who asks you out or you think is cute. Try to find someone who you have chemistry with and who seems trustworthy. Don't feel pressured to find a significant other just because all your friends have their own.[2] 3 Date people your own age. This doesn't mean you have to turn someone down over an age gap of just a few months. However, it's best to always date someone with a similar maturity level to your own. A difference of one to two years is fine, but a gap of three or more years may be trouble.[3] Remember that some age gaps in teen relationships are illegal. Know the age of consent laws in your area. Some older men and women may be ready for a more intimate relationship and could pressure you into doing things you aren't ready for. Younger girls who date older guys are at greater risk of unwanted pregnancy. [4] 4 Get to know a few people casually before you start anything serious. Dating is meant to start as casual fun and only potentially develop into a more serious relationship later on. It's normal to date a few different people until you find someone you feel a romantic spark with. Don't force yourself into a relationship you're not feeling.[5] |
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There is this girl i met on Facebook, we started dating. When she came to my house she denied me sex, i said her face is pushing her because of first time, the second and third time same thing. Please intelligent people in the house i need your enlightenment because am new in the game. |
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Let's explore several passages and consider numerous biblical reasons for going to church. THE BIBLE TELLS US TO MEET TOGETHER AS BELIEVERS AND TO ENCOURAGE ONE ANOTHER. Hebrews 10:25 Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. (NIV) The number one reason to encourage Christians to find a good church is because the Bible instructs us to be in relationship with other believers. If we are part of Christ's body, we will recognize our need to fit into the body of believers. The church is the place where we come together to encourage one another as members of Christ's body. Together we fulfill an important purpose on the Earth. AS MEMBERS OF THE BODY OF CHRIST, WE BELONG TO EACH OTHER. Romans 12:5 ... so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. (NIV) It is for our own good that God want us in fellowship with other believers. We need each other to grow up in the faith, to learn to serve, to love one another, to exercise our spiritual gifts, and to practice forgiveness. Although we are individuals, we still belong to one another. WHEN YOU GIVE UP ON ATTENDING CHURCH, WHAT'S AT STAKE? Well, to put it in a nutshell: the unity of the body, your own spiritual growth, protection, and blessing are all at risk when you're disconnected from the body of Christ. As my pastor often says, there's no such thing as a Lone Ranger Christian. CHRIST'S BODY IS MADE OF MANY PARTS, YET IT IS STILL ONE UNIFIED ENTITY. 1 Corinthians 12:12 The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ. (NIV) 1 Corinthians 12:14-23 Now the body is not made up of one part but of many. If the foot should say, "Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body," it would not for that reason cease to be part of the body. And if the ear should say, "Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body," it would not for that reason cease to be part of the body. If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be? But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. If they were all one part, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, but one body. The eye cannot say to the hand, "I don't need you!" And the head cannot say to the feet, "I don't need you!" On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, and the parts that we think are less honorable we treat with special honor. (NIV) 1 Corinthians 12:27 Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. (NIV) Unity in the body of Christ does not mean total conformity and uniformity. Although maintaining unity in the body is very important, it is also vital to value the unique qualities that make each of us an individual"part" of the body. Both aspects, unity and individuality, deserve emphasis and appreciation. This makes for a healthy church body, when we remember that Christ is our common denominator. He makes us one. WE DEVELOP THE CHARACTER OF CHRIST THROUGH BEARING WITH ONE ANOTHER IN THE BODY OF CHRIST. Ephesians 4:2 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Thoughtful Faith for Your Life Sign up to receive study aids and practical answers to help you grow spiritually and pursue an authentic, purposeful Christian life. God bless us all 1 Like |
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My sister-in-law does not attend church nor
have any fellowship apart from me but
believes she is a christian because she prays,
reads the bible and believes that Jesus is
Lord. But friends say she is decieved and not
a christian at all, I’m confused can you be a
christian and not go to church?
- anne
I’m not surprised that you’re confused
because it is true to say both that you don’t
need to go to church to be a Christian and
that if you don’t go to church, you’re not a
Christian. Let me explain.
If we were to narrow down what it means
to be a Christian, the best place to look is at
one of the people who Jesus said was a
Christian. If you remember the thief on the
cross next to Jesus ( Luke 23:39-43), Jesus
promises this man that he will be with him
in paradise. This man never got to go to
church, and yet he is a Christian because he
trusts in Jesus. So in that sense it is true to
say that you don’t have to be a church goer
to be a Christian. In fact as soon as you say
you “have to do something” to be a
Christian you are in danger of getting the
gospel message wrong.
However, the Bible has no concept of
individual spirituality - that is Christianity is
not something personal that has nothing to
do with anyone else. That is a very modern
way of thinking. We can see it in the above
passage, the way the man expresses his
trust in Jesus is that shifts his allegiances to
Jesus’ kingdom. He sees that Jesus is the
true king and joins his kingdom, he joins a
group of people - those ruled by Jesus the
If you are a Christian, then you are a
member of God’s church. The church is now
your family, and they are God’s gift to us in
living Christian lives. We see this in Romans
8:28-30. Those who are saved are saved so
that Jesus would be the big brother of many
brothers. God is in the business of making a
family (have a read of Romans ![]() 7 Likes 1 Share |
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Dozing away during the sermon did not just start today. Remember Eutychus, the young man who sank into a deep sleep and fell off the window to his death during Paul’s sermon in Acts 20? Also, Peter, James and John dozed off twice in the Mount of Transfiguration when they were supposed to watch and pray? Reminds us of how many times our dedicated Ushers take their time to wake us up only for us to fall back into slumber again. Some snore away, sometimes hit their heads on the seats, and some do not know when their Bibles fall off their lamps only for them to jump when it hits the floor. I hereby seek to understand why sleeping during Church service has become a norm. Some blame it on boring method of preaching, some say it is because congregation may be tired (this is not a good excuse because people should not be tired on Sunday morning) and others say because the modus operandi is very routinal and uninteresting. 1. Why would you say people sleep in Church? 2.Have you ever slept in Church before? 3.How can sleeping in church be prevented? Your opinion is welcomed. People sleep in churches because the supernatural power of God is no longer in many churches. Most pastors are using gimmicks, fear, intimidation to keep people in church. Most times the Pastors sound like a broken record repeating itself. They have no revelation because there’s no real prayer and worship. Their bellies have become their God. They have no genuine compassion for the confused members. Most people leave the church more confused than they came. The life of Jesus is completely supernatural…from vigin birth, miracle ministry to resurrection from the clutches of cruel death. So when you encounter Him your life will be windy… supernaturally transformed and translated to the kingdom of light! 2.I have slept before in Church. 3.Pastors should wake up from slumber and preach good news and stop too much dancing in the name of praise and worship before sermons… Sermons should be laced with the demonstration of the supernatural power of God..strength sapping dance should be left toward the end of good preaching/service!!!…
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Ijebu ladies are wonderful but you will have
to be patient to enjoy them because just like
any other tribe they have their own good
and bad sides 13 THINGS YOU MUST KNOW
1. They Are Enlightened
Ijebu girls are very enlightened and they are
exposed. Don’t mess with them thinking
they don’t know anything.
2. They like Ikokore
Ikokore is the food of the Ijebu people and
so you might be eating it morning,
afternoon and night. The truth is you cannot
do without eating ikokore in a week. So, if
you want to enjoy your wife, you must like
3. You will attend plenty parties
Ijebu ladies naturally love parties; it is
something in their blood that cannot be
flushed out. Whether they are related to the
person or not, once there is a party, they
just have to attend. Be ready to either attend
the party with her or allow her to freely go
for as many parties as she wants to attend
3. Garri Ijebu is a must take.
Everybody loves garri Ijebu and garri Ijebu is
talked about by almost everybody. Ijebu girls
are also so delighted to have their garri
either soaked or eaten as swallow “eba”
4.Be prepared to buy many aso-ebi
You must be prepared to buy as many aso-
ebi as possible because if there is one thing
Ijebu lady cannot do without, it is aso-ebi.
They must buy for every party
5. OJUDE-OBA is a must attend
It is better you get used to it or love things
she loves because OJUDE-OBA is one event
Ijebu people cannot do without. It is a yearly
carnival-like event which means you must
prepare for it with her every year because it
is like her home town’s celebration so she
needs your support
6. They spend wisely
This is one plus to Ijebu ladies, they know
how to manage resources. They don’t spend
extravagantly. They may not be considerate
when it comes to buying aso-ebi, but for
other things, be sure to have them help you
save your money.
7. Ijebu ladies can be stingy
You heard well, they can be stingy. Though
here they will say they are just being
prudent but there is a thin line between
their prudence and stinginess. Have this in
mind, the only place they spend is at parties.
8. They are business minded.
Ijebu ladies are a good entrepreneur, they
are so business minded. You can see this
from the way they sell things ranging from
their Kokoro to Coco and even sugarcane.
9. You are likely to enjoy pounded yam too.
Though not as it will be with an Ijesha lady
but Ijebu ladies too are likely to give you
pounded yam because pounded yam is
regarded as a food of the high and mighty
10. Prepare for an elaborate wedding
If you want to marry Ijebu lady, be ready for
a big society wedding. In their case, there is
nothing like I don’t want to shout about my
wedding. Even, shouting is their way of life.
Everybody must hear and you must have this
in mind, this is the only thing that makes
them to really spend.
11. They love Eba
Their love for this swallow is out of this
world and it can be eaten at any time.
12. Even if they have travelled out of the
country for years, you cannot take away
their Ijebu intonation from them
13. They have highly extended family
Be ready to accommodate extended families,
not only their parents and siblings but the
generation they don’t even know when they
were born. |
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Let him die to serve as an examples to others......... No sinner will go unpunished. |
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You're playing with your destiny......... Go to ori oke erio see how people were crying to God...... That little pleasure can stop your way from getting there...... Hmmmm #DESTINY. Omo ologo 1 Like |
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1. Call him by a pet name
2. Allow him exercise his authority as the
head of the
3. DO not challenge him when he is hurt.
4. Be silent when he is angry. You can go
back to him in his sober moment with
apology n explain why you
behave that way that annoyed him.
5. Be quick to say "I'm sorry dear" when
ever you
offend him, insist on his forgiveness,app
reciate and kiss him when he does.
6. Speak good of him before his Friends and
7. Honor his mother
8. Insist that he buys gift for his parents and
so be
sure that he will do same for your parents
9. Surprise him with his favorite dish
especially when
he has no money at hand and never delay
his food.
10. Do not allow the maid to serve him food
when you are at home. Because u may lose
him to her.
11. Give him a warm reception with an
embrace when
he returns, collect his luggage and help
UnCloth him.
12. Smile when you look at him and give him
occasional pecks when you are out socially.
13. Praise him before your children
14. Wash his back while he is in the tub or
15. Put love note in his lunch box or
16. Phone and tell him that you miss him.
17. Dial his number and on hearing "hello"
just tell him
I love you.
18. If he is a public figure or a politician,
gently wake him at the early hours of the
morning and romance him to the point of
demand. He will not be entice by any
other woman that day.
19. Tell him how lucky you are to have him
as your
20. Give him a hug for no reason.
21. Appreciate God for the Adam of your life.
22. Always remember to pray for him.
23. Pray together and also pray together
before going to bed in the evening...
May God bless your marriages.
Singles may you experience true love today
and forever.
May non-serious people that will waste your
time be disconnected in your life In Jesus
Name. 1 Like |
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Sometimes when i give my life to Jesus Christ i still found myself in sin. Please put me through. What can i do to be saved?? |
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Holiness within and without is required of
Romans12:1-2 says: “I beseech you
therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God,
that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice,
holy, acceptable unto God, which is your
reasonable service.
2 And be not conformed to this world: but
be ye transformed by the renewing of your
mind, that ye may prove what is that good,
and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”
The Lord’s commandments are clear, We
must be holy within our hearts as well as in
the physical appearance. Unfortunately
christians are not obedient to these
commandments as they believe they can
strive with God and win. They love the world
and the appearance of it, such people will
end up in eternal destruction in Hell Fire |
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Why is Governor aregbesola not present at senator isiaka adeleke's burial ![]() 1 Like |
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The man you get married to today has a
great role to play in what you might
tomorrow. Recently my mum was telling my
dad something and I overheard what she
was saying. She said, she and a group of
women leaders in the church were
discussing and one of them made a
statement, "they are where they are today
because of the husbands they married". I
got a message there. Your pastor's wife,
G.O's wife, G.S' wife is probably known today
because of your pastor whom she got
married to. Mark the word *probably* that's
because a woman can still be whoever God
has destined her to be even without the
efforts of a man.The point am making is, the
man you marry might be the channel
through which God will take you to your
destiny. The First Lady of the Federal
Republic of Nigeria, Aisha Buhari is known
today because of the man she married.
Years back she was not known the way she
is now. Your governor's wife is known
today because of her husband who is the
governor of your state. This is the same case
with other great women in the society and
the religious sector.
The man you get married to today affects
who you will be tomorrow. Mind you at the
initial time he might not look like someone
who will be great tomorrow. That's why you
as a single lady is to pray and marry right.
God knows why He wants you to get
married to that man. He knows tomorrow
from today. Therefore, ask Him to help you
to obey His leading and marry the right man
for you.
*Notice* I'm not asking you to marry
someone because you are envisaging
yourself becoming a great woman in the
religious sector or society, No. All am saying
is don't miss God's plan for your life just
because you are marrying somebody's
supposed husband. Marry your own
destined husband and not someone's own.
Its your husband that brings you out. God
bless you 1 Like |
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Question: "Is it wrong for a Christian husband and wife to attend separate churches?" 4 Likes 1 Share |
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1Cor.6:18. Fleefornication for every sin a
man doeth is without the body but he
thatcommitteth fornication sinneth against
his own body. Number.25:1-2. And
Israelabode in Shittim and the people began
to commit whoredom with the daughter
ofMoab. And they called the people unto the
sacrifices of their gods and thepeople did
eat and bowed down to their gods. When
you go into immorality with awoman she
can just be pulling you here and there into
evil and idolatry.1Cor.10:8. Neither let us
commit fornication as some of them
committed and fellin one day three and
twenty thousand. (23,000). Immorality has
great andgrievous consequences both to
the family and in the church. A lot of
death,diseases and infestations and the free
operation of familiar spirits in the
churchcome as a result of the sin of
immorality. God’s presence leaves the
churchwhenever immorality comes into the
church. Immorality puts off the fire ofrevival
from the church and drives away the
presence of the Holy Spirit out ofthe church.
The devil and evil spirit takes over and as a
result many peopledies and lot of other
calamities are registered. GOD’S COMMAND
Lev.18:20-24;Lev.20:10; Dt.5:18;
Prov.6:25-29, 32-33; Mt.5:27-28; Rom.2:22;
Eph.5:1-6;Rev.21:8. Both in the Old and New
Testament God’s command against
immoralityare very clear. God is against all
forms of sexual immorality before
marriage.Boy friend and girl friend immoral
relationship is a great sin in the sight ofGod.
It is very unfortunate that these things go
on the many churches withoutanybody
taking action or preaching against it. Some
church even organize whatthey call youth
programme where the boys and the girls
are totally free to livein immorality and
dancing and embracing and kissing one
another. Sometimes yousee it among the
choir, ushers etc these are evil and will be
IMMORALITY: Numbers.25:9;James.4:4;
Hebrews.13:4; Ps.9:17; 1Cor.6:9-10;
Nahum.3:4; 1Kings.11:1-4, 6, 9;Rev.21:8, 27.
The consequences ofimmorality are grave.
They includes (1) Diseases. (2) Disgrace. (3)
Death. (4)God’s judgment. (5) Divorce and
breakdown of marriage union. (6)
Delinquency.(7) Damnation in hellfire. ( ![]() ![]() 1 Like |
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The answer is simple – the Kingdom of God
is NOT given to mankind on a platter of gold.
Mankind has to seek the Kingdom to find
the Kingdom. And this seeking requires
time, effort, focus, diligence, discipline,
persistence, and so on.
The primary Scripture for this teaching is the
words of Jesus in Matthew 6:33, “BUT SEEK
righteousness; and all these things shall be
added unto you”. In this passage, Jesus
made the seeking of the Kingdom the
central pursuit of the Christian life. Please
note how He elevated this above even our
pursuit of the basic necessities of life (what
to eat, what to drink, what to wear). It is our
commitment to seeking the Kingdom that
triggers God promise to bless us with those
basic necessities. The necessities that
Gentiles seek.
In Christ Jesus, God has freely offered
humanity both the access and the grace to
find the Kingdom. But it is MAN’S
RESPONSIBILITY to explore and maximise the
fully loaded potentials that are available to
us through Jesus Christ. This concept aligns
perfectly with the words of Proverbs 25:2,
“It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but
the honour of kings is to search out a
matter”. (In Revelation 1:6, we know that
believers have been made kings unto God).
So, as kings, God expects us to diligently
seek out the Kingdom.
But in our days, we are too busy to seek the
Kingdom with the required diligence. We do
not know that those who do not seek the
find the Kingdom. They will NEVER find the
Kingdom because they do not know the
value of the Kingdom.
To give us an understanding of this truth,
Jesus gave us two parables. The ‘Parable of
the Hidden Treasure’, and the ‘Parable of the
Pearl of Great Value’ in Matthew 13:44-46.
“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure
hidden in a field, which a man found and
covered up. Then in his joy he goes and
SELLS ALL that he has and buys that field.
Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a
merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on
finding one pearl of great value, went and
SOLD ALL that he had and bought it”. (ESV)
In both parables, there was the element of
seeking, the element of finding, and an
the SELLING OF ALL to buy the treasure/field.
Please note that when the man found the
treasure, it was with JOY that he went to
SELL ALL that he had to buy the field. He sold
with joy because he knew the value of the
In contrast, in our days, the reason we are
not willing to sell our ALL is because we do
NOT truly know and appreciate the value of
the Kingdom. At times, we are like the
foolish, young ruler that Jesus offered the
Kingdom in Matthew 19:16-22. The man
carefully considered Jesus’ offer, and opted
to keep his wealth rather than SELL ALL and
carry his cross, and follow Jesus to the
Kingdom. Please note that this is the SAME
MAN that has kept all the laws from his
youth so that he can make heaven! But
when he was confronted with the real price
of his desire, the Bible records that he
walked away in great sorrow – because he
had great possessions.
FOOLISHLY, he chose perishable, earthly
possessions over and above the
imperishable glory of eternal wealth that
Jesus offered! What a huge, huge folly! But
in reality, this is the picture of a lot of us as
believers. We endeavour to observe the
commandments in the Bible, and naively
think we are already on our way to heaven.
Not knowing that there is an active seeking
of the Kingdom, and a price to pay – the
price of the cross.
It is only the earnest seeking of the Kingdom
that will begin to reveal our appointed cross
to us. But, sadly, most of us have left our
pastors to seek the Kingdom on our behalf.
Like the children of Israel in Deuteronomy
5:27, a lot of us seem to say to the pastors,
“Just seek the Kingdom and when you find
it, come and explain it to us, and we will
follow you”. Alas! We do not know that quite
a lot of the pastors do not have a clue about
the Kingdom themselves! And so, what they
are feeding us with has little or nothing to
do with the Kingdom. A true case of the
blind leading the blind (Luke 6:39).
Our microwave generation wants
everything FAST and in EASY BITE-SIZE. But
the Kingdom of God can never be found
with this sloppy, indolent philosophy. A
philosophy that trivialises the Kingdom of
God by underestimating its great value. The
price you are willing to pay for ANYTHING is
determined by the value you place on it. In a
way, our generation has lost our sense of
the immense value of the Kingdom. This is
why many today are not paying the price to
find the Kingdom.
What does it mean to seek the Kingdom of
God? This is a broad subject that cannot be
treated in details in this article. But an
overview of some of the key areas can be
attempted. Broadly speaking at the personal
level, seeking the Kingdom of God comprise
our CONSISTENT effort to discern the will and
mind of God for all situations in our lives,
both great and small. And pursuing that will
WITH ALL OUR HEARTS according to God’s
commandments in the Bible – even when it
is in conflict with our personal views and
We can extend this one step further. To seek
the Kingdom is to seek our role in the
Kingdom – the specific reason why God
created us, and to make that the central
pursuit of our lives in all ways, and at all
times. And doing so in a way that is
acceptable to God – with reverence and
godly fear (Hebrews 12:28). It is how we
fulfil our assigned role in the Kingdom that
will determine the place we will occupy (in
terms of rewards) in the Kingdom when it
fully manifests.
Furthermore, to seek the Kingdom is to
advance the interest, welfare, and expansion
of the Kingdom in our environment. This will
OF THE KINGDOM (that is, its full
manifestation). And doing all that is in our
power to hasten the arrival of the Kingdom
as Apostle Peter urges in 2 Peter 3:11-12. It
also involves deploying our spiritual and
material resources into the advancement of
the Kingdom – in praying, in giving, and in
going out on our assigned mission field.
The concept of seeking the Kingdom goes
much further than this, and at its root is the
quest to devote our hearts to (1)
THOROUGHLY knowing the King of the
Kingdom, (2) carrying our cross daily, and
(3) steadfastly following Him home (Luke
9:23). Without knowing the King, we can
never know the Kingdom. Without following
the King, we can never get to the Kingdom.
This is not a fleshly pursuit. Rather, the
pursuit is a work of grace through the
indwelling Spirit of God. However, we need
to remember that the Holy Spirit works in us
according to our level of thirst and desire
for the King. And according to the price we
are willing to pay. If we do not understand
this truth, and apply it diligently, many
believers will grieve the Spirit (Ephesians
4:30). And many will quench Him in their
lives (1 Thessalonians 5:19).
Apart from all other considerations, our
busy lifestyle does not give us sufficient time
to devote to effectively seeking the kingdom.
Many will be alarmed at how the quest to
seek our daily bread and acquire the
necessities of life devour most of our
waking hours. No wonder Jesus warned us
that the ‘cares of this life’ will cause the day
of His return to come upon some believers
suddenly LIKE A TRAP (Luke 21:34). When a
trap springs suddenly, there is no time for
the victim to react and escape.
On the Last Day, when some believers would
want to use their busy work schedule as an
excuse for not having time to seek the
Kingdom, their attention will be drawn
firmly to God’s provision in Matthew 6:33.
What will be the response? What will be the
excuse? And at that time, it may be too late
for many.
But today, we can still make amends. The
Christianity that is common in our days is
fake and vain. This is why the power and
glory of the Kingdom is barely manifest in
our midst. This is why the world does not
see us radiating the glory and wisdom of
Christ. We are carrying an empty can of
religion – like the rich, young ruler. Like the
church in Laodicea.
Believers that genuinely want to see Jesus
on the Last day, and dwell with Him in all
eternity, will do well to begin to DISCONNECT
from the false Christianity of today, and
begin to seek Christ afresh. Till today, the
grace of God is still freely available to all
those that wish to make the pursuit of God
the primary focus of their lives. THIS FREE
GIFT IS COSTLY, but the grace of God is
available to see the diligent seeker through.
It can be done! Some human beings like us
have done it before. A few that know the
value of the Kingdom are still doing it today.
So, there will be no excuse. ONE DAY, it may
be too late to start seeking the Kingdom. But
TODAY, the opportunity is still there.
Please take it. And the grace of the Lord
Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the
fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all as
we re-dedicate our lives to seeking His
Kingdom of glory and majesty. Amen. |
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Truly, all fingers are alike but not equal. I
always wonder why it was so, then I sat and
thought that if fingers were to be equal,
then no possibility. Such that good
handwriting, good artwork, feeding,
carrying and lifting of load, gripping,
producing of good musical instrument and
other activities done by our hands may not
be possible. Fingers are not equal, but still
each has a role which is playing, that is
fingers need each other so that they can be
useful and that activities can be done. With
these I could say that “equality may not
bring possibility”. The description of the
fingers show some important hints which
are useful to the society, organizations,
country, team and for individuals.
People may be related by family or
nationality, but each person nevertheless still
different. Creativity, ability, choice, ideas,
achievements, positions, and knowledge
differs within human, so that we can help
each other to achieve success just like the
fingers, which are alike but not equal, still
need each other so that they can be useful
and that activities can be done. With the
description of the fingers, any organization,
country, society or community which tend to
be successful or move forward. People or
citizens must accept their own creativity,
ability, knowledge and responsibility, and
not looking at or copying others own but
instead improving and making something
good out of it, simply because they can’t be
the same. Imagine in a company where all
workers have same creativity, ability,
knowledge and responsibility, such
company will never be successful because all
workers will always share same Ideas,
thoughts and knowledge. But in a company
where all workers have different creativity,
ability, knowledge and responsibility will be
successful because workers will have
different method of doing things, different
style, ideas ,thought and responsibility. That
is why there is a saying which says “two
heads are better than one.
With the description of the fingers, for team
to be successful, members of team should
not despise each other because every
position of each member in a team matters
a lot just like the finger, which every
position for each finger matter a lot. For
team to reached their goals or to win,
members need to work as one just like the
finger. In sports, football particularly, people
believe that in a football team, strikers are
the best and they are the stars for every
football match but forgotten that if other
positions in the team such as the defender,
goal keeper, mid-fielder and others never
get their responsibility done or never work
as a team, then the striker is rendered
useless which can make the team lose
eventually. For a football team to win medals
or award, is shows that each prayer of the
team as work as one and has done their
responsibility well.
The way if go may not be yours looking at
the educational system. After some parents
have looked other’s achievement and
possession, they believe that the best Job for
their children is to become a medical doctor
which may not be the Child’s ability. Student
nowadays are now forced by their parent in
the matter of choosing course to study in
higher institution because of what other’s
are achieving or getting from that particular
profession but not knowing that we can
just be equal. Some students fail courses in
higher institution because they do not have
the ability, some never achieved in that
particular profession because at the
beginning they copied others. Imagine if
90% of students or educational
practitioners are into medicine as a case
study, but without other professional in
Arts, agriculture, engineering, environmental
technology and other fields doctor will not
survive and will not because anything. There
is no possibility that a doctor can live if there
is no agriculture, medical practitioners will
not have instrument or tool to work with
without engineers. Lastly where will medical
practitioners get hospital, and other
buildings? It there is no environmental
technology. No matter the position we are,
everyone still needs each other just like the
fingers, parents should stop forcing their
children to study a particular course
because achievement can be gotten from
any profession.
Organization, country, society, or community
can be successful when people accept their
own creativity, ability and responsibility.
Teams can be successful when members
work as one and not despising each other,
individual of student can achieve or be
successful when only they know their ability
and going for it. No matter the position we
are or find ourselves in the world, we are
there for a purpose. Without you the world
is not complete. The world is just like our
hands which consist of alike but unequal
fingers, people are born to be different. |
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A teenager boy opened the cabinet to get a
glass, but when he opened it a glass fell to
the ground and broke. His dad assumed the
worse and thought he broke the glass by
being careless, so he began to scream at
him and telling him he was as idiot and that
he was going to pay for new glass. While
the young man stood there as he took the
rage of his fathers words, he made angry
and upset. However, his mom took a
different approach. The first thing she asked
was if he was alright. She then asked what
happened. Once the boy had a chance to
explain what happened, his mom said
“accidents happen, but we still need to clean
up this broken glass.” Since his mom took a
wiser approach to the situation, not only did
she make her son feel better, she made her
husband’s rage subside and made him
realize he had jumped to conclusions and
handled this situation all wrong.
The Book of Proverbs has much to say about
wisely using the tongue. For example it says:
Proverbs 15:2 The tongue of the wise uses
knowledge rightly, But the mouth of fools
pours forth foolishness.
All of us are guilty of jumping to conclusion
and foolishly saying things by how we feel
at the moment. Peter was good at doing
this. For example, at the transfiguration we
Luke 9:32 But Peter and those with him
were heavy with sleep; and when they
were fully awake, they saw His glory and
the two men who stood with Him. 33 Then
it happened, as they were parting from
Him, that Peter said to Jesus, "Master, it is
good for us to be here; and let us make
three tabernacles: one for You, one for
Moses, and one for Elijah" -- not knowing
what he said.
Peter had tendency to speak whatever was
on him mind, but sometimes he did not
realize what he was saying. How many times
have we caught ourselves or someone else
speaking without thinking? Sometimes we
just feel like we need say something, so we
just blurt out whatever comes to our mind
whether it makes sense or not.
While it is nice to have something to say, we
need exercise caution with how use our
words because our words have the power
to destroy and uplift (Prov. 18:21).
Proverbs 18:21 Death and life are in the
power of the tongue
James tells us that using the same tongue
we bless God and curse men and that our
tongue can be like a spark that can burn
down an entire forest (Jam. 3).
James 3:5 Even so the tongue is a little
member and boasts great things. See how
great a forest a little fire kindles! And the
tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. The
tongue is so set among our members that
it defiles the whole body, and sets on fire
the course of nature; and it is set on fire
by hell.
James 3:9 With it we bless our God and
Father, and with it we curse men, who
have been made in the similitude of God.
10 Out of the same mouth proceed
blessing and cursing. My brethren, these
things ought not to be so. 11 Does a
spring send forth fresh water and bitter
from the same opening? 12 Can a fig tree,
my brethren, bear olives, or a grapevine
bear figs? Thus no spring yields both salt
water and fresh.
Though God has given us the ability to use
our words wisely and foolishly, as James
points out the two should not flow from the
same source just as spring does not send
forth fresh water and bitter water. God’s
intention is for us to use our tongues wisely,
but many times people do not.
Like Peter, when we speak what is on our
mind without thinking about it we are
being foolish, but the wise does just the
opposite (Prov. 15:28).
Proverbs 15:28 The heart of the righteous
studies how to answer, But the mouth of
the wicked pours forth evil.
As we read in verse 2, “The tongue of the
wise uses knowledge rightly.” It easy to
open your mouth wide and allow all your
thoughts to poor out, but it takes self-
discipline and wisdom to speak words that
matter and make a positive impact. In order
for us to develop the ability to use our
tongue wisely, we must work on changing
the source or our words, which is the heart
(Mt. 7:20-23).
Mark 7:20 And He said, "What comes out
of a man, that defiles a man. 21 "For from
within, out of the heart of men, proceed
evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications,
murders, 22 "thefts, covetousness,
wickedness, deceit, lewdness, an evil eye,
blasphemy, pride, foolishness. 23 "All
these evil things come from within and
defile a man."
The condition of our heart will reveal what
kind of person we are (Prov. 27:19).
Proverbs 27:19 As in water face reflects
face, So a man's heart reveals the man.
If we do not train our heart with the
knowledge of God, then many of the words
we speak will be full of folly. An untrained
tongue will be like a wild horse that roams
wherever he wants to and, if you try to
catch it and break it, you will have a lot of
work on your hands.
The first place we must begin to use our
tongue wisely is to train our heart with the
Word of God (Prov. 16:23).
Proverbs 16:23 The heart of the wise
teaches his mouth, And adds learning to
his lips.
When we study God’s Word and make it part
of daily life it will transform us and cause us
to speak the oracles of God (1 Pet. 4:11).
Isaiah understood this idea and he was
thankful for it (Isa. 50:4).
Isaiah 50:4 " The Lord GOD has given Me
The tongue of the learned, That I should
know how to speak A word in season to
him who is weary. He awakens Me
morning by morning, He awakens My ear
To hear as the learned.
The more fill our hearts with the wisdom of
God, the more our words will seem sweet
instead of bitter (Prov. 10:20; 16:24).
Proverbs 10:20 The tongue of the
righteous is choice silver; The heart of the
wicked is worth little.
Proverbs 16:24 Pleasant words are like a
honeycomb, Sweetness to the soul and
health to the bones.
The reason our words will be pleasant is
because we God’s teaches us how to speak
with a humble spirit and not to use
unnecessary words (Col. 4:6: Eph. 4:29). As
Paul said:
Colossians 4:6 Let your speech always be
with grace, seasoned with salt, that you
may know how you ought to answer each
Ephesians 4:29 Let no corrupt word
proceed out of your mouth, but what is
good for necessary edification, that it may
impart grace to the hearers.
Not only will our words be more pleasant,
we will know how answer those who
question us about our faith:
1 Peter 3:15 But sanctify the Lord God in
your hearts, and always be ready to give a
defense to everyone who asks you a
reason for the hope that is in you, with
meekness and fear; 16 having a good
conscience, that when they defame you as
evildoers, those who revile your good
conduct in Christ may be ashamed.
If we fail to train our heart with the Word of
God then we will not be able to give a
defense for our faith, and will not
understand how to be meek. However,
when we study the Scriptures, not only will
we know how to answer others, we will
also be pleasing to God (2 Tim 2:15).
2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself
approved unto God, a workman that
needeth not to be ashamed, rightly
dividing the word of truth.
As we continue to fill our hearts with God’s
wisdom, we must also learn to pay attention
to what we say and how much we say.
Sometimes we want to sound smarter than
we are so we ramble on, but many times we
end up making ourselves look ignorant. As
Solomon said:
Proverbs 17:28 Even a fool is counted wise
when he holds his peace; When he shuts
his lips, he is considered perceptive.
We would be much better off to say the least
we can instead of the most (Ecc. 5:2).
Ecclesiastes 5:2 Do not be rash with your
mouth, And let not your heart utter
anything hastily before God. For God is in
heaven, and you on earth; Therefore let
your words be few.
The more we ramble on, the more foolish
we sound, which usually always gets us in
trouble (Prov. 13:3; 21:23).
Proverbs 13:3 He who guards his mouth
preserves his life, But he who opens wide
his lips shall have destruction.
Proverbs 21:23 Whoever guards his mouth
and tongue Keeps his soul from troubles.
One the best things we can do to help us
use our tongue wisely is to use it sparingly
(Prov. 17:27;
Proverbs 17:27 He who has knowledge
spares his words
Proverbs 10:19 In the multitude of words
sin is not lacking, But he who restrains his
lips is wise.
While we work on limiting what we say, we
can greatly improve the use of our tongue
by learning to listen (Prov. 18:13).
Proverbs 18:13 He who answers a matter
before he hears it, It is folly and shame to
One of the biggest breakdowns in effective
communication is when we refuse to listen
and we continue to interrupt. When we only
take in part of what is being said it easy to
jump to conclusions and begin a senseless
argument that never should have been
started. We live in a time, where many have
little patience and they have lost the art of
To be a successful listener, we must first
convince ourselves that listening is
important and that we need to improve our
listening skills. The more we practice it, the
better listeners we will become. One of the
main reasons we are poor listeners today is
because we are easily distracted by many
the facets of entertainment that surrounds
us. If our favorite show is on or, if we are in
middle of playing a video game, how well
are going to be able to listen? How many
times have we started an interesting
conversation with someone and then their
phone rings or they receive a text message?
Usually, that distraction interrupts the flow
of the conversation and it ends.
There are many things that can district us in
this world, but if we want to learn to
become better listeners then we need to
learn to ignore the distractions around us.
For example, if we are watching TV or
playing a video game, we need to turn them
off or put on pause and give our full
attention to whoever is speaking. If we
receive a text or phone call while we are
talking to someone we need to turn the
ringer off and stay focused on what the
person is saying. The phone call or text can
wait. Whether you are listening to a sermon
or having a friendly conversation keep your
eyes and your ears focused on them.
We all have our own preconceived ideas
about different things, but when we are
listening to someone that has different
point of view than we do, we need to listen
to everything they say and consider their
point of view before we offer our point of
view. If we immediately turn our ears off at
the first hint of something being different
and change our thoughts to attack mode
then we will be not be prepared to speak
wisely as we should because we are not
hearing all the details of their thoughts.
As James says:
James 1:19 So then, my beloved brethren,
let every man be swift to hear, slow to
speak, slow to wrath;
The more time we take to listen carefully, the
more calm we will be when we give our
answer. When someone begin to speak
about things we are passionate in negative
way, it tends to make us mad. If have not
constraint, we will say exactly what we are
thinking, but we must refrain from doing
that if we want to use our tongue wisely
(Prov. 29:11).
Proverbs 29:11 A fool vents all his feelings,
But a wise man holds them back.
Even we someone begins to get under our
skin, we can learn to defuse the situation by
taking time to gather our thoughts (Prov.
Proverbs 15:1 A soft answer turns away
wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger.
While there is nothing wrong with anger
itself, if we are not careful it can cause to
speak harmful things with a loud voice that
will not help our cause. David gives us this
Psalm 4:4 Be angry, and do not sin.
Meditate within your heart on your bed,
and be still.
When we become angry, we can use it to
motivate us to change thing, but before we
speak or take action, we need mediate on
what we are going to do and say that will
get our point across without us sinning.
Sometimes it might take us just a few
minutes to take control of emotions and be
able to respond in an appropriate way.
Other times it might take us several days. We
must train ourselves to wait to give our
response when we know we can do it with
a soft answer that will make our point clear.
Using our tongues wisely is not an easy
thing to do, but when we make the
commitment to train our tongues by putting
God’s Word into heart daily, by using our
words sparingly, and by learning to listen
carefully, we can use our tongues wisely.
The more we improve the less heated
arguments we will have with others, which
will make more effective at reaching the lost
(2 Tim. 2:23). As Paul told Timothy:
2 Timothy 2:23 But avoid foolish and
ignorant disputes, knowing that they
generate strife. 24 And a servant of the
Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all,
able to teach, patient, 25 in humility
correcting those who are in opposition, if
God perhaps will grant them repentance,
so that they may know the truth, 26 and
that they may come to their senses and
escape the snare of the devil, having been
taken captive by him to do his will.
Not only will using your tongue wisely make
us more effective at leading the lost, it will
improve your relationships with your
friends and especially your family. The more
everyone in our household learns to use
their tongue wisely the more love, peace,
and comfort there will be. Everyone would
benefit from taking Solomon’s wisdom
about using our tongue wisely, and I hope
all us will. |
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