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Pachesky's Posts

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European Football (EPL, UEFA, La Liga) / Re: Manchester United Vs Barcelona: UCL Quarter Finals (0 - 1) On 10th April 2019 by Pachesky(m): 9:03pm On Apr 10, 2019
Messi just keeps showing us dat he's d g.o.a.t but ronaldo fans beter accept it once n 4 all. Ronaldo is great but messi is jst a step above. He jst distracted those defenders dash suares ball
No argument messi na Ewu meeh!!!!
Technology Market / Re: Nairalander Solar Installations, Step And Guide With Pictures. by Pachesky(m): 7:24am On Feb 25, 2019
Pls and pls place price ranges for these..there are some of us here who are already saving to install one this yr..my self included
Politics / Re: Elections: FG Announces Closure Of Borders by Pachesky(m): 7:03am On Feb 15, 2019
An effective announcement for dealers as they can plan their deliveries but ineffective for the "aliens" as they are already in the country with God knows where they got their pvcs waiting jejely to vote in the north
And we all know which party benefits from this


Religion / Re: First Fruit Is A Scam, Be Wiser In 2019 by Pachesky(m): 2:32am On Jan 01, 2019

Olodo, thief......

Firstfruit is not money exactly. Firstfruit means the best of your produce or income which you give willingly. The Bible never mentions January salary.

Did you know that Jesus Christ was also referred to as a firstfruit in the Bible?
Please lets be intelligent with our replies so we dont appear to look silly at the end..
How can the bible mention january salary for petes sake..i know you are aware of the different era in which we are referring to. The agricultural age if i may put it. Where income was based on seasons/harvest and not a fixed monthly salary that we have now today.
So ideally you bring your first fruits to the house of the lord based on the time of your harvest.

Now to our own era, ask your self when do most workers start earning their first salary for the year?
And when are salaries most likely to be reviewed for increase?
I guess you know the answer..(exceptional cases for promotions done mid year)

And to your second point about jesus talking about first fruits.. some of you forget that Jesus did not come to condemn the old laws but to give us a better way to doing things Matthew 5:17..meaning that there were some old laws that did not need to be tampered with..(topic for those who intend to study their bibles and gain more understanding myself included).

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Religion / Re: First Fruit Is A Scam, Be Wiser In 2019 by Pachesky(m): 1:42am On Jan 01, 2019
I'm not surprised about the comments ive read here, many people have turned to bible scholars over night and believe they have become wiser without even studying the bible in fulfilment of the scriptures of the last days are men would be lovers of their own soul and not the word..

If you have no idea about first fruits just keep quiet and let those who know its importance carry on with it.
Ill pick a worldly example. Taxes are required of every working class citizen by law. Just because the government of your country missues tax payers money meant for infrastructural developments doesn't make taxes illegal..whether you pay or not doesnt render tax paying a scam or a lie..
And when the hour comes those who failed to pay when caught would be handed their appropriate judgement depending on their level of default..

Thats how first fruits, tithes, offerings and free will giving and other requirements of God would be judged too..if you like pay or not when the hour comes we would all know who has been wise and who has been foolish..

There are fake pastors everywhere but I pray that God would not let the actions of these wolves in sheep clothings who have made many christian backslide continue to turn the hearts of others cold.

Bible scriptures supporting first fruit
Proberbs 3:9-10
Leviticus 23:10
Exodus 23:19
Deuteronomy 18:4
Religion / Re: Father Mbaka Slams Critics, Says God Deserves Money And Will Punish Them by Pachesky(m): 1:18pm On Dec 08, 2018
Nobody is going to ask you because your opinion would always be tainted by the fact that he is of the cassock sect. You won't be caught dead rioting this same nonsense in defence of a Pentecostal pastor if they trade position.

Where is all the monies he has been generating from precious harvest? I asked because the environment and all the iron contraption I see there doesn't look like something that real money was invested in.

I'm quite sure you have no idea how the catholic church operates..I'll leave you be

1 Like

Religion / Re: Father Mbaka Slams Critics, Says God Deserves Money And Will Punish Them by Pachesky(m): 10:40am On Dec 08, 2018
Good reason if you ask me as haters would have accused him of embezzling church funds..though the manner in which it was said baffles me.


Autos / Re: Car Dash Cam + Navigation System + Headrest Dvd Instalation (with Guarantee) by Pachesky(m): 6:39pm On Nov 27, 2018
What of camry 2003
Autos / Re: Car Dash Cam + Navigation System + Headrest Dvd Instalation (with Guarantee) by Pachesky(m): 6:39pm On Nov 27, 2018
Autos / Re: Toks 2007 Lexus Rx350 @ N3.9m by Pachesky(m): 6:30pm On Nov 27, 2018

Dude, u came on my ad so you are the one that should stay off my mention. Firstly you should learn to mind your business (first rule of success) 2ndly, who appointed you Defender of the Universe (Voltron)? Carry this your talent to the National Assembly, its here you know how to follow matters that don't concern you. Be here monitoring me and wasting your time while i am selling my slightly accidented cars. Is mileage dropping anything new? tshew (oniranu)
A bloody dishonest trader spotted..thanks cosplay and co..else an innocent buyer would have purchased a moving coffin


Technology Market / Re: 24/7 Solar Power For Your Office And Home With Payment Plan by Pachesky(m): 6:44am On Nov 18, 2018
What does the 1500w and 2500w comprise of..
Technology Market / Re: Nairalander Solar Panel And Inverter Expert Shares Some Tips (photos) by Pachesky(m): 6:42am On Nov 18, 2018
How much did the 2400 watt solar system cost your client..
We want education but also a price tag on what you are enlightening us on.
Sports / Re: South Africa Vs Nigeria: AFCON Qualifiers - 1 - 1 (Full Time) by Pachesky(m): 2:32pm On Nov 17, 2018
Delightful football, wonderful goal from SA..game on
Technology Market / Re: Currently Trending Is The 5GB Data For N50 by Pachesky(m): 2:17pm On Nov 01, 2018
Fake..not working

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Technology Market / Re: Solar Wind Hybrid Unit Complete Set 13kva by Pachesky(m): 7:25am On Oct 18, 2018
Its best if you give us a breakdown of what each can power and for how long..i.e 3kva can power 1 led,freezer,bulbs e.g 5 energy saving,ps4 etc for x hrs..
It would help us know what suits us best..
Politics / Re: How Bianca Ojukwu, APGA Rubbished The Ojukwu Myth by Pachesky(m): 1:50pm On Oct 05, 2018
Stop saying nonsense, Ojukwu children are not on her side, We know how to honor Ojukwu, giving a slot a senatorial ticket where eligible Men exist is not a common practice among the Igbos
Try to read and understand before making comments..it could help you

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Politics / Re: How Bianca Ojukwu, APGA Rubbished The Ojukwu Myth by Pachesky(m): 1:49pm On Oct 05, 2018
another foolish comment. This is politics, there must be a loser and winner in elections, how is this one different? What quarrel are you talking about? So because she lost that means inability to settle quarrel but if she won it would then mean ability to settle quarrel according to you logic no be so?

You are not just foolish but ignorantly stupid as well

Why don't you change your name and become hausa/fulani since they are experts in dispute resolution? That's if at all you're Igbo

I wonder how most of you think..its all i have to say..
Politics / Re: How Bianca Ojukwu, APGA Rubbished The Ojukwu Myth by Pachesky(m): 9:00am On Oct 05, 2018
Imagine how ojukwu name is gradually losing relevance..sorry to say but the problem of we igbos is our inability to settle things inhouse..a unique traits the hausa/fulanis have..


Politics / Re: How Bianca Ojukwu, APGA Rubbished The Ojukwu Myth by Pachesky(m): 8:55am On Oct 05, 2018
Politics / Re: Osun Rerun: Why Some Voters Were Blocked From Polling Units – Police by Pachesky(m): 8:14pm On Sep 27, 2018
We keep disgracing ourselves as a nation when it comes to elections.. Why is it hard for us to conduct a free and fair election without interference from any arm of government.. if only the masses can take the bulls by the horn and vote for who they really want and can be held accountable, this nation would have been miles ahead of where we are today..
Even though my vote may not count in the grand scheme of things, nothing would make me vote for APC OR PDP IN 2019 Election..
Never!!! Bunch of criminals and looters..

16 Likes 1 Share

Career / Re: Risks Of A Accounting Career by Pachesky(m): 7:35am On Sep 18, 2018
Bottom 10% earning $39kplus per annum..i doubt if they had africa in mind..

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Business / Re: Kings Flour Mill Akwa Ibom In Pictures by Pachesky(m): 9:41am On Sep 17, 2018
A welcome development.more of these type of factories not just in akwa ibom but other states/regions..just hope they employ akwa ibomites 1st before any other tribe on a 60-40 scale..that would discourage migrarion and promote economic development for each state/region on the long run

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Family / Re: Why I Do Not Want To Have Babies After Two Years Of Marriage - Lady Reveals by Pachesky(m): 1:19pm On Sep 06, 2018
Pls, kindly send your mtn number to 080.636.7185.1, I need to send something to it. Though may be small.
Thanks for the gesture boss smiley..Nothing is more pleasing than the joy of inspiring people..No advice sincerely given from the heart is useless..
Family / Re: Why I Do Not Want To Have Babies After Two Years Of Marriage - Lady Reveals by Pachesky(m): 5:04am On Sep 06, 2018
Made up story as usual..but for the sake of commenting, some women need to understand that for most men their first love is their mother. You have no idea what she must have gone through for them over the years. The sacrifices, that listening ear when we fathers are not available for some reason, constant encouragement the list goes on.
Point is you cant just come in and act like spartacus with the "Kill them all" mindset.. remember she loves her son and has his best interest at heart so she will be overprotective at the initial stage. Prove to her that you also have his as well and watch her back off over time as she knows a better caretaker has emerged.
Final note, best strategy for young women in marriage is to win over your mans mother( some mamas strong ghan!!! angry )not only will he love you the more but also you have a new ally when the going gets tough..She will fight your battles for you will you the lady will hold your peace..

75 Likes 2 Shares

Religion / Re: Meet Godwin Onasedu Who Controls Rain To Start And To Stop (pics) by Pachesky(m): 5:33pm On Aug 27, 2018
Omo spartacus..Bringer of rain..
Oshi radarada

12 Likes 2 Shares

Politics / Re: Magu Slams SAN For Receiving N1.7bn Legal Fee by Pachesky(m): 7:41am On Aug 27, 2018
1.7 billion naira..haba when your client is not Judas Iscariot cry

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Phones / Re: Tips To Remove Malware From Android Phone by Pachesky(m): 7:34am On Aug 27, 2018
This has to be one of the most poorly written articles I've ever read on Nairaland. Just going round and round about without saying anything sensible.
So many useless words and expressions being thrown around without making much sense.
I suggest you pick up a book on basic writing skills and learn from it.
If you can't write sensibly in English, then write in Yoruba. Its not by force to write in English.
You were making sense until the last part. Youve made a brilliant observation but attacking the writers intellect was off the mark man.. Too many veiled insults on nairaland these days
Sports / Re: Gul Hamid Sells His Trophies To Survive by Pachesky(m): 4:43pm On Aug 21, 2018
Tennis stars don't really earn much in prize money but through sponsorship and endorsement deals. If he wasn't the marketable type then I wouldn't be surprised he had less lucrative deals..but to go broke to this extent, then only he knows what he did with his money(women, bad/no investment or just bad luck)


Technology Market / Re: Get Our 1kva,2kva,3.5kva And 5kva Solar Power Inverter Sallah Sales Promo by Pachesky(m): 5:39pm On Aug 20, 2018
All you stated per category can be used at once right?
Celebrities / Re: Tonto Dikeh Teaching Her Son, King Andre, How To Speak In Tongues by Pachesky(m): 3:18pm On Aug 20, 2018
Bloggers.. you can fabricate news eh..you guys can now determine who speaks in tongues merely by looking at pictures.. continue
Religion / Re: Baby Kissed By Pope, Beats Brain Tumour by Pachesky(m): 2:26pm On Aug 20, 2018

kisses does not cure brain cancer.

pls grow more brain cells.
Ok kiddo

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