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Divine Revelation|| "Should I take the Vaccine", "Great Tribulation" - Religion - Nairaland

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Divine Revelation|| "Should I take the Vaccine", "Great Tribulation" by At10tion: 4:26pm On Mar 26, 2021
Isaiah 34 1- 5,
Come near, you nations, and listen;
pay attention, you peoples!
Let the earth hear, and all that is in it,
the world, and all that comes out of it!
2 The Lord is angry with all nations;
his wrath is on all their armies.
He will totally destroy[a] them,
he will give them over to slaughter.
3 Their slain will be thrown out,
their dead bodies will stink;
the mountains will be soaked with their blood.
4 All the stars in the sky will be dissolved
and the heavens rolled up like a scroll;
all the starry host will fall
like withered leaves from the vine,
like shriveled figs from the fig tree.

5 My sword has drunk its fill in the heavens;
see, it descends in judgment on Edom,
the people I have totally destroyed.

Before now, i have not been able to conclude whether to take the vaccine or not until yesterday that a friend told me she took hers, and I knew that this thing is getting serious in the country, so i decided to inquire from the Holy Spirit, and I thank God for speaking expressly of His intention on this matter.

I thank God for the Spirit of my Heavenly Father that never leaves me nor forsake me but reveals things to me and answer my inner thoughts and questions may His Holy name be praised forever, Amen.

25th March 2021
Yesterday, I was not fasting nor in the midst of prayer when I pause and took a moment of time at my dinner table last night, with the sincerity and concentration of my heart, I ask the question "Holy Spirit should I take the Vaccine" I continued my food and afterwards journeyed to bed. After reading some scripture and saying my night prayer I slept off.

It was as if there was tension all over the place, there seems to be tribal conflicts, I see thugs trying to cause rancor in the society but they were under watch by security operatives who were monitoring the people and also these security operatives were ensuring the administration of the vaccines in the community.

I was in my house when important people started coming to mark us for this vaccines, after that a very important, notable female singer in the US with a big book and the vaccine came into my house and says she has been sent to vaccinate me, she opened up a book, there were many names inside it, and I saw my name inside it, I saw my job title and other details concerning me as I've been profile to take the vaccine and then she proceeded to vaccinate me but I resisted and said No!

She wanted to force me but I still resisted, I said No', I didn't take it and then she left. I was relaxed because I felt I did the right thing but also worried because I felt I was going to have a case with the government, some of my family members took it, I saw how the veins of a brother of mine who took it became hard and sticking out from his skin, his structured look frailed yet strong, I was wondering how these things are when suddenly destruction started to fall upon the earth.

I saw large stones and fire fell upon the earth crushing buildings into crumbs, more terribly was, I saw mighty gigantic angels with great wings descended in a flash upon the earth with fire and destroyed everything in their path, great buildings, skyscrapers were brought down to nothing at a swoop of their hand! Those beings are gigantic, marvelous yet menacingly terrible, I didn't see their face but their structure. the fire of the burning city started to hit up on my face at where I was in my house. Those mighty beings kept pulling down everything, with huge stones of fire raining from the sky, there was no escape route to hide, nowhere to take cover. As they were drawing closer to where I was in my house, I began to cry and ask God for mercy, "O LORD have mercy on me, O LORD have mercy on me", that was what I was saying till I woke up.

I thank God for answering my question and innermost thought by the power of His Spirit and making me see the end of things to come of this time and age, He reveals things to come to His children to guide and keep them safe through trouble times. It is left for everyone who read this to make their decisions or also inquire from God to know and understand the things that are currently happening in the world so they can do the right thing to save themselves from the destruction coming upon the world, he that has hear let him hear what the Spirit says to the church, Amen.

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Re: Divine Revelation|| "Should I take the Vaccine", "Great Tribulation" by essy4060: 5:02pm On Mar 26, 2021
How true is this?
Isaiah 34 1- 5,
Come near, you nations, and listen;
pay attention, you peoples!
Let the earth hear, and all that is in it,
the world, and all that comes out of it!
2 The Lord is angry with all nations;
his wrath is on all their armies.
He will totally destroy[a] them,
he will give them over to slaughter.
3 Their slain will be thrown out,
their dead bodies will stink;
the mountains will be soaked with their blood.
4 All the stars in the sky will be dissolved
and the heavens rolled up like a scroll;
all the starry host will fall
like withered leaves from the vine,
like shriveled figs from the fig tree.

5 My sword has drunk its fill in the heavens;
see, it descends in judgment on Edom,
the people I have totally destroyed.

Before now, i have not been able to conclude whether to take the vaccine or not until yesterday that a friend told me she took hers, and I knew that this thing is getting serious in the country, so i decided to inquire from the Holy Spirit, and I thank God for speaking expressly of His intention on this matter.

I thank God for the Spirit of my Heavenly Father that never leaves me nor forsake me but reveals things to me and answer my inner thoughts and questions may His Holy name be praised forever, Amen.

25th March 2021
Yesterday, I was not fasting nor in the midst of prayer when I pause and took a moment of time at my dinner table last night, with the sincerity and concentration of my heart, I ask the question "Holy Spirit should I take the Vaccine" I continued my food and afterwards journeyed to bed. After reading some scripture and saying my night prayer I slept off.

It was as if there was tension all over the place, there seems to be tribal conflicts, I see thugs trying to cause rancor in the society but they were under watch by security operatives who were monitoring the people and also these security operatives were ensuring the administration of the vaccines in the community.

I was in my house when important people started coming to mark us for this vaccines, after that a very important, notable female singer in the US with a big book and the vaccine came into my house and says she has been sent to vaccinate me, she opened up a book, there were many names inside it, and I saw my name inside it, I saw my job title and other details concerning me as I've been profile to take the vaccine and then she proceeded to vaccinate me but I resisted and said No!

She wanted to force me but I still resisted, I said No', I didn't take it and then she left. I was relaxed because I felt I did the right thing but also worried because I felt I was going to have a case with the government, some of my family members took it, I saw how the veins of a brother of mine who took it became hard and sticking out from his skin, his structured look frailed yet strong, I was wondering how these things are when suddenly destruction started to fall upon the earth.

I saw large stones and fire fell upon the earth crushing buildings into crumbs, more terribly was, I saw mighty gigantic angels with great wings descended in a flash upon the earth with fire and destroyed everything in their path, great buildings, skyscrapers were brought down to nothing at a swoop of their hand! Those beings are gigantic, marvelous yet menacingly terrible, I didn't see their face but their structure. the fire of the burning city started to hit up on my face at where I was in my house. Those mighty beings kept pulling down everything, with huge stones of fire raining from the sky, there was no escape route to hide, nowhere to take cover. As they were drawing closer to where I was in my house, I began to cry and ask God for mercy, "O LORD have mercy on me, O LORD have mercy on me", that was what I was saying till I woke up.

I thank God for answering my question and innermost thought by the power of His Spirit and making me see the end of things to come of this time and age, He reveals things to come to His children to guide and keep them safe through trouble times. It is left for everyone who read this to make their decisions or also inquire from God to know and understand the things that are currently happening in the world so they can do the right thing to save themselves from the destruction coming upon the world, he that has hear let him hear what the Spirit says to the church, Amen.
Re: Divine Revelation|| "Should I take the Vaccine", "Great Tribulation" by Kobojunkie: 5:47pm On Mar 26, 2021
Isaiah 34 1- 5,
Come near, you nations, and listen;
pay attention, you peoples!
Let the earth hear, and all that is in it,
the world, and all that comes out of it!
2 The Lord is angry with all nations;
his wrath is on all their armies.
He will totally destroy[a] them,
he will give them over to slaughter.
3 Their slain will be thrown out,
their dead bodies will stink;
the mountains will be soaked with their blood.
4 All the stars in the sky will be dissolved
and the heavens rolled up like a scroll;
all the starry host will fall
like withered leaves from the vine,
like shriveled figs from the fig tree.

5 My sword has drunk its fill in the heavens;
see, it descends in judgment on Edom,
the people I have totally destroyed.

Before now, i have not been able to conclude whether to take the vaccine or not until yesterday that a friend told me she took hers, and I knew that this thing is getting serious in the country, so i decided to inquire from the Holy Spirit, and I thank God for speaking expressly of His intention on this matter.

I thank God for the Spirit of my Heavenly Father that never leaves me nor forsake me but reveals things to me and answer my inner thoughts and questions may His Holy name be praised forever, Amen.

25th March 2021
Yesterday, I was not fasting nor in the midst of prayer when I pause and took a moment of time at my dinner table last night, with the sincerity and concentration of my heart, I ask the question "Holy Spirit should I take the Vaccine" I continued my food and afterwards journeyed to bed. After reading some scripture and saying my night prayer I slept off.

It was as if there was tension all over the place, there seems to be tribal conflicts, I see thugs trying to cause rancor in the society but they were under watch by security operatives who were monitoring the people and also these security operatives were ensuring the administration of the vaccines in the community.

I was in my house when important people started coming to mark us for this vaccines, after that a very important, notable female singer in the US with a big book and the vaccine came into my house and says she has been sent to vaccinate me, she opened up a book, there were many names inside it, and I saw my name inside it, I saw my job title and other details concerning me as I've been profile to take the vaccine and then she proceeded to vaccinate me but I resisted and said No!

She wanted to force me but I still resisted, I said No', I didn't take it and then she left. I was relaxed because I felt I did the right thing but also worried because I felt I was going to have a case with the government, some of my family members took it, I saw how the veins of a brother of mine who took it became hard and sticking out from his skin, his structured look frailed yet strong, I was wondering how these things are when suddenly destruction started to fall upon the earth.

I saw large stones and fire fell upon the earth crushing buildings into crumbs, more terribly was, I saw mighty gigantic angels with great wings descended in a flash upon the earth with fire and destroyed everything in their path, great buildings, skyscrapers were brought down to nothing at a swoop of their hand! Those beings are gigantic, marvelous yet menacingly terrible, I didn't see their face but their structure. the fire of the burning city started to hit up on my face at where I was in my house. Those mighty beings kept pulling down everything, with huge stones of fire raining from the sky, there was no escape route to hide, nowhere to take cover. As they were drawing closer to where I was in my house, I began to cry and ask God for mercy, "O LORD have mercy on me, O LORD have mercy on me", that was what I was saying till I woke up.

I thank God for answering my question and innermost thought by the power of His Spirit and making me see the end of things to come of this time and age, He reveals things to come to His children to guide and keep them safe through trouble times. It is left for everyone who read this to make their decisions or also inquire from God to know and understand the things that are currently happening in the world so they can do the right thing to save themselves from the destruction coming upon the world, he that has hear let him hear what the Spirit says to the church, Amen.
The Spirit of God quoted from Isaiah 34 to you when you asked Him of Covid-19 vaccine? undecided
And people wonder why I suggest that folks get a regular checkup with their psychiatrist to be sure they are operating on a full load. undecided

Jesus Christ told you that His judgment will only happen when He returns, but here you claim His Spirit told you that He is right now judging the nations and punishing them through this vaccine? shocked
Re: Divine Revelation|| "Should I take the Vaccine", "Great Tribulation" by At10tion: 6:33pm On Mar 26, 2021
How true is this?
Very true. We all have access to the throne. you can always inquire from the Holy-Spirit, stay blessed!


Re: Divine Revelation|| "Should I take the Vaccine", "Great Tribulation" by Nephilim: 7:37pm On Mar 26, 2021
Woow! Awesome..
It's well.
More Grace, More mercy Lord. cry sad

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Re: Divine Revelation|| "Should I take the Vaccine", "Great Tribulation" by Samueltemi337(m): 1:24am On Mar 27, 2021
Christians are dummies

How about the vaccines you took when you were a child?


Re: Divine Revelation|| "Should I take the Vaccine", "Great Tribulation" by Kobojunkie: 2:31am On Mar 27, 2021
Very true. We all have access to the throne. you can always inquire from the Holy-Spirit, stay blessed!
I asked Him, and He said you are a liar and Jesus Christ( the Truth of God, even His very Spirit) does not live inside of you. undecided
Re: Divine Revelation|| "Should I take the Vaccine", "Great Tribulation" by peggywebbs(f): 9:58am On Mar 27, 2021
Question? Is this a vaccine? Does it prevent you from contacting COVID? Does it prevent transmission?

Polio vaccine, measles, chicken pox vaccine etc we all know what they did. Anyone who thinks he is wise is a fool. Wise people asked questions and not blindly take what someone tells you without using reason.

A virus that has 99% chance of survival and someone wants to kill your immune system. How sure are you the other vaccine won't affect you when you contact other illnesses. Government has lied about the figures and deaths and still continue to lie about the vaccine deaths. Open your eyes and do your research. Find people who have taken this vaccine and their experiences.

Israel has had 70% of their people fully vaccinated and yet the deaths have increased triple. Your science says herd vaccination will reduce the effect of the virus. In one country alone that has proven to be a lie. Other countries continue to record deaths, blindness, paralysis etc and the yet you call it a vaccine. Continue to live in your fools paradise but don't underestimate someone's belief at least he is wise enough to ask questions... what have you done?

Christians are dummies

How about the vaccines you took when you were a child?

1 Like

Re: Divine Revelation|| "Should I take the Vaccine", "Great Tribulation" by Samueltemi337(m): 10:07am On Mar 27, 2021
Question? Is this a vaccine? Does it prevent you from contacting COVID? Does it prevent transmission?

Polio vaccine, measles, chicken pox vaccine etc we all know what they did. Anyone who thinks he is wise is a fool. Wise people asked questions and not blindly take what someone tells you without using reason.

A virus that has 99% chance of survival and someone wants to kill your immune system. How sure are you the other vaccine won't affect you when you contact other illnesses. Government has lied about the figures and deaths and still continue to lie about the vaccine deaths. Open your eyes and do your research. Find people who have taken this vaccine and their experiences.

Israel has had 70% of their people fully vaccinated and yet the deaths have increased triple. Your science says herd vaccination will reduce the effect of the virus. In one country alone that has proven to be a lie. Other countries continue to record deaths, blindness, paralysis etc and the yet you call it a vaccine. Continue to live in your fools paradise but don't underestimate someone's belief at least he is wise enough to ask questions... what have you done?

So Why are you underestimating my own belief?
Re: Divine Revelation|| "Should I take the Vaccine", "Great Tribulation" by peggywebbs(f): 10:14am On Mar 27, 2021
I am not I am only giving you a direct response for calling religious people unreasonable.

So Why are you underestimating my own belief?
Re: Divine Revelation|| "Should I take the Vaccine", "Great Tribulation" by Samueltemi337(m): 10:15am On Mar 27, 2021

I am not I am only giving you a direct response for calling religious people unreasonable.

I was also giving him a direct response for talking down on the vaccine

1 Like

Re: Divine Revelation|| "Should I take the Vaccine", "Great Tribulation" by peggywebbs(f): 12:07pm On Mar 27, 2021
He wasn't talking down on it. He was expressing his fears. What we make of it is up to us but he only stated what he experienced and how he interpreted it. It doesn't make him unreasonable, it only makes him human.

We believe whatever we want to but our fears can never be seperated from our reasoning. He's bible oriented and you are science oriented. He sees things one way while you look the other way. Nobody is right at the end of the day because we don't have all the information.

I for one don't believe in this vaccine and for good reason. We are in a time where we keep complaining about governments violating human rights and responsibilities killing their citizens. Why would the same government that kills its citizens be concerned about saving their lives.

Everyone wants to make money for selfish reasons...and that's why diseases will never leave this earth. But to completely change the definition of a vaccine.. that's just a whole step beyond their usual practice. Who knows what they are up to next.

I was also giving him a direct response for talking down on the vaccine
Re: Divine Revelation|| "Should I take the Vaccine", "Great Tribulation" by Samueltemi337(m): 12:20pm On Mar 27, 2021

He wasn't talking down on it. He was expressing his fears. What we make of it is up to us but he only stated what he experienced and how he interpreted it. It doesn't make him unreasonable, it only makes him human.

We believe whatever we want to but our fears can never be seperated from our reasoning. He's bible oriented and you are science oriented. He sees things one way while you look the other way. Nobody is right at the end of the day because we don't have all the information.

I for one don't believe in this vaccine and for good reason. We are in a time where we keep complaining about governments violating human rights and responsibilities killing their citizens. Why would the same government that kills its citizens be concerned about saving their lives.

Everyone wants to make money for selfish reasons...and that's why diseases will never leave this earth. But to completely change the definition of a vaccine.. that's just a whole step beyond their usual practice. Who knows what they are up to next.

And you still take drugs whenever you fall sick

Why don't you wait for your god to heal you?
Re: Divine Revelation|| "Should I take the Vaccine", "Great Tribulation" by peggywebbs(f): 12:49pm On Mar 27, 2021
Yes I do...and I make sure I rea d every component on the drug and look for the side effects. If it is recommended and is not a new product that hasn't been tried. That's what I do

And you still take drugs whenever you fall sick

Why don't you wait for your god to heal you?
Re: Divine Revelation|| "Should I take the Vaccine", "Great Tribulation" by Samueltemi337(m): 1:11pm On Mar 27, 2021

Yes I do...and I make sure I rea d every component on the drug and look for the side effects. If it is recommended and is not a new product that hasn't been tried. That's what I do

Keep deceiving yourself
Re: Divine Revelation|| "Should I take the Vaccine", "Great Tribulation" by At10tion: 5:04pm On Mar 27, 2021
I asked Him, and He said you are a liar and Jesus Christ( the Truth of God, even His very Spirit) does not live inside of you. undecided
John 8:44-45 "You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.
Re: Divine Revelation|| "Should I take the Vaccine", "Great Tribulation" by At10tion: 5:06pm On Mar 27, 2021
I asked Him, and He said you are a liar and Jesus Christ( the Truth of God, even His very Spirit) does not live inside of you. undecided

Matthew 12:32 "Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come."

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Re: Divine Revelation|| "Should I take the Vaccine", "Great Tribulation" by Kobojunkie: 5:11pm On Mar 27, 2021
John 8:44-45 "You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.
it seems to you are very good at pulling verses out-of-context pretending that by doing so you speak for God. undecided

The verses you pulled there were from th conversation that took places between Jesus Christ and some jews who refused to heed His teachings. They refused to accept, and obey His teachings in order that they may be free from slavery to sin. He told them there that the reason they refuse Him, even though they of the bloodline of Abraham, is because the one who they belong to is the devil and not His Father in Heaven. undecided

You, like those are willing to twist the words of Jesus Christ to justify your lies against His person. What does that tell you of who you belong to? undecided
Re: Divine Revelation|| "Should I take the Vaccine", "Great Tribulation" by Kobojunkie: 5:36pm On Mar 27, 2021

Matthew 12:32 "Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come."
Let me cite the example of Herod as told of in the book of Acts of Apostle to you. Herod blasphemed against God(old Covenant) and was immediately eaten by worms for it. What many MoGs do not realize was that as king over the Jewish people, Herod had to be "anointed" King according to the Old way and so Herod was, how you all say it, "set apart" for God as a result of the anointing , meaning that God had His hand upon Herod. So when Herod blasphemed against God, it was directly against God in whose hands Herod's life was, the one whose hand was upon him. Hence the reason why Herod was immediately annihilated by God undecided

Now from that example, and several others in the same book of Acts, it seems clear that for someone to blaspheme against God, and against His Spirit, one first needs to belong to God- God's hand has to be on such a one, either through the Old Covenant "anointing" or by being born again/of the Spirit of God(New Covenant). And I believe that many of you are able to get away with your lies told against Him because He doesn't have His hand "upon you" to begin with, like He did Herod or even Ananias and Saphira. undecided
Re: Divine Revelation|| "Should I take the Vaccine", "Great Tribulation" by jmoore(m): 7:42pm On Mar 27, 2021
Christians are dummies

How about the vaccines you took when you were a child?

Some Christians are not against covid19 vaccine. Don't behave like those you are criticizing.
Re: Divine Revelation|| "Should I take the Vaccine", "Great Tribulation" by jmoore(m): 7:45pm On Mar 27, 2021
Fear can create delusion in your brain.

Dreams that are influenced by ignorance are not revelation.
Re: Divine Revelation|| "Should I take the Vaccine", "Great Tribulation" by Samueltemi337(m): 9:50pm On Mar 27, 2021

Some Christians are not against covid19 vaccine. Don't behave like those you are criticizing.
I didn't call Christians dummies because of covid19 vaccine
Re: Divine Revelation|| "Should I take the Vaccine", "Great Tribulation" by jmoore(m): 11:08pm On Mar 27, 2021
I didn't call Christians dummies because of covid19 vaccine

You called them dummies because of what?

Wright brothers gave us airplanes. They were Christians. Do you personally have your own invention better than theirs?
Re: Divine Revelation|| "Should I take the Vaccine", "Great Tribulation" by MaxInDHouse(m): 11:22pm On Mar 27, 2021
There are speculations that the vaccine means the Mark of the Beast.
But when most of their leaders saw JWs (who are the light of the world) going for it, a great division arose in Christendom Churches, so they can't speak out unlike when they first heard of it.
Don't you notice that your so called Daddy GOs and Bishops are silent on the matter?
Well they're waiting for something to happen then they will start saying what their so called God told them after having a cup of coffee with them in their bedroom! smiley


Some Christians are not against covid19 vaccine. Don't behave like those you are criticizing.

Re: Divine Revelation|| "Should I take the Vaccine", "Great Tribulation" by At10tion: 8:12am On Apr 20, 2021
Revelation of What is to Come 20th April 2021

It was in the night vision and I saw how things quickly changed dramatically from a peaceful atmosphere to a troubled one and then to a fatal one. I saw how a communal clash leads to a bloody war of bloodbath all over the places. Matthew 24:6-7 People were running helter skelter as gun men in black unleash mayhem on the people, even those in secured places could not remain there, fear gripped all hearts. I ran and ran avoiding all fatalities that came my way even animals were attacking and killing people, I ran into a camp lighted and with many soldiers inside that's when I had peace and then I woke up, prayed and slept back.

Then again I saw how people betrayed each other.. Some people that didn't collect the Vaccine will go out to their friends house for food and on getting there, with the food almost done, A nurse will come out to vaccinate them and some terrible looking men will come out from behind to deal with them if they didn't take it. Those men attacked me with a weapon but they couldn't hurt me because it seems or my body was different, I flew here and there. Matthew 24:9-10 I woke up, prayed and slept back.

Then again I saw how food was expensive. Revelation 6:5-6 I was going to buy some things to eat, I got to the store and pick two pieces of gala since the main food like rice, beans are nowhere to be found, as I picked the two up, the seller told me it's #10,000, which means one gala is #5000, I quickly dropped it then walk out of the store.

The things written in the scripture about the endtime are true and are coming to pass, they are terrible things that only those standing in Christ and yielded to instructions will overcome it. Brethren let's stand firm and avail ourselves to be found in Christ when the trumpets blow, there's no more time to waste, we can see how the vaccine has been implemented and force on those at the frontline, next is going to be the masses, there's no more time, repent of all sins, the time is here.

Re: Divine Revelation|| "Should I take the Vaccine", "Great Tribulation" by MaxInDHouse(m): 9:26am On Apr 20, 2021
Why do you choose to use the artistic impression in our book?
We are JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES are our message differs from your so called revelation! smiley

Revelation of What is to Come 20th April 2021

It was in the night vision and I saw how things quickly changed dramatically from a peaceful atmosphere to a troubled one and then to a fatal one. I saw how a communal clash leads to a bloody war of bloodbath all over the places. Matthew 24:6-7 People were running helter skelter as gun men in black unleash mayhem on the people, even those in secured places could not remain there, fear gripped all hearts. I ran and ran avoiding all fatalities that came my way even animals were attacking and killing people, I ran into a camp lighted and with many soldiers inside that's when I had peace and then I woke up, prayed and slept back.

Then again I saw how people betrayed each other.. Some people that didn't collect the Vaccine will go out to their friends house for food and on getting there, with the food almost done, A nurse will come out to vaccinate them and some terrible looking men will come out from behind to deal with them if they didn't take it. Those men attacked me with a weapon but they couldn't hurt me because it seems or my body was different, I flew here and there. Matthew 24:9-10 I woke up, prayed and slept back.

Then again I saw how food was expensive. Revelation 6:5-6 I was going to buy some things to eat, I got to the store and pick two pieces of gala since the main food like rice, beans are nowhere to be found, as I picked the two up, the seller told me it's #10,000, which means one gala is #5000, I quickly dropped it then walk out of the store.

The things written in the scripture about the endtime are true and are coming to pass, they are terrible things that only those standing in Christ and yielded to instructions will overcome it. Brethren let's stand firm and avail ourselves to be found in Christ when the trumpets blow, there's no more time to waste, we can see how the vaccine has been implemented and force on those at the frontline, next is going to be the masses, there's no more time, repent of all sins, the time is here.

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