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Alumni Smokers, How Did You Manage To Stop - Health - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Health / Alumni Smokers, How Did You Manage To Stop (295 Views)

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Alumni Smokers, How Did You Manage To Stop by seohubb: 2:11pm On May 12, 2021
Greetings to all and guest in this forum.

I have been smoking weed and cigarette casually for over 20 years but it takes eternity to work on my self to stop..was wondering if it's possible and if yes, how do I go about it?

Re: Alumni Smokers, How Did You Manage To Stop by zeuss: 2:13pm On May 12, 2021
Greetings to all and guest in this forum.

I have been smoking weed and cigarette casually for over 20 years but it takes eternity to work on my self to stop..was wondering if it's possible and if yes, how do I go about it?

One day at a time. Try to avoid it for one day and start disconnecting from there
Re: Alumni Smokers, How Did You Manage To Stop by seohubb: 2:14pm On May 12, 2021

One day at a time. Try to avoid it for one day and start disconnecting from there

I do. Just that I find myself going back..
Re: Alumni Smokers, How Did You Manage To Stop by doggedfighter(f): 3:07pm On May 12, 2021
Keep reducing the number of sticks and times each day.

Don't stop at once.

Reduce and keep reducing !

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Re: Alumni Smokers, How Did You Manage To Stop by caesymore(m): 3:14pm On May 12, 2021
grin lights my Kpoli... Inhales deeply... Exhales... na your matter I dey try reason,

the problem is that you are 5 years older than me in the Religion, just that I don't smoke anything other than M>J and I thank God for the gift of M>J. For me I will advice you quit the cigarette its very Unhealthy .

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Re: Alumni Smokers, How Did You Manage To Stop by zeuss: 3:16pm On May 12, 2021

I do. Just that I find myself going back..

If u do then your on track....one day monkey go go market e no go come back.

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