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Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His - Religion (17) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His (26430 Views)

Jesus Lied When He Promised The Thief Beside Him Heaven! / RCCG GO Pastor Adeboye Lied When He Said About 50% Americans Are Jews. / Does Satan Own The Kingdoms Of The World? (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by achorladey: 10:22pm On May 15, 2021

I told you i will no longer discuss with you.
But i can advise you.
Return to Jehovah.
Jesus loves you.
Go confess your sins and you'll be refreshed.

Acts 3:19 says:

19 “Repent, therefore, and turn around so as to get your sins blotted out, so that seasons of refreshing may come from Jehovah himself.

But i can advise you

How do you advise without discussing or conversing with the person? grin grin grin

Return to Jehovah.

The one in your house that I left abi? Ok

Jesus loves you.

Jesus now love APOSTATES that you are expected to shun. I hear cheesy

Go confess your sins and you'll be refreshed.

The one I told you about concerning old books that result in you calling me APOSTATES. Don't worry I am meeting the elders after your meetings tomorrow to confess all the sins obtained from old books published by the ORGANIZATION you belong grin grin
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by MaxInDHouse(m): 10:24pm On May 15, 2021

That's what they do.
Some criticize the witnesses but use our books in their teachings and seminars.
So am not surprised because even the devil himself quoted from the pages of the Bible a number of times.
Now he can't even identify himself with any religion hiding under the keyboard.
But he's an apostate.

Regarding the underlined he will tell you that he is with Jesus as if Jesus isolated himself from fellow believers! smiley

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Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by achorladey: 10:35pm On May 15, 2021
The young lady Rozz studied him diligently and found out that he's empty without the JWs.
Please try going through his comments on Nairaland and see if he ever make any meaningful comment in discussions. But whenever he finds people talking against JWs that's the time he'll pulp out of his den and start commenting as if he's the chairman of antijw group! Then he will start pasting publications as if that's what he's paid to come and do in Nairaland. And when you ask him to mention his church, he will go evasive as if he worships in Isolation not with people anymore!
A lady once told me that this same person still attends the meetings but his heart is totally against everything we're doing in the Organization. OK leave the group and find a better one, NO way! embarassed
I was surprised when i noticed his comment on a thread that's not about JWs, and my brother come and see the life of a real Apostate! Can you imagine this good for nothing idiot quoted the organization's publication as what everyone need to improve in their dealings with God?
So i asked him "how come you can't find any publication of those you always takes side with instead of that of your prime enemy? undecided

So my brother, his case is irredeemable because it's clear to me from that day that his sin against the spirit of truth is intentional! Luke 12:10

[b]Please try going through his comments on Nairaland and see if he ever make any meaningful comment in discussions

How many moniker you don change to on top nairaland? Remind me please? grin grin grin

that's the time he'll pulp out of his den and start commenting as if he's the chairman of antijw group

Na my den now. I get freedom to go in and out like you do in your den grin grin grin

A lady once told me that this same person still attends the meetings but his heart is totally against everything we're doing in the Organization. OK leave the group and find a better one, NO way

Speculations and imaginations keep rolling like one said, unrepentant, not correctly taught and added na because Dem no give me wife marry. grin grin grin See many speculations suppositions flying everywhere. I remember that lady equally said she knows one mama kokade for Ibadan grin shocked

I was surprised when i noticed his comment on a thread that's not about JWs, and my brother come and see the life of a real Apostate!

And the question I asked you concerning that post kept you mute up till today.

Can you imagine this good for nothing idiot quoted the organization's publication as what everyone need to improve in their dealings with God?

The good for nothing idiot used your materials to help others improve your dealings and when the same good for nothing idiots use it to highlight what don't dance to your tune. He becomes what? I don't have to repeat them all over.

So i asked him "how come you can't find any publication of those you always takes side with instead of that of your prime enemy

And my question as it applies here, he has never answered grin grin grin

So my brother, his case is irredeemable because it's clear to me from that day that his sin against the spirit of truth is intentional! Luke 12:10

MaxInDHouse aka the Holy spirit speaking grin grin Awon to si n be Olorun fun idariji ese ni Emi mimo bayii grin grin

And the spirit of truth that I sinned against intentionally here are are the kind of truth that becomes PAST TRUTH, PRESENT TRUTH and FUTURE TRUTH as the religious leaders of your organization deem fit.

And everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by achorladey: 10:39pm On May 15, 2021

Regarding the underlined he will tell you that he is with Jesus as if Jesus isolated himself from fellow believers! smiley

This one go tell me sey im don forget the first discussion I had with him on this. Where he was still championing military intelligence all over nairaland grin

that he is with Jesus as if Jesus isolated himself from fellow believers

My isolation from others they give you serious concern grin At least I dey in isolation with Jesus grin . That one too dey give you worry?
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by achorladey: 10:47pm On May 15, 2021

That's what they do.
Some criticize the witnesses but use our books in their teachings and seminars.
So am not surprised because even the devil himself quoted from the pages of the Bible a number of times.
Now he can't even identify himself with any religion hiding under the keyboard.
But he's an apostate.

Some criticize the witnesses but use our books in their teachings and seminars.

Your religious organization criticize, judge and continually condemn other christian denominations yet you and your religious leaders cite their works and even went as ft as calling it SPIRITUAL FOOD at the proper time.

So am not surprised because even the devil himself quoted from the pages of the Bible a number of times.

Will you and your religious leaders readily accept you behave like the DEVIL TOO?

Now he can't even identify himself with any religion hiding under the keyboard

This one need names that comes with WALLS and FENCES. Just like I told your brother here na out side camp I dey biko! I hope you can process that.

But he's an apostate.

Based on old books published and printed by your organization. That is to say that organization equally breeds APOSTATES. The reason the organization will always have them grin
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by PrincessGlow: 11:21pm On May 15, 2021

achorladey, MaxInDHouse, Janosky

To the JW's still defending the evil called shunning:

What did Christ say to those about to stone the woman accused of adultery?? Yet He knew they could show him where it was written in the Scriptures.

See, the only difference between you and those you are judging and shunning is that you sin differently, or that you have not been caught. Imagine ostracizing a young girl to suicide because she fell in love with a non-JW! Does that make sense to you? Maybe her fiance would have become a JW observing how kindly JW treated his wife.

Here's that Christ's parable again. Try to read it with understanding. Note especially the bolded

22 Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.[g](V)

23 “Therefore, the kingdom of heaven is like(W) a king who wanted to settle accounts(X) with his servants. 24 As he began the settlement, a man who owed him ten thousand bags of gold[h] was brought to him. 25 Since he was not able to pay,(Y) the master ordered that he and his wife and his children and all that he had be sold(Z) to repay the debt.

26 “At this the servant fell on his knees before him.(AA) ‘Be patient with me,’ he begged, ‘and I will pay back everything.’ 27 The servant’s master took pity on him, canceled the debt and let him go.

28 “But when that servant went out, he found one of his fellow servants who owed him a hundred silver coins.[i] He grabbed him and began to choke him. ‘Pay back what you owe me!’ he demanded.

29 “His fellow servant fell to his knees and begged him, ‘Be patient with me, and I will pay it back.’

30 “But he refused. Instead, he went off and had the man thrown into prison until he could pay the debt. 31 When the other servants saw what had happened, they were outraged and went and told their master everything that had happened.

32 “Then the master called the servant in. ‘You wicked servant,’ he said, ‘I canceled all that debt of yours because you begged me to. 33 Shouldn’t you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?’ 34 In anger his master handed him over to the jailers to be tortured, until he should pay back all he owed.

35 “This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother or sister from your heart.”(AB)
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by Janosky: 11:46pm On May 15, 2021

achorladey, MaxInDHouse, Janosky

To the JW's still defending the evil called shunning:

What did Christ say to those about to stone the woman accused of adultery?? Yet He knew they could show him where it was written in the Scriptures.

See, the only difference between you and those you are judging and shunning is that you sin differently, or that you have not been caught. Imagine ostracizing a young girl to suicide because she fell in love with a non-JW! Does that make sense to you? Maybe her fiance would have become a JW observing how kindly JW treated his wife.

Here's that Christ's parable again. Try to read it with understanding. Note especially the bolded

22 Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.[g](V)

23 “Therefore, the kingdom of heaven is like(W) a king who wanted to settle accounts(X) with his servants. 24 As he began the settlement, a man who owed him ten thousand bags of gold[h] was brought to him. 25 Since he was not able to pay,(Y) the master ordered that he and his wife and his children and all that he had be sold(Z) to repay the debt.

26 “At this the servant fell on his knees before him.(AA) ‘Be patient with me,’ he begged, ‘and I will pay back everything.’ 27 The servant’s master took pity on him, canceled the debt and let him go.

28 “But when that servant went out, he found one of his fellow servants who owed him a hundred silver coins.[i] He grabbed him and began to choke him. ‘Pay back what you owe me!’ he demanded.

29 “His fellow servant fell to his knees and begged him, ‘Be patient with me, and I will pay it back.’

30 “But he refused. Instead, he went off and had the man thrown into prison until he could pay the debt. 31 When the other servants saw what had happened, they were outraged and went and told their master everything that had happened.

32 “Then the master called the servant in. ‘You wicked servant,’ he said, ‘I canceled all that debt of yours because you begged me to. 33 Shouldn’t you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?’ 34 In anger his master handed him over to the jailers to be tortured, until he should pay back all he owed.

35 “This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother or sister from your heart.”(AB)
Madam, why did God not forgive Sodom & Gomorrah?
Verse 22-35, (you no name which scripture you quote) is similar to Psalm 51, David's remorse and God's forgiveness.
You're mistaking God's forgiveness for disfellowship.
Both are very different.
I have explain the difference to you.

Your Church people knows that that story is NOT part of the original gospel of John.

Does John 7:53—8:11 belong in the Bible?
John 7:53-8:11, pericope adulterae


The story of the woman caught in adultery is found in John 7:53—8:11. This section of Scripture, sometimes referred to as the pericope adulterae, has been the center of much controversy over the years. At issue is its authenticity. Did the apostle John write John 7:53—8:11, or is the story of the adulterous woman forgiven by Jesus a later, uninspired insertion into the text?

This is because the earliest (and many would say the most reliable) Greek manuscripts do not include the story of the woman taken in adultery.

The Greek manuscripts show fairly clear evidence that John 7:53—8:11 was not originally part of John’s Gospel. Among the manuscripts that do contain the section, either wholly or in part, there are variations of placement. Some manuscripts put the pericope adulterae after John 7:36, others after John 21:25, and some even place it in the Gospel of Luke (after Luke 21:38 or 24:53).

There is internal evidence, too, that John 7:53—8:11 is not original to the text. For one thing, the inclusion of these verses breaks the flow of John’s narrative. Reading from John 7:52 to John 8:12 (skipping the debated section) makes perfect sense. Also, the vocabulary used in the story of the adulterous woman is different from what is found in the rest of the Gospel of John. For example, John never refers to “the scribes” anywhere in his book—except in John 8:3. There are thirteen other words in this short section that are found nowhere else in John’s Gospel.

The fact, however, remains that John 7:53—8:11 is not supported by the best manuscript evidence. Thus, there is serious doubt as to whether it should be included in the Bible. Many call for Bible publishers to remove these verses (along with Mark 16:9–20) "

Madam, you can't use DUBIOUS forgery of men @ John 8:7 to argue a matter that God's word commanded in the name of Jesus at
2 Thessalonians 3:6

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Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by achorladey: 11:59pm On May 15, 2021

achorladey, MaxInDHouse, Janosky

To the JW's still defending the evil called shunning:

What did Christ say to those about to stone the woman accused of adultery?? Yet He knew they could show him where it was written in the Scriptures.

See, the only difference between you and those you are judging and shunning is that you sin differently, or that you have not been caught. Imagine ostracizing a young girl to suicide because she fell in love with a non-JW! Does that make sense to you? Maybe her fiance would have become a JW observing how kindly JW treated his wife.

Here's that Christ's parable again. Try to read it with understanding. Note especially the bolded

22 Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.[g](V)

23 “Therefore, the kingdom of heaven is like(W) a king who wanted to settle accounts(X) with his servants. 24 As he began the settlement, a man who owed him ten thousand bags of gold[h] was brought to him. 25 Since he was not able to pay,(Y) the master ordered that he and his wife and his children and all that he had be sold(Z) to repay the debt.

26 “At this the servant fell on his knees before him.(AA) ‘Be patient with me,’ he begged, ‘and I will pay back everything.’ 27 The servant’s master took pity on him, canceled the debt and let him go.

28 “But when that servant went out, he found one of his fellow servants who owed him a hundred silver coins.[i] He grabbed him and began to choke him. ‘Pay back what you owe me!’ he demanded.

29 “His fellow servant fell to his knees and begged him, ‘Be patient with me, and I will pay it back.’

30 “But he refused. Instead, he went off and had the man thrown into prison until he could pay the debt. 31 When the other servants saw what had happened, they were outraged and went and told their master everything that had happened.

32 “Then the master called the servant in. ‘You wicked servant,’ he said, ‘I canceled all that debt of yours because you begged me to. 33 Shouldn’t you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?’ 34 In anger his master handed him over to the jailers to be tortured, until he should pay back all he owed.

35 “This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother or sister from your heart.”(AB)

Haven't you seen one calling me APOSTATES for citing an old publications of the organization?

The JWs will equally disfellowshiped and shun anyone that holds on to anything contrary to what was dished out by their religious leaders.

In essence when the religious leaders of their organization says the white background associated with where I typed this words is green, regardless of who/whom you are you must say it is green despite seeing or knowing that it is white should you still value your stay in the organization.

JWs will equally shun any of the members who resigned or disassociated from it's religious organization (special people that leads others to sin grin grin grin)

After all it is captured in their publications that those who disassociated should be treated like a disfellowshiped somebody.

I have completed my own discussion concerning this shunning palaver a month or two back. The outcome still very much available on nairaland.

They will keep recycling those scriptures given already.

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Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by Janosky: 12:14am On May 16, 2021

Haven't you seen one calling me APOSTATES for citing an old publications of the organization?

The JWs will equally disfellowshiped and shun anyone that holds on to anything contrary to what was dished out by their religious leaders.

In essence when the religious leaders of their organization says the [b]white
background associated with where I typed this words is green, regardless of who/whom you are you must say it is green despite seeing or knowing that it is white should you still value your stay in the organization.

JWs will equally shun any of the members who resigned or disassociated from it's religious organization (special people that leads others to sin grin grin grin)

After all it is captured in their publications that those who disassociated should be treated like a disfellowshiped somebody.
I have completed my own discussion concerning this shunning palaver a month or two back. The outcome still very much available on nairaland.

They will keep recycling those scriptures given already.
Quarantine, covid-19 isolation and disfellowship is for the same purpose-
Protection from anyone whose "health issues" pose a risk to the well-being of the community.
1 Corinthians 5:1-13.
James 5:14-16, 2 Timothy 3:16, The sick individual will receive needed help /treatment from Congregation Elders to aid his recovery.
Can a doctor treat a patient who rejects & refuse treatment?
1 Corinthians 10:6-11, Numbers 16:23-26 Jehovah's example dey your Bible, Unremorseful , unrepentant ones won't receive Jehovah's mercy.
Bitter pill of truth giving Achorladey sifia pains

Covid-19 isolation center near your residence.
Enter there without protective gear and live there for one month (shey you know say Israelites do quarantine), before you can rant about disfellowship.

Until you've done so, you are proven to this forum that you lack SENSE.

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Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by PrincessGlow: 1:48am On May 16, 2021

Madam, why did God not forgive Sodom & Gomorrah?
Verse 22-35, (you no name which scripture you quote) is similar to Psalm 51, David's remorse and God's forgiveness.
You're mistaking God's forgiveness for disfellowship.
Both are very different.
I have explain the difference to you.

Your Church people knows that that story is NOT part of the original gospel of John.

Does John 7:53—8:11 belong in the Bible?
John 7:53-8:11, pericope adulterae


The story of the woman caught in adultery is found in John 7:53—8:11. This section of Scripture, sometimes referred to as the pericope adulterae, has been the center of much controversy over the years. At issue is its authenticity. Did the apostle John write John 7:53—8:11, or is the story of the adulterous woman forgiven by Jesus a later, uninspired insertion into the text?

This is because the earliest (and many would say the most reliable) Greek manuscripts do not include the story of the woman taken in adultery.

The Greek manuscripts show fairly clear evidence that John 7:53—8:11 was not originally part of John’s Gospel. Among the manuscripts that do contain the section, either wholly or in part, there are variations of placement. Some manuscripts put the pericope adulterae after John 7:36, others after John 21:25, and some even place it in the Gospel of Luke (after Luke 21:38 or 24:53).

There is internal evidence, too, that John 7:53—8:11 is not original to the text. For one thing, the inclusion of these verses breaks the flow of John’s narrative. Reading from John 7:52 to John 8:12 (skipping the debated section) makes perfect sense. Also, the vocabulary used in the story of the adulterous woman is different from what is found in the rest of the Gospel of John. For example, John never refers to “the scribes” anywhere in his book—except in John 8:3. There are thirteen other words in this short section that are found nowhere else in John’s Gospel.

The fact, however, remains that John 7:53—8:11 is not supported by the best manuscript evidence. Thus, there is serious doubt as to whether it should be included in the Bible. Many call for Bible publishers to remove these verses (along with Mark 16:9–20) "

Madam, you can't use DUBIOUS forgery of men @ John 8:7 to argue a matter that God's word commanded in the name of Jesus at
2 Thessalonians 3:6

You keep confusing yourself splitting hairs.
I keep directing you to the SPIRIT you claim to be following and you keep quoting words you yourself say could have been tampered with. If John whatever was inserted how do you know how accurate Sodom story was? You don't have to know all that if u r directed by the SPIRIT. Does the Spirit Jesus tally with destroying a city because they are sinners??
You don't have to read anything to know the answer.
Meditate on the artwork below:

Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by ospido: 2:49am On May 16, 2021

achorladey, MaxInDHouse, Janosky

To the JW's still defending the evil called shunning:

What did Christ say to those about to stone the woman accused of adultery?? Yet He knew they could show him where it was written in the Scriptures.

See, the only difference between you and those you are judging and shunning is that you sin differently, or that you have not been caught. Imagine ostracizing a young girl to suicide because she fell in love with a non-JW! Does that make sense to you? Maybe her fiance would have become a JW observing how kindly JW treated his wife.

Here's that Christ's parable again. Try to read it with understanding. Note especially the bolded

22 Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.[g](V)

23 “Therefore, the kingdom of heaven is like(W) a king who wanted to settle accounts(X) with his servants. 24 As he began the settlement, a man who owed him ten thousand bags of gold[h] was brought to him. 25 Since he was not able to pay,(Y) the master ordered that he and his wife and his children and all that he had be sold(Z) to repay the debt.

26 “At this the servant fell on his knees before him.(AA) ‘Be patient with me,’ he begged, ‘and I will pay back everything.’ 27 The servant’s master took pity on him, canceled the debt and let him go.

28 “But when that servant went out, he found one of his fellow servants who owed him a hundred silver coins.[i] He grabbed him and began to choke him. ‘Pay back what you owe me!’ he demanded.

29 “His fellow servant fell to his knees and begged him, ‘Be patient with me, and I will pay it back.’

30 “But he refused. Instead, he went off and had the man thrown into prison until he could pay the debt. 31 When the other servants saw what had happened, they were outraged and went and told their master everything that had happened.

32 “Then the master called the servant in. ‘You wicked servant,’ he said, ‘I canceled all that debt of yours because you begged me to. 33 Shouldn’t you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?’ 34 In anger his master handed him over to the jailers to be tortured, until he should pay back all he owed.

35 “This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother or sister from your heart.”(AB)

Now i see.
You were impregnated leading to your being disfellowshipped.
And you're crying wolf?
No wonder.
Repent young woman.
You still a window.
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by ospido: 2:58am On May 16, 2021

Some criticize the witnesses but use our books in their teachings and seminars.

Your religious organization criticize, judge and continually condemn other christian denominations yet you and your religious leaders cite their works and even went as ft as calling it SPIRITUAL FOOD at the proper time.

So am not surprised because even the devil himself quoted from the pages of the Bible a number of times.

Will you and your religious leaders readily accept you behave like the DEVIL TOO?

Now he can't even identify himself with any religion hiding under the keyboard

This one need names that comes with WALLS and FENCES. Just like I told your brother here na out side camp I dey biko! I hope you can process that.

But he's an apostate.

Based on old books published and printed by your organization. That is to say that organization equally breeds APOSTATES. The reason the organization will always have them grin

You have chosen the path of death.
But you can still repent.
Jesus loves you
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by MaxInDHouse(m): 4:49am On May 16, 2021
I wanted to stop chatting with you but before then i think it's better to clear some issues you are getting wrong regarding the SPIRIT!
First of all i want you to know that it's the same SPIRIT that ordered Israelites to stone sinners to death in the old covenant that's still operating with God's people. JEHOVAH has not changed!
The only difference is each worshiper now has a duty (to preach and teach his neighbour the good news of God's kingdom) and it's not only in Israel where the constitution was written under inspiration. Christians in other places can't practice stoning of sinners to death in lands where the constitution doesn't support it. Moreover Jesus ordered his followers to assist the weak ones in their midst unlike when they do exterminate the spiritually weak ones.
So the standard has not changed!
Sinners will not inherit God's Kingdom but repentant ones will be shown mercy.
Apostle Paul expatiate on the spirit of LOVE when he said:
Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous. It does not brag, does not get puffed up, does not behave indecently, does not look for its own interests, does not become provoked. It does not keep account of the injury. It does not rejoice over unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
1Corinthians 13:4-7
LOVE doesn't rejoice with unrighteousness but rejoice with the truth. Anyone that's disfellowshiped amongst JWs lacks this kind of LOVE.
©They are not patient so instead of accepting discipline from the organization they brag.
©They're puffed up with pride as if they don't know that the rules is binding on one and all.
©They start behaving indecently instead of maintaining their humility.
©They put their PERSONAL interest ahead of all other things.
©They get easily provoked as if they must see JEHOVAH face to face before succumbing to what the body of elders decide.
©They want to keep account of those who wronged them instead of to let go.
©They will embrace wrongdoings to spite the organization but in disguise they'll claim they are showing love.

All these will lead you out of the organization, so truthfully speaking you have not come to know the spirit of LOVE! smiley

But you may wish to dispute this so i'll implore you to PRESENT a better performing group of worshipers than Jehovah's Witnesses, if you can then know that you're truthful to your own soul but if you can't then know that you're deceiving yourself! smiley


You keep confusing yourself splitting hairs.
I keep directing you to the SPIRIT you claim to be following and you keep quoting words you yourself say could have been tampered with. If John whatever was inserted how do you know how accurate Sodom story was? You don't have to know all that if u r directed by the SPIRIT. Does the Spirit Jesus tally with destroying a city because they are sinners??
You don't have to read anything to know the answer.
Meditate on the artwork below:
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by PrincessGlow: 5:24am On May 16, 2021
I wanted to stop chatting with you but before then i think it's better to clear some issues you are getting wrong regarding the SPIRIT!
First of all i want you to know that it's the same SPIRIT that ordered Israelites to stone sinners to death in the old covenant that's still operating with God's people. JEHOVAH has not changed!
The only difference is each worshiper now has a duty (to preach and teach his neighbour the good news of God's kingdom) and it's not only in Israel where the constitution was written under inspiration. Christians in other places can't practice stoning of sinners to death in lands where the constitution doesn't support it. Moreover Jesus ordered his followers to assist the weak ones in their midst unlike when they do exterminate the spiritually weak ones.
So the standard has not changed!
Sinners will not inherit God's Kingdom but repentant ones will be shown mercy.
Apostle Paul expatiate on the spirit of LOVE when he said:
Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous. It does not brag, does not get puffed up, does not behave indecently, does not look for its own interests, does not become provoked. It does not keep account of the injury. It does not rejoice over unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
1Corinthians 13:4-7
LOVE doesn't rejoice with unrighteousness but rejoice with the truth. Anyone that's disfellowshiped amongst JWs lacks this kind of LOVE.
©They are not patient so instead of accepting discipline from the organization they brag.
©They're puffed up with pride as if they don't know that the rules is binding on one and all.
©They start behaving indecently instead of maintaining their humility.
©They put their PERSONAL interest ahead of all other things.
©They get easily provoked as if they must see JEHOVAH face to face before succumbing to what the body of elders decide.
©They want to keep account of those who wronged them instead of to let go.
©They will embrace wrongdoings to spite the organization but in disguise they'll claim they are showing love.

All these will lead you out of the organization, so truthfully speaking you have not come to know the spirit of LOVE! smiley

But you may wish to dispute this so i'll implore you to PRESENT a better performing group of worshipers than Jehovah's Witnesses, if you can then know that you're truthful to your own soul but if you can't then know that you're deceiving yourself! smiley

Oh my! My brother what they taught you is Judaism not Christianity. There are 613 laws in the books of Moses. How many do you obey? In Christianity we are saved by Grace not by law. Christianity is not about rituals and laws as you have been mis-taught. That's why it is not really a religion in the usual sense
All those attributes of love u mentioned how many are you showing to the person u r shunning??
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by MaxInDHouse(m): 6:43am On May 16, 2021
So how many animal sacrifices do you see us perform?
Do you see us stone anyone to death physically?
Do you see us travel to visit Jerusalem Temple?

What i simply told you is that the SPIRIT that led the Israelites out of Egypt and gave them all those 600+ laws is still the same but since He is widening out to other nations to bring them all under Him, operations must change but the standard remains the same.
Ask any of those you're saying JWs shun if anyone will throw them out of JEHOVAH'S house or ask them why they're there.
The principle stands so if the disfellowshiped wants things to return to normal he/she should concur not proving right when you're wrong. But if you feel you're right while the organization is wrong, no wahala please PRESENT a better performing group! cheesy

However i'm not your brother Ma, you and i aren't related in any way so i'm your neighbour not your brother!


Oh my! My brother neighbour what they taught you is Judaism not Christianity. There are 613 laws in the books of Moses. How many do you obey? In Christianity we are saved by Grace not by law. Christianity is not about rituals and laws as you have been mis-taught. That's why it is not really a religion in the usual sense
All those attributes of love u mentioned how many are you showing to the person u r shunning??
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by achorladey: 9:49am On May 16, 2021

You have chosen the path of death.
But you can still repent.
Jesus loves you

When you are told, that I chose Jesus you came back with the below

You have chosen the path of death.

Choosing and Isolating with Jesus in the world in the realm of the religious organization you belong means DEATH. Thank you for it such a wonderful advice. I will keep it in my diary.

But you can still repent

You are still to answer the question about the SIN in the first place I committed.

Jesus loves you

You mean the same Jesus that I am isolating with that leads to DEATH or the that is housed in your place of dwelling?
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by achorladey: 9:51am On May 16, 2021

Now i see.
You were impregnated leading to your being disfellowshipped.
And you're crying wolf?
No wonder.
Repent young woman.
You still a window.

You were impregnated leading to your being disfellowshipped.

The pregnancy fall on top her through the spirit or na you dey responsible. Which one? The latter is more plausible than the former anyway.

Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by achorladey: 10:07am On May 16, 2021

Quarantine, covid-19 isolation and disfellowship is for the same purpose-
Protection from anyone whose "health issues" pose a risk to the well-being of the community.
1 Corinthians 5:1-13.
James 5:14-16, 2 Timothy 3:16, The sick individual will receive needed help /treatment from Congregation Elders to aid his recovery.
Can a doctor treat a patient who rejects & refuse treatment?
1 Corinthians 10:6-11, Numbers 16:23-26 Jehovah's example dey your Bible, Unremorseful , unrepentant ones won't receive Jehovah's mercy.
Bitter pill of truth giving Achorladey sifia pains

Covid-19 isolation center near your residence.
Enter there without protective gear and live there for one month (shey you know say Israelites do quarantine), before you can rant about disfellowship.

Until you've done so, you are proven to this forum that you lack SENSE.

I have completed my own discussion concerning this shunning palaver a month or two back. The outcome still very much available on nairaland.

They will keep recycling those scriptures given already.

Until you've done so

Done what?

you are proven to this forum that you lack SENSE

Out of the abundance of your heart your mouth speaks. What is your mouth spilling out this time

you lack SENSE grin grin grin

The reason I ask the other time that prayer that requires you holding your head and praying for sense you need it more than myself. grin grin
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by achorladey: 10:16am On May 16, 2021

Oh my! My brother what they taught you is Judaism not Christianity. There are 613 laws in the books of Moses. How many do you obey? In Christianity we are saved by Grace not by law. Christianity is not about rituals and laws as you have been mis-taught. That's why it is not really a religion in the usual sense
All those attributes of love u mentioned how many are you showing to the person u r shunning??

You should appreciate how he described the ORGANIZATION he belongs here. Na person wey sabi go see am.

©They are not patient so instead of accepting discipline from the organization they brag.

©They're puffed up with pride as if they don't know that the rules is binding on one and all.

©They start behaving indecently instead of maintaining their humility.

©They put their PERSONAL interest ahead of all other things.

©They get easily provoked as if they must see JEHOVAH face to face before succumbing to what the body of elders decide.

©They want to keep account of those who wronged them instead of to let go.

©They will embrace wrongdoings to spite the organization but in disguise they'll claim they are showing love.

1 Like

Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by PrincessGlow: 10:54am On May 16, 2021
So how many animal sacrifices do you see us perform?
Do you see us stone anyone to death physically?
Do you see us travel to visit Jerusalem Temple?

What i simply told you is that the SPIRIT that led the Israelites out of Egypt and gave them all those 600+ laws is still the same but since He is widening out to other nations to bring them all under Him, operations must change but the standard remains the same.
Ask any of those you're saying JWs shun if anyone will throw them out of JEHOVAH'S house or ask them why they're there.
The principle stands so if the disfellowshiped wants things to return to normal he/she should concur not proving right when you're wrong. But if you feel you're right while the organization is wrong, no wahala please PRESENT a better performing group! cheesy

However i'm not your brother Ma, you and i aren't related in any way so i'm your neighbour not your brother!

My bros, oh they won't even let you say "my brother", a mere coloquialism - u can only say it to JW"s? I see what it is now - JWs are not really into Christ. Where did it tell you the operations have changed? Can you cite it? You are insistent on being saved by laws. Do you even keep the Sabbath? I ask you again, how many of those attributes of love are you showing the person you are shunning? You even admitted they publish their names. And look at you, a pathetic habitual sinner, shunning someone for sinning. Look at all the JWs convicted of all sorts of heinous crimes, they are among those shunning a 21 year old for loving a non-JW till she commits suicide!
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by ospido: 1:15pm On May 16, 2021

You were impregnated leading to your being disfellowshipped.

The pregnancy fall on top her through the spirit or na you dey responsible. Which one? The latter is more plausible than the former anyway.

Even @9:51 am you're still quoting people up and down.

Is it not clear that you really are confused?

If you were in Church or may be in your juju house and typing messages here and there, then where is your respect for God?

Even in your condition, God can still forgive you provided you repent genuinely.
Repent and get forgiveness
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by MaxInDHouse(m): 1:18pm On May 16, 2021

My bros, oh they won't even let you say "my brother", a mere colonialism - u can only say it to JW"s?
Jesus confirmed this when he told the crowd that you're his brother only if you share the same faith with him! Matthew 12:46-49

I see what it is now - JWs are not really into Christ. Where did it tell you the operations have changed? Can you cite it?
Jeremiah 31:31-34

You are insistent on being saved by laws. Do you even keep the Sabbath? I ask you again, how many of those attributes of love are you showing the person you are shunning?
We are not even keeping Jewish laws but the laws of the Christ, Jesus himself won't refer to people as "workers of Iniquity" if there's no DISCIPLINARY actions involved in what he laid down! Matthew 7:21-23 smiley

You even admitted they publish their names. And look at you, a pathetic habitual sinner, shunning someone for sinning. Look at all the JWs convicted of all sorts of heinous crimes, they are among those shunning a 21 year old for loving a non-JW till she commits suicide!
Do you think Paul or any of his contemporaries were sinless when he published names of those not keeping up with the spirit {3John 1:9} shey?
Or you thought Judas Iscariot didn't realize that his name will be published everywhere the gospel is preached shey? cheesy
My young woman, there's nothing as in absolutely NOTHING you can say against the TRUTH. It's the heritage of God's people and our righteousness is from JEHOVAH not you! Isaiah 54:17 smiley

May you have PEACE! smiley
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by ospido: 1:20pm On May 16, 2021

When you are told, that I chose Jesus you came back with the below

You have chosen the path of death.

Choosing and Isolating with Jesus in the world in the realm of the religious organization you belong means DEATH. Thank you for it such a wonderful advice. I will keep it in my diary.

But you can still repent

You are still to answer the question about the SIN in the first place I committed.

Jesus loves you

You mean the same Jesus that I am isolating with that leads to DEATH or the that is housed in your place of dwelling?

If you love Jesus you wouldn't be doing what you did @ this hour.

Doing the wrong things @ the wrong time.

Repent ok?
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by achorladey: 1:24pm On May 16, 2021

If you love Jesus you wouldn't be doing what you did @ this hour.

Doing the wrong things @ the wrong time.

Repent ok?

Pele ti e

The Bible you carry states there is time for everything under the sun. Abi no be so? Why you carry my time and how I use it for head like this. Na your hands I take buy airtime for nairaland grin grin grin

If you love Jesus you wouldn't be doing what you did @ this hour

Emphasis on if please take note of the assumptions, speculations and suppositions. grin grin grin na under IF you still dey.

Zoom meeting don end abi? Na him make you pay visit for here grin grin
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by MaxInDHouse(m): 1:25pm On May 16, 2021
Even PrincessGlow is still trying to misconstrue what the scriptures stated in black and white, i beleive they're enjoying their condition outside the camp just as we are enjoying the safety in the city of refuge! smiley


Even @9:51 am you're still quoting people up and down. Is it not clear that you really are confused? If you were in Church or may be in your juju house and typing messages here and there, then where is your respect for God?
Even in your condition, God can still forgive you provided you repent genuinely.
Repent and get forgiveness

1 Like 1 Share

Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by MaxInDHouse(m): 1:41pm On May 16, 2021
It's a pity the Apostate earned himself a ban, i just realized that he feels relieved each time he comes up pasting publications of JWs.
Ó mà se o! embarassed
The moderators didn't allow him to continue begging for a drop of water from Lazarus's fingertip! smiley
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by ospido: 1:54pm On May 16, 2021

Pele ti e

The Bible you carry states there is time for everything under the sun. Abi no be so? Why you carry my time and how I use it for head like this. Na your hands I take buy airtime for nairaland grin grin grin

If you love Jesus you wouldn't be doing what you did @ this hour

Emphasis on if please take note of the assumptions, speculations and suppositions. grin grin grin na under IF you still dey.

Zoom meeting don end abi? Na him make you pay visit for here grin grin


I am not talking your data

If you believed in the scripture you quoted "there is time for everything", you should have known that typing those numerous messages, tagging and quoting everybody on Nairaland while others are feeding from God's table is absolutely wrong.
You should have channeled that time on hearing the word of God so you go get small sense which is eluding you.
Then later you can resume your rubbish arguments.

nibo ni ibẹru rẹ fun Ọlọrun?
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by PrincessGlow: 2:08pm On May 16, 2021

Jesus confirmed this when he told the crowd that you're his brother only if you share the same faith with him! Matthew 12:46-49

Jeremiah 31:31-34

We are not even keeping Jewish laws but the laws of the Christ, Jesus himself won't refer to people as "workers of Iniquity" if there's no DISCIPLINARY actions involved in what he laid down! Matthew 7:21-23 smiley

Do you think Paul or any of his contemporaries were sinless when he published names of those not keeping up with the spirit {3John 1:9} shey?
Or you thought Judas Iscariot didn't realize that his name will be published everywhere the gospel is preached shey? cheesy
My young woman, there's nothing as in absolutely NOTHING you can say against the TRUTH. It's the heritage of God's people and our righteousness is from JEHOVAH not you! Isaiah 54:17 smiley

May you have PEACE! smiley

He is still talking about he is keeping laws. "The laws of Jesus". Praytell what are the laws of Jesus. And u didn't tell us why u don't keep Sabbat.
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by Janosky: 2:09pm On May 16, 2021

I have completed my own discussion concerning this [b]shunning palaver a month or two back.[/b] The outcome still very much available on nairaland.

They will keep recycling those scriptures given already.

Until you've done so

Done what?

you are proven to this forum that you lack SENSE

Out of the abundance of your heart your mouth speaks. What is your mouth spilling out this time

you lack SENSE grin grin grin

The reason I ask the other time that prayer that requires you holding your head and praying for sense you need it more than myself. grin grin
achorladey: 10:07am ,16th May ,2021
" I have completed my own discussion about shunning palaver a month or two back".

Achorladey are you telling the truth?
What are doing on this thread today,16th May,2021?
Achorladey go give Satan tutorials on LYING

grin grin grin

Since OP began this thread Achorladey carry " shunning palaver" for him head like gala.
Bros , check the time you made your last post today on the same shunning palaver.
Achorladey displaying his serpentine trait LYING.

grin grin grin grin

Matthew, Luke, John and Mark in their individual narrative, they recycled the same statement of Jesus Christ.
Jesus recycled the the old testament events & prophecies in his teaching and preaching.
Achorladey proven he lacks SENSE.
Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by PrincessGlow: 2:09pm On May 16, 2021

Even @9:51 am you're still quoting people up and down.

Is it not clear that you really are confused?

If you were in Church or may be in your juju house and typing messages here and there, then where is your respect for God?

Even in your condition, God can still forgive you provided you repent genuinely.
Repent and get forgiveness

My friend everybody is not in Nigeria

1 Like

Re: Satan Lied When He Claimed The Kingdoms Of The World Were His by PrincessGlow: 2:15pm On May 16, 2021
Even PrincessGlow is still trying to misconstrue what the scriptures stated in black and white, i beleive they're enjoying their condition outside the camp just as we are enjoying the safety in the city of refuge! smiley

I have never had anything to do with JW like I stated b4. Infact this is the first time I've had this type of argument.
But I've now seen JW are mislead. You are not followers of Christ. You are followers of JW. I pray one day you get a true understanding of these things.

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