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Jesus Teaches VERY Clearly We Must Keep The 10 Commandments. - Religion - Nairaland

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Jesus Teaches VERY Clearly We Must Keep The 10 Commandments. by Nobody: 9:36pm On Jun 19, 2021
From WorldWarnings.com, Prophecy Study of Jesus' Return (password = Truth):


Regarding the supposed “semi-decent”, most people are not “all evil”. Even the worst human beings might hold a door for others, or allow someone to pull in front of them in traffic. But any person who continues in willful sin, even one seemingly “semi-decent”, will not be going to Heaven, no matter what good they might do otherwise.

“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My
Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out
demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you;
depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’" - Jesus in Matthew 7:21-23

These words from Jesus prove that "he who does the will of My Father in heaven" is the same individual who does not "practice lawlessness", meaning does not willfully break God's Moral Law. It is undeniable Jesus is saying here that those who continue in willful sin, breaking God's Commandments, no matter what good they might try to point to otherwise, will not be going to Heaven. This is because they are in the majority who are “wicked”.

Majority ? From Jesus in Matthew 7:13-14, “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” Indeed, many compared to few means that most take the wide road to destruction and will not be in the Resurrection of Life, going to Heaven. Because they are wicked.

Wicked ? But aren't “the wicked” just people like Adolf Hitler, or violent criminals, or people who never seem to be like us ? Common thinking, but no. Then who are “wicked” exactly ? Allow Jesus to answer, by comparing Matthew 13:40-42 with Matthew 13:49-50. From these Verses, Jesus tells us exactly who the “wicked” are – those who practice lawlessness, meaning anyone who continues in willful sin, breaking God's Law of Commandments, both the Two Most Important Commandments and the Ten Commandments, the Law Jesus speaks of in Matthew 5:17-19, which He then proceeds to detail further in Matthew 5 (besides many other places), thereby making it all unmistakable.
(See also Matthew 19:16-21, 22:34-40; Mark 10:17-21, 12:28-31; Luke 10:25-28, 18:18-22; and James 2:8-12, 4:17.)

John, Jesus' disciple, also knew what Jesus taught, making it just as unmistakable in a Letter of his later on:

“Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness.” - 1 John 3:4 (emphasis added)

The King James Version of the Bible (KJV) translates this as:

“Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.” - 1 John 3:4

From this, if we are wicked, we either willfully do not know, or we willfully do not keep, God's Commandments.
And the only way to keep God's Commandments is by Love for Him and others. Without a right heart, we're dead.
And since the wicked do not participate in the Resurrection of Life, but the resurrection of condemnation, it
is obviously best to not be wicked, defined not by our “feelings” that deceive us, but in accordance with God.

Wait. In Matthew 22:34-40, Jesus says all the Law and the Prophets hang on the Two Most Important Commandments of Loving God and others. Yes, Jesus does say that. To the half-hearted wishful thinker who wants to continue in willful sin, trying desperately to twist these Verses into somehow meaning Love replaces the Law, let's ask: Does a coat hook replace the coat that hangs on it ? No ! A coat hook holds the coat up high. Should we not also wear the coat ? Clearly, Jesus is saying that the Law and the Prophets are founded on Love, and that the only way to keep God's Commandments is by Love for Him and others. The coat is not a burden for the coat hook.

But, wasn't “the Law” done away with in the New Covenant after Christ died ? The former Law of Moses regarding the activities for priests, feasts, sacrifices, and rituals like circumcision is no longer needed, that's true. But that is not true regarding the Moral Law of God's Commandments, the Two Most Important and Ten Commandments. After all, how can one “practice lawlessness” if there is no Law ? Does anyone willfully sin anymore ? If so, they practice lawlessness according to Jesus. Those who say the Law is not in effect anymore call Jesus a liar.

The Law existed even in the Garden of Eden, for “where there is no law there is no transgression” (Romans 4:15). Was there transgression in Eden ? Yes. Was it wrong too for Cain to murder Abel ? Yes. So there was the Law. We know about Adam and Eve, but did you know God also warned Cain about sin beforehand, saying, “If you do well, will you not be accepted ? And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door. And its desire is for you, but you should rule over it.” (Genesis 4:7) How could there be such a thing as sin if the Law was not in effect at that time ? Pick any Commandment from God's Law. Which one would it have been right for Cain to transgress ? None.

And, for those supposed-Christians who think of God's Moral Law of Commandments as merely an Old Covenant Jewish thing, it should be kept in mind that Adam and Eve and Cain and Abel were not Jews, even though the Commandments were in effect right from the beginning. After them, many centuries passed and God saw that the “wickedness” of man had become too much, “evil continually” (Genesis 6:5). This prompted God to destroy the Earth with a Flood, with the exception of Noah's family, for “Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord” (Genesis 6:cool, because Noah was righteous before God (Genesis 7:1). Righteous ? Yes. As in not wicked, like the others who were going to be destroyed in the Flood. According to Jesus, “not wicked” means Noah didn't “practice lawlessness”. So Noah kept the Law, the Law that existed among the continual transgression. Guess what ? Noah wasn't Jewish either.

A few more centuries passed, and finally, Abraham. Abraham himself wasn't a Jew (in the flesh) for the first 99 years of his 175-year life (Genesis 17, 25:7). But he was the first to be Jewish, centuries and centuries after Eden. Guess what ? Abraham kept God's Commandments (Genesis 26:5). Apparently God's Moral Law of Commandments never disappeared, even from the beginning. And Abraham kept God's Law because he believed God (Genesis 15:6).

Finally, several centuries after Abraham, we have Moses, a Jew who never entered Israel during his earthly life, through whom on Earth the Old Covenant was made, after almost 2/3 of the Old Testament times had already passed. Moses no doubt kept the Law too, since those who practice lawlessness do not get to Heaven, which was the only path by which Moses could have attended the transfiguration of Jesus (Matthew 17:1-4, Mark 9:2-6, Luke 9:28-33).

At some point, after Moses was eighty years old, God, by His own Finger, wrote His Law on stone tablets for the Israelites, who were still in the desert, to have and to keep (Exodus 31:18, 34:28; Deuteronomy 4:9-13, 9:9-11, 10:1-5). But it wasn't like they didn't know His Law existed, because God even tested them on it prior to that (see Exodus 16, taking special note of Verses 4-5 and 17-30). Just because God wrote the Commandments on stone tablets with His own Finger at some point doesn't mean the Law He wrote down didn't exist before then; it did.

From the beginning through today, has God ever expected True Believers to carry heavy stone tablets around in order to know and keep God's Law ? No. Those who Love God are supposed to know it in their hearts and minds, the same place Adam, Noah, Abraham, and Moses stored it well before God ever wrote it down. It must be handy as we walk around. To those who still believe God's Moral Law of Commandments is only an Old Covenant Jewish thing, pick any Commandment from God's Law. Which one would it be right for us to transgress today ? None.

Good and evil, and right and wrong, are not just defined for a certain time in history, for a certain group of people. Do we see any sin in the world today ? If so, there is lawlessness. And where there is lawlessness, there is the Law that is being broken, the same Law we must obey if we claim to Love God or others at all.

"It is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for one tittle of the law to fail." - Jesus in Luke 16:17

“Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. For
assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the
law till all is fulfilled. Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so,
shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in
the kingdom of heaven.” - Jesus in Matthew 5:17-19

So, have Heaven and Earth passed away ? No. Therefore, by the words of our Lord Jesus Himself, every jot and tittle of the Law of Commandments still exists. One cannot defeat God's Law; one can only keep it or break it.

Now, there are many supposed-Christians who try to believe that somehow the word "fulfill" above in Matthew 5:17 means that Jesus kept the Law for them, so they don't have to. They wish this usually because they want to keep going to their Sunday church instead of keeping God's Sabbath Day, the Fourth Commandment. Did Jesus also free them to murder, commit adultery, or steal ? To covet or lie ? Dishonor parents ? Use the Lord's Name in vain, or commit other blasphemies like idol worship or having other gods before God, the One Who leads us out of sin ?

God's Law also contains Love, mercy, justice, and Faith. Do the hypocrites wish to throw these out as well ?

Absurd as it is, when pressed, they will look someone right in the eye and tell them the other Nine Commandments should be kept, but not the Fourth. Yet whoever keeps the whole Law but stumbles in one point is guilty of all, as James 2:8-12 tells us, agreeing with Jesus about the entire Law being in effect. The Sabbath was created on the Seventh Day of Creation (as God points out in the Commandment itself) and will be kept forever in Heaven in the New Jerusalem on the New Earth (Isaiah 66:22-23, Revelation 21), just as Jesus also kept it, even in death.

Another absurdity regarding the tragic misuse of the word “fulfill” is to accuse Jesus of saying something like: "I did not come to destroy, but to get rid of." Since Jesus is not a double-talker, but our Example to live by, let us notice that He also told John the Baptist, when John did not feel worthy enough to baptize Jesus, "Permit it to be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness." (Matthew 3:15) “Fulfill” in these cases, as it so often does, means to "do fully". It does not mean the fulfilled act is unnecessary for everyone else. Do the hypocrites also believe that no one else needs to be baptized or to keep any other righteousness ?

If we're driving a car and pass someone who is doing the speed limit, and then we get pulled over by the police, do we look the officer in the eye and tell him, “That person in front of us already fulfilled the law for us, so we don't have to keep it” ? Ridiculous ! Yet a significant number of supposed-Christians insult God like this.

It's almost bizarre just how bad-hearted human beings can be. Just ask Jeremiah; he tells us in Jeremiah 17:9. But also pay heed to Jeremiah 17:10. Whoever thinks “freedom in Christ” means freedom to sin does not know or keep the Law of Liberty, nor do they Love God or others, but shall be called “least in the Kingdom of Heaven”.
Re: Jesus Teaches VERY Clearly We Must Keep The 10 Commandments. by Kobojunkie: 9:51pm On Jun 19, 2021

From this, if we are wicked, we either willfully do not know, or we willfully do not keep, God's Commandments.
And the only way to keep God's Commandments is by Love for Him and others. Without a right heart, we're dead.
And since the wicked do not participate in the Resurrection of Life, but the resurrection of condemnation, it
is obviously best to not be wicked, defined not by our “feelings” that deceive us, but in accordance with God.

Wait. In Matthew 22:34-40, Jesus says all the Law and the Prophets hang on the Two Most Important Commandments of Loving God and others. Yes, Jesus does say that. To the half-hearted wishful thinker who wants to continue in willful sin, trying desperately to twist these Verses into somehow meaning Love replaces the Law, let's ask: Does a coat hook replace the coat that hangs on it ? No ! A coat hook holds the coat up high. Should we not also wear the coat ? Clearly, Jesus is saying that the Law and the Prophets are founded on Love, and that the only way to keep God's Commandments is by Love for Him and others. The coat is not a burden for the coat hook.
1. First of all there are 613 , not 10 comandments/rules in the Old Covenant Law of Moses and that Law was given by Almighty God to those who are descended from the Blood of Jacob and this for living in the Kingdom of Canaan. What you call the 10 commandments are only the first 10 that we given and since God's Law is not in pieces, attempting to live by only the 10 commandments is no different from living fully naked in sin. You either adopt all 613 commandments, as written of in the books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, or you forget God entirely and live free-willy! undecided

2. God intentionally excluded all those of the gentile nations from that agreement and this detail is repeated over and over across the books of the Old Covenant Law of Moses. It is repeated in Deuteronomy 30 vs15 - 20 where the Old Covenant Law is ratified as a Covenant that is between God and those descendants of Israel, as Law in the Land of Canaan. undecided

3. Jesus Christ, the New Covenant Law of God, the embodiment of the Law that applies in the Kingdom of God, never asked any of His followers to live according to the Old Covenant Law of Moses, as that would have been in direct violation of God's Law and His own teachings and commandments. undecided

Instead Jesus Christ, the Law in the Kingdom of God, offers you an lighter yoke and a easier burden than that given by God to His People of Old, stating that those who obey Him are those who submit to and obey His teachings and commandments, the Law and Truth of God in the Kingdom of God. undecided
Re: Jesus Teaches VERY Clearly We Must Keep The 10 Commandments. by frank417: 9:57pm On Jun 19, 2021
1. First of all there are 613 , not 10 comandments/rules in the Old Covenant Law of Moses and that Law was given by Almighty God to those who are descended from the Blood of Jacob and this for living in the Kingdom of Canaan. What you call the 10 commandments are only the first 10 that we given and since God's Law is not in pieces, attempting to live by only the 10 commandments is no different from living fully naked in sin. You either adopt all 613 commandments, as written of in the books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, or you forget God entirely and live free-willy! undecided

2. God intentionally excluded all those of the gentile nations from that agreement and this detail is repeated over and over across the books of the Old Covenant Law of Moses. It is repeated in Deuteronomy 30 vs15 - 20 where the Old Covenant Law is ratified as a Covenant that is between God and those descendants of Israel, as Law in the Land of Canaan. undecided

3. Jesus Christ, the New Covenant Law of God, the embodiment of the Law that applies in the Kingdom of God, never asked any of His followers to live according to the Old Covenant Law of Moses, as that would have been in direct violation of God's Law and His own teachings and commandments. undecided

Instead Jesus Christ, the Law in the Kingdom of God, offers you an lighter yoke and a easier burden than that given by God to His People of Old, stating that those who obey Him are those who submit to and obey His teachings and commandments, the Law and Truth of God in the Kingdom of God. undecided
Where did you get all these from and strongly believe in it?
Please I really want to know this book you are reading all these from with such strong believe.

Is it the same bible you claim not to study and that it is not the word of God?

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Re: Jesus Teaches VERY Clearly We Must Keep The 10 Commandments. by Nobody: 10:10pm On Jun 19, 2021
To Kobojunkie:

No one ever said that Jesus suggested the Old Covenant's rules for priests, feasts, sacrifices, and rituals (like circumcision) are to be kept once the New Covenant started.

So don't deceitfully try to lump in what doesn't apply anymore.

But the Gospels, Jesus very clearly teaches us to keep the 10 Commandments and the 2 Most Important Commandments. Anyone who can read can find that out for themselves.

They don't need a deceiver standing between them and Jesus.

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Re: Jesus Teaches VERY Clearly We Must Keep The 10 Commandments. by Kobojunkie: 10:17pm On Jun 19, 2021
To Kobojunkie:
No one ever said that Jesus suggested the Old Covenant's rules for priests, feasts, sacrifices, and rituals (like circumcision) are to be kept once the New Covenant started.
So don't deceitfully try to lump in what doesn't apply anymore.
But the Gospels, Jesus very clearly teaches us to keep the 10 Commandments and the 2 Most Important Commandments. Anyone who can read can find that out for themselves.
[b]They don't need a deceiver standing between them [/b]and Jesus.
Are you certain that I am the deceitful one here?

1. God warned you against adding or removing from His Law, a law which He specifically gave to those of the Blood of Jacob.... but here you are all too willing to remove pieces from His old Law so you can only retain and claim that which suits you. And you think I am the problem here? undecided

2. Jesus Christ never mentioned the 10 commandments or the keeping of them in His teachings , so how could He have told you to do that which He never taught to begin with? undecided

3. The two most important commandments are as given by Jesus Christ in His teaching....though a part of the Old Covenant as well, they are restated as part of the New Covenant. undecided

Jesus Christ informed you that He came to give you a yoke different from the heavier yoke, A New wine which He also warned should never been stored in Old wine skin. I guess His teachings go over your head there since you want instead to hold on to the 10 commandments. undecided

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Re: Jesus Teaches VERY Clearly We Must Keep The 10 Commandments. by Nobody: 11:05pm On Jun 19, 2021
Are you certain that I am the deceitful one here?

2. Jesus Christ never mentioned the 10 commandments or the keeping of them in His teachings , so how could He have told you to do that which He never taught to begin with?

That, KJ, is an outright lie, which breaks Commandment #9 (of God's Law of Commandments).

Did Jesus lie ? No. The devil is fhe father of lies.

Did Jesus sin ? No.

You have obviously not read the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John (i.e. the Gospels of Jesus Christ).

People like that that can't even define what sin is.

In fact, any self-declared Christian who does not believe ALL of the following still has plenty of room to Grow in the Faith:
-- that God created all of Creation, including human beings;
-- that human beings existed from the beginning of Creation;
-- in Adam, Eve, Cain, and Abel;
-- that marriage consists of a man and a woman;
-- that there's a devil and his evil angels;
-- in Noah's ark and the Flood;
-- in the burning sulfur destruction of Sodom, and the death of Lot's wife;
-- in Jonah's evangelistic adventures with God;
-- in Miracles;
-- in the Truth of Bible prophecy;
-- that the Two Most Important Commandments and all of the Ten Commandments are still in effect;
-- that we are to cease all willful sin and sin no more;
-- in Christ's Crucifixion, Resurrection, and Ascension;
-- that Jesus is returning to the Earth a second time in the clouds above with all the Holy Angels;
-- that the dead remain asleep in the grave until the End, to be resurrected either to Life or to condemnation; and
-- that those who continue to practice Lawlessness will have both body and soul destroyed in Hell Fire.

Keep in mind that Jesus speaks of these things clearly, so to reject any one of them is to call Jesus a liar.

Will the Kingdom of Heaven contain anyone who thinks Jesus is a liar ?

"He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much." - Jesus in Luke 16:10 (NKJV)

"God is not a man, that He should lie." - Numbers 23:19 (NKJV)

But warned KJ: If you keep deceiving people with your lies, as Satan is the father of lies, you will be held responsible by God, as God will hold all of responsible for our... say it... "sin".

But please (and I mean this sincerely): Keep reading the Bible, and specifically the Gospels of Jesus Christ. Because if we don't know those first, to use Jesus as the Light to guide ourselves by, we most certainly will not discern the rest properly, and will be lost.

Keep in mind, the devil himself tried to misuse Scripture to try to get Jesus to worship him. But Jesus being and knowing the Truth, sent him away.

I hope you allow the Jesus Christ of the Gospels into your heart, so that you repent and change and grow in the Lord.

I wish you well on your journey.

You may have the last word if you wish.
Re: Jesus Teaches VERY Clearly We Must Keep The 10 Commandments. by Kobojunkie: 11:12pm On Jun 19, 2021

That, KJ, is an outright lie, which breaks Commandment #9 (of God's Law of Commandments).
Did Jesus lie ? No. The devil is fhe father of lies.
Did Jesus sin ? No.
You have obviously not read the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John (i.e. the Gospels of Jesus Christ).
People like that that can't even define what sin is.
In fact, any self-declared Christian who does not believe ALL of the following still has plenty of room to Grow in the Faith:
-- that God created all of Creation, including human beings;
-- that human beings existed from the beginning of Creation;
-- in Adam, Eve, Cain, and Abel;
-- that marriage consists of a man and a woman;
-- that there's a devil and his evil angels;
-- in Noah's ark and the Flood;
-- in the burning sulfur destruction of Sodom, and the death of Lot's wife;
-- in Jonah's evangelistic adventures with God;
-- in Miracles;
-- in the Truth of Bible prophecy;
-- that the Two Most Important Commandments and all of the Ten Commandments are still in effect;
-- that we are to cease all willful sin and sin no more;
-- in Christ's Crucifixion, Resurrection, and Ascension;
-- that Jesus is returning to the Earth a second time in the clouds above with all the Holy Angels;
-- that the dead remain asleep in the grave until the End, to be resurrected either to Life or to condemnation; and
-- that those who continue to practice Lawlessness will have both body and soul destroyed in Hell Fire.

Keep in mind that Jesus speaks of these things clearly, so t[b]o reject any one of them is to call Jesus a liar[/b].

Will the Kingdom of Heaven contain anyone who thinks Jesus is a liar ?

"He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much." - Jesus in Luke 16:10 (NKJV)

"God is not a man, that He should lie." - Numbers 23:19 (NKJV)

But warned KJ: If you keep deceiving people with your lies, as Satan is the father of lies, you will be held responsible by God, as God will hold all of responsible for our... say it... "sin".

But please (and I mean this sincerely): Keep reading the Bible, and specifically the Gospels of Jesus Christ. Because if we don't know those first, to use Jesus as the Light to guide ourselves by, we most certainly will not discern the rest properly, and will be lost.

Keep in mind, the devil himself tried to misuse Scripture to try to get Jesus to worship him. But Jesus being and knowing the Truth, sent him away.

I hope you allow the Jesus Christ of the Gospels into your heart, so that you repent and change and grow in the Lord.
I wish you well on your journey.
You may have the last word if you wish.
All this is meaningless gibberish as far as the Gospel of the Kingdom of God is concerned though. undecided.

Where in the Gospels did Jesus Christ tell you that you only should obey the 10 commandments and 2 greatest commandments? undecided
Re: Jesus Teaches VERY Clearly We Must Keep The 10 Commandments. by Kobojunkie: 4:44pm On Jun 24, 2021
This makes sense now..this is the same dude , awitness41 who that tried and failed to back up his claim that Jesus Christ taught His followers to obey the 10 commandments. undecided

1. First of all there are 613 , not 10 comandments/rules in the Old Covenant Law of Moses and that Law was given by Almighty God to those who are descended from the Blood of Jacob and this for living in the Kingdom of Canaan. What you call the 10 commandments are only the first 10 that we given and since God's Law is not in pieces, attempting to live by only the 10 commandments is no different from living fully naked in sin. You either adopt all 613 commandments, as written of in the books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, or you forget God entirely and live free-willy! undecided

2. God intentionally excluded all those of the gentile nations from that agreement and this detail is repeated over and over across the books of the Old Covenant Law of Moses. It is repeated in Deuteronomy 30 vs15 - 20 where the Old Covenant Law is ratified as a Covenant that is between God and those descendants of Israel, as Law in the Land of Canaan. undecided

3. Jesus Christ, the New Covenant Law of God, the embodiment of the Law that applies in the Kingdom of God, never asked any of His followers to live according to the Old Covenant Law of Moses, as that would have been in direct violation of God's Law and His own teachings and commandments. undecided

Instead Jesus Christ, the Law in the Kingdom of God, offers you an lighter yoke and a easier burden than that given by God to His People of Old, stating that those who obey Him are those who submit to and obey His teachings and commandments, the Law and Truth of God in the Kingdom of God. undecided
Re: Jesus Teaches VERY Clearly We Must Keep The 10 Commandments. by frank417: 5:47pm On Jun 24, 2021
This makes sense now..this is the same dude , awitness41 who that tried and failed to back up his claim that Jesus Christ taught His followers to obey the 10 commandments. undecided

1. First of all there are 613 , not 10 comandments/rules in the Old Covenant Law of Moses and that Law was given by Almighty God to those who are descended from the Blood of Jacob and this for living in the Kingdom of Canaan. What you call the 10 commandments are only the first 10 that we given and since God's Law is not in pieces, attempting to live by only the 10 commandments is no different from living fully naked in sin. You either adopt all 613 commandments, as written of in the books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, or you forget God entirely and live free-willy! undecided

2. God intentionally excluded all those of the gentile nations from that agreement and this detail is repeated over and over across the books of the Old Covenant Law of Moses. It is repeated in Deuteronomy 30 vs15 - 20 where the Old Covenant Law is ratified as a Covenant that is between God and those descendants of Israel, as Law in the Land of Canaan. undecided

3. Jesus Christ, the New Covenant Law of God, the embodiment of the Law that applies in the Kingdom of God, never asked any of His followers to live according to the Old Covenant Law of Moses, as that would have been in direct violation of God's Law and His own teachings and commandments. undecided

Instead Jesus Christ, the Law in the Kingdom of God, offers you an lighter yoke and a easier burden than that given by God to His People of Old, stating that those who obey Him are those who submit to and obey His teachings and commandments, the Law and Truth of God in the Kingdom of God. undecided
Read Mathew 5: 17-end or the whole chapter if possible
Re: Jesus Teaches VERY Clearly We Must Keep The 10 Commandments. by budaatum: 5:54pm On Jun 24, 2021

Where in the Gospels did Jesus Christ tell you that you only should obey the 10 commandments and 2 greatest commandments? undecided

No one said Jesus said you "only" should obey the 10 commandments and 2 greatest commandments"!

If anything, Jesus said obey the ten commandments and the two greatest commandments plus many more. One might infer this from when he is written to have said to have upgraded love your neighbours, to love your enemies. Most of the ten commandments are after all about what you do to others, neighbours and non-neighbours included.
Re: Jesus Teaches VERY Clearly We Must Keep The 10 Commandments. by Kobojunkie: 5:56pm On Jun 24, 2021

Read Mathew 5: 17-end or the whole chapter if possible
So what is it that you intended for me to understand from reading Matthew 5 vs 17 - 20 ? undecided
Re: Jesus Teaches VERY Clearly We Must Keep The 10 Commandments. by budaatum: 6:03pm On Jun 24, 2021
So what is it that you intended for me to understand from reading Matthew 5 vs 17 - 20 ? undecided

What is it that you understand from reading Matthew 5 vs 17 - 20?

Don't you see the ten commandments there and what Jesus said about them?
Re: Jesus Teaches VERY Clearly We Must Keep The 10 Commandments. by Kobojunkie: 6:22pm On Jun 24, 2021

No one said Jesus said you "only" should obey the 10 commandments and 2 greatest commandments"!

If anything, Jesus said obey the ten commandments and the two greatest commandments plus many more. One might infer this from when he is written to have said to have upgraded love your neighbours, to love your enemies. Most of the ten commandments are after all about what you do to others, neighbours and non-neighbours included.
1. Instead of "Honor your mother and Father that your days may be long in the land that He have their fathers...", Jesus Christ instead declared that only those who abandon their parents and families for His sake are worthy Him and eternity in His Heaven - Luke 14 vs 26. undecided

2. Instead of "Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day", Jesus Christ declared “The Sabbath day was made to help people. People were not made to be ruled by the Sabbath. So the Son of Man is Lord of every day, even the Sabbath.” - Mark 2 vs 27 - 28, essentially doing away with the need for a holy day. undecided

3. Instead “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.”, Jesus declared that no harm will come to those who insult Him or God, but only to those who insult the Spirit of God, an act He deemed unforgivable - Mark 3 vs 28 - 30. undecided

4. Instead of “Thou shalt not commit adultery.”, Jesus Christ declared that even by simply lusting in your heart, you are already guilty of adultery - Matthew 5 vs 27 - 30 undecided

5. Instead of “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods.” , Jesus Christ declared that if you have in your hand something that your neighbor has need of, don't tell him to come tomorrow, give him that which he asked for - Matthew 5 vs 42undecided

6. Instead of “I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt not have any gods before Me.” , Jesus Christ declared that you cannot serve two masters - Matthew 6 vs 24. undecided

Are those the same comandments/rules as the Old covenant 10 commandments? undecided

Jesus Christ gave a new set of commandments to those who will submit to and obey His teachings and laws. Why the need to keep trying to reconnect the New to the Old as if by doing so, you validate this urge to continue in rejection of His commandments ? undecided

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Re: Jesus Teaches VERY Clearly We Must Keep The 10 Commandments. by Kobojunkie: 6:39pm On Jun 24, 2021

What is it that you understand from reading Matthew 5 vs 17 - 20?

Don't you see the ten commandments there and what Jesus said about them?
Why don't you tell me what did Jesus Christ say of the 10 commandments, instead of he 613 total commandments of the Old Covenant Law, in that passage? undecided
Re: Jesus Teaches VERY Clearly We Must Keep The 10 Commandments. by budaatum: 7:01pm On Jun 24, 2021
1. Instead of "Honor your mother and Father that your days may be long in the land that He have their fathers...", Jesus Christ instead declared that only those who abandon their parents and families for His sake are worthy Him and eternity in His Heaven - Luke 14 vs 26. undecided

2. Instead of "Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day", Jesus Christ declared “The Sabbath day was made to help people. People were not made to be ruled by the Sabbath. So the Son of Man is Lord of every day, even the Sabbath.” - Mark 2 vs 27 - 28, essentially doing away with the need for a holy day. undecided

3. Instead “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.”, Jesus declared that no harm will come to those who insult Him or God, but only to those who insult the Spirit of God, an act He deemed unforgivable - Mark 3 vs 28 - 30. undecided

4. Instead of “Thou shalt not commit adultery.”, Jesus Christ declared that even by simply lusting in your heart, you are already guilty of adultery - Matthew 5 vs 27 - 30 undecided

5. Instead of “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods.” , Jesus Christ declared that if you have in your hand something that your neighbor has need of, don't tell him to come tomorrow, give him that which he asked for - Matthew 5 vs 42undecided

6. Instead of “I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt not have any gods before Me.” , Jesus Christ declared that you cannot serve two masters - Matthew 6 vs 24. undecided

And those the same comandments/rules as the Old covenant 10 commandments? undecided

Jesus Christ gave a new set of commandments to those who will submit to and obey His teachings and laws. Why the need to keep trying to reconnect the New to the Old as if by doing so, you validate this urge to continue in rejection of His commandments ? undecided

Can you not see how what you posted was an upgrade of the ten commandments, like Old Testament is nursery while Jesus is Ph.D?

Can one do the latter without understanding the former and graduating?

Kj, can one understand the New Testament without reading the Old?
Re: Jesus Teaches VERY Clearly We Must Keep The 10 Commandments. by Kobojunkie: 7:08pm On Jun 24, 2021

Can you not see how what you posted was an upgrade of the ten commandments, like Old Testament is nursery while Jesus is Ph.D?

Can one do the latter without understanding the former and graduating?

Kj, can one understand the New Testament without reading the Old?
I see your are shifting the goalposts again .... undecided

So Jesus Christ is now Ph. D levels, yet the very same taught all of this to laymen and uneducated men in His day and time, and many of them understood Him quite well. So? undecided

You claim one first needs to understand the Old testament before one can understand the New. Ok. So tell us, what understanding is there to be had from the Old "Thou shall not commit adultery" before one can claim comprehension of the New condition which posits that you commit sin if you lust after a woman in your heart? undecided
Re: Jesus Teaches VERY Clearly We Must Keep The 10 Commandments. by budaatum: 7:23pm On Jun 24, 2021
I see your are shifting the goalposts again .... undecided

So Jesus Christ is now Ph. D levels, yet the very same taught all of this to laymen and uneducated men in His day and time, and many of them understood Him quite well. So? undecided
Really? He was understood quite well by people who yelled "Crucify him"?, and of who he is written to have asked to be forgiven because they know not what they do?

Makes me wonder what yiu think they would have done if they hadn't understood him.

You claim one first needs to understand the Old testament before one can understand the New. Ok. So tell us, what understanding is there to be had from the Old "Thou shall not commit adultery" before one can claim comprehension of the New condition which posits that you commit sin if you lust after a woman in your heart? undecided
You fail to admit that even you must have read the Old before the New. Or did you not? When you studied the advanced "lust in your heart" in the New, did you not refer and seek understanding in the nursery school of adultery in the Old?

Kj, sorry but if you don't know what Old Testament adultery is, how could you possibly understand that you commit adultery just by lusting in your heart?
Re: Jesus Teaches VERY Clearly We Must Keep The 10 Commandments. by Kobojunkie: 7:26pm On Jun 24, 2021

Really? He was understood quite well by people who yelled "Crucify him"?, and of who he is written to have asked to be forgiven because they know not what they do?

Makes me wonder what yiu think they would done if they hadn't understood him.

You fail to admit that even you must have read the Old before the New. Or did you not? When you studied the advanced "lust in your heart" in the New, did you not refer and seek understanding in the nursery school of adultery in the Old?

Kj, sorry but if you don't know what Old Testament adultery is, how could you possibly understand that you commit adultery just by lusting in your heart?
Spare me the meaningless sermons and answer the questions instead.....
1. Instead of "Honor your mother and Father that your days may be long in the land that He have their fathers...", Jesus Christ instead declared that only those who abandon their parents and families for His sake are worthy Him and eternity in His Heaven - Luke 14 vs 26. undecided

2. Instead of "Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day", Jesus Christ declared “The Sabbath day was made to help people. People were not made to be ruled by the Sabbath. So the Son of Man is Lord of every day, even the Sabbath.” - Mark 2 vs 27 - 28, essentially doing away with the need for a holy day. undecided

3. Instead “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.”, Jesus declared that no harm will come to those who insult Him or God, but only to those who insult the Spirit of God, an act He deemed unforgivable - Mark 3 vs 28 - 30. undecided

4. Instead of “Thou shalt not commit adultery.”, Jesus Christ declared that even by simply lusting in your heart, you are already guilty of adultery - Matthew 5 vs 27 - 30 undecided

5. Instead of “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods.” , Jesus Christ declared that if you have in your hand something that your neighbor has need of, don't tell him to come tomorrow, give him that which he asked for - Matthew 5 vs 42undecided

6. Instead of “I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt not have any gods before Me.” , Jesus Christ declared that you cannot serve two masters - Matthew 6 vs 24. undecided

Are those the same comandments/rules as the Old covenant 10 commandments? undecided

Jesus Christ gave a new set of commandments to those who will submit to and obey His teachings and laws. Why the need to keep trying to reconnect the New to the Old as if by doing so, you validate this urge to continue in rejection of His commandments ? undecided
Re: Jesus Teaches VERY Clearly We Must Keep The 10 Commandments. by budaatum: 7:31pm On Jun 24, 2021
Spare me the meaningless sermons and answer the questions instead.....
Your question is answered. Do some work to understand it.
Re: Jesus Teaches VERY Clearly We Must Keep The 10 Commandments. by Kobojunkie: 10:04pm On Jun 24, 2021
A short story about Mr A.

Mr. A was a believer in Jesus Christ and he attended church service, regularly for over 10 years, at the cities largest megachurch , which sits about 20 minutes from his home. His pastor was a close friend of the family and taught doctrines and traditions that included a belief in living according to the Old Covenant Law of Moses's 10 commandments found written of in Exodus 20 vs 1 -17, along with and what is known as the two greatest commandments.

Being a firm believer in His pastor and his churches doctrines, Mr. A strived to live his life, in all ways,in accordance to principles, which he had memorized. He taught them to his kids and his grandchildren, believing in his heart that he was guided by Spirit of God and was indeed a son of God. undecided

For over 6 months, Mr. A had been having battling lustful thoughts of his neighbors wife, Mrs. B,. He tried every possible way to shake off the thoughts but they remained. He talked to his pastor who warned him that the devil was attacking him for being a devoted believer. The pastor advised Mr. A to fast and pray for a week, and ensure to stay away from any direct interaction with the Mrs.B in question.

Mr. A did as his pastor had advised but the lustful feelings lingered. Mr. A then took to consoling himself by believing that so long as he had not given in, and have sexual intercourse with the Mrs.B , he remained in the free and clear with God.

One fateful Sunday morning, on his way to service at his megachurch, Mr. A died in a car accident.

Fast forward to judgement day, and Mr. A is informed that one of a long list of sins he is condemned for is adultery , the very same sin he had battled the 6 months prior to his death against. Puzzled, Mr.A sought answers to defend Himself proclaiming that he never slept with his neighbors wife. undecided

However, unfortunately for Mr. A, had he paid close attention to the teachings of Jesus Christ, he would have noted how very very different the standards were between the Old and the New Covenant Laws. undecided
Re: Jesus Teaches VERY Clearly We Must Keep The 10 Commandments. by budaatum: 6:39am On Jun 25, 2021

Mr. A was a believer in Jesus Christ and he attended church. However, unfortunately for Mr. A, had he paid close attention to the teachings of Jesus Christ, he would have noted how very very different the standards were between the Old and the New Covenant Laws.

As in, if Mr A had bothered to seek understanding instead of just believing, he would not have been trembling in lust.

As a side. Would you believe a textbook?

Re: Jesus Teaches VERY Clearly We Must Keep The 10 Commandments. by Kobojunkie: 11:28am On Jun 25, 2021
God's Laws are eternal and absolute, and Jesus Christ is God's Law in the Kingdom of God. Those who love Jesus Christ are those who carefully obey the details of the Law that is Jesus Christ, and no other Law.

Jesus Christ never asked His followers to obey the 10 commandments of Old. He gave to them a New Covenant complete a new set of laws to which He called them to submitting to and obeying.

1. Instead of “I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt not have any gods before Me.” , Jesus Christ declared that you cannot serve two masters - Matthew 6 vs 24. undecided

2. Instead “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.”, Jesus declared that no harm will come to those who insult Him or God, but only to those who insult the Spirit of God, an act He deemed unforgivable - Mark 3 vs 28 - 30. undecided

3. Instead of "Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day", Jesus Christ declared “The Sabbath day was made to help people. People were not made to be ruled by the Sabbath. So the Son of Man is Lord of every day, even the Sabbath.” - Mark 2 vs 27 - 28, essentially doing away with the need for a holy day. undecided

4. Instead of "Honor your mother and Father that your days may be long in the land that He have their fathers...", Jesus Christ instead declared that only those who abandon their parents and families for His sake are worthy Him and eternity in His Heaven - Luke 14 vs 26. undecided

5. Instead of “Thou shalt not commit adultery.”, Jesus Christ declared that even by simply lusting in your heart, you are already guilty of adultery - Matthew 5 vs 27 - 30 undecided

6. Instead of “Thou shalt not steal. ” , Jesus Christ declared that if you have in your hand something that your neighbor has need of, don't tell him to come tomorrow, give him that which he asked for - Matthew 5 vs 42undecided

7. Instead of "Thou shall not Kill", Jesus instead declared that “You have heard that it was said to our people long ago, ‘You must not murder anyone.[a] Any person who commits murder will be judged.’ But I tell you, don’t be angry with anyone. If you are angry with others, you will be judged. And if you insult someone, you will be judged by the high court. And if you call someone a fool, you will be in danger of the fire of hell." - Matthew 5 vs 21 - 23

8. Instead of "Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor", Jesus Christ declared, " But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned." - Matthew 12 vs 36 - 37 undecided

Jesus Christ said His friends are those who submit to and obey His teachings and His commandments. Are you a friend of Jesus Christ or are you a for? undecided
Re: Jesus Teaches VERY Clearly We Must Keep The 10 Commandments. by budaatum: 5:42pm On Jun 25, 2021
God's laws are eternal and absolute, and Jesus Christ is God's Law in the Kingdom of God. Those who love Jesus Christ are those who carefully obey the details of the Law that is Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ never asked His followers to obey the 10 commandments but insisted gave to them a New Covenant complete a new set or laws to submit to and obey.
"God's laws are eternal", but "Jesus Christ never asked His followers to obey the 10 commandments" that are part of God's law?

You really need to try to stop confusing yourself, or you might find yourself walking a mile or two in the shoes of those you shouldn't walk in!
Re: Jesus Teaches VERY Clearly We Must Keep The 10 Commandments. by Dtruthspeaker: 6:50pm On Jun 25, 2021
The Lord Clearly said Keep the Commandments.

And Every Word of The Lord is A Commandment of Life "Matthew 4:4/Deuteronomy 8:3

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Re: Jesus Teaches VERY Clearly We Must Keep The 10 Commandments. by Kobojunkie: 8:34pm On Jun 25, 2021

"God's laws are eternal", but "Jesus Christ never asked His followers to obey the 10 commandments" that are part of God's law?

You really need to try to stop confusing yourself, or you might find yourself walking a mile or two in the shoes of those you shouldn't walk in!
So long as you continue mistaking your confusion as mine, it will continue to evade your understanding. undecided
Re: Jesus Teaches VERY Clearly We Must Keep The 10 Commandments. by chidifrank(m): 7:31am On Jun 26, 2021
1. Instead of "Honor your mother and Father that your days may be long in the land that He have their fathers...", Jesus Christ instead declared that only those who abandon their parents and families for His sake are worthy Him and eternity in His Heaven - Luke 14 vs 26. undecided

2. Instead of "Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day", Jesus Christ declared “The Sabbath day was made to help people. People were not made to be ruled by the Sabbath. So the Son of Man is Lord of every day, even the Sabbath.” - Mark 2 vs 27 - 28, essentially doing away with the need for a holy day. undecided

3. Instead “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.”, Jesus declared that no harm will come to those who insult Him or God, but only to those who insult the Spirit of God, an act He deemed unforgivable - Mark 3 vs 28 - 30. undecided[/b] these you said is not true. who is the Holy Spirt? Holy Spirit of God is simply God Himself pls. you cant insult God and be forgiven. Holy spirit is no different nor greater than God. its Gods on spirit. God is a spirit n thats the Holy Spirit OF[b] God. no one deals insult God and be forgiven . thats what Jesus is trying to explain. you Kokojunkie have a spirit in you, is that spirit different from you �. you do things n function from yr very spirit. your body is just a wordly package.

4. Instead of “Thou shalt not commit adultery.”, Jesus Christ declared that even by simply lusting in your heart, you are already guilty of adultery - Matthew 5 vs 27 - 30 undecided

5. Instead of “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods.” , Jesus Christ declared that if you have in your hand something that your neighbor has need of, don't tell him to come tomorrow, give him that which he asked for - Matthew 5 vs 42undecided

6. Instead of “I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt not have any gods before Me.” , Jesus Christ declared that you cannot serve two masters - Matthew 6 vs 24. undecided

Are those the same comandments/rules as the Old covenant 10 commandments? undecided

Jesus Christ gave a new set of commandments to those who will submit to and obey His teachings and laws. Why the need to keep trying to reconnect the New to the Old as if by doing so, you validate this urge to continue in rejection of His commandments ? undecided
Re: Jesus Teaches VERY Clearly We Must Keep The 10 Commandments. by Kobojunkie: 2:55pm On Jun 26, 2021
Jesus Christ also warned His followers not to try to store New Wine in Old Wineskin declaring the end result will be disappointing one. This message meant especially for those who would attempt to follow the Old Covennant way while believing instead in the New Covenant. undecided

A short story about Mr A.

Mr. A was a believer in Jesus Christ and he attended church service, regularly for over 10 years, at the cities largest megachurch , which sits about 20 minutes from his home. His pastor was a close friend of the family and taught doctrines and traditions that included a belief in living according to the Old Covenant Law of Moses's 10 commandments found written of in Exodus 20 vs 1 -17, along with and what is known as the two greatest commandments.

Being a firm believer in His pastor and his churches doctrines, Mr. A strived to live his life, in all ways,in accordance to principles, which he had memorized. He taught them to his kids and his grandchildren, believing in his heart that he was guided by Spirit of God and was indeed a son of God. undecided

For over 6 months, Mr. A had been having battling lustful thoughts of his neighbors wife, Mrs. B,. He tried every possible way to shake off the thoughts but they remained. He talked to his pastor who warned him that the devil was attacking him for being a devoted believer. The pastor advised Mr. A to fast and pray for a week, and ensure to stay away from any direct interaction with the Mrs.B in question.

Mr. A did as his pastor had advised but the lustful feelings lingered. Mr. A then took to consoling himself by believing that so long as he had not given in, and have sexual intercourse with the Mrs.B , he remained in the free and clear with God.

One fateful Sunday morning, on his way to service at his megachurch, Mr. A died in a car accident.

Fast forward to judgement day, and Mr. A is informed that one of a long list of sins he was condemned for was adultery , the very same sin he had battled the 6 months prior to his death against. Puzzled, Mr.A sought answers to defend Himself proclaiming that he never slept with his neighbors wife. undecided

However, unfortunately for Mr. A, had he paid close attention to the teachings of Jesus Christ, he would have noted how very very different the standards were between the Old and the New Covenant Laws. undecided

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