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My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by Sharrpguy: 1:16pm On Jul 31, 2021 |
I gave my life fully to Christ early this month, lemme add that I have been attending Church since I was little, but i believe as per say I have been attending Church means I have automatically given my life to Christ. Lately I have been wanting the baptism of the Holy ghost since a few months now, buh honestly I was scared like really scared because of some deliverance and some spiritual stuff that happened in my secondary school. So it happened yesterday night at church, we were having a 12 hour praise night of worship. I just said ah lemme just Go oooo. So I went sha started the service like normal prayed and praised The LORD GOD. And then one of those singing said " the spirit of the lord is moving, is there anyone here who doesn't have the Holy spirit come out to the front.". In my mind I just dey like ogbeni not today jhoor. So while those who came out were being prayed for I just sat down and was relaxing then I felt this strange warmth and tingling, then that was how I began to speak in tongues. Praise the Lord. Let me just add it was one of the most awesome thing I have ever experienced, like super Awesome, To say I was blessed is small, I was filled with GOD's glory. Praise the Lord. 191 Likes 14 Shares |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by SanctifiedSista(f): 1:17pm On Jul 31, 2021 |
Keep listening to all Apostle'joshua Selman messages on youtube everyday and obey the instructions plus read papa books esp law of faith, born to win , Satan get lost and walking in dominion Come to church tomorrow as well 35 Likes 5 Shares |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by Sharrpguy: 1:19pm On Jul 31, 2021 |
SanctifiedSista: Thanks I attend RCCG, but where can I get some of the books or Ebooks. 7 Likes |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by Kobojunkie: 2:21pm On Jul 31, 2021 |
Sharrpguy:God is Holy and He , through His Spirit, only inhabits vessels that are Holy/Perfect or Sinless. So, unless you are sure you are a Holy vessel, without sin, something that is quite possible, I am afraid to inform you that what you experienced yesterday may not have been the baptism of the Spirit of God but simply the expression of the gift of tongues which is instead a sign to follow those who believe in Jesus Christ - Mark 16 vs 17-18 ![]() Basically, speaking in tongues IS NOT a sign or confirmation of Holy Spirit Baptism, but instead a sign that one believes in Jesus Christ. ![]() In order to become a vessel worthy of the Spirit of God, you must become a Son of God - one who is free from bondage to sins and is holy/perfect. According to Jesus Christ, the only way to achieving this is through continual submission to and obedience(Know) the teachings and commandments of Jesus Christ(the Truth of God), for it is by knowing the Truth that the Truth then sets one free from slavery to sin. ![]() 12 Likes 1 Share |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by LilMissFavvy(f): 3:15pm On Jul 31, 2021 |
As you received it, you should guard it and continue to immerse in the word to avoid loosing it. I have personally received it over 4times, yet I lose it after a long while. You mentioned redeemed, church, I guess I will look for a Redeem over here and attend to see if It can be restored. Just a word of advice. 11 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by Kobojunkie: 3:25pm On Jul 31, 2021 |
LilMissFavvy:You "received" and lost it 4 times? ![]() Would it be better to try to understand what it is you supposedly recieved each of those 4 times first before making attempts to get a 5th round of whatever it may be. ![]() 16 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by Bishopkingsley(m): 6:31pm On Jul 31, 2021 |
Sharrpguy: |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by Adamgeneral12: 6:36pm On Jul 31, 2021 |
One day me self will receive Holly ghost power ![]() 3 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by Kobojunkie: 6:40pm On Jul 31, 2021 |
Adamgeneral12:Which kind? ![]() The kind your Mogs sell to you as anointing they command or the kind that came upon Jesus Christ , and then His disciples, just before they were then led off to begin doing the very Will of God? ![]() 3 Likes |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by Adamgeneral12: 6:53pm On Jul 31, 2021 |
Kobojunkie:The most purest one from above ![]() 3 Likes 1 Share |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by Kobojunkie: 7:07pm On Jul 31, 2021 |
Adamgeneral12:You are right about Him being Holy aka pure, and from above. He is God Himself and God cannot be invoked or commanded as your Mogs do the one that belongs to them. ![]() |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by Adamgeneral12: 7:38pm On Jul 31, 2021 |
Kobojunkie:Is not going to be from my 'MOG'!!!!!!!!! ![]() |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by Kobojunkie: 8:00pm On Jul 31, 2021 |
Adamgeneral12:Really? ![]() You don't want the "the spirit of the lord is moving, is there anyone here who doesn't have the Holy spirit come out to the front." Kind of anointing which your Mogs pour out on you all in the audience when they commence their invocations? ![]() |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by LilMissFavvy(f): 8:58pm On Jul 31, 2021 |
I don't know why you like spamming the religion section, Whatever doctrine you belong to is your concern o, I've told you in the past to keep your beliefs to yourself. Atimes when you fail to keep nurturing the gifts of the spirit, you may lose it , or it's simply there but inactive. Mark 16:17 "and these signs shall follow them that believe: in my name shall they cast out devil's, they shall speak with new tongues. ist Corin. 14:2 for he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God....... Acts 10: 45-46 .....also was poured out the gift of the holy Spirit,for they heard the news speak in tongues and magnify God. Kobojunkie: 9 Likes 1 Share |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by Kobojunkie: 9:07pm On Jul 31, 2021 |
LilMissFavvy:Where in the Bible did Jesus Christ, the one supposed source of these spiritual gifts you claim, tell you that if you do not nuture gifts of the spirit, you will loose them or it goes "inactive"? ![]() None of the verses you quoted seems to point at this even being possible, so where does this belief or doctrine of yours come from? ![]() Since we are on the topic of "gifts", do you loose the salvation you are gifted with by Jesus Christ or does it go "inactive" if you don't nurture it as well? ![]() 9 Likes 1 Share |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by LilMissFavvy(f): 9:21pm On Jul 31, 2021 |
We saw in the scriptures where Jesus mentioned that "these kinds can only go through prayers and fasting". Although the desciples had the gifts of healing/miracles, fasting is what they needed to have done, to have been able to heal/deliver that woman, but they couldn't heal her. Fasting is what they needed to have done to activate the gifts, and handle the situation. If one does not guard/ nurture these gifts, it can become inactive. You do not believe in spiritual gifts that's why I dropped the scriptures above. As I showed you in the Bible you are now asking where Jesus said we can lose it ![]() Kobojunkie: 3 Likes |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by Kobojunkie: 10:39pm On Jul 31, 2021 |
LilMissFavvy:Whenever did I tell you that I do not believe what Jesus Christ said of all those who believe in Him as recorded in Mark 16 vs 17 - 18 ? ![]() The disciples may have had the gifts of healing given to them by Jesus Christ, but there was no mention of "nuturing" said gift in any of Jesus Christ's teachings, not even in the context of fasting as you claim. In fact, on careful examination of the case of the boy with the evil spirit, the story from which you pulled the reference for fasting from, it becomes clear that nurturing what not what was implied at all by Jesus Christ. ![]() Mark 9 vs 14 - 29 (ERV)From the above, we can see that Jesus Christ prescribed this solution only for the ridding of a particular kind of evil spirit and not for all spirits as His statement more than makes clear above. ![]() Other than that, it wasn't that the disciples lost the ability to heal the sick and cast out demons at all, nor did the ability go inactive in them, only that for the particular kind of spirit, He declared that they had to do more than they had previously been used to doing. ![]() I am very much interested in Why you would believe that one can loose a gift given by God Himself or that it goes inactive if not nutured? ![]() We are told that God gives good things, can God give an imperfect gift? ![]() 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by LilMissFavvy(f): 12:07am On Aug 01, 2021 |
These long Epistles you typed ![]() Kobojunkie: 4 Likes |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by Kobojunkie: 1:08am On Aug 01, 2021 |
LilMissFavvy:So Mark 9 vs 14 - 29, the very place where Jesus Christ mentions fasting for a certain kind of spirit, is dribbling for you ? ![]() Is Matthew 7 vs 21-23 , where Jesus Christ explains that even those who don't belong to Him can do miracle, signs and wonders and even prophesy? Was that also Jesus Christ dribbling since from that it is clear that your nuturing formula of prayer, fasting, and "Holiness" would not need to matter in that case or would it? ![]() You do understand that the "anointings" of the Old Covenant, is nothing to be compared with the spiritual birth aka born of spirit that is of the New Covenant, right? Those of the Old Covenant were never born of spirit and so did not have gifts bestowed on them or the Spirit of God permanently residing in them like those of the New Covenant. So, comparing Saul's anointing to that promised those in Jesus Christ is an error. ![]() 4 Likes |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by Mike2021forGod(m): 1:23am On Aug 01, 2021 |
![]() SanctifiedSista:Let me be your friend I love selman and I attend winners we have things in common 2 Likes |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by ikes9(m): 2:42am On Aug 01, 2021 |
Kobojunkie: First question I want to ask you is this Are you a Christian? ,That you seem to have a certain knowledge of the Bible doesn't make you a Christian,and the way you subtly attack people's faith and beliefs makes me doubt you're a Christian This comment of yours shows you lack understanding when it comes to gifts or even the Christian walk When you don't exercise your spiritual gifts ,they certainly become inactive,they don't go away ,but become inactive because you aren't exercising/using them Romans 11:29 For gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable. About salvation,what do you understand by it? Man's righteousness is as filthy rags before God, so Christ came to die for us ,so that we can be saved Galatians 3:11 Now that no one is justified by the Law before God is evident; for, “The righteous man shall live by faith.” Faith in who? In Jesus Christ,we stand in Christ's righteousness,we wear His righteousness as a garment and identity . John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father Now when you become newly born again,do you immediately start healing the sick? Or raising the dead?? No ,that is because you're still a baby in Christ and you need to mature in Him before you can start operating in this gifts and fruits of the spirit The Christian walk/salvation is ALL about GROWING in Christ Jesus, growing into His image So to your question,can one lose their salvation? Well if you don't grow in Christ,you won't be productive, and that means you aren't bearing fruit,And if you aren't bearing fruit ,well the Bible says you'll be cut off and cast into the fire Why did I make this lengthy post? Well to make you understand the very basics of Christianity,and so you don't go about asking these kinda questions And to the OP I'm very happy for you,cherish your gift and grow in it ,and also seek for more ,our Heavenly Father wants us to have more of Him 8 Likes 1 Share |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by Kobojunkie: 4:01am On Aug 01, 2021 |
ikes9:If you are going to respond to the questions I posted, get straight to the point. ![]() The one verse you posted from Paul's letter to the Roman's clearly states that his belief is that the gifts are irrevocable, so where do you get your assumption that if not exercised, the gifts become inactive? ![]() About Salvation, my question was quite clear and given that Salvation, as spoken of by Jesus Christ in John 3 vs 16 - 17, is not righteousness, I don't understand your response at all. ![]() Earlier in your comment, you included a verse that clearly told you that God's gifts are irrevocable, yet you are willing to believe still, and this by randomly accessing unrelated verses out of context mind you, that one can loose God's gift of salvation, how come? ![]() Rather than try to teach another, you ought instead to focus more of your attention on reading and understanding scripture in context so you can actually understand what it is you claim to believe in. ![]() 2 Likes |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by ikes9(m): 8:34am On Aug 01, 2021 |
Kobojunkie: From the bolded,I'd say you believe in the Once saved always saved doctrine or Hypergrace my dear,as nice as that doctrine sounds ,it's hogwash “Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling” (Philippians 2:12) What does the above verse tell you? You are meant to WORK OUT your salvation,and what does working out entail? Efforts ,growth etc So YES you can LOSE your salvation,when you become UNFRUITFUL If you still refuse to understand,that is your cup of tea You seem to have Biblical knowledge,and that's fine but it's obvious you lack spiritual intimacy,because you don't seem to fully understand the verses you drop in these your posts Truly, Biblical knowledge without spiritual intimacy leads to intellectualism And you dodged my first question,which already answers it 8 Likes 1 Share |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by Kobojunkie: 9:25am On Aug 01, 2021 |
ikes9:Let me help you since I see you are really lost as far as the teachings of Jesus Christ, the one you claim is your Saviour. Jesus Christ, the one who gave you salvation that redeemed you from the condemnation of sin aka Death, said, "I have come to save, not condemn" clearly informing you there that once that gift of Salvation is given, there is no revoking it .I.e. returning you back to your previously condemned state. ![]() As for the doctrines and fruitfulness which you mention, again I ask you to spend time reading the Gospels so you can better learn the teachings of Jesus Christ, the one who is the New Covenant Law of the Kingdom of God which you are called to live by (submit to and obey). Learn to pay attention to context so you don't keep loosing the message contained in the text for you to glean. ![]() |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by ramoniwav: 9:32am On Aug 01, 2021 |
Wonderful experience |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by malikkabey: 9:33am On Aug 01, 2021 |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by ipobarethieves: 9:33am On Aug 01, 2021 |
![]() |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by Paul667(m): 9:33am On Aug 01, 2021 |
SanctifiedSista: Good |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by Xscape047: 9:35am On Aug 01, 2021 |
Happy Sunday and new month guy's Meanwhile |
Re: My Holy Ghost Baptism And Experience. by MANNABBQGRILLS: 9:37am On Aug 01, 2021 |
Nothing like the HOLY GHOST FIRE mehn!!! Singing the song titled Holy Ghost this beautiful Sunday morning. I've got the Holy Ghost fire And it's burning in me I've got the Holy Ghost fire And it's burning in me Got the Holy Ghost fire And I'm burning down these streets I've got a sweet little baddie And she's rolling in the Caddy with me I've got a sweet little baddie And she's rolling in the Caddy with me I've got a whole lotta Prada for my Holy Ghost mama And she's making sweet eyes at me Don't let me down, sweet mama Oh sweet mama, don't let me down I'm an honest man Dying to get you in the palm of my hand Working the long con plan If you knew the truth about me, baby girl No way in hell you'd stay But if I filled you in Would you take it to the grave? 'Cause a secret ain't no secret If you give it all away Don't let me down, sweet mama Oh sweet mama, don't let me down I'm an honest man Dying to get you in the palm of my hand Working the long con plan Don't let me down, sweet mama Oh, don't let me down Don't let me down, sweet mama Oh sweet mama, don't let me down I'm an honest man Dying to get you in the palm of my hand Working the long con plan Don't let me down, sweet mama Oh sweet mama, don't let me down I'm an honest man Dying to get you in the palm of my hand Got the Holy Ghost fire and it's burning in me Got the Holy Ghost fire and it's burning in me I've got the Holy Ghost fire and I'm burning down these streets 2 Likes 2 Shares |
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