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Teacher Removes USA Flag, Tells Students To Pledge Allegiance To LGBT Flag(Pix) - Foreign Affairs - Nairaland

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Teacher Removes USA Flag, Tells Students To Pledge Allegiance To LGBT Flag(Pix) by Gospelpreacher1: 12:52pm On Sep 06, 2021
California teacher, Kristin Pitzen posted a TikTok saying American flag made her 'uncomfortable'.
She got her students to say the pledge to gay pride one she had hanging instead

Kristin Pitzen, of Newport Mesa School District in Orange County, posted a video explaining the incident on TikTok, and has now been removed from the classroom as the school investigates.

In the video, she admitted she'd removed the American flag because it made her 'uncomfortable', and told her class to say the Pledge of Allegiance to the gay pride flag.

When one of her English class students pointed out the American flag was missing during the pledge, she told them to recite it to the rainbow one instead.

'She has been removed from the classroom and placed on administrative leave, as our investigation continues,' said spokesperson Annette Franco according to Fox News.

Over the weekend, the Newport Mesa School District opened an investigation into the incident.

'We are aware of this incident and are investigating. While we do not discuss employee related matters, we can tell you that showing respect and honor for our nation’s flag is a value that we instill in our students and an expectation of our employees,' Franco said.

The TikTok video posted by the teacher has since gone viral, sparking a backlash from many parents who were angry she was teaching children to 'disrespect' the American flag.

'How can the words "for liberty and justice for all" bring such hate in people? How can anyone have (an) issue with those words?' one user replied.

Some even questioned why she lives in America, calling on the school to fire her and parents to homeschool their kids.

While others praised her, even going as far to say they wished she taught their own children.

In the controversial TikTok, Pitzen reveals that the Pledge of Allegiance is read during third-period announcements.

'Except for the fact that my room does not have a flag,' Pitzen added.

'It used to be there,' she said in the video as she pivots the camera and points to the wall in the front of the classroom.

'But I took it down during Covid,' she said, whispering that she did it 'because it made me uncomfortable'.

She said she 'packed it away' but doesn't know where, laughing in a way that implied otherwise, prompting the school district to open an investigation.

In the meantime, she told the student: 'We do have a flag in the class that you can pledge your allegiance to.'
'And he goes: 'Oh, that one'?' she added as she shows the gay pride flag hung in the classroom.

Not everyone disagreed with Pitzen, some praised her decision while others said they would have felt more comfortable pledging to the gay pride flag rather than the US one. 'Reciting a pledge to any flag is cringe,' one user commented.


Re: Teacher Removes USA Flag, Tells Students To Pledge Allegiance To LGBT Flag(Pix) by Xenry: 12:53pm On Sep 06, 2021
analysing thread...
comment deleting...
comment deleted successfully

Modified: As you can see, I'm the FTC (first to comment) on this thread, I didn't made any noise, yet I didn't die. Make una no dey disturb person each time you become the FTC on a Front-Page thread undecided.

109 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Teacher Removes USA Flag, Tells Students To Pledge Allegiance To LGBT Flag(Pix) by Righteousness2(m): 1:00pm On Sep 06, 2021
I don't Blame her at all!
The Abominable flag is flown at all USA embassies allover the world as we speak.

That is why Unadulterated Judgement is all over the places and on Nations that carry this Evil.
JESUS warned that when Society Parallels the days of Lot, HE will return.

What is happening now is moimoi and Juice.
Heavy Collosal Undiluted Destruction is Coming on the Nations and People.

GOD Will Destroy Humanity Again!!
Escape for your Life. Escape to JESUS Christ.
Do not Support their abominations Directly or Indirectly else you be Consumed and Swallowed in the Coming Destruction.

237 Likes 27 Shares

Re: Teacher Removes USA Flag, Tells Students To Pledge Allegiance To LGBT Flag(Pix) by EstatePropertyP: 1:02pm On Sep 06, 2021
First, Christianity upon which America was built has been destroyed. Now, the monster America built is coming back for her @ss...

Man is never satisfied.
This is just the prelude.

97 Likes 1 Share

Re: Teacher Removes USA Flag, Tells Students To Pledge Allegiance To LGBT Flag(Pix) by oz4real83(m): 1:25pm On Sep 06, 2021
"many are mad, few are roaming"


Re: Teacher Removes USA Flag, Tells Students To Pledge Allegiance To LGBT Flag(Pix) by donbachi(m): 1:43pm On Sep 06, 2021
"Wonders shall no go finish"..according to my great-grandmother.

7 Likes 1 Share

Re: Teacher Removes USA Flag, Tells Students To Pledge Allegiance To LGBT Flag(Pix) by iamyemiakins(m): 2:58pm On Sep 06, 2021
She needs koboko


Re: Teacher Removes USA Flag, Tells Students To Pledge Allegiance To LGBT Flag(Pix) by WiszyFraud: 2:58pm On Sep 06, 2021
Did you know??

Schools should have mental health classes where people learn how to deal with depression, anxiety, phobias, prevent suicide, & all. People need these skills for everyday life.

They should remove some of the abstract subjects kids don't need & introduce elementary mental health.


90 Likes 6 Shares

Re: Teacher Removes USA Flag, Tells Students To Pledge Allegiance To LGBT Flag(Pix) by hakym619(m): 2:58pm On Sep 06, 2021

I need scholarship to study dentistry outside Nigeria
Re: Teacher Removes USA Flag, Tells Students To Pledge Allegiance To LGBT Flag(Pix) by pennywys(m): 2:58pm On Sep 06, 2021

Cheeeee tatatatata

Wetin dem go fit do this teacher now oooo?
Re: Teacher Removes USA Flag, Tells Students To Pledge Allegiance To LGBT Flag(Pix) by IMASTEX: 2:59pm On Sep 06, 2021
She should be sent to an island to start her own country.


Re: Teacher Removes USA Flag, Tells Students To Pledge Allegiance To LGBT Flag(Pix) by Justinlean02(m): 2:59pm On Sep 06, 2021
Democrats are just like APC in Nigeria. APC fought to remove PDP as if they knew what they'll do when they finally get into power. They did get into power and became confused. We have been suffering in Nigeria since 2015. The Democrats fought to take down Trump by all means. They succeeded and said "the adults are now in charge". Now, they have no clue what they're doing. Last week the US Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken was in an interview with Chris Wallace of Fox News. And Blinken said that earlier he spoke with the president of Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai about how they'll handle the whole withdrawal thing and manage the Taliban but Karzai escaped to UAE a couple of days later. The only problem with this is that Hamid Karzai's term as president of Afghanistan ended in 2014. That means the person that Blinken spoke with was Ashraf Ghani. Not Karzai. Do you know how incompetent and bleeped you gotta be as a whole Secretary of State of the US to not even know who you had a phone conversation with? When I was watching it, I was shocked. Even me that's not even in US government dealing with world leaders knows who the runaway president of Afghanistan is. A man that abandoned his post and carried millions of dollars and ran away. How can you forget such a man? Apparently, nothing is beneath the Biden administration. They have hit rock bottom and started to dig. They haven't realized that Pandora's box has been opened with Afghanistan thing. The wind has blown and we have now fully seen the trousers under the robe of the priest. Biden and his cohorts have been hiding behind COVID management and the Trump blame game. Their supporters have been blinded to the inadequacies of this administration by their hatred for the past administration. But now, everyone knows they ain't shit. Where is Kamala Harris, the first black vice president, the shining beacon of hope for every girl in the planet? She is nowhere to be found. Nobody in this frigging administration has their acts together. So much for the adults in the room. I can't wait for 2022 and then 2024.

68 Likes 6 Shares

Re: Teacher Removes USA Flag, Tells Students To Pledge Allegiance To LGBT Flag(Pix) by elmessiahs(m): 2:59pm On Sep 06, 2021
Crazy bitches
Re: Teacher Removes USA Flag, Tells Students To Pledge Allegiance To LGBT Flag(Pix) by bolaayenimo: 2:59pm On Sep 06, 2021
Joe Biden will give the teacher national honours

11 Likes 1 Share

Re: Teacher Removes USA Flag, Tells Students To Pledge Allegiance To LGBT Flag(Pix) by Suspect33(m): 2:59pm On Sep 06, 2021
This is what will happen to Nigeria if we don't get rid of wokeness and stupid ideologies like Tolerance for bigots, Feminism, and acceptance of fornication all in the name of 'dating'

We are slowly losing our morals as a people

65 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Teacher Removes USA Flag, Tells Students To Pledge Allegiance To LGBT Flag(Pix) by Kayberg: 2:59pm On Sep 06, 2021

Celebrating immorality…
These people will make the world burn again instead of it becoming born again.
Las las, na China go start the nuclear war.
Everybody go come rewind go back to Stone Age under confirm reset.
No rich man, no poor man.
No factory, no workers.
I wonder why humans just love self destruct.

18 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Teacher Removes USA Flag, Tells Students To Pledge Allegiance To LGBT Flag(Pix) by bmdmix11: 2:59pm On Sep 06, 2021
make it illegal to b stupid.
and this will stop

2 Likes 1 Share

Re: Teacher Removes USA Flag, Tells Students To Pledge Allegiance To LGBT Flag(Pix) by crestedaguiyi: 2:59pm On Sep 06, 2021
E be things o
Re: Teacher Removes USA Flag, Tells Students To Pledge Allegiance To LGBT Flag(Pix) by Kaybee14(m): 3:00pm On Sep 06, 2021
Re: Teacher Removes USA Flag, Tells Students To Pledge Allegiance To LGBT Flag(Pix) by IMASTEX: 3:00pm On Sep 06, 2021
"Wonders shall no go finish"..according to my great-grandmother.
It is now finish nor go wonder grin


Re: Teacher Removes USA Flag, Tells Students To Pledge Allegiance To LGBT Flag(Pix) by candidbabe(f): 3:00pm On Sep 06, 2021
grin grin ;DEnd time

1 Like

Re: Teacher Removes USA Flag, Tells Students To Pledge Allegiance To LGBT Flag(Pix) by Hopebringer: 3:00pm On Sep 06, 2021

America will destroy itself with this liberalism. How dare you fly this abomination of a flag in a school and start to initiate young children into this evil

20 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Teacher Removes USA Flag, Tells Students To Pledge Allegiance To LGBT Flag(Pix) by Sonnobax15(m): 3:01pm On Sep 06, 2021
So even gay self dem get flag? shocked

Well,I dedicate this thread to Righteousness2....He should please come and throw a religious nuclear bomb on it....

Oh,revd. Father Righteousness2 don already steal the spotlight for up grin

15 Likes 1 Share

Re: Teacher Removes USA Flag, Tells Students To Pledge Allegiance To LGBT Flag(Pix) by MandGEnterprise: 3:01pm On Sep 06, 2021
Re: Teacher Removes USA Flag, Tells Students To Pledge Allegiance To LGBT Flag(Pix) by IPIGSRDOTARDS: 3:01pm On Sep 06, 2021
I don't Blame her at all!
The Abominable flag is flown at all USA embassies allover the world as we speak.

That is why Unadulterated Judgement is all over the places and Nations that carry this Evil.
JESUS warned that when Society Parallels the days of Lot, HE will return.

What is happening now is moimoi and Juice.
Heavy Collosal Destruction is Coming on the Nations and People.

GOD Will Destroy Humanity Again!!
Escape for your Life. Escape to JESUS Christ.
Do not Support their abominations Directly or Indirectly else you be Consumed in the Coming Destruction.

Mumu, how do you know that Jesus himself wasn't GAY?
Go and watch the movie Gay Jesus.

1 Like

Re: Teacher Removes USA Flag, Tells Students To Pledge Allegiance To LGBT Flag(Pix) by NaijaCover(m): 3:01pm On Sep 06, 2021
Nawa o
Re: Teacher Removes USA Flag, Tells Students To Pledge Allegiance To LGBT Flag(Pix) by WibusJaga: 3:01pm On Sep 06, 2021

Can't these people be their LGBT in peace, silently in their closets instead of advertising it & stuffing it down our throats?
It's as if they are forcefully evangelising to all of us to embrace or become LGBT. Arrant nonsense!

23 Likes 1 Share

Re: Teacher Removes USA Flag, Tells Students To Pledge Allegiance To LGBT Flag(Pix) by twilliamx(m): 3:01pm On Sep 06, 2021
This world is not my home, I am just passing through! If heaven's not my home, then lord what should I do, the angels beckon me from heaven's open door and I can't feel at home in this world anymore.

The time is nigh...

9 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Teacher Removes USA Flag, Tells Students To Pledge Allegiance To LGBT Flag(Pix) by GlorifiedTunde(m): 3:01pm On Sep 06, 2021

If it is this one teaching your kids at school, the tendencies of you losing your child to LGBTQIA is about 80%

6 Likes 1 Share

Re: Teacher Removes USA Flag, Tells Students To Pledge Allegiance To LGBT Flag(Pix) by Seemlys86: 3:01pm On Sep 06, 2021
Us don cast


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