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Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government - Foreign Affairs (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by GOTVee: 9:01am On Sep 11, 2021
Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by sleek214(m): 9:01am On Sep 11, 2021
Meet them for what? Terrorists govt
Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by Ibkhaleel001: 9:01am On Sep 11, 2021
I won’t be surprised if I see BUhari’s name on that list
They told you Osama was in Afganistan,
You believed
They told you, Libya warehoused Weapon of Mass Destruction,
You believed
They painted Sadam Hussien as satanic,
Invaded Iraq and decimated lives,
Lives were lost in millions,
Livelihood disrupted,
And nations put in ruins.
You didn't see all these as calamities,
You didn't see this as terrorism,
But you see that man with turban and long beard as a terrorist!
You are not far from a terrorist
Because you close your eyes to the real act of terror
While lives are brought to ruination.
Hypocritically musing

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Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by chukwuibuipob: 9:01am On Sep 11, 2021
sad To meet Terrorists government sad for what oo sad?
Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by Denn(m): 9:01am On Sep 11, 2021
When you have full power, there is no right or wrong until you lose that power.
Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by uchwar1: 9:01am On Sep 11, 2021
Taliban - Terrorist govt


Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by Scamreportnl: 9:03am On Sep 11, 2021
You accused Taliban of not allowing females to go to school. Now that they are going to school, you still accused them of separating their seats in the classroom.
You can not used your religion as a yardstick to judge Islam. You can only learn from Islam so as to live a better life. Islam is free from free mixing of matured male and female. That is the standard of Islam.

Abeg carry your religion of piece commot for here, what trash are you saying is that why they are forcing themselves on a soil they are not needed is that how Muslims do? Oh am asking sorry.


Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by Abdulwaheed01: 9:03am On Sep 11, 2021
May God help us
Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by Kingosytex(m): 9:03am On Sep 11, 2021
That MURIC guy should relocate there, I believe his rights will not be trampled upon there. grin grin
He shall enjoy his Sharia to the fullest.


Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by Ibkhaleel001: 9:03am On Sep 11, 2021


Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by IdJack(m): 9:04am On Sep 11, 2021
good for them
Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by Denn(m): 9:05am On Sep 11, 2021
They told you Osama was in Afganistan,
You believed
They told you, Libya warehoused Weapon of Mass Destruction,
You believed
They painted Sadam Hussien as satanic,
Invaded Iraq and decimated lives,
Lives were lost in millions,
Livelihood disrupted,
And nations put in ruins.
You didn't see all these as calamities,
You didn't see this as terrorism,
But you see that man with turban and long beard as a terrorist!
You are not far from a terrorist
Because you close your eyes to the real act of terror
While lives are brought to ruination.
Hypocritically musing

The whole world is limited today because of people who insist on forcing their ideals and religion on others.
Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by Razy75g: 9:06am On Sep 11, 2021
Muslim terrorists. Not all Muslims are terrorists but All terrorists are Muslims


Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by Ibkhaleel001: 9:07am On Sep 11, 2021

The whole world is limited today because of people who insist on forcing their ideals and religion on others.

Yes thats why we are forced to observe the Sabbath and follow the paganistic Gregorian calender...
Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by Nobody: 9:07am On Sep 11, 2021
You accused Taliban of not allowing females to go to school. Now that they are going to school, you still accused them of separating their seats in the classroom.
You can not used your religion as a yardstick to judge Islam. You can only learn from Islam so as to live a better life. Islam is free from free mixing of matured male and female. That is the standard of Islam.

Well, the Taliban in their first coming removed women from school completely...and in some areas they still do that.

They are only letting women go to school now because 2021 is different from 1996. The press eyes are on them well well.(plus the internet is everywhere) Once the press leaves, they will completely ban women from school. It is their way. And yes, people have every right to be suspicious.

And no, this is not an attack on your religion. As far as I know, the Taliban should learn from Iran...who achieved high female literacy rates via segregating the schools. Saudi is doing the same thing.

Infact, if the Taliban loves themselves, they should allow education for everyone, or else they will be always on the backfoot. Strong nations have a universally educated workplace and populace. Women's education too, helps reduce the job of the teacher, because an educated woman, even if na housewife , can at least teach and help the children at the early stage.

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Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by Mokason288(m): 9:08am On Sep 11, 2021
They told you Osama was in Afganistan,
You believed
They told you, Libya warehoused Weapon of Mass Destruction,
You believed
They painted Sadam Hussien as satanic,
Invaded Iraq and decimated lives,
Lives were lost in millions,
Livelihood disrupted,
And nations put in ruins.
You didn't see all these as calamities,
You didn't see this as terrorism,
But you see that man with turban and long beard as a terrorist!
You are not far from a terrorist
Because you close your eyes to the real act of terror
While lives are brought to ruination.
Hypocritically musing
BUhari is a nepotistic extremist

Who will do everything possible to support Sharia in the whole world

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Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by Ibkhaleel001: 9:10am On Sep 11, 2021

BUhari is a nepotistic extremist

Who will do everything possible to support Sharia in the whole world
They go to work, live, holiday & shop in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait & Qatar.
While there, they subject themselves completely to Sharia laws & Islamic injunctions that govern these countries.
They even learn Arabic to be able to communicate effectively.
But here in Nigeria that is governed by laws & a constitution that is based on the Christian CANONICAL laws...;
here in Nigeria that uses for all its official documents, schedules & civil observances the GREGORIAN calendar named after Pope Gregory XIII, who issued the papal bull Inter gravissimas in 1582, announcing calendar reforms for all of Catholic Christiandom which gave birth to the Gregorian calendar in use today also called the Western or Christian calendar...;
they want to die whenever they see Arabic inscription on anything. They are so afraid of Islamization & are all running away to the Middle East to escape been Islamized by Buhari.!
Self-deceit & idiotic hypocrisy should indeed have a limit!!
Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by lkillbrokehoes: 9:12am On Sep 11, 2021
Bunch of terrorist
Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by Nobody: 9:12am On Sep 11, 2021


BUhari is a nepotistic extremist

Who will do everything possible to support Sharia in the whole world

And after six years in power, how far?

Buhari said all that because like most politicians, they lie to get a large mass of voters. Once the goal is achieved...nothing will happen.

Ok, let's even assume Buhari was serious about the Sharia for Nigeria thing. He would have to pass an amendment in the National Assembly...where he won't get support even from many of the Muslims in the house. He also has to get the amendment passed in 2/3 Rd majority in 2/3RDS of the states of the federation' s assemblies. (not going to happen)

Politicians lie.
Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by joyandfaith: 9:16am On Sep 11, 2021
You accused Taliban of not allowing females to go to school. Now that they are going to school, you still accused them of separating their seats in the classroom.
You can not used your religion as a yardstick to judge Islam. You can only learn from Islam so as to live a better life. Islam is free from free mixing of matured male and female. That is the standard of Islam.

Can u support your claim with koranic verses?
90% of Islamic practices are rooted in tradition than koran. Most of these traditions are man made , not based on koran.

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Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by Angelfrost(m): 9:16am On Sep 11, 2021
Congrats to them... I wish them a 'successful' rule in their nation.

Lemme be observing our very own semi-Taliban region! They know themselves!! lipsrsealed tongue

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Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by Ibkhaleel001: 9:20am On Sep 11, 2021

Can u support your claim with koranic verses?
90% of Islamic practices are rooted in tradition than koran. Most of these traditions are man made , not based on koran.
Your lines are too childish for me to respond to! But i dont blame you....you were programmed and brainwashed to see it that way!

Historically, Muslims had always been badly misunderstood by the false propaganda that the anti-Islamic spread against Muslims and Islam.

Please dont speak on issues you have no knowledge on! The sources you rely on will surely mislead you deeper
Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by lamalang(m): 9:22am On Sep 11, 2021
Terrorists on the loose
Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by adebopo: 9:23am On Sep 11, 2021
Wherever islam goes, trouble follows. Well I'm not surprised; they take after their pedophile leader mahomet.

I just pity the innocent Afghan women who'll be at the forefront of this whole tragedy.
if this is the only logical thing you can come up with at your age dont you think you're also a tragedy and disaster to your family

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Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by lamalang(m): 9:23am On Sep 11, 2021
Terrorists Government of Afghanistan (TGA)
Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by The5DME(m): 9:25am On Sep 11, 2021
if this is the only logical thing you can come up with at your age dont you think you're also[b] a tragedy and disaster to your family
[/b]on the contrary; I'm a blessing to my family.
Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by Yoighaman(m): 9:26am On Sep 11, 2021

Pls who knows if spare parts business will move there? Asking for a friend.

If the US or UK sees Afghanistan visa for your passport, come see entry and exit stamp join...forget it, that is the last time you would step your feet in that embassy.

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Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by krucifix(m): 9:29am On Sep 11, 2021
You accused Taliban of not allowing females to go to school. Now that they are going to school, you still accused them of separating their seats in the classroom.
You can not used your religion as a yardstick to judge Islam. You can only learn from Islam so as to live a better life. Islam is free from free mixing of matured male and female. That is the standard of Islam.
. Free indeed but not free from violence, they disregard peace and embrace violence. And they claim it is a religion of peace.. lemme ask this, why do Islam force people do things against their will?

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Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by NwaliE01: 9:29am On Sep 11, 2021
You accused Taliban of not allowing females to go to school. Now that they are going to school, you still accused them of separating their seats in the classroom.
You can not used your religion as a yardstick to judge Islam. You can only learn from Islam so as to live a better life. Islam is free from free mixing of matured male and female. That is the standard of Islam.

Hope you didn't attend a circular institution.
Because if you did and mixed up with other matured ladies then you're not a good Muslim.

Why haven't Muslim build a standard University where the males are separated from the females?

Why do Islam leave in a society where the males and the females go to same market and even transact business?
Why can't your religion leave us in peace and else where and create your own world?

Why is Islam forcing their religion on people and even kill anyone who choose to practice his/her religion of choice even as an adult who knows his left from right?

Why have Islam promote killing of people who are even potential members of your religion just because they are not convinced to join your religion now then you tagged them infidel and kill them even in a slightest provocation?

Why is there no peace in any society where Islam if found admist other religions?

Why have major terrorist of the world as at today strongly associated with Islam and your religion usually drive joy in their menace as long as their are killing humans that are non Islam?

Why can't you be safe to practice your choice religion without being hacked to death by your own people even your immediate family for choosing a different religion?

Why can't Muslim accomodates non Muslim and grant them equal opportunities in ministries, appointments and promotion as a federal character presupposes.

The list is endless

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Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by Excelwealth(f): 9:29am On Sep 11, 2021
For your USD exchange please I’m at your service. Chat me up on WhatsApp 08103025172.
Please no scammers!!!!!
Re: Meet The Afghanistan Interim Government by krucifix(m): 9:32am On Sep 11, 2021
When you build a house let your wife decorate the ceiling for you......She has seen more ceiling designs than you.. I repeat give it to your wife�

����� U no well o

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