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Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) - Literature (17) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Entertainment / Literature / Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) (183112 Views)

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Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by daddio(m): 2:16am On Sep 07, 2021
You are doing well bro, thanks for opening our eyes

1 Like

Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by Ann2012(f): 7:05am On Sep 07, 2021
Thanks for the update boss, this story is da bomb!!!

1 Like

Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by Mavikolo2020: 8:09am On Sep 07, 2021
Can we just join hands to appreciate this guy. Mehn this stoy is just giving me vibes.

Thanks for the update


Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by Jesubaby: 9:52am On Sep 07, 2021
Wow!! I'm short of words for now. But i must say, u're wonderfully doing a great job. Thank you.

1 Like

Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by Lakesc: 5:13pm On Sep 07, 2021
Thanks Silver...

1 Like

Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by Thebigdream: 5:34pm On Sep 07, 2021
Pls Erica shouldn't die o.

Thanks for the update

2 Likes 1 Share

Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by Demurray: 6:26pm On Sep 07, 2021
This is lovely silver 1996 turn preacher. Please keep it coming .
Thank you for the update.

1 Like 1 Share

Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by purity23(f): 10:19pm On Sep 07, 2021
Thanks for the update

1 Like

Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by sly12345: 9:21am On Sep 08, 2021
More grace sir, thanks for the update

1 Like

Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by Silver1996(m): 9:46pm On Sep 08, 2021
You are doing well bro, thanks for opening our eyes
You welcome
Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by Silver1996(m): 9:46pm On Sep 08, 2021
Thanks for the update boss, this story is da bomb!!!
U welcome
Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by Silver1996(m): 9:47pm On Sep 08, 2021
Can we just join hands to appreciate this guy. Mehn this stoy is just giving me vibes.

Thanks for the update
U welcome
Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by Silver1996(m): 9:47pm On Sep 08, 2021
This is lovely silver 1996 turn preacher. Please keep it coming .
Thank you for the update.
U welcome

1 Like

Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by Adeola25(f): 10:59am On Sep 09, 2021
Thanks for the update
Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by Silver1996(m): 1:00am On Sep 12, 2021

Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ himself...., Shall I then take the members of Christ and unite them with a prostitute...Never.., for he who lay with a prostitute become one with her....
I corinthians 6:15

You're warned

At the beat of the drums, Nerissa legs extended like a prima ballerina and she glided from place to place, arms held in front, finger tips touching...., In that moment of dance the vibrations of the music became a part of her energy, raising her up several levels all at once...., she move like water transformed by music, flowing in graceful arcs, limbs in constant motion, painting a picture sound alone can never achieve, she brought a wordless interpretation of the beats, of the soft strings, in a way her people can understand no matter what language they speak...., The sound of the drums moves her like she's a puppet on strings, her head mashing so hard her brain almost shut down...., them all of a sudden before she move in her dress as if her hips were meant to sway, the music stopped returning the quietness there once be, right there she knew something was wrong when her people disappeared with the drums and all musical instruments they had carried....

She quickly spun around and that was when she saw it, the black Mamba snake crawling towards her..., it's head tilt upwards before it crawled around Nerissa......

"You....."Nerissa mutter brooding over a memory.....

The black mamba snake raise it's head towards her..., it's tongue flicked before it slowly began to transform until it changed form into a human....

"You..."Nerissa reiterates as she watch her took a few steps from her......"Magdalena."

"Did I distract you...?"Magdalena asked, a mirthless smile following her question..

"How dare you...?"Nerissa sneered..

Magdalena scoffs...."I didn't mean to distract you from your dance ritual...., I have more pressing issue to discuss with you.., I couldn't not wait for you to finish...."

"Oh you have nerves...."Nerissa sneered taking a step towards her..

"Before you get tempted to do anything stupid..."Magdalena chimes in..."Remenber what happened the last time we crossed path..."

Nerissa raise a brow in irritation as she recall what had happened between them.....

"I don't want to waste my time any further..."Magdalena continues..."So I am going to head straight to the point...., why did you tell the human about my truth..?"

"What..., he's not supposed to find out.."

"You know the rules..."Magdalena scowled...

"Do I..., because the last time I checked am not from your world...."

"The human is not supposed to know...."

"Well that's your problem..."Nerissa yelled....."He asked and I told him..., either way he's lost..."

"He'll start seeking for solutions...., his doom was supposed to go smoothly until the day of his death..."

"Well I don't care, whether he finds solution or not, it's totally on him and if you're pissed about it..., take it on him and this should be the last time you'll ever distract me when I am performing the berkslah..."

"I don't like this..."Magdalena retorted...

"And your presence here is beginning to infuriate me....."Nerissa fling back....."So if you don't mind, you can leave, it's passed my bed time.."

"This human..."Magdalena said taking steps around her...."Who is he...?"

Annoyed, Nerissa glared at her.....

"I can smell him on you..."Magdalena said...."Does he know the repercussion of sleeping with a mermaid....?"

Nerissa look away refusing to give her the dignity of a reply...

"He doesn't know..."Magdalena said standing in front of her..

"I believe you have something better to do than indulge in gossip....."

"This is interesting.."Magdalena said, a half lopsided smile following her words...."Yet selfish...."

"Get out...."Nerissa scowled....

"I will but not without a warning...."

"A warning..."Nerissa reiterates

Magdalena step closer to her making sure she feels her breathe on her skin...."The next time you say or even think of telling anyone about me or what I do..., I'll come back here and dig my teeth into your skin and I'll make sure the venom gets to the depths of your blood, after that I'll take you to the sea myself and give whatever is left of you to the angry monsters of the sea to feed on...., now imagine what that will do to the human husband...., it will be a shame to see him roaming the streets, ragged, bloodstained and raving like a madman...., that fate is pitiable...."

The words rang in Nerissa's ears....., then there came the thoughts of Derek with another woman..., it fuelled the anger inside her.., without hesitation, she pushed Magdalena away from her......

"Don't you dare threaten me again..."Nerissa growled....

A smile played on Magdalena lips......"You've been warned and you know very well I don't like repeating myself...."

Nerissa didn't say a word, instead she watch until Magdalena returned back to her snake form and began to crawl before it disappeared.....

"Stupid serpent...."Nerissa sneered

Erica heaved a deep sigh when the call ended..., she glance at the time, it was 12:38AM...

"I just got off the call with my pastor..."Erica said walking towards Derek...

Derek exhales.., he's scared, scared Nerissa might be watching him, perhaps from his phone since he has no logical explanation as to how the phone got to him......

"What did he say...?"He ask curiously...., after his last encounter with pastor Alfred, he didn't want to try the hands of another pastor but Erica was very convincing..., he needs help and he had sworn to himself he'll get it anyway he can even if it means meeting all the pastors in the world.....

"He'll be in the church by 9AM tomorrow..."Erica said sitting down across him..

Derek knows she's angry, any one will go mad when they hear the one who confesses love to them slept with someone else.., not just anyone but a spirit, he knew his chance of getting Erica is gone.., she's never going to be with him not after knowing the terrible things he has done...

"Are you angry..?"He asked anxiously as her facial expressions drew a line between a frown and a straight face....

"No..."Erica replied crisply.."Am just disappointed.."

He expected the reply..., he'll be disappointed if she's in his shoes but it doesn't really matter what she thinks.., all he wants is his life back....

"Thank you for letting me spend the night here..."Derek said....

"I wouldn't have you spend it somewhere else...."

Derek sigh, a sigh of relief, even if he won't be getting her again, it's a relief to know she cares.., the woman he loves cares....

Adorned with rings and dressed seductively, Magdalena stood along the road just a stone throw from an hotel...., she hissed, cursed and does everything possible to blend in with the other call girls..., it wasn't long until a car stopped in front of her.., a smile played on her lips when the car screen got wined down and a man called her....

"Handsome man...."Magdalena pout....

The man just smile and began to check her out, Magdalena turned around showing every part of her so he could see the full package...

"Enter motor.."The man said in pidgin...

Magdalena flicked her hair before she climbed into the front seat of the car...

"Ashawo..."The other girls shouted at her before the man drove the jeep passed them....

Erica look at the mirror once more before she pulled up her hair neatly and held it by a single earthen coloured band......, she glance at the time again, it was 8:10AM already and she needed to be at the church before 9 so Derek could see her church pastor briefly before he engaged in other things....

"I still don't understand why he insisted on getting a spiritual help...."Jasmine said squeezing out toothpaste into her brush...."Have he told you what's wrong with him....?"

Erica huffs..., this is the third time Jasmine is asking her if Derek had shared with her his problem.., she didn't want to lie neither does she want to tell him, Derek had asked her not to tell Jasmine, she'll freak out he says. ......

"There is stew in the fridge, you can boil rice..."Erica said hurriedly walking past her to the parlour...

"You set....?"She asked Derek when she saw him already waiting at the door..

Derek didn't like the idea of getting Erica's pastor involved but Erica trusted her pastor and he trusts her......

He nod his head in reply..., he saw the enthusiasm in her eyes yet he couldn't tell what it means.........

It wasn't long before they stepped out of the compound and stood in front of the road waiting for a cab to board.....

Anger flooded Priscilla as she watch from a distance..., she look at the picture Nerissa had given her..., she was right, the bastard is seeing her..., she threw the cigarette out and pick up the pistol...., when Erica touch Derek's face, it fueled her anger, the sight was like gasoline to the fires of fury burning inside her, she had sworn to destroy Derek for what he did to her....., nobody can have her life neither will he ever find anyone to take her place.., he promised her he wouldn't leave, promise to stand by her no matter what happens.......

Her anger dawned on her as she brood over Nerissa's words, with every word sung from Nerissa's mouth echoing in her head, she started the car engine and began driving towards them.....

"You'll overcome this...."Erica said before taking her hands from his face...

A smile radiates around Derek and it made him quickly realise how much he cared for her.., perhaps if he had met her earlier, he would be a different person.., she's a rare gold, a light in the darkest tunnel.., he doesn't deserves her....... , he look away and refocus her gaze on the road and that was when he saw her.., he blinked to be sure his eyes weren't playing tricks on him, little by little the distance between them and the car speedily racing towards them began to close...., his heart hammered when he saw her pulled a gun out..., there was no time to shout, no time to explain, in the blink of an eye, the world around them darkened as Priscilla fired the bullet..., the bullet flew out the chamber and began to make way for the target.....

Heart renting, Derek manage to scream Erica's name before he pushed her out of the way....., in a split second, the bullet intended for Erica connected with his chest.., blood flew right out as the bullet made contact with his body...

The world went numb, the ground spin right in front of him before he collapse on the floor. ..

Before Erica could fathom what was happening, Priscilla already sped away..., she look back at Derek.., for a second she lay on the ground looking at him, then it hit her, Derek has been shot...

She latched out with a loud scream and quickly rush to his side.....

Eyes wide open, Magdalena stood up from the bed, she look at the man, he was still sleeping totally unaware of what had happened to him... men, so stupid, willing to destroy their soul for few minutes of pleasure.

She stood up and walk closer to the wall.., there she began to twist her body against the wall, she crunched down flicking her tongue at every given second......, a second passed before she transformed into the black Mamba snake....., she crawled around the room before she tilt her head up and push herself against the sheets, she held on to the bed frame until she pushed her belly up and into the bed......, she look up at the man, her dark evil eyes mounted on him knowing fully well the man's shining star is gone and replaced with doom..., profound sadness.., death...........

Minutes passed before she returned back to her human form and lay close to him.., he's sleeping so innocent but when he wakes up...., the countdown for his destruction will begin...., over and over men keep making the same mistake, they've heard confessions, they've heard and read stories but the power of the penis has close their ears to heed...., they ignore and follow the lead of the organ dangling between their legs........, the penis, a man's powerful tool yet a man's greatest enemy but men.......they never learn.......


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Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by Silver1996(m): 1:04am On Sep 12, 2021
Thanks for the update
You welcome
Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by PraisesPblaze(m): 4:55am On Sep 12, 2021
Thanks boss for the update i've been refreshing for days now and it finally paid up early this morning when sleep evaded me.
Waiting for more lovely updates.
Stay Blessed.

Kindly correct the name, u wrote Nerrisa instead of Magdalena wien she entered the car before been called ashawo. Then Derek wished he had "met" and not "meant" Erica earlier.

With this new turn. Are we expecting a happy ending?
Watching with 4D glasses.

1 Like

Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by Silver1996(m): 8:05am On Sep 12, 2021
Thanks boss for the update i've been refreshing for days now and it finally paid up early this morning when sleep evaded me.
Waiting for more lovely updates.
Stay Blessed.

Kindly correct the name, u wrote Nerrisa instead of Magdalena wien she entered the car before been called ashawo. Then Derek wished he had "met" and not "meant" Erica earlier.

With this new turn. Are we expecting a happy ending?
Watching with 4D glasses.
Corrected.. thanks..

1 Like

Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by Ann2012(f): 9:03am On Sep 12, 2021
Thanks for the update boss

Interesting as always
Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by skubido(m): 4:06pm On Sep 12, 2021
Thanks for the update
Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by pjmoa(m): 4:52pm On Sep 12, 2021

Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ himself...., Shall I then take the members of Christ and unite them with a prostitute...Never.., for he who lay with a prostitute become one with her....
I corinthians 6:15

You're warned

At the beat of the drums, Nerissa legs extended like a prima ballerina and she glided from place to place, arms held in front, finger tips touching...., In that moment of dance the vibrations of the music became a part of her energy, raising her up several levels all at once...., she move like water transformed by music, flowing in graceful arcs, limbs in constant motion, painting a picture sound alone can never achieve, she brought a wordless interpretation of the beats, of the soft strings, in a way her people can understand no matter what language they speak...., The sound of the drums moves her like she's a puppet on strings, her head mashing so hard her brain almost shut down...., them all of a sudden before she move in her dress as if her hips were meant to sway, the music stopped returning the quietness there once be, right there she knew something was wrong when her people disappeared with the drums and all musical instruments they had carried....

She quickly spun around and that was when she saw it, the black Mamba snake crawling towards her..., it's head tilt upwards before it crawled around Nerissa......

"You....."Nerissa mutter brooding over a memory.....

The black mamba snake raise it's head towards her..., it's tongue flicked before it slowly began to transform until it changed form into a human....

"You..."Nerissa reiterates as she watch her took a few steps from her......"Magdalena."

"Did I distract you...?"Magdalena asked, a mirthless smile following her question..

"How dare you...?"Nerissa sneered..

Magdalena scoffs...."I didn't mean to distract you from your dance ritual...., I have more pressing issue to discuss with you.., I couldn't not wait for you to finish...."

"Oh you have nerves...."Nerissa sneered taking a step towards her..

"Before you get tempted to do anything stupid..."Magdalena chimes in..."Remenber what happened the last time we crossed path..."

Nerissa raise a brow in irritation as she recall what had happened between them.....

"I don't want to waste my time any further..."Magdalena continues..."So I am going to head straight to the point...., why did you tell the human about my truth..?"

"What..., he's not supposed to find out.."

"You know the rules..."Magdalena scowled...

"Do I..., because the last time I checked am not from your world...."

"The human is not supposed to know...."

"Well that's your problem..."Nerissa yelled....."He asked and I told him..., either way he's lost..."

"He'll start seeking for solutions...., his doom was supposed to go smoothly until the day of his death..."

"Well I don't care, whether he finds solution or not, it's totally on him and if you're pissed about it..., take it on him and this should be the last time you'll ever distract me when I am performing the berkslah..."

"I don't like this..."Magdalena retorted...

"And your presence here is beginning to infuriate me....."Nerissa fling back....."So if you don't mind, you can leave, it's passed my bed time.."

"This human..."Magdalena said taking steps around her...."Who is he...?"

Annoyed, Nerissa glared at her.....

"I can smell him on you..."Magdalena said...."Does he know the repercussion of sleeping with a mermaid....?"

Nerissa look away refusing to give her the dignity of a reply...

"He doesn't know..."Magdalena said standing in front of her..

"I believe you have something better to do than indulge in gossip....."

"This is interesting.."Magdalena said, a half lopsided smile following her words...."Yet selfish...."

"Get out...."Nerissa scowled....

"I will but not without a warning...."

"A warning..."Nerissa reiterates

Magdalena step closer to her making sure she feels her breathe on her skin...."The next time you say or even think of telling anyone about me or what I do..., I'll come back here and dig my teeth into your skin and I'll make sure the venom gets to the depths of your blood, after that I'll take you to the sea myself and give whatever is left of you to the angry monsters of the sea to feed on...., now imagine what that will do to the human husband...., it will be a shame to see him roaming the streets, ragged, bloodstained and raving like a madman...., that fate is pitiable...."

The words rang in Nerissa's ears....., then there came the thoughts of Derek with another woman..., it fuelled the anger inside her.., without hesitation, she pushed Magdalena away from her......

"Don't you dare threaten me again..."Nerissa growled....

A smile played on Magdalena lips......"You've been warned and you know very well I don't like repeating myself...."

Nerissa didn't say a word, instead she watch until Magdalena returned back to her snake form and began to crawl before it disappeared.....

"Stupid serpent...."Nerissa sneered

Erica heaved a deep sigh when the call ended..., she glance at the time, it was 12:38AM...

"I just got off the call with my pastor..."Erica said walking towards Derek...

Derek exhales.., he's scared, scared Nerissa might be watching him, perhaps from his phone since he has no logical explanation as to how the phone got to him......

"What did he say...?"He ask curiously...., after his last encounter with pastor Alfred, he didn't want to try the hands of another pastor but Erica was very convincing..., he needs help and he had sworn to himself he'll get it anyway he can even if it means meeting all the pastors in the world.....

"He'll be in the church by 9AM tomorrow..."Erica said sitting down across him..

Derek knows she's angry, any one will go mad when they hear the one who confesses love to them slept with someone else.., not just anyone but a spirit, he knew his chance of getting Erica is gone.., she's never going to be with him not after knowing the terrible things he has done...

"Are you angry..?"He asked anxiously as her facial expressions drew a line between a frown and a straight face....

"No..."Erica replied crisply.."Am just disappointed.."

He expected the reply..., he'll be disappointed if she's in his shoes but it doesn't really matter what she thinks.., all he wants is his life back....

"Thank you for letting me spend the night here..."Derek said....

"I wouldn't have you spend it somewhere else...."

Derek sigh, a sigh of relief, even if he won't be getting her again, it's a relief to know she cares.., the woman he loves cares....

Adorned with rings and dressed seductively, Magdalena stood along the road just a stone throw from an hotel...., she hissed, cursed and does everything possible to blend in with the other call girls..., it wasn't long until a car stopped in front of her.., a smile played on her lips when the car screen got wined down and a man called her....

"Handsome man...."Magdalena pout....

The man just smile and began to check her out, Magdalena turned around showing every part of her so he could see the full package...

"Enter motor.."The man said in pidgin...

Magdalena flicked her hair before she climbed into the front seat of the car...

"Ashawo..."The other girls shouted at her before the man drove the jeep passed them....

Erica look at the mirror once more before she pulled up her hair neatly and held it by a single earthen coloured band......, she glance at the time again, it was 8:10AM already and she needed to be at the church before 9 so Derek could see her church pastor briefly before he engaged in other things....

"I still don't understand why he insisted on getting a spiritual help...."Jasmine said squeezing out toothpaste into her brush...."Have he told you what's wrong with him....?"

Erica huffs..., this is the third time Jasmine is asking her if Derek had shared with her his problem.., she didn't want to lie neither does she want to tell him, Derek had asked her not to tell Jasmine, she'll freak out he says. ......

"There is stew in the fridge, you can boil rice..."Erica said hurriedly walking past her to the parlour...

"You set....?"She asked Derek when she saw him already waiting at the door..

Derek didn't like the idea of getting Erica's pastor involved but Erica trusted her pastor and he trusts her......

He nod his head in reply..., he saw the enthusiasm in her eyes yet he couldn't tell what it means.........

It wasn't long before they stepped out of the compound and stood in front of the road waiting for a cab to board.....

Anger flooded Priscilla as she watch from a distance..., she look at the picture Nerissa had given her..., she was right, the bastard is seeing her..., she threw the cigarette out and pick up the pistol...., when Erica touch Derek's face, it fueled her anger, the sight was like gasoline to the fires of fury burning inside her, she had sworn to destroy Derek for what he did to her....., nobody can have her life neither will he ever find anyone to take her place.., he promised her he wouldn't leave, promise to stand by her no matter what happens.......

Her anger dawned on her as she brood over Nerissa's words, with every word sung from Nerissa's mouth echoing in her head, she started the car engine and began driving towards them.....

"You'll overcome this...."Erica said before taking her hands from his face...

A smile radiates around Derek and it made him quickly realise how much he cared for her.., perhaps if he had met her earlier, he would be a different person.., she's a rare gold, a light in the darkest tunnel.., he doesn't deserves her....... , he look away and refocus her gaze on the road and that was when he saw her.., he blinked to be sure his eyes weren't playing tricks on him, little by little the distance between them and the car speedily racing towards them began to close...., his heart hammered when he saw her pulled a gun out..., there was no time to shout, no time to explain, in the blink of an eye, the world around them darkened as Priscilla fired the bullet..., the bullet flew out the chamber and began to make way for the target.....

Heart renting, Derek manage to scream Erica's name before he pushed her out of the way....., in a split second, the bullet intended for Erica connected with his chest.., blood flew right out as the bullet made contact with his body...

The world went numb, the ground spin right in front of him before he collapse on the floor. ..

Before Erica could fathom what was happening, Priscilla already sped away..., she look back at Derek.., for a second she lay on the ground looking at him, then it hit her, Derek has been shot...

She latched out with a loud scream and quickly rush to his side.....

Eyes wide open, Magdalena stood up from the bed, she look at the man, he was still sleeping totally unaware of what had happened to him... men, so stupid, willing to destroy their soul for few minutes of pleasure.

She stood up and walk closer to the wall.., there she began to twist her body against the wall, she crunched down flicking her tongue at every given second......, a second passed before she transformed into the black Mamba snake....., she crawled around the room before she tilt her head up and push herself against the sheets, she held on to the bed frame until she pushed her belly up and into the bed......, she look up at the man, her dark evil eyes mounted on him knowing fully well the man's shining star is gone and replaced with doom..., profound sadness.., death...........

Minutes passed before she returned back to her human form and lay close to him.., he's sleeping so innocent but when he wakes up...., the countdown for his destruction will begin...., over and over men keep making the same mistake, they've heard confessions, they've heard and read stories but the power of the penis has close their ears to heed...., they ignore and follow the lead of the organ dangling between their legs........, the penis, a man's powerful tool yet a man's greatest enemy but men.......they never learn.......


Can anyone kindly give or highlight the part or what happened between madgalene and nerrissa,cus it's seems there was a fight
anyone please
Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by purity23(f): 8:52pm On Sep 12, 2021
Derek is down, what next....

Nerissa will kill this girl o cheesy


Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by Demurray: 10:43pm On Sep 12, 2021

Can anyone kindly give or highlight the part or what happened between madgalene and nerrissa,cus it's seems there was a fight
anyone please
that anyone can only be Silver baba cos in that part, he keeps us in the dark.

1 Like

Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by Jannie1999(f): 7:50pm On Sep 13, 2021
Whether Derek dies or not...nerissa will kill pricilia..
Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by Thebigdream: 11:39pm On Sep 13, 2021
Plans gone wrong, Priscilla rest in peace
Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by Jesubaby: 11:46am On Sep 17, 2021
I don't think Priscillia will die, but both of them will fight. That's where she'll remember the salt the old woman told her about and probably use it against Nerissa.
Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by Treasure17(m): 2:39pm On Sep 17, 2021
Hmmm..na waoo, thanks for the update
Hi izaray. How are you doing? it's been a while.
Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by Adeola25(f): 1:55pm On Sep 18, 2021
Hmmm, what an educative story. Buh women like to gossip sha but human and non human. Lol. Thanks for the update.
Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by yvonncute(f): 5:11pm On Sep 18, 2021
Silver have you abandoned the story?
Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by mhizv(f): 8:32pm On Sep 18, 2021
I don't think Priscillia will die, but both of them will fight. That's where she'll remember the salt the old woman told her about and probably use it against Nerissa.

Lol after she don collect first. That's if she remembers on time too
Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by Thebigdream: 9:37pm On Sep 18, 2021
I don't think Priscillia will die, but both of them will fight. That's where she'll remember the salt the old woman told her about and probably use it against Nerissa.
She didn't listen to the old woman o, she'll probably die, make she rest
Re: Iyawo Mammy-water(18+) by sly12345: 8:13am On Sep 19, 2021
I actually liked Priscilla o, she has action jarring, too bad she's going to die

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