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Help! I'm Addicted To Bread And Beans - Health - Nairaland

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Help! I'm Addicted To Bread And Beans by FIFApresident1(m): 4:49pm On Oct 26, 2021
health practitioners in the house please what is/are the danger(s) of getting addicted to a particular type of food? in this case it's bread and beans.

2 times in a day on the average.

combination of bread and beans is hustlers favourite, it stays longer in the stomach.

49 Likes 7 Shares

Re: Help! I'm Addicted To Bread And Beans by RedMac: 5:01pm On Oct 26, 2021
You are not addicted... You are just eating what's easily available to you...

Bread and beans no be bad combo na... If me get my way at least I must consume them 5 days in a week...

The only bad thing be say u go dey mess on per second billings anyhow like who dem swear give, which me I no send anybody wey dey near me...

405 Likes 19 Shares

Re: Help! I'm Addicted To Bread And Beans by Or11: 5:07pm On Oct 26, 2021
You are not addicted my friend, you are just poor and it's the only food you can afford

194 Likes 15 Shares

Re: Help! I'm Addicted To Bread And Beans by illicit(m): 5:24pm On Oct 26, 2021
Beans is highly nutritious

136 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Help! I'm Addicted To Bread And Beans by ojun50(m): 5:24pm On Oct 26, 2021
Na Man you be

66 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Help! I'm Addicted To Bread And Beans by YeyeGbami: 5:27pm On Oct 26, 2021
Lmao. do you wash it down with water or pepsi

58 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Help! I'm Addicted To Bread And Beans by Felabrity: 7:08pm On Oct 26, 2021
This is funny

I also like beans though


Re: Help! I'm Addicted To Bread And Beans by Nobody: 7:08pm On Oct 26, 2021
Bread and beans are for hustlers and students on a hunger management diet.
E dey hold belle wella.

Your worry should be only based on certain factors of which two stands out:

1. Have you escaped poverty? That is, should you decide to quit bread-and-beans addiction today, hope food will not be your problem? Although, it's important to note that bread and beans have both become very expensive. It used to be a poor man's delicacy. So maybe the addiction is draining you financially these days.

2. Is it causing you health problems?
I actually have a problem with consuming beans myself, as I always feel hotness and serious discomfort in my stomach after eating it. They said its gases and flatulence. Whatever the case maybe, consult your doctor. He may recommend a visit to the medical lab to do blood sugar test to confirm you don't have diabetes or other issues.

If none of the above is your problem, then I say CARRY ON!

My two cents.


Re: Help! I'm Addicted To Bread And Beans by Stopfapping: 7:08pm On Oct 26, 2021
You are not alone, Righteousness2, come and tell us if he would be rejected on the Last day if he doesn't repent.

160 Likes 9 Shares

Re: Help! I'm Addicted To Bread And Beans by IbrahimSkiba(f): 7:08pm On Oct 26, 2021
health practitioners in the house please what is/are the danger(s) of getting addicted to a particular type of food? in this case it's bread and beans.

2 times in a day on the average.

combination of bread and beans is hustlers favourite, it stays longer in the stomach.


1 Like

Re: Help! I'm Addicted To Bread And Beans by Emmyreal4(m): 7:08pm On Oct 26, 2021
Sapa never hold this one undecided

Na only water I dey drink for over 2 weeks now

57 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Help! I'm Addicted To Bread And Beans by hakeem4(m): 7:08pm On Oct 26, 2021
Eating too much protein (beans) can affect your kidney. This would also cause dehydration.

Try and balance with other classes of food ooo


Re: Help! I'm Addicted To Bread And Beans by paskal16: 7:08pm On Oct 26, 2021
OP dem talk say na poverty dey cause am


Re: Help! I'm Addicted To Bread And Beans by MANNABBQGRILLS: 7:09pm On Oct 26, 2021
Hehehehe grin cheesy wink

You are not alone.


She na with ponmo abi eja-kika,
Supported by a Big Bottle of Orobo Pepsi as the Supporting striker! cheesy

U no get problem for life abegii....
Some have mouth but cannot eat, no be so? cool

48 Likes 11 Shares

Re: Help! I'm Addicted To Bread And Beans by Lordbinsmar: 7:09pm On Oct 26, 2021
Ogun kill Nigeria angry

This hardship in this country is turning it's citizens into something else. angry

10 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Help! I'm Addicted To Bread And Beans by Yankee101: 7:09pm On Oct 26, 2021
Beans is healthy
Not bread daily though


Re: Help! I'm Addicted To Bread And Beans by Saintsquare(m): 7:09pm On Oct 26, 2021
I understand brother, no be small thing

1 Like

Re: Help! I'm Addicted To Bread And Beans by MANNABBQGRILLS: 7:09pm On Oct 26, 2021
You better Thank God for your life ..... your sweet life.

No let anybody know say u dey enjoy oooo.

Na Chairman u be......

38 Likes 6 Shares

Re: Help! I'm Addicted To Bread And Beans by Aflix(m): 7:09pm On Oct 26, 2021
grin grin grin Nothing dem no go post for Nairaland. Absolutely nothing.

36 Likes 1 Share

Re: Help! I'm Addicted To Bread And Beans by ntyce(m): 7:09pm On Oct 26, 2021

1 Like

Re: Help! I'm Addicted To Bread And Beans by Martinez39s(m): 7:09pm On Oct 26, 2021
Re: Help! I'm Addicted To Bread And Beans by executioner(m): 7:09pm On Oct 26, 2021
You should be thanking God your addiction is to vital food. Or would you rather be addicted to Arizona?


Re: Help! I'm Addicted To Bread And Beans by Evergreen4(m): 7:09pm On Oct 26, 2021
Forget it bro, you're a real nigger. Bread and beans is life. No food beats bread and beans especially when you top it with cold Pepsi or Coke

15 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Help! I'm Addicted To Bread And Beans by Glycolite: 7:09pm On Oct 26, 2021
cheesy cheesy cheesy
Re: Help! I'm Addicted To Bread And Beans by ideatoprince18(m): 7:09pm On Oct 26, 2021
You are not alone

I eat bread and beans/plantains like up to twice daily ..... It's a real hustler food .... I can't see myself buying Rice or fufu/semo/garri outside at the restaurant .... To me it looks like waste of money cos I no go belleful.

I go just use that money buy bread 250, beans 200 plantain 100 .... With two cold pure water.... Morning and night .... Am done for the day!!!!

30 Likes 1 Share

Re: Help! I'm Addicted To Bread And Beans by einsteine(m): 7:09pm On Oct 26, 2021
Sapa motivated talk

7 Likes 1 Share

Re: Help! I'm Addicted To Bread And Beans by ecclize: 7:09pm On Oct 26, 2021
u need to start eating it three times in a day


Re: Help! I'm Addicted To Bread And Beans by addexx: 7:09pm On Oct 26, 2021
You are not addicted my friend, you are just poor and it's the only food you can afford

grin comrade it's too loud na

11 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Help! I'm Addicted To Bread And Beans by IbrahimSkiba(f): 7:10pm On Oct 26, 2021
health practitioners in the house please what is/are the danger(s) of getting addicted to a particular type of food? in this case it's bread and beans.

2 times in a day on the average and thrice on Sundays

combination of bread and beans is hustlers favourite, it stays longer in the stomach.

Your house go dey smell of too much fart


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