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First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service - Religion (4) - Nairaland

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Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by Tellwhat: 10:05am On Jan 02, 2022
In Shaa Allah it will become a mosque soon!
Suicide bombing. Allahi akbar

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Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by Olutishe490(m): 10:05am On Jan 02, 2022
I now see u are u mumu!

What is it if not politic?

The Hausa he fought were already Muslims,so STFU.

so the crusaders that massacred the Jews in the name of Christianity,is it Christianity that teaches them that?

the oga at the top of boko haram have their own agenda

Jesus said gringrin

New International Version
“Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword-mattew 10v34

Can you take a Bible and read the full chapter of the verse you quoted?.
Take a Bible now and read the full chapter of Mathew 10 downward and you will realize the verse was a parable!!!
You didn't read the context I guess.... Jesus never killed anybody like your prophet!!.
Jesus commanded to love your neighbors as yourself!!!
You're listening to fool acadip that was lying to you!!!


Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by kitombo: 10:06am On Jan 02, 2022
Islam my nigga!

Believe in oneness of God
Be good to your both parents
Be good to orphans, widow, travellers
Pay zakat to the poor
Don't talk human as God

And so on

Colonial mentality
Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by Elmander1983(m): 10:07am On Jan 02, 2022
No compromising! Honorably closed! Well applauded, But that ain't a way! No way! That u still got 2 or more worshippers shouldn't stop worship! Bad, it is, they still got loyalists and true worshippers. Now the flock's been sent out without a shepherd. Some will go blind and into the wilderness. God help em!!
'Go In Peace': US Church Founded In 1800 Holds Last Service

Source: https://www.msn.com/en-xl/news/newsus/go-in-peace-us-church-founded-in-1800-holds-last-service/ar-AAS9MwV?ocid=wispr

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Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by saajus: 10:09am On Jan 02, 2022
They are closing down a building, not a Church. Your home can be a place of worship, can't you relocate. What they did makes a lot of sense. I hope Nigerian Churches can adopt the same style, unfortunately, the greed, pride, and selfishness of our G.O's won't allow that to happen. They want to brag in their messages how they open 1000 Churches in 6 mths. Once those Churches have similar doctrines, I see no reason not to merge.

Expect more of this in advanced nations. Instead of having 5 Churches in a street and each having a few members, merge them together instead of wasting resources to run 5 Churches. Maybe the remaining 4 can be used to house homeless ppl.

A place of worship should always be open even if it has declining membership...

It still is a place of reflection, a place to experience peace of mind and a sanctuary...

I beg leave it open!
Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by sammied(m): 10:09am On Jan 02, 2022
Close quietly,here they would have been fighting everyone in their neighbourhood for

declining membership and conducting fire services to fight imaginary enemies causing members to backslide.

There church is for charity and where people

meet to socialize not a business centre to feed a man's greed using brainwashed morons.

You're intelligent!

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Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by dogooder: 10:10am On Jan 02, 2022
I no dey see una for road again oh, una no dey preach again!?
JW have been using other avenues to preach because of the Corona virus pandemic. They have been zealously preaching as usual through letter writing, phone calls and other avenues that may not be face-to-face contact publicly.
Imagine if they have been going out as usual, the world will stand up against them and condemn them saying they are the one spreading the virus. But in the face of pandemics, they have continued to wax stronger.
Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by freshkpomo(m): 10:10am On Jan 02, 2022
I now see u are u mumu!

What is it if not politic?

The Hausa he fought were already Muslims,so STFU.

so the crusaders that massacred the Jews in the name of Christianity,is it Christianity that teaches them that?

the oga at the top of boko haram have their own agenda

Jesus said gringrin

New International Version
“Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword-mattew 10v34

Which sword did you think Jesus was referring to? Muslims Una too mumu sha, just pick one line from the Bible and they start acting stupidly about it, but yet they will always use the Bible to validate their Quran when it favours them.. Remember same Jesus told Peter to shield his sword when they came to capture him, if Jesus needed an army, with his miracles he could have staged a Jihad like non has ever seen because he had loyal followers who saw and trusted his wonders, unlike you fake prophet who lives all his life to pleasure himself with sex and living like a God on earth, taking slaves up and down... The foundation of Islam is shaky even right from MOHAMMED and the only way to sell it was through propaganda and brutal violence and to make sure the people are trapped for life, there is a death sentence for apostasy (when you convert away from Islam).... Do you even know if I was once a Muslim? Remove sentiment from your write-ups, open your heart willingly and study the lifestyle of MOHAMMED and tell me what you come up with...

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Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by nick50(m): 10:10am On Jan 02, 2022
Islam my nigga!

Believe in oneness of God
Be good to your both parents
Be good to orphans, widow, travellers
Pay zakat to the poor
Don't talk human as God

And so on
..kill unbelievers
Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by Uyi168: 10:13am On Jan 02, 2022
nigga STFU it is Christianity to kill infidel not Islam.

Except if infidels fight us

this one is already breathing fire on faceless forum.
Spits on your head and your evil religion.


Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by onilanre(m): 10:15am On Jan 02, 2022

Shame ! That's what you get when you don't build on the spirit. That's what you get when you dont win the lost . It used to happen in the U.K now Its happening in America. Selling old church to be turned into mosques ,bar or museum . A church that doesn't win souls is dead.

And very soon, it's gonna happen in Nigeria.

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Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by MaxInDHouse(m): 10:16am On Jan 02, 2022
I no dey see una for road again oh, una no dey preach again!?

We began going from house to house since the year 1919, 2019 marked a century of our global campaign for God's Kingdom then COVID-19 came.
Only JEHOVAH knows why things happened that way but we are still preaching zealously and industriously teaching using other means since we're no longer allowed to speak with people face to face due to the pandemic.

We are still making disciples and baptizing them as Jesus commanded us! Matthew 28:19-20

Would you like a free Bible study with us? we can conduct the study with you through phone calls, WhatsApp, zoom or other means. smiley

As for now we are awaiting the order from our King as what we started in 1919 was halted in 2019 due to COVID-19.

May you have PEACE! smiley


Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by perdollar(m): 10:19am On Jan 02, 2022
Instead of their govt to allow influx of christians from other countries to help grow d church, they r importing terrorists from middle east, north Africa and some shit hole head slamming majority countries. I won't b surprised if this church is bought by them n converted to terrorism head slamming centre. They take delight in taking other places of worship for their propaganda


Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by tbambam: 10:20am On Jan 02, 2022
'Go In Peace': US Church Founded In 1800 Holds Last Service

Source: https://www.msn.com/en-xl/news/newsus/go-in-peace-us-church-founded-in-1800-holds-last-service/ar-AAS9MwV?ocid=wispr

What happens to evangelism?! There is more to the close down...
Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by KillAlabi2021(m): 10:23am On Jan 02, 2022
For those that will be too lazy to read the whole write up, the church is closing down due to low members.

Gamblers won't make heaven tongue
Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by Olutishe490(m): 10:24am On Jan 02, 2022
that sounds like Yahweh handiwork in Bible, Islam never teach us that.

Sad that your prophet said you're made for hell as a black man!!!
No matter how many times you slammed your head, your prophet said you're made for hell!!!

Your Hadith said,. Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said: Allah created Adam when He had to create him and He struck his right shoulder and there emitted from it white offspring as if they were white ants. He struck his left shoulder and there emitted from it the black offspring as if they were charcoal. He then said (to those who had been emitted) from the right (shoulder): For Paradise and I do not mind. Then He said to those (who had been emitted) from his left shoulder: They are for Hell and I do not mind.

Al-Tirmidhi Hadith - 38


Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by Eriokanmi: 10:24am On Jan 02, 2022

Location maybe another reason
Many people have moved to the city
The only sensible comment here. I was in Budapest some years back. Budapest is a name given to 2 cities combined...Buda and Pest. Most of their buildings were 200 years old, some even far older than that with very scanty people living there. On our tour of the old city, I asked why it was so and I learnt that those empty edifices were once occupied by the big and mighty in that country but the new generation relocated to build modern cities elsewhere and if you see this modern place, it's so crowded and there were massive cathedrals there. That was where I lodged. I lodged in Best Western Hungariala. Google it.

If a new generation church could buy the old PA church, maybe it would make a difference. This story also teaches us all that nothing lasts forever. Here in Nigeria,there are places like such as well.


Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by shegun4sur: 10:30am On Jan 02, 2022

Shame ! That's what you get when you don't build on the spirit. That's what you get when you dont win the lost . It used to happen in the U.K now Its happening in America. Selling old church to be turned into mosques ,bar or museum . A church that doesn't win souls is dead.

Why are you trying to help God. He should be more concerned
Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by ictplotter(m): 10:31am On Jan 02, 2022
In Portuguese terms, Do you know that jihad means Aluta, in English it means, striving or struggling for good deeds.
It's really a pity you guys have be brainwashed about Islam. But the good news is that, despite the media blackmailing of ISLAM. the Islamic faith, is the world fastest growing and spreading faith today on earth. Internet is there for you to research it.

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Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by Arabaincubus: 10:32am On Jan 02, 2022
Nunc Dimittis for a church. Many have turned into discotheques in Europe. Humanity be careful of the hurt to morality.

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Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by ClemxBae(f): 10:33am On Jan 02, 2022
For those that will be too lazy to read the whole write up, the church is closing down due to low members.

Damn..I love you for this
Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by KefeeBRIGHT91(m): 10:42am On Jan 02, 2022
For those that will be too lazy to read the whole write up, the church is closing down due to low members.

...which directly translates into low revenue by means of tithes, offerings and other donations.
Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by Nobody: 10:45am On Jan 02, 2022
solution, sell the church to winners chapel

Abi. They should outsource management of the church to Nigerian pastors. Membership will quadruple in a few months. These Oyinbo people don’t know how to do this religion thing properly.

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Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by iswallker(m): 10:45am On Jan 02, 2022
Islam my nigga!

Believe in oneness of God
Be good to your both parents
Be good to orphans, widow, travellers
Pay zakat to the poor
Don't talk human as God

And so on

Detonating devices strapped to your chest nko!

Your forgot to list that important task grin

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Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by NairaMaster1(m): 10:46am On Jan 02, 2022
Islam my nigga!

Believe in oneness of God
Be good to your both parents
Be good to orphans, widow, travellers
Pay zakat to the poor
Don't talk human as God

And so on

Bomb people
Kidnap school children and marry them off.
Destroy and maim villagers
Kill. Kill. And kill.

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Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by Nobody: 10:47am On Jan 02, 2022

Shame ! That's what you get when you don't build on the spirit. That's what you get when you dont win the lost . It used to happen in the U.K now Its happening in America. Selling old church to be turned into mosques ,bar or museum . A church that doesn't win souls is dead.

Not really.

Humanity is becoming more intelligent and is beginning to see through the curtains of lies and mind control.
Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by Tezzi(m): 10:47am On Jan 02, 2022
Muslim is a terrorist religion
Na dem de sponsor Isis, bokoharam nd de rest smh
Islam my nigga!

Believe in oneness of God
Be good to your both parents
Be good to orphans, widow, travellers
Pay zakat to the poor
Don't talk human as God

And so on


Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by MaxInDHouse(m): 10:49am On Jan 02, 2022


Thanks, God bless you and may you have PEACE! smiley
Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by mickyeddi(m): 10:49am On Jan 02, 2022
Islam my nigga!

Believe in oneness of God
Be good to your both parents
Be good to orphans, widow, travellers
Pay zakat to the poor
Don't talk human as God

And so on

Is that why refugees from Iraq and Afghanistan always flee to Christian countries? I wonder why rich Islamic countries ate not helping their fellow muslims??

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Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by Daniel058(m): 10:51am On Jan 02, 2022

These are sacred secrets that billions living now don't know but when you are humble and obedient from the heart it will be easy for you to know so many secrets then salvation will be at your fingertips {Zephaniah 2:2-3} the problem most people have is they don't trust anyone and without trust nobody can worship God acceptably because the word BELIEVE in itself connotes TRUST.
FAITH is the assured expectations of what is hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities even though not beheld {Hebrews 11:1} so before you can have real faith you must know what is God's plan for mankind in general (God's will) that will help you to be fully convinced to participate in playing your part. False religion has misled many into thinking that God's will means what each person has been destined to become in life but that's not true Satan is the one promoting such ideas because with such misconception in the hearts of people each person will become desperate, and try to imagine how you will feel when someone becomes so wealthy to the point of oppressing the less privileged, then someone said "that's God's will"

NO! God's will has nothing to do with riches because if things should go the way God planned it from the beginning, everyone as in each family supposed to be equally rich and no family should be richer or poorer, that's what can promote LOVE, JOY and PEACE {Galatians 5:22} Satan is the one promoting unequal distribution of wealth leading to INIQUITY, that's why Jesus called Satan "the ruler of this world" {John 14:30 compare to 2Corinthians 4:4; 1John 5:19} the only solution to mankind's problem is God's own system of distribution, that's why Jesus asked us to keep praying for God's Kingdom (system of rule) to come in order for God's will (equal distribution of wealth) become a reality! Matthew 6:10

I asked a question in the last post:
Will you like to know how Jesus restructured his group today?
Many critics finds it really difficult to believe that a mighty spirit King arrived this planet some 107 years ago and has been gathering his subjects under one umbrella. What most people keep anticipating is a group of perfect humans so they are having the misconception that if truly God has his own worshipers such a group should be filled with perfect humans.
But is that factual? NO! Because God's word says:
"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" Romans 3:23 this means no human can be perfect for now because we have all inherited sin {Romans 5:12} unlike Jesus who was born without sin we can't be perfect. Does that mean there can't be a group of people practicing pure worship? NO! Because God promised that He will use His Holy Spirit to gather obedient people throughout the earth under one umbrella and they will become like one big and happy family of peace loving worshipers globally! Isaiah 2:2-4; Micah 4:1-3
But each of them is still suffering from imperfection so when you watch them closely you will notice the imperfection in the.
So how can a honest hearted and sincere observe distinguish between the group practicing pure worship and groups practicing false religion?
Jesus said:
"By their FRUITS you will recognize them. Never do people gather grapes from thorns or figs from thistles, do they? Likewise, every good tree produces fine fruit, but every rotten tree produces worthless fruit. A good tree cannot bear worthless fruit, nor can a rotten tree produce fine fruit" Matthew 7:16-18
This means despite our imperfect state their is a certain FRUIT that's expected of a group of imperfect humans before the true God approves their worship. According to God's word if a group of imperfect humans gets things right the Holy Spirit will dwell in their midst so despite the imperfect condition of each individual that form the group God's Holy Spirit will organize them and make them do things orderly, therefore when you look at them as individuals you will see their flaws but when you look at them as a body (group) you'll see all these qualities: LOVE, JOY, PEACE, PATIENCE, GOODNESS, GENTLENESS, FAITH MILDNESS and SELF-CONTROL! Galatians 5:22-23
This is the FRUIT of God's Holy Spirit not that of imperfection so just as a perfect ruler will make a perfect community when all the subjects are OBEDIENT, God is ruling in the midst of His imperfect but OBEDIENT people known as Jehovah's Witnesses.
So critics will tell you something bad they saw or heard that a member of JW did because he/she is in the flesh just like everyone out there. But as a group there is no LAW anyone can state against them:


Will you like to know how Jesus restructured his group in the early part of the twentieth century? smiley

I know a lot about JW , I know a lot of them that live fake life of christians .They will be among the First people to know the latest secular music , preaching is just a requirement For most, not because they love God.. more worldly than people they try to convert.

Some of them are into Yahoo

The only thing I like about them is how they don't shout at people they preach to...
Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by olaric(m): 10:56am On Jan 02, 2022
In Shaa Allah it will become a mosque soon!

I won't be surprised because Islam is one of Satan's tools when it comes to attacking the peace of the world...In a short while you and your kind will stand before the judgement seat of Jesus Christ to account for your killings and bombings...

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Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by Timoleon(m): 11:00am On Jan 02, 2022
Can’t happen in Nigeria. Poverty encourages religion.
This has would soon start happening in Nigeria. It is unfortunate, but organised religion is dying out.

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