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First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service - Religion (5) - Nairaland

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Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by NamelessOGBENI(m): 11:04am On Jan 02, 2022
Their church is for charity and where people meet to socialize not a business centre to feed a man's greed using brainwashed morons.
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
James 1:27
Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by seunny4lif(m): 11:04am On Jan 02, 2022
It’s common thing in Europe to find many those houses abandoned.
Russia have same problems too
There are many houses in Italy like that and the reason is, it’s too expensive to warm old houses talkless of big old houses
The only sensible comment here. I was in Budapest some years back. Budapest is a name given to 2 cities combined...Buda and Pest. Most of their buildings were 200 years old, some even far older than that with very scanty people living there. On our tour of the old city, I asked why it was so and I learnt that those empty edifices were once occupied by the big and mighty in that country but the new generation relocated to build modern cities elsewhere and if you see this modern place, it's so crowded and there were massive cathedrals there. That was where I lodged. I lodged in Best Western Hungariala. Google it.

If a new generation church could buy the old PA church, maybe it would make a difference. This story also teaches us all that nothing lasts forever. Here in Nigeria,there are places like such as well.
Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by Timoleon(m): 11:05am On Jan 02, 2022

Sad that your prophet said you're made for hell as a black man!!!
No matter how many times you slammed your head, your prophet said you're made for hell!!!

Your Hadith said,. Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said: Allah created Adam when He had to create him and He struck his right shoulder and there emitted from it white offspring as if they were white ants. He struck his left shoulder and there emitted from it the black offspring as if they were charcoal. He then said (to those who had been emitted) from the right (shoulder): For Paradise and I do not mind. Then He said to those (who had been emitted) from his left shoulder: They are for Hell and I do not mind.

Al-Tirmidhi Hadith - 38
Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by Psoul(m): 11:07am On Jan 02, 2022
Islam my nigga!

Believe in oneness of God
Be good to your both parents
Be good to orphans, widow, travellers
Pay zakat to the poor
Don't talk human as God

And so on

....and finally, learn how to throw bombs while shouting Allhakuba


Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by SenecaTheYonger: 11:12am On Jan 02, 2022
Mostly old people that still go to church in the USA and this Covid stuff won’t allow them.
Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by realstars: 11:25am On Jan 02, 2022
i think the low membership turnup is because of the covid19
The main reason is that. the managers are old and tired to handle the church activitice without their children, grand children, aed their great grand children. Who will ursher in new members throug their friends to worship with them.
But the youths are too lazy to follow christ thisdays,
Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by Ajeyo(m): 11:27am On Jan 02, 2022

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Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by ihimiray(m): 11:33am On Jan 02, 2022
nigga Islam is the best

Islam is perfect but we Muslim are not
ok.... Ur own opinion

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Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by obinoral1179(m): 11:33am On Jan 02, 2022
where did Islam preach that?

Where did Islam preach that?


You where quick to call Christianity a scam and you are asking me a silly questions about Which passage of the Quran said that... Put a call to Muric or sheik Gumi to give you the passage in your quran...

You need Jesus though


Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by Nobody: 11:33am On Jan 02, 2022
Exactly what happens when there is no fire. It's God's church and God never closes from watching over us, how dare you close down the church of God they have sure lost it. Soul winning is lacking here Mathew 6:33.

Very soon your home church will close down most especially pentecostal churches that has destroyed Christianity in Nigeria.

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Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by Handsum64: 11:38am On Jan 02, 2022
Let them relocate to Nigeria with enough gullibles to fill the auditorium
Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by poweredcom(m): 11:43am On Jan 02, 2022
My street here na like 12 churches surround me and d noise every Sunday na die

1st Sunday of the year omo see crowd
Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by superintendents(m): 11:45am On Jan 02, 2022
My street here na like 12 churches surround me and d noise every Sunday na die

1st Sunday of the year omo see crowd
boss happy new year

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Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by Ubanz: 11:46am On Jan 02, 2022
People don dey open their eyes.
Na so e go be in the next 50yrs monuments like the dunamis dome will be turned in to indoor stadia.
Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by Babasonny(m): 11:52am On Jan 02, 2022
Oyibo life sweet ah swear.
If na my country.................
Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by IPIGSRHYPO: 11:53am On Jan 02, 2022
Why won't members declined when they have realised that Christianity is a scam!

Biggest scam in the history of humanity.
Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by ogwuche4u(m): 11:57am On Jan 02, 2022

Thanks, God bless you and may you have PEACE! smiley

I have peace in abundance. It's you I pray for. I pray you find peace.
Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by Lordbinsmar: 11:57am On Jan 02, 2022
[s][/s]that sounds like Yahweh handiwork in Bible, Islam never teach us that.[s][/s]

Shallow minded jidahistt.

How many Christians have you seen bombing and killing innocent people all around the world.

Your religion is one of the biggest threat facing humanity.

Blood thirsty religion angry

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Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by ERCROSS(m): 11:59am On Jan 02, 2022
I now see u are u mumu!

What is it if not politic?

The Hausa he fought were already Muslims,so STFU.

so the crusaders that massacred the Jews in the name of Christianity,is it Christianity that teaches them that?

the oga at the top of boko haram have their own agenda

Jesus said gringrin

New International Version
“Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword-mattew 10v34

Read the whole chapter, broh. I just did too. Then you'll understand why Jesus said that.
Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by OLULAW: 12:01pm On Jan 02, 2022
In Shaa Allah it will become a mosque soon!

Only fools follow the teachings and examples of an uneducated paedophile. No wonder it’s adherents behave barbarically, causing mayhem, globally.

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Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by Reference(m): 12:01pm On Jan 02, 2022
The mystery of multiplication and increase In the kingdom of God comes via sharing and sacrificing.
For God so loved... that he GAVE.
Jesus so loved his sheep that He GAVE.
You only need to read a few lines to see a church that operates like an association.
Surely it is bound to decline when the members are only concerned about themselves and their wellbeing.
But the previous Gift of Jesus was meant to the world.
Remember those who hid their Light under a buschel....
Share as much of the precious gift and the world will not have enough. And you will never lack any good thing.
The world is hungry and thirsty for life.
Jesus is the Life.
Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by NoSentiment: 12:06pm On Jan 02, 2022
Every sane person (except foolish Nigerian xtians) knows xtianity is a fake religion concocted by Paul of Tarsus

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Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by GEEBITE: 12:13pm On Jan 02, 2022
I guess you are referring to St Martin's Cathedral close to Bullring Birmingham.

Location maybe another reason
Many people have moved to the city

The cathedral I sometimes attend was built in early 11th century making it almost 1K years old but the saving grace is it’s located in the middle of the city centre, making it a good money making centre as people come to visit the cathedral.
The real members of the Cathedral are around 20 people but the 2 Sunday services are always filled up because it’s makes up of tourists
Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by ComeToJesus: 12:14pm On Jan 02, 2022
Close quietly,here they would have been fighting everyone in their neighbourhood for

declining membership and conducting fire services to fight imaginary enemies causing members to backslide.

There church is for charity and where people

meet to socialize not a business centre to feed a man's greed using brainwashed morons.

[/b]"There church is for charity and where people

meet to socialize "[b]

That's the reason it has suffered a shutdown. A church is not where people meet to socialize. It's a place to aid your spiritual growth and also to lubricate your relationship with your maker.

The fire had long gone out (if it was there abinitio) from their pulpit leaving the members spiritually atrophied.
Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by Godjone(m): 12:18pm On Jan 02, 2022
In Shaa Allah it will become a mosque soon!
from his monica i agreed 100% that this is a boko haram member. But God will destroy you soon


Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by seunny4lif(m): 12:20pm On Jan 02, 2022
I guess you are referring to St Martin's Cathedral close to Bullring Birmingham.
Christ church in Dublin
Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by Singlenhappy(f): 12:22pm On Jan 02, 2022
Close quietly,here they would have been fighting everyone in their neighbourhood for

declining membership and conducting fire services to fight imaginary enemies causing members to backslide.

There church is for charity and where people

meet to socialize not a business centre to feed a man's greed using brainwashed morons.
I hate religion and the Christian version of it. But I love Christ life because only it is the solution to all the crises religion and politics have caused us today?

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Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by DeGLORIOUS: 12:22pm On Jan 02, 2022
Give that church to a Nigerian pastor and you will be amazed at the crowd he will pull to that church
Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by Olutishe490(m): 12:26pm On Jan 02, 2022

Biggest scam in the history of humanity.
What's not scam?
Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by Gigadot1(m): 12:29pm On Jan 02, 2022

When Jesus commissioned the movement he never called some lazy 'sit at home' people "friends" It was a call to service {Matthew 10:6; 28:19-20} they were given a duty that they must engage fully {Luke 9:62} each of his friends must prove their love for him by going to meet their neighbours (uninvited) for the purpose of preaching zealously and industriously teaching what they've learned from Jesus. Matthew 10:11-13

So what later happened that led to all these "sit at home" religionists who only visit a gathering during weekends to start claiming Christians?

Well Jesus didn't leave us in the dark. He told a parable to illustrate how the movement will be attacked subtly when Satan (God's enemy) will initiate his own agents and plant them right in the movement Jesus commissioned {Matthew 13:25; 39} this will be in addition to Satan's normal attack which is frontal! Matthew 10:22-26

After Jesus' death, resurrection and ascension to heaven Satan immediately began the frontal attack {Act 4:18; 5:28; 7:1,2, 54-60; 12:1-3} despite all these Satan noticed that Jesus' friends weren't surrendering to intimidation and persecution so he went for plan B sowing his own agents right in their midst {1John 2:18} these ones made themselves available for those trying to track down the frontiers of the movement! 2Corinthians 11:26; Galatians 2:4 compare to Matthew 24:10

Gradually the first set of diehard friends of Jesus died off just as Jesus prophesied and Satan now had all the opportunity to hijack Jesus' group when Jesus' first century Jewish disciples are all dead (sleeping in death) {Matthew 13:25} easily those who loved the movement but never knew Jesus or his apostles gave in to intimidation, that's how Satan used the world power of the time (Rome) to fully established his own agents, they are known till today as the Roman Catholic Church! This religion turned everything Jesus laid upside down: members participate in politics and military services opening up a way for professed Christians to carry weapons against one another, something that was a taboo during the time of the first century Jewish disciples who heard Jesus said:

"Little children, I am with you a little longer. You will look for me; and just as I said to the Jews, ‘Where I go you cannot come,’ I now say it also to you. I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, you also love one another. By this all will know that you are my disciples—if you have love among yourselves.” John 13:33-35

Of course Jesus' friends mustn't even think of raising weapons against their enemies talkless their own fellow believers {Matthew 5:43-48} but with Satan's agents claiming Christians having the backing of the most powerful nation in the dark ages (Rome) professed Christians do not only carry weapons to attack and intimidate other people they also often kill one another due to politics and racism!

The Roman Catholic began bearing children (different sects also claiming Christians protested against the Catholic Church) after so much struggling and killings they all agreed to call themselves denominations in Christ.
But none of them can bear the FRUIT expected of Jesus' group {Matthew 7:16-18} WHY? Because they were all following Satan's system which is looking for ways to gain the friendship of the world! James 4:4

If you want to know how Jesus restructured his group today i'll oblige, it all started in the year 1914 when Jesus returned to the earth as a mighty spirit King to reorganize his group.
As a mighty spirit King Jesus called out saying "get out of her my people" {Revelations 18:4} and gradually people throughout the world are coming out of Satan's system to join Jesus' group.
Well most people began treating them just as they were treating Jesus' friends in the first century {John 15:19} but everyone throughout the world knows that JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES have LOVE among themselves! John 13:34-35

God bless you and may you have PEACE!

Sorry you hear! Christ taught us love but your write-up show opposite. JEHOVAH WITNESS indeed. Love your members and hate non members. SMH

Keep copying AWAKE/TOWER
Re: First Presbyterian Church Of Bellefonte Holds Last Service by kelly72: 12:32pm On Jan 02, 2022
Hmmn , so they mean to close down a church having this kind of spacious facility, their own land and well furnished auditorium because of what , lack of members?

They should write to David Oyedepo and Adeboye to send just one of their pastors each to head the church , within a year , the church will not only overflow but they will have branches in every city in the Country .

When it comes to Christianity , Nigerian Pastors are the Pep Guardiolas , they can convince thousands of right thinking humans to hold church service in the rain, sun and even inside flooded areas especially Choosen grin grin grin

That means the community will be filled with strangers. White Americans are not like that, they'll prefer to close the church and continue slow life in their sleepy community.

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