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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Family / Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! (57891 Views)
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Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by Richy4(m): 12:28pm On Jan 16, 2022 |
Laurene:Can I just ask for who's benefits is she dressing sexy and working out? The man or for herself?... I need to know... Because if it's for the benefit of the man in question, forget it, it won't work..She can carry all the weight lifting in Olympics or run from Wuse to Gwagwalada every morning, it won't move him.. 16 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by pocohantas(f): 12:29pm On Jan 16, 2022 |
JONNYSPUTE: This is not about capacity to deal with sexual urges, this is about a HABIT. Some men are promiscuous but they will never do PROSTITUTES. Call a spade a spade! 31 Likes 5 Shares |
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by pocohantas(f): 12:30pm On Jan 16, 2022 |
JONNYSPUTE: Oga, a man wouldn’t just wake and start doing prostitutes!! You know it, say it, you won’t die! 24 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by Mariangeles(f): 12:36pm On Jan 16, 2022 |
[s] VEXT:[/s] For wetin na? Com'on getout! 17 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by JONNYSPUTE(m): 12:36pm On Jan 16, 2022 |
pocohantas:....Lol. Any woman that request for money before sleeping with a man is a prostitute not withstanding where she stays. She can be a student A working class lady One staying with her parents One that stays in a hotel. A married woman. I'm still yet to understand what you mean by a prostitute. Like I told her,if she can't bear it,let her file for divorce. 17 Likes |
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by VEXT: 12:37pm On Jan 16, 2022 |
Mariangeles: Ok mama nairaland |
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by pocohantas(f): 12:37pm On Jan 16, 2022 |
JONNYSPUTE: Leave all these semantics. Have a lovely Sunday and week ahead. 14 Likes |
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by JONNYSPUTE(m): 12:40pm On Jan 16, 2022 |
pocohantas:.....Thanks. same to you and remain blessed. 4 Likes |
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by flokii: 12:43pm On Jan 16, 2022 |
@OP From your writeup, one can assume your sex life with your husband is boring and dry.. those hookers are skilled in the act of seduction which most wives fail to understand. Hit the gym, get back in shape and start dressing attractively so he'll notice you. If he is not already addicted to ashaw0s, then maybe he might change. You see all the so called godly people attimes ehnn.. when you see what they do in secret, you'd be disappointed. 4 Likes |
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by Mariangeles(f): 12:43pm On Jan 16, 2022 |
ChiomaCa: Never allow him touch you with his filthy hands again. He's dirty and doesn't deserve you. Don't let him defile you. Never ever doubt yourself. You're clean and beautiful. 7 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by GboyegaD(m): 12:45pm On Jan 16, 2022 |
Ask him why he's patronizing prostitutes, ask him what he desires and you both should please down tone your religious hat. You guys are married and should be able to explore. 5 Likes |
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by JONNYSPUTE(m): 12:49pm On Jan 16, 2022 |
Mariangeles:....Are you trying to solve the problem or worsen it? Is it not better for her to get a divorce and be alife to take care of her daughter? Why not ask her to file for divorce instead? So let's assume she starts denying him sex and he got angry and beat her or even kill her,what happens to her daughter? 1 Like |
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by flokii: 12:52pm On Jan 16, 2022 |
Mariangeles: What kind of bad advice is this one.. If the man can't touch her, is it you that will go and touch her? or you didn't see where she wrote that she was begging for sex from her husband meaning she needs manly touch. Please be sensitive with comments on marital issues so you don't end up breaking a home. 13 Likes |
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by Mariangeles(f): 1:00pm On Jan 16, 2022 |
JONNYSPUTE: I'm trying to open her eyes to save herself first. Is it not better for her to get a divorce and be alife to take care of her daughter? So, in the meantime, she should keep risking herself by sleeping with a public toilet okwa ya? So let's assume she starts denying him sex and he got angry and beat her or even kill her,what happens to her daughter? Why would he beat her? Hasn't he been getting some? 15 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by JONNYSPUTE(m): 1:08pm On Jan 16, 2022 |
Mariangeles:....So for how long will she be with him and keep denying him sex? Instead of divorcing him. |
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by Mariangeles(f): 1:17pm On Jan 16, 2022 |
JONNYSPUTE: flokii: ChiomaCa run from an unrepentant adulterous man ooo! He's not worth it! 7 Likes |
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by flokii: 1:18pm On Jan 16, 2022 |
Richy4: It's for her benefit actually.. she might catch his fancy once again if she wants to or opt out of the marriage. Majority of guys patronizing escorts, hookers, olosh0s are married men and that's a fact. It shows there are things their wives are not doing or giving them again like before. It's very easy for a divorced man to remarry but it's not same for a divorced woman with kid(s), the stereotype will be there so she has to think about that too. 5 Likes |
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by JONNYSPUTE(m): 1:20pm On Jan 16, 2022 |
Mariangeles:...Are you not contradicting yourself here ? You are asking her to run but still yet you want her to stay and keep denying him sex instead of divorcing him? Can you explain this pls. 1 Like |
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by flokii: 1:26pm On Jan 16, 2022 |
Mariangeles: I don't think you really understand the problem here.. the OP is trying to save her marriage which she has committed so much to, not break it. If you're telling her to deny her husband sex while they are still together.. then that's a recipe for disaster and more problems, don't you think so? 1 Like |
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by Mariangeles(f): 1:28pm On Jan 16, 2022 |
JONNYSPUTE: How am I contradicting myself? Where did I tell her to stay? Kindly point it out ooo! O di okwu a wu okwu na a gbakashi'm ahu! Ashi GBA! |
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by Stevenbright(m): 1:29pm On Jan 16, 2022 |
The thing is he picked up the habit the period when you guys where staying apart probably thinking it is better to do that than cheating on you with a regular girl. He can change but he first need to recognize that what he is doing is wrong instead of just pleading for forgiveness and making fake promise to change. 7 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by Mariangeles(f): 1:31pm On Jan 16, 2022 |
flokii: Trying to save a marriage to a husband who's not willing to change? I swear, this is very likely an arranged marriage. A marriage of convenience. May God save us from endtime marriages! 8 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by JONNYSPUTE(m): 1:32pm On Jan 16, 2022 |
Mariangeles:.....Go back and read the advice you gave her earlier. Where you said she should stop having sex with him. Seems you don't understand what your comment there implies? 3 Likes |
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by KusherAbel: 2:01pm On Jan 16, 2022 |
This is deep. I won't advice you to file for divorce because apart from the nasty habit your husband seems like a upright and responsible man/father. I will suggest a heart to heart convo. Encourage him to bare it all, let him talk to you about this dark part of him like never before then you both should explore your sexual life more, and you should be willing to indulge some of his kinks like role play and try out things that will spice your bedroom life but no go do anal o abeg. Let him also understand you're willing to make the sacrifice and support him to see out this habit and nasty phase by doing the above because you love him and want the marriage to work and the part he WOULD NEED To work on as a responsible man and if he also wants the marriage to work is to seek therapy. Maybe undergo hypnosis therapy until the thought of prostitutes begin to repel him. Marriage is not easy. You see most of these ladies up there advising you to file for divorce don't know anything. They forget that Marriage is all about effort and hardwork. It's not a bed of roses but in the long run it will be worth it. Goodluck 13 Likes |
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by Richy4(m): 2:03pm On Jan 16, 2022 |
flokii:I'm glad u think it's not for the man's benefits... But buddy, do u know that some of us gentlemen are hypocrites? Not saying this to please any woman because I don't care what anyone of them thinks about my opinion..all I stand for in this world is equity and fairness... If for example OP starts dressing up the way those ladies of the night do... It might be that religious husband of hers that might ask her to go and remove those clothes.. He might refer to the dressing as a family embarrassment... If for example the OP learnt those bed tricks that turns his head, he might start thinking... Who must have taught her.. Because based on his knowledge, he knew how the wife responds in bed... the new wild cat in bed with him is not whom he married to...He might even be thinking that she( the wife) mistook him to be one of her numerous male friends ( meanwhile, she was only trying to please him) some times I don't always blame women for getting angry over some injustice they face as a result of being women... Just that some of them takes it over board.. Assuming OP was a man, and the wife was cheating, u will never hear things like dress nicely for your wife, hit the gyms for her.. pray for her.. etc.. these are some of the stuffs this women were complaining about... There's nothing I can tell the op unfortunately because the husband will keep on doing what he does... If she doesn't want to separate from him, then she should be protecting her self whenever they wanna have sex... As I said, he' s just an infection personified... 16 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by sisisioge: 2:08pm On Jan 16, 2022 |
Wahala don gbege for you o....that guy wont change. That's why it is extremely important to find ones sexual match! Where you wan start from? You are religious people.....dude looking for anal and paying premium for it. How many more irregular sexual leanings do you think he has? Madam....its a vicious circle you just got into.....wash, rinse, repeat....Good luck. 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by juman(m): 2:28pm On Jan 16, 2022 |
Wasting a lot of money. Probably he is addicted to visiting prostitute. Might be doing it from teenage years. He should see a specialist to handle the problem. 1 Like |
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by pseudonomer: 2:30pm On Jan 16, 2022 |
You seeking advice from people whose homes are already broken and they are on a mission to make sure everyone else is like them. You got the typical advice from those sad individuals, Divorce. But don’t do it without fighting for the marriage first, unless he’s physically abusing you or not treating you right. What he has is an addiction problem, if he apologizes everytime and still goes back to his old ways, it shows he has a problem, he’s always trying to stop but couldn’t help himself. He needs you more than ever, and that’s why you are his wife, please don’t give up on him yet. Try to talk to him, maybe he should see a therapist or something, and you can threaten that you’d have no option to divorce him if he continues, I’m sure he loves you and his family, maybe that will help him overcome this addiction. Just try anything that will help him. Also, make him free to tell you everything, trying to appear pious will always make one to pretend. Put being religious aside, ask him what are his fantasies, what attracts him sexually, what makes him begs for more. Addiction is a serious problem, please help him, without trying to help him, don’t listen to those sad humans. 15 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by Mariangeles(f): 2:36pm On Jan 16, 2022 |
juman: It is who he is. His preference. The woman just happen to be caught in the web. @ChiomaCa, was it an arranged marriage? Be honest. |
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by Naughtysex: 2:39pm On Jan 16, 2022 |
ChiomaCa:My advice will base on personal experience I will ask you some questions (just answer yourself and be sincere to yourself) Is your sex life (during the marriage) the same like when you guys were dating? Have you stopped him from doing somethings he use to do and enjoy when you guys were dating during love making? Sexually, compare how you have been making move for sex during your courtship and now. To be honest with you ma'am, everything i asked here is what i'm experiencing in my own marriage I was forced to taste another kpekus outside and i'm beginning to think on how to make that outside kpekus permanent Please don't get me wrong, all I'm saying is to first evaluate yourself sexually and see if you are the cause of his madness 2 Likes |
Re: Help My Husband Seems To Be Addicted To Prostitutes! by westlius(m): 2:39pm On Jan 16, 2022 |
Most times the women causes it with denying the man sex, am saying this from experience, women tends to make shakara with dere body when d man needs sex from them, but when they know the man gets d sex elsewhere, they will be loyal 4 Likes |
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