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America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High - Foreign Affairs (6) - Nairaland

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Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by Onyiiobi7735(m): 10:46am On Feb 20, 2022

Most of you just come here typing rubbish because you feel like attacking the US is unconventional thinking and thus makes you intelligent.
There is no country on this planet that comes close to the US in military might. It’s cliche but that doesn’t mean it’s not true.
US remains the only country that can reach any location on the planet with nukes.
US has more than 10 floating “airports” (carriers) that can ferry up to 100 jets to your doorstep at a go, with the accompanying escort of destroyers and submarines. No other nation comes close.
In terms of aerial dominance, the most powerful Air Force in the world is the USAF. The second most powerful Air Force is the US Navy.
Do you also know that you need a little something called money to win wars?
The US economy dwarfs that of Russia 100 times over. Compared to the US, Russia has a 3rd world economy.
Speaking of wars that US has lost, America remains the only country that can project her military thousands of kilometers away from home and still prove to be a force to reckon with. Russia should first win a war in her backyard b4 trying to engage in long range warfare. Same Russia that had their tails handed to them in Finland and Afghanistan.
Same Russia that hitler almost annexed.
Which country can dare to take warfare anywhere remotely close to the US mainland?
I don’t like engaging in all these silly US-Russia-China back and forth. But sometimes it’s necessary to set straight you Putin’s armchair generals that come here blowing hot as if you know a thing about anything.
Lol! What do you think you think, you know? American asslicker.
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by goodheart01: 10:47am On Feb 20, 2022
This is world war looming.....

Because these countries will depend on their allies to win the fight....

Nigeria is likely to be at the side of USA...

But what about China? with their advance technologies? I believe American will lose this war, if they pick on Russia...

The way u people on nairaland open mouth like goat anus to spit trash. So America doesn’t have advanced technology or since when did the Chinese tech become more versatile than that of the US. Na wa for una oo
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by ogbe88(m): 10:47am On Feb 20, 2022
Quietly eliminating these belligerent leaders like Putin, Xi and Kim will definitely guaranty world peace.
Biden is your saviour right
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by Onyiiobi7735(m): 10:47am On Feb 20, 2022
Shut up you don't know anything. America is the greatest nation in the world. Make Russia dare invade Ukraine if dey no dey hear word. Let Putin dare to enter Ukraine. He is scared because America is now involved.

Shut that your Ajegunle gutter of a mouth.Ndi American asslickers.
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by kebliss(m): 10:48am On Feb 20, 2022
Let's settle this once and for all

Like for America
Share for Russia


Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by goodheart01: 10:48am On Feb 20, 2022

Lol! What do you think you think, you know? American asslicker.

All he told u is the truth so beat it. America can fight u from all fronts and anywhere, and there’s nothing your hatred or biterness for them can do about it


Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by frowland(m): 10:48am On Feb 20, 2022

nope except you know him, stay with him and knows from where he gets his idea.

Saying his idea is from CNN is disrespectful to his thought process.

How then did you come to the conclusion that I don't know him?
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by anonymous1759(m): 10:49am On Feb 20, 2022

Russia have breach more agreement and heaven didn't fall on them,why is Russia so bothered about Ukraine join NATO and claiming it's a breach of agreement.

If Russia has breached a million agreements the west has breached a billion do your research.
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by Gainman: 10:49am On Feb 20, 2022
See how they are deceiving ukrainians to their graves.
Russia would attack and there would be no response from the liar america.

I tell you if europe fumble and join any war just hand grenade thrown from russia can reach me here.see this one. U don attach religion. Go lead d Russian nah. US army left their distance and brought d fight close to Russia u think e dey easy.

Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by leicestercamper: 10:49am On Feb 20, 2022
Shut up you don't know anything. America is the greatest nation in the world. Make Russia dare invade Ukraine if dey no dey hear word. Let Putin dare to enter Ukraine. He is scared because America is now involved.


Shut that your Ajegunle gutter of a mouth.Ndi American asslickers.


Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by tolue42(m): 10:49am On Feb 20, 2022

And who is using railway loan to colonize us now? Have you asked the salary difference between nigerians that work for Americans/British and those working in Chinese companies? That would be all the answers you need

Don't mind them, those guys are mumu...
Chinese will give you loan, they will still be the one to execute the project in your country (imagine that nonsense), they will flood the project with Chinese workers with good salaries and also employ nigerians to do the dirty job with peanut salary........

Western countries (the surpossed enemy ) will give loan without bringing their citizens to still spend the money in Africa. Instead of us to criticize our politicians who squander the money.

Sometimes the West do forgive us the loans if we're unable to meet up, but the evidences are there in Africa, China will take over whatever they spent the loan money on. A SOVERIGN COUNTRIES FOR THAT MATTER!

I keep saying it on this forum, most Nigerians are daft!

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Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by goodheart01: 10:50am On Feb 20, 2022

He told you so on WhatsApp video call?

Honestly the thing tire me. Nigerians can reason like goat at times. They’re already carried away by Putin’s psychological war gimmicks.


Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by anonymous1759(m): 10:51am On Feb 20, 2022
Stop embarrassing yourself. The fact that all the Western world are willing to protect Ukraine is a major indicator that Ukraine is already considered a NATO country. Keep waiting for the admission party. Putin has been put to shame, let him dare enter Ukraine na

He has entered Ukraine before and ceased Crimea what happened? Why didn’t the West attack him?
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by leicestercamper: 10:51am On Feb 20, 2022
Stop embarrassing yourself. The fact that all the Western world are willing to protect Ukraine is a major indicator that Ukraine is already considered a NATO country. Keep waiting for the admission party. Putin has been put to shame, let him dare enter Ukraine na


He has entered Ukraine before and ceased Crimea what happened? Why didn’t the West attack him?

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Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by joyandfaith: 10:51am On Feb 20, 2022
Quietly eliminating these belligerent leaders like Putin, Xi and Kim will definitely guaranty world peace.

Three evil men
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by Nukilia: 10:52am On Feb 20, 2022
Quietly eliminating these belligerent leaders like Putin, Xi and Kim will definitely guaranty world peace.

Just like we have peace after the death of Qaddafi of Libya grin grin cheesy
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by kaymart: 10:53am On Feb 20, 2022
Shut up you don't know anything. America is the greatest nation in the world. Make Russia dare invade Ukraine if dey no dey hear word. Let Putin dare to enter Ukraine. He is scared because America is now involved.

U r little child...no need exchanging words with u.
It's not your fault that u r ignorant, so I blame you not for Ur ineptitude... gratias
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by tillaman(m): 10:53am On Feb 20, 2022
Lol, tell him to start the now. What is he waiting for? Lol you guys understand nothing.
yeah right but I believe you are about to tell me what I don’t understand Mr Know it all
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by anonymous1759(m): 10:54am On Feb 20, 2022
Stop embarrassing yourself. The fact that all the Western world are willing to protect Ukraine is a major indicator that Ukraine is already considered a NATO country. Keep waiting for the admission party. Putin has been put to shame, let him dare enter Ukraine na

Keep on repeating one statement. Russia has dared your super Rambo in Ukraine and Georgia what happen . Let them just try to cease crimea Back let’s check something. I’m not telling them to attract moscow o just crimea
Which is supposed to be a Ukraine territory grin
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by olugabbie(m): 10:54am On Feb 20, 2022

If given the chance, those three communist countries u mentioned will do worse than the west of given the chance

Don't get it twisted. The only country that can compete with the Almighty US is China.

Russia is not interested in ruling the world. What it wants is respect from US and NATO. The USSR which has the capacity is gone and it is gone for ever. Treat Russia the way you want to be treated.

North korea can not even feed it's own people. Let alone ruling the world.

The idea that Russia, North Korea & Iran wants to rule the world is disinformation and propaganda. The only country that is interested in doing that and has the capacity to do so is CHINAAAAAAAAAA.


Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by Onyiiobi7735(m): 10:55am On Feb 20, 2022

All he told u is the truth so beat it. America can fight u from all fronts and anywhere, and there’s nothing your hatred or biterness for them can do about it
Lol! Both of you sound pathetic.America that is always paranoid, feeling threatened by China and Russia.
Thank God for these Eastern Powers that were raised to check America's influence and spread of LGBTQ approval.

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Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by hatchy(f): 10:55am On Feb 20, 2022
I don't know why I Like this man PUTIN.
PUTIN is putting his country and the entire world in trouble. He will never rest until he destroys his country, himself inclusive.
Adolf Hitler comes to mind.
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by leicestercamper: 10:56am On Feb 20, 2022
Stop embarrassing yourself. The fact that all the Western world are willing to protect Ukraine is a major indicator that Ukraine is already considered a NATO country. Keep waiting for the admission party. Putin has been put to shame, let him dare enter Ukraine na


Keep on repeating one statement. Russia has dared your super Rambo in Ukraine and Georgia what happen . Let them just try to cease crimea Back let’s check something. I’m not telling them to attract moscow o just crimea
Which is supposed to be a Ukraine territory D
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by leicestercamper: 10:56am On Feb 20, 2022
Shut up you don't know anything. America is the greatest nation in the world. Make Russia dare invade Ukraine if dey no dey hear word. Let Putin dare to enter Ukraine. He is scared because America is now involved.


U r little child...no need exchanging words with u.
It's not your fault that u r ignorant, so I blame you not for Ur ineptitude... gratias

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Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by Benteebaba(m): 10:57am On Feb 20, 2022
Do you know how many tucanos and many more the United States sold to Nigeria?
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by Onyiiobi7735(m): 10:58am On Feb 20, 2022

Most of you just come here typing rubbish because you feel like attacking the US is unconventional thinking and thus makes you intelligent.
There is no country on this planet that comes close to the US in military might. It’s cliche but that doesn’t mean it’s not true.
US remains the only country that can reach any location on the planet with nukes.
US has more than 10 floating “airports” (carriers) that can ferry up to 100 jets to your doorstep at a go, with the accompanying escort of destroyers and submarines. No other nation comes close.
In terms of aerial dominance, the most powerful Air Force in the world is the USAF. The second most powerful Air Force is the US Navy.
Do you also know that you need a little something called money to win wars?
The US economy dwarfs that of Russia 100 times over. Compared to the US, Russia has a 3rd world economy.
Speaking of wars that US has lost, America remains the only country that can project her military thousands of kilometers away from home and still prove to be a force to reckon with. Russia should first win a war in her backyard b4 trying to engage in long range warfare. Same Russia that had their tails handed to them in Finland and Afghanistan.
Same Russia that hitler almost annexed.
Which country can dare to take warfare anywhere remotely close to the US mainland?
I don’t like engaging in all these silly US-Russia-China back and forth. But sometimes it’s necessary to set straight you Putin’s armchair generals that come here blowing hot as if you know a thing about anything.
Bro,I didn't add an insult in my comment,but here you are displaying your stupidity. So in your mind now,you are intelligent. Lol!
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by anonymous1759(m): 10:58am On Feb 20, 2022

Most of you just come here typing rubbish because you feel like attacking the US is unconventional thinking and thus makes you intelligent.
There is no country on this planet that comes close to the US in military might. It’s cliche but that doesn’t mean it’s not true.
US remains the only country that can reach any location on the planet with nukes.
US has more than 10 floating “airports” (carriers) that can ferry up to 100 jets to your doorstep at a go, with the accompanying escort of destroyers and submarines. No other nation comes close.
In terms of aerial dominance, the most powerful Air Force in the world is the USAF. The second most powerful Air Force is the US Navy.
Do you also know that you need a little something called money to win wars?
The US economy dwarfs that of Russia 100 times over. Compared to the US, Russia has a 3rd world economy.
Speaking of wars that US has lost, America remains the only country that can project her military thousands of kilometers away from home and still prove to be a force to reckon with. Russia should first win a war in her backyard b4 trying to engage in long range warfare. Same Russia that had their tails handed to them in Finland and Afghanistan.
Same Russia that hitler almost annexed.
Which country can dare to take warfare anywhere remotely close to the US mainland?
I don’t like engaging in all these silly US-Russia-China back and forth. But sometimes it’s necessary to set straight you Putin’s armchair generals that come here blowing hot as if you know a thing about anything.

If you believe Russia has a 3rd word economy I must say I pity you . You’ve Been lost to western propaganda. SMH I can’t say no more other than disappointment.
In a real sense who has the right to classify someone has first ,second and third? I’m ashamed of some people though.
People who claim to be first class people value Animals more than humans .
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by goodheart01: 11:00am On Feb 20, 2022
After reading most of the comments here I can’t but wonder how shallow some people reason. No country and not even Russia can fight the US in a conventional war. Those countries must be forced to use nuclear weapons to save themselves of which the US is a super nuclear power too.

Fighting a conventional war is a different ball game from nuclear war because it demands a strong economy to pivot logistics, personnel management and weapons manufacturing of which the US is very capable in this aspect. But some kids here after watching movies thinks it’s like what they see on TV. The only country that can attempt a conventional war with the US is China and it will be a very long haul for them owing to their lack of experience and untested weaponry

This is the bitter reality!!

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Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by onilanre(m): 11:02am On Feb 20, 2022
Good Morning Dear Friend reading this post right now its 10.am. I am appealing to you With all sincerity and i am on my knees pleading, please hear my cries I am in distress right now. Things have not been easy for me and my family since i lost my job, We have been drinking garri for days now. My kids are now looking so skinny and they are crying all the time, i am so frustrated right now. I beg you in the name of God please help us, no matter how little to buy food and water. We have been starving and cannot afford real food for days now. I am kneeling before you pleading to your kind heart , please help us with any amount' please. 09 93 02 21 52 ecobank. I pray as you extend a hand to us may you never lack anything in life.

I am still on my knees pleading, someone please help me

Tag your name with the post if you're serious
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by olatunji390(m): 11:02am On Feb 20, 2022
This people no get sense ooo. If the cyber world is shut down, how they wan use all this technologies. I still believe 3rd world war will start with a cyber war
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by KingdomlessKing: 11:02am On Feb 20, 2022
A single pill from Russian s400 will take care of them

Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by Nobody: 11:04am On Feb 20, 2022

You’re a lost cause . How many White supremacist has been properly sentenced in the USA? Who destroyed Iraq on a false alarm which killed innocent people? , who destroyed Libya ? Can you compare the Libya of now and the time of Ghadaffi? Let me stop there the list is endless.

How do you know North Koreans are starving. Have you Been there ?
How is NK threaten SK? Have they fired a missle to SK that killed people?

The crime Against humanity the Americans soldiers fail to pay for in Afghanistan is what ? USA threatened Court of HAGUE when the appeal was brought to prosecute them .

How is China producing substandard goods ?
China is giving you what you pay for . Stop deceiving yourself. How many Nigerians can afford an American product or to the world at large ?

America that is the king of spy’s does not steal intellectual property? Do you know America has hacked into the German chancellor phone before ? What rubbish? Is it not stealing? The list is endless.

When NATO holds are military drills it’s a show of Strength, when Russia , China or NK does they’re disturbing world peace . Are they not testing the same weapons ? You need some Breath of fresh air from western propaganda.

Lol I’m the lost cause? Western propaganda lmao. you must not know that the word propaganda itself originated from the Soviet Union. They are the ones who perfected the act and it’s obviously still working on people like you.

Telling me how do I know this and that as if you live under a rock. Anyway people like you who defend dictatorships make me laugh because I know for a FACT that if you are given the option of relocating to US/UK or relocating to Russia/North Korea you will definitely pick the former. Deny this first before I even address the rest of your ridiculous points systematically.

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