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America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High - Foreign Affairs (9) - Nairaland

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Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by udemzyudex(m): 12:58pm On Feb 20, 2022

How are they flexing power ?
Does holding military drills means you’re flexing power? NATO also holds military drills . What will you call that ?

Holding military drills,of all places Ukraine border is the right place to do so?

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Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by anonymous1759(m): 1:00pm On Feb 20, 2022

Holding military drills,of all places Ukraine border is the right place to do so?

Where else did the NATO holds their drills ?
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by chukbonda(m): 1:01pm On Feb 20, 2022
China is always stealing techs from other countries and builds on it. Part of what Trump was mad with China for.
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by Jacuzzi55(f): 1:03pm On Feb 20, 2022
If Russia dare invade Ukraine,US will deal with them the way they dealt with Taliban in Afghanistan
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by phorget(m): 1:08pm On Feb 20, 2022
that's because we can't speak Russian and Chinese and we have the same religion and similar culture as a result of colonialism. Egyptians who speak Arabic and share same religion with Arabs would rather go UAE, Qatar and Saudi Arabia than USA. Francophone West Africans would rather go France.
Colonialism and Western imperialism have consequences.

Hmmmmmmm! So would you eat a poisoned food just because you are hungry? Why would you want to go to places where you were enslaved? Won't you rather stay put in your own country?
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by jswitch(m): 1:10pm On Feb 20, 2022
that's because we can't speak Russian and Chinese and we have the same religion and similar culture as a result of colonialism. Egyptians who speak Arabic and share same religion with Arabs would rather go UAE, Qatar and Saudi Arabia than USA. Francophone West Africans would rather go France.
Colonialism and Western imperialism have consequences.

This is half truth sir. Why are refugees in the Middle East seeking to cross to the West instead of going to UAE, Saudi Arabia or Qatar?

The number of immigrants from non English speaking countries holding elective positions in some of these countries speaks volume of the liberalism in Western Democracies.

Some people can say colonialism bla bla bla. Yes, colonialism has been and it's still in existence. Every powerful kingdom, empire, territory or nation always aspire to colonize the weaker ones. Even our Nigeria has for some times had control over political happenings in Liberia, Seria Leone and Gambia.

Before the advent of the Europeans, powerful empires like the Oyo Empire, the Benin kingdom, Kanem Borno Empire, Kwarafa kingdom etc all (colonized) captured other weaker states and made them vassals.

Oyo Empire had its influence stretched as far as Dahomey (present day Benin Republic).

Benin kingdom had its influence stretched as far as Eko (present day Lagos). This is evident in the names of some notable towns in Lagos.

The Hausa City States such as Kano, Rano, Zauzau etc had a different culture, religion and way of life before the Usman Dan Fodio Jihad that introduced Islam and the Arabic culture.

For those who are anxiously waiting to argue, please before you commence, go and research the names, culture, religion and mode of dressing of the Hausa and Kanuri (Kanem Borno Empire) people before the Usman Dan Fodio Jihad and after the Jihad.


Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by zionstaar75: 1:19pm On Feb 20, 2022

God bless you sir, your words just lifted my soul, just that I never had any helper this trying times but am praying for upliftment and also not idle too. God bless you sir. ecobank 09 93 02 21 52, George
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by Poloyanabo2(m): 1:27pm On Feb 20, 2022

Who sold tucanos to Nigeria.
They sent 4 bombers and that is enough evidence of all they have in their arsenal?
You are a very intelligent man
You're very shallow and unintelligent for you not to understand that his comment was actually a troll on Buhari and Nigeria's military's unpreparedness.
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by uunwanaobong3: 1:30pm On Feb 20, 2022
I am just laughing at BIDEN........ If Russia invade Ukraine (which I know they have no intention of invading) and America by mistake get on the way of Russia and then it boils into a world war situation,...... Putin has just one thing in mind to end the world war and that is the sent a barrage of hypersonic nuclear intercontinental missiles into white house, capitol, and pentagon.... Putin have no intention of flying over USA ........ And for those who think that USA is prepared for war against Russia, let me remind you that USA does not have an anti missiles defence against an hypersonic missiles....... The hypersonic missiles technology has only been mastered by China, Russia and north Korea
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by pacespot(m): 1:34pm On Feb 20, 2022
War is inevitable unless there is a global consensus to address many issues.
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by LastProphet: 1:42pm On Feb 20, 2022

Don't mind them, those guys are mumu...
Chinese will give you loan, they will still be the one to execute the project in your country (imagine that nonsense), they will flood the project with Chinese workers with good salaries and also employ nigerians to do the dirty job with peanut salary........

Western countries (the surpossed enemy ) will give loan without bringing their citizens to still spend the money in Africa. Instead of us to criticize our politicians who squander the money.

Sometimes the West do forgive us the loans if we're unable to meet up, but the evidences are there in Africa, China will take over whatever they spent the loan money on. A SOVERIGN COUNTRIES FOR THAT MATTER!

I keep saying it on this forum, most Nigerians are daft!

My brother the shocking thing is the daftness among those that think they are educated. Imagine someone that can speak good English like that guy yet does not see the obvious that white people are the best thing that happened to this world, and that slavery is what dumbos like us deserves. Even today we still deserve to be recolonized

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Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by seanwilliam(m): 1:43pm On Feb 20, 2022
Mumu....super tucano was brought from america...lazy youths indeed, ordinary reading.. Nigerian youths won't read because they see yahoo as the solution to their lazy way of living....see as you just embarrassed yourself
na you Dey embarrass yourself . Shey u no see the sarcasm?
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by Ladyhippolyta88(f): 1:45pm On Feb 20, 2022
I read the comments.
Happy that many know that America is the problem.

Europe is just doing follow in nato.
They cant express their opinion.
America is not the problem if Russia was so good it would not be isolated from the rest of Europe if Russia acted as a big brother and friend to Ukraine, Ukraine would not be eager to align with the west

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Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by udede(m): 1:54pm On Feb 20, 2022
US no even get super tucano ?
And dem wan fight mighty Russia.
I pity US.
The earlier they call buhari the better for them
grin i talk am say you dey smoke something but my friend say na lie
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by Zulu2022: 1:56pm On Feb 20, 2022
Wen world war was on ND Russia was in ussr,if not u.s.a intervation,do u tink Russia will exist now,wat Germany would HV don ussr,it will be like Hiroshima ND nakasaki,becos the bring this four jeto display nd u guys tink that wat u.s hold in hand,we de talk of bomb way de affect climate nd weather of universe wen released nd some mumu de here de shoult , Russia will deal with u.s...ordinay AK 47 DE invent the knock,I DNT know how average Nigerians reason,do u even check u.s budget in defence,so all the money na fr porn military men go de watch or na burger de use am buy fr soldiers,na Russian nd Ukraine citizens I de pity cos bomb no go near u.s nd some part of Europe... ordinary Palestine nv throw bomb enter isreal way near Dem,talk more of Russian way far from u.s nd U think u.s no get anti bomb nd software, ordinary virus in there cyber world de go release Russia armory nd ammunition go explode kill there citizens
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by udede(m): 1:56pm On Feb 20, 2022

Who sold tucanos to Nigeria.
They sent 4 bombers and that is enough evidence of all they have in their arsenal?
You are a very intelligent man
grin guy you need to upgrade your sense of humour
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by Onyiiobi7735(m): 2:02pm On Feb 20, 2022

does that mean there are no LGBTQ people in China or Russia? Even here in Nigeria, those people are there so what are you on about? Not all US allies have approved gay rights.
Thinking that not approving gay rights is standing up to America is just dumb reasoning

In a rush to sound intelligent you end up saying trash.
Lol! In a rush to correct and sound intelligent, you end up sounding foolish.
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by Onyiiobi7735(m): 2:03pm On Feb 20, 2022

There was also not a word of insult in my reply. I’m just attacking your flawed logic.
Sorry oo! My error.
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by Onyiiobi7735(m): 2:03pm On Feb 20, 2022

Of course that’s your reason. You don’t want to be called an American asslicker.
It’s not asslicking bro, it’s facts.
The US is going to be the most powerful nation on earth for at least the next 100years. If you’re tired of hearing that line, build your own army and take them down, stop making up imaginary scenarios in your head.
But if I’m an American asslicker, doesn’t that make you a Russian di*k stroker?
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by Spandau: 2:09pm On Feb 20, 2022
Putin ain’t scared
He said he’s not fighting to win he wants to fvck shit up

While also digging a pit for himself.
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by Essence20(m): 2:10pm On Feb 20, 2022
See how they are deceiving ukrainians to their graves.
Russia would attack and there would be no response from the liar america.

I tell you if europe fumble and join any war just hand grenade thrown from russia can reach me here.

What's the main cause of this rift, how did Ukraine offend Russia and why is USA overly concerned? Pls summarise.
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by Spandau: 2:11pm On Feb 20, 2022
US no even get super tucano ?
And dem wan fight mighty Russia.
I pity US.
The earlier they call buhari the better for them

Na who sell tucano for Buhari before? But the fact is, tucano no fit handle the kind of shii about to go down.
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by Spandau: 2:16pm On Feb 20, 2022

" Mental slavery is more dangerous than body slavery" Bob Marley.

Your mumu never do ?.
Did Russia, North Korea & China ever enslaved your ancestors ?.
United kingdom ( Uk) & America that enslaved your ancestors & are still enslaving you today under the guise of neocolonialism, but here you are worshipping them due to brain washing they did to you using christianity as a tool, that if you don't worship a sun god, you are doomed.

And you think if the US and UK is knocked out, Russia, China and North Korea will not ravage Africa? You must be drifting on some chemicals. Even the Arab world will join put.
All this shii is about world dominance. And whoever dominates also controls the wealth.

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Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by phenase(m): 2:18pm On Feb 20, 2022
u like him because u are an oppressor like him. A born aggressor.

Well, that's your cup of tea, not mine.
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by Spandau: 2:19pm On Feb 20, 2022
This is world war looming.....

Because these countries will depend on their allies to win the fight....

Nigeria is likely to be at the side of USA...

But what about China? with their advance technologies? I believe American will lose this war, if they pick on Russia...

Bottom line is, China is a show off. The US mostly keeps mum about their tech. Besides, China is always stealing techs from other countries and builds on it. Part of what Trump was mad with China for.


Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by phenase(m): 2:20pm On Feb 20, 2022

War between Russia and US will benefit you. The radiation from the nuclear war will also benefit you (us). Becareful what you wish for. Our lives in their hands (US & Russia). Nuclear war between those two will lead to the deaths of millions of people around the world. So it is not only their problem. It is also our problem.

OK go and stop them, no string attached. grin
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by Spandau: 2:22pm On Feb 20, 2022

America is just overhyped,bro.
Was it not the same US that was heavily defeated and disgraced by Vietnam in the American- Vietnamese war.
Russia will soon tame their arrogance and mouth making.

The mighty USSR (before it got balkanized)could not handle Afghanistan too naah. Read ya world history.


Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by Zulu2022: 2:29pm On Feb 20, 2022
I am just laughing at BIDEN........ If Russia invade Ukraine (which I know they have no intention of invading) and America by mistake get on the way of Russia and then it boils into a world war situation,...... Putin has just one thing in mind to end the world war and that is the sent a barrage of hypersonic nuclear intercontinental missiles into white house, capitol, and pentagon.... Putin have no intention of flying over USA ........ And for those who think that USA is prepared for war against Russia, let me remind you that USA does not have an anti missiles defence against an hypersonic missiles....... The hypersonic missiles technology has only been mastered by China, Russia and north Korea
Japan was fucking China raw bfr Dem wise...so na only Russian Sabi the anti hyper bomb wen isreal get done,I de lol u, ordinary AK47 de knock engine,wetin Russian invent so far,name five nd I will list 20
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by formaxy: 2:37pm On Feb 20, 2022

The NATO article 5 which says an attack on a member is an attack on all. We only work to deter any form of aggression against NATO members. But when the threat of war between a major nuclear state and NATO is real. The chance that the alliance will break is extremely high. Some countries like Hungarpy, Croatia, Montenegro e.t.c will let their citizens get NUKES because of the US miscalculation in europe. Infact you will be shocked that the likes of Germany and France will pulled out. Because the two will be the major target in a nuclear war. In reality the article 5 will not work.

Article 5 has kept the peace for 70 years in Europe. It deterred even the Soviet Union at the height of the cold war how much more now.
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by juman(m): 2:40pm On Feb 20, 2022

What's the main cause of this rift, how did Ukraine offend Russia and why is USA overly concerned? Pls summarise.

The origin of the issue is:
There was free and fair election in ukraine, the man considered as more closer to russia won the presidential election.
Obama america rejected the election outcome and also bully european countries to reject the election result.

Russia was angry and fought back, some part of ukraine that are russian ethnic group like crimea decided to join russia.
America now want ukraine to join NATO, so that they can put their dangerous weapon near russia border.
Russia say NO. Russia is fighting for their existence. They have to stop america from putting dangerous weapons near their border.

Ukraine issue is between america and russia.
EU countries and UK are just doing follow follow america. They have no mouth. America tell them what to say and what to do.

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Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by Entprys(m): 2:49pm On Feb 20, 2022
grin i talk am say you dey smoke something but my friend say na lie
Dey chop dat your friend shit, your life go better.
Anything less, forget your life
Re: America's B-52 Long-Range Bombers Arrive In UK As Russia Tensions Remain High by maasoap(m): 2:52pm On Feb 20, 2022
Quietly eliminating these belligerent leaders like Putin, Xi and Kim will definitely guaranty world peace.

Hahahaha! See this deluded one. Those three you mentioned didn't invade Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, etc. All what they do is minding their own businesses.

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