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Racist Polish Border Guards Say No To 'Indians, Africans And Middle Easterners' - Politics (3) - Nairaland

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Re: Racist Polish Border Guards Say No To 'Indians, Africans And Middle Easterners' by Nobody: 12:29pm On Mar 09, 2022

The sooner Africa , and Asia gets their acts right and kick out western leeches running their resources the better

How will a country like Nigeria explain the fact that, International Oil Giants (Shell, Chevron, Agip, Total) and European countries controls 40% of our oil resources and still use this resources to oppress us

The same racist Europeans enjoy, everything from Africa and Asia..

Chips for computing (Africa)
Oil and Gas (Africa)
Man power (Asia)
Uranium for power (Africa)
Lithium for Battery (Africa)
Gold (Africa)
Mass production and manufacturing (Asia)
Skin for leather (Africa)
Palm produce for industry (Africa and Asia)
Cocoa (Africa)
Coffee (Africa)


Did they not pay your leaders or they took them for free? Go and settle scores with your leaders


Re: Racist Polish Border Guards Say No To 'Indians, Africans And Middle Easterners' by wallrichy: 12:30pm On Mar 09, 2022
You are damn so funny and not knowledgeable enough to know that Blacks hate blacks and a very huge racial and tribal discrimination within black population.

Come to your country, A Fulani man believe he's more superior to other tribes in Nigeria and as such should dominate and even steal from them without any issue. Infact, the northern Nigeria believe they are more Nigerian than other region and more reason they are mostly bunch of thieves and rogues

Secondly, the black south African are another hard nuts to crack.....they dislike their fellow blacks that migrated to their country for greener pastures. You will remember Xenophobia attack on blacks by fellow blacks.

Thirdly, the black Americans. They atimes believe that the African blacks that migrated to the US in the recent century comes and deprived them of their jobs and opportunities for a better lives and therefore resent their fellow blacks from Africa and see them as an intruder to their economy well being.

I can tell you more and more of blacks hating and discriminating against one another.

Even Libya, Morocco and Tunisia are another close examples.

You wouldn't believe that presently there are some African Blacks that takes feelow blacks from another African countries as domestic slaves and sex slaves....fellow Africans inhumanity to fellow Africans.......

Blacks hatred for one another is more serious than any discrimination by the white or Western world.

Las Las everybody go dey alright

And the storms that makes them hate Africans would fade soon when we deal with our greedy leaders.

Black is better than any other race because we don't feel superior over another souls.

What intelligent does the white have? Nonsense people embarassed

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Re: Racist Polish Border Guards Say No To 'Indians, Africans And Middle Easterners' by Nobody: 12:31pm On Mar 09, 2022
Good talk, but no changes. I think we should all go back to our states and region. we are not serious
well I'm in my region and I have good plans for it. So help me God!
Re: Racist Polish Border Guards Say No To 'Indians, Africans And Middle Easterners' by Mooh247: 12:31pm On Mar 09, 2022

Did they not pay your leaders or they took them for free? Go and settle scores with your leaders

There's a huge difference between payments and bribe
Re: Racist Polish Border Guards Say No To 'Indians, Africans And Middle Easterners' by uncleinans(m): 12:32pm On Mar 09, 2022
Las Las everybody go dey alright

And the storms that makes them hate Africans would fade soon when we deal with our greedy leaders.

Black is better than any other race because we don't feel superior over another souls.

What intelligent does the white have? Nonsense people embarassed

No sir/ma, blacks are more racist than even this white folks.

For example, come to Nigeria, a graduate of Federal university feels or thinks he/she is better than he/she that attended state university. Even people that went to federal university, some feels they re better than others, like graduate of UI will discriminate against a graduate of Uni Abuja. Muslims consider non Muslims as infidels, they feel they re better than non Muslims. See the hate even here on nairaland among Igbos and yorubas and hausas.

In the Game's voice ...... "Everybody hate somebody, guess we re all racist".

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Re: Racist Polish Border Guards Say No To 'Indians, Africans And Middle Easterners' by Cmanforall: 12:35pm On Mar 09, 2022
The Polish and Eastern Europeans including Russia are some of the most violently racist people you may ever encouter. Avoid those countries.

Don't call everything racism.
Ideally, embassies of respective countries should send repatriation flights to at least border countries for her citizens
Re: Racist Polish Border Guards Say No To 'Indians, Africans And Middle Easterners' by FallenShitHole: 12:35pm On Mar 09, 2022
After I saw their treatment of other races, I just remove my hand Jeje. Whatever Putin wants let him do, they will probably do worse than Putin if roles were reversed.
They are still better than you the black man that hates yourself, not to talk of others. Black people comes off as the worst race on earth.

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Re: Racist Polish Border Guards Say No To 'Indians, Africans And Middle Easterners' by Babaheekmat: 12:36pm On Mar 09, 2022

The sooner Africa , and Asia gets their acts right and kick out western leeches running their resources the better

How will a country like Nigeria explain the fact that, International Oil Giants (Shell, Chevron, Agip, Total) and European countries controls 40% of our oil resources and still use this resources to oppress us

The same racist Europeans enjoy, everything from Africa and Asia..

Chips for computing (Africa)
Oil and Gas (Africa)
Man power (Asia)
Uranium for power (Africa)
Lithium for Battery (Africa)
Gold (Africa)
Mass production and manufacturing (Asia)
Skin for leather (Africa)
Palm produce for industry (Africa and Asia)
Cocoa (Africa)
Coffee (Africa)


90 percent of our politicians are Hausa people

They no know anything
Re: Racist Polish Border Guards Say No To 'Indians, Africans And Middle Easterners' by SeriouslySense(m): 12:39pm On Mar 09, 2022
That's great news, I pray God use you abundantly, making a society a better place for everyone, is also a collective task, wish you the best.
well I'm in my region and I have good plans for it. So help me God!
Re: Racist Polish Border Guards Say No To 'Indians, Africans And Middle Easterners' by wallrichy: 12:39pm On Mar 09, 2022
Damn funny, so they chose what looked like their relatives. Blacks and those other tribes might have probably done the same if position are swapped. However, we need to respect and value humanity, irrespective of colour, race, creeds and position. Humanity first, humanity second and humanity third.

It’s their government and military parastatals not all of the people.
Please use proper words when documenting events
Nigerian government did the same to Ghanaians in the 80’s.

However, Romania is openly welcoming Africans. The Africans escaping didn’t do their analysis properly to know which direction to run to.
Immediately people were migrating I instantly knew Poland was a bad idea. They should have headed towards Hungary, Moldova or Romania.
The situation won’t have been that bad
Polish borders were also overwhelmed by the influx of people so they chose what looked like their relatives.

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Re: Racist Polish Border Guards Say No To 'Indians, Africans And Middle Easterners' by shevchenko(m): 12:40pm On Mar 09, 2022
Fake news
It was in Ukraine not poland
Re: Racist Polish Border Guards Say No To 'Indians, Africans And Middle Easterners' by Prosperous111(m): 12:40pm On Mar 09, 2022

No sir/ma, blacks are more racist than even this white folks.

For example, come to Nigeria, a graduate of Federal university feels or thinks he/she is better than he/she that attended state university. Even people that went to federal university, some feels they re better than others, like graduate of UI will discriminate against a graduate of Uni Abuja. Muslims consider non Muslims as infidels, they feel they re better than non Muslims. See the hate even here on nairaland among Igbos and yorubas and hausas.

In the Game's voice ...... "Everybody hate somebody, guess we re all racist".

Yep! That said said it all angry
Re: Racist Polish Border Guards Say No To 'Indians, Africans And Middle Easterners' by Adex2442: 12:41pm On Mar 09, 2022
lies. CNN interviewing a Nigerian gal who just crossed to poland
Re: Racist Polish Border Guards Say No To 'Indians, Africans And Middle Easterners' by Nobody: 12:41pm On Mar 09, 2022
Indians should go to Russia to seek refuge..
They seem to love eachother so much.

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Re: Racist Polish Border Guards Say No To 'Indians, Africans And Middle Easterners' by Prosperous111(m): 12:43pm On Mar 09, 2022
It's high time we start hugging and promoting our dear Africa. We can't keep ignoring, insulting and chattering like monkeys on vines on the internet and expect others to respect us.

I see opportunity in Africa!!

I hope that can work out
Re: Racist Polish Border Guards Say No To 'Indians, Africans And Middle Easterners' by Prosperous111(m): 12:43pm On Mar 09, 2022
You are damn so funny and not knowledgeable enough to know that Blacks hate blacks and a very huge racial and tribal discrimination within black population.

Come to your country, A Fulani man believe he's more superior to other tribes in Nigeria and as such should dominate and even steal from them without any issue. Infact, the northern Nigeria believe they are more Nigerian than other region and more reason they are mostly bunch of thieves and rogues

Secondly, the black south African are another hard nuts to crack.....they dislike their fellow blacks that migrated to their country for greener pastures. You will remember Xenophobia attack on blacks by fellow blacks.

Thirdly, the black Americans. They atimes believe that the African blacks that migrated to the US in the recent century comes and deprived them of their jobs and opportunities for a better lives and therefore resent their fellow blacks from Africa and see them as an intruder to their economy well being.

I can tell you more and more of blacks hating and discriminating against one another.

Even Libya, Morocco and Tunisia are another close examples.

You wouldn't believe that presently there are some African Blacks that takes feelow blacks from another African countries as domestic slaves and sex slaves....fellow Africans inhumanity to fellow Africans.......

Blacks hatred for one another is more serious than any discrimination by the white or Western world.

I'm just speechless

And it will get more worst
Re: Racist Polish Border Guards Say No To 'Indians, Africans And Middle Easterners' by blueAgent(m): 12:45pm On Mar 09, 2022

The sooner Africa , and Asia gets their acts right and kick out western leeches running their resources the better

How will a country like Nigeria explain the fact that, International Oil Giants (Shell, Chevron, Agip, Total) and European countries controls 40% of our oil resources and still use this resources to oppress us

The same racist Europeans enjoy, everything from Africa and Asia..

Chips for computing (Africa)
Oil and Gas (Africa)
Man power (Asia)
Uranium for power (Africa)
Lithium for Battery (Africa)
Gold (Africa)
Mass production and manufacturing (Asia)
Skin for leather (Africa)
Palm produce for industry (Africa and Asia)
Cocoa (Africa)
Coffee (Africa)


Of what Use is all the African resources Without European inventions that consume them?

Would Africans drink crude oil if the west did not discover cars and auto combustion engines? E.t.c


Re: Racist Polish Border Guards Say No To 'Indians, Africans And Middle Easterners' by Nastymods: 12:45pm On Mar 09, 2022
The Polish and Eastern Europeans including Russia are some of the most violently racist people you may ever encouter. Avoid those countries.


As a yoruba or igbo man.. How much hate do you have for each other?

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Re: Racist Polish Border Guards Say No To 'Indians, Africans And Middle Easterners' by blueAgent(m): 12:46pm On Mar 09, 2022
Las Las everybody go dey alright

And the storms that makes them hate Africans would fade soon when we deal with our greedy leaders.

Black is better than any other race because we don't feel superior over another souls.

What intelligent does the white have? Nonsense people embarassed

Are you sure?
No race has over blotted ego and pride like the blackman.
Re: Racist Polish Border Guards Say No To 'Indians, Africans And Middle Easterners' by VEHINTOLAR: 12:46pm On Mar 09, 2022

With all this things yet we're nothing in there eyes!

But why would any man feel different or superior than the other? I thought we're all human being. Maybe they only see Africans as animal.

But Indians are not blacks nah

They are not White either;they are regarded as coloured people just like Africans.
Re: Racist Polish Border Guards Say No To 'Indians, Africans And Middle Easterners' by blueAgent(m): 12:47pm On Mar 09, 2022
I watched a short clip of a Polish Government representative. The man was so blunt and reiterated that he doesn’t care whether he is being labeled a racist.

He said Poland has been a peaceful country and allowing immigrants from certain regions was no good for his country.

He may come off as a racist, but there was sense in what he was saying.

My take is, the countries affected should find a way to evacuate their citizens instead of crying fowl.

So true.
Re: Racist Polish Border Guards Say No To 'Indians, Africans And Middle Easterners' by africandollar: 12:48pm On Mar 09, 2022
I'm glad this made it to the mainstream news. Racist bastards! angry
Re: Racist Polish Border Guards Say No To 'Indians, Africans And Middle Easterners' by Pootle: 12:48pm On Mar 09, 2022
its their border. they taking only those they can take care of, Africans are hypocrites when we did Ghana must go weytin happen, or south Africans telling telling their fellow Africans to leave what did we do, every being have his own space in this life if you dont stay and maintain it, na see finish you go see anywhere you go.

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Re: Racist Polish Border Guards Say No To 'Indians, Africans And Middle Easterners' by FallenShitHole: 12:48pm On Mar 09, 2022
We don oo! All the recent killings we've been seeing in Easte were also committed by us the notherners ba??

You are Nigeria's problem! You are Africa's problem!

Intelligent people don't generalise... You are very ignorant and disrespectful! Amend your ways and ye shall see light.

Arewa to the world.
Terrorists to the world!!
Re: Racist Polish Border Guards Say No To 'Indians, Africans And Middle Easterners' by Nobody: 12:49pm On Mar 09, 2022

The sooner Africa , and Asia gets their acts right and kick out western leeches running their resources the better

How will a country like Nigeria explain the fact that, International Oil Giants (Shell, Chevron, Agip, Total) and European countries controls 40% of our oil resources and still use this resources to oppress us

The same racist Europeans enjoy, everything from Africa and Asia..

Chips for computing (Africa)
Oil and Gas (Africa)
Man power (Asia)
Uranium for power (Africa)
Lithium for Battery (Africa)
Gold (Africa)
Mass production and manufacturing (Asia)
Skin for leather (Africa)
Palm produce for industry (Africa and Asia)
Cocoa (Africa)
Coffee (Africa)


It is not possible without the tactic support of ypur leaders.

Do you know they pay kings in Oil producing areas millions each month?

Ask your leaders to get their shit right.
Re: Racist Polish Border Guards Say No To 'Indians, Africans And Middle Easterners' by blueAgent(m): 12:49pm On Mar 09, 2022
Too bad imagine even Poland dey flex muscle for where naija dey thanks God even India collect too embarassed

Do you think nigeria can compare with Poland in anyway?

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Re: Racist Polish Border Guards Say No To 'Indians, Africans And Middle Easterners' by Pootle: 12:52pm On Mar 09, 2022

Of what Use is all the African resources Without European inventions that consume them?

Would Africans drink crude oil if the west did not discover cars and auto combustion engines? E.t.c

see eh, where you dey i wan buy you beer make we talk.....ororo dey ur head

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Re: Racist Polish Border Guards Say No To 'Indians, Africans And Middle Easterners' by blueAgent(m): 12:52pm On Mar 09, 2022

Africa :chips for computing. Seriously?

I Don laugh die.
Even the ones way dey claim that they are Woke and intend to lead other Africans to their land of Utopia were they will be free from white oppressors are even more dumb than the ppl they intend to lead.

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Re: Racist Polish Border Guards Say No To 'Indians, Africans And Middle Easterners' by blueAgent(m): 12:53pm On Mar 09, 2022

Where do you think the silicon and compounds like phosphate and boron used in making semiconductors come from

Only Africa has mineral resources?
Re: Racist Polish Border Guards Say No To 'Indians, Africans And Middle Easterners' by blueAgent(m): 12:54pm On Mar 09, 2022
the know how of manufacturing is what's dragging us back... If we can successfully manufacture 50% of what we use, the west n brothers will start according us some respect.

And again, we need to educate everyone in Africa cause illiteracy is also a boiling problem that should be handled urgently!

And you left out greed,low IQ, lack of foresight, Selfishness the list is endless.

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