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Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' - Foreign Affairs (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by Profayo: 4:09pm On Mar 21, 2022
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by ken6488(m): 4:09pm On Mar 21, 2022
Putin your Days are numbered !!!
OK Mr calender


Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by royalguy123(m): 4:09pm On Mar 21, 2022
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by OhBritannia(m): 4:09pm On Mar 21, 2022
Nigerians and South Africans and Africa in general should have treated 2go like an egg.
2go was ours, 2go was African, our billionaires should have invested more on 2go but as usual we prefer western world to ours.
Africa it's time to wake up.

Bring back 2g0

30 Likes 1 Share

Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by Hubeznigeria(m): 4:09pm On Mar 21, 2022
Food yaf landed for Nairaland unfortunate persons who will come here to defend the decision of a certain president against a particular micro-blogging platform.

Watch how they will rise to defend his ignoble action
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by ken6488(m): 4:10pm On Mar 21, 2022
Don't know who gave America the idea or notion that they alone gives correct information
Some thing is right only if it is right to them

1 Like

Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by qtguru(m): 4:10pm On Mar 21, 2022
Instagram, Twitter and others have a way of influencing people, it encouraged the sexual liberal movement and the hookup culture. The explosion of overly-sexual contents and trends.


Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by Nobody: 4:10pm On Mar 21, 2022
Yoruba Russians
how about Ibo Jews? grin
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by Sleyk: 4:10pm On Mar 21, 2022
Putin, a man with balls..... His high tech... country men will develop their own social media like china did.... In this life, if you believe yourself, nobody will toss you around. Example, Nigeria and Nigerians.


Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by ken6488(m): 4:11pm On Mar 21, 2022
Las Las they will go back to USSR style where wearing fake western jeans was height of cool.

Of course putin and Co will still enjoy all these banned luxuries
Can you compare Nigeria to China?
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by msrcusgarvey6(m): 4:11pm On Mar 21, 2022
As soon as it was being demonstrated how to commit murder on fb,every country would've acted accordingly, but we were not sensitive because we import everything even cultures here.


Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by baralatie(m): 4:13pm On Mar 21, 2022
this not a good Idea
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by kiddkash(m): 4:14pm On Mar 21, 2022
What do terrorists have in common?.



. They assume they would live forever
nah. I believe it is the promise of 72 virgins
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by Adakintroy: 4:14pm On Mar 21, 2022
There is no way Instagram and its co Hort can be political neutral. As long as you occupy such high strata you must align. they should stop forming objectivity.


Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by MEGAWATCH: 4:14pm On Mar 21, 2022
Nice one. When the Chinese banned these stupid media's, they weren't just foolishly doing it. These media's from the west are tools being used by them for propaganda.
Thank God Russia banned them now FOR GOOD!

Chinese has a population of over 1.5 billon people, so your comparison may be very faulty.
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by Adakintroy: 4:15pm On Mar 21, 2022
There is no way Instagram and its co Hort call be political neutral. As long as you occupy such high school strata you must align they should stop forming objectivity.
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by Crafteck1: 4:15pm On Mar 21, 2022

nah. I believe it is the promise of 72 virgins

Dem no dey even bother ask if na male or female.
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by seanwilliam(m): 4:15pm On Mar 21, 2022
Nice one. When the Chinese banned these stupid media's, they weren't just foolishly doing it. These media's from the west are tools being used by them for propaganda.
Thank God Russia banned them now FOR GOOD!
and your foolish self, using products made by the same west . Thunder fire you

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Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by NGArmyTerrorist: 4:15pm On Mar 21, 2022
US, just failed again! Their plans to scatter Russia with propaganda and fake news had gone to pit of hell. Russia will now focus and deal with Zelenskyy


Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by everythinggirly(f): 4:16pm On Mar 21, 2022
This is serious!
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by Blaine756(m): 4:17pm On Mar 21, 2022
Then that's the attitude of a dictator or tyrant


Some thing is right only if it is right to them
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by ayindejimmy(m): 4:18pm On Mar 21, 2022
It's strange to think Russia would be such an authoritarian country. I've not been there but being in Europe I used to think that Russia is highly Democratic

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Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by MangekyoAlt: 4:19pm On Mar 21, 2022
and your foolish self, using products made by the same west . Thunder fire you
I am minimizing my use of them.
I don't use Facebook, Twitter and Instagram anymore. I only use Whatsapp, Telegram, Nairaland and Reddit

If Nigerian govt bans Facebook, Twitter and Instagram today, and gives a good alternative, then it's okay. Gradually we should move away from these western piece of shits. It's a gradual process, not something you do out of nowhere

The russians will surely replace those banned western propaganda tools with something something similar and that's what matters


Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by 27Pushing30: 4:19pm On Mar 21, 2022
Of course they are. You can't call yourself a media and suppress the news from a particular Country, ethnicity or nation.

This event have shown to the world that Capitalist countries end up being a field of imperialists, Racial supremacists and War profiteers.

Until Western media take responsibility for the scores of innocent Ignorant young men and women they influenced to their death, they remain a terrorist syndicate.

A country (Ukraine) banned the entire opposition parties numbering in tens and the so called media of Western, Capitalist and Racial supremacy origin didn't care to make a fuss about it but systematically brainwashed the BLACK IGNORAMUSES of Africa that Gaddafi is a dictator because he wanted to pull the black people out of poverty, rigged economic society like IMF that doesn't favour the black man and usher a degree of state economic transparency in Africa

AzIn I’m trying to understand the difference between “Cancel culture” and the socialists /marxist/communists. Regime’s “purges”.

Anyone who disagrees you force them to go underground And hide and whisper their thoughts?

That’s krazy


Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by Joycymi(m): 4:20pm On Mar 21, 2022
Please someone should please help me with little amount to buy food eat the hunger is unbearable any more am hungry I need food life of a student really tough and if you have job too to sustain I ll appreciate please am hungry thanks and God bless zero 66 seventy 96 zero 36 Ge Te Be
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by ubimagos: 4:20pm On Mar 21, 2022
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by Goldbw122(m): 4:20pm On Mar 21, 2022
There should be a balance for social media it should not be an avenue for taking side, it should be a means of communication not for taking side in the middle of war.. that is why they always get ban, yeah the social media have their own social policy which they allow other user to follow not the other way round social media is not the president of our nation but a medium to discuss not taking sides..


Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by sammyranking(m): 4:20pm On Mar 21, 2022
How can I buy beer for Putin.

It is really amazing how western slaves in Africa is supporting Ukraine.
Same west told you that there is nuclear bomb in Iraq
Same west said Gadaffi is a terrorist.
Same west destroyed Venezuela because they refused them free access to oil
Same west destroyed Syria.
This same west support Taiwan independence but not support western Ukraine independence.
Africa cannot grow because of this west.

Now I wonder why some of our brains are faulty and lack ability to reason

Gadaffi own pain me pass. West is evil I wonder why Africa still support them.


Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by Bestbeelieve: 4:24pm On Mar 21, 2022
The way many people here are reasoning eh!truly Mr lifeless is what they deserve!
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by airsaylongcome: 4:24pm On Mar 21, 2022
I too like this Putin.

Someone needs to let this Western people knows they are not indispensable.

Is your twitter account still active? If yes, you should deactivate immediately to prove that the West is indispensable. Do not forget to also deactivate @yusjet.

High time we start using the Russian and Chinese equivalents to grow our business. See you on vkontakt

Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by MangekyoAlt: 4:24pm On Mar 21, 2022
It's strange to think Russia would be such an authoritarian country. I've not been there but being in Europe I used to think that Russia is highly Democratic
90% of all countries in Africa are highly democratic, yet we are miles below the low democratic countries like Russia and China.
See India. A high democratic nation with billions of citizens. They are among the poorest countries in the world. They are miles below their authoritorian rivals, China.

It is good to practice democracy but you shouldn't say for the sake of it, you will accept rubbish.
Facebook broke their own rules by allowing people to wish death to Russian officials and military personnels. If democracy doesn't permit Russia to ban them for trying such nonsense, then f**k democracy!


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