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Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' - Foreign Affairs (5) - Nairaland

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Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by abbey621(m): 5:45pm On Mar 21, 2022

So, you think if Facebook and the likes from the scammer Wests are no more, there won't be other alternatives that will even be better?

Common, grow up!

More likely it will still come from the West, as countries like Russia and China are not too cool with self expression. What's the purpose of social media when you must conform to government's expectations all the time(WeChat etc)? So even if Facebook and Twitter no longer exists, to replace them with something better would require a platform of free expression.
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by ayindejimmy(m): 5:45pm On Mar 21, 2022

90% of all countries in Africa are highly democratic, yet we are miles below the low democratic countries like Russia and China.
See India. A high democratic nation with billions of citizens. They are among the poorest countries in the world. They are miles below their authoritorian rivals, China.

It is good to practice democracy but you shouldn't say for the sake of it, you will accept rubbish.
Facebook broke their own rules by allowing people to wish death to Russian officials and military personnels. If democracy doesn't permit Russia to ban them for trying such nonsense, then f**k democracy!

Freedom of speech is a double edged sword.
The world is against Russia now that's why some exception may be made by Facebook.
Moreover, I wasn't even referring only to this FB issue.
It just baffles me how Putin was able to acquire the absolute power he as in an European country like Russia. Such can't even happen in Nigeria
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by raiszy2k(m): 5:45pm On Mar 21, 2022
Tit for tat
but you're still on the internet
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by Sureplug123(m): 5:48pm On Mar 21, 2022
I have nothing to say
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by Nobody: 5:51pm On Mar 21, 2022

Even the VK/Khontakte is against Putin's invasion. Putin will be banning VK too in a bit.

grin grin grin grin grin
I don't know about that, though you could be right.

The amount of movies, pornography (that even the elites consume), music, news that Vk makes available to those Russians, and even foreign nations (Ukraine, Kazakhstan, China, Korea, Belarus, and some others) will make it difficult for Putin to ban the site.
It's like China banning Sinai weibo or QQ just because of public uproar towards Xi Jinping or the Communist Party. Highest thing, is to make it none available to those other nations, to curtail spread of the revolting against the leaders. But it will stay active in its (the website's) host nation.

It's unlikely to happen. But let's watch, though.
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by abbey621(m): 5:51pm On Mar 21, 2022
Whenever I reflect on the level of damage done to africa by those western countries hiding under democracy to inflict imperialist damages, I weep. Particularly, What they did to Libya. A country that was working beyond imagination. With living standard better than those obtainable in the west. Suddenly the West came with all sorts of contrived invectives against gadafi. We foolish, dumb and brainless Africans thought the West wanted us to better. We supported them to destroy Libya and killed gadafi. Alas the once most prosperous country in Africa is nothing to write home about now.

It's like looking at the economy under Abacha and saying it was more powerful than what we have now. While this is true, never underestimate the power of hatred against lifetime rulers. The world as a whole has gone beyond dictators and any country where the dictator still exists there are bound to be rebellions of some sort. Libya was not the El Doraldo that you painted it, several groups wanted a change, it started internally and Gadaffi's biggest mistake was to fire on protesters and insists he rather die than to give up power......SHEY NA HIM PAPA GET LIBYA?


Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by ken045501: 5:53pm On Mar 21, 2022
These mentioned people are working for Americans government
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by michelism(m): 5:56pm On Mar 21, 2022
How can I buy beer for Putin.

It is really amazing how western slaves in Africa is supporting Ukraine.
Same west told you that there is nuclear bomb in Iraq
Same west said Gadaffi is a terrorist.
Same west destroyed Venezuela because they refused them free access to oil
Same west destroyed Syria.
This same west support Taiwan independence but not support western Ukraine independence.
Africa cannot grow because of this west.

Now I wonder why some of our brains are faulty and lack ability to reason

O ni ku ni kekere (You will not die young).
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by dhareh: 5:56pm On Mar 21, 2022

Pharaoh said, "I will not let them go. I will not let them go." We all know how that ended grin

Moses the son of Amram ������
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by NOETHNICITY(m): 5:58pm On Mar 21, 2022

It's like looking at the economy under Abacha and saying it was more powerful than what we have now. While this is true, never underestimate the power of hatred against lifetime rulers. The world as a whole has gone beyond dictators and any country where the dictator still exists there are bound to be rebellions of some sort. Libya was not the El Doraldo that you painted it, several groups wanted a change, it started internally and Gadaffi's biggest mistake was to fire on protesters and insists he rather die than to give up power......SHEY NA HIM PAPA GET LIBYA?
The way you think now was exactly how most dumb Africans think
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by Kelvin3476: 6:01pm On Mar 21, 2022
How can I buy beer for Putin.

It is really amazing how western slaves in Africa is supporting Ukraine.
Same west told you that there is nuclear bomb in Iraq
Same west said Gadaffi is a terrorist.
Same west destroyed Venezuela because they refused them free access to oil
Same west destroyed Syria.
This same west support Taiwan independence but not support western Ukraine independence.
Africa cannot grow because of this west.

Now I wonder why some of our brains are faulty and lack ability to reason
Uk or Iraq ?
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by yuzjet(m): 6:03pm On Mar 21, 2022

More likely it will still come from the West, as countries like Russia and China are not too cool with self expression. What's the purpose of social media when you must conform to government's expectations all the time(WeChat etc)? So even if Facebook and Twitter no longer exists, to replace them with something better would require a platform of free expression.

True. But even this Facebook is regulated. Not all expressions are permitted. No matter the freedom the Wests are claiming, they are also using the same platform to spread lies and propaganda. So what's the difference?

1 Like

Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by pansophist(m): 6:04pm On Mar 21, 2022
How can I buy beer for Putin.

It is really amazing how western slaves in Africa is supporting Ukraine.
Same west told you that there is nuclear bomb in Iraq
Same west said Gadaffi is a terrorist.
Same west destroyed Venezuela because they refused them free access to oil
Same west destroyed Syria.
This same west support Taiwan independence but not support western Ukraine independence.
Africa cannot grow because of this west.

Now I wonder why some of our brains are faulty and lack ability to reason

You want to buy Putin a beer, but me i want to buy champagne for you.

There is something known as "Internet sovereignty", and China alongside Russia now with this ban would protect theirs. The Internet for all intent and purposes is American. Its promotes western centric ideas, while killing local IT potentials.

Google knows the average Nigerian more than he knows himself. via each Google search, your location, your emails, your "doc" documents, your credit card details, apps on your phone, contacts, etc Google has a near 100% accuracy of your data. Facebook amd instagram is even worse, because you voluntarily put your stuff there to "pepper" your friends, but mr Mark know you well, even when you were a Muslim ten years ago.

Big tech algorithms now is so powerful, that sometimes, I begin receive adverts on something I searched, or even talked about in my room that I'll buy (for those using Google home device). There is no privacy at all. I can write a textbook on this big tech company and in my view, it should be butchered and let each countries have theirs. Imagine Buhari, our national security leader using Google, they have access to him than citizens he is suppose to serve.

People really underestimate the depth, scope, extent, and strength of neo-colonialism. Its in the air you breathe, you live with it, and so comfortable without knowing you're in chains. Whatever.

8 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by michelism(m): 6:05pm On Mar 21, 2022

It's like looking at the economy under Abacha and saying it was more powerful than what we have now. While this is true, never underestimate the power of hatred against lifetime rulers. The world as a whole has gone beyond dictators and any country where the dictator still exists there are bound to be rebellions of some sort. Libya was not the El Doraldo that you painted it, several groups wanted a change, it started internally and Gadaffi's biggest mistake was to fire on protesters and insists he rather die than to give up power......SHEY NA HIM PAPA GET LIBYA?

I hope one day you would realise that America is the most dictator of all time; bigger than any individual dictator ever. Their aim is to control every country in the world. Tell me another meaning of dictatorship?

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Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by ISelectMySins: 6:09pm On Mar 21, 2022

I am minimizing my use of them
I don't use Facebook, Twitter and Instagram anymore. I only use Whatsapp, Telegram, Nairaland and Reddit

If Nigerian govt bans Facebook, Twitter and Instagram today, and gives a good alternative, then it's okay. Gradually we should move away from these western piece of shits. It's a gradual process, not something you do out of nowhere

The russians will surely replace those banned western propaganda tools with something something similar and that's what matters

You seriously need to give Reddit a break. A very big break!!! Or atleast reduce consuming too much of its content. The forum is just one huge echo chamber that systematically silences opposition voices.
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by 007Marvel(m): 6:10pm On Mar 21, 2022

I have also deleted my Accounts on every western Social media. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and WhatsApp.


WeChat All the way!

Mumu na WeChat be the most complicated and stupid app for this life!
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by anonymous1759(m): 6:14pm On Mar 21, 2022

Just shut up if you can’t stop using it totally .

And you will find alternatives to google , andriod/iOS and windows too? Most of you depend on western products to live normal life and make money to feed your families yet you still use your dirty mouth to say rubbish about them .?? Tell me a successful run black nation in the world.. because i know for sure you will blame Nigeria leaders , who are you going to blame for the other black nations?

Tell me 10 Russia products without looking up to google and tell me how it’s been a use to you .
Idiot koromiwe

Shut your gutter mouth. I’m not a slave it’s only Slaves that don’t have a choice . Are you guys that daft or drunk In stupidity?
The only free thing you enjoy is air from God and I believe he’s the only person you’ll always support no matter what .

How can you ask someone to bury is opinion because he’s making use of western Media?
Is the media Items he’s using for free ? What sort of Slave mentality is that ?
So because I make use of your property which I bought with my hard earned money I can’t have a say? How does that make you feel ?

The west you speak high of call you black monkey and third world country but they still invest here . Every human have a right to choose stop living in bondage.

1 Like 1 Share

Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by goodheart01: 6:14pm On Mar 21, 2022
How can I buy beer for Putin.

It is really amazing how western slaves in Africa is supporting Ukraine.
Same west told you that there is nuclear bomb in Iraq
Same west said Gadaffi is a terrorist.
Same west destroyed Venezuela because they refused them free access to oil
Same west destroyed Syria.
This same west support Taiwan independence but not support western Ukraine independence.
Africa cannot grow because of this west.

Now I wonder why some of our brains are faulty and lack ability to reason

How stupid u are. Africa can not grow because of the West u say. Is the West holding any African nation from progressing? Abi the man in Aso Rock is he an American or British?? U lots can be very foolish with your blame games. If there’s anyone to blame for the plight of African nations, blame your corrupt irresponsible leaders who have embezzled your funds and subjected u as slaves to poverty. Blame your leaders who loot and borrow wickedly from the West and China thereby making us indebted for life. Blame your tyrant leaders who cause civil wars and seek for help from western powers to topple their political opponents. Flies won’t come perching without being invited, so will the white man not interfere if ur leaders hadn’t given them the opportunity to.

It’s time u people had sense! The West isn’t your problem! Face your leadersz
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by airsaylongcome: 6:20pm On Mar 21, 2022

So, you think if Facebook and the likes from the scammer Wests are no more, there won't be other alternatives that will even be better?

Common, grow up!

Show me how to grow up. Deactivate both your accounts and migrate NOW to the non-West alternatives
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by Kyn4kyn: 6:20pm On Mar 21, 2022


Just the same way he banned harmless, law abiding, loving people - JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES, labeling them extremist and terrorist!!!

Hmm Putin!!!
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by jaxxy(m): 6:26pm On Mar 21, 2022
Russian government is an extremist. Though I don't support the acceptance of death threats to Putin bt Putin has made it difficult for all of us to appreciate him with his unbroken invasion.
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by abbey621(m): 6:30pm On Mar 21, 2022

I hope one day you would realise that America is the most dictator of all time; bigger than any individual dictator ever. Their aim is to control every country in the world. Tell me another meaning of dictatorship?

Do you know how many rebellions America has endured? From civil war to insurrections, my point still stands, people will fight back when pushed to the wall, Libya, Russia, America it does not matter.
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by kmaster007: 6:30pm On Mar 21, 2022
Tell them
How can I buy beer for Putin.

It is really amazing how western slaves in Africa is supporting Ukraine.
Same west told you that there is nuclear bomb in Iraq
Same west said Gadaffi is a terrorist.
Same west destroyed Venezuela because they refused them free access to oil
Same west destroyed Syria.
This same west support Taiwan independence but not support western Ukraine independence.
Africa cannot grow because of this west.

Now I wonder why some of our brains are faulty and lack ability to reason
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by msrcusgarvey6(m): 6:31pm On Mar 21, 2022
[quote author=HonNL post=111233827]

SOURCE [/quoteUK prepares to ‘temporarily’ nationalize Gazprom retail unit – report

Government wants to ensure continued energy supplies to customers
UK prepares to ‘temporarily’ nationalize Gazprom retail unit – report
© Rafael Henrique / SOPA Images / LightRocket via Getty Images

The UK is preparing to temporarily nationalize Gazprom’s British retail supply arm, Bloomberg reported on Monday. The measure is taken to ensure distressed companies continue energy supplies to customers amid losses due to higher energy costs.

Gazprom Marketing & Trading Retail Ltd is a prime candidate to be taken into the UK’s special administration regime, Bloomberg has cited a person familiar with the matter, adding that no one at the Gazprom unit was available to comment.

The unit – trading as Gazprom Energy - has over 30,000 business customers and supplies energy to businesses and public institutions, including parts of the UK’s National Health Service.

READ MORE: EU piling more sanctions on Russia
A special administration regime as a resolution mechanism for distressed energy supply companies intended to ensure the continuity of supply in the event of a failure of a supplier.

On March 8, the UK announced that it was planning to phase out Russian oil and gas imports by the end of the year
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by abbey621(m): 6:31pm On Mar 21, 2022

True. But even this Facebook is regulated. Not all expressions are permitted. No matter the freedom the Wests are claiming, they are also using the same platform to spread lies and propaganda. So what's the difference?

You mean on Facebook you can't express your dislike for the government? You can't express your love for money, lifestyle, food etc? Of course some things will be regulated, you can't conduct criminal activities or harrass anyone but for the most part you get more freedom than most people in China.
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by abbey621(m): 6:33pm On Mar 21, 2022
The way you think now was exactly how most dumb Africans think

The hallmak of a weak mind human is the inability to defend his or her opinion without insults or cheap sentiments.......Keep it up!
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by SKINDOGGY: 6:33pm On Mar 21, 2022

I have also deleted my Accounts on every western Social media. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and WhatsApp.


WeChat All the way!

Bro, how did you register on WeChat?

1 Like

Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by seanwilliam(m): 6:40pm On Mar 21, 2022

Shut your gutter mouth. I’m not a slave it’s only Slaves that don’t have a choice . Are you guys that daft or drunk In stupidity?
The only free thing you enjoy is air from God and I believe he’s the only person you’ll always support no matter what .

How can you ask someone to bury is opinion because he’s making use of western Media?
Is the media Items he’s using for free ? What sort of Slave mentality is that ?
So because I make use of your property which I bought with my hard earned money I can’t have a say? How does that make you feel ?

The west you speak high of call you black monkey and third world country but they still invest here . Every human have a right to choose stop living in bondage.

You must be a mumu with first class certificate.

You publicly talking against the west when your lives depend on them is the highest level of hypocrisy I’ve ever seen. Weather you agree or not, they are in control of your useless lives and your opinions are like pieces of shit to them and don’t count in grand scheme of things..

If they decide to take away their products and ban access to it, your lives will be more useless than it is . Idiotic idiot .
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by Lightorder: 6:43pm On Mar 21, 2022
Putin your Days are numbered !!!
Russians breaking point is in view. My mind kept telling me that this madman will be killed by his own people and dragged on the streets of Moscow like a common thief. I maybe wrong
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by Legendoo: 6:44pm On Mar 21, 2022
Very powerful tool in the hands of westerners used for brainwashing, selling, tracking and manipulation titled to their favour banned. Good riddance.

They've done enough damage, wish other countries could follow suit.

1 Like

Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by Lightorder: 6:46pm On Mar 21, 2022
How can I buy beer for Putin.

It is really amazing how western slaves in Africa is supporting Ukraine.
Same west told you that there is nuclear bomb in Iraq
Same west said Gadaffi is a terrorist.
Same west destroyed Venezuela because they refused them free access to oil
Same west destroyed Syria.
This same west support Taiwan independence but not support western Ukraine independence.
Africa cannot grow because of this west.

Now I wonder why some of our brains are faulty and lack ability to reason
Mumu , how many bottles did you buy for Buhari when tweeter was banned? That would tell you how hypocritically stupid you can be
Re: Russian Court Bans Facebook & Instagram, Calls Them 'extremist Organisations' by Lightorder: 6:50pm On Mar 21, 2022
Las Las they will go back to USSR style where wearing fake western jeans was height of cool.

Of course putin and Co will still enjoy all these banned luxuries
hahahaha . Don’t mind them

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