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Observing Lent - Religion - Nairaland

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Today Is Ash Wednesday (2025), The Beginning Of Lent. / Today Is Ash Wednesday; Beginning Of Lent / Meaning Of Lent & Why It Lasts For Forty Days (2) (3) (4)

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Observing Lent by Searchingvictor: 6:52am On Mar 31, 2022
Lent has started since 2nd of this month and it got to my notice that most Christians don't observe the fast.

Why is that so?

If you look at the Muslims, you all see how serious they observe their fasting.
Re: Observing Lent by Searchingvictor: 11:08am On Mar 31, 2022
No response
Re: Observing Lent by Truvelisback(m): 11:22am On Mar 31, 2022
There is hunger in the land.
Re: Observing Lent by Searchingvictor: 11:29am On Mar 31, 2022
There is hunger in the land.

There's hunger and that's why lent is not observed faithfully?

Christians with flimsy excuses
Re: Observing Lent by Searchingvictor: 11:24am On Apr 03, 2022
May God help us

Lalasticlala please help move this to promise land
Re: Observing Lent by Searchingvictor: 1:55pm On Jun 25, 2022
Re: Observing Lent by Kobojunkie: 2:23pm On Jun 25, 2022
Lent has started since 2nd of this month and it got to my notice that most Christians don't observe the fast.

Why is that so?

If you look at the Muslims, you all see how serious they observe their fasting.
First of all, Jesus Christ no command anyone Lent. And God never asked anyone to embark on starvation diets in Jesus Christ name. The kind of fast God commands is detailed in Isaiah 58 and it has absolutely nothing to do with the starvation diet kind of fasting that is your Lent rituals.. undecided

Second, what does it matter how Muslims engage their Allah and his many rituals abeg? undecided
Re: Observing Lent by Obafavour(m): 8:59pm On Jun 25, 2022
First of all, Jesus Christ no command anyone Lent. And God never asked anyone to embark on starvation diets in Jesus Christ name. The kind of fast God commands is detailed in Isaiah 58 and it has absolutely nothing to do with the starvation diet kind of fasting that is your Lent rituals.. undecided

Second, what does it matter how Muslims engage their Allah and his many rituals abeg? undecided
Jesus told us to fast and pray.
Running around from one thread to the other like lice to preach your master's (satan) way and to mislead people won't change anything.
Your gate will never prevail over the church "wolf in sheep clothing"
Re: Observing Lent by Kobojunkie: 9:03pm On Jun 25, 2022
1. Jesus told us to fast and pray.
1. Jesus Christ told you to fast and pray but Jesus Christ never told you to engage in what is your starvation diet kind of fasting, nor did He command your prayer rituals as you have them in your churches and homes.

See, God already explained these things to you. undecided

a. How to fast - Isaiah 58 vs 1 - 14
b. How to pray - Matthew 6 vs 6 - 15
c. How to let your light shine - Isaiah 58 vs 8 - 14

So when you go doing what you want instead of what God actually commands, you do so deceiving your own self, not God.. undecided
Re: Observing Lent by Obafavour(m): 10:11pm On Jun 25, 2022
1. Jesus Christ told you to fast and pray but Jesus Christ never told you to engage in what is your starvation diet kind of fasting, nor did He command your prayer rituals as you have them in your churches and homes.

See, God already explained these things to you. undecided

a. How to fast - Isaiah 58 vs 1 - 14
b. How to pray - Matthew 6 vs 6 - 15
c. How to let your light shine - Isaiah 58 vs 8 - 14

So when you go doing what you want instead of what God actually commands, you do so deceiving your own self, not God.. undecided
Mr perfect you ought not to use social media cos God said we shouldn't join the nations to do what they're doing "a lot have missed the way through social media". And the forum you are using right now is owned by an atheist.
THE GRACE OF JESUS IS SUFFICIENT FOR US. No christian teachings is against the jesus teachings cos jesus himself teaches doctrine.
Re: Observing Lent by Kobojunkie: 10:19pm On Jun 25, 2022
1. Mr perfect you ought not to use social media
1. cos God said we shouldn't join the nations to do what they're doing
2. "a lot have missed the way through social media".
3. And the forum you are using right now is owned by an atheist.

4. The grace of jesus is sufficient for us

5. no christian teachings is against the bible cos jesus himself teaches doctrine.
Your assertion make no sense to me so please explain. undecided

1. First of all, where did God state that you should not join the Nations to doing? undecided

2. And what do you mean by your claim that missed the way through social media? undecided

3. And what is wrong if the forum is owned by an atheist? undecided

4. The grace Jesus Christ gave to His followers is Eternal life, which is indeed sufficient so I don't understand what that has to do with this here conversation. undecided

5. So you are insinuating that where Jesus Christ condemns the folllowing of the doctrines and traditions of men preached as if of Him - Matthew 15 vs 1 - 14 and Mark 7 vs 1 - 13 - Jesus Christ was wrong? undecided
Re: Observing Lent by Obafavour(m): 10:38pm On Jun 25, 2022
Your assertion make no sense to me so please explain. undecided

1. First of all, where did God state that you should not join the Nations to doing? undecided

2. And what do you mean by your claim that missed the way through social media? undecided

3. And what is wrong if the forum is owned by an atheist? undecided

4. The grace Jesus Christ gave to His followers is Eternal life, which is indeed sufficient so I don't understand what that has to do with this here conversation. undecided

5. So you are insinuating that where Jesus Christ condemns the folllowing of the doctrines and traditions of men preached as if of Him - Matthew 15 vs 1 - 14 and Mark 7 vs 1 - 13 - Jesus Christ was wrong? undecided

2. Alot missed d way through what they see on social media.
4. Anything u do do them for the glory of God, since lent is for d glory of God we don't need opinion from a disguised wolf from d pit of hell THE GRACE OF JESUS IS SUFFICIENT FOR US to do it.
Re: Observing Lent by Obafavour(m): 10:42pm On Jun 25, 2022
Mr perfect and mr know it all it's your type jesus is refering to "the hypocrite"
5. I'm not saying jesus is wrong, jesus christ preached doctrine and we follow what he preached our doings are from his teachings and nothing more.

You proving you're perfect, holy or you know it all, it's still like a filthy rag before God so what why condemning? @kobojunkie
Re: Observing Lent by Kobojunkie: 10:49pm On Jun 25, 2022
2. Alot missed d way through what they see on social media.

4. Anything u do do them for the glory of God, since lent is for d glory of God we don't need opinion from a disguised wolf from d pit of hell THE GRACE OF JESUS IS SUFFICIENT FOR US to do it.

2. They missed The Way or they never had The Way to begin with? undecided

4. You cannot do just about anything to the glory of God. For example, "I can't poop to the glory of God". Nor can I use the internet to the glory of God. Instead what I can do to the glory of God is that which God has infact commanded of me. It is only when I submit to and obey His teachings(and commandments) that I honor Him. undecided

Again, Jesus Christ is described as being full of Grace and Truth. And then the same Jesus Christ told said of Himself, that He is the Truth and the Life...". Surely, you see by this that grace which Jesus Christ bestows on those who believe in Him is the eternal Life of God which He gives, a gift more than sufficient for those who care. undecided
Re: Observing Lent by Kobojunkie: 10:56pm On Jun 25, 2022
Mr perfect and mr know it all it's your type jesus is refering to "the hypocrite"
5. I'm not saying jesus is wrong, jesus christ preached doctrine and we follow what he preached our doings are from his teachings and nothing more.

6. You proving you're perfect, holy or you know it all, it's still like a filthy rag before God so what why condemning? @kobojunkie
A hypocrite is one who does not practice what he preaches. And since I preach Jesus Christ and I live by the teachings(and commandments) of Jesus Christ, how exactly did you reach the conclusion that I am a hypocrite by that? undecided

5. Wrong! Your doings are instead from the doctrines and traditions of men(and their churches), lies, which Jesus Christ warned you against following - Matthew 15 vs 1 - 15 and Mark 7 vs 1 - 13. So, how can you, in following exactly that which Jesus Christ warned you against, be said to be following the teachings of Jesus Christ? undecided

6. Do you even begin to know what it means to be perfect and holy by God's standard at all - John 8 vs 31 - 35? undecided

Holiness no be my mouth but by deeds and as Jesus Christ explained there in that passage, the only way to reach God's standard of perfection/Holiness is through continuous submission and obedience of God's Truth, His teachings(and commandments). That is the only way to become a holy/perfect vessel worthy of God's very own spirit to live inside of aka a Son of God. There is absolutely nothing filthy about God’s kind of Holiness/Perfection. undecided

So, stop using these terms as if reducing them to your level gives you leverage of some kind.. undecided
Re: Observing Lent by Obafavour(m): 11:11pm On Jun 25, 2022
A hypocrite is someone who pretend to have moral standard, opinion or understanding of something in which they do not have "and in which you've shown through your replies.
I understand your level of reasoning, becos jesus condemned the priests and the pharisees it means pastors and church leaders should also be condemned.
Never forget jesus didn't condemned moses who brought the law he didn't come to condemn but to fufill, he didn't condemn elisha, elijah, ezekiel and the likes.
Re: Observing Lent by Obafavour(m): 11:18pm On Jun 25, 2022
Your holiness is like a filthy rag before God.

For you to know we are the true christians what jesus said or prophesied about us are coming to pass, but you sit at home condemning christians and churches, pretending to be a true christian "well it's a sign of the hatred jesus was saying in matthew 24:9"
Re: Observing Lent by Kobojunkie: 11:25pm On Jun 25, 2022
1. A hypocrite is someone who pretend to have moral standard, opinion or understanding of something in which they do not have " and in which you've shown through your replies.

2. I understand your level of reasoning, becos jesus condemned the priests and the pharisees it means pastors and church leaders should also be condemned.

3. Never forget jesus didn't condemned moses who brought the law. HIS GRACE IS SUFFICIENT FOR US TO DO THINGS FOR THE GLORY OF GOD.
1. Ok, Let me bite! undecided

How exactly do I pretend to have moral standards/opinions etc., in what I don't have? undecided

2. Jesus Christ warned you against those who will teach you doctrines and traditions of men, lies, in His Name. Your pastors and mogs are those who teach you these lies in using Jesus Christ's name, not the Pharisees. Maybe you ought to focus on trying to understand Jesus Christ first, as opposed to pretending you even begin to understand my level of reasoning. undecided

3. Why in the world would Jesus Christ condemned Moses for anything? undecided

For Peter's sake, God gave to Israel, a nation which He constituted from the people who had the blood of Jacob coursing through their veins, a National Constitution, what you know as the Old Law of Moses which He delivered to them through Moses. This very same Law/Constitution, Jesus Christ lived His very life in submission to and obedience of this while He was here on earth. So what reason would He have had to condemn Moses abeg?, undecided

Again, eternal life is eternal.....we get it! undecided
Re: Observing Lent by Kobojunkie: 11:31pm On Jun 25, 2022
1. Your holiness is like a filthy rag before God.

2. For you to know we are the true christians what jesus said or prophesied about us are coming to pass, but you sit at home condemning christians and churches, pretending to be a true christian "well it's a sign of the hatred jesus was saying in matthew 24:9"
1. My holiness? I never claimed to possess any holiness to begin with so I think you mean your assumptions of holiness instead are filthy before God. undecided

2. Now you are beginning to sound exactly like the JWs. What exactly do you believe Jesus Christ said or prophesied about you? undecided

Sign of hatred. By the way, who exactly are the people all over the world who hate you because you believe in Jesus Christ?

Does the fact that you also exude hate towards some of those same people also count against you? Or is this a case or " we can hate them but if they hate us for hating on them then we are justified by their hate of us? undecided
Re: Observing Lent by Obafavour(m): 11:34pm On Jun 25, 2022
You've forgotten church leaders started from peter and the early apostles jesus christ elected himself when he came to the world. So what you're saying is that those early apostles too are also part of those who will lead people astray cos that's what your point and replies are insinuating.
Re: Observing Lent by Kobojunkie: 11:40pm On Jun 25, 2022
1. You've forgotten church leaders started from peter and the early apostles jesus christ elected himself when he came to the world.

2. So what you're saying is that those early apostles too are also part of those who will lead people astray cos that's what your point and replies are insinuating.
1. Your church leaders have absolutely nothing to do with Jesus Christ since He instead told you that He alone is leader/authority, Head/Master etc., over those who belong to Him - Matthew 6 vs 24 & Matthew 23 vs 8 - 10 & Matthew 20 vs 24 - 28 & Mark 10 vs 42 - 45 & John 10 vs 7 - 16 . undecided

2. The apostles where sent out in the world to teach the Gospel, the very same teachings(and commandments) Jesus Christ taught to them, to all those unsaved in the world. - Mark 16 vs 16 - 18, The Truth of God, the very same teachings(and commandments) of Jesus Christ as detailed in the 4 Gospels condemn your so-called church leaders even today. undecided
Re: Observing Lent by Obafavour(m): 11:45pm On Jun 25, 2022
1. My holiness? I never claimed to possess any holiness to begin with so I think you mean your assumptions of holiness instead are filthy before God. undecided

2. Now you are beginning to sound exactly like the JWs. What exactly do you believe Jesus Christ said or prophesied about you? undecided

Sign of hatred. By the way, who exactly are the people all over the world who hate you because you believe in Jesus Christ?

Does the fact that you also exude hate towards some of those same people also count against you? Or is this a case or " we can hate them but if they hate us for hating on them then we are justified by their hate of us? undecided
1. You sound like a holy and perfect person when you said you follow jesus preachings.
2a. One of the things jesus said abt us is in mat 24:9
2b. Haters of the gospel hates christians "and you've shown it through your replies, condemning us" i doubt if you preach the gospel.
Re: Observing Lent by Obafavour(m): 11:53pm On Jun 25, 2022
1. Your church leaders have absolutely nothing to do with Jesus Christ since He instead told you that He alone is leader/authority, Head/Master etc., over those who belong to Him - Matthew 6 vs 24 & Matthew 23 vs 8 - 10 & Matthew 20 vs 24 - 28 & Mark 10 vs 42 - 45 & John 10 vs 7 - 16 . undecided

2. The apostles where sent out in the world to teach the Gospel, the very same teachings(and commandments) Jesus Christ taught to them, to all those unsaved in the world. - Mark 16 vs 16 - 18, The Truth of God, the very same teachings(and commandments) of Jesus Christ as detailed in the 4 Gospels condemn your so-called church leaders even today. undecided
Do you even knw what you're saying at all?
Those apostles were those whom you said you were not following, now you're indirectly supporting their teachings, but you've forgotten they said we should not forsake our assemblies.
Where 2, 3 or more are gathered in my name i'm with them, who do you gather with?
Re: Observing Lent by Kobojunkie: 11:56pm On Jun 25, 2022
1. You sound like a holy and perfect person when you said you follow jesus preachings.
2a. One of the things jesus said abt us is in mat 24:9
2b. Haters of the gospel hates christians "and you've shown it through your replies, condemning us" i doubt if you preach the gospel.
1. Like I said, that happens be be your assumptions of Holiness, not mine. undecided

2a. Jesus Christ said that of those who are of Him - those who live their lives in continuous submission to and obedience of His teachings(and commandments) - not of those of you who submit instead to the doctrines and traditions of men(and their churches) , lies, which He vehemently warned against - Matthew 15 vs 1 - 14 and Mark 7 vs 1 - 13 undecided

2b. Haters of the Gospel hate those who live in continuous submission to and obedience of the teachings(and commandments) of Jesus Christ aka the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. undecided

Those who you claim hate you for being "Christians" do so for reasons not even attached to Jesus Christ but your behavior towards them, the world, behavior which are in many ways removed from that commanded by Jesus Christ aka antiChrist. undecided
Re: Observing Lent by Obafavour(m): 12:00am On Jun 26, 2022

You said jesus alone is the master, yes he's the only leader agreed!!! But why did he elect his disciples and not everyone he preached to?
Re: Observing Lent by Obafavour(m): 12:02am On Jun 26, 2022
1. Like I said, that happens be your assumptions of Holiness, not mine. undecided
2a. Jesus Christ said that of those who are of Him -those who live their lives in continuous submission to and obedience of His teachings(and commandments) - not of those of you who submit instead to the doctrines and traditions of men(and their churches) , lies, which He vehemently warned against - Matthew 15 vs 1 - 14 and Mark 7 vs 1 - 13 undecided
2b. Hatersof the Gospel hate thosewho live in continuoussubmission to and obedience of the teachings(and commandments) of Jesus Christ aka the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. undecided
Those whoyou claim hate you forbeing "Christians"do so for reasons not even attached toJesus Christ but your behavior towards them, the world, behavior whichare in many ways removed from that commanded by Jesus Christ aka antiChrist. undecided
Your last assumption depicts your a true hypocrite, with the teachings of jesus, how can d world hate u for lies?
Re: Observing Lent by Kobojunkie: 12:04am On Jun 26, 2022
1. Do you even knw what you're saying at all?

2. Those apostles were those whom you said you were not following, now you're indirectly supporting their teachings,

3. but you've forgotten they said we should not forsake our assemblies.

Where 2, 3 or more are gathered in my name i'm with them, who do you gather with?
1. What I am saying is what Jesus Christ Himself said. Do you not agree with Him then? undecided

2. If I believe in Jesus Christ and I only follow Jesus Christ, how can I be said to be indirectly supporting any other person but Jesus Christ abeg?? undecided

3. The letter to the Hebrew Christian was written for Jewish believers and the verse you so carefully quote from advises them, the Jewish Christians, not to forsake the gathering of their Jewish brothers. Do you somehow assume yourself a Jew now? undecided

Also, if you examine the passages where Jesus Christ stated that where 2 or 3 are gathered, He didn't command a gathering of any sort by those statements. Instead He stated that if 2 or 3 of His followers are gathered, He is there in there midst. I am reminded of the ordeal of Shadrach, Messiah, and Abegnego...they were gathered in the fire and there in their midst was a fourth. undecided
Re: Observing Lent by Kobojunkie: 12:07am On Jun 26, 2022
You said jesus alone is the master, yes he's the only leader agreed!!! But why did he elect his disciples and not everyone he preached to?
Elect? We are all elected as servants to go out and live doing the Will of our one and only Master. undecided

The same way He called them, He calls to everyone else who will hear Him and obey Him. He calls only those who are weary and heavy laden and in need of the rest which He gives - Matthew 11 vs 28 - 30 - and not everyone meets that requirement. undecided
Re: Observing Lent by Obafavour(m): 12:08am On Jun 26, 2022
@kobojunkie The world can only hate you for the truth not lies or negative behaviour @kobojunkie
Re: Observing Lent by Kobojunkie: 12:09am On Jun 26, 2022

Your last assumption depicts your a true hypocrite, with the teachings of jesus, how can d world hate u for lies?
How can the world hate you for lies? Is that a joke? undecided
Re: Observing Lent by Kobojunkie: 12:10am On Jun 26, 2022

The world can only hate you for the truth not lies or negative behaviour
Really? So when the world hated the Israelites when they were living in disobedience of God's Law, the world hated them because of God and nothing else? undecided

It is only when your existence is comprised of God's Truth that it can then be said that the World hates you because of the Truth. undecided

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