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How Can I Break Break Blood CONVENANT If You Know How Please Help - Romance - Nairaland

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How Can I Break Break Blood CONVENANT If You Know How Please Help by DanielAlhassan(m): 11:52am On Apr 14, 2022
Good day
Ladies and gentlemen
Please I need your help
I don't LOVE her again

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Re: How Can I Break Break Blood CONVENANT If You Know How Please Help by zionmade(m): 11:57am On Apr 14, 2022
My broda
Call the girl two of you should agree and nullify it
Blood covenant is a whole lot and can't be broken by one person
Life is very spiritual, soon people will tell you dat it doesn't matter that its nothing, but it's you that will bear ur cross
Re: How Can I Break Break Blood CONVENANT If You Know How Please Help by Candidlady: 11:58am On Apr 14, 2022

Are you ready to face the aftermath of breaking the oath?

If yes
Quote this post
If No
Ignore the post
Re: How Can I Break Break Blood CONVENANT If You Know How Please Help by slawormiir: 11:59am On Apr 14, 2022
Damnnn niggar

Ogbeni make una break up if una want break up

Which one be blood Covenant...nothing is spiritual there

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Re: How Can I Break Break Blood CONVENANT If You Know How Please Help by donaldking10: 12:00pm On Apr 14, 2022
if you were above 20 years when you made the blood covenant with her, then you are a SIMPle man, and you don't deserve our help.

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Re: How Can I Break Break Blood CONVENANT If You Know How Please Help by DoctorOlasDesk: 12:02pm On Apr 14, 2022
Good day
Ladies and gentlemen
Please I need your help
I don't LOVE her again

The last persons i saw in this condition who tried breaking it both died like rats

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Re: How Can I Break Break Blood CONVENANT If You Know How Please Help by Angrygoat: 12:05pm On Apr 14, 2022
Maybe she turned out to be an okpo and ugly. Heya, ibrem mynext door igbo gal,we used to play naked and she always said my dic k is big. Today she never marry and she don cast last time I saw her 5yrs back. Now imagine If I stupidly agreed to do blood oath with her. Then. Well since e don happen,it's either blood in or blood out.. the only way out is to use her for rituals.buy glk with venza

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Re: How Can I Break Break Blood CONVENANT If You Know How Please Help by Jeon(f): 12:06pm On Apr 14, 2022
just slice ur throat... and you will be fine.

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Re: How Can I Break Break Blood CONVENANT If You Know How Please Help by MadamVanessa(f): 12:07pm On Apr 14, 2022
Good day
Ladies and gentlemen
Please I need your help
I don't LOVE her again


See your mouth like I don't love her again. After battering her pussssy , which guy do you left the remaining one to.

You must love her o, or get ready to die.
Re: How Can I Break Break Blood CONVENANT If You Know How Please Help by zionmade(m): 12:12pm On Apr 14, 2022


See your mouth like I don't love her again. After battering her pussssy , which guy do you left the remaining one to.

You must love her o, or get ready to die.
Nne easy
It must not be about battering any pvssy. People fall in love and fall out of love. People change too

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Re: How Can I Break Break Blood CONVENANT If You Know How Please Help by DanielAlhassan(m): 12:18pm On Apr 14, 2022

Are you ready to face the aftermath of breaking the oath?

If yes
Quote this post
If No
Ignore the post
Re: How Can I Break Break Blood CONVENANT If You Know How Please Help by Candidlady: 12:20pm On Apr 14, 2022

Why don't you love her anymore ?
You guys had sex ?
How many times?
Protected or unprotected sex?
Did you give her heads(really important)?

Please answer these questions
Re: How Can I Break Break Blood CONVENANT If You Know How Please Help by Jeromejnr(m): 12:20pm On Apr 14, 2022
Good day
Ladies and gentlemen
Please I need your help
I don't LOVE her again

Whatever you do don't believe anyone here who will tell you it doesn't matter.

They won't be there to help you when you encounter problems.

God is your solution.
Re: How Can I Break Break Blood CONVENANT If You Know How Please Help by Bellfun(m): 12:27pm On Apr 14, 2022
Good day
Ladies and gentlemen
Please I need your help
I don't LOVE her again

You have to get her involved... Make sure she willingly agree to join hands with you to revoke the covenant... Blood for Blood...Water for Water...Earth for Earth!
Re: How Can I Break Break Blood CONVENANT If You Know How Please Help by DanielAlhassan(m): 12:30pm On Apr 14, 2022

Why don't you love her anymore ?
You guys had sex ?
How many times?
Protected or unprotected sex?
Did you give her heads(really important)?

Please answer these questions

Can't remember how many times

Both protected and unprotected

I can't do that
Re: How Can I Break Break Blood CONVENANT If You Know How Please Help by Kollins11: 12:31pm On Apr 14, 2022
I could remember during my NYSC in Ogun state. There is this girl I met, her name is Busayo, she was also a corper. We were just friends nothing much.

There was a month she missed her monthly clearance. I tried calling her to know what happened but her phone was switched off... For over 2 weeks her phone was switched off.

The very day she called, I asked her what happened? why did she missed her clearance? Then she started to explain to me. She said, she did blood covenant with her late boyfriend, the guy was shot dead in a robbery attack 2015.

Nothing happened to her when she tried to move on, But every men she dated always complain of two things.

The men always complain they get flogged in their dreams and business don't move well for them. There was a man she dated who worked in a bank (UBA) for 16 years but he got sack immediately they stated dating.

The men will be calling her witch and all manners of names, her relationship always end in pains. She cried, nobody could help her not even pastor or Imam.

She opened up to her grandmother, it was her grandmother who raised her. she told her grandmother all her predicament.... I don't wanna be typing much But everything is now history. Her grandmother delivered her, the process wasn't easy o. Life is a mystery. Things are happening. It took her a whole month before she could be delivered. No wonder she missed that particular month clearance.

Busayo is happily married with a son. She got married 2019.

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Re: How Can I Break Break Blood CONVENANT If You Know How Please Help by Candidlady: 12:33pm On Apr 14, 2022

Can't remember how many times

Both protected and unprotected

I can't do that

Since the last never happened then your case is a small issue

But you never answered question number 1. You only said yes. Iwanna believe you don't get the question!

Why don't you love her anymore ?
Re: How Can I Break Break Blood CONVENANT If You Know How Please Help by 2rez: 12:35pm On Apr 14, 2022
Op, look @ me. The surest way na by flogging. Yeah, u read it right. Flog konkonbility outta u this unscrupulous plus nonsensical element. sad

Re: How Can I Break Break Blood CONVENANT If You Know How Please Help by maisams01(m): 12:38pm On Apr 14, 2022
move on bro, heaven will not fall blood covenant ke? it won't have any effect on you
Re: How Can I Break Break Blood CONVENANT If You Know How Please Help by DanielAlhassan(m): 12:48pm On Apr 14, 2022

Since the last never happened then your case is a small issue

But you never answered question number 1. You only said yes. Iwanna believe you don't get the question!

Why don't you love her anymore ?
because we are not compatible

We both have difficulties understand each other

She like talking
I don't like talking
Am always quiet

She like nagging and complaining I don't .
Even if am hurt

We are opposite of each other ..

Am tired of enduring
Re: How Can I Break Break Blood CONVENANT If You Know How Please Help by Candidlady: 12:53pm On Apr 14, 2022
because we are not compatible

We both have difficulties understand each other

She like talking
I don't like talking
Am always quiet

She like nagging and complaining I don't .
Even if am hurt

We are opposite of each other ..

Am tired of enduring


Iunderstand your plight Mr Dan! That Lion's den you got yourself into today you shall be free!

What was the nature of the oath?
What part of the body did you guys mark/cut?
After taking the oath that particular day did you guys have sex?
Re: How Can I Break Break Blood CONVENANT If You Know How Please Help by DanielAlhassan(m): 1:01pm On Apr 14, 2022


Iunderstand your plight Mr Dan! That Lion's den you got yourself into today you shall be free!

What was the nature of the oath?
What part of the body did you guys mark/cut?
After taking the oath that particular day did you guys have sex?
cut each other

Taking little of the blood

No sex that day
Re: How Can I Break Break Blood CONVENANT If You Know How Please Help by kals4luv990(m): 1:03pm On Apr 14, 2022
Just kill yourself or use her do Ritual
Re: How Can I Break Break Blood CONVENANT If You Know How Please Help by Candidlady: 1:04pm On Apr 14, 2022
cut each other

Taking little of the blood

No sex that day

0816 284 2870

Ring the number or send him a DM
His moniker on here is gooodharddick he will see to it that the curse or the effect of the oath won't work!

Igot other clients iam attending to right now
Re: How Can I Break Break Blood CONVENANT If You Know How Please Help by EverestMajur: 1:04pm On Apr 14, 2022
shey you get glass cup ni, break the glass cup and it's broken Ogbeni, just like that..
Re: How Can I Break Break Blood CONVENANT If You Know How Please Help by Candidlady: 1:07pm On Apr 14, 2022
Just kill yourself or use her do Ritual

Use her do rituals ba?
It is God that will punish you! If we check well iam sure you must be from ogun, abeokuta or one of em GBEGIRI and EWEDU states


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Re: How Can I Break Break Blood CONVENANT If You Know How Please Help by kals4luv990(m): 1:15pm On Apr 14, 2022

Use her do rituals ba?
It is God that will punish you! If we check well iam sure you must be from ogun, abeokuta or one of em GBEGIRI and EWEDU states

but what else do you want me to say eeh Bastard
Re: How Can I Break Break Blood CONVENANT If You Know How Please Help by Candidlady: 1:18pm On Apr 14, 2022
but what else do you want me to say eeh Bastard

Sure that basta.rd wasn't meant for me. You this black and brown looking mark faced ugly GBEGIRI and EWEDU speaking non_entity with bleached skin

Wicked soul.. ritualist..


Re: How Can I Break Break Blood CONVENANT If You Know How Please Help by Nobody: 1:47pm On Apr 14, 2022
I remember a lady I was dating back den whom i promised her marriage ( I meant it sha), she ask me to make a blood covenant with her, according to her she is scared of losing me to another lady after all her sacrifices and commitments, she was busy listing all that she have done for me....... grin grin, I jokingly ask her to bring the razor so we could cut our fingers to start the covenant nah, naso this girl immediately grab her pulse take comot brand new razor oh, my heart just skip immediately grin, I started sweating all over, dammm so this girl even prepared for this thing by buying a brand new razor already, as a guy man I just use format take provoke and was telling her how disappointed I was in her for not believing me, I asked her if the blood covenant was more important than the engagement ring that I put in her finger, I told her I wanted my ring back since the blood covenant is more important to her, immediately she heard that part naso she knee down the beg me oh grin grin, that it was her friend Cynthia that gave her the idea, she was crying, begging that she is so sorry I should please forgive her, dammm I come the pity the poor girlgrin grin

Re: How Can I Break Break Blood CONVENANT If You Know How Please Help by Man2utd(m): 1:47pm On Apr 14, 2022
Go and do a blood transfusion, replace your blood with another and gbam it's broken.
Re: How Can I Break Break Blood CONVENANT If You Know How Please Help by Nobody: 1:52pm On Apr 14, 2022
Good day
Ladies and gentlemen
Please I need your help
I don't LOVE her again

BLOOD COVENANT? oh boy! Tf was you thinking? shocked
Re: How Can I Break Break Blood CONVENANT If You Know How Please Help by nnamdiosu(m): 2:11pm On Apr 14, 2022
I just don't get it

So after everything that we've been saying, people still go ahead to do bc? It's well

To break it isn't easy.
Call her and two of you should unsay and cancel the agreement made before.
Then two of you need to go for proper deliverance

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