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Should I Humble Myself Before My Cousin? - Family - Nairaland

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Should I Humble Myself Before My Cousin? by MrOjay1(m): 5:07pm On May 27, 2022
My younger cousin is what you will regard as a typical big boy.He drives a good car and is living large.

We haven't been in contact for a long while so I decided to get his number and call him to catch up on old times. I really wanted him to put me through his line of work so I could solve my personal issues. He invited me over to his place and I stayed there for 3 days.

Omo after the first day there,he gave me his clothes to help him wash and instructed me to clean his flat.Hmmm I did it o

He came back with his woman and didn't even mutter as much as a thank you.

He even told her I was one of those his family members 'wey no get levels'.He said it in a very spiteful and disregarding manner.This na person I senior o and he do visit us then when he was little.

I was a little pissed at that descrption and he noticed it.there are other humiliating stuff that happened that day but I don't really have strength for typing.He was just using me to shine in front of the girl.

Before I left,he told me I will need to humble myself before him unless nothing for me.

I'm thinking of going back there to apologise to him for being pissed at him.

How do you guys see it?

I really need his percuniary support to solve my personal issues.

14 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Should I Humble Myself Before My Cousin? by God1000(m): 5:10pm On May 27, 2022
Lol, money makes people arrogant.

Unless you've impacted him one way or the other before, he won't respect or regard you as anything.

That's wrong though

290 Likes 18 Shares

Re: Should I Humble Myself Before My Cousin? by Haynnie: 5:12pm On May 27, 2022

7 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Should I Humble Myself Before My Cousin? by hopeforcharles(m): 5:13pm On May 27, 2022
My younger cousin is what you will regard as a typical big boy.He drives a good car and is living large.

We haven't been in contact for a long while so I decided to get his number and call him to catch up on old times. I really wanted him to put me through his line of work so I could solve my personal issues. He invited me over to his place and I stayed there for 3 days.

Omo after the first day there,he gave me his clothes to help him wash and instructed me to clean his flat.Hmmm I did it o

He came back with his woman and didn't even mutter as much as a thank you.

He even told her I was one of those his family members 'wey no get levels'.He said it in a very spiteful and disregarding manner.This na person I senior o and he do visit us then when he was little.

I was a little pissed at that descrption and he noticed it.there are other humiliating stuff that happened that day but I don't really have strength for typing.He was just using me to shine in front of the girl.

Before I left,he told me I will need to humble myself before him unless nothing for me.

I'm thinking of going back there to apologise to him for being pissed at him.

How do you guys see it?

I really need his percuniary support to solve my personal issues.
Yes go and humble yourself learn the secrets and move, u should play a fool to get what u want,

216 Likes 13 Shares

Re: Should I Humble Myself Before My Cousin? by jnig: 5:15pm On May 27, 2022
OP, humility alone no go solve this your problem. Just hustle and make money....

255 Likes 11 Shares

Re: Should I Humble Myself Before My Cousin? by baretalk: 5:18pm On May 27, 2022
who you serve?

If you want to roll with the big boys, you must bring something to the table, and your service is the only thing you got now. your cousin even nice to allow you in his house, most wont.

He does not need you, you need him, if you can't cope you know what to do.

73 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Should I Humble Myself Before My Cousin? by Blaxie: 5:19pm On May 27, 2022
Find your way by your sef..cos he will continue to rubbish you and it'll keep affecting your thinking..being humble no means say you go dey entertain BS.

604 Likes 37 Shares

Re: Should I Humble Myself Before My Cousin? by Nonexisting: 5:20pm On May 27, 2022
He is not into legit deals so I suggest you free him. No legit hustler will humiliate you in that manner. He is suffering in the inside and envies you that know nothing about what he passes through. Look for a legit hustle bro and be your own man.

835 Likes 63 Shares

Re: Should I Humble Myself Before My Cousin? by MrOjay1(m): 5:22pm On May 27, 2022

its not funny please.


1 Like

Re: Should I Humble Myself Before My Cousin? by Mattwillz: 5:24pm On May 27, 2022
Mr you fit risk am collect the gain and run after one month..no pain no gain

1 Like

Re: Should I Humble Myself Before My Cousin? by blazepascal(m): 5:24pm On May 27, 2022
Humble your self my friend .. everything na time

5 Likes 1 Share

Re: Should I Humble Myself Before My Cousin? by MrOjay1(m): 5:25pm On May 27, 2022
who you serve?

If you want to roll with the big boys, you must bring something to the table, and your service is the only thing you got now. your cousin even nice to allow you in his house, most wont.

He does not need you, you need him, if you can't cope you know what to do.

I expected him to treat me with some decency bro.I'm his cousin bro and we were kinda close when we were kids.He occasionally visited us with his mom.

21 Likes 1 Share

Re: Should I Humble Myself Before My Cousin? by Loveisnotenough: 5:26pm On May 27, 2022
So Pathetic...Strive to be who you are outside of his world. You are great too. Look within yourself...Some of us don't get it easy but Hard time don't last.

121 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Should I Humble Myself Before My Cousin? by Dtraitor: 5:34pm On May 27, 2022
Even if we tell you what to do, na wetin dey your mind you go still do, so just go ahead and do what you feel like doing.


Re: Should I Humble Myself Before My Cousin? by Blupen(m): 5:40pm On May 27, 2022
He is not into legit deals so I suggest you free him. No legit hustler will humiliate you in that manner. He is suffering in the inside and envies you that knows nothing about what he passes through. *Look for a legit hustle bro and be your own man.*
thank you bro
It just felt as if you were talking to me.....

56 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Should I Humble Myself Before My Cousin? by Shalommy(f): 5:46pm On May 27, 2022
Op, Don't let what happened between Esau and Jacob happen to you. Chaii


Re: Should I Humble Myself Before My Cousin? by Blupen(m): 5:48pm On May 27, 2022
My younger cousin is what you will regard as a typical big boy.He drives a good car and is living large.

We haven't been in contact for a long while so I decided to get his number and call him to catch up on old times. I really wanted him to put me through his line of work so I could solve my personal issues. He invited me over to his place and I stayed there for 3 days.

Omo after the first day there,he gave me his clothes to help him wash and instructed me to clean his flat.Hmmm I did it o

He came back with his woman and didn't even mutter as much as a thank you.

He even told her I was one of those his family members 'wey no get levels'.He said it in a very spiteful and disregarding manner.This na person I senior o and he do visit us then when he was little.

I was a little pissed at that descrption and he noticed it.there are other humiliating stuff that happened that day but I don't really have strength for typing.He was just using me to shine in front of the girl.

Before I left,he told me I will need to humble myself before him unless nothing for me.

I'm thinking of going back there to apologise to him for being pissed at him.

How do you guys see it?

I really need his percuniary support to solve my personal issues.
hmmmmmm I have a lot to tell you but I don't know if you will believe me....

1 Like

Re: Should I Humble Myself Before My Cousin? by baretalk: 5:50pm On May 27, 2022

I expected him to treat me with some decency bro.I'm his cousin bro and we were kinda close when we were kids.He occasionally visited us with his mom.
Times have changed. Most cousins were close when kids, but once grown so many waters have passed under the bridge. Your situation is not peculiar.


Re: Should I Humble Myself Before My Cousin? by Edyice: 5:51pm On May 27, 2022
Although 3 days won't be enough to know some people's businesses but correct cousin will not stress you . The dude is not legit ...

157 Likes 9 Shares

Re: Should I Humble Myself Before My Cousin? by alexxlexis: 6:02pm On May 27, 2022
Humble yourself and get what you want. Everything’s a matter of time, remember before u go be boss you gat serve. There’s no seniority in making money. Just calm down and learn what you gotta learn, nothing humbles a man than SAPA omo that shit sucks..


Re: Should I Humble Myself Before My Cousin? by Sweetvie: 6:10pm On May 27, 2022
That's life bruh
Don't look at his attitude
Focus on the bigger picture... Don't be distracted even be Keen to work more harder
When you achieve wat u want den you can also show him not only him got attitude


Re: Should I Humble Myself Before My Cousin? by wallarwallar(m): 6:13pm On May 27, 2022
U must hv hurt dis guy in the past 2 warrant dis kind of treatment but if dat is not d case oga u better go hustle and 4get abt d guy. I swear person wey go help u no go treat u dis way..

89 Likes 6 Shares

Re: Should I Humble Myself Before My Cousin? by cavreek: 6:27pm On May 27, 2022
If this is the note u guys started off, pls think well ooo because some tins are really not worth it even though they maybe of benefit to u but take ur integrity serious
Life no be competition. U bcom millionaire at 19, I bcom millionaire at 39 still on still we two na millionaire
Do ur best leave the rest for baba God, everywhere go soft

125 Likes 7 Shares

Re: Should I Humble Myself Before My Cousin? by vision2050: 7:16pm On May 27, 2022
Your destiny is not attached to him.
If only God send him to you he will help if not forget.

31 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Should I Humble Myself Before My Cousin? by Alapojames: 7:27pm On May 27, 2022
Poverty has caused more damage than respect..
Bro, na you know wetin you want..
Humility now get prices..


Re: Should I Humble Myself Before My Cousin? by iCauseTrouble: 7:35pm On May 27, 2022
Re: Should I Humble Myself Before My Cousin? by id4sho(m): 7:35pm On May 27, 2022
Re: Should I Humble Myself Before My Cousin? by Image123(m): 7:35pm On May 27, 2022
No, you are a senior man. Money will come to you as a senior man. undecided
Re: Should I Humble Myself Before My Cousin? by Pussyassasin(m): 7:36pm On May 27, 2022
Money makes some people feel like mini gods.
Just keep your distance for your own sanity please, besides who knows he might be into something illegal.


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