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Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? - Romance (3) - Nairaland

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Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by ceejay80s(m): 9:29pm On Jun 07, 2022
I think ur question is why a man can marry 2-30 wives in one house....
but a woman can't marry 2 husbands in one house


Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by Akanoaaa(m): 9:29pm On Jun 07, 2022
A man can leave Lagos to Abuja because of sex and he might not have a single feeling for the lady. But Lady can't have sex without feeling especially if it's not involved money. Man can cheat without any reasonable feeling, he can only be honey nothing more but Ladies can't cheat without feeling or money involved.

Secondly, it's easy for a guy to take responsibilities of another man if his girl or wife cheat, and while it's almost impossible for a wife to take responsibilities of the girl her man cheat with unknowingly.

Cheating is bad but Ladies own worst.

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Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by Truthfulguy10: 9:30pm On Jun 07, 2022
You cheat on me once and I will have nothing to do with you again.

As for the Asswipe above me who beat me to FTC, May You be born A Nigerian again in your next life with PMB your president.

My peace I leave you

You owe that dude an apology bro

That’s a curse grin
Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by vickydevoka(m): 9:30pm On Jun 07, 2022
So today, I was catching up with my buddies when this topic came up. We analyzed it critically with everybody giving his/her own opinions.

I found out that, man! A woman can easily and quickly forgive a man who cheated on her than a man to do so.

Some of my buddies opined that men are polygamous in nature hence, the natural exception. I find their assertions quite disturbing. Because if a woman can forgive and accept back a man who cheated on her, so should a man.

A lady who was with us also said that even though men are the ones who cheat the most, when a woman cheats; all hell let loose. But if it's a man, no noise is heard. Why so??

The other dude was like, if his woman cheats, he'd forgive and accept her. But it's just for the fun of it. That he won't take her serious again.

So in the end, men cheating is somehow normal and acceptable. But a woman's own is a sacrilege and abomination.

It's the double standard for me.

Mods, help propel to FP abeg. Make person get wider opinions.
Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by Passionate888: 9:30pm On Jun 07, 2022
When she use her own money to marry the man, pay his groom price and buy the things on the list

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Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by debbydams(f): 9:31pm On Jun 07, 2022
A man can cheat and don’t love back

A woman can cheat an fall in love instantly

smiles..Not all tho

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Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by Kdon2: 9:31pm On Jun 07, 2022
So today, I was catching up with my buddies when this topic came up. We analyzed it critically with everybody giving his/her own opinions.

I found out that, man! A woman can easily and quickly forgive a man who cheated on her than a man to do so.

Some of my buddies opined that men are polygamous in nature hence, the natural exception. I find their assertions quite disturbing. Because if a woman can forgive and accept back a man who cheated on her, so should a man.

A lady who was with us also said that even though men are the ones who cheat the most, when a woman cheats; all hell let loose. But if it's a man, no noise is heard. Why so??

The other dude was like, if his woman cheats, he'd forgive and accept her. But it's just for the fun of it. That he won't take her serious again.

So in the end, men cheating is somehow normal and acceptable. But a woman's own is a sacrilege and abomination.

It's the double standard for me.

Mods, help propel to FP abeg. Make person get wider opinions.

Because when a woman cheats, she cheat with her soul and it will get to a point when she won't mind eliminating her husband to enjoy her cheating. That has been proven several times over.

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Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by 15ssDRIVE(m): 9:32pm On Jun 07, 2022
So today, I was catching up with my buddies when this topic came up. We analyzed it critically with everybody giving his/her own opinions.

I found out that, man! A woman can easily and quickly forgive a man who cheated on her than a man to do so.

Some of my buddies opined that men are polygamous in nature hence, the natural exception. I find their assertions quite disturbing. Because if a woman can forgive and accept back a man who cheated on her, so should a man.

A lady who was with us also said that even though men are the ones who cheat the most, when a woman cheats; all hell let loose. But if it's a man, no noise is heard. Why so??

The other dude was like, if his woman cheats, he'd forgive and accept her. But it's just for the fun of it. That he won't take her serious again.

So in the end, men cheating is somehow normal and acceptable. But a woman's own is a sacrilege and abomination.

It's the double standard for me.

Mods, help propel to FP abeg. Make person get wider opinions.

We can cheat,without emotion. Woman na full emotional attachment….hahahhaa

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Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by franchasofficia: 9:32pm On Jun 07, 2022
A man can love his wife and still cheat on her but before a married woman summons the courage to cheat on her husband with another man, take it from me, she no longer have any love for the husband, and maybe she is just in the marriage for the material gains and financial security she gets. This is why people say that women (married women) attach emotion to sex more than men. So this argument does not include single unmarried women.

A girl will struggle all her life to keep her virginity, deprive herself of sex for decades just to please a man, her future husband. Tell me how many men that struggle to keep their virginity to please his future wife? Men and women are created differently even anatomically but western civilization just want everything to be equal which is where humans of our time are having conflicts.

A woman in love with a man doesn't cheat.

A man in love with a woman can cheat.


Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by MansoryMX(m): 9:32pm On Jun 07, 2022
So today, I was catching up with my buddies when this topic came up. We analyzed it critically with everybody giving his/her own opinions.

I found out that, man! A woman can easily and quickly forgive a man who cheated on her than a man to do so.

Some of my buddies opined that men are polygamous in nature hence, the natural exception. I find their assertions quite disturbing. Because if a woman can forgive and accept back a man who cheated on her, so should a man.

A lady who was with us also said that even though men are the ones who cheat the most, when a woman cheats; all hell let loose. But if it's a man, no noise is heard. Why so??

The other dude was like, if his woman cheats, he'd forgive and accept her. But it's just for the fun of it. That he won't take her serious again.

So in the end, men cheating is somehow normal and acceptable. But a woman's own is a sacrilege and abomination.

It's the double standard for me.

Mods, help propel to FP abeg. Make person get wider opinions.

Experience they say is the best teacher. Make your woman cheat on you first bro. Only you will come here and tell you the experience and if you will want her back.


Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by nwosu1982: 9:32pm On Jun 07, 2022
Once a woman cheat the man's life is at risk. Either she planned with d dude to kill the man or she will transfer everything to the dude. Infact once a woman cheat , her husband is dead . Fear women


Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by pocohantas(f): 9:32pm On Jun 07, 2022
Men have abandoned their kids and sold their inheritance because of women

Just last week one wrote a full epistle of not less than 10,000 words because his side-chick now has a boyfriend. grin


Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by Ebubu: 9:32pm On Jun 07, 2022
even jovialjune husband go send am comot em house if em cheat
Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by harmony75: 9:32pm On Jun 07, 2022

Lol, OP needs to go watch the American movie 'The Unfaithful'.

One bad guy so fvckked Richard Gere's wife, dat when the dude died, she cried her eyes out!

Good dick can make a woman sell her husband's properties while he is alive!
Why you all making fools of yourself?! You know nothing about a woman with your senseless analysis! You cheat on your wife but the moment the woman does the same thing the whole world will hear it, this is more reason irresponsible men die before their women because of their evil over the years!


Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by Latakia(f): 9:33pm On Jun 07, 2022
Na only Osibanjo fit answer this question.
Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by Gamesmart: 9:33pm On Jun 07, 2022
So today, I was catching up with my buddies when this topic came up. We analyzed it critically with everybody giving his/her own opinions.

I found out that, man! A woman can easily and quickly forgive a man who cheated on her than a man to do so.

Some of my buddies opined that men are polygamous in nature hence, the natural exception. I find their assertions quite disturbing. Because if a woman can forgive and accept back a man who cheated on her, so should a man.

A lady who was with us also said that even though men are the ones who cheat the most, when a woman cheats; all hell let loose. But if it's a man, no noise is heard. Why so??

The other dude was like, if his woman cheats, he'd forgive and accept her. But it's just for the fun of it. That he won't take her serious again.

So in the end, men cheating is somehow normal and acceptable. But a woman's own is a sacrilege and abomination.

It's the double standard for me.

Mods, help propel to FP abeg. Make person get wider opinions.

So what if it is double standard?

Do men and women face the same challenges and requirements in dating?

This is as silly as saying giving a higher tax rate to rich people and lower tax rate to poor people is wrong because it is double standard.
Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by BabaIbo: 9:34pm On Jun 07, 2022
"I don't take a woman back after cheating"

I don't have any explanation for the statement above, it is just the way it is.

Note: I try my best not to cheat also to avoid double standard.


Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by abbey621(m): 9:34pm On Jun 07, 2022
To understand the root of the issue, one must understand the role of a man in a relationship. What is expected of him? Provider, security, innovator, an epitome of consistency. What is the woman's role? Divine, supporter, helper, queen, morally superior, the glue that holds everything together, the home maker.

Simply put it this way, men have long held women on this imaginary ladder, we are so consumed by our mothers and grandmothers way of life back then that we believe women of nowadays still aspire for such faithfulness or greatness. When the woman eventually cheats, this perception that we built is shattered and we finally see the woman for what she represents. We finally see her as morally weak aka the same as most men. Unfortunately this is not what most men want, we don't shower you with gifts, let you press our mumu button just so that you can disappoint us .

In conclusion, even if a man can forgive such attrocity, he would not hold such a woman dearly again and by the way, even tho women forgive they never ever forget! They stay because they still see the upside in the relationship, trust me if you give most women financial freedom, they would never ever forgive a cheat. Women are more vindictive than most people know, na something make crayfish bend!


Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by yinkeys(m): 9:35pm On Jun 07, 2022
Go put your life on the line & serve as protection for a woman that sleeps around
Also how do you ensure the child from a promiscuous woman is yours
These are some of the reasons why men are repulsed by promiscuous women
She’s not a good bet for long term commitment
Men & women play by different set of rules

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Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by koyyess: 9:36pm On Jun 07, 2022
the problem here is NOT men who have hard time to forget, but women who so easily forgive a bastard cheating partner.

here is a clue: a cheating partner is a DECEITFUL/DISHONEST/UNTRUSTWORTHY/DISRESPECTFUL being, and nobody on this earth should forgive such person. sadly, too many women out there are desperate to be in a r/ship or married, and will rather accept such liability of a partner at any cost.
***spit on floor***

So you can talk like this? I'm surprised though.

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Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by jadyclem(m): 9:36pm On Jun 07, 2022
So today, I was catching up with my buddies when this topic came up. We analyzed it critically with everybody giving his/her own opinions.

I found out that, man! A woman can easily and quickly forgive a man who cheated on her than a man to do so.

Some of my buddies opined that men are polygamous in nature hence, the natural exception. I find their assertions quite disturbing. Because if a woman can forgive and accept back a man who cheated on her, so should a man.

A lady who was with us also said that even though men are the ones who cheat the most, when a woman cheats; all hell let loose. But if it's a man, no noise is heard. Why so??

The other dude was like, if his woman cheats, he'd forgive and accept her. But it's just for the fun of it. That he won't take her serious again.

So in the end, men cheating is somehow normal and acceptable. But a woman's own is a sacrilege and abomination.

It's the double standard for me.

Mods, help propel to FP abeg. Make person get wider opinions.
I'm not in any way justifying cheating by any gender because it's one of the highest form of disrespect for one's partner. But when we talk about cheating in relationship, a man may cheat and still perform his responsibilities and duties at home without any hindrance and most of them still treat their partner with love and respect. But the moment a woman starts cheating that's the moment she would start despising her partner and detaching herself from him emotionally. So cheating on the side of women is more deadly than that of men. A woman that cheats is no longer connected to you in any way and can easily harm you or plot your down fall. A cheating woman is a time bomb and d earlier you discover her cheating and distance yourself from her the better for you. Just saying!


Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by Offpoint1: 9:37pm On Jun 07, 2022
You'll psychologically never ever going to get the thoughts of your mind...


Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by ALABACONNECT(m): 9:37pm On Jun 07, 2022
I have said it before. I might be wrong but Most men cheating is majorly for pleasure. A woman cheating has a little passion to it. It always has a drop of emotion to it

That's my theory. I might be wrong but I have proofs grin. Don't quote me o abeg

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Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by Caseless: 9:37pm On Jun 07, 2022
How would you feel if your meal has been tampered with, worst of all it gets ditched at the side of the road? It'll be unwise to carry the same food and start boasting about it to everyone, you'll end up becoming a clown and you'll really be fun to watch.

Imagine going with your babe to your friends gatherings and she has a past with em all, it ain't proper at all, moreover it is biological proven that women releases oxytocin which makes them attached with their past sexual partners.
To me it's unwise to take back a cheating wife cos she's liable to do that again.
I feel terrible that a lady I thought was a virgin isn't one - I overrated her because I thought she's still intact. The moment I found out she's not, my ego got bruised and the feeling I had for her dropped. In fact, I'm still mad at the guy that got there first. That discovery really threw a lot up men.

Let a lone cheating...


Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by Enny2013(f): 9:37pm On Jun 07, 2022
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Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by Nobody: 9:37pm On Jun 07, 2022
OP, It is simply because women automically falls in a love with a Guy dat fvcks dem well!

I remember when i fvcked one Babe some years back, next morning, she said 'I love you more dan my boyfriend'.

So if ur wife/GF cheats on you, let it be with a small dick or 2mins dude.
If it's with a big-dick nigga, it's Game over for ur marriage/relationship!

Any love she has for u will be replaced by the love for dat Nigga's rugged gbola!
So you think a woman who wants to cheat will ever cheat with a small dick or 2mins dude
Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by juman(m): 9:39pm On Jun 07, 2022
If a woman cheats the life of the husband is in danger.
The wife may kill him to go with the manfriend or the manfriend may kill the husband to take the wife away.

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Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by toujurs: 9:39pm On Jun 07, 2022
Find out why women are called bitches, your answer lies there. It's unfortunate the genuine hardworking ladies have been reduced to nothing at first sight, because most of these hungry leeches are everywhere, they will claim to be independent and hardworking, but would begin to beg you for money occasionally or rather begin to see you as her meal ticket, since you said you like her. undecided
Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by MrBrownJay1(m): 9:39pm On Jun 07, 2022
So you can talk like this? I'm surprised though.

the above is the foundation of any r/ship (trust/honesty/faithfulness)... if a man/woman breaks that bond, they should be dropped like a bad rash... no questions asked, no explanation needed!

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Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by Exodora: 9:40pm On Jun 07, 2022
When love is not madness, it is not love.
Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by Nghada(m): 9:40pm On Jun 07, 2022
Kpekus is not worth sharing with fellow man.

I thank say na me deflower my wife
Re: Why Is It Hard For A Man To Forgive A Woman Who Cheated? by omorttee4u(m): 9:40pm On Jun 07, 2022
Toor so you guys want to tell me that oloshos attach emotions to all their customers abi grin cheesy cheesy

Let men continue to deceive themselves.
Anybody can catch feelings when cheating, be it man or women cheesy cheesy cheesy

Studies have shown that only 28 percent of women get caught cheating.

So your wife or girlfriend might have cheated on you once or twice without you even knowing cheesy grin grin

And she just sees it as sex cheesy cheesy cheesy

You are right with your comment. Those making it one sided are wrong. We all Stick to a relationship base on reasons. It's just differ from one and another.

In any part of the world most ladies dive for relationship base on their lack. That's on higher % against men. It's men that lurk on women for love .on a % too.


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