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Nigeria Presidents GDP Performance Since 1999 (SEE PHOTO) - Politics (6) - Nairaland

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Re: Nigeria Presidents GDP Performance Since 1999 (SEE PHOTO) by greatman247(m): 9:25pm On Jun 09, 2022
Not peculiar to Nigeria alone.

The decline is due to the global economic recession ocassioned by the pandemic.


Na lie, don't say that again. Even unborn babies know Buhari is a failure!
Re: Nigeria Presidents GDP Performance Since 1999 (SEE PHOTO) by oz4real83(m): 9:25pm On Jun 09, 2022
Idiot. And you are brilliant.

Re: Nigeria Presidents GDP Performance Since 1999 (SEE PHOTO) by Kenny9857(m): 9:27pm On Jun 09, 2022
See the performance of afonjas hero
Who is Afonja hero ??
Re: Nigeria Presidents GDP Performance Since 1999 (SEE PHOTO) by perezeghi: 9:27pm On Jun 09, 2022
Why will you borrow to pay salaries if your economy was really "growing" as they claimed under GEJ embarassed

An interesting question even the then finance minister won't be able to respond to.........

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Re: Nigeria Presidents GDP Performance Since 1999 (SEE PHOTO) by Pinkybush: 9:29pm On Jun 09, 2022
Not peculiar to Nigeria alone.

The decline is due to the global economic recession ocassioned by the pandemic.

Just like 1983 when the same person that is sitting now was the head of state. The same recession happened globally then abi? Clown!
Re: Nigeria Presidents GDP Performance Since 1999 (SEE PHOTO) by Gamesmart: 9:30pm On Jun 09, 2022

So how come Nigeria's economy was immuned from the 2008 global economic recession? Mr High IQ?

You no go school?

Or you went through school looking for and using expo all the time? Or your school was Agbero school?

Are you asking me to teach you what you did not learn in school?

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Re: Nigeria Presidents GDP Performance Since 1999 (SEE PHOTO) by CheapHomes1: 9:32pm On Jun 09, 2022

Sorry, no disrespect but I frankly don't follow your line of thought here. I have no answer to your question and I don't get the relevance to what I've stated. I have not directly or indirectly referred to level of corruption within the scope of my opinion here. I wouldn't have, as I don't have any data or sources to sustain a debate on that.

I didn't say you said anything about corruption. I am only asking you about corruption based on your affirmation that the reason the nigerian economy isn't doing well is because of the pandemic and the global oil price crash. Did the pandemic and global oil price crash affect the level of corruption in high places?
Re: Nigeria Presidents GDP Performance Since 1999 (SEE PHOTO) by oz4real83(m): 9:32pm On Jun 09, 2022

An interesting question even the then finance minister won't be able to respond to.........
the excuse she gave that time was that "even though there was no money, Nigeria was still in financially good position because we had assets or other financial instruments we could sell to maintain liquidity"!!!. They thought we were all also clueless. When a man starts selling his assets to raise money, know that that man is in a bad financial situation

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Re: Nigeria Presidents GDP Performance Since 1999 (SEE PHOTO) by LivingTribunal: 9:34pm On Jun 09, 2022
Re: Nigeria Presidents GDP Performance Since 1999 (SEE PHOTO) by CallmeCHIKE: 9:34pm On Jun 09, 2022
Not peculiar to Nigeria alone.

The decline is due to the global economic recession ocassioned by the pandemic.


Please shut the hell up.
Re: Nigeria Presidents GDP Performance Since 1999 (SEE PHOTO) by DOM7: 9:35pm On Jun 09, 2022
Not peculiar to Nigeria alone.

The decline is due to the global economic recession ocassioned by the pandemic.

Don't blame pandemic must rating before the pandemic shows that there's a gross decline, so pandemic is only an excuse for failure and sympathy.
Re: Nigeria Presidents GDP Performance Since 1999 (SEE PHOTO) by preshyusufu: 9:36pm On Jun 09, 2022
Not peculiar to Nigeria alone.

The decline is due to the global economic recession ocassioned by the pandemic.


Una no go deceive us again.
Re: Nigeria Presidents GDP Performance Since 1999 (SEE PHOTO) by Amalekki: 9:37pm On Jun 09, 2022

I didn't say you said anything about corruption. I am only asking you about corruption based on your affirmation that the reason the nigerian economy isn't doing well is because of the pandemic and the global oil price crash. Did the pandemic and global oil price crash affect the level of corruption in high places?
Ok, I don't know the answer to that and will like to know if you do?
Re: Nigeria Presidents GDP Performance Since 1999 (SEE PHOTO) by Gamesmart: 9:38pm On Jun 09, 2022

Could it have been better? Yes or No

If your answer is No, your IQ may be in the deficit without you having a clue

You are a cretin and you actually think you are making sense!

How does "Could it have been better? Yes or No" got to do with "using Nigeria's GDP is not a good tool for assessing a President's performance"?

How stuuupid can you people really get?

This is like someone using the level and smell of the neighbourhoods open gutters to measure rate of Nigerians having Cancer.

And I now say that is not a good metric for how people get cancer.

Then some cretin jumps up and says "Could the gutters have been better? Yes or No" and then think he is making an intelligent point.

Can you see how low your IQ and quality of education is?

AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! Your brain is dead!
Re: Nigeria Presidents GDP Performance Since 1999 (SEE PHOTO) by Gamesmart: 9:41pm On Jun 09, 2022

Lol. Na fake economists like una go dey deceive PMB.

Agric which is the biggest contributor to our GDP is also affected by "international/external" factors?


Foool, please tell us what Agric contributes to our GDP.

Then tell us what is contributed to the GDP's shown in the OP.

And then follow with how the past respective President's policies on Agriculture caused the GDP to be high or low.

Exam wey una take expo dey pass for school and not be ready for life, I go make una do am now in real.

Oya. Start, unemployable "yoot".
Re: Nigeria Presidents GDP Performance Since 1999 (SEE PHOTO) by nedekid: 9:43pm On Jun 09, 2022
TheStakeHolder epost=113631162:
Not peculiar to Nigeria alone.

The decline is due to the global economic recession ocassioned by the pandemic.

Yeah, we must always find excuses for failure. undecided
Re: Nigeria Presidents GDP Performance Since 1999 (SEE PHOTO) by hope4nigeria(m): 9:45pm On Jun 09, 2022
Not peculiar to Nigeria alone.

The decline is due to the global economic recession ocassioned by the pandemic.

defending buhari will always make you look very very stupid
Re: Nigeria Presidents GDP Performance Since 1999 (SEE PHOTO) by Chuknovski(m): 9:47pm On Jun 09, 2022
Prosterity will never forgive BUHÀRl.

A colossal failure.

A total mistake

This man took us back to like 20 years.

I can't wait for this cow to go back to Daura.

You deserve a cup of coffee, you are quintessentially correct
Re: Nigeria Presidents GDP Performance Since 1999 (SEE PHOTO) by Obyino: 9:51pm On Jun 09, 2022
Peter Obi is our last hope
Re: Nigeria Presidents GDP Performance Since 1999 (SEE PHOTO) by somehow: 10:01pm On Jun 09, 2022
Unfair comparison.

Seems some of you are actually underestimating the impact of that lab-made covid-19 on the economy + the nosediving of oil price for some years.

If the other 3 presidents faced the same issues, you won't be here praising them.
Re: Nigeria Presidents GDP Performance Since 1999 (SEE PHOTO) by 9icetoo(m): 10:02pm On Jun 09, 2022
Not peculiar to Nigeria alone.

The decline is due to the global economic recession ocassioned by the pandemic.

E be like ment dey worry you abi?
Lockdown start for 2015 abi?
Re: Nigeria Presidents GDP Performance Since 1999 (SEE PHOTO) by CORRECTMAN78(m): 10:03pm On Jun 09, 2022
Sauwt waste and wrong choice na 5&6. Whatever they give you never work well.
Re: Nigeria Presidents GDP Performance Since 1999 (SEE PHOTO) by CheapHomes1: 10:06pm On Jun 09, 2022

Ok, I don't know the answer to that and will like to know if you do?

i dont know thats why i am asking you. tell us, how did the pandemic and the global oil price crash cause nigeria's present economic predicament?
Re: Nigeria Presidents GDP Performance Since 1999 (SEE PHOTO) by Sltp: 10:09pm On Jun 09, 2022
GDP grew under OBJ, grew more under Yar'dua, then Nose-dived under GEJ before being murdered under PMB embarassed. Some people keep saying GEJ is better than PMB, but I have always maintained that both of them are the same. While one is clueless, the other is a dullard and both qualities lead to the same results undecided. Why will you borrow to pay salaries if your economy was really "growing" as they claimed under GEJ embarassed
Only an idiot will compare Buhari with GEJ
Re: Nigeria Presidents GDP Performance Since 1999 (SEE PHOTO) by Gamesmart: 10:10pm On Jun 09, 2022

How will tinubu fix it? Isn't it the same Tinubu that brought buhari?

Because Tinubu supported Buhari means Tinubu will have the same policy and economic management as Buhari?

Why are you people this sttuuupid?

Re: Nigeria Presidents GDP Performance Since 1999 (SEE PHOTO) by CheapHomes1: 10:15pm On Jun 09, 2022

Because Tinubu supported Buhari means Tinubu will have the same policy and economic management as Buhari?

Why are you people this sttuuupid?


ok smart guy. pls tell us how tinubu will fix the economy.

how did tinubu support buhari?

did tinubu not say that he will continue where buhari stopped?
Re: Nigeria Presidents GDP Performance Since 1999 (SEE PHOTO) by Craig24: 10:20pm On Jun 09, 2022
Not peculiar to Nigeria alone.
The decline is due to the global economic recession ocassioned by the pandemic.
clean your mouth cool
Re: Nigeria Presidents GDP Performance Since 1999 (SEE PHOTO) by optimusprime2(m): 10:20pm On Jun 09, 2022
Not peculiar to Nigeria alone.

The decline is due to the global economic recession ocassioned by the pandemic.


You are joking right... 0.8 for 8years basically 0.1 for each year??
Like, please say you are joking... just tell me you are joking
Re: Nigeria Presidents GDP Performance Since 1999 (SEE PHOTO) by MrSly(m): 10:22pm On Jun 09, 2022
GDP grew under OBJ, grew more under Yar'dua, then Nose-dived under GEJ before being murdered under PMB embarassed. Some people keep saying GEJ is better than PMB, but I have always maintained that both of them are the same. While one is clueless, the other is a dullard and both qualities lead to the same results undecided. Why will you borrow to pay salaries if your economy was really "growing" as they claimed under GEJ embarassed

So to you 4. ....and 0. .... are the same. Hypocrisy.
Re: Nigeria Presidents GDP Performance Since 1999 (SEE PHOTO) by Carlyscales: 10:22pm On Jun 09, 2022
Not peculiar to Nigeria alone.

The decline is due to the global economic recession ocassioned by the pandemic.

I feel so sorry for you!

Stop excusing failure and incompetence!

Since 2017 till date Nigeria is among the worst performing gdp growth rate compared to other African countries ( 46 out of 54), African countries ooo.


That's how one man said providing electricity is not rocket science and that power can be fixed in 6mnths. He was made minister of power ( for 4yrs) when we generated 4.5kMW. Today after 7yrs we are generating 3.5kMW.


If you don't know.The reason nijja is the poverty capital of the world right now, is because of Buhari's gdp score card that you are seeing up there. It's simply put, the population is growing far more than the gdp per capita. I.e Govt policies are not creating enough wealth for the growing population, hence multiplying poverty.

A govt that's playing wt 100m for forms, while univ students are stuck at home.

Explain to me how borrowing 4T to pay for subsidy and build railway to niger is more important that investing in health/education and building lagos-calabar-onitsha-maiduguri rail track??

How is renewing the tenure of Accountant Gen ( when ASUU,legislators and others were screaming he was corrupt) to steal 180b, better than investing 100b in tertiary education??

A Govt that held presidential dinner a day or two after owo massacre and didn't even bother mentioning it or holding a min silence for the dead at thier convention

I feel so ashamed and embarrassed for this Govt and all the people excusing their incompetence without conscience.

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Re: Nigeria Presidents GDP Performance Since 1999 (SEE PHOTO) by Gamesmart: 10:23pm On Jun 09, 2022

ok smart guy. pls tell us how tinubu will fix the economy.

how did tinubu support buhari?

did tinubu not say that he will continue where buhari stopped?

I don't need to tell you anything. Just stop making dumb statements like "Tinubu will have the same policy and economic management as Buhari because he supported Buhari". That's all.

Or all those that supported Trump will run the country like Trump if they are President?

Stop fooooolish statements!

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