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WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 12:06pm On Aug 05, 2022 |
BY PST.SUNDAY & PST.CHAKOR OGIDIGBO OF HOLY HILL CHURCH ABUJA. *WISDOM SEED* Friday August 5, 2022 *The Light of the Body* *Matthew 6:22 (GNT)* _“The eyes are like a lamp for the body. If your eyes are sound, your whole body will be full of light;_ *Ephesians 1:18 (GNT)* _I ask that your minds may be opened to see his light, so that you will know what is the hope to which he has called you, how rich are the wonderful blessings he promises his people,_ The bible refers to the eye as the light of the body. In other words, if the eye is blinded or plucked out, the whole body will be in darkness. The eye is such a powerful tool given to us by God, and how effectively we put it to use will determine to a large extent the direction in which our lives will be headed. There is the natural eyes with which we see in the natural; however God has given to every believer the inner eyes or the spiritual eyes. It was this Apostle Paul was praying about when he was praying for the saints in Ephesians 1:18 for their eyes to be enlightened. When our spiritual eyes or they eyes of our understanding are enlightened, it brings us to the place of knowledge of the things that are ours in Christ, and also shows us how we can maximize them to the fullest. The dividends of our redemption can only become a tangible reality in our lives when our inner eyes are open to see and to know the things that belong to us in Christ. Psalm 82:5 shows us the flipside of what happens when we lack this knowledge. In other words, when the eyes of our spiritual understanding are blinded. It says “They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness…” This tells us that spiritual illumination and insight is crucial to walking in the light, living victoriously and not stumbling in darkness. One of the best prayers you can pray for yourself on a daily basis is that God will enlighten the eyes of your understanding like Apostle Paul prayed in Ephesians 1:18. When this becomes a reality, you will begin to see like God, faith becomes automatic, boldness becomes natural and a victorious living is guaranteed for you because you will only see possibilities in God and in whatever life throws at you. Pray for your eyes today! *Prayer* Father, enlighten the eyes of my understanding. *Declarations* In the name of Jesus, I declare that I see well. I see far, I see like God, I see no obstacles, only possibilities. The eyes of my understanding are enlightened to know the things that are mine in Christ and I maximize them to the fullest. 1 Like |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 7:35am On Aug 06, 2022 |
BY PST. SUNDAY & PST. CHAKOR OGIDIGBO. HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA. *WISDOM SEED* Saturday August 6, 2022 *The Channels of the Sea* *Job 32:8* _But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding._ In Job 32, Elihu who was Job’s friend and the youngest person present, dares to speak. It is interesting to note that right after Elihu’s speech, God responds to Job and then gives instructions which leads to Job’s restoration (this is after 31 chapters of Job and his friends talking back and forth). Why? Elihu makes a statement that is perhaps the most enlightening. He says ‘there is a Spirit in man: and the inspiration of the almighty brings understanding’. We often quote this verse but neglect to see that this understanding is deposited in the spirit of man, not his soul. Therefore, our understanding is not a function of our physical age. You can be the youngest but the wisest, as we have seen happen time and time again. In 2 Samuel, the same word used for Inspiration (which also means breath) is used, here we are told in verse 16 that the channels of the sea and the foundation of the world were uncovered at the breath (inspiration) of the Lord. How does one see the foundation of the world? How? But that’s the kind of understanding that the inspiration brings, a revelation that reaches to the roots, the deep hidden things and one and that cannot be shaken. We all have this inspiration. But it is deposited in the Spirit. We need to allow the Spirit to have control over us then our soul can access all these and more. This will influence our intellect, our emotions our will and other components of our soul. It will elevate us to another level. We can get this in the word of God. Psalm 119:130 says that the entrance of God’s word gives understanding to the simple. That means that this breath, this inspiration is the word of God. We need to daily spend time in the word, studying, meditating and listening to the word, then our Spirit will receive from God and deposit in our soul that understanding we need to create the next product, advance in the workplace and stand out wherever we find ourselves. If you ever feel you don’t understand something, maths, statistic, English, a work assignment, get your spirit in tune with God and watch revelation begin to flow! *Prayer* Father, as I spend time in your word, may my Spirit become more attuned to the revelations hidden in your world, revelations that will change the world and advance the kingdom of God. Amen *Declaration* I decree and I declare, that I am spirit controlled. I receive divine revelation and insight, which increases my intellect and understanding. I access all that has been deposited in my spirit And I walk in this divine revelation. Amen. |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 7:50am On Aug 07, 2022 |
BY PST. SUNDAY & PST. CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Sunday August 7, 2022 *Attention: God at Work* *Genesis 2:3* _Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made._ *Matthew 11:28* _Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest._ Work! Work! Work! Go to school, get a degree and get a good job. Or start a business. All we seem concerned about these days is how to work and earn money so we can survive; but in the beginning it was not so. Genesis 1 – 2:2 tells us that from days 1 to 6 God created, but on the seventh day, he rested from his work. Throughout the bible we see countless places were God urges us to come into his rest. What is so special about rest? Gen 2:3 tells us that ‘God blessed… the seventh day BECAUSE in it he rested…’ There was a reason for the blessing on the sabbath day – that was the day God rested. The blessing was on the period of rest. God created and saw that the creations of all other days were good but the only day he blessed was the day of rest. No matter how good your work is, the blessing or increase doesn’t come until you rest. Take a look at Adam, he had to rest (Gen 2:21) before God could bring Eve forth. It is when we rest that God can work. If I ask for help washing a dish, you cannot wash it as long as I am holding that dish. I have to let go for you to be able to properly wash it. There is a reason why doctors can only perform an operation when a patient is in a state of rest. It is in the place of rest that God begins to work and bring about the increase we seek. That is why he urges us to come into his rest. What is that thing you are striving for? What have you been working towards that seems difficult? God says rest, and allow me to get to work. Remember, except the Lord builds the house, they labour in vain that build it. The seed has to rest in the soil for the reaction that leads to germination and growth to occur. Come, rest and let God get to work for you. *Prayer* Father, I come into my rest. I cease to labour and I hand over my life’s work to you to bless, sanctify and multiply. *Declaration* I decree and I declare, that I enter into my rest. I cease from my own labour, And allow God to work on my behalf. As I rest, I am restored and refreshed, And come into all that is mine in Christ, In Jesus Name, Amen. |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 7:12am On Aug 08, 2022 |
PST SUNDAY & PST. CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Monday August 8, 2022 *Lifted By His Hand* *Psalms 75:6* _Judgment does not come from the east or from the west, from the north or from the south;_ *Matthew 25:19-29* _“After a long time the master of those servants came back and settled accounts with them. The servant who had received five thousand coins came in and handed over the other five thousand. ‘You gave me five thousand coins, sir,’ he said. ‘Look! Here are another five thousand that I have earned.’ ‘Well done, you good and faithful servant!’ said his master. ‘You have been faithful in managing small amounts, so I will put you in charge of large amounts. Come on in and share my happiness!’ Then the servant who had been given two thousand coins came in and said, ‘You gave me two thousand coins, sir. Look! Here are another two thousand that I have earned.’ ‘Well done, you good and faithful servant!’ said his master. ‘You have been faithful in managing small amounts, so I will put you in charge of large amounts. Come on in and share my happiness!’ Then the servant who had received one thousand coins came in and said, ‘Sir, I know you are a hard man; you reap harvests where you did not plant, and you gather crops where you did not scatter seed. I was afraid, so I went off and hid your money in the ground. Look! Here is what belongs to you.’ ‘You bad and lazy servant!’ his master said. ‘You knew, did you, that I reap harvests where I did not plant, and gather crops where I did not scatter seed? Now, take the money away from him and give it to the one who has ten thousand coins. For to every person who has something, even more will be given, and he will have more than enough; but the person who has nothing, even the little that he has will be taken away from him._ It is a natural human desire to make significant progress at whatever we venture into. For example, an employee in an organisation will desire or expect a promotion after certain numbers of years he or she gives service to that organisation. Promotion is however, the gratification we get as humans for doing well based on certain success parameters to move from one lever to another. Formal education also displays this clearly as a pupil or student can only advance to the next class after satisfying laid down criteria for promotion. With God however, the same is the case. Our anchor scripture for today tells us that promotion does not come from any other than the father of light who is the giver of all good gifts. One major criteria for enjoying promotion by the hand of God is diligence. From the parable of talents, we see clearly that the steward that was given five talents diligently traded it and made five more talents. The one that was given two also was diligent in what he did with the two and made two more. The slothful steward who buried the one that he given and did nothing with it was demoted while the other two diligent stewards were promoted. In other words, if we want to experience divine lifting by the hand of God, diligence in our God-given assignment is a must. The scripture tells us that he that has shall have more and he that does not have, even what he has shall be taken from him. God wants to promote us. He wants us to enjoy his blessings in a greater measure than we currently are. No matter how successful you think you are now, there is always room for more. If you want to experience the hand of God in your affairs like never before, just remain diligent, faithful and committed in whatever your hand finds to do. Like He came to examine the stewards to whom he gave talents, he is coming to examine you. Stay diligent! *Prayer * Father, help me to cultivate a habit of diligence that will lead to promotion. *Declaration* In Jesus name I declare that I am committed to my God-given assignment. Whatever my hands find to do, I do with all sense of diligence I am not slothful in business but I tenaciously till my field. Therefore, my barn is filled with bread And I enjoy never-ending progress and promotion By the hand of God. |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 8:19am On Aug 09, 2022 |
PST. SUNDAY & PST. CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Tuesday August 9, 2022 *What happens when we mourn?* *Matthew 5:3 – 4* _3 Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.4 Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted._ *2 Corinthians 7:9 - 10* _9 Now I rejoice, not that ye were made sorry, but that ye sorrowed to repentance: for ye were made sorry after a godly manner, that ye might receive damage by us in nothing. 10 For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death._ I used to think mourning was a term used only for deep sorrow when we lose a loved one, but I have come to realise that we mourn in many other situations; in trials, in tribulations, in sin. Our first anchor scriptures are the first two beatitudes in a list of qualities, states and characters that point to a heart that’s not just pleasing to God, but deeply rewarding in life. I find it deeply satisfying to know that the starting point is poverty in the spirit; good news for people like me who recognize our inability to please God on our own. The kingdom is ours! Paul, in 2 Corinthians, spoke of two different examples of deep sorrow. He spoke of their tribulation, how they were “… troubled on every side; without were fightings, within were fears” (vs 6). However, “…God that comforteth those that are cast down, comforted us…” (vs 7). What qualifies us for comfort from God is being cast down. This is why we can be cast down but not destroyed (2 Corinthians 4:9); God comforts us. The second example he gave was of godly sorrow leading to repentance. This is the kind of sorrow David had when he realised he had wronged God in his dealings with Bathsheba (2 Samuel 11 – 12). Before he sought God for the life of his child, he repented and his sorrow drove him to God. When the child died, he went to the house of God and worshipped (2 Samuel 12:20). When we sorrow for whatever reason, God is the only one who can comfort us. He is the God of all comfort (2 Corinthian 1:3 – 4). He comforts us in sorrow, trials and tribulations, through the loss of a loved one, a marriage or a broken heart. He comforts us when we sorrow because we fell. He ALWAYS comforts us; it’s his promise to all those who mourn. Let your sorrow drive you to God. *Prayer* Lord, comfort me. I come to you, God of all comfort, to be comforted through this. *Declaration* I receive comfort. I am not alone. I’m pressed but not crushed, persecuted not abandoned, cast down but not destroyed. Why art thou cast down, oh my soul? Rejoice, for you shall yet see the salvation of the Lord! Halleluyah!!! |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 8:11am On Aug 10, 2022 |
PST. SUNDAY & PST. CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Wednesday August 10, 2022 *In consistency lies the power* *Proverbs 22:29* _“Do you see a man who excels in his work? He will stand before kings; He will not stand before unknown men"._ *Joshua 1:8* _“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.”_ Success in life is not accidental! You don't just wake up successful. It is the designated end for taking certain deliberate steps & making calculated decisions. And one word that aptly describes the mindset that drives a person in this direction is diligence. If attitude determines your altitude, then the attitude of diligence is a key to plotting the degree of rise an individual will experience in life. Proverbs 21:5 remarks that the things a diligent person imagines or thinks up will surely lead to profit & abundance but not so for everyone that is hasty. It lets us know that speed in doing does not translate to diligence. One of the words translated diligence in the Bible (in fact the one used the most in Proverbs!) is a word that literally means incisive; a threshing sledge having sharp teeth; a pointed instrument. Condensing it all diligence means to be sharp! How does one get sharp? If anyone needed the answer to that question I'm sure Joshua did. He had to fill Moses shoes, the Moses that saw & talked with God face to face! And he had to bring 2 million descendants of Abraham into an already occupied land, militarily take the land for them and divide it to them according to their tribes. He had to be sharp! And God told him how: 1) Decide! A quality decision that a life of success not average is what you will have. This is a decision that NOTHING is able to change. 2) Have no fear! This is going to come from a heart (not head) revelation that GOD IS WITH YOU (Jos. 1:5, 9). 3) Time spent meditating in God's Word. Now it's not that you won't read or study anything else but the time spent in the Word radically changes your mind and the way it functions so that getting into the appropriate materials for your field of endeavour yields to you the maximum results (Jos. 1:8. (4) Be consistent! Steps 1&2 are not for one-off execution. We get up DAILY doing them. It is in the consistent application of these that power to rise to the highest place possible is released. *Prayer* Precious Father, thank You that in You a fully successful life is what I've been given. I receive grace today at Your Throne of mercy to do ALL I need to consistently for that life of success to be manifest for all to see and to bless the world! Amen. *Declaration* The Greater One is strong, alive and well in me, and He is energizing me to rise to the highest place, manifesting His life in me. |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 7:32am On Aug 11, 2022 |
PST. SUNDAY & CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Thursday August 11, 2022 *Free to live* *John 8:32* _And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free_ *Hosea 4:6a* _My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge_ Traditionally the baby elephant used to be trained by tying one of the front legs to a rope. Because the elephant is small, only a thin rope is required. It struggles and pulls at first, but eventually realizes that it can't break the rope and gives up. The thing is that Elephants grow fast, and before long it is huge. But here's the thing: That same thin rope is all that's needed to keep them secured. They think the rope can still hold them, so they never try to break free. This is what is happening to believers today. In Hosea, God laments that his people perish because they lack knowledge. Knowledge of what? Jesus gives us a clue in John 8 when he says that once we come to a knowledge of the truth, we would be set free. Too many believers do not understand who they are and what they carry. Usually when one has a sense of superiority, s/he is said to have ‘airs and graces’. As believers we must know our AIRS and GRACES: We have all AUTHORITY (Luke 10:19) – all, there is no exception to that; We must know our IDENTITY (Rom 8:17) – you are royalty, bought with a price; and we have an incorruptible INHERITANCE & REWARD (Matt 5:12) waiting for us. We also have the GRACE of God which colours our efforts and is sufficient for us (2 Cor 12:9). The same way we need air to survive, we need these 3 components to stand against and vanquish the onslaught of the enemy so that we do not perish. Jesus understood all these that was why he could stand up and wash the disciples feet (the job reserved for the lowest of slaves then). That’s why he could resist the devil’s temptations. That’s why he could live without fear or favour. I encourage you to spend time in the word of God today, understand your AIR and the Grace God has given you, step out into the world free of every limiting mindset and do amazing exploits as Jesus did. The knowledge of him sets us free to live the life he called us to live. He whom the son sets free, is free in DEED (John 8:36). Go! Live out your freedom! *Prayer* Father, reveal to me the truth in your word that I may begin to operate in the fullness of all that Jesus Christ purchased for me. *Declaration* I declare that I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. I have authority over ALL the power of the enemy. I am who God says I am. I have a great reward laid up for me. The Grace of God is sufficient for me. In Jesus name, Amen. |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 8:43am On Aug 12, 2022 |
PST. SUNDAY & PST. CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Friday August 12, 2022 *To knowledge add…* *2 Peter 1:5-7* _5 But also for this very reason, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, 6 to knowledge self-control, to self-control perseverance, to perseverance godliness, 7 to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness love._ How do you respond in the face of blatant and unrepentant foolishness? How do you respond in the face of persecution (at work, home, among friends etc.)? How do you know, you are being led to your death, yet utter not a word and struggle not? Jesus knew something we need to know. Self-control is impossible without knowledge and it is impossible to have knowledge and lack self-control, they are supposed to work together. We see this in 2 Peter where we are admonished to add self-control to knowledge. Why? When you know certain things, it informs your reaction and therefore you are able to respond in a measured way. But without self-control, knowledge by itself is dangerous. 1 Cor 8:1b tells us that knowledge puffs up, that is it makes one proud; and as we all know, pride goes before destruction (Prov 16:18) and is the first mentioned as something the Lord hates in Prov 6:16-19. For us to respond correctly to life’s challenges, to take right steps and decisions and to life a worthy of emulation we must get knowledge and understanding. Jesus knew this. That’s why we see that all his responses were tempered. When news was sent to him, he waited and received knowledge from God and understood the purpose of Lazarus’ sickness and death (to bring glory to God through raising him from the dead) and that dictated his actions and behaviour. In fact, just before calling Lazarus forth he said in John 11:42, I know that you always hear me. When he was led before the baying crowd and nailed to the cross, he uttered not a word even in the face of blasphemy because he knew the purpose for his death and the outcome of his death (his resurrection and the world’s restoration). There is a way you behave when you know somethings. You might be upset with someone not reaching out to you but if you know their phone is bad, you are no longer upset. What they did to upset you has not changed, what has changed is your knowledge. My dear family, if you wish to truly exercise the Jesus kind of self-control in all facets of your life you need to build your knowledge today. *Prayer* Father, teach more about you and about who I am in you. Help my knowledge to grow so that I respond to all situations as you would have me do. *Declaration* I decree and I declare, that I am spirit controlled. I declare that I grow in the knowledge and fear of God, and this enables me to bring my body under subjection. I know times and seasons and therefore, I prepare and respond accordingly. Amen. |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 11:38am On Aug 13, 2022 |
PST. SUNDAY & PST CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Saturday August 13, 2022 *Called to the poor.* *Isaiah 61:1a* _The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me,Because the Lord has anointed Me, To preach good tidings to the poor;_ *Proverbs 19:17* _He who has pity on the poor lends to the LORD, And He will pay back what he has given._ In Luke 4:17-19 Jesus reads the words of the prophet Isaiah (61). It is interesting to note that the focus of the first assignment the Lord has given him is the poor. I do not think it is a mistake. Throughout his ministry, Jesus makes reference to the poor. Even James in chapter 2 and verse 5 tells us that God has chosen the poor to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom. Why was he so concerned about the poor? Poverty is often a function of the mind and can relate to anything – poverty of ideas, wealth etc. It simply means insufficient in amount. When Jesus said we would always have the poor with us, he was trying to tell us that there would always be people with insufficiency. For as long as the devil is prowling the earth, he will continue to ‘steal, kill and destroy’ which will lead to insufficiency. This is one of his ways of attacking and distracting the elect. Jesus was concerned because the very nature of God goes against poverty. God is an extravagant God. He wanted them to know what God had for them and release them from the mentality that had them believing that they would never have or be enough. There is another reason why Jesus said that we will always have the poor with us. God created in pairs (day and night, sea and sky, heaven and earth). Newton’s third law says that “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” For riches to exist, poverty must be present (by virtue of the fall of man). But we can choose what side of the divide to be on (Deut 13:15,19). We must know though that poverty is not for us, we are born into abundance. Today, first remember that you are born into wealth and not poverty. But also remember that there will always be those who are poor, this is not for us to lord it over them, no. We are to reach out to them, share with them (Isaiah 58:7), give to them (Prov 19:17) and remember that the criteria Jesus said would be used for separation in heaven is how we reach out to the poor (Matt 25:31-46). That is the best way to unlock God’s blessings. His blessings are meant to be shared. You are not called to be poor, but you are called to reach out to the poor. *Prayer* Father, open my eyes to see and give me a heart to reach out to the poor and the needy all around me. *Declaration* I declare that I am a giver My eyes are open to identify needs around me. I reach out to the poor and needy around me. As my capacity increases, so does my outreach. I maximize every opportunity to help those less fortunate. In Jesus Name, Amen. |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 8:00am On Aug 14, 2022 |
PST. SUNDAY & PST CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Sunday August 14, 2022 *“…there shall be no loss…”* *Isaiah 42:22* _“But this is a people robbed and plundered; All of them are snared in holes, And they are hidden in prison houses; They are for prey, and no one delivers; For plunder, and no one says, “Restore!”_ *John 10:10 (TPT)* _“A thief has only one thing in mind—he wants to steal, slaughter, and destroy. But I have come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect —life in its fullness until you overflow!”_ *Job 42:10* _“And the LORD restored Job’s losses when he prayed for his friends. Indeed the LORD gave Job twice as much as he had before.”_ Life with its events, the flow and the ebb of things, has its way of guaranteeing loss. So much so that people say with certainty "you win some, you lose some" and many believers actually believe this. It's no wonder then that our experience is not one of constant, progressive victory rather than the win-today-lose-tomorrow life we see all around us. God designed for us live victorious every day & in every situation, that even Solomon under the Old Covenant could see a pathway of life for the just that was different from everyone else's experience (see Proverbs 4:18). This is the kind of life He saved us to enjoy, one where we live from inside out, and we determine our own outcomes based on our stand in the Word of God. This in no way means challenges won't come, or even attacks and opportunities for loss. No, they will definitely come, but this is about how we handle them. If we don't settle it in our minds/hearts that losses are not naturally consistent with our lives as we keep them in the Word, we would accept all the things the enemy of our souls launches against us as just expected. However, if we are certain that ours is a life of set victory and in it there must be no loss, then whenever situations arise that carry the potential, or even the fact of loss, we would rise in our spirits and declare to our Father "RESTORE". He says He is waiting for someone to ask Him that. So don't take the devil's attempts at stealing, killing and destroying lightly! Remind him that he is the loser of the ages; remind him that you have a covenant of protection with The Good Shepherd and that it includes an overflowing abundance in life, not losses. Then go before your Father with a mouth and heart full of His Word and declare it! You can be sure that as you take this stand whatever it was the devil thought he took will be making its way back to you in multiple fold. Ask Job! *Prayer* My Heavenly Father, thank you for this life of victory you've birth me into. Help me keep my eyes, my heart and my mouth full of Your Word, and live from the inside out, not dominated by the circumstances around, but rising above it all by The Greater One in me! *Declaration* I am born of God, and whatsoever is born of God overcomes this world, therefore I overcome. In my life THERE IS AND THERE WILL BE NO LOSS!! |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 7:04am On Aug 15, 2022 |
PST SUNDAY & PST CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Monday August 15, 2022 *Miracles Are Forever* *Deuteronomy 10:21* _Praise him—he is your God, and you have seen with your own eyes the great and astounding things that he has done for you._ *Mark 9:23* _“Yes,” said Jesus, “if you yourself can! Everything is possible for the person who has faith.”_ Scrolling through the bible from Genesis to Revelation, we see on many occasions the wonderful acts of God among the sons of men. In other situations, we see the supernatural acts of God manifest through his servants and anointed vessels. In the Old Testament however, miracles or miraculous acts were carried out directly by God in cases such as manner falling from heaven for the children of Israel in the wilderness, God making Gideon’s fleeces wet and dry to validate his calling and so on. Other instances, we see miracles carried out via God’s servant or anointed vessels at instances such as Joshua commanding the sun and moon to stand still, Moses stretching out his rod to part the red sea, fire coming down from heaven to consume Elijah’s enemies at his command to mention a few. Coming to the New Testament, we see many marvelous acts of God done by the hands of the apostles and how God went with them with signs and wonders following. As notable as these records of miraculous happenings are, I am glad to announce to you that miracles are real and they still happen everyday, even today. Miracles did not end with the era of the Apostles as some believe, but are here with us today because Jesus Christ in whose name the bible says we shall do miracles is the same, yesterday, today and forever. Scriptures tell us that ‘’And these signs shall follow them that believe;’’ (Mark 16:17). Once you are a believer, miracles are meant to follow you. For Moses and Aaron, God manifested himself via a rod but for the New Testament believer, the name of Jesus is our gateway to a world of signs and wonders. That name is the password Jesus Himself gave to his disciples, and his disciples we are because we believe in his name. All you need in life is wrapped up in that name. Your long awaited miracles are locked up in that name. Once you have that name, you have everything! Now go ahead and scream that wonderful name JESUS!!! *Prayer* Father, do a miracle in my life this year that will make men marvel and turn to you. *Declaration* In Jesus name, I declare that my miracle is here This year for me is a year of notable signs and wonders. I experience the finger of God in all areas of my life. Men marvel at the happenings in my life and give glory to my father in heaven. Amen |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 7:12am On Aug 16, 2022 |
PST.SUNDAY & PST.CHAkOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Tuesday August 16, 2022 *No Fear Here!* 1st John 4:17 & 18 _“Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world. There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.”_ *Romans 8:15 & 16 (MSG)* _“This resurrection life you received from God is not a timid, grave-tending life. It’s adventurously expectant, greeting God with a childlike “What’s next, Papa?” God’s Spirit touches our spirits and confirms who we really are. We know who he is, and we know who we are: Father and children. And we know we are going to get what’s coming to us—an unbelievable inheritance!"_ As darkness is diametrically opposed to light, so fear is to the nature of God. Let us understand that fear is not the same as fright or being scared. Those are mere surface manifestations to the presence of fear. Fear is a spirit. Just as surely as God IS LOVE (He doesn't have love, HE IS LOVE) the devil IS fear, he is the spirit of fear. And ALL forms of fear have their root in the fear of death. So a man is truly not afraid of flying, but he is afraid of dying in a plane crash. A guy is not just afraid of dogs, but he's afraid of been injured (which is death to his tissues) by a dog's bite. The very first response that man showed after The Fall was fear because he had now taken on the nature of the devil (Genesis 3:10), and ever since then the devil has used fear as a leash to prevent man from becoming what he was designed by God to be. Enter Jesus and His work in the New Creation. Hebrews 2:14&15 (TPT) expresses it succinctly: “Since all his “children” have flesh and blood, so Jesus became human to fully identify with us. He did this, so that he could experience death and annihilate the effects of the intimidating accuser who holds against us the power of death. By embracing death Jesus sets free those who live their entire lives in bondage to the tormenting dread of death.” In His sacrificial dying & going to hell, and then His triumphant resurrection He brought the devil's reign of terror (which is the systematic use of fear as a weapon) to a complete end. Now only the ignorant remain under his influence of fear. The New Creation (that is, everyone born again) has love as a fountain spring in their heart. And the more we practice love, the more we meditate in it and fill our consciousness with it, the more forcefully that fountain of love flushes fear out from us (our minds) and the things that concern us. We do this by seeking and taking opportunities to demonstrate love to all those with whom we come in contact. Refuse to allow anger, bitterness, strife or any such thing find place or space in you. Fulfilling the commandment of love (Matthew 22:36 - 40) keeps fear out of your life! Any deviation from this law of love, fear is present to steal, kill, and destroy. So, go after a life of love as if your life depended on it - because it does! (1 Corinthians 14:1a - MSG) *Prayer* Thank You Father for delivering me from fear! I rejoice in this Liberty of the sons of God and my heart cries out in worship: "You're a GOOD GOOD FATHER! It's Who You are...." *Declaration* I have a spirit of power, a spirit of love and a spirit of a sound mind! Fear has absolutely no place in or around me! |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 11:09am On Aug 17, 2022 |
PST SUNDAY & CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Wednesday August 17, 2022 *Offence keeps you buried* *Matthew 18:6 – 7* _6 Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea. 7 Woe to the world because of offenses! For offenses must come, but woe to that man by whom the offense comes!_ *Acts 24:15 – 16* _15 I have hope in God, which they themselves also accept, that there will be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and the unjust. 16 This being so, I myself always strive to have a conscience without offense toward God and men._ Offence must come. The heart is the centre of life (Proverbs 4:23), so if our hearts aren’t right, we can’t live right. That’s why one of the defences in the armour of God is the breastplate of righteousness (Ephesians 6:14). God’s righteousness (rooted in love) is the only thing that can transform a man’s heart. Offence targets that core, the one thing that’s central to man’s salvation – the heart (Romans 10:9). As much damage as people do to the ones they offend, our first anchor scripture says it’s much worse to offend believers. It’s better to have a millstone around your neck – imagine having dead weight squeezing your neck, robbing you of oxygen and drowning you in the sea – than to offend a child of God. This means that there is nothing you can imagine, think or do to someone who’s offended you that can be worse than what they are already due. Matthew 18:21-35 tells the parable of a servant who got his debt wiped clean by his master but refused to forgive his fellow servant of a much, much smaller debt. Look at it this way; we are all servants and debtors. God has redeemed our debts, some more than others. Regardless of how much pain people cause us, Christ sacrificed for them. He died for ALL sinners, paid the debt for ALL debtors, wiping our slates clean. Some of us just come to realize and accept it sooner than others and some never do. Every time we choose not to forgive, we are giving ourselves over to torment (Matthew 18:34). There’s a popular saying; “They tried to bury us, they didn’t know we were seeds” that rings true, but holding on to offence will keep you buried. Jesus wouldn’t have come out of the grave if he had gone in offended. This is why we must pray for our offenders/debtors, why we must love our enemies. Just as Paul said in our second anchor scripture, he strives to have a conscience without offence toward God and men because he has hope in God for the resurrection of the dead. *Prayer* Father, I pray for my heart. I pray for a loving, forgiving, trusting, simple, childlike heart again. *Declaration* I pull out every root of offence and bitterness in my heart. My heart of stone becomes a heart of flesh, a good heart, ready for the seed of the word. My heart is productive, so my life is productive. I yield fruit in 30, 60 and hundred fold in Jesus name, Amen. |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 7:13am On Aug 18, 2022 |
PST SUNDAY & CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Thursday August 18, 2022 *Filled with Contempt* *2 Samuel 6:16* _But as the Ark of the LORD entered the City of David, Michal, the daughter of Saul, looked down from her window. When she saw King David leaping and dancing before the LORD, she was filled with contempt for him.(NLT)_ *Proverbs 30:17* _The eye that mocks at his father and despises to obey his mother, the ravens of the valley shall pick it out, and the young eagles shall eat it._ *Proverbs 24:9* _The schemes of a fool are sinful; everyone detests a mocker._ It’s a popular story, David dancing without composure. We even have a song, ‘When the Spirit of the Lord is upon my heart, I will dance like David danced’. Let’s look at what happened after. Michal, David’s one-time love, the person who saved his life and his repossessed wife mocked him, telling him he looked undignified dancing the way he did. And the chapter ends by telling us she remained childless throughout her life. It seems pretty cut and dry, don’t mock others. I never gave the story much thought until I saw a write-up by someone looking at Michal’s perspective. She reminded us that once upon a time, Michal was in love with David; she saved him from her father (Saul)’s attempt on his life but then David was in exile and seemed to have forgotten her. David returns as King eventually and sends for Michal who had been remarried to return as his wife, tearing apart a probably settled home (her husband even cried – 2 Sam 3:16). Now David had every right to ask for his wife back, but he could have left her. At this point she may have started allowing resentment brew within her, she then goes back and quite likely doesn’t enjoy the attention she expected. So, when she sees him, all the emotions come pouring out. But this is the key thing: her action and words may have been justified but they did not exempt her from the consequences. No matter what anyone does to you it will never excuse responding with mockery. Watch what you fill yourself with for out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. And what you sow you will reap. 2 Sam 6:16 records that she was filled with contempt, that’s where the mockery came from, and she reaped the consequences. Mockery is dangerous. Proverbs tells us that one who mocks his parents will be rendered blind and that everyone hates mockers. The Bible tells us that God cannot be mocked (when you mock the poor, you mock God, Proverbs 17:5), what a man sows he will reap. Today check your heart, what are you allowing yourself to be filled with? The Spirit or Contempt? It doesn’t matter what is done to you, what matters is your response. Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. (Proverbs 24:3 NIV). *Prayer* Father, help me to guard my heart and my lips, fill me with your Spirit that I may at all times respond well. *Declaration* I declare that I am full of love. No matter what is done to me, I respond graciously. I speak only words that edify and uplift. I am filled with the Spirit, In Jesus name, Amen. |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 7:23am On Aug 19, 2022 |
PST SUNDAY & PST CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Friday August 19, 2022 *‘Thorns in your side’* *1 Corinthians 15:33* _Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners._ The wrong relationship can rob you of your greatest blessings. The bible tells us that evil communication corrupts good manners. What that means is that anything that is meant to come to you is also corrupted; blessings, favours that are meant to be yours are corrupted or lost because of the type and quality of your associations. Remember Jacob and Esau? Jacob deceived Esau and took the blessing meant for Esau with the help of his mother, Rebekah. Most times when we read the story, we focus on Jacob being a deceiver as his name means especially as he had deceived Esau before and taken his birth right. We rarely look to Rebekah aiding him and question why a mother would aid one son over the other to that extent. We know she already preferred Jacob as we see in Gen 25:28 but she could have made sure both were there and ensured Jacob got a share of the blessing. Instead she made sure Jacob got the whole blessing, and if we go back just a little before the blessing, we will see what led to this. Gen 26:34 tells us that Esau married 2 Hittite women; but verse 35 says ‘And they were a grief of mind to Isaac and Rebekah.’ The message version says they turned out to be ‘thorns in the side…’ Esau’s wives rather than be a balm and unifying force brought grief to his parents. The relationship he entered into was a contributory factor in the loss of his blessing. By virtue of their actions, there was no way Rebekah was going to allow the blessing go to them. There are relationships in our lives, that can make people withhold favour from us. You see, if a thorn is in my hand, you can’t shake my hand or put anything on it for fear of worsening that injury, you would rather wait until the thorn is pulled out. So it is with our relationships. Until certain relationships are cut off, we will not enter into the fullness of what God has in store for us. Today, let us be deliberate about those we associate and relate with closely, they hold the key to our blessings. *Prayer* Father, help me to identify the relationships that I need to separate myself from and teach me to discern right from wrong relationships. *Declaration* I decree and I declare, that I am separated From every wrong relationship. I walk with wise people and only associate With those whom God has ordained. As I detach from wrong relationships, I enter into the fullness of my inheritance. Amen. |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 8:53am On Aug 20, 2022 |
PST SUNDAY & PST CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Saturday August 20, 2022 *POWER IN THE BLOOD* *LEVITICUS 17:11* _For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul.'_ The life of the flesh is in the blood. When God became flesh, we named Him Jesus. That made the blood of Jesus the carrier of the life of God. The Power of the blood of Jesus is exactly the same power that is in God. The life force of God is inside the very blood of Jesus and the life force of God is the totality of the power of God. This is the reason why the blood of Jesus is effective and powerful whenever you say the blood of Jesus. Whenever you plead the blood of Jesus you are bringing the very life of God into the situation. When you pled the blood, you are saying God should take over your case, you are bringing in the very life force of God into the situation you want to see addressed. Everything Jesus is, the blood is. Everything Jesus can do; the blood can guarantee. Everything that the life of God can change, the blood can change. Unto God all things are possible. Unto the blood also all things are possible. People that understand this, are quick to apply the blood over everything in their lives. I know of a woman who when the son was going to get married and she didn’t like the person the guy brought, she pleaded the blood, when the son makes a mistake and she wants him to change, she pled the blood. There is nothing over which you cannot pled the blood. To pled the blood is like a legal thing, you are pleading your case in court. You just don’t say am pleading the blood, the blood of Jesus take over this matter for me. Go and speak in the court of heaven on my behave over this situation faced in my family. I don’t know what to say but I just want you to go and plead for my case in the court of heaven and the blood goes into that place there and start speaking for you. the blood of Jesus is an eye witness to everything that Jesus did. There are three witnesses on the earth. The blood is one of them. He was there when Jesus was conceived, He was there when Jesus was born. The blood went everywhere with Jesus. Inside Him was that very blood .in the enemies of Jesus, the blood was there on the cross, it was the blood that poured out of his body when they were beating Him. so, the blood is now witness to what Jesus did in life did in death and did after He came from the death. The blood was there when our redemption was paid for. The very blood was what He used to pay for our redemption. The blood was what was offered for us in the Holy of Holies. The blood is an eye witness from the beginning to the end of everything that Jesus died for, anytime you want to see those things manifest in your life, you can plead the blood. The blood is what broke the power of sin, of death, of poverty, Satan and the course of the lord. The blood is what is speaking in Zion. Better things on our behalf. All you need to do to see the manifestation of the finish works of Christ in your life, is to speak and act in agreement with the testimony of the blood. No wonder the bible says we overcome the forces of this world whenever the words of our testimonies is one with the voice of the blood of Jesus Christ. *PRAYER* Father God, teach me and help me to speak and act in accordance with the blood of Jesus. *DECLARATION* In the name of Jesus, I receive into my life better things by the blood. Everything about my live begins to improve. The finish works of Christ by the blood of Jesus begin to manifest in my life. I triumph by the blood. I win by the blood in Jesus name. |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 1:56pm On Aug 21, 2022 |
PST SUNDAY & PST CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Sunday August 21, 2022 *Right where He is* *Jeremiah 23:24* _"Can a man hide himself in hiding places So I do not see him?" declares the LORD "Do I not fill the heavens and the earth?" declares the LORD._ Jeremiah tells us that God is omnipresent – he’s everywhere – and we cannot hide from him, why then does it tell us also that Adam and Eve hid themselves? It’s like when a child pretends to hide and you can see them but you just pretend to call out to them and look for them. That’s the same with God, we are never truly hidden from him, we are always in his presence. But what does this really mean? When you are in the presence of the Ooni of Ife or the Emir of Kano or the Queen of England, your conduct is different. There are protocols you observe, your speech is careful and concise, you behave very well. Sometimes before entering their presence you are advised on what to do and not to do, but all of this is because you are conscious of where you are or whose presence you are in. If you were talking randomly and they come up behind you and you don’t know you would still behave anyhow but the moment you are conscious of their presence your demeanour will change. People of God, you are always in his presence, you are where he is. The Bible provides us protocols on how to speak, behave and conduct ourselves. We are his ambassadors, his representatives. Are we behaving in a manner that represents him well? We need to everyday; every minute remain in the consciousness that wherever we are is right where he is. We carry him on the inside, this consciousness will dictate how we react in every situation. Also, when in the presence of royalty remember that security is top-notch, food is endless, there is no lack; it is glorious and beautiful, opulent, magnificent! Your father is royalty! As such you must carry yourself as royalty at all times, no exception, that’s the responsibility. The reward however is this: you are safe and secure, you will lack nothing, you enjoy stupendous wealth. That’s what his presence is, that’s what he expects us to display on earth. Today and every day, remember that you are in his presence and let that guide your interactions, behaviours and expectations. *Prayer* Father, teach me to live my life as a worthy ambassador of your kingdom. *Declaration* I declare that I am a true representative of Christ, I am a carrier of his divine presence, And therefore, I lack nothing, I am satisfied with every good thing and All my needs are met. In Jesus Name, Amen. |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 8:33am On Aug 22, 2022 |
PST SUNDAY & PST CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Monday August 22, 2022 *I am who HE says I am* *Romans 12:3 (TPT)* _“God has given me grace to speak a warning about pride. I would ask each of you to be emptied of self-promotion and not create a false image of your importance. Instead, honestly assess your worth by using your God-given faith as the standard of measurement, and then you will see your true value with an appropriate self-esteem.”_ *1 Peter 5:6, 7* _“Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.”_ In the cutthroat culture of the world putting your best foot forward many times leads people to misrepresent who they really are. With all the attraction & attention of social media following, significant attempts are made to erode that line between perception and reality. People find their value in how others see them or what others think of them. This is no way for the believer in Christ Jesus to live! True humility is rooted in a firm grasp of who one is. It is the posture of heart in which you know your worth, as defined by God and not others, and in this knowing you can still bend or rise to the occasion and meet the need at hand with the capacity you have. Jesus demonstrated this in laying aside His God-ness, taking the form of a man in order to redeem man and give him new life. We see in our key scriptures for today clear descriptions of true humility. Humility is not saying "I'm just a sinner saved by grace". It's either a person is a sinner, or they have been saved by grace. You cannot be the two at the same time, but religious thinking has kept Christians undervaluing themselves. Paul says by The Holy Spirit that the only way to think right, estimate ourselves accurately is in the same measure the faith of God uses in valuing the believer. So how does God value you? He says you are His righteousness in Christ Jesus (2 Cor. 5:21), He says you have been blessed in all things and accepted in the Beloved (Eph. 1:3, 6). It is through these eyes of value we must see ourselves. Go through the Epistles looking for "in Him", "in Christ" references and PERSONALISE THEM by meditation! Think about it: your price tag was the very life blood of Jesus! Our response is to stay there under God's Mighty Hand, refusing to accept any tags or labels from anyone else, and keeping our minds fixed on the value He has for us as described in the Epistles. Roll every care concerning anything else that may arise on God, by refusing to take the care with the words of your mouth. In this posture God's super abundant grace more than makes the difference for the truly humble! *Prayer* Gracious Father, thank You for saving me and calling me by Your Name! It's not out of anything I did but Your great love. I accept it, and submit my mind to be renewed by Your Word to how You see me. Thank You that I'm Yours and You are mine. *Declaration* I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, I am born of God and The Greater One is alive and big inside me. My heart is flooded with light and revelation, and I am increasing in the knowledge of God in me. |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 8:47am On Aug 23, 2022 |
PST SUNDAY & PST CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Tuesday August 23, 2022 *Called to the poor.* *Isaiah 61:1a* _The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me, Because the Lord has anointed Me To preach good tidings to the poor;_ *Proverbs 19:17* _He who has pity on the poor lends to the LORD, And He will pay back what he has given._ In Luke 4:17-19 Jesus reads the words of the prophet Isaiah (61). It is interesting to note that the focus of the first assignment the Lord has given him is the poor. I do not think it is a mistake. Throughout his ministry, Jesus makes reference to the poor. Even James in chapter 2 and verse 5 tells us that God has chosen the poor to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom. Why was he so concerned about the poor? Poverty is often a function of the mind and can relate to anything – poverty of ideas, wealth etc. It simply means insufficient in amount. When Jesus said we would always have the poor with us, he was trying to tell us that there would always be people with insufficiency. For as long as the devil is prowling the earth, he will continue to ‘steal, kill and destroy’ which will lead to insufficiency. This is one of his ways of attacking and distracting the elect. Jesus was concerned because the very nature of God goes against poverty. God is an extravagant God. He wanted them to know what God had for them and release them from the mentality that had them believing that they would never have or be enough. There is another reason why Jesus said that we will always have the poor with us. God created in pairs (day and night, sea and sky, heaven and earth). Newton’s third law says that “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” For riches to exist, poverty must be present (by virtue of the fall of man). But we can choose what side of the divide to be on (Deut 13:15,19). We must know though that poverty is not for us, we are born into abundance. Today, first remember that you are born into wealth and not poverty. But also remember that there will always be those who are poor, this is not for us to lord it over them, no. We are to reach out to them, share with them (Isaiah 58:7), give to them (Prov 19:17) and remember that the criteria Jesus said would be used for separation in heaven is how we reach out to the poor (Matt 25:31-46). That is the best way to unlock God’s blessings. His blessings are meant to be shared. You are not called to be poor, but you are called to reach out to the poor. *Prayer* Father, open my eyes to see and give me a heart to reach out to the poor and the needy all around me. *Declaration* I declare that I am a giver My eyes are open to identify needs around me. I reach out to the poor and needy around me. As my capacity increases, so does my outreach. I maximize every opportunity to help those less fortunate. In Jesus Name, Amen. |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 7:09am On Aug 24, 2022 |
PST SUNDAY & CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Wednesday August 24, 2022 A GOOD HEART *Titus 1:15 NKJV* _“To the pure all things are pure, but to those who are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure; but even their mind and conscience are defiled.”_ *Hebrews 10:22 TPT* _“we come closer to God and approach him with an open heart, fully convinced that nothing will keep us at a distance from him. For our hearts have been sprinkled with blood to remove impurity, and we have been freed from an accusing conscience. Now we are clean, unstained, and presentable to God inside and out!”_ The Greek word translated "conscience" in the New Testament refers to the faculty of the human soul to know, perceive things. It is a God-crafted part of man to be able to just know some things without formal training or having been told them. This ability however is subject to the man's spirit (or to put it more accurately, to the man - because man IS a spirit!), so that the essential nature or character of the man will determine how his conscience functions. So some people who exhibit wicked tendencies are said to "have no conscience" not because they actually have none but because in order to fulfill their base desires and follow the evil nature in their spirits the totally ignore, have silenced (and in so doing, killed) their conscience. On the other hand, if a person is religious, conscience has been trained to bring accusation against him for any infringement of the set rules of life under his religion. So anything that goes against any of the rules of his religion registers condemnation in him, whether rightly so or no. The shedding of Jesus' Blood and its offering before God in the heavenly Holy of Holies was to provide the way for the recreation of the spirit and the means for cleansing his conscience. So now, for the believer, our conscience is subject to effect of The Blood and the record of The Word. This kind of conscience is important because The Holy Spirit in John the Beloved lets us know that sometimes even while we stand before God as His righteousness our own hearts (conscience) may condemn us but God is greater than our conscience (heart) - 1st John 3:18-23. Jesus in the Gospels taught about a good heart and how that it is this character of a man's heart that determines what kind of man he is and therefore what he sees or brings forth in his life. Our devotion to God (daily spending time with Him in His Word and in prayer, service in His House & in His things) helps to bolster our confidence before Him. This confidence is the only way to genuinely come in the Throne Room of The Almighty. So today hold the powerful Blood of Jesus over any speaking of your conscience that contradicts the Word in trying to bring condemnation against you. If you have indeed missed it, REPENT! It's as quick as that. Be brutally honest with you and Him, bring the Blood over that fault and your conscience and walk away with your head high determined NEVER to go back to that fault again! *Prayer* Father, thank You for the sacrifice of Jesus for me, and for welcoming me as Your own on His account. I am determined to walk before you with a good heart bringing forth good things so I ask for & receive Your help to maintain a walk with You that is kept by The Blood of Jesus and the power of Your Word. Thank You My Loving Father in Jesus' Name. AMEN! *Declaration* I honour the Precious Blood of Jesus that cleansed and cleanses me! I am submitted spirit, soul and body to The Word of Truth. |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 10:53am On Aug 25, 2022 |
PST SUNDAY & PST CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Thursday August 25, 2022 *Speaking Spirit* *Numbers 14:28* _Say unto them, As truly as I live, saith the LORD, as ye have spoken in mine ears, so will I do to you:_ *Mark 11:23* _For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith._ Man was made in God’s image and after His likeness and one remarkable attribute of God is that He is a speaking God. Indeed, He spoke the world to existence and created all things by His word of power. As His sons formed in His image, we must also understand that our words are powerful. Pastor Poju Oyemade succinctly described this in the following words: “The words that you speak prior to the time of crisis or during the time of crisis are crucial to the outcome of the crisis”. It determines everything that will happen in your life at that particular point in time. That is, months or even years after you go through the event. So it is important you understand the wisdom of God when it comes to the use of your tongue in the time of crisis. The best way to know how to use one’s tongue properly is to understand the law of confession. When a particular act is carried out in which one can predict the outcome of the given action; it means a law is in operation. This means once this step or set of activity is carried out, the result or outcome of it will either be predictable, set or fixed. Confession therefore, is a law and as such when you carry out the act of what is called confessing the results are predictable within your life. Confession means speaking the word of God. Jesus said: For verily I say unto you, that whosoever shall say unto this mountain, be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith (Mark 11:23). What this means is that your words will precede the events of your life. Thus, if you want to have anything you must understand that you must first say whatever you want before you can have it. This is because there is a direct connection between your words and what you have in your life. That is the way God has wired and designed man when He breathe into man the breath of life in the beginning. The scripture says “and man became a living soul after God breath into him the breath of life”. The Hebrew Bible or the original rendering of that passage in the Hebrew language says, “And man became a speaking spirit like God”. This means what was impacted into the dust of the ground when the body of man was formed was the ability to become another speaking spirit like God. You cannot separate what is going on in the life of a person from the words coming out of the lips of the person. Get in tune with God today and begin speaking the word of life! *Prayer* Father help me to guard my mouth so that my words will bring justification and not condemnation to me this year in Jesus name. Amen! *Declaration* I am a speaking Spirit like my heavenly Father. My words will bring justification, blessings and transformation to my life this year. Hallelujah! |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 8:10am On Aug 26, 2022 |
PST SUNDAY & PST CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Friday August 26, 2022 *The Light of the Body* *Matthew 6:22* _“The eyes are like a lamp for the body. If your eyes are sound, your whole body will be full of light;_ *Ephesians 1:18* _I ask that your minds may be opened to see his light, so that you will know what is the hope to which he has called you, how rich are the wonderful blessings he promises his people,_ The bible refers to the eye as the light of the body. In other words, if the eye is blinded or plucked out, the whole body will be in darkness. The eye is such a powerful tool given to us by God, and how effectively we put it to use will determine to a large extent the direction in which our lives will be headed. There is the natural eyes with which we see in the natural; however God has given to every believer the inner eyes or the spiritual eyes. It was this Apostle Paul was praying about when he was praying for the saints in Ephesians 1:18 for their eyes to be enlightened. When our spiritual eyes or they eyes of our understanding are enlightened, it brings us to the place of knowledge of the things that are ours in Christ, and also shows us how we can maximize them to the fullest. The dividends of our redemption can only become a tangible reality in our lives when our inner eyes are open to see and to know the things that belong to us in Christ. Psalm 82:5 shows us the flipside of what happens when we lack this knowledge. In other words, when the eyes of our spiritual understanding are blinded. It says “They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness…” This tells us that spiritual illumination and insight is crucial to walking in the light, living victoriously and not stumbling in darkness. As we approach a new year, one of the best prayers you can pray for yourself on a daily basis is that God will enlighten the eyes of your understanding like Apostle Paul prayed in Ephesians 1:18. When this becomes a reality, you will begin to see like God, faith becomes automatic, boldness becomes natural and a victorious living is guaranteed for you because you will only see possibilities in God and in whatever life throws at you. Pray for your eyes today! *Prayer* Father, enlighten the eyes of my understanding. *Declarations* In the name of Jesus, I declare that I see well. I see far, I see like God, I see no obstacles, only possibilities. The eyes of my understanding are enlightened to know the things that are mine in Christ and I maximize them to the fullest. |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 6:52am On Aug 27, 2022 |
PST SUNDAY & CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Saturday August 27, 2022 *The subtle art of spiritual warfare* *1 John 4:4* _“You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.”_ *2 Corinthians 10:3-5* _“3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5. casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.”_ “Indeed, the safest road to hell is the gradual one—the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts.” These words are culled from the “Screwtape Letters”, A book authored by C.S. Lewis. The Screwtape Letters comprises 31 letters written by a senior demon named Screwtape to his nephew, Wormwood, a younger and less experienced demon, charged with guiding a man toward "Our Father Below" (Devil) from "the Enemy" (Jesus). Although a work of fiction, the book seeks to unpack the very subtle ways that the enemy uses to turn the hearts of men from God. The devil will be foolish to operate as a roaring demon all the time in trying to win the souls of men. He will be easily defeated because we know that God is the Field Marshall in the spiritual battle and we as His children and soldiers can easily run to Him for an array of arsenal to defeat the devil. It is the reason why the devil uses subtlety and wile ways to turn the hearts of men away from focusing on the war and tending to distractions. “…encourage the humans to take the pleasures which our Enemy has produced, at times, or in ways, or in degrees, which He has forbidden. Hence, we always try to work away from the natural condition of any pleasure to that in which it is least natural, least redolent of its Maker, and least pleasurable”. For example, we must be mindful of our appetite for food, sleep and sex. If we allow the devil to take hold of our appetite for these three things, they can turn them to spiritual weapons to terminate our destinies. Let us therefore be aware of the devil, he seeks our destruction. This is war and so we must daily put on the whole armour of God, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, the sword of the spirit which is the word of God and praying in the spirit with all kinds of prayer and supplication in order to continue to triumph in the battle of life. *Prayer* Oh Lord give me the grace to be able to resist the devil in whatever form he comes in Jesus name. Amen! *Declaration* I understand the devil’s moves. I am not caught off guard. God provides a way of escape for me. I do not fall for the temptation of the enemy. Hallelujah! |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 8:08am On Aug 28, 2022 |
PST SUNDAY & CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Sunday August 28, 2022 *Be Led* *Romans 8:14* _“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.”_ *Isaiah 30:21* _And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left._ The prophecy of the birth of the Messiah stated that the Messiah will be known as an offspring of David, that is, He will descend from David. The same way it was also prophesied that He would be born of a virgin. The names of Joseph and Mary were not attached to this prophesy however at the time of fulfilment, they were the ones chosen by God to fulfil this prophecy. One of the attributes I believe set Joseph apart is his ability to receive and comply with divine directives. God was certain He could get through to him at every point in time. When Herod was planning to kill Jesus, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph instructing him to take the child and run to Egypt. Joseph obeyed promptly not arguing that Jesus being the Son of God should not have to run away. Could not God have protected Jesus right there in Nazareth? As much as God is committed to protecting and preserving us, we must also be committed to receiving and obeying His instructions. This week , one thing that would guarantee your safety is sensitivity and obedience to the leading of the Spirit. If you are to travel and you sense a check in your Spirit to not travel, do not preposterously and haughtily go ahead banking on God’s protection. Obedience is better than sacrifice. It is as many as are led by the Spirit of God that are the sons of God therefore pay more attention to the inner witness in all your dealings. Run every decision by the Holy Spirit and be sensitive to the directions you receive in your Spirit. Do not rush to relocate because others are doing same, wait on the Lord and receive your own personal instruction. There will be times the instructions might not make sense this year, but as long as you are convinced the Holy Spirit is the one behind the instruction and with counsel from spiritual authorities when necessary, do due diligence to obey the instruction. Let the words of Mary ring in your Spirit: “Whatever He tells you to do, do it.” *Prayer* Father, help me to remain sensitive and obedient to the leading of your Spirit in Jesus name. Amen! *Declaration* I am led by the Spirit of God. I hear the inaudible, I hear a voice in all my dealings. Hallelujah! |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 7:09am On Aug 29, 2022 |
PST SUNDAY & PST CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Monday August 29, 2022 *BE GRATEFUL FOR THE LITTLE THINGS* *Psalms 103:1-5* _Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases; Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies; Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle’s._ *Malachi 2:1-3* _And now, O ye priests, this commandment is for you. If ye will not hear, and if ye will not lay it to heart, to give glory unto my name, saith the LORD of hosts, I will even send a curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings: yea, I have cursed them already, because ye do not lay it to heart. Behold, I will corrupt your seed, and spread dung upon your faces, even the dung of your solemn feasts; and one shall take you away with it._ Every day we are loaded with many blessings and benefits of life that we fail to notice those most of the time. We fail to recognize them properly, usually forget them or simply take them for granted. We tend to lose sight of them and this is a major mistake. We must correct this attitude of ingratitude because these little blessings are the foundation upon which our lives are built. We must teach our souls to bless the Lord daily for these little things. They have a huge impact on our lives. We must learn not to forget these benefits of life; we must learn to value them and be masters at appreciating the little things in our lives. They are usually at the root of the things that nurture and sustain our lives. We must make it our attitude to celebrate and appreciate these little things and also be grateful for them. We need to deliberately thank God for things like the weather. Like the Psalmist, we must be grateful for the miracle of sleeping and waking up every day; this is something we take for granted. Unknown to us, there are people who can't even sleep without taking medications, some who barely sleep, but you sleep and wake up daily without even worrying about it or feel like it is something to be grateful for. We must put it to heart to be thankful for friends and family. Most times we complain about our friends and families but if we look properly, we should be grateful for the support systems these people represent. It is not only about the troubles or issues that they bring, but the fact that you alive to even have friends is enough reason to be grateful to God for. We must make it an attitude to be grateful to God for daily mercies of communing to and fro our workplace, of making school runs, of going to the market or to church and making it back safely. A lot of people experience mishaps just on these daily commutes. It isn't only when we experience an accident that we should be grateful to God for saving us from it. We must be grateful for being able to do some little things in our lives without needing medical assistance, things like breathing, standing, urinating, walking, etc. These are things we take for granted that people can't even do. We need to put these things to heart to be grateful to God for them. We must be grateful for the known and the unknown, particularly for the unknown and unseen victories in our lives. Daily, angels are fighting battles on our behalves that we're not aware of. For indeed, the things we know God has done for us are nothing compared to ones we don't know he has done for us. There are unseen arrows that fly by day, unseen forces of destruction and wickedness that move in noon day that God shields us from. We must be particularly grateful for days that are free of dramas. We must be grateful to God for the many little things in our lives. *Prayer* Father, thank you for the many daily miracles. *Declaration* Father thank you, my soul magnifies you for your goodness and mercies. Thank you for all that you do for me. Thank you for the ones that I know and the ones I don't know. Accept all my thanks and all my praises in Jesus name, Amen. |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 1:40pm On Aug 30, 2022 |
PST SUNDAY & CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Tuesday August 30, 2022 *Heaven on Earth* *Psalm 119:89* _Forever, O Lord, Your word is settled in heaven._ Almost everyone believes there is heaven and hell. Most people believe that one only goes to these two places when the person dies. This is true. However, one can experience both even while alive on this earth. There are people who are living on earth and they would say they are in hell while some people would tell you they are enjoying their lives. Heaven and hell are real places but they can be experienced here on earth. An example is the Embassy of the United States of America in Nigeria. When you enter the Embassy, it is as though you’re in America. The experience is the same even though the location is different. Experiencing heaven on earth is easy. Heaven is heaven because the word is settled there. Everywhere the word of God settles is heaven. There are three dimensions of the word: written word, spoken word and word in person. According to John 1:1, we understand that Jesus is the word in person. Ephesians 1:20-21 makes us understand that He is seated or settled in heaven with the Father. In order for us to experience heaven in our lives here on earth, the word must be settled in us in all three dimensions. Jesus must be seated or enthroned in our hearts just as He is in heaven. This is because, hell is the domain of the devil and his demons but Ephesians 1:21 says Jesus is seated far above them. So, if Jesus is enthroned in one’s life, the person will be operating far above the devil and his demons. We must also take into consideration the settling of the written and spoken word. God’s word is the manual for us to live on earth as though we are in heaven. In order for us to fully experience heaven, we must come to a full understanding of what the manual says. It must settle within us. In order for this to happen we must meditate on the word and speak/confess it. Joshua 1:8 helps us to see that meditating on the word is key to success and one characteristic of anyone who is experiencing heaven on earth is are successful and fulfilled. If we meditate on the word long enough our heart will be filled with it. It will settle in there and according to Luke 6:45, only good things will come out of our lives. *Prayer* In the name of Jesus, I receive the grace and wisdom to make the word of God a priority in my daily living in Jesus name. Amen! *Declaration* I declare that I live on this earth as though I am in heaven. All things work together for my good. The word is a lamp unto my feet and light unto my path. I continually make progress and enjoy good success because I meditate on the word of God, day and night. Hallelujah! |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 8:58am On Aug 31, 2022 |
PST SUNDAY & CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEEED* Wednesday August 31, 2022 *THE WORD OF HIS GRACE* *John 1:14* _The Word became a human being and, full of grace and truth, lived among us. We saw his glory, the glory which he received as the Father's only Son._ *Acts 14:3.* _The apostles stayed there for a long time, speaking boldly about the Lord, who proved that their message about his grace was true by giving them the power to perform miracles and wonders._ *Acts 20:32* _“And now I commend you to the care of God and to the message of his grace, which is able to build you up and give you the blessings God has for all his people._ God's ability and almightyness is wrapped up in his grace. Everything God has done, he did by his word, everything God can do, he can do by his word and everything God will do he will only do within the context of his word. The word of his grace is the word that was made flesh, the word of his grace is full glory and truth. The word of his grace was the word that the apostles preached. Every me and every where the word is declared, the Lord gives testimony to it and grants signs and wonders to be done. The word of his grace is the only way God stays committed unto us. No wonder Paul said “I commend you to God and to the word of his grace”; for God has highly exalted his word far above any of his names. In this kingdom, we get built and build anything by the word of his grace. In this kingdom, we enter into our inheritance in Christ when we enter into the word of his grace. In this kingdom, we are sanctified by the word of his grace and the operation of the Holy Spirit. We become all that we can be by the word of his grace. Meaning, once we know his word concerning anything and any of his promises, the grace of it is released. That is why Paul said, “I am all that I am by the grace of God”. It was when Paul took delivery of the word of his grace that the ability to achieve those things was released unto him. One of the things we need to know in this kingdom is that progress in God, advancement in God, success in God, miracles and signs and wonders will not be possible without us consciously operang within the ambit of the word of his grace. When the word became flesh and dwelled in our neighbourhood it became an embodiment of the glory and the power and the splendour of this kingdom. In like manner, when we enter into the fullness of this, we are built up, we become giants on the face of the earth doing signs and wonders in the footstep of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Glory be to God in the highest! *Prayer* Lord, lead me in the path of the word of your grace. *DECLARATION* I am engraced. I am empowered by the word. I receive wisdom to be built by the word. I receive supernatural ability to be built by the word. I become all that I am in Christ Jesus by the reason of the word. |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 6:32am On Sep 03, 2022 |
PST SUNDAY & CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Saturday September 3, 2022 *CREATED TO DOMINATE* *Revelations 5:10* _And have made us kings and priests to our God; and we shall reign on the earth.”_ *Genesis 1:26 - 27* _Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”_ The purpose of a thing, in the mind of the creator, starts with a search for a solution to meet a need. At creation, God had put in place a universe that required someone like Him to administer. Thus, the thought on God's mind before He created man was for man to be the administrator of the universe he created. God made us and had to remake us, after the fall of man, ensuring we remain kings and priests to Him that we should reign on the earth. Glory and praise goes to the creator of a thing when the creation is delivering purpose. This is the satisfaction of the creator and in essence God draws praise and glory when we dominantly administer the universe He created. When you remember a friend or family member you have lost contact with, perhaps from as far back as primary or secondary school days, and you desire to reconnect with such a person, what comes to mind? You will probably go on Facebook and do a search. This has proved very effective in reconnecting friends and family. Mark Zuckerberg, the inventor of Facebook, is among the most famous people of our time because of Facebook. He had a goal in mind, to connect people and build communities. Facebook has fulfilled its purpose, no wonder Mark Zuckerberg receives amazing glory and praise, translating to tangible things, making him the richest young man on earth. God, our creator, is all knowing and so all he made was perfect, including you and I. He made us kings and priests to Him that we may dominate the universe He created. Ephesians 2:10 reminds us of this, "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them". We each have a particular good work to do on the earth, this could be taking the position of a king and a priest in fashion or music or football and the list goes on and on. Are you administering the corner of the universe you occupy in dominance? Is God receiving praise and glory through what you do? Living short of reigning on the earth starves God of glory and praise. *Prayer* Father thank you for reminding me of what you had in mind when you created me, help me to walk in the fullness of purpose. *Declaration* In the name of Jesus I declare that every ability that comes with my creation in the image and likeness of God is activated. I dominate my sphere of engagement like God intended. I live as a king and Priest unto my God like he desires of me and my life gives glory and praise to God. |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 1:32pm On Sep 04, 2022 |
PST SUNDAY & PST CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA WISDOM SEED Sunday September 4, 2022 *IS YOUR HOPE ALIVE?* *Hebrews 6:19* _This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which enters the Presence behind the veil._ *Hebrews 11:1* _Now faith is the [a]substance of things hoped for, the [b]evidence of things not seen._ Hope is one of the strongest forces of life. Hope is what keeps a man going in the midst of difficulties and looming defeat and failure. Often times, when a person gets to the end of himself due to the pressures of life, such a person is considered to be hopeless. When such a person keeps going in spite of the situations at hand, he or she is considered to be hopeful. In other words, every person has a hope tank. It is either full, empty or anything in between. The bible tells us that faith is the substance of things hoped for. In other words, faith cannot be born in a person without hope or better put, hope is what gives foundation to faith because faith is the substance of things hoped for. It is important to state here that a lot of believers often mistake hope for faith. In fact, many teachings on faith have actually been teachings on hope. When it comes to the matters of faith, faith is born when the will of God is known. Let’s put it this way, hope thrives on the general knowledge of the goodness of God. So you see in scriptures that God opened the Red Sea, and all the mighty acts of God recorded in the bible. It begins to stir hope within you that if God could do this in the lives of others, he can do same for you. However, you need to carry your knowledge of God’s word to him in prayer and wait on him until you receive a specific word that is personal to you in that situation because until you have a word from God on any matter, you cannot claim to be in faith. It is just like knowing that a rich man in your community is very benevolent and gives our luxury gifts as he wills. You cannot on the basis of your knowledge of that rich man run to town and start claiming that he has promised you anything in particular until you visit with him and he makes a specific promise to you. It is then and only then that you can start rejoicing based on what he promised you or promised to do for you. Hope is vital because without it, faith cannot produce. It is important to keep hope alive because until faith is born, that is the fuel that keeps you running without being tired of serving God or doing good. It is hope that keeps you from being weary in well doing because if you keep that hope alive, you will reap in due season if you faint not. Keep Hope Alive! *Prayer* Father in the name of Jesus, help me to keep hope alive at all times and in all circumstances. *Declaration* My hope is built on Jesus Christ, his word, his blood and his righteousness. I am hopeful because love is hopeful. The Spirit of Joy is alive within me helping me to keep my hope alive. |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 8:54am On Sep 05, 2022 |
PST SUNDAY & CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Monday September 5, 2022 *YOU HAVE ETERNAL LIFE* *1 John 5:13* _I am writing this to you so that you may know that you have eternal life—you that believe in the Son of God._ When Jesus died on the Cross, something interesting transpired. A Roman soldier thrust a spear through His side, and “blood and water gushed out.” His heart had ruptured, and all His blood drained out. His body was buried without blood. When He was raised from the dead, the resurrected body of Jesus had no blood. Where then did the life of the body of Jesus come from? After all, He didn’t come back to life as a Ghost, He resurrected in flesh. The Bible tells us He was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father; that’s the Holy Ghost! The Holy Ghost overshadowed the dead body of Jesus, quickened it, and Jesus came back to life; His body being without blood. Now that you’re born again, you have the same life with which Jesus was raised from the dead. Romans 8:11 says, “But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.” This has already happened! Your physical body, your hitherto death-doomed and death-prone body has been rejuvenated, reinvigorated, and vitalized by the Holy Ghost who lives in you. This is the reason sickness, for the Christian, is estranged; it’s an anomaly; it’s not supposed to be, because the life in you is divine. Meditate on this truth, and endorse it in your personal life and you’ll forever live above sickness, disease, defeat and all the depravities that affect the human nature. Hallelujah! *Prayer* Father, thank you for your life in me. Help me by your Spirit to come to the full understanding of this divine life I carry in Jesus name. *Declaration* I’ve got the life of God in me; it’s in every fibre of my being, in every cell of my blood and in every bone of my body. I live above sickness, disease, defeat and all the depravities that affect the human nature, as a result of the divine life and nature of God in me. Glory to God! |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 8:14am On Sep 06, 2022 |
PST SUNDAY & PST CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Tuesday September 6, 2022 *THE GOD KIND OF LOVE* *1Corinthians 13: 4-7 (AMP)* _Love endures with patience and serenity, love is kind and thoughtful, and is not jealous or envious; love does not brag and is not proud or arrogant. 5 It is not rude; it is not self-seeking, it is not provoked [nor overly sensitive and easily angered]; it does not take into account a wrong endured. 6 It does not rejoice at injustice, but rejoices with the truth [when right and truth prevail]. 7 Love bears all things [regardless of what comes], believes all things [looking for the best in each one], hopes all things [remaining steadfast during difficult times], endures all things [without weakening]._ The God kind of love is expected of every believer. Its not something we should just desire but what we should all become. The only way to live free of offence in this world is just let the love of God in us kick in when we get to the end of our own patience. It takes a different kind of love to love someone who you know clearly doesn’t care about you. Its that same love that refrains you when you are spoken to in a very rude way. It that’s same love that makes you love your partner inspite of their short comings. That’s the kind of love that Christ demonstrated to us when He hung on that tree, bleeding, humiliated and abandoned. It that kind of love that made Him say “Father forgive them for they know not what they do” That love is not from around here. It can only be divine. If it wasn’t possible, God will not require if from us. The love of God has been shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. So you see, that love is already inherent in you if you are saved. Just like a muscle, we need to exercise our love walk to grow in it. The more you walk in love towards someone, the easier it will be for you to overlook even more hurtful things. But initially, you’d need to be deliberate about it, asking the Holy Spirit for help. Anything done outside of love is sin. So when you yell and respond in the flesh instead of applying love, you have sinned. The test of our spiritual growth is our love walk. You can speak in tongues, prophesy and even have demons flee when you sneeze but without a solid love walk, you are like a sounding gong and a tingling symbal and such a vessel isn’t appealing to God. A solid love walk is possible and the Holy Spirit is always present to help if we ask. *Prayer* Father, I ask for the grace to walk in love towards everyone *Declaration* The love of God has been shed abroad in my heart by the Holy Spirit. That love contrains me. It regulates my thoughts, actions and words. |
Re: WiSDOM SEED DAILY DEVOTIONAL by Faithfulness88: 9:54am On Sep 07, 2022 |
PST SUNDAY & PST CHAKOR OGIDIGBO HOLYHILL CHURCH ABUJA *WISDOM SEED* Wednesday September 7, 2022 *Guard Your Heart* *Proverbs 4:23* _Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts._ *Matthew 15:11* _“Happy are you when people insult you and persecute you and tell all kinds of evil lies against you because you are my followers._ The book of Proverbs in Chapter 4 and verse 23 warns us to guard our heart with all diligence. It tells us that from our heart proceeds the issues of life, which means that the state of our heart goes a very long way in determining the state of our lives or the outcomes therefore. We must be diligent in keeping watch over our heart as touching the things that we allow to settle in it because as Jesus was speaking that what defiles a man are the things that proceeds from his heart. Day after day, the enemy never relents in firing unwholesome and ungodly thoughts into our hearts so that our actions can follow suit and hinder us from entering into the fullness of God’s plan for our lives. One of those ungodly thoughts the enemy tries to put in our heart is that of rebellion against God and against constituted authority. Rebellion against God comes in various forms some of which begins by a gradual decline in prayer life and word study. This begins to lower a person’s guard against temptations and eventually make one fall into sin. Others may start with a sudden discontentment with the house of God or it may be the way and manner which service is conducted, or because of a hurt caused by someone in church leading to offence, which may eventually stop such a person from attending church services, gradually pulling away from God and sliding down the slippery road of sin. The point here is that rebellion starts with a thought, somewhat legitimate but the end goal in the mind of the enemy is to alienate us from God, from fellowship and from the church and from productive relationships that could do us a world of good. Rebellion against constituted authority also begins when we allow a thought planted by the enemy to fester and grow which eventually culminates in the act. I stand to argue that Lucifer’s rebellion did not just happen suddenly. It must have gone through a thought process. The lesson for us today is to guard our hearts by diligently praying for our heart daily, reading and meditating daily on God’s word to drive away any ungodly thought and holding every contrary thought captive in prayer. May God deliver us from every form of rebellion! *Prayer* Father, safeguard my heart from rebellion. *Declaration* In Jesus name I declare that my heart is safeguarded From every form of rebellion. The love for God and the love of God is amplified in my heart Therefore, I obey and please him in all things I honour constituted authority and I do not rebel My mind is sound at all times in Jesus name |
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