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Nairaland Forum / Science/Technology / Programming / 2022 Experiment 1: Becoming A Product Designer | COMPLETED (12335 Views)
17 Year Old aspiring Frontend Developer / Product Designer / Product Designer - UI /UX / A Thread On My Experiment With Reinforcement Learning & Artificial Intelligence. (2) (3) (4)
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Re: 2022 Experiment 1: Becoming A Product Designer | COMPLETED by SKhanmi: 4:48pm On Apr 05, 2022 |
SpongeBob0006, noticed you sent me a mail, I don't have access to it, Reach me through the email address in the first post on this thread. |
Re: 2022 Experiment 1: Becoming A Product Designer | COMPLETED by spongebob0006(f): 6:07pm On Apr 08, 2022 |
SKhanmi: Just messaged you. Please check. |
Re: 2022 Experiment 1: Becoming A Product Designer | COMPLETED by brijibs: 7:06pm On Apr 26, 2022 |
SKhanmi: Thank you so much for this. I really appreciate. 1 Like |
Re: 2022 Experiment 1: Becoming A Product Designer | COMPLETED by SKhanmi: 9:41pm On Aug 09, 2022 |
Wow, see cobwebs everywhere, took a break, Changed locations,Been learning so many new stuffs & making money off it. Hint: DeFi is really ![]() In the meantime, let's see how fast I can get back up to date with this. I'll be starting with bubble no code development, will resume posting this Friday. |
Re: 2022 Experiment 1: Becoming A Product Designer | COMPLETED by SKhanmi: 10:57pm On Aug 14, 2022 |
Went to check out bubble no code development, watched the first 10 crash course videos and tried to build a landing page from scratch before trying out the templates option. Damn! ![]() The templates are also good, just edit to your taste. I'm stuck with the colors though, haven't figured out whether they were first done in Photoshop/illustrator, saved as PNG files and uploaded as the background. Anyway I'll try post the 2 designs here later. In the meantime, I have two case studies , one done by myself from start to finish, and another by a remote team I led. Already registered for another course which would add 3 more live projects making five plus I'll get to learn webflow on that also. But....why wait till then. Let me polish up the case studies I have and my LinkedIn page & start applying, let's see what's lurking in the market for me ![]() Used to attend interviews just to learn back then. It helped though, being confident, persuasive & likeable can get you far. Most employers tend to hire the more likeable candidate but try get skills also to show. Still have a very low tolerance level to BS though. All thanks to nysc & workforce back then for making me angrily draw up my no 3rd time rule. Shitty employers, shitty interviews & recruitment processes, lack lustre colleagues and I'm noping out. Nigerians and normalizing madness ![]() 1 Like |
Re: 2022 Experiment 1: Becoming A Product Designer | COMPLETED by Alphaman007: 1:10pm On Aug 15, 2022 |
SKhanmi:nice one boss, Are you talking about the joe brendan's lowcode bootcamp coming up? |
Re: 2022 Experiment 1: Becoming A Product Designer | COMPLETED by SKhanmi: 2:34pm On Aug 15, 2022 |
Alphaman007: Yep, you got that right. 1 Like |
Re: 2022 Experiment 1: Becoming A Product Designer | COMPLETED by nnamdiosu(m): 11:26am On Aug 16, 2022 |
SKhanmi: Very nice. Well done. However, are you saying there is a difference.between a web designer and a front end developer? |
Re: 2022 Experiment 1: Becoming A Product Designer | COMPLETED by SKhanmi: 12:15pm On Aug 16, 2022 |
nnamdiosu: Yes, Imagine I used bubble to create a webpage, having no knowledge/experience of coding(html,css,Js) does that make me a front end developer? Could I drop into a discussion with 2 other front end developers and understand shit when they start talking about conditional loops, arity, rule sets, selectors and other programming jargons? Absolutely not, I'm just a mere GUI designer. An architect designs, the bricklayer builds. Now it's a different thing if one person decides to learn both skills, which is common in the tech world. I'm just against the ambiguous manner these titles are sometimes used by individuals & employers. We all know how that goes. |
Re: 2022 Experiment 1: Becoming A Product Designer | COMPLETED by nnamdiosu(m): 12:18pm On Aug 16, 2022 |
SKhanmi: Ok, I get you. However...conditional loops, arity, rule sets, selectors and other programming jargons..that's for the backend developer na. Or am I missing something? Perhaps u means there is a difference between backend developer and a web designer/front end developer? Kindly clarify please. Nice one, your teachings are apt |
Re: 2022 Experiment 1: Becoming A Product Designer | COMPLETED by SKhanmi: 1:06pm On Aug 16, 2022 |
nnamdiosu: Thanks, those terms are quite common in front end development also as far as I know. If statements for example? anyone can understand that. And differentiating between a backend dev & web designer? Nope. Let's just say #Web design is an encompassing term like #Creative Design hence the confusion that comes with it. It's a parent word and we could fit all above-mentioned roles under it if we wanted. |
Re: 2022 Experiment 1: Becoming A Product Designer | COMPLETED by nnamdiosu(m): 3:52pm On Aug 16, 2022 |
SKhanmi: Ok. I get your point. Thanks. Ride on |
Re: 2022 Experiment 1: Becoming A Product Designer | COMPLETED by SKhanmi: 10:36am On Aug 25, 2022 |
Trying to take things one at a time nowadays. There's so much to do and learn. Back to no code development, for those interested, this is a structured bootcamp on Bubble. Don't know if it would be better than what's available in the bubble tutorial videos. Deadline is today though. It's free. |
Re: 2022 Experiment 1: Becoming A Product Designer | COMPLETED by alakara(m): 11:25am On Aug 25, 2022 |
SKhanmi: |
Re: 2022 Experiment 1: Becoming A Product Designer | COMPLETED by SKhanmi: 9:12am On Aug 31, 2022 |
Alakara Funny dude, the link would have explained it na. Hope you registered Sha? Simply put, learning no code tools like bubble webflow is an alternative to learning html css and JavaScript from scratch. You can create, see and test your designs faster on the web in real time with bubble instead of waiting for the front end developer. Trust me I've tried the above markup languages and this is easier for those not really interested in plunging into programming |
Re: 2022 Experiment 1: Becoming A Product Designer | COMPLETED by SKhanmi: 2:02pm On Aug 31, 2022 |
I need to finish up a previous project and would be needing at least 5 UI designers as volunteers to make things faster. You'll be added to the team list and given access to the finished case study to exhibit in your portfolio. Contact me through the email in the first post if you're interested. No newbies though, I won't be micromanaging anyone, need folks who can work without supervision, templates and directions would be given and the UI designers would just duplicate and modify as needed. This is perfect for those looking to build their portfolios. Hint: It is a mobile ecommerce app. Depending on time, I may decide to also create a web version. 1 Like |
Re: 2022 Experiment 1: Becoming A Product Designer | COMPLETED by Yarikson: 12:10pm On Sep 29, 2022 |
And what do you end up with? At the very end of the road to becoming a product designer? Let's say you can learn how to design products beautifully, but how much money can you end up getting for your work? Let's say from this article on mobile development, it's clear that the is not as high as you'd like, only up to $5,000 or am I wrong? |
Re: 2022 Experiment 1: Becoming A Product Designer | COMPLETED by SKhanmi: 9:53pm On Oct 01, 2022 |
Yarikson: Don't know if you're trying to drive traffic to that link in a smart way or asking a genuine question. Let me reach the end first, I'll know what to do. It is important but I'm not in this primarily because of the pay, that's for those who only have skills but no business sense and the ability to create multiple streams of income. You can make more than $5k if you know what you're doing. |
Re: 2022 Experiment 1: Becoming A Product Designer | COMPLETED by SKhanmi: 9:58pm On Oct 01, 2022 |
Phew!, It's been a while. Was finally able to streamline my activities to a select few. I have like 5 tech courses I've abandoned till later. They are not really useful to my product design journey right now (product management, crypto/defi etc), just my curiosity running rampant. Even completed and passed the aws cloud practitioner exam ( that might actually be useful in future), very interesting sector. Back to Joseph Brendan's course, I'm really glad I took it even though I'm not a newbie. Remember I mentioned trying to learn bubble? I actually went through some videos and got a good grasp of the fundamentals, I'm good at learning to use tools on a go. Since I had some graphics design experience I was able to create some screens but it was agonizingly slow...and I remembered while I ran away from graphics design again, The long hours, unappreciated value of the designers and the poor pay. So, yes I can do UI but I was starting to dislike it, until Joseph brendan showed me I was going after UI like a graphics designer instead of a software development angle.....Design stuff from scratch, grouping stuff, eyeballing padding spaces etc. Guess just 2 things that made me stay up throughout the night feverishly working on my UI designs again. |
Re: 2022 Experiment 1: Becoming A Product Designer | COMPLETED by SKhanmi: 10:02pm On Oct 01, 2022 |
Learning about the Box model & Autolayout! I looked back at the my previous struggles in UI designing and almost cried, chai, I don suffer, ignorance is not a good thing at all. Guess that's what you get from watching basics youtube videos, definitely better to learn from those already working/have real life experience in the industry. 1 Like
Re: 2022 Experiment 1: Becoming A Product Designer | COMPLETED by SKhanmi: 10:12pm On Oct 01, 2022 |
Simple things like paddings, margins, grids, constrains, I no sabi. Actually knew about the grid but was like what? No wonder I wanted to stick only to UX design because I innately knew if push comes to shove, The pixel perfect UI ( yes I've applied for some internships and the feedback on the UI tasks i did was laudable) designs I could create would not be defendable or grounded in a definite process. Everything go be guesswork and photoshop paparazzi vibrance use ![]() Well, enough of the wailing. I went back and created a 10 page website within 5 hours, jumped next into designing responsive tailwind empty state css components until I burned it into my brain ![]() Realized all this would make learning Webflow and Bubble easier. Below is one of the UI designs I created, last one is for the Aptlearn UX Internship (dashboard design), I chop rejection mail sha, we move. And the rest are responsive tailwind CSS component designs and an order history screen. Guess which one that has no defined process? ![]() 1 Like
Re: 2022 Experiment 1: Becoming A Product Designer | COMPLETED by LadyTara(f): 9:01am On Oct 02, 2022 |
Just got into UI design ,thanks for this thread alot of pointers here. 2 Likes |
Re: 2022 Experiment 1: Becoming A Product Designer | COMPLETED by Emeraldfynest(m): 5:02pm On Oct 02, 2022 |
Do you have any resources you can recommend for learning the box model? SKhanmi: |
Re: 2022 Experiment 1: Becoming A Product Designer | COMPLETED by SKhanmi: 11:25pm On Oct 02, 2022 |
Emeraldfynest: Not really, It's actually a simple concept, just see everything on a webpage as belonging to a container/boxes, including the text. And you can add properties( borders, margin, padding, content ) to those containers. See the sample I attached below. This webpage can be divided into 6 major boxes as seen on the left, which can further be broken down into smaller boxes down to the text itself. Then you connect everything by adding properties which enables you to have absolute control of the design of the whole webpage down to the smallest element and eliminate guesswork. If asked the margin between the ( discount price tag and the like icon ) and the (amount, product description and the plus button) or the padding between the bracketed content and its container, You can easily provide figures. Same goes for everything else.
Re: 2022 Experiment 1: Becoming A Product Designer | COMPLETED by SKhanmi: 11:37pm On Oct 02, 2022 |
This plan.zer redesign I did, normally I'll just create a frame, type in the text, use text alignment to arrange everything and group, use eye judge am, on to the next one. If I was a Kazeem, I'll make a good google join-join mechanic ![]() Could I give a definite answer if the front end developer asked me what was the margins/ paddings between the texts, elements and main content frame, na to turn am into fight. No wonder there's a lot of friction between those 2 groups. Still learning a lot though, how to showcase yourself on, ux writing, creating a style guide backed with defendable decisions etc. Haven't gotten to where I'll get stumped yet since I'm quite familiar with most but let's wait and see, there are golden nuggets here and there. 2 Likes 1 Share
Re: 2022 Experiment 1: Becoming A Product Designer | COMPLETED by SKhanmi: 11:42pm On Oct 02, 2022 |
I have to catch up with the cs.s and web.flow topics, seriously lagging behind, back to binge watching the courses, low motivation or not. Almost Everyone I know don travel go UK/canada finish. 2 Likes
Re: 2022 Experiment 1: Becoming A Product Designer | COMPLETED by ElGabi(m): 5:08am On Oct 03, 2022 |
SKhanmi: |
Re: 2022 Experiment 1: Becoming A Product Designer | COMPLETED by SKhanmi: 8:20am On Oct 03, 2022 |
ElGabi Came across like 2/3 others back then on Twitter, will post if I find them. |
Re: 2022 Experiment 1: Becoming A Product Designer | COMPLETED by Alphaman007: 8:36am On Oct 03, 2022 |
SKhanmi:Hi bro. Nice work keeping the thread alive. How far have you gone with learning bubble? did you attend joseph's bootcamp? |
Re: 2022 Experiment 1: Becoming A Product Designer | COMPLETED by SKhanmi: 9:54am On Oct 03, 2022 |
Alphaman007: Thanks, I can create web pages and connect them to a database and also modify the interactions, that's how far I've gone with bubble. Shelved it till later. Yeah, I'm currently attending the bootcamp. You're there also? |
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