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Re: My Experience As An Atheist In The Dating World. by uche40(f): 10:49pm On Oct 29, 2022 |
jasminer: What possible threat could a day old infant pose to your life? I need common, plausible examples. Thanks. |
Re: My Experience As An Atheist In The Dating World. by kingxsamz(m): 11:28pm On Oct 29, 2022 |
jasminer: I'm sorry but you're not quite half as smart as you assume yourself to be. If you were, you'd have abandoned the argument a long time ago. ![]() Have you forgotten you said these things you are defending now were wrong? ![]() jasminer: This was before our main argument began, before you entered my trap. ![]() So why are you defending genocide, infanticide and slavery when you already admitted that those acts are wrong? Why did you contradict yourself? Why did you adjust your stance as the argument went on? Oh, you didn't know that was were my questions were leading to? ![]() Please madam, explain why you are defending genocide, infanticide and slavery when you already admitted that it's wrong. I'm waiting.
Re: My Experience As An Atheist In The Dating World. by kingxsamz(m): 11:32pm On Oct 29, 2022 |
jasminer: You defended killing infants too because you're scared of what they'll do in the future. Abi you forgot that one? ![]() Add it to your list. 1 Like |
Re: My Experience As An Atheist In The Dating World. by kingxsamz(m): 11:36pm On Oct 29, 2022 |
jasminer: Ahn ahn, but you said those things were wrong nw. jasminer:So Jehovah don dey do bad things since be that? ![]() Contradictions upon contradictions. Nawa. |
Re: My Experience As An Atheist In The Dating World. by kingxsamz(m): 11:42pm On Oct 29, 2022 |
jasminer: At this point you are even revealing how flawed Christianity is. ![]() That means Hitler could be in heaven if he repented. If person kill your pikin and government let him go free because he said sorry, you go dey shine teeth abi? ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: My Experience As An Atheist In The Dating World. by kingxsamz(m): 11:51pm On Oct 29, 2022 |
jasminer: This your Hiroshima bomb dey sound like ordinary firework o. ![]() Is it Jesus that wants to send the famine and floods? Is he the one that wants to lead the war? If no, why are you trying so hard to paint him bad? ![]() Even if you successfully paint him bad, it's still to my advantage nw. You'd only be giving me more points to use against you. ![]() |
Re: My Experience As An Atheist In The Dating World. by kingxsamz(m): 11:57pm On Oct 29, 2022 |
uche40: When she answered that it was wrong, she didn't know I'll be making reference to stories in the bible where these acts were propagated by the Christian god. When I finally made reference to it, she had no choice but to defend these same acts she agreed were wrong. ![]() 1 Like |
Re: My Experience As An Atheist In The Dating World. by jasminer: 4:35am On Oct 30, 2022 |
kingxsamz: Lol, Jesus isn't the one sending the famine, starting the wars or causing the floods. The devil is the one doing that. Jesus only foretold the things that will be happening around the time that he will return to take his church away. |
Re: My Experience As An Atheist In The Dating World. by jasminer: 4:38am On Oct 30, 2022 |
kingxsamz: Asin ehn, this kain forgiveness is soooo annoying. Like someone killed God's children and because he genuinely and sincerely repented, God forgave him just like that. This God is too forgiving ![]() ![]() ![]() Just imagine. How dare He forgive such a wicked man. Forgiveness should be selective, atheists should never be forgiven even if they sincerely repent and turn to God. Imagine that after all these negative things you say about Christianity, you nau turn around and confess your sins and God nau forgives you ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Haaaaa! We go fight for heaven ooo ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 1 Like |
Re: My Experience As An Atheist In The Dating World. by jasminer: 4:41am On Oct 30, 2022 |
kingxsamz: I said humans killing unprovoked is bad. I never said that God taking the life He gave someone is bad. It belongs to Him afterall. I gave my child money, after some hours, I collected the money back from my child. Which law have I broken? But if I give my child money and you come and collect the money from my child, if I catch you, you go collect wotowoto ![]() 1 Like |
Re: My Experience As An Atheist In The Dating World. by jasminer: 4:42am On Oct 30, 2022 |
kingxsamz: I don't deny anything I defended. So you see, me and you are partners in crime in this one. ![]() ![]() ![]() Christian+atheist partnership... Laughing and falling down from pawpaw tree ![]() ![]() |
Re: My Experience As An Atheist In The Dating World. by jasminer: 4:43am On Oct 30, 2022 |
kingxsamz: Lol, that's where you're wrong, if I abandoned the argument from the beginning, how can we arrive at this partnership where you also defended genocide and infanticide ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: My Experience As An Atheist In The Dating World. by jasminer: 4:45am On Oct 30, 2022 |
uche40: The children being born in Boko Haram, iswap or even ISIS terrorist camps, do you think they pose a threat to humanity? ![]() |
Re: My Experience As An Atheist In The Dating World. by jasminer: 4:54am On Oct 30, 2022 |
uche40: Unprovoked, outside a war scenario, killing anyone is a big offense and the punishment for it is death. But the things that happen in war can't be judged as the things that happen in a civilian court. That's why the military has it's own court because if soldiers were to be tried in a civilian court, Omo, na firing squad ![]() ![]() All is fair in war my dear, a soldier will never be making this argument because they know how decisions are made. Let me give you an example, imagine you're driving a trailer which has "failed brake". In front of you is traffic, to your left is a bike with a woman and two babies, to your left is a coaster bus of 28 young men going to only God knows where. You must hit something and whoever you hit has only 1% chance of survival. Who will you hit? Either you act or not, at least 4 will die but it could be up to 30+ depending on your choice. It's up to you to limit the casualties to the nearest minimum. 1 Like |
Re: My Experience As An Atheist In The Dating World. by jasminer: 5:01am On Oct 30, 2022 |
uche40: Interesting... Thanks for your insight I've heard another opinion that there's no God and hence all animals evolved from the same source with humans and apes evolving from the same ancestors. They further said that humans are simply smarter and have a better body frame and advanced communication senses which gave us adventage over all animals. They argue that such it's possible for a human to genuinely love an animal and be loved by that animal and if that animal is willing to spend the rest of their life with a human, then the human could wed them. ![]() ![]() But I like the aspect of consent you gave. But what happens when an animal itself like a chimpanzee touches a woman sexually or an animal like a dog who has been exposed to sexual acts before attempts to ride a woman. In such a case, the animal made the first move, in such a case, it can't be rape can it? 1 Like |
Re: My Experience As An Atheist In The Dating World. by jasminer: 5:04am On Oct 30, 2022 |
suicidesheep: Yup, before the floods of Noah, there wasn't even rain talkless of flood. That being said, the rate of it's occurrence in recent years is more than the past. Did you hear about the hunger stones that were seen at the bed of a dried up river in Europe which was last seen 600yrs ago. The stones had writings on them which warned the reader that if they could see those stones, it means that hunger is coming ![]() |
Re: My Experience As An Atheist In The Dating World. by uche40(f): 9:06am On Oct 30, 2022 |
jasminer: Always a pleasure. jasminer: I'd like to point out here that there's a difference between Gnostic Atheism and Agnostic Atheism. The position you describe here is held by Gnostic Atheists who posit that God or gods certainly do NOT exist. Agnostic Atheists on the other hand are not certain if God exists or not. They just don't believe because they've not come across any evidence for God. For the avoidance of doubt, I happen to fall into the latter camp. jasminer: Yes, I think this is asserted in the Theory of Evolution. jasminer: It's just a matter of perspective if you ask me. Other species have their own evolved characteristics and to them, those characteristics give them adventage (sic) over us. Did you know that there are more bacteria alive in a single human than there are humans existing on this planet? Look at what the Corona Virus did to us in 2020. What about the Ebola Virus? Malaria? Then we can talk about dogs and cats who appear to be far more sensitive to their environment than any human being can possibly hope to be. The only thing we as humans can pride ourselves in is our evolved intuition and abstract thinking that has allowed us to seemingly dominate the planet as we know it now. jasminer: Yes it is very possible. And as far as I can tell, there exists no reasonable moral argument to suggest the immorality of such a phenomenon, particularly if mutual feelings of love exist between the human and the animal. jasminer: Humans can become victims of assault by animals. If the assault is sexual in nature and the human doesn't give consent, then technically it is rape. 1 Like |
Re: My Experience As An Atheist In The Dating World. by uche40(f): 9:20am On Oct 30, 2022 |
jasminer: You have tacitly made the claim that ALL instances of genocide and infanticide ordered by God in the Bible were only carried out during war scenarios. Can you confirm this as positive? I want you to think very carefully before you answer this question. Recall that you already condemned the acts of genocide and infanticide as morally wrong. It is true that the ethics of killing in war is muddy waters. I mostly agree with you there. Nevertheless, why war? What does your God really stand to gain from engaging in pissing contents with nations who defy him or go against his "divine" will? Why is he so bloodlusted and obsessed with wars in the Old Testament? If indiscriminate killing in any conflict or war scenario is to be justified, at least two conditions have to be met. The killings have to prevent calamities worse than it will cause. And, as a means of prevention, it has to be the last resort. Killing random people or infants should not be considered until ANY and ALL alternative means have been tried -- and have failed. As the all-powerful, all-knowing deity of peace and love that your God is, is it so inconceivable for him to design a perfect blend of diplomacy and continuous examination to deal with any and all possible threats? Is war and violence the only means he can devise? Then why is he called all-knowing and all-powerful? Why is he called all-good (omnibenevolent)? Even in the books of the Old Testament, it is proven time after time that your God's constant attacks and subjugation of the enemies of the Israelites are mostly ineffectual. His defeat of these nations only seems to contribute to temporary safety and long-term enmity between these nations and his chosen people since these nations will only view the Israelites' victory as a humiliation to be avenged. 2 Likes |
Re: My Experience As An Atheist In The Dating World. by uche40(f): 9:29am On Oct 30, 2022 |
jasminer: This is a non-answer, but I'll attempt a rejoinder to your argument in this post. Obviously they don't as they're not actively taking part in the activities of the Boko Haram, ISWAP or ISIS terrorist groups. The individuals who pose a direct threat to your safety in this situation you've reconstructed are the actual terrorists themselves, and not the infants. So you haven't really answered my question. Furthermore, I know you may think that killing infants in the instance you presented is totally unavoidable, but I want you to sit back and think carefully. Is it REALLY unavoidable? Is it really possible that you have exhausted ALL available options of ensuring that there isn't any needless collateral damage? Isn't indiscriminate killing somewhat tactless and indicative of lack of empathy? Like I stated earlier: If indiscriminate killing in any conflict or war scenario is to be justified, at least two conditions have to be met. The killings have to prevent calamities worse than it will cause. And, as a means of prevention, it has to be the last resort. Killing random people or infants should not be considered until all alternative means have been tried -- and have failed. Soldiers are obligated to target those who have the capacity to inflict harm. Beings lacking this capacity e.g day old infants, are not military objectives. It could also be argued that based off their non-participance in terrorism crimes, the infants did not consent to their deaths, therefore their death was immoral. Consent is an important factor here because that is what we use to distinguish murder from suicide, sex and rape, theft and (consensual) economic transactions. 2 Likes |
Re: My Experience As An Atheist In The Dating World. by uche40(f): 9:55am On Oct 30, 2022 |
jasminer: Please provide citations supporting this claim. |
Re: My Experience As An Atheist In The Dating World. by kingxsamz(m): 10:14am On Oct 30, 2022 |
jasminer: So how does that concern Jesus? If he's not the one sending those things, why bring it up? You're trying too hard to find a point you can run with. ![]() 1 Like |
Re: My Experience As An Atheist In The Dating World. by kingxsamz(m): 10:19am On Oct 30, 2022 |
jasminer: ![]() Even you acknowledge the flaws but you're hiding the pain behind those emojis. Imagine an unbeliever kills your children, only for you to die one day and end up in hell because you told a lie, and then you see your children in hell, while the murderer is in heaven dancing and rejoicing. ![]() Like I asked, if someone kills your children, your mother and your husband but the government decides to let him go free because he said "sorry please forgive me", you go dey shine teeth abi? Answer. ![]() |
Re: My Experience As An Atheist In The Dating World. by kingxsamz(m): 10:23am On Oct 30, 2022 |
jasminer: You didn't say anything abeg. You said they're wrong. Point blank. jasminer:There's no escaping this. You must explain why you contradicted yourself. ![]() ![]() |
Re: My Experience As An Atheist In The Dating World. by kingxsamz(m): 10:26am On Oct 30, 2022 |
jasminer: If you like lie about what I never said, the fact will always stare at you in the face. jasminer: Madam explain why genocide, infanticide and slavery now became good since you said they're wrong. Or you just say anything that comes to your mind without much thought? You don enter trap today. ![]() |
Re: My Experience As An Atheist In The Dating World. by zexy2030(m): 10:28am On Oct 30, 2022 |
NeckingNgulping:If by common sense, u can see light and darkness. There is no partial light nor darkness, maybe call it evening but still having a symptom of light in it. It's just self deception to be an atheist. There is no secret as long there is a sky up there. I have never heard a scientist invented the skies. So many natural things existing, justify their existence and conclude the foolishness of atheism. Women are naturally 10yrs in knowledge ahead of men, that's why they are gullible to orators and insight speakers. Intelligence and strengths attracts a woman more than religion. |
Re: My Experience As An Atheist In The Dating World. by kingxsamz(m): 10:30am On Oct 30, 2022 |
jasminer: Even if you're told ten times, you'll never understand. ![]() Atheism is the lack of belief in a god and it has nothing to do with evolution. Not every atheist agrees with it, believes it or understands it. There are theists who believe in evolution also. What ever anyone says that isn't "no, I don't believe in a god" has nothing to do with atheism. |
Re: My Experience As An Atheist In The Dating World. by uche40(f): 11:12am On Oct 30, 2022 |
jasminer: From the content of your posts on this thread, it's clear to me that you consider the Christian God to be the source or arbiter of moral values. Ignoring the fact that morality is easily explained by evolutionary psychology, let us assume you are correct for the sake of argument. Unfortunately, by assuming that anything God orders is good or right, you have unwittingly admitted that God's morality cannot be objective and/or universal. Euthyphro's Dilemma encapsulates this problem perfectly and it has yet to be answered satisfactorily: Is an act right because God says it's so, or does God say it's so because it's right? If it is right just because God says so, then morality is subject to his whim and has no real grounding except "might makes right". In other words, if tomorrow he declares that rape is good, does it actually become moral in any objective sense. On the other hand, if God commands it because it is right, then he is just a "middle man" and does not determine what is moral. 2 Likes |
Re: My Experience As An Atheist In The Dating World. by kingxsamz(m): 1:26pm On Oct 30, 2022 |
uche40: Good point. Watch her dance around the question to tell you "God never commanded people to rape so he can never declare it to be good". ![]() 1 Like |
Re: My Experience As An Atheist In The Dating World. by jasminer: 4:44pm On Oct 30, 2022 |
uche40: I've learnt something new even though I don't agree because of my own beliefs. Thanks |
Re: My Experience As An Atheist In The Dating World. by jasminer: 4:46pm On Oct 30, 2022 |
uche40: Please quote the other scenarios so I get a clearer understanding of where you're coming from. I mean provide the exact place in the Bible God commanded such |
Re: My Experience As An Atheist In The Dating World. by jasminer: 5:05pm On Oct 30, 2022 |
uche40: Firstly, I've watch documentaries on children who were rescued from terrorist camps. It took some two years to gain any form of normalcy. I saluted the courage of one particular mother where even her own society turned their backs on her and her son but she didn't give up till she found an equally determined children behavioral therapist and they both after about 2yrs restored some normalcy to the child. Before his rehabilitation, the boy loved to kill and destroy anything he could. Cut off head of toys, strangle pets and watch them die with rapt attention, capture little creatures and slice them open, destroy the toys of other kids, beat up smaller kids, throw stones at vehicles, rejected the name his parents named him and insisted they call him what the terrorists used to call him, hated cartoons, screamed at adults and hit or bite them if they try to correct him. No respect, no fear, even urinated on his mother for scolding him. So, as a military decision maker, if you have two hundred thousand children like this, what do you do? Then the issue of the new Borns, can they survive without their mothers? Who is going to breastfeed ten thousand day old children at the war front? Who will bathe them? Change their diapers? Is leaving them alive and orphaned your idea of justice? Vultures and wild animals will eat them up either way. Do you spare their mothers who are actively involved in their husband's terrorism by their own freewill? Who even raised their husbands to be terrorists if not the mothers of the husbands? Some things are easy to say than doing it. I've never seen American soldiers bring back orphaned children, does that mean no child was in the terrorist camps ? As noble as it sounds, you may not even be able to carry back your weak friend who is still alive talkless of a random child as innocent as it is. That's even apart from the high risk that those children will grow to harbor resentment for the Israelites even if the Israelites save them. Afterall didn't Pharaoh's daughter save Moses? Didn't Moses grow up to side his own people and even killed an Egyptian? It's easy to write noble stories but if you are not a military personnel, you haven't been in a war, you didn't even live in the times we're talking about, it's easy to misjudge |
Re: My Experience As An Atheist In The Dating World. by jasminer: 5:07pm On Oct 30, 2022 |
uche40: Genesis chapter 2 vs 5-6 ... : for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground. But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground. |
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