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Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin - Foreign Affairs - Nairaland

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Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by Fira09(m): 2:39pm On Dec 23, 2022
Russian President, Vladimir Putin has said that Russia wants an end to the war in Ukraine and that the war would only end by a diplomatic solution.

Putin made the comments on Thursday evening, December 22 a day after U.S. President Joe Biden hosted Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy in the White House and promised him continued and unwavering U.S. military support.

"Our goal is not to spin the flywheel of military conflict, but, on the contrary, to end this war," Putin said. "We will strive for an end to this, and the sooner the better, of course."

Russia has persistently said it is open to negotiations, but Ukraine and its allies suspect a ploy by Russia to buy time after a series of Russian defeats and retreats that have swung the momentum of the 10-month war in favour of Kyiv.

"I have said many times: the intensification of hostilities leads to unjustified losses," Putin told reporters.

"All armed conflicts end one way or another with some kind of negotiations on the diplomatic track," he added. "Sooner or later, any parties in a state of conflict sit down and make an agreement. The sooner this realization comes to those who oppose us, the better. We have never given up on this."

Russia says it is Ukraine that is refusing to negotiate but Kyiv says Russia must halt its attacks and give up all territory it has seized.

Putin also played down the importance of the Patriot air defense system that Biden agreed to supply to Zelensky, saying Russia would find a way to counter it.

He said it was "quite old" and did not work like Russia's S-300 system. "An antidote will always be found," he said, boasting Russia would "crack" the Patriots.

"So those who do it are doing it in vain. It's just prolonging the conflict, that's all."

Putin's comments also come after White House spokesman John Kirby said Putin has "shown absolutely zero indication that he's willing to negotiate" an end to the war, which began when Moscow sent troops into Ukraine on Feb. 24.

"Quite the contrary," Kirby told reporters during an online briefing. "Everything he (Putin) is doing on the ground and in the air bespeaks a man who wants to continue to visit violence upon the Ukrainian people" and "escalate the war."

Kirby renterated that Biden was open to talks with Putin, but only after the Russian leader "showed a seriousness about negotiations" and after consultations with Ukraine and U.S. allies.


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Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by God1000(m): 2:46pm On Dec 23, 2022
Vladimir Putin is finally coming to his senses, I said it before that Putin more than anyone else wants this war to end.

His ego won't just let him call for peace talks, he grossly underestimated Ukraine and the resolve of the west.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine is a complete fiasco and strategic disaster, Putin should just give up his imperial ambition and colonial fantasies

He can't singlehandedly redraw world map in this 21st century, Putin's harmful expansionism must not be allowed to happen

I don't understand why some nigerians continue praising such a psychopath, mass murderer and war criminal who has committed atrocities and crimes against humanity.

No sane and reasonable person will support such egregious individual.

Anybody in support of Putin's barbarism doesn't have the moral compass to speak against boko haram and bandits who are causing havoc and mayhem everywhere in Nigeria.

This man has made Russia a laughingstock and mockery among nations of the world, he has become a global pariah too.

193 Likes 28 Shares

Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by Akacollins7: 2:46pm On Dec 23, 2022
Hmmm, you guys are just playing games on your fellow human being

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Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by Chaos14: 2:51pm On Dec 23, 2022
Like for ukraine share for russia

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Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by lhordspy: 2:54pm On Dec 23, 2022
News from lindaikeji blog. grin Mr Fira09 you can do better.

But on a true note. We all know those who doesnt wish for this war to end. The Ukranian leader just visited his puppeteer few days back, US, the war mongers.

They probably licked his ear and whisper to him as usuall to keep sacrificing his men in a senseless war, that one day he is going to win.
Afterall more military aid and US green-card is assured for him.

37 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by Aboks(m): 3:00pm On Dec 23, 2022
Una still dey fight

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Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by Chaos14: 3:10pm On Dec 23, 2022
Vladimir Putin is finally acknowledging defeat, I said it before that Putin more than anyone else wants this war to end.

His ego won't just let him call for peace talks, he grossly underestimated Ukraine and the resolve of the west.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine is a complete fiasco and strategic disaster.

He has become a global pariah.

I don't understand why some nigerians continue praising such a psychopath, mass murderer and war criminal who has committed atrocities and crime against humanity.

You are seeing what CNN is telling you not the truth thats why you dislike him.

63 Likes 6 Shares

Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by Vl3ly: 3:10pm On Dec 23, 2022
Vladimir Putin is finally acknowledging defeat, I said it before that Putin more than anyone else wants this war to end.

His ego won't just let him call for peace talks, he grossly underestimated Ukraine and the resolve of the west.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine is a complete fiasco and strategic disaster.

He has become a global pariah.

I don't understand why some nigerians continue praising such a psychopath, mass murderer and war criminal who has committed atrocities and crime against humanity.

did you read the news at all?

Putin is just clearing the John Kirby allegation on him

Putin's comments also come after White House spokesman John Kirby said Putin has "shown absolutely zero indication that he's willing to negotiate" an end to the war, which began when Moscow sent troops into Ukraine on Feb. 24.

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Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by Masterviolence(m): 3:15pm On Dec 23, 2022
This is exactly what every sensible person want.
But Ukraine(u.s) want to defeat Russia in the battlefield by fighting to the last Ukrainian.

If at the end of all these hostilities, Ukraine(u.s) agreed and the war was ended diplomatically, but the annexed territories did not return under Ukraine control.

The west will not be able to outlive the shame and disgrace, the u.s will be a joke.

Likewise Russia, if the annex territories return under Ukraine control and they also joined NATO. The shame and disgrace will pass down to generations.

57 Likes 1 Share

Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by afribookorg(m): 3:50pm On Dec 23, 2022
Told you that putin is the world power Goat.

Like for Putin or share for Messi

70 Likes 16 Shares

Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by Kelvin3476: 6:40pm On Dec 23, 2022
True putards won't still agree that pootin is open to negotiation.
even pootin doesnt threaten to nuke america , or nato. him eye don the clear


Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by factcheckmmm: 7:30pm On Dec 23, 2022
Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by israelmao(m): 7:31pm On Dec 23, 2022
Putin is now less feared than before because the current war has completely exposed his Achilles' heel.

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Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by gambojimeta: 7:31pm On Dec 23, 2022
Russia bit more than it can chew. Ukraine is not Georgia or all those other small countries Putin can invade at will.

All you need to know:

One country is defending.
While the other is attacking.

Once attacks stops by the aggressor, then the country that was invaded will stop defending.

News from lindaikeji blog. grin Mr Fira09 you can do better.

Same news here:


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Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by BIZNess123(m): 7:31pm On Dec 23, 2022

Though Russia has lots of enemies..

They should also focus on other forms of technological development..
Not only military..

Meanwhile I love Russia

13 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by iHateFraudsters: 7:31pm On Dec 23, 2022
We all know that.

But the Ukrainian clown is still clowning around.

By the time his eyes clear, damages go over plenty.

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Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by HydraFeeds(m): 7:31pm On Dec 23, 2022
Russia has made their mark,it’s time to sheathe their sword .

1 Like

Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by Emu4life(m): 7:31pm On Dec 23, 2022
Putin, The West and Ordinary Ukrainians are all tired of the War.
Na Zelensky wey dey use US and EU take cash out no gree peace. That Comedian/Yahoo man will be the richest man on the planet after this War.

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Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by owiko(m): 7:31pm On Dec 23, 2022
Dear Vladimir Putin, it seems the rest of the world have moved on with the numerous problems facing them. You can go ahead and massage your ego for as long as you want

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Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by southsouthking(m): 7:32pm On Dec 23, 2022
Say no to war.

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Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by Okhuadams(m): 7:32pm On Dec 23, 2022

The coward and some of his Nigeria Supportters now want to neogotiate

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Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by Jackanda1(m): 7:32pm On Dec 23, 2022
What sort of negotiation is Putin blabbing about?
He invaded Ukraine and started the war.

If he wants to end the war, all he needs to do is withdraw from Ukraine.

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Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by sapientia(m): 7:32pm On Dec 23, 2022

"Our goal is not to spin the flywheel of military conflict, but, on the contrary, to end this war ," Putin said. "We will strive for an end to this, and the sooner the better, of course."

Oh, it's a war..

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Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by Enddy50ty(m): 7:32pm On Dec 23, 2022
Putin has exposed how weak the Russian military can be in modern day conventional warfare, despite the use of supersonic, hypersonic weapons he still couldn't achieve anything in Ukraine.

He knows the incoming air defense system coming from the United States is a massive game changer so he's calling for diplomatic resolution, this is something he should have thought of before the initial bombardment of a sovereign nation.

Putin is a dumb head.

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Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by useni1: 7:33pm On Dec 23, 2022
Russia actually got tired of killing. Over 1.5million NATO and Ukraine Nazi maggots slaughtered in 10 months. This is the greatest annihilation in recorded history. All areas that produces Ukraine source of income are all in Russian hands. This is like a computer game massacre. BasTO will think twice before messing with the greatest military force in human history


Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by NwaNimo1(m): 7:33pm On Dec 23, 2022
Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by ogub(m): 7:33pm On Dec 23, 2022
Then end it Mr Putin.


Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by Minjim: 7:33pm On Dec 23, 2022
The only end Putin wants is Russia conquring Ukraine.

Putin has lost too much not to want to win

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Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by INTEGRITYA1(m): 7:33pm On Dec 23, 2022
Since dialogue will eventually put an end to war, the question is; why war in the first place.

Man inhumane to man.

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Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by paradigmshift(m): 7:33pm On Dec 23, 2022
Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by Akfrenzy(m): 7:34pm On Dec 23, 2022
Re: Russia Wants Ukraine War To End, The Sooner The Better - Putin by Highways: 7:34pm On Dec 23, 2022

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