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What Kind Of Job Do You Do And What's The Hardest Part of Your Job? - Jobs/Vacancies (6) - Nairaland

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Re: What Kind Of Job Do You Do And What's The Hardest Part of Your Job? by Bebem(m): 4:20pm On May 03, 2023
What kind of job do you do and what's the hardest part of your job you (learn how to) or (can't) tolerate?

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Re: What Kind Of Job Do You Do And What's The Hardest Part of Your Job? by Nobody: 4:20pm On May 03, 2023

Hello bro can I learn this biz from u.
Help me with ur contact
Re: What Kind Of Job Do You Do And What's The Hardest Part of Your Job? by AfonjaConehead: 4:21pm On May 03, 2023
Seamen rock cool

Sail the seas and see the beauty and power of the oceans.

It's "good morning" onboard cos the job at times requires you be all hands on deck,ya know cheesy


Re: What Kind Of Job Do You Do And What's The Hardest Part of Your Job? by drimzsmoke(m): 4:24pm On May 03, 2023
I'm a gynecologist, the hardest part of my work is seeing dirty and stinking pusssssssies everyday.

You can never be an OBGYN!!!

1 Like

Re: What Kind Of Job Do You Do And What's The Hardest Part of Your Job? by adewaleadeyemi8(m): 4:26pm On May 03, 2023
Customer success Moniepoint inc. the hardest part is facing an irate customer and trying to calm them down by apologizing grin receiving several complains and trying to resolve them almost immediately cheesy. The job is for the most patient of souls else ehn undecided


Re: What Kind Of Job Do You Do And What's The Hardest Part of Your Job? by Rubbiish(m): 4:28pm On May 03, 2023

If you are making less than #100k as a lawyer you should open your own practice
It is not that easy at bold
No client will come
He needs the less than 100k work to gather court experience & establish connects to build a considerable clientele before setting up his own firm, else he will just waste money for renting office space, because no one will hire him


Re: What Kind Of Job Do You Do And What's The Hardest Part of Your Job? by Negroid001(m): 4:32pm On May 03, 2023

Maybe you should get one of those eye protective glasses.
I have Thank you ma.

1 Like

Re: What Kind Of Job Do You Do And What's The Hardest Part of Your Job? by kenearth50(m): 4:41pm On May 03, 2023
Currently out of job since last month but open to Job/work opportunities.
Re: What Kind Of Job Do You Do And What's The Hardest Part of Your Job? by Efisko1(m): 4:46pm On May 03, 2023
Work at a production factory..
Hardest part.. is ... working from ,7pm to 7am..12hrs non stop..no break or anything....for a meagre salary..he go better

Like how much?
Re: What Kind Of Job Do You Do And What's The Hardest Part of Your Job? by tremilatre(m): 5:00pm On May 03, 2023

What is defensive medicine?

They should understand that no one is perfect and doctors can make mistakes too.

Defensive medicine is practice with the knowledge that litigation can arise at anytime and from any patient. So treating each patient as a potential court case - doing the right thing "by the books" and DOCUMENTING properly. Cos if some hungry lawyer gingers them to sue or put in a complaint, the only thing that would save me is having done the right thing and documented in a way that covers my arss.
Tough world out here.


Re: What Kind Of Job Do You Do And What's The Hardest Part of Your Job? by YouMess: 5:02pm On May 03, 2023
I am a business intelligence analyst/data analyst.
Hardest part of doing my job? Back to back shege from plenty people daily during the week, and on weekends i'm checking on the crazy data to make all is well the coming week. smiley
can I be your friend sir
Re: What Kind Of Job Do You Do And What's The Hardest Part of Your Job? by bepositive11: 5:06pm On May 03, 2023

Defensive medicine is practice with the knowledge that litigation can arise at anytime and from any patient. So treating each patient as a potential court case - doing the right thing "by the books" and DOCUMENTING properly. Cos if some hungry lawyer gingers them to sue or put in a complaint, the only thing that would save me is having done the right thing and documented in a way that covers my arss.
Tough world out here.

Tough world indeed. Didn't know that being a doctor abroad was that scary.
Re: What Kind Of Job Do You Do And What's The Hardest Part of Your Job? by placeofallure(f): 5:08pm On May 03, 2023
I'm an English Instructor. My work is interesting as you learn everyday on the job to keep abreast of emerging technologies and maintain industry standard. I'm never one to keep down on one thing though so I do buying and selling of clothes and jewelry on the side.

My constraints is with parents who expect you to be a magician with their kids, without playing their part as parents. I hate filling all the records too. I just want to teach and go away cheesy

1 Like

Re: What Kind Of Job Do You Do And What's The Hardest Part of Your Job? by bepositive11: 5:14pm On May 03, 2023
I'm a forex trader. The most difficult part is developing a successful strategy. I'm so glad I've achieve that šŸ’Æ

How did you learn how to develop a successful strategy?
Re: What Kind Of Job Do You Do And What's The Hardest Part of Your Job? by omode2(m): 5:16pm On May 03, 2023
Animals husbandry (rearing to sell)

Hardest part - Cleaning their place of abode on a daily.
I used to be a piggery farmer but lost my farm twice to swine fever. Have been jobless since then.


Re: What Kind Of Job Do You Do And What's The Hardest Part of Your Job? by orikoku: 5:18pm On May 03, 2023
Okada rider! Working early morning so dangerous to my job

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Re: What Kind Of Job Do You Do And What's The Hardest Part of Your Job? by Natbrowny: 5:24pm On May 03, 2023
I used to be a piggery farmer but lost my farm twice to swine fever. Have been jobless since then.

So Sorry 2 hear that. One of the dangers of animals husbandry (disease and esp its spread)

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Re: What Kind Of Job Do You Do And What's The Hardest Part of Your Job? by Natbrowny: 5:25pm On May 03, 2023
Okada rider! Working early morning so dangerous to my job

Health especially
. Most riders be forming champion n capones.

Pneumonia is a problem to avoid. Coz of dust u guys inhale and vibrations on bikes always dey affect later later.

Una dey try. Man must wack
Re: What Kind Of Job Do You Do And What's The Hardest Part of Your Job? by Natbrowny: 5:28pm On May 03, 2023

My constraints is with parents who expect you to be a magician with their kids, without playing their part as parents. cheesy

True. Parents nowadays expect u to teach their kids to eat, pray, show respect, how to use spoon esp d nursery teachers. And just like u said. Parents expect u to be a superman and expect kids to be Einstein with them participating ZERO TO TEN PERCENT
Re: What Kind Of Job Do You Do And What's The Hardest Part of Your Job? by olawaley12(m): 5:33pm On May 03, 2023
Building contractor and building materials supplier... The hardest part of the job is dealing with clients that wants to under pay for services and materials... And another one is carrying building materials myself like cement... Men

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Re: What Kind Of Job Do You Do And What's The Hardest Part of Your Job? by FaithBrain1994(m): 5:34pm On May 03, 2023
I'm a supervisor in a Chinese Restaurant in Lekki and the hardest part of my job is telling adults what to do over and over again. Like, can't you be told this once and stick to itšŸŒš

Though they are gradually fitting well into my pattern of work ethics but more still needs to be done.


Re: What Kind Of Job Do You Do And What's The Hardest Part of Your Job? by bodmas119(m): 5:38pm On May 03, 2023
Crypto trading
Re: What Kind Of Job Do You Do And What's The Hardest Part of Your Job? by shegzy0514(m): 5:40pm On May 03, 2023
I am a business intelligence analyst/data analyst.
Hardest part of doing my job? Back to back shege from plenty people daily during the week, and on weekends i'm checking on the crazy data to make all is well the coming week. smiley
What do u mean by bacak to back shege

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Re: What Kind Of Job Do You Do And What's The Hardest Part of Your Job? by Robertgreene1(m): 5:54pm On May 03, 2023
Abeg which of the blogs my kid sis is really good at this but she doesnt know the right place to sell herself
l'm sorry but l can't divulge the name here for confidential reasons..but tell ur sis to start sending cover letters on Email to blogs in her niche...lnterested ones will ask 4 a sample of her work...and she might just be lucky..
Re: What Kind Of Job Do You Do And What's The Hardest Part of Your Job? by bluefilm: 5:54pm On May 03, 2023
I'm a professional full time career punter.

Analysing games so as to make your predictions on a daily basis is the hardest part of the job.

1 Like

Re: What Kind Of Job Do You Do And What's The Hardest Part of Your Job? by detectivejones: 5:56pm On May 03, 2023
l'm sorry but l can't divulge the name here for confidential reasons
Okay. How about via email
Re: What Kind Of Job Do You Do And What's The Hardest Part of Your Job? by Robertgreene1(m): 6:00pm On May 03, 2023
Okay. How about via email
we aren't meant to do that...but just tell ur sis to start sending cover letters to blogs in her niche via Emails... interested ones will ask for a sample of her work..and she might just be lucky.
Re: What Kind Of Job Do You Do And What's The Hardest Part of Your Job? by Brandconsultany: 6:00pm On May 03, 2023
Iā€™m a realtor. Hardest part is conducting inspections and being aired by clients afterwards.

Hi can we network: WhatsApp 07043120410
Re: What Kind Of Job Do You Do And What's The Hardest Part of Your Job? by riverbird: 6:10pm On May 03, 2023
Am a stevedore, a fun job but the part I find a little stressful is having to work night shifts moving those gigantic cranes when am supposed to be on my bed cuddling my pillow since I no get gf......


Re: What Kind Of Job Do You Do And What's The Hardest Part of Your Job? by obinna58(m): 6:19pm On May 03, 2023
Poultry farmer, everywhere hard, e go Dey break your heart on daily basis
Re: What Kind Of Job Do You Do And What's The Hardest Part of Your Job? by Enemyofpeace: 6:36pm On May 03, 2023

You can never be an OBGYN!!!
na bad belle and jealousy go kee you
Re: What Kind Of Job Do You Do And What's The Hardest Part of Your Job? by Enemyofpeace: 6:39pm On May 03, 2023

You are not qualify to be a gynecologist.
But that thing comes with dirt and heat, it can quickly discolored pant
why am I not qualified? Have you not heard of quack doctors before? I'm one of them operating successfully in Nigeria

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