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NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! - Health (2504) - Nairaland

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Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by iamfertile(f): 9:25am On Apr 27, 2023
Good morning mamas, my baby is 2 weeks today, 3days ago she started toileting like 3times daily. Last night I changed pampas lik 2 times before daybreak. Yesterday when I went for re dressing (because I did CS) I complained to the Dr but she said it's normal. Yet she still passed the stool twice overnight. The only drugs I gave her was panda paracetamol & Nospamin just once.
Pls should I be worried or what can be the cause? Personally I've not started taken sugary things so I can't say I passed it to her via breastfeeding. I'm a FTM pls advice.
Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by Omakraid(f): 10:48am On Apr 27, 2023
Good morning mamas, my baby is 2 weeks today, 3days ago she started toileting like 3times daily. Last night I changed pampas lik 2 times before daybreak. Yesterday when I went for re dressing (because I did CS) I complained to the Dr but she said it's normal. Yet she still passed the stool twice overnight. The only drugs I gave her was panda paracetamol & Nospamin just once.
Pls should I be worried or what can be the cause? Personally I've not started taken sugary things so I can't say I passed it to her via breastfeeding. I'm a FTM pls advice.
Its normal ma. While some babies does not poop for days, some does it very frequently.. My daughter was like that until about 4 months or so, now that we're marching towards the big 1,she poops 2x daily

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Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by mbjane: 11:37am On Apr 27, 2023
Hello house ,what type of food can be used for my baby as we didn’t find the usual sma gold we have been using for the past few months

Options will be appreciated from you all
Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by iamfertile(f): 11:59am On Apr 27, 2023
Its normal ma. While some babies does not poop for days, some does it very frequently.. My daughter was like that until about 4 months or so, now that we're marching towards the big 1,she poops 2x daily

Okk. I'm relieved then. I can't wait till we're +1, motherhood isn't easy grin grin. Thanks
Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by sugarcoatted(f): 12:11pm On Apr 27, 2023
Hello house ,what type of food can be used for my baby as we didn’t find the usual sma gold we have been using for the past few months

Options will be appreciated from you all

You didnt state the age of your baby
Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by MummyNeto(f): 8:36pm On Apr 27, 2023
Good evening mamas
Pls what can I do to make my 7 months old sleep longer during night. He wakes up at 1-2 hours interval. I give him pap by past 10pm then breastfeed through the night when he wakes up
gradually stop the night breastfeeding, that’s why he wakes up, it won’t be easy at first, for my twins when the constant night feeding was depriving me of sleep i had to stop it, i will back one and my husband will carry the other, but we made sure no breastfeeding.
They’re not even waking up becos of hunger just that their body is already used to night feeding. We gave pap atimes if they won’t stop crying, here we are now they sleep from 7:30/8pm till the next morning! If they wake up at night they drink water and go back to sleep. All you need is determination and consistency.


Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by MummyNeto(f): 8:38pm On Apr 27, 2023

I do not have one but felt led to reply.
If you can find out the cost of one where you live i can assist to pay for it.Pain is Pain and it’s enough hard work tending to a baby.
God bless you sis and may He keep our babies in good health.

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Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by MummyNeto(f): 8:49pm On Apr 27, 2023
Good morning mamas, my baby is 2 weeks today, 3days ago she started toileting like 3times daily. Last night I changed pampas lik 2 times before daybreak. Yesterday when I went for re dressing (because I did CS) I complained to the Dr but she said it's normal. Yet she still passed the stool twice overnight. The only drugs I gave her was panda paracetamol & Nospamin just once.
Pls should I be worried or what can be the cause? Personally I've not started taken sugary things so I can't say I passed it to her via breastfeeding. I'm a FTM pls advice.
To be honest I’m not comfortable with the drugs you are giving that child, paracetamol for what exactly? Is baby running temperature or immunized? Biko stop it, i saw where you also mentioned giving her gripe water and nospamin, haba mama, I don’t give drugs to a healthy child oh, if you are treating colic infacol is much better and safer. May God keep our babies in good health. Her stooling is equally normal as long as it not too watery that it sinks into the diaper.


Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by Omakraid(f): 8:50pm On Apr 27, 2023

Okk. I'm relieved then. I can't wait till we're +1, motherhood isn't easy grin grin. Thanks
My sister, we just take each day as it comes ooo cos babies can change at any time. God will help us all

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Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by Omobithousand(f): 11:42am On Apr 28, 2023
Hello momma's please I don't really understand or like this new kisskid diaper o it's soooo bad and doesn't last long at all.... please any other good diaper out there please help a worried mom
Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by iamfertile(f): 12:00pm On Apr 28, 2023
To be honest I’m not comfortable with the drugs you are giving that child, paracetamol for what exactly? Is baby running temperature or immunized? Biko stop it, i saw where you also mentioned giving her gripe water and nospamin, haba mama, I don’t give drugs to a healthy child oh, if you are treating colic infacol is much better and safer. May God keep our babies in good health. Her stooling is equally normal as long as it not too watery that it sinks into the diaper.

OK ma. She's not running temperature. I'll stop the drugs then. Tknx

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Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by MummyNeto(f): 12:44pm On Apr 28, 2023
Hello momma's please I don't really understand or like this new kisskid diaper o it's soooo bad and doesn't last long at all.... please any other good diaper out there please help a worried mom
yara is good.


Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by Omakraid(f): 11:05pm On Apr 28, 2023
Hello momma's please I don't really understand or like this new kisskid diaper o it's soooo bad and doesn't last long at all.... please any other good diaper out there please help a worried mom
You can try softcare, it's also nice

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Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by Myfavour22: 12:00am On Apr 29, 2023
Hello momma's please I don't really understand or like this new kisskid diaper o it's soooo bad and doesn't last long at all.... please any other good diaper out there please help a worried mom

If you can get molfix, original one, you will enjoy it.
Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by AmNuhRegular(f): 5:05pm On Apr 29, 2023
Hello momma's please I don't really understand or like this new kisskid diaper o it's soooo bad and doesn't last long at all.... please any other good diaper out there please help a worried mom

Yara and softcare are very affordable and very good

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Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by Ameeria: 10:49pm On Apr 29, 2023
Hello mamas, pls I'm not in the country and have just given birth. The food here is so expensive and work isn't allowing me keep up with breast milk, even that is not sufficient for him at night. Pls at what age can I introduce pap? What can I put in the pap to make it really nutritious for him? What alternative foods can I make for him that daycare will be able to feed him during the day? He is currently 7 weeks old and the country kept insisting on solid foods at 6months yet the baby foods are so expensive here. Thank you.
Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by Eezohbae(f): 3:06pm On Apr 30, 2023
Hello momma's please I don't really understand or like this new kisskid diaper o it's soooo bad and doesn't last long at all.... please any other good diaper out there please help a worried mom

The white pack softcare is really good

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Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by kokaiye: 3:22pm On Apr 30, 2023
Hello mamas, pls I'm not in the country and have just given birth. The food here is so expensive and work isn't allowing me keep up with breast milk, even that is not sufficient for him at night. Pls at what age can I introduce pap? What can I put in the pap to make it really nutritious for him? What alternative foods can I make for him that daycare will be able to feed him during the day? He is currently 7 weeks old and the country kept insisting on solid foods at 6months yet the baby foods are so expensive here. Thank you.
if u cant breastfeed... Its only formula u can give baby at dt age... Pls dont give any oda tin... Pls r 4gv me if i am out of my lane... I am just curious... Y leave a newborn n start work? U need to still b nursing ur baby at this point.... We understand Nigerian mom... Nigeria situations push them out but thank God u r out of d country... Y not calm down, relax n take care of ur baby till mayb wen he clock (d earliest) 7 or 8months... U wont have to worry ursef about wat to give baby cs baby would have being taking solid and can start daycare.... Even u will hv rest of mind that he is doing well.... Again i am sorry if i cross my lane... I just dey feel bad for d new baby.... Moreover breastmilk is free if baby food is expensive.


Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by kokaiye: 3:35pm On Apr 30, 2023
Good morning mummies in the house, my baby recently clocked 3 months, but she started running stool since 3 days ago, I'm confused and scared. I got flagyl for her already, what else can we use? She's on exclusive breastfeeding
wait?!! Flagyl for 3months old!!! Wawu!!! U get mind ooo... I cant even giv my 1yr old any oda med except paracetamol n dt paracetamol sef is if he had fever dtz all.... I hope u haven't give her d med... If u r scared n dont knw wat to do, y not tk baby to hospital atleast d doc will tell u wat to do... My one yr old diarrhea just stopped yesterday... It last 4 a week... I nva gave him anything, i just stop given him water but continue his normal food and offer formula to keep his fluid and electrolytes up... If to say he isnt eating, na to give ORS... flagyl is not 4 babies.


Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by Whyzaid(f): 4:45pm On Apr 30, 2023
Prescription of drug to take in order to lactate well, help a sister
Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by Expectantmom: 9:50pm On Apr 30, 2023
I'm a first time mom too but please let's not self medicate our babies as they are fragile.

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Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by kokaiye: 7:57am On May 01, 2023
I'm a first time mom too but please let's not self medicate our babies as they are fragile.
pls loud it my sister!!!
Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by Nobody: 2:18pm On May 01, 2023
Prescription of drug to take in order to lactate well, help a sister
Hi.Yes there are drugs but have you tried to eat better as a first line of action?.If you have no milk maybe go straight to formula you will be just as fantastic a mother.
Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by Whyzaid(f): 10:55am On May 02, 2023

Hi.Yes there are drugs but have you tried to eat better as a first line of action?.If you have no milk maybe go straight to formula you will be just as fantastic a mother.
Thanks for your response, there's milk but I guess it's not sufficient for my bobo
Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by kokaiye: 12:40pm On May 02, 2023
Thanks for your response, there's milk but I guess it's not sufficient for my bobo
try fenugreek
Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by Whyzaid(f): 12:46pm On May 03, 2023
try fenugreek
Thank you
Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by AbbasFavourite: 8:40am On May 04, 2023
Good morning mamas. Is it true Rota vaccine is free in government hospitals?
Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by kokaiye: 10:16am On May 04, 2023
Good morning mamas. Is it true Rota vaccine is free in government hospitals?
not true

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Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by Oluwasemiloba(f): 10:31am On May 04, 2023
Good morning mamas. Is it true Rota vaccine is free in government hospitals?

Here in Ibadan, I got Rota 1 and 2 for my baby at a government owned primary health center for free...

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Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by elega(f): 11:40am On May 04, 2023
Good morning mamas. Is it true Rota vaccine is free in government hospitals?
it is free here in kaduna state.
Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by Cutiemama: 4:39pm On May 04, 2023

OK ma. She's not running temperature. I'll stop the drugs then. Tknx
my son is 8 weeks and has a terrible colic I have used nospasmin for him from day one .I think it's good ...infacol is not bad oh I used it for my first daughter but I think it's expensive and not as effective ... nospasmin is ok Mama

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Re: NEW BORN BABIES! Are U A New Mum? Then Lets Discuss Babies Here!!!!! by sugarcoatted(f): 9:40pm On May 04, 2023
not true

Its true ma. It wasn't free before now. It was included to the free vaccines around ending of 2022. So it can be gotten at most health centres for free now

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