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My Girlfriends Have Left Me Because I Have Erectile Dysfunction - Health (7) - Nairaland

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After Taking Government Free Injection Non Of My Girlfriends Have Taken In / HELP! I Have Erectile Dysfunction And Need Help / I Have Erectile Dysfunction And Its Really Affecting My Relationship. (2) (3) (4)

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Re: My Girlfriends Have Left Me Because I Have Erectile Dysfunction by Burgerlomo: 7:29pm On Jun 24, 2023
Damnnn niggar
Nothing much
Relax after all you have stopped Masturbation
Not really the cause though

But observe your self for some time if after you stopped Masturbation any improvement

Do some kegel exercises for men in the morning for one month and observe

Now most important of them all

Reduce your anxiety when you are with a woman

Anxiety fuckks us up alot when we are with a woman
Most of what we call sexual problems we encounter when we are are with a woman is actually not sexual problems...it is bros Anxiety
Anxiety is even the cause of most quick ejaculation

Re: My Girlfriends Have Left Me Because I Have Erectile Dysfunction by kyber(m): 7:31pm On Jun 24, 2023
Since when? Did it just started? Are you using any hard drug.

It started when I first had sex last year
I think that is when I realized I had it
Re: My Girlfriends Have Left Me Because I Have Erectile Dysfunction by kbright911(m): 7:33pm On Jun 24, 2023
Chew two bitter kola and take one coco samba 30mins before intercourse. I wait for your testimony
Re: My Girlfriends Have Left Me Because I Have Erectile Dysfunction by kyber(m): 7:33pm On Jun 24, 2023

Garlic and lime orange or honey. Chop your raw garlic, use two spoon of lime to wash it down or honey a spoon. Do it for three days, invite her again, knack her till she accuse you of taken vegra.

Is the Vegra and vega 100 the same drugs?
Re: My Girlfriends Have Left Me Because I Have Erectile Dysfunction by twosquare(m): 7:36pm On Jun 24, 2023
My morning erection sometimes comes and sometimes doesn’t, and when it comes it is semi hard.

So I have tried to have sex with girls, whenever I’m being excited I get hard, But after putting on a condom and inserting my male organ into the vagina, it’s becomes soft after 2 or 3 thrust.

It takes minutes for me to get hard after some caressing by the lady and when I put it in it goes soft again.

Mind you I do masturbate but I stopped a month ago. Those were the period these things happened. I haven’t had sex since I stopped masturbation for fear of the repetition.

The girls I had left cause I couldn’t satisfy them, the love they had for me vanished after I couldn’t even perform well like their ex, making them miss their exes .

I haven’t tried raw sex yet to confirm if I can sustain my erection when I feel the inner walls of the vagina and it’s sweetness, because some of the articles I have read here on Nairaland talked about my male organ getting used to my left hand (cause that’s what i use) thereby making it loose sensitivity to the point where my male organ becomes insensitive inside the condom.

Is my condition a critical one or one that can be fixed easily by following few steps of instructions?

What can I do to get this fixed and get my male organ back to its full potential?
Condom collapse syndrome...Google it

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Re: My Girlfriends Have Left Me Because I Have Erectile Dysfunction by kyber(m): 7:36pm On Jun 24, 2023
Peeps be like stop masturbating . True but not the only cause ooo

ED isnt caused by masturbation alone. Its a crazy shit, that ED of a thing. Its a condition attached to so many Bullshits

Some gets ED due to excessive use of viagra and otheg aphrodisiacs
Some gets it due to excessive sexual intercourse
Some however due to excessive aggressive masturbation
Some due to unhealthy diets

Mine is due to excessive and aggressive masturbation

Please what’s the difference between Vega 100 & vegra & viagra ?
Re: My Girlfriends Have Left Me Because I Have Erectile Dysfunction by maduxs: 7:41pm On Jun 24, 2023
My morning erection sometimes comes and sometimes doesn’t, and when it comes it is semi hard.

So I have tried to have sex with girls, whenever I’m being excited I get hard, But after putting on a condom and inserting my male organ into the vagina, it’s becomes soft after 2 or 3 thrust.

It takes minutes for me to get hard after some caressing by the lady and when I put it in it goes soft again.

Mind you I do masturbate but I stopped a month ago. Those were the period these things happened. I haven’t had sex since I stopped masturbation for fear of the repetition.

The girls I had left cause I couldn’t satisfy them, the love they had for me vanished after I couldn’t even perform well like their ex, making them miss their exes .

I haven’t tried raw sex yet to confirm if I can sustain my erection when I feel the inner walls of the vagina and it’s sweetness, because some of the articles I have read here on Nairaland talked about my male organ getting used to my left hand (cause that’s what i use) thereby making it loose sensitivity to the point where my male organ becomes insensitive inside the condom.

Is my condition a critical one or one that can be fixed easily by following few steps of instructions?

What can I do to get this fixed and get my male organ back to its full potential?
you are suffering from Varicocele. Varicoceles are believed to be caused by defective valves in the veins within the scrotum, just above the testicles. Normally, these valves regulate the flow of blood to and from the testicles. When normal flow doesn't occur, the blood backs up, causing the veins to dilate (enlarge). You need surgery and you should stop. Masturbating and alcohol. There is chances that you are infertile too. Contact me me
Re: My Girlfriends Have Left Me Because I Have Erectile Dysfunction by skj1377(m): 7:42pm On Jun 24, 2023
This guy na wa for you o.. see what your doing to people's daughters.

You are the cause of your problems.
I assume you are penetrating the girl through missionary.
Since you stopped masturbation a month ago, you are not yet ripe for missionary. The sweetness of the vagina makes your prick fall instantly and you end up releasing your hot seeds into her.

Let the baby girl ride you. Allow her dominate you. Let her sit on top of your prick and ride you to hell. It builds your sexual stamina slowly. Try to endure the pleasure as she glides her wet creamy pussy all over your hard rock prick.

After some times, try to insert your prick in her deep moist wet pussy through the missionary style. It would shock you how you'll last long. When you insert, don't bow to pressure. Thrust your prick into the moist pussy slowly while fixing your gaze on her. Don't think too much about the sweetness of the hole.

When you have gotten your stamina back, you can now proceed to lash her through the back. All you need to do is to make her bend over. Make her stomach touch the bed or the floor while her ass is up in the air. Make sure you don't see her head from the back. Then insert your hard rock black curved prick into her gaping hole and fire down.

God bless.
Re: My Girlfriends Have Left Me Because I Have Erectile Dysfunction by ovieigho(m): 7:44pm On Jun 24, 2023
My morning erection sometimes comes and sometimes doesn’t, and when it comes it is semi hard.

So I have tried to have sex with girls, whenever I’m being excited I get hard, But after putting on a condom and inserting my male organ into the vagina, it’s becomes soft after 2 or 3 thrust.

It takes minutes for me to get hard after some caressing by the lady and when I put it in it goes soft again.

Mind you I do masturbate but I stopped a month ago. Those were the period these things happened. I haven’t had sex since I stopped masturbation for fear of the repetition.

The girls I had left cause I couldn’t satisfy them, the love they had for me vanished after I couldn’t even perform well like their ex, making them miss their exes .

I haven’t tried raw sex yet to confirm if I can sustain my erection when I feel the inner walls of the vagina and it’s sweetness, because some of the articles I have read here on Nairaland talked about my male organ getting used to my left hand (cause that’s what i use) thereby making it loose sensitivity to the point where my male organ becomes insensitive inside the condom.

Is my condition a critical one or one that can be fixed easily by following few steps of instructions?

What can I do to get this fixed and get my male organ back to its full potential?

If you are Age 17-25 yrs pls nothing is wrong with you

Some males in that age bracket went through similar situations

By the time you put your mind at rest with less anxiety about satisfying a lady , things begins to reset …

You are alright
Re: My Girlfriends Have Left Me Because I Have Erectile Dysfunction by okoroemeka(m): 7:45pm On Jun 24, 2023
My morning erection sometimes comes and sometimes doesn’t, and when it comes it is semi hard.

So I have tried to have sex with girls, whenever I’m being excited I get hard, But after putting on a condom and inserting my male organ into the vagina, it’s becomes soft after 2 or 3 thrust.

It takes minutes for me to get hard after some caressing by the lady and when I put it in it goes soft again.

Mind you I do masturbate but I stopped a month ago. Those were the period these things happened. I haven’t had sex since I stopped masturbation for fear of the repetition.

The girls I had left cause I couldn’t satisfy them, the love they had for me vanished after I couldn’t even perform well like their ex, making them miss their exes .

I haven’t tried raw sex yet to confirm if I can sustain my erection when I feel the inner walls of the vagina and it’s sweetness, because some of the articles I have read here on Nairaland talked about my male organ getting used to my left hand (cause that’s what i use) thereby making it loose sensitivity to the point where my male organ becomes insensitive inside the condom.

Is my condition a critical one or one that can be fixed easily by following few steps of instructions?

What can I do to get this fixed and get my male organ back to its full potential?
the main reason your chicks left you is insufficient bfunds,even if you don't have prick and ugly like chimpanzee they will still call you Daddy,what you are suffering is a direct result of years of masturbation,the damage has already been done,just try and limit or even possibly stop all sexual activities and a complete stop on masturbation,your body will come back but it will take time and endurance,from the post it does not look as if you are married yet and suffering from such,it is when you marry the real wahala will come because you cannot sustain steady industrial nacking,only man G and vega 100 can save you but watch your BP make you no die on top of pussy

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Re: My Girlfriends Have Left Me Because I Have Erectile Dysfunction by Electrochemistry(m): 7:46pm On Jun 24, 2023
Take fruits and vegetables, stop excessive masturbation, take nutritious meals, do aerobics, avoid excessive sugar consumption, then observe massive transformation.
Re: My Girlfriends Have Left Me Because I Have Erectile Dysfunction by tioyoung(m): 7:48pm On Jun 24, 2023
My morning erection sometimes comes and sometimes doesn’t, and when it comes it is semi hard.

So I have tried to have sex with girls, whenever I’m being excited I get hard, But after putting on a condom and inserting my male organ into the vagina, it’s becomes soft after 2 or 3 thrust.

It takes minutes for me to get hard after
some caressing by the lady and when I put it in it goes soft again.

Mind you I do masturbate but I stopped a month ago. Those were the period these things happened. I haven’t had sex since I stopped masturbation for fear of the repetition.

The girls I had left cause I couldn’t satisfy them, the love they had for me vanished after I couldn’t even perform well like their ex, making them miss their exes .

I haven’t tried raw sex yet to confirm if I can sustain my erection when I feel the inner walls of the vagina and it’s sweetness, because some of the articles I have read here on Nairaland talked about my male organ getting used to my left hand (cause that’s what i use) thereby making it loose sensitivity to the point where my male organ becomes insensitive inside the condom.

Is my condition a critical one or one that can be fixed easily by following few steps of instructions?

What can I do to get this fixed and get my male organ back to its full potential?
Nothing is wrong with u, it takes a great level of pre-intimacy to sustain erection wheb using condom
If u don't trust ur partner don't try go raw to avoid stories that will touch the heart 2morrow.
To have good sex use Vega nd blood tab
Try and drink cold pure as well.
Jst be relaxed.
Use viagra fr like 5 times of sexual activity.
Ur body will become active over time.


Re: My Girlfriends Have Left Me Because I Have Erectile Dysfunction by Nobody: 7:49pm On Jun 24, 2023

Is the Vegra and vega 100 the same drugs?
I don't know really. I might mistaken the spelling.
Re: My Girlfriends Have Left Me Because I Have Erectile Dysfunction by dontbothermuch: 7:50pm On Jun 24, 2023
Take 60ml ( 2 shot) of washing & settings.
Re: My Girlfriends Have Left Me Because I Have Erectile Dysfunction by twosquare(m): 7:55pm On Jun 24, 2023
Bro, if you take alcohol, you can be buy some bottles of orijin bitters at home. Whenever you have a game to play, just take from the bottle and rinse your mouth or chew some gums. Stop masturbating though. You'll be fine.
Do Orijin bitters have aphrodisiac properties?
Re: My Girlfriends Have Left Me Because I Have Erectile Dysfunction by saveman91(m): 8:00pm On Jun 24, 2023
U could have tell the girl to give u her breast to suck that will be the moment u will feel the sweetness, even after taking 2glasses of hot drink damm all still working
Re: My Girlfriends Have Left Me Because I Have Erectile Dysfunction by Ojukwu007(m): 8:01pm On Jun 24, 2023
Introduce Vegetables into your diets, make watermelon, Ginger and lemon your friend.
It might be STI Garlic and original honey can help flush out the STI Always try to eat bitter kola at least one per day.
You will notice the changes in less than a week,
OSHEI!!! 007.
Your head is there NWOKEM!!
Re: My Girlfriends Have Left Me Because I Have Erectile Dysfunction by Lolachef(f): 8:07pm On Jun 24, 2023
Kudos to one of our sisters
My morning erection sometimes comes and sometimes doesn’t, and when it comes it is semi hard.

So I have tried to have sex with girls, whenever I’m being excited I get hard, But after putting on a condom and inserting my male organ into the vagina, it’s becomes soft after 2 or 3 thrust.

It takes minutes for me to get hard after some caressing by the lady and when I put it in it goes soft again.

Mind you I do masturbate but I stopped a month ago. Those were the period these things happened. I haven’t had sex since I stopped masturbation for fear of the repetition.

The girls I had left cause I couldn’t satisfy them, the love they had for me vanished after I couldn’t even perform well like their ex, making them miss their exes .

I haven’t tried raw sex yet to confirm if I can sustain my erection when I feel the inner walls of the vagina and it’s sweetness, because some of the articles I have read here on Nairaland talked about my male organ getting used to my left hand (cause that’s what i use) thereby making it loose sensitivity to the point where my male organ becomes insensitive inside the condom.

Is my condition a critical one or one that can be fixed easily by following few steps of instructions?

What can I do to get this fixed and get my male organ back to its full potential?
Re: My Girlfriends Have Left Me Because I Have Erectile Dysfunction by wonderr(m): 8:09pm On Jun 24, 2023
The day I use the first dose of Vega and I tried to have sex with my gf, she refused to have sex telling me she needed to sleep.
I belive it’s cause the first time we tried it I didn’t satisfy her cause my dick became flaccid when I went into her. I used Condom though.

She told me she likes her sex raw but I didn’t want to but I’m considering trying it out to know if I can sustain the erection without condom
you will be surprised how long you would go without condom, it's normal, condoms usually kills sensitivity in some male organs but PLEASE make sure you take tramadol up to 200mg to destroy dat girls pussy for looking down on you during your predicament
Re: My Girlfriends Have Left Me Because I Have Erectile Dysfunction by Cregon: 8:10pm On Jun 24, 2023
My morning erection sometimes comes and sometimes doesn’t, and when it comes it is semi hard.

So I have tried to have sex with girls, whenever I’m being excited I get hard, But after putting on a condom and inserting my male organ into the vagina, it’s becomes soft after 2 or 3 thrust.

It takes minutes for me to get hard after some caressing by the lady and when I put it in it goes soft again.

Mind you I do masturbate but I stopped a month ago. Those were the period these things happened. I haven’t had sex since I stopped masturbation for fear of the repetition.

The girls I had left cause I couldn’t satisfy them, the love they had for me vanished after I couldn’t even perform well like their ex, making them miss their exes .

I haven’t tried raw sex yet to confirm if I can sustain my erection when I feel the inner walls of the vagina and it’s sweetness, because some of the articles I have read here on Nairaland talked about my male organ getting used to my left hand (cause that’s what i use) thereby making it loose sensitivity to the point where my male organ becomes insensitive inside the condom.

Is my condition a critical one or one that can be fixed easily by following few steps of instructions?

What can I do to get this fixed and get my male organ back to its full potential?

I can help you with a lasting solution. Drugs and lifestyle adjustments you will make and you will be harder than you ever were.

I am not selling any herbal products or books or snake oil. But u go drop small thing for my knowledge.
Re: My Girlfriends Have Left Me Because I Have Erectile Dysfunction by pafo(m): 8:11pm On Jun 24, 2023
Are you sure you are sexually attracted to the ladies Like they are your kinda spec. I do have the same issue when I want to pass my boundary but it's all good with my usual babes.

Be sure they fit what you want.
Re: My Girlfriends Have Left Me Because I Have Erectile Dysfunction by Cregon: 8:13pm On Jun 24, 2023
you will be surprised how long you would go without condom, it's normal, condoms usually kills sensitivity in some male organs but PLEASE make sure you take tramadol up to 200mg to destroy dat girls pussy for looking down on you during your predicament

on the contrary, if you are suffering weak erection tramadol is the one drug you should avoid because it will kill your erection. You can Google and see.


Re: My Girlfriends Have Left Me Because I Have Erectile Dysfunction by MrBroke(m): 8:14pm On Jun 24, 2023
Next time tell the girl to give you a 20 minutes bj until your dick is at climax then insert
Re: My Girlfriends Have Left Me Because I Have Erectile Dysfunction by kyber(m): 8:22pm On Jun 24, 2023
Go and see a doctor. Some of these issues are hereditary. Others are due to lifestyle, while majority is selfishness and laziness. Make sure you find the sex position and skill that make you last longest in bed. Don’t let anybody deceive you that sex is not important in relationship. If you cannot satisfy your woman, another guy will have to do it. Women like sex a lot too.

Kegel exercise I hear it works too.

I will try that Jegede exercise

How does it work?
And how do I do it ?
Re: My Girlfriends Have Left Me Because I Have Erectile Dysfunction by Mcslize: 8:23pm On Jun 24, 2023
First thing first, make sure to completely stop masturbation. Don't make the mistake of going back to it. It's contributing to your lack of erection. You've damaged all the powerful veins in your D*ck.

It's a chronic addiction. When you leave it, it will leave you. If as a young man, you are not having a rock hard morning erection, definitely you have a serious erectile dysfunction.

A healthy male should be able to have a rock hard early morning erection. It shows your thing is functioning very well.

With that said, try and stop the masturbation thing. So many men are into it. And it is eating them up but u know, some will still be giving themselves hope saying it doesn't have negative effects.

Those are the people that don't want to stop it. But believe me, when you leave it, it will leave you. If you can stay away from masturbation for 3 months, say bye bye to it. It will leave u forever and you will never return back to it no matter how hórny you feel. You can stay for years without going back to it. So try and stop that first and watch how you will get back to your normal self and have a well functional Dickson.



Re: My Girlfriends Have Left Me Because I Have Erectile Dysfunction by frankyychiji(f): 8:26pm On Jun 24, 2023

No kee yasef o!

You wan satisfy a girl that cannot remember the numbers of her body count.
You just hurt his ego with this comment. What's a man without his manhood? Haha..
Re: My Girlfriends Have Left Me Because I Have Erectile Dysfunction by samwash(m): 8:29pm On Jun 24, 2023
There's is no problem any where.
Abstain from sex for sometime to let your body heal.
Re: My Girlfriends Have Left Me Because I Have Erectile Dysfunction by greatestdestiny: 8:31pm On Jun 24, 2023
Eat bitter kola and stop all these complaints please. Eat one in the morning with glass cup of water. Eat Banana and groundnuts in the afternoon after lunch. Eat one bitter kola when going to bed at night. Do it for a week.. Thank me in advance.
Re: My Girlfriends Have Left Me Because I Have Erectile Dysfunction by frankyychiji(f): 8:32pm On Jun 24, 2023

You are the cause of your problems.
I assume you are penetrating the girl through missionary.
Since you stopped masturbation a month ago, you are not yet ripe for missionary. The sweetness of the vagina makes your prick fall instantly and you end up releasing your hot seeds into her.

Let the baby girl ride you. Allow her dominate you. Let her sit on top of your prick and ride you to hell. It builds your sexual stamina slowly. Try to endure the pleasure as she glides her wet creamy pussy all over your hard rock prick.

After some times, try to insert your prick in her deep moist wet pussy through the missionary style. It would shock you how you'll last long. When you insert, don't bow to pressure. Thrust your prick into the moist pussy slowly while fixing your gaze on her. Don't think too much about the sweetness of the hole.

When you have gotten your stamina back, you can now proceed to lash her through the back. All you need to do is to make her bend over. Make her stomach touch the bed or the floor while her ass is up in the air. Make sure you don't see her head from the back. Then insert your hard rock black curved prick into her gaping hole and fire down.

God bless.
Pesin say him preek no fit stand, you say make girl ride am to hell.

1 Like

Re: My Girlfriends Have Left Me Because I Have Erectile Dysfunction by SAYEDADAMADAMS(m): 8:37pm On Jun 24, 2023
My morning erection sometimes comes and sometimes doesn’t, and when it comes it is semi hard.

So I have tried to have sex with girls, whenever I’m being excited I get hard, But after putting on a condom and inserting my male organ into the vagina, it’s becomes soft after 2 or 3 thrust.

It takes minutes for me to get hard after some caressing by the lady and when I put it in it goes soft again.

Mind you I do masturbate but I stopped a month ago. Those were the period these things happened. I haven’t had sex since I stopped masturbation for fear of the repetition.

The girls I had left cause I couldn’t satisfy them, the love they had for me vanished after I couldn’t even perform well like their ex, making them miss their exes .

I haven’t tried raw sex yet to confirm if I can sustain my erection when I feel the inner walls of the vagina and it’s sweetness, because some of the articles I have read here on Nairaland talked about my male organ getting used to my left hand (cause that’s what i use) thereby making it loose sensitivity to the point where my male organ becomes insensitive inside the condom.

Is my condition a critical one or one that can be fixed easily by following few steps of instructions?

What can I do to get this fixed and get my male organ back to its full potential?

Reduce intake of man -made sugar, eat at least one bitter Kola per day, eat water melon and lastly, do much exercise.
You may also try this harmless capsule (DARAVIT FORTE)but you will have to eat a lot before and after taking the capsule. NB: whenever you kickoff the match just play it slowly at the beginning.
Re: My Girlfriends Have Left Me Because I Have Erectile Dysfunction by mickyeddi(m): 8:46pm On Jun 24, 2023
Don't do missionary. Let the girl ride via cowgirl.

After you have started lasting, you can start doing missionary

True talk, I thought I was the only one that experience that. Cow girl, doggy or scissors position , I can last almost half an hour but in missionary position, I last around 3 to 5 minutes.
Re: My Girlfriends Have Left Me Because I Have Erectile Dysfunction by Richardlove(m): 8:59pm On Jun 24, 2023
Eat more beans, milk, fruits and vegetables, take water often, just eat well and see your sextual prowess change. I once had the same problem. I was allergic to CD, couldn't last long if I manage to get hard with watery sperm and sometimes I wouldn't even get hard even with food right in front of me but after I improved on my diet and reduced excessive eating of cold food, I'm now king of CD, strong erection and thick and health sperm. You can also visit the pharmacy and ask for some sextual enhanced minerals and vitamins

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