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Are Men Really Polygamous? - Family (8) - Nairaland

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Re: Are Men Really Polygamous? by luminouz(m): 9:35pm On Jul 01, 2023

Lol. That's why I asked questions

We just said the same thing, perhaps you need to read my comment again.

You talked like most men are cheats who never practiced polygamy but talked about it. I'm just telling you not only does redpill supports polygamy but also that I have evidence that MANY men practice it successfully.
Re: Are Men Really Polygamous? by advanceDNA: 10:22pm On Jul 01, 2023

We are not sexually the same gentle man. We are not.

Lol...have ur opinion...let me have mine...
Re: Are Men Really Polygamous? by MySolace: 11:57pm On Jul 01, 2023

It has everything to do with the issue at hand. It confirms what we already know: that men are NATURALLY inclined to be more sexually aroused by a new woman than a woman they've been with for a while. Which of course has the corollary that men would tend to be polygamous by nature.
As to the female, if she tends to get infection with new partners, she obviously would tend to limit number of new sex partners she has. Stop arguing nonsense
Uncle, we're on same Lane o... I believe men are easily aroused by new women... While women desire tested and trusted men.

My contention here is u mentioning sperm. So I ask, do women not desire men da sleep with dem wit protection (condoms) even wen dey satisfied dem so good??

Plz we're not arguing. But I would rather advise u to reason my angle properly before replying me next. Thanks for ur understanding
Re: Are Men Really Polygamous? by DaddyCoool(f): 12:18am On Jul 02, 2023

I think you totally missed the point he's making.

1) Absolutely every bad/undesirable behavior is an outlier thing. Make no mistakes.

Hence, the line that "90% of men or whatever outrageous percentage of men are cheaters", is a humongous lie.
Because, bad behaviours are always huge screamers.

2) Culture is ultra powerful.
It literally determines if a seemingly outlier group expands or shrinks.

So, what culture/society ACCEPTS, SUPPORTS, PERMITS, or even TOLERATES, begins to grow and starts getting new followers.

3) There's a huge difference between INSTINCT and NATURE.
Yes, sometimes in people's mind, the line between the two gets blurred, and that's why you hear "natural instinct" as a term.

Originally, and by nature, some humans are polygamous/promiscous.
It's not necessarily a man's thing or a woman's thing.
These people are generally outliers.

Now, immediately culture started eccepting and or tolerating men's promiscuity, it started looking more normal.
More people (men) who already have that tendency starts getting into it. After all, if caught, the society (culture) will be more lenient and understanding towards him.

Then also, those who do not have that tendency already, but are not strong-willed enough, gets dragged or encouraged into it by their friends (who already bought into the societal/cultural leniency or normalization of the act for men)

Some others who do not even have a single bone of promiscuity, may join in just because they have an axe to grind with their wife, and because the society is less severe or even tolerant to him in that matter, he jumps into the fray too.
These men who are obviously with this 'problem' of promiscuity, helps to fuel the "men are polygamous in nature" line.

Some women who are forced to accept that reality for their partners, or are already a victim, also spread the line.

So, the suggestion begins to take a life of its own, and the ranks of perpetrators and supporters keeps swelling, and interestingly, this keeps normalizing the bad act.
Let me share a very germain example;

If you look around in western countries, there a lot of gays/lesbians these days.
Simply because the culture there permits it, and hence empowers the growth and acceptance even further.

As at 30 years ago, I'm very sure you would agree that gay/homosexuality is so negligible (a major kind of outlier)

Although historically there have been few people who have homosexual tendencies, they were mostly hiding.
But immediately the culture starts tolerating and accepting them as normal, more came out.
Some of them started wooing and converting other people who are either not strong-willed enough to enforce the boundaries..
...Or others who are otherwise normal, but just have an axe to grind with the opposite sex
...or those who are tired of the heartbreaks from the opposite sex.
...or those who are willing to experiment and mess around with new things (the 'adventurous')
Instinct is a product of human judgement towards self-preservation and comfort.

YES, you are so right when you asserted that a woman will generally prefer to instead settle with a single man she's attracted to, as against many.

But that's mostly driven by an instinct developed over time. And this is based on culture and means.
So, instinct is a pure example of reason and not 'emotion'

Because it does not generally favour a woman (especially a married woman) to be in multi relationships.
Because that instinct it time-tested and time-validated, even without thinking much a woman knows that she has to tow that line.
In fact, it starts looking like a second nature.
But there's no proof anywhere that it's a nature-controlled affair.

But you really can't swear to what's going on in the mind of a woman when she sees another desirable man, maybe a very handsome man.

Indeed, every human, man or woman, married or single, from time to time meet people they strongly fancy being with.

What you now do with that 'fancying' is a function of instinct and not nature.
Remember instinct is moderated and guided by culture/societal norms and tolerance (i.e. reality)

Because men have upper hand here, they are more likely to move forward and take the fancying to a next level.

A woman on the other hand, based on instinct of self preservation, will calculate the risks, and can immediately dismiss the thoughts, or dismiss it later if it was too strong for her to dismiss at the time.
Some other factors I can't discuss here right now, can also permit her to move on and do something adventurous with the 'fancying'.

If it's all just nature, then a woman can't easily fancy any other man if she has a good/strong relationship already, nor catch any new feelings for anybody to begin with.
Yet it happens, and quite a lot too.

Do you know why a woman could start flirting with you, or even start kissing then suddenly she catches herself and abruptly stops and mutters something like "I'm sorry I can't do this, I'm married"?

Yes, because she could loose that marriage when caught...
But a man will most likely not even be caught. And even if caught, he can easily still maintain his marriage.
You know WHY?
Yes, because many will advice the woman to remember that it's in nature of a man to cheat. And so, the man 'wins', and the woman continues with the marriage almost certainly.
But she will not likely leave a marriage, because the odds of getting another marriage easily is not in her favour.

I mean, immediately society starts permitting or tolerating anything, or find excuse for it (like, "please manage your husband like that, you know men are polygamous in nature" OR "you know women always have foul mouth" or the likes), then it strengthens the whole problem and becomes a fuel to it rather than a solution.

YES, It takes time, but keep supporting and empowering any lie or any bad behaviour, after many decades, It starts looking and sounding like a truth; a norm, 'a nature'.

You started out with a faulty assumption - the assumption that polygamous tendency in men is a bad thing. When in fact the opposite is true. You then stated another falacy - that society is responsible for that polygamous tendency. When infact once again the opposite is true - society tries to eliminate that natural tendency through marriage and monogamy.
It is real cheating of society to limit men of unusual attributes to just one woman. Ideally such men ought be made to have a lot of children by several women because that's what would drive society to new heights. If someone like Elon Musk were made to mate with a lot of equally highly intelligent women, who knows what type of genius one of the offsprings would be - maybe the person to find a cure for all diseases!
Wanna know why most sports are dominated by blacks but NOT black Africans? See video below.
Polygamous tendency in successful men and women's tendency to want to mate with those men are the ONLY things that make for selection of the best genes amongst humans!
The screenshot below demonstrates an extreme case of polygamous tendency grin


Re: Are Men Really Polygamous? by DaddyCoool(f): 12:33am On Jul 02, 2023

Uncle, we're on same Lane o... I believe men are easily aroused by new women... While women desire tested and trusted men.

My contention here is u mentioning sperm. So I ask, do women not desire men da sleep with dem wit protection (condoms) even wen dey satisfied dem so good??

Plz we're not arguing. But I would rather advise u to reason my angle properly before replying me next. Thanks for ur understanding

It's mostly PSYCHOLOGICAL! Just as you'd be put off by tall girls after a tall girl gives you a VD.
So condom doesn't matter much - a girl would be more amenable to her regular partner than a stranger - condom or no condom!
Re: Are Men Really Polygamous? by 1Sharon(f): 1:28am On Jul 02, 2023

You talked like most men are cheats who never practiced polygamy but talked about it. I'm just telling you not only does redpill supports polygamy but also that I have evidence that MANY men practice it successfully.

Southern Nigerian men indeed talk about polygamy but hardly practise it. Why are they always remember polygamy after they are caught cheating? Polygamy isn't done behind closed doors

Please what red piller is preaching polygamy.

1 Like

Re: Are Men Really Polygamous? by Jman06(m): 1:30am On Jul 02, 2023

You folks can fool yourselves all you want with all sorts of wishful thinking. Here is the TRUTH:
A young woman's dream is an EXCLUSIVE monogamous relationship with ONE man she is attracted to.
While for a young man the very thought of it is SUFFOCATING!! grin
The two sexes are simply wired differently.
(Of course there are the few outliers, but we are talking vast majority!)
Available evidences point to the contrary oga.

Evidence number one is that women gain more in sexual relationships than men. She gains both sexual pleasure and financial rewards while men may gain only sexual pleasure and no financial rewards. In view of the above, it becomes obvious that the one who gains more (ie women) would want to have more sexual partners.

Evidence number two has to do with prostitutes. If you talk about those that are more likely to engage in casual sex without emotional attachments, then prostitutes should come first. If women of easy virture can sleep with multiple men in a day without getting emotionally involved with then, then it goes to show that women more than men have higher tendency to keep multiple sexual partners without being emotionally attached to them.


Re: Are Men Really Polygamous? by luminouz(m): 2:04am On Jul 02, 2023

Southern Nigerian men indeed talk about polygamy but hardly practise it. Why are they always remember polygamy after they are caught cheating? Polygamy isn't done behind closed doors

Please what red piller is preaching polygamy.
I'm from southern Nigeria and have seen polygamous men around me. Many are Muslims.

What redpiller is preaching polygamy?😳😳😳😳. I just did, you black wîtch🙄🙄🙄🙄
Re: Are Men Really Polygamous? by DaddyCoool(f): 2:09am On Jul 02, 2023
Available evidences point to the contrary oga.

Evidence number one is that women gain more in sexual relationships than men. She gains both sexual pleasure and financial rewards while men may gain only sexual pleasure and no financial rewards. In view of the above, it becomes obvious that the one who gains more (ie women) would want to have more sexual partners.

Evidence number two has to do with prostitutes. If you talk about those that are more likely to engage in casual sex without emotional attachments, then prostitutes should come first. If women of easy virture can sleep with multiple men in a day without getting emotionally involved with then, then it goes to show that women more than men have higher tendency to keep multiple sexual partners without being emotionally attached to them.

You are talking nonsense - like you were born yesterday! cheesy

People do all sorts of things for money. The discussion is what people are naturally inclined to do - without any circumstantial inducement!

Are most women prostitutes? Would most women want to be prostitutes if they had a choice??
Re: Are Men Really Polygamous? by 1Sharon(f): 4:36am On Jul 02, 2023

I'm from southern Nigeria and have seen polygamous men around me. Many are Muslims.

What redpiller is preaching polygamy?😳😳😳😳. I just did, you black wîtch🙄🙄🙄🙄

So it's just you. Not surprised. I thought you said the red pill supports polygamy?

1 Like

Re: Are Men Really Polygamous? by MySolace: 8:08am On Jul 02, 2023

It's mostly PSYCHOLOGICAL! Just as you'd be put off by tall girls after a tall girl gives you a VD.
So condom doesn't matter much - a girl would be more amenable to her regular partner than a stranger - condom or no condom!
Wait, d sperm fluid u mentioned earlier was psychological or wot? Like, there was no actual sperm or contact?

Uncle stop confusing urself.

Go back to d post and have a second look at it.

1 Like

Re: Are Men Really Polygamous? by luminouz(m): 10:43am On Jul 02, 2023

So it's just you. Not surprised. I thought you said the red pill supports polygamy?

Be like say you no dey hear word or na English no align with you ni?

Do you expect me to list all the redpillers in the world that support polygamy when it's a core tenet of the redpill. I used myself as an example of a redpiller and thereafter told you of other redpillers who are Muslims and Christians that practice it. Managing two or more women is not for simps, but men who are in the frame and exert control.

Aunty, if you still don't understand my shalaye, enter filling station and buy 3 litres of fuel. Tell them luminouz sent you.
Re: Are Men Really Polygamous? by Biglittlelois(f): 10:49am On Jul 02, 2023

I think you totally missed the point he's making.

1) Absolutely every bad/undesirable behavior is an outlier thing. Make no mistakes.

Hence, the line that "90% of men or whatever outrageous percentage of men are cheaters", is a humongous lie.
Because, bad behaviours are always huge screamers.

2) Culture is ultra powerful.
It literally determines if a seemingly outlier group expands or shrinks.

So, what culture/society ACCEPTS, SUPPORTS, PERMITS, or even TOLERATES, begins to grow and starts getting new followers.

3) There's a huge difference between INSTINCT and NATURE.
Yes, sometimes in people's mind, the line between the two gets blurred, and that's why you hear "natural instinct" as a term.

Originally, and by nature, some humans are polygamous/promiscous.
It's not necessarily a man's thing or a woman's thing.
These people are generally outliers.

Now, immediately culture started eccepting and or tolerating men's promiscuity, it started looking more normal.
More people (men) who already have that tendency starts getting into it. After all, if caught, the society (culture) will be more lenient and understanding towards him.

Then also, those who do not have that tendency already, but are not strong-willed enough, gets dragged or encouraged into it by their friends (who already bought into the societal/cultural leniency or normalization of the act for men)

Some others who do not even have a single bone of promiscuity, may join in just because they have an axe to grind with their wife, and because the society is less severe or even tolerant to him in that matter, he jumps into the fray too.
These men who are obviously with this 'problem' of promiscuity, helps to fuel the "men are polygamous in nature" line.

Some women who are forced to accept that reality for their partners, or are already a victim, also spread the line.

So, the suggestion begins to take a life of its own, and the ranks of perpetrators and supporters keeps swelling, and interestingly, this keeps normalizing the bad act.
Let me share a very germain example;

If you look around in western countries, there a lot of gays/lesbians these days.
Simply because the culture there permits it, and hence empowers the growth and acceptance even further.

As at 30 years ago, I'm very sure you would agree that gay/homosexuality is so negligible (a major kind of outlier)

Although historically there have been few people who have homosexual tendencies, they were mostly hiding.
But immediately the culture starts tolerating and accepting them as normal, more came out.
Some of them started wooing and converting other people who are either not strong-willed enough to enforce the boundaries..
...Or others who are otherwise normal, but just have an axe to grind with the opposite sex
...or those who are tired of the heartbreaks from the opposite sex.
...or those who are willing to experiment and mess around with new things (the 'adventurous')
Instinct is a product of human judgement towards self-preservation and comfort.

YES, you are so right when you asserted that a woman will generally prefer to instead settle with a single man she's attracted to, as against many.

But that's mostly driven by an instinct developed over time. And this is based on culture and means.
So, instinct is a pure example of reason and not 'emotion'

Because it does not generally favour a woman (especially a married woman) to be in multi relationships.
Because that instinct it time-tested and time-validated, even without thinking much a woman knows that she has to tow that line.
In fact, it starts looking like a second nature.
But there's no proof anywhere that it's a nature-controlled affair.

But you really can't swear to what's going on in the mind of a woman when she sees another desirable man, maybe a very handsome man.

Indeed, every human, man or woman, married or single, from time to time meet people they strongly fancy being with.

What you now do with that 'fancying' is a function of instinct and not nature.
Remember instinct is moderated and guided by culture/societal norms and tolerance (i.e. reality)

Because men have upper hand here, they are more likely to move forward and take the fancying to a next level.

A woman on the other hand, based on instinct of self preservation, will calculate the risks, and can immediately dismiss the thoughts, or dismiss it later if it was too strong for her to dismiss at the time.
Some other factors I can't discuss here right now, can also permit her to move on and do something adventurous with the 'fancying'.

If it's all just nature, then a woman can't easily fancy any other man if she has a good/strong relationship already, nor catch any new feelings for anybody to begin with.
Yet it happens, and quite a lot too.

Do you know why a woman could start flirting with you, or even start kissing then suddenly she catches herself and abruptly stops and mutters something like "I'm sorry I can't do this, I'm married"?

Yes, because she could loose that marriage when caught...
But a man will most likely not even be caught. And even if caught, he can easily still maintain his marriage.
You know WHY?
Yes, because many will advice the woman to remember that it's in nature of a man to cheat. And so, the man 'wins', and the woman continues with the marriage almost certainly.
But she will not likely leave a marriage, because the odds of getting another marriage easily is not in her favour.

I mean, immediately society starts permitting or tolerating anything, or find excuse for it (like, "please manage your husband like that, you know men are polygamous in nature" OR "you know women always have foul mouth" or the likes), then it strengthens the whole problem and becomes a fuel to it rather than a solution.

YES, It takes time, but keep supporting and empowering any lie or any bad behaviour, after many decades, It starts looking and sounding like a truth; a norm, 'a nature'.

Brilliant, absolutely brilliant 👏

I was patiently reading, expecting to see comments from sensible people, pointing out that the false nature mantra as simple basic instinct and societal acceptance, and here you are

Again absolutely 💯👌


Re: Are Men Really Polygamous? by DaddyCoool(f): 11:23am On Jul 02, 2023

Wait, d sperm fluid u mentioned earlier was psychological or wot? Like, there was no actual sperm or contact?

Uncle stop confusing urself.

Go back to d post and have a second look at it.

Stop arguing nonsense. It is an established scientific FACT that a woman gets aclamated to her regular partner's semen.
The below will help you understand better. Most animal traits start out biology based then become MOSTLY psycjological - just an instinct they have.. There are so many examples in the lower animals' world. Here's another example: men stay instinctually polygamous though the original biological need for it mo longer exists

Re: Are Men Really Polygamous? by KayyDee: 4:31pm On Jul 02, 2023

Brilliant, absolutely brilliant 👏

I was patiently reading, expecting to see comments from sensible people, pointing out that the false nature mantra as simple basic instinct and societal acceptance, and here you are

Again absolutely 💯👌

Thanks very much for applauding my point.

I didn't see this topic early, so unfortunately, it's not anywhere near the first page.

But I really would have loved to have more people read this...

...because, it's unfortunate that many of us don't spend the time and effort to reason deeper on popular misconceptions.

Hence, we easily succumb to narratives that others either created to suit their agenda, or narratives that came out of "half truths" or even pure ignorance.


1 Like 2 Shares

Re: Are Men Really Polygamous? by Kobojunkie: 5:46pm On Jul 02, 2023
Thanks very much for applauding my point. I didn't see this topic early, so unfortunately, it's not anywhere near the first page. But I really would have loved to have more people read this...

...because, it's unfortunate that many of us don't spend the time and effort to reason deeper on popular misconceptions. Hence, we easily succumb to narratives that others either created to suit their agenda, or narratives that came out of "half truths" or even pure ignorance. 🙏
Create a respond thread then where you have your response on the first page. undecided
Re: Are Men Really Polygamous? by MySolace: 8:45pm On Jul 02, 2023

Stop arguing nonsense. It is an established scientific FACT that a woman gets aclamated to her regular partner's semen.
The below will help you understand better. Most animal traits start out biology based then become MOSTLY psycjological - just an instinct they have.. There are so many examples in the lower animals' world. Here's another example: men stay instinctually polygamous though the original biological need for it mo longer exists
Uncle, since u've failed to educate urself, I can help u do dat....

So, let's start with defining some terms u've tabled.

Acclamate.... To get adapted to...

Microbiome.... Group of organisms living in same habitat.

Semen contains micro organisms, same as women's vagina. When a woman indulges in unprotected sex regularly wit one particular man, microorganisms from both parties can blend or acclamate (adapt), ...get used to each other. So therefore, wen d woman has sex with a different partner, her vagina could "freak out" cos it's not conversant with d micro organisms in d man's semen. By freak out, it simple tells that it could find it strange.
Uncle, if the woman desires d new man, and continues to have unprotected sex wit him, and u know wot?...d vaginal metabolism will eventually acclamate wit d new partner. cheesy
This is purely biology. It starts and ends in vagina. grin grin

Plz use d time u will use to reply me and try read and understand.

In ur so-called sperm and acclamation, it starts and ends in vagina. It's purely biological!

But a woman desiring a man goes beyond vagina,,, It has to involve d psyche. So, it's more of psychological!

Thank me later........
Re: Are Men Really Polygamous? by DaddyCoool(f): 9:43pm On Jul 02, 2023

Uncle, since u've failed to educate urself, I can help u do dat....

So, let's start with defining some terms u've tabled.

Acclamate.... To get adapted to...

Microbiome.... Group of organisms living in same habitat.

Semen contains micro organisms, same as women's vagina. When a woman indulges in unprotected sex regularly wit one particular man, microorganisms from both parties can blend or acclamate (adapt), ...get used to each other. So therefore, wen d woman has sex with a different partner, her vagina could "freak out" cos it's not conversant with d micro organisms in d man's semen. By freak out, it simple tells that it could find it strange.
Uncle, if the woman desires d new man, and continues to have unprotected sex wit him, and u know wot?...d vaginal metabolism will eventually acclamate wit d new partner. cheesy
This is purely biology. It starts and ends in vagina. grin grin

Plz use d time u will use to reply me and try read and understand.

In ur so-called sperm and acclamation, it starts and ends in vagina. It's purely biological!

But a woman desiring a man goes beyond vagina,,, It has to involve d psyche. So, it's more of psychological!

Thank me later........


Here's the scenario (don't know why I always have to spell these things out!!):

A woman has a regular partner, she "cheats" with a new man and goes through suffering due to an infection. This happens a few times. PSYCHOLOGICALLY she'd start connecting suffering to new partners regardless of what has changed bilogically (eg introduction of condoms). You see same scenario all accross the animal world. And that's exactly how phobias develop. You could say she developed a phobia of cheating.

If you still don't understand you're a lost cause, you'd never understand!
Re: Are Men Really Polygamous? by MySolace: 8:15am On Jul 03, 2023


Here's the scenario (don't know why I always have to spell these things out!!):

A woman has a regular partner, she "cheats" with a new man and goes through suffering due to an infection. This happens a few times. PSYCHOLOGICALLY she'd start connecting suffering to new partners regardless of what has changed bilogically (eg introduction of condoms). You see same scenario all accross the animal world. And that's exactly how phobias develop. You could say she developed a phobia of cheating.

If you still don't understand you're a lost cause, you'd never understand!

The wise don't just argue to win, dey argue to learn... Do u care about learning atol? I struggle to understand ur understanding.

Uncle, we're talking about desire here. If a woman desires a new man and is afraid of contracting STD or other health defect from him, she simply sleeps with him protected. Problem solved!

If a woman is scared of sleeping with a new man 'unprotected', she's just being cautious/scared of d 'health implications' in other words shes 'suppressing' her desire... but den, she can still go about it 'protected'... problem solved!
And d effect of dis so-called non-acclamation of metabolism in vagina is rare. And d worst result is STD.

In America, most people don't steal. Not because dey don't 'desire' to, but because dey would likely get caught cos of sophiscated tech and security apparatus(implications). So therefore, some of dem can move away to regions where security is less tight or where is safer for them and perpetrate dia evil desire. Problem solved

Why am my writing all these epistle?
To clear u difference between desire and deterrent.
Re: Are Men Really Polygamous? by DaddyCoool(f): 8:52am On Jul 03, 2023

The wise don't just argue to win, dey argue to learn... Do u care about learning atol? I struggle to understand ur understanding.

Uncle, we're talking about desire here. If a woman desires a new man and is afraid of contracting STD or other health defect from him, she simply sleeps with him protected. Problem solved!

If a woman is scared of sleeping with a new man 'unprotected', she's just being cautious/scared of d 'health implications' in other words shes 'suppressing' her desire... but den, she can still go about it 'protected'... problem solved!
And d effect of dis so-called non-acclamation of metabolism in vagina is rare. And d worst result is STD.

In America, most people don't steal. Not because dey don't 'desire' to, but because dey would likely get caught cos of sophiscated tech and security apparatus(implications). So therefore, some of dem can move away to regions where security is less tight or where is safer for them and perpetrate dia evil desire. Problem solved

Why am my writing all these epistle?
To clear u difference between desire and deterrent.

Our uncle, since you are intentionally being stubbornly unteachable I'll put it bluntly: YOU ARE MUMU!!!

Behavior you've already been told is neither rational nor based on logic or reason but instinctual (like most such animal and human behavior), you are still yapping about "wear a condom, problem solved"! You've already been told it compares to men having an instinctual need to widedy spread their seeds when the gene-survival need for it has long disappeared. You've also been told it compares to phobias - a fear that persists when the rational basis for it had long disappeared.
You ignore all that and still yapping nonsense about condoms. That's what makes you MUMU!!!

Re: Are Men Really Polygamous? by Sailee(m): 10:02am On Jul 03, 2023
So why women plenty pass man. grin grin
Re: Are Men Really Polygamous? by MySolace: 12:18pm On Jul 03, 2023

Our uncle, since you are intentionally being stubbornly unteachable I'll put it bluntly: YOU ARE MUMU!!!

Behavior you've already been told is neither rational nor based on logic or reason but instinctual (like most such animal and human behavior), you are still yapping about "wear a condom, problem solved"! You've already been told it compares to men having an instinctual need to widedy spread their seeds when the gene-survival need for it has long disappeared. You've also been told it compares to phobias - a fear that persists when the rational basis for it had long disappeared.
You ignore all that and still yapping nonsense about condoms. That's what makes you MUMU!!!
Lol... Uncle, I don't need to call u mumu before u know U're one. grin

I hope u know u ain't just writing to me, u're writing to d public. Is dis how u wish to expose ur gross lack of understanding? cheesy

Also, d pics u attached talking about phobia, I make no sense out of it. What info were u trying to pass across plz...? cheesy
Re: Are Men Really Polygamous? by DaddyCoool(f): 12:54pm On Jul 03, 2023

Lol... Uncle, I don't need to call u mumu before u know U're one. grin

I hope u know u ain't just writing to me, u're writing to d public. Is dis how u wish to expose ur gross lack of understanding? cheesy

Also, d pics u attached talking about phobia, I make no sense out of it. What info were u trying to pass across plz...? cheesy

grin grin grin grin 🤣😅😂 cheesy cheesy😂🤣 Our old uncle what makes you MUMU is that you don't understand that a lot of human and animal behavior is irrational, not based on logic or reason. Even what you are doing right now - investing precious time and energy arguing with a moniker you don't know anything about, will never meet, and which will likely disappear forever by year's end. That you don't understand that, despite all efforts to teach you, is what makes you MUMU!!🤣😅😂 grin grin grin cheesy cheesy🤣😅🤣🤣
Re: Are Men Really Polygamous? by FREDCLSSICO7(m): 11:45am On Jul 04, 2023
Some women are also chronic cheaters... Will we then say women are also polyandrous

you are the first female that is not bias here when it comes to matters concerning the women
other toxic females here would have defended the women and rain all kind of abusive words to the men alone
Re: Are Men Really Polygamous? by Cromagnon: 9:12pm On Jul 04, 2023
Just because you're a cheater, it doesn't mean all men are like you.
Be deceiving yoursel
All men want to (except the ugly weak lazy ones that you women don't want, heck even they want to, but can't afford it)

It's not cheating if you can (woman doesn't have much choice)
If the woman doesn't like it, to hell with her and her offspring(most women do not choose this option, the ones who do regret usually)

Let them go fend for themselves
See whether it's easier than submitting to a winner (this your way ensures you end up with a loser who will still do same)

But continue to believe in mills and Boone
You will learn the hard way
Re: Are Men Really Polygamous? by Peaceagain: 2:54pm On Jul 06, 2023
Remember, it takes two to tango. Tell women you are preparing for wedding and they keep coming after you not minding the fact that you are getting married to a woman like them. Any small space to chook head is what they are looking for. Yet, Men get the blame. Sadly!

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Re: Are Men Really Polygamous? by Oyindamolah: 8:41am On Jul 07, 2023

This is a very intelligent analysis, not all these narrow-minded views induced by societal norms.
I'm saving this comment of yours.

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Re: Are Men Really Polygamous? by lawani: 12:09pm On Jul 09, 2023
Remember, it takes two to tango. Tell women you are preparing for wedding and they keep coming after you not minding the fact that you are getting married to a woman like them. Any small space to chook head is what they are looking for. Yet, Men get the blame. Sadly!

Men are equally guilty. There is nothing men are guilty of that women are not and women would have been marrying more than one husband if not that the paternity of the kids would be ambiguous. There is nothing like hypergamy. Even if you are penniless and without income or job, you can fall in love with someone who loves you back and when that happens, when you meet that person you will marry as a man or woman. Feeling you need money to marry is a sign you are yet to meet the right person. You can be ready, find the right person, the person agrees without you having money or both of you having no money. Such as happened on many occasions that I know of. Those are real love stories. Not in films o but to people I know

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