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In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most - Romance (4) - Nairaland

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Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by Basiljoe: 8:58pm On Aug 08, 2023

I specifically wrote we are roughly even with a less than 1% difference. I then suggested that perhaps the calibre of eligible men/women are what increases the disparity. You’re just mansplaining and repackaging what I literally just said 🫤.

The thorough emasculation of men* is going to be the female species undoing.

True story, if you know, you know..

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Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by Bukola94(m): 9:00pm On Aug 08, 2023
As a man that is not closed to being polygamous, I will be upfront about it with women I will deal with.
Tricking a woman into believing that she is going to be the one and only one just to surprise her down the line with a new wife is not the masculine or African way. My first wife and her family will know that there is a possibility that a second wife gets added to the team. I insist on possibility because I might decide to stay monogamous.
In any case, I will be honest and upfront. No games, no manipulation, no deceit.
u are a very real man, u are a legend in the making. May your legacy never die with you. Your bloodline won't go into extinction

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Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by Basiljoe: 9:00pm On Aug 08, 2023
Lol, will always be a man telling women what's good and beneficial for them. cheesy
Can women lead themselves?
Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by Basiljoe: 9:02pm On Aug 08, 2023

Broke goats want to practice polygamy too😹😹😹

Wonders will never end.

Polygamy is NOT for poor men please.

In those days when men were marrying plenty wives, there were lots of broke men who couldn't marry and were sent off to go die in war.

You people should better be grateful to monogamy for affording broke men wives.
Evening Newspaper, rest abeg.
Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by Kaytixy: 9:03pm On Aug 08, 2023
1d. Also, polygamy is actually a burden on the polygamous man, because he now has more mouths to feed, and children and wives to take care of. His pocket has to be heavy.

Are these men been forced into it? undecided many of you men are polygamous by nature and ain’t satisfied with one pussy. Whatever burden it comes with ya all deserve it and even more hardship.
so out of all the point this is the only one you could reason with. The funniest thing is that you don't even understand this very point you quoted cos if you did, you write what you wrote here.

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Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by jeff1607(m): 9:07pm On Aug 08, 2023
I agree. Now having 2or more women in the same house. You can imagine how competitive it's gonna be. No peace

Anyone that misbehaves gets shifted to one side,.
Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by Ajofiapero(m): 9:07pm On Aug 08, 2023
Although statistics has it that there is an almost equal distribution of the males and females on earth, many factors can easily disproportionate the ratio when it comes to marriage.

An instance is a yearly report from a state prison positing that there was a total of 44,876 inmates currently distributed among the various prisons in the state.

Among the 44,876 inmates, 44,471 are male, while 405 are female.

Many of them have already spent more than the supposed jail term for their crime in those confinements, yet they are still awaiting trial.

Dear ladies in the house, abeg any beta man wey you catch outside, beta hold am tight oo.

D phrase "Men scarce" no be cap oo.

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Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by Basiljoe: 9:07pm On Aug 08, 2023
By undoing you mean not being married. Right ? Because I know that to you guys, that’s the worst thing that can happen to a woman. And when you see women who tell you they are happily single, it shatters your mind. You just can’t believe there are women whose existence do not center around finding and keeping a man. How confusing that must be

Unfortunately, reality disagree with you.

"Most women in western culture who find themselves single at 38-42 are there after an earlier life that didn’t go as planned. They almost universally carry some kind of baggage." - Rational Male
Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by Kaytixy: 9:08pm On Aug 08, 2023

No, we are not roughly evenly distributed. It is not true and has never been true.

Ok, I will put it this way. The realities of men make an unequal availability of marriageable men compared to women. Depending on the society, a woman is pretty much available to marry at 18 years old.

It is not the same for men. For example, lots of Ukrainian widows have emerged whose husbands had died in the war, over 300k Ukrainian men died just within the last 17 months of this ongoing war.

And that's just war. Prisons, work death, low-value men, etc are all in the mix of the few available men, so how will all these women get married? In the West, they can just adopt and depend on social benefits, but the west is less than 15% of the global population.

So no, societal stability is burdened on men, and in many cases, men's lives are sacrificed for it. So there will always be a surplus of more women than men who wants to marry.

It is from this angle that Islam for example permitted polygamy, not for evanescent reasons.
it is a known fact that women outnumbered men in the society. You know how many soldiers dem kill for maiduguri, what about ibop soldiers, all these are men and some of them have wives.

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Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by Bukola94(m): 9:09pm On Aug 08, 2023
pansophist i don't really think polygamy should be for only rich men or highly valued men if well planned, if both women are working in a case of 2 women to one man, they can both save three times faster to take care of their family. But all these pastors are coming for your head, Brace for impact bro.
wealthy men with wisdom should be the only people practicing polygamy. If one don't worth 60M to 100M,one should leave polygamy for rich men. Just my opinion, and sexual strengths should be 90%, that prowess should be enough to satisfy 2wives.


Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by Basiljoe: 9:10pm On Aug 08, 2023

Your screenshots make me laugh, you are obviously a plugged in blue pilled beta. Keep dreaming.
Men have nothing to gain in modern marriage, absolutely nothing, especially in gynocentric societies.
Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by cococandy(f): 9:13pm On Aug 08, 2023

Unfortunately, reality disagree with you.

"Most women in western culture who find themselves single at 38-42 are there after an earlier life that didn’t go as planned. They almost universally carry some kind of baggage." - Rational Male


“Other research demonstrates how singlehood for women is increasingly viewed as desirable. A study from data analysts Mintel indicates women are more satisfied with being single than men, and less likely to look for a relationship.[ii] Part of the explanation has to do with women working harder than their male counterparts in relationships.

According to Professor Emily Grundy, of the University of Essex, "There's evidence that women spend longer on domestic tasks than men and I think they also do more emotional work — so they still do more housework and cooking and things as well as more emotional labour."

Dr. Grundy also notes that women tend to be more involved within social networks as compared to men, who often rely strongly on their wives. In her words: "Women tend to be better at having alternative social networks and other confidantes whereas men tend to rely quite heavily on their wives for that and have fewer other social ties“


Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by Bukola94(m): 9:18pm On Aug 08, 2023
bullshit, when it’s open that the man can marry more than one woman and can marry the barren woman, widow woman, etc how then is it a breach of trust?

If he opens it up to her from onset before he makes her a first wife that he is polygamous, how is it breach of trust?
trust ? Maybe it is exponentially. But if you can't be just or equity ( between wives&children ), u will get problems, the one that may send one's to early grave. And the competition, jealousy and hatred the polygamy men will create for the children's will continue after their demise. The grand children and expanded family may tow the lines


Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by Kaytixy: 9:18pm On Aug 08, 2023
Have you guys actually spoken to any children from polygamous homes to know how toxic it is?
there is nothing toxic. I'm a product of one and we love our step mum very well that we always buy her things anytime we are getting stuffs for my mum. I also know plenty good children from good polygamous home. Plenty of the northern governors are into polygyny and there kids are doing well.
Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by Basiljoe: 9:31pm On Aug 08, 2023


“Other research demonstrates how singlehood for women is increasingly viewed as desirable. A study from data analysts Mintel indicates women are more satisfied with being single than men, and less likely to look for a relationship.[ii] Part of the explanation has to do with women working harder than their male counterparts in relationships.

According to Professor Emily Grundy, of the University of Essex, "There's evidence that women spend longer on domestic tasks than men and I think they also do more emotional work — so they still do more housework and cooking and things as well as more emotional labour."

Dr. Grundy also notes that women tend to be more involved within social networks as compared to men, who often rely strongly on their wives. In her words: "Women tend to be better at having alternative social networks and other confidantes whereas men tend to rely quite heavily on their wives for that and have fewer other social ties“
Lmao. You are just looking for excuses to support your bias. I don't want to seem offensive, but my point is: reality disagrees with you. I'm a highly practical Red Pilled man and also a people watcher/Observer. Reality oftens disgarees with all this women solipsism and arguement of not needing men, in the real world, y'all need di.c.k and masculinity like your life depends on it. I can list numerous personal experiences, infact i've experienced women having to literally beg for association. You all's hypergamy won't just let you settle for low value men. I can easily search for an online article to support my assertions but you should get the point by now. REALITY IS DIFFERENT FROM ONLINE ARTICLES AND BIAS, IT JUST IS, WHAT IT IS.
Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by Bukola94(m): 9:33pm On Aug 08, 2023

Where do you see breach in my comment?

I don't know that's is easy to tell a woman that you love and plan to marry as the first wife, that also you are marrying more after her
is not going to be easy , the love & trust drop by 50%. Any day u decided to marry another woman, have it at the back of your mind. There will be competition in the marriage, even if they bond well while you are alive, if you are no more, things may not be the same again. Women of understanding are rare

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Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by Nobody: 9:46pm On Aug 08, 2023

Unfortunately, reality disagree with you.

"Most women in western culture who find themselves single at 38-42 are there after an earlier life that didn’t go as planned. They almost universally carry some kind of baggage." - Rational Male
You guys are ridiculous
Tell women you know what they want . Tell women what they want . Tell women how they feel. Tell women what to feel. Tell women choices to make. Tell women of the future that awaits them. All this wisdom/foresight under the umbrella of reality.

But for some reasons your wisdom/foresight and knowledge of "reality" never makes you rich or high value men. How can you help women or have the antidote to their issues but can't help yourself? I don't want that type of wisdom in which I know what it is to help and guide my male counterpart wheras I am yet to become high value

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Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by djkaneo(m): 9:51pm On Aug 08, 2023
. When people think about polygamy, they imagine a young man getting married to two young women. They see it from the prism of his sexual vanity, and criticize why he is not content with one woman. But in reality, polygamy is a well-established method of human family formation and is present in every single society whether it is legislated or not. 

This class of women benefits from polygamy

1. Barren women. Most men will not marry a woman who can't bear a child for him. The alternative for such women is polygamy since the other wives can give him a child.

 2. Divorcees with children. Most men will always prefer a woman who has never been married before, but being divorced should not deny a woman marriage, and lots of men will not mind marrying such women as second wives and being step-fathers to their children. 

3. Widowers (especially with children): This is self-explanatory. 

4. Levirate wives; This is related to number three, but differs in the angle that a man marries his late brother's wife, taking care of her and the children. Giving them a home and protection.

1a. Now, bear in mind that there are more women than men. Men are responsible for most work death, and war death, most prisoners are men and men have to be established before getting a wife. A woman generally is ready to marry in her 20s. So with this reality, women will always be available in high numbers than eligible males. 

1b. Also, bear in mind that the West seeing polygamy as outdated is actually de facto polygamy. There is no difference between marrying one woman and sleeping with four outside. It is still polygamy. The women whom he didn't marry are the losers in the game since they will not enjoy any conjugal protection from him and the law. 

1c. Again, you should bear in mind that monogamy is successful in the West due to its wealth. The social system can take care of single mothers by giving them cash monthly. In other parts of the world, suffering awaits such women, in this case, polygamy transfers the responsibility to the man. 

1d. Also, polygamy is actually a burden on the polygamous man, because he now has more mouths to feed, and children and wives to take care of. His pocket has to be heavy. 

1e. Polygamy gives women the opportunity to team up and share a high-value man since these men are few in number. In dating, women share the same men, why not in marriage?

Most importantly, if polygamy is done rightly, it is equally as good as monogamy.

There are more men than women on Earth. Get your facts right.

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Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by Zooposki(f): 10:19pm On Aug 08, 2023

Your screenshots make me laugh, you are obviously a plugged in blue pilled beta. Keep dreaming.
Men have nothing to gain in modern marriage, absolutely nothing, especially in gynocentric societies.

Then you guys should stop gaslighting women, always opening multiple threads discussing us. You don’t see women opening multiple threads discussing you guys, but you guys do that all the time, meaning there is something wrong upstairs with most of you.

Your obsession concerning the female race is bordering on a disorder which you guys must learn to curtail. Even in real life, if you guys are not monitoring what we wear, you are monitoring what we do, where we go etc. It’s just too disturbing.


Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by bukatyne(f): 10:41pm On Aug 08, 2023
Wrong wording of topic.

Polygamy is a system of marriage designed for men hence it can not benefit women the most. Infact, the other addition to a Polygamous man's harem is usually younger & more nubile. Using Ned Nwoko as an example, he doesn't check your readon while polygamy benefits women so the barren women, widows & divorcees around him are still there so his polygamy is of no benefit to them. And this pattern is repeated across Polygamous men all over Nigeria. Except for cultural reasons (levirage marriages), most polygamists pick younger women the more wives they pick.

It is saying feminism is created to benefit men or Red pill to benefit women.

However, certain women can benefit from a Polygamous set-up; some of the examples which you gave.

So a better topic would be 'the categories of women who benefit from Polygamy'.

P.S.: the women more than men narrative is not true according to world population stats.


Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by Kelechi009: 10:43pm On Aug 08, 2023

A high value man and his brood. So is this polygamy done right?

Will the most ardent advocates of polygamy 'the high value men' seek out divorcees or barren women, or will they seek out younger women?

Polygamy especially in the poor countries you are referencing is not about marrying women who missed out for any reason. Like the west and trophy wives it is about getting access to younger more nubile women.

Also and more importantly there is a number of children you have at which point you are nothing more than a sperm donor. A classmate who was advocating polygamy when I asked who will raise this army of children said - it's the woman's job. And that on its own is another reason why polygamous homes can produce train wreck adults. No supervision from dad, and an atmosphere of competition means each wife will hide rather than tackle her children's issues. As any wife with a misbehaving child will likely be mocked by the others

This is correct but the problem with polygamy is that It cannot really be abolished. It is just like prostitution, It can never go away & it will always find a way to bounce back. Americans tried to abolish it but they have baby mamas every where now, an average American lady has 2 kids for 2 different fathers. In fact I stay up late nights to watch Kendra G on Youtube (A late night American dating show), majority of the women who come around are working class who has at least 1 kid. You'd almost never find a lady on the show without kids already.

Also remember that polygamy practiced in a backward nation such as Nigeria is having so many kids which is quite different from polygamy practiced by elites in the West. Bill Gates had a lady he spends some weeks with once a year, this continued for a very long time before the divorce. The same with Jeff Bezos, this is a common pattern within the US elite community. They care about the quality time they spend with this other woman & not number of kids.

So regardless of whether you support it or oppose it, It is never going away.
Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by Sweetvie: 10:54pm On Aug 08, 2023

Anyone that misbehaves gets shifted to one side,.
Exactly, l don't even cares about the women. Not like they were forced
My main concern is the kids, the psychological impact on the children, their mental health. Polygamy is not really healthy. Children from a polygamous family has higher Global severity index.
Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by Kelechi009: 11:01pm On Aug 08, 2023
Exactly, l don't even cares about the women. Not like they were forced
My main concern is the kids, the psychological impact on the children, their mental health. Polygamy is not really healthy. Children from a polygamous family has higher Global severity index.

Lol, are you sure? Those same women that do Voodoo so the other wife will fall sick or kill the other wives kids?

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Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by Basiljoe: 11:23pm On Aug 08, 2023

You guys are ridiculous
Tell women you know what they want . Tell women what they want . Tell women how they feel. Tell women what to feel. Tell women choices to make. Tell women of the future that awaits them. All this wisdom/foresight under the umbrella of reality.

But for some reasons your wisdom/foresight and knowledge of "reality" never makes you rich or high value men. How can you help women or have the antidote to their issues but can't help yourself? I don't want that type of wisdom in which I know what it is to help and guide my male counterpart wheras I am yet to become high value
Dumb skull, no one is telling women what to think, how to feel blah blah blah, we are just stating your obvious behavior based on real life observations.

Sorry to disappoint your silly skull. I am rich and also a high value man, now go kill yourself tongue
Keep crying. grin grin grin
Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by tragergeorge(m): 11:26pm On Aug 08, 2023
1d. Also, polygamy is actually a burden on the polygamous man, because he now has more mouths to feed, and children and wives to take care of. His pocket has to be heavy.

Are these men been forced into it? undecided many of you men are polygamous by nature and ain’t satisfied with one pussy. Whatever burden it comes with ya all deserve it and even more hardship.
Hungry go just beat una...
Go read the everything wen the manchi write and understand
I nor know wetin man do you
Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by Sweetvie: 11:30pm On Aug 08, 2023
there is nothing toxic. I'm a product of one and we love our step mum very well that we always buy her things anytime we are getting stuffs for my mum. I also know plenty good children from good polygamous home. Plenty of the northern governors are into polygyny and there kids are doing well.

My dad neighbor in Nigeria, a Muslim man with 2 wives, like those guys literally fight everyday with weapons. And you think it will not affect the kids? You guys are one of the rare cases and polygamy is mostly practice in north, it not a big deal for them.


Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by Basiljoe: 11:31pm On Aug 08, 2023

Then you guys should stop gaslighting women, always opening multiple threads discussing us. You don’t see women opening multiple threads discussing you guys, but you guys do that all the time, meaning there is something wrong upstairs with most of you.

Your obsession concerning the female race is bordering on a disorder which you guys must learn to curtail. Even in real life, if you guys are not monitoring what we wear, you are monitoring what we do, where we go etc. It’s just too disturbing.
Lmao. You sound f.u.ck.ing paranoid. Nobody cares about you and your useless plight in reality, now rest please.

"Remember, attention is the coin of the realm in female society." - Book 1, RM
Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by Sweetvie: 11:35pm On Aug 08, 2023

Lol, are you sure? Those same women that do Voodoo so the other wife will fall sick or kill the other wives kids?
That's why I said I don't care about the women. They can do voodoo and protect themselves but the kids can't. The kids are the ones that will suffer las last


Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by VULCAN(m): 12:16am On Aug 09, 2023
You don't successfully counter a statement with another statement.

You counter a statement with facts.

He said men ready and available for marriage are less than the women.

This is rather obvious in almost every country on earth since men require a level of financial stability to marry while women require nothing.

You countered him that it is 50-50 without any links to prove your statement

Pls do better


I give this 80% 🤭

1a… na. this is an urban myth. We are roughly evenly distributed

1b… half mark. sleeping around and having multiple wives is fundamentally different. But yes, the women lose out
Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by pansophist(m): 12:21am On Aug 09, 2023

There are more men than women on Earth. Get your facts right.

What I meant is that in every dating market, there are more women who are ready for marriage, compare to men.
Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by pansophist(m): 12:28am On Aug 09, 2023

This is false, polygamy is uncommon in the west today because of the highly gynocentric nature of the western society. Most men lost their power and frame after the advent of the birth control pill in the 60's which shifted the power of sex to the feminine , i don't have much time to go into explaining this, but you're wrong. Many western men do want polygamy but can't get it due to the highly evolved gynocentric nature of their society, and most have been brainwashed to think about it as wrong.

In the west, it's not called polygamy.

YOu basically marry one officially, but fork many outside. Thats de facto polygamy. You can even have babies with the concubines. But legally to have two marriage certificates with two women at the same time? of course not.
Re: In Defense Of Polygamy, And How It Benefits Women The Most by pansophist(m): 12:44am On Aug 09, 2023

Broke goats want to practice polygamy too😹😹😹

Wonders will never end.

Polygamy is NOT for poor men please.

In those days when men were marrying plenty wives, there were lots of broke men who couldn't marry and were sent off to go die in war.

You people should better be grateful to monogamy for affording broke men wives.

You dont have to fight him na grin

I know one thing for sure, and it is that time, humble us all.

A man may dream to be polygamous, but with time, he will accept women will not do it with him, especially if he is not wealthy.

A woman may see herself as a diva, and too classy for most men, but like a ripe fruit, if she won't humble to marry and wait for her mr perfect, she will overripe and become less desirable, and even previous low-quality men won't want her.

So calm down, and resist the urge to shalaye. Life handles us all, offline grin

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