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U.K PM, Rishi Sunak Lands In Israel - Foreign Affairs (2) - Nairaland

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Re: U.K PM, Rishi Sunak Lands In Israel by PoliciaNLand: 9:01am On Oct 19, 2023
Re: U.K PM, Rishi Sunak Lands In Israel by blowjohn(m): 9:03am On Oct 19, 2023
Wars will be endless because there’s no profit in peace.

Canada nko

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Re: U.K PM, Rishi Sunak Lands In Israel by IPDGP: 9:04am On Oct 19, 2023
let's be honest, I dont think America see's Palestine as a threat. If them born them well make them go visit Ukraine nah!

Mr u are not current at all


Re: U.K PM, Rishi Sunak Lands In Israel by tommykiwi(m): 9:05am On Oct 19, 2023
let's be honest, I dont think America see's Palestine as a threat. If them born them well make them go visit Ukraine nah!
Oga researcher! Next time do your findings.


Re: U.K PM, Rishi Sunak Lands In Israel by orohbirodeysmel: 9:06am On Oct 19, 2023

America visited Ukraine ....

You must really be off your grid....

Borris Johnson also visited Kiev in the heat of the matter.


Re: U.K PM, Rishi Sunak Lands In Israel by Chrisviboy85(m): 9:07am On Oct 19, 2023
let's be honest, I dont think America see's Palestine as a threat. If them born them well make them go visit Ukraine nah!


Re: U.K PM, Rishi Sunak Lands In Israel by dappydozzy(m): 9:08am On Oct 19, 2023

See how you are disgracing yourself

Biden visited Ukraine

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Re: U.K PM, Rishi Sunak Lands In Israel by BabaO2: 9:08am On Oct 19, 2023
let's be honest, I dont think America see's Palestine as a threat. If them born them well make them go visit Ukraine nah!
UK PM did, what's the difference?
Some uninformed Nigerians with their arrogantly poor analysis


Re: U.K PM, Rishi Sunak Lands In Israel by meobizy(f): 9:09am On Oct 19, 2023
When you're BIG you're BIG.

Guy, find something useful to do with your life. Stop wasting your youth on Nairaland.


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Re: U.K PM, Rishi Sunak Lands In Israel by jrusky(m): 9:09am On Oct 19, 2023
let's be honest, I dont think America see's Palestine as a threat. If them born them well make them go visit Ukraine nah!

Another nonsense.

Bia, how did you managed to finished school? I need answer.


Re: U.K PM, Rishi Sunak Lands In Israel by abobote: 9:11am On Oct 19, 2023

Biden visited Ukraine
And he can still visit at any time
Re: U.K PM, Rishi Sunak Lands In Israel by HenryThegreat1(m): 9:12am On Oct 19, 2023
let's be honest, I dont think America see's Palestine as a threat. If them born them well make them go visit Ukraine nah!
Fake news carrier

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Re: U.K PM, Rishi Sunak Lands In Israel by Jagabanarmy: 9:13am On Oct 19, 2023

No ceasefire until Hamas is totally eliminated. Coming days will be impactful. Every terrorist is a threat to humanity so terrorists anywhere in the world deserve to be eliminated

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Re: U.K PM, Rishi Sunak Lands In Israel by komekn(m): 9:14am On Oct 19, 2023
let's be honest, I dont think America see's Palestine as a threat. If them born them well make them go visit Ukraine nah!

All EU & American leaders have visited Ukraine multiple times.


Re: U.K PM, Rishi Sunak Lands In Israel by Way4orward: 9:16am On Oct 19, 2023
let's be honest, I dont think America see's Palestine as a threat. If them born them well make them go visit Ukraine nah!

Which kind comment b dis.

I hope say Tinubu government never mess your brain up.


Re: U.K PM, Rishi Sunak Lands In Israel by OBIDIENTNAIJA: 9:19am On Oct 19, 2023
what does he gain from war? He should be praying for peace. We need peace in the world.
Look to Jesus Christ. Is only Jesus Christ that can guarantee an endless peace and prosperity. Not humans.

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Re: U.K PM, Rishi Sunak Lands In Israel by VEHINTOLAR: 9:21am On Oct 19, 2023
Israel must send ground troops,infantry men into Gaza as that's the only way to routeout those crazy terrorists. Gaza is a complex network of tunnels and that's where those Hamas terrorists are hiding. Israel must go in there to fish out those Hamas terrorists,destroy the tunnels and create a new buffer zone right inside Gaza to ensure peace and security of its citizens. Iran,the major backer and financier of those terrorists - Hamas and Hezbollah must be confronted too if Israel desires a long time peace in that region.


Re: U.K PM, Rishi Sunak Lands In Israel by creativehubb: 9:21am On Oct 19, 2023
The free world must unite against evil religious extremists and terrorists. Nice one.


Re: U.K PM, Rishi Sunak Lands In Israel by jasent(m): 9:22am On Oct 19, 2023

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Re: U.K PM, Rishi Sunak Lands In Israel by SOSPITAS(m): 9:24am On Oct 19, 2023
Nobody send UK again for world politics, even their former colony India get influence pass them. They're a fading power clinging to relevance by always aligning itself with the United State. They cannot afford to have a foreign policy that defers from the US else there little status will be brought to full glare. They got a first test of this when they left the EU.


Re: U.K PM, Rishi Sunak Lands In Israel by israelmao(m): 9:25am On Oct 19, 2023
Israel is still pumping up the volume of assaults against bloody terrorists called Hamas,whoever doesn't like it should jump into the lake or Niagara Falls.

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Re: U.K PM, Rishi Sunak Lands In Israel by Mccullum: 9:25am On Oct 19, 2023
He is playing this mediating diplomacy as a damage control of 20th century British politicians heinous act against the land and people they came and established colony over and annexed their large portion of land to Jewish without proper consultation with the Palestinians.

Balfour declaration did not state geographical partitioning between the Jews and Palestinians. both were neighbours since ancient period. The causer of this problem was Britain and still sustaining it by refusing to find a lasting peace for peaceful coexistence within them with their present politicians hypocrisy diplomacy. US and other supporting countries dodging bone of contentions and firing war, Palestine will still remain with Israel while Israel can never achieved the goal of claiming all Palestinians land.

Finding resolution to these aforementioned contentious issues is the gear toward peace, all other Arab countries must also let it clear to Palestinians that there's must be compromised for a reasonable resolution, not as if they can achieve all their goals in the agreement of more than a party resolutions. The land belong to both of them.
Re: U.K PM, Rishi Sunak Lands In Israel by Available9: 9:28am On Oct 19, 2023
let's be honest, I dont think America see's Palestine as a threat. If them born them well make them go visit Ukraine nah!
it is a shame you didn't know that Biden visited Ukraine


Re: U.K PM, Rishi Sunak Lands In Israel by frankadrian: 9:30am On Oct 19, 2023
Nobody send UK again for world politics, even their former colony India get influence pass them. They're a fading power clinging to relevance by always aligning itself with the United State. They cannot afford to have a foreign policy that defers from the US else there little status will be brought to full glare. They got a first test of this when they left the EU.

My brother, make I let you in on one secret, UK is a very powerful kingdom.

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Re: U.K PM, Rishi Sunak Lands In Israel by Saidfx(m): 9:30am On Oct 19, 2023
Biden's Middle East adventure was A Total Disaster...
every time he opens his mouth is a Disaster...
yet the Jews controlling the Whitehouse keep using him
Re: U.K PM, Rishi Sunak Lands In Israel by juman(m): 9:31am On Oct 19, 2023
Biafra people should also visit their master.
Ibos. grin grin
Re: U.K PM, Rishi Sunak Lands In Israel by Okiton: 9:33am On Oct 19, 2023
let's be honest, I dont think America see's Palestine as a threat. If them born them well make them go visit Ukraine nah!

One terrorist spotted

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Re: U.K PM, Rishi Sunak Lands In Israel by Idaytesj29(m): 9:33am On Oct 19, 2023
Hamas go collect well this period

How many Hamas have they killed? Just a bunch of Palestinian civilians even in hospitals.
Re: U.K PM, Rishi Sunak Lands In Israel by Arabk25(m): 9:33am On Oct 19, 2023
let's be honest, I dont think America see's Palestine as a threat. If them born them well make them go visit Ukraine nah!

Please you guys should take it easy on this guy correction has been taken let's move on

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Re: U.K PM, Rishi Sunak Lands In Israel by Numerouno94(m): 9:35am On Oct 19, 2023
It's not a war.. Isreal is like an adult spanking an erring child(Hamas) for being naughty..

Hamas being so naughty now also tries to fight back but as usual adults must prevail...
Hamas now becoms a cry baby reporting to other adults..

Other adults now start asking Isreal to just let go since Hamas is a child.

Re: U.K PM, Rishi Sunak Lands In Israel by 3ice9ce: 9:36am On Oct 19, 2023
Helinues, when are you cowards going to land in Gaza?

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