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How I Used My Home-Made Cassava Flour To Make Paw-Paw Pie, Buns And Chin Chin - Food - Nairaland

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How I Used My Home-Made Cassava Flour To Make Paw-Paw Pie, Buns And Chin Chin by RevenuesBoost(f): 8:38pm On Apr 11, 2024
How it all started

The cassava was peeled


Grated using a cassava grating machine

Pressed in a bag, using a presser and hydrolic jack.

The cyanide (found in cassava liquid) is not healthy for humans.

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Re: How I Used My Home-Made Cassava Flour To Make Paw-Paw Pie, Buns And Chin Chin by RevenuesBoost(f): 8:47pm On Apr 11, 2024
I sun-dried the pressed grated cassava

Looks moulded right?

Yeah! The sun was wow!

I squeezed it with my hands while passing it through a filter to get fine particles.


Re: How I Used My Home-Made Cassava Flour To Make Paw-Paw Pie, Buns And Chin Chin by nigeriansamurai(m): 8:55pm On Apr 11, 2024
More please
Re: How I Used My Home-Made Cassava Flour To Make Paw-Paw Pie, Buns And Chin Chin by RevenuesBoost(f): 8:56pm On Apr 11, 2024
I mixed my cassava flour with wheat flour.

2 cups of wheat flour and
4 cups of cassava flour

The cassava flour is the one in a cup.
The wheat flour is in a bowl

From the pictures, you can barely tell the difference between the two.


Re: How I Used My Home-Made Cassava Flour To Make Paw-Paw Pie, Buns And Chin Chin by RevenuesBoost(f): 9:12pm On Apr 11, 2024
I mixed the cassava flour together with the wheat flour.

Added baking powder

Added sugar

Two pinches of salt (depends on the quantity of flour)

Used little drops of groundnut oil in the absence of baking fats or margarine.

The reason I like using groundnut oil is because, it gives my baking extra flavour.

Water came last

Remember to keep some wheat flour so you sprinkle on your tray and on your dough, so it won't stick.

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Re: How I Used My Home-Made Cassava Flour To Make Paw-Paw Pie, Buns And Chin Chin by RevenuesBoost(f): 9:21pm On Apr 11, 2024
I used Paw-paw and onions in the middle of my pie.

It turned out great.

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Re: How I Used My Home-Made Cassava Flour To Make Paw-Paw Pie, Buns And Chin Chin by RevenuesBoost(f): 9:22pm On Apr 11, 2024
How it ended

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Re: How I Used My Home-Made Cassava Flour To Make Paw-Paw Pie, Buns And Chin Chin by RevenuesBoost(f): 9:55pm On Apr 11, 2024
More please

Thanks for following

I'm done.

The network here is so poor due to the rain.


Re: How I Used My Home-Made Cassava Flour To Make Paw-Paw Pie, Buns And Chin Chin by RevenuesBoost(f): 10:14pm On Apr 11, 2024
There are many things I can do with my cassava flour.

I can decide to make fufu with it.

I'll soak it in water for a while, remember it was sun-dried, it needs to get soft again so it gives you the smoothness fufu gives when touched.

Place the pot on fire
Then keep stiring it till it gets hard.

The joy in eating this, is that, it's odourless compared to some fufu.


Re: How I Used My Home-Made Cassava Flour To Make Paw-Paw Pie, Buns And Chin Chin by RevenuesBoost(f): 10:44pm On Apr 11, 2024
I parceled some Pie, Buns and Chin Chin for Mum and Dad.

Mum ate it and was, wow! This is perfect.


I said, "mum did you know that this was made with cassava flour?"

She even encouraged me to start selling it, it's yummy.

Me that hate offline stressπŸ˜‚

Let me focus on my online and family abegπŸ˜‚

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Re: How I Used My Home-Made Cassava Flour To Make Paw-Paw Pie, Buns And Chin Chin by Silentgroper(m): 6:01am On Apr 12, 2024
So we technically can fry garri ..

I've got a question though ..

Does the cassava flour has the same texture as garri ?? Or does it need to be softer and smoother unlike garri??
Re: How I Used My Home-Made Cassava Flour To Make Paw-Paw Pie, Buns And Chin Chin by CodeTemplar: 6:07am On Apr 12, 2024
You try now.

As for me, Hmmmmm.... Boiled unripe mango on my mind. Lol.
Re: How I Used My Home-Made Cassava Flour To Make Paw-Paw Pie, Buns And Chin Chin by DyingFetus: 8:21am On Apr 12, 2024
Based cassava enjoyer

Re: How I Used My Home-Made Cassava Flour To Make Paw-Paw Pie, Buns And Chin Chin by RevenuesBoost(f): 8:18pm On Apr 12, 2024
So we technically can fry garri ..

I've got a question though ..

Does the cassava flour has the same texture as garri ?? Or does it need to be softer and smoother unlike garri??

No, Garri and cassava flour have different texture

Yes Cassava flour has to be just like wheat flour, soft and smooth.
Re: How I Used My Home-Made Cassava Flour To Make Paw-Paw Pie, Buns And Chin Chin by RevenuesBoost(f): 8:35pm On Apr 12, 2024
So we technically can fry garri ..

I've got a question though ..

Does the cassava flour has the same texture as garri ?? Or does it need to be softer and smoother unlike garri??

Cassava flour and garri comes from same raw material (cassava)

The difference between cassava flour and garri is in the processing. It's texture are different.

Garri is Coarse.

Cassava flour is smooth.

When processing cassava flour, your cassava is grated twice, pressed, sun-dried or use a dryer and it's filtered.

Some people dry the cassava before grating it, you need good sun to do this or your cassava will rot.
So I prefer grating before drying.

When processing garri, your cassava is grated once, pressed, filtered, then dried using fire and a pot or pan.

I experimented on frying garri, it tasted horrible.

There's this cassava meal they make in my place, you eat it together with beans. I'll look for the photo.
They call it "Cassava Akara", you make your cassava akara, the very day the cassava is grated.
Just like beans akara, you can't grate your cassava today and make your akara tomorrow.
It tastes really good.

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Re: How I Used My Home-Made Cassava Flour To Make Paw-Paw Pie, Buns And Chin Chin by RevenuesBoost(f): 9:14pm On Apr 12, 2024
You try now.

As for me, Hmmmmm.... Boiled unripe mango on my mind. Lol.

Unripe mango is acidic
Will be very unhealthy for you.

I used pawpaw because I ate a carrot pie recently and it tasted so good and irish potato pie as well.

I decided to use the concept with pawpaw/onions
Trust me, it tasted like adding raisons to the middle of your pie. Same way raisons tastes good in bread.

So yummy!!!

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Re: How I Used My Home-Made Cassava Flour To Make Paw-Paw Pie, Buns And Chin Chin by pocohantas(f): 10:04pm On Apr 12, 2024
There are many things I can do with my cassava flour.

I can decide to make fufu with it.

I'll soak it in water for a while, remember it was sun-dried, it needs to get soft again so it gives you the smoothness fufu gives when touched.

Place the pot on fire
Then keep stirimg it till it gets hard.

The joy in eating this, is that, it's odourless compared to some fufu.

This is how I make fufu. I am not good at pounding. But I stir well. I thought I am weird. Nice to see my teammate.

How did the chinchin taste?
Talk true o.

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Re: How I Used My Home-Made Cassava Flour To Make Paw-Paw Pie, Buns And Chin Chin by Silentgroper(m): 1:52am On Apr 13, 2024

Cassava flour and garri comes from same raw material (cassava)

The difference between cassava flour and garri is in the processing. It's texture are different.

Garri is Coarse.

Cassava flour is smooth.

When processing cassava flour, your cassava is grated twice, pressed, sun-dried or use a dryer and it's filtered.

Some people dry the cassava before grating it, you need good sun to do this or your cassava will rot.
So I prefer grating before drying.

When processing garri, your cassava is grated once, pressed, filtered, then dried using fire and a pot or pan.

I experimented on frying garri, it tasted horrible.

There's this cassava meal they make in my place, you eat it together with beans. I'll look for the photo.
They call it "Cassava Akara", you make your cassava akara, the very day the cassava is grated.
Just like beans akara, you can't grate your cassava today and make your akara tomorrow.
It tastes really good.

wonderful ..

Thanks for carefully explaining that out..

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Re: How I Used My Home-Made Cassava Flour To Make Paw-Paw Pie, Buns And Chin Chin by RevenuesBoost(f): 9:37am On Apr 13, 2024
wonderful ..

Thanks for carefully explaining that out..

You're welcome ❣️
Re: How I Used My Home-Made Cassava Flour To Make Paw-Paw Pie, Buns And Chin Chin by RevenuesBoost(f): 9:46am On Apr 13, 2024

This is how I make fufu. I am not good at pounding. But I stir well. I thought I am weird. Nice to see my teammate.

How did the chinchin taste?
Talk true o.

Ahhh! The chinchin tasted so good.

My husband and I ate some for breakfast

My mum started eating and didn't want to stop, I told her to remember to keep some for Dad.

Just like groundnut, you have to preserve your chinchin in an airtight container.
Re: How I Used My Home-Made Cassava Flour To Make Paw-Paw Pie, Buns And Chin Chin by wittywriter: 10:08am On Apr 13, 2024
Goddess of TMOA....



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Re: How I Used My Home-Made Cassava Flour To Make Paw-Paw Pie, Buns And Chin Chin by Cedarlivia(f): 10:11am On Apr 13, 2024
Nice concept.

I would really like to give the cassava flour processing a try. Please how do you get rid of the cyanide? How did you 'filter' (I have no idea what that means 😁, I'm yet to learn how to process garri) And finally for how long should I press?
Thank you in advance 😊
Re: How I Used My Home-Made Cassava Flour To Make Paw-Paw Pie, Buns And Chin Chin by DyingFetus: 12:49pm On Apr 13, 2024

This is how I make fufu. I am not good at pounding. But I stir well. I thought I am weird. Nice to see my teammate.

How did the chinchin taste?
Talk true o.

Very sweet especially if you added honey and vanilla

Not many people know the value of cassava
apart from garri

Cassava can be also used to make a wholesome bread


Re: How I Used My Home-Made Cassava Flour To Make Paw-Paw Pie, Buns And Chin Chin by RevenuesBoost(f): 3:54pm On Apr 13, 2024
Goddess of TMOA....


Re: How I Used My Home-Made Cassava Flour To Make Paw-Paw Pie, Buns And Chin Chin by RevenuesBoost(f): 4:10pm On Apr 13, 2024
Nice concept.

I would really like to give the cassava flour processing a try. Please how do you get rid of the cyanide? How did you 'filter' (I have no idea what that means 😁, I'm yet to learn how to process garri) And finally for how long should I press?
Thank you in advance 😊

You get rid of the cyanide by putting all the grated cassava in a bag and pressing the liquid out, using a presser and hydrolic jack.
I'll search for the photo.

I'll drop a picture of the type of filter that should be used. it's called, Garri filter. It's flat and rectangular.

Making use of an hydrolic jack should take you 2, 3 or 4 hours. Depending on how wet the cassava is. You'll check your presser from time to time to tighten the jack. Watch till the liquid stops dripping from the bag.

During rainy season, cassava has much liquid
During dry season, cassava has less liquid.

In remote villages where they can't afford presser, they use bamboo sticks or plancks and robes to press the cassava, this usually takes two days.
Then the cassava will be filtered on the third day and processed to Garri.

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Re: How I Used My Home-Made Cassava Flour To Make Paw-Paw Pie, Buns And Chin Chin by RevenuesBoost(f): 4:17pm On Apr 13, 2024

Very sweet especially if you added honey and vanilla

Not many people know the value of cassava
apart from garri

Cassava can be also used to make a wholesome bread

You're very right
I visited the bread bakery close to my house and discovered that they make use of cassava flour and wheat flour in a specific ratio.
I can't really remember the ratio.

The man in charge of the Bakery said, Cassava flour is costly as well as wheat flour.
I was shocked, I could relate
We are the owners of cassava but don't know that we can process our cassava to flour, it's only Garri and fufu that my village people know.
Cross River Government don't know how to establish cassava flour processing industries that will be of benefit to Cross Riverians.

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Re: How I Used My Home-Made Cassava Flour To Make Paw-Paw Pie, Buns And Chin Chin by Cedarlivia(f): 5:07pm On Apr 13, 2024
Thank you for this detailed explanation. I'm definitely going to try this before the rain comes. Or maybe use a dehydrator to make drying faster. Thank you πŸ’•

You get rid of the cyanide by putting all the grated cassava in a bag and pressing the liquid out, using a presser and hydrolic jack.
I'll search for the photo.

I'll drop a picture of the type of filter that should be used. it's called, Garri filter. It's flat and rectangular.

Making use of an hydrolic jack should take you 2, 3 or 4 hours. Depending on how wet the cassava is. You'll check your presser from time to time to tighten the jack. Watch till the liquid stops dripping from the bag.

During rainy season, cassava has much liquid
During dry season, cassava has less liquid.

In remote villages where they can't afford presser, they use bamboo sticks or plancks and robes to press the cassava, this usually takes two days.
Then the cassava will be filtered on the third day and processed to Garri.

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Re: How I Used My Home-Made Cassava Flour To Make Paw-Paw Pie, Buns And Chin Chin by RevenuesBoost(f): 5:41pm On Apr 13, 2024
Thank you for this detailed explanation. I'm definitely going to try this before the rain comes. Or maybe use a dehydrator to make drying faster. Thank you πŸ’•

You're welcome ❣️

Here's a picture of presser and hydrolic jack.
This picture shows how cassava is pressed.

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Re: How I Used My Home-Made Cassava Flour To Make Paw-Paw Pie, Buns And Chin Chin by RevenuesBoost(f): 6:45pm On Apr 13, 2024

Pictures of how cassava is filtered and dried in a pot to make Garri.

Same way cassava flour is filtered.

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Re: How I Used My Home-Made Cassava Flour To Make Paw-Paw Pie, Buns And Chin Chin by RevenuesBoost(f): 8:17pm On Apr 13, 2024
I just finished eating my chin chin.

Chin chin can be preserved for up to a week or more if kept in an airtight container.
Before preserving, allow to cool.

Buns can last for just two days
Should be kept in an airtight container also.
Before preserving, allow to cool.

Paw-Paw Pie or any pie should be eaten the very day it's made.

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Re: How I Used My Home-Made Cassava Flour To Make Paw-Paw Pie, Buns And Chin Chin by Mom007(f): 10:40pm On Apr 13, 2024
Wow, respect! cheesy
Re: How I Used My Home-Made Cassava Flour To Make Paw-Paw Pie, Buns And Chin Chin by RevenuesBoost(f): 3:58am On Apr 14, 2024
Wow, respect! cheesy


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