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Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites - Foreign Affairs (3) - Nairaland

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Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by richeeyo(m): 2:54pm On Oct 15, 2024
When you have to fight someone you are afraid of, I think Israel wants to drag the United States into war with Iran, they also want the American people to pay the bill from their pockets.

They surely need US assistance to be able to strike Iran

I will never support oppressors, Iran has the right to defend itself too

Call me whatever you like, but nobody, no country should be allowed to act with so much impunity, we need the balance of power
Sponsoring terrorist is balance of power
Even the Saudis would gladly finance a war against iran secretly
Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by jonnyjustcome22: 2:54pm On Oct 15, 2024
If only u understand international politics, you will know that US must've called Iran to map out soft oil facilities targets for Israel to hit and US will use back door to pay for all repairs and more to the Generals and Iranian leadership.

It's been the arrangee...outright war between Israel and Iran will spell an end to the world.

All Isreal - Iran confrontations are staged and controlled.

Gutter analysis
Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by gigabyte13: 2:55pm On Oct 15, 2024
What , how and when the target go happen lran no know.....
I like the suspense.....
E fit be the supreme rat wey dey hide up and down Dem go target....
Day go too sweet me.

Imagine a so called supreme leader running like commoner underground for that matter
Hand go soon touch am

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Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by CommonSense1967: 2:55pm On Oct 15, 2024
When you have to fight someone you are afraid of, I think Israel wants to drag the United States into war with Iran, they also want the American people to pay the bill from their pockets.

They surely need US assistance to be able to strike Iran

I will never support oppressors, Iran has the right to defend itself too

Call me whatever you like, but nobody, no country should be allowed to act with so much impunity, we need the balance of power
Don't mind the zionist terrorist fools. They are waiting for the new US weapons to arrive to protect them from certain Iran retaliation that will come to them .

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Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by mikeapollo: 2:56pm On Oct 15, 2024
Make Israel day mumu them self me know say them just need American support to attack Iran because Israel alone can never win Iran in war😎 them never born them well

How many wars has Iran fought in their lifetime?
How many military/war inventions and innovations do they have?
Israel has had nuclear weapons long before Iran started
Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by FiftyFifty(m): 2:57pm On Oct 15, 2024

Open air prison means what exactly? Who's fault is that? You mean Isreal has no right to build a wall on their border with Gaza? What about Egypt? They also have a wall on their border with Gaza before October 7. When did it become a crime for people to build fences in their home? You must be a criminal if you have a problem with people securing their land from intruders

Stop quoting me so brazenly and unintelligently. Go and continue your book colouring homeworkk.


Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by Ghostagain: 3:01pm On Oct 15, 2024

isreal constantly waiting for US to dictate their responses is also a show of cowardice on its own...
Where does Israel get its weapons from ?
You are a very daft person. If I'm the one providing you with 99% of your income, you think you can do as you please without my consent ?
You are also on the same side as a genocide. Your stupidity is toxic.

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Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by Bar1941(m): 3:02pm On Oct 15, 2024
Overhyped animals

They have to get arm supplies from their godfather and even report to them where and where they want to attack. Unna cup of water go soon full.

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Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by shogsman(m): 3:04pm On Oct 15, 2024
Nobody should come here to cry SOS, Innocent ooo, WHO, and all that rubbish that litters here when ISRAEL Strikes its Enemies.

If you are bold to come against GOD'S Signet and CHOSEN Nation on the face of the Earth, you should also be bold to collect the Consequences.

When Balaam, the pagan diviner, was paid by Balak, the king of Moab, to pronounce a curse upon the people of Israel, he lifted up his oracle and said:
How shall I curse whom God hath not cursed? Or how shall I defy whom the Lord hath not defied?’ (Numbers 23:cool

Be careful when you come against God’s Chosen people!

It’s not about the nation of ISRAEL!

It’s about the GOD of ISRAEL!

.e no go better for you,na some people like you make some of us no enter church again


Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by CommonSense1967: 3:04pm On Oct 15, 2024

You don start again..
You guys pushed Hamas Terrorist leaders to their Virgins. Both in gaza and inside Iran.
You pushed iran generals to their Virgins.
You Pushed Nasarallah to his virgins.
You pushed the one who replaced Nasarallah to his Virgins.
You pushed the one who replaced the one who replaced Nasarallah to his Virgins.

As of today Nobody wants to be head of Hezebollah as everyone rejects the appointment.

You are here again to push Iran leaders to hell again.
We will be here to listen to your usual cries of UN, UNESCO, DSS, SOS, etc

Listen! Everything Happening and to Happen has been Written.
Go and pick up the Holy Bible so as to have a knowledge of events playing.

GOD'S CHOSEN NATION ISRAEL, Will Hit and Crush Iran Dangerously. The hit will be too Hard and Harsh on Iran.
Go see the Jeremiah 49:34-39

After The Hit, the Next time you will Hear of Iran coming against ISRAEL will be when it join forces with RUSSIA, Turkey and a host of other nations to come for ISRAEL'S Wealth in the Ezekiel 38 &39 Gogmagog War.


Brainwashed delusional isreali slave with another rubbish trash. Fvck Israel.

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Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by shogsman(m): 3:05pm On Oct 15, 2024

This your useless Question is exactly what you should your Terrorist brethern.

To think this slowpoke!le don't know Israel don't give a rat ass about your God,in fact they think Christianity is a joke,and black people like you are treated like monkeys there,na thunder for fire you and your pastor wey condone killing 30k children and women


Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by Bigkelvo: 3:08pm On Oct 15, 2024

How many wars has Iran fought in their lifetime?
How many military/war inventions and innovations do they have?
Israel has had nuclear weapons long before Iran started
bros I agree with you my own be say make Israel attack Iran on time so we go fit get update😂 na that time you self go no say Israel na dodo with out American support and that is why before doing anything Israel have to talk with the American


Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by bdon123(m): 3:08pm On Oct 15, 2024
Nobody should come here to cry SOS, Innocent ooo, WHO, and all that rubbish that litters here when ISRAEL Strikes its Enemies.

If you are bold to come against GOD'S Signet and CHOSEN Nation on the face of the Earth, you should also be bold to collect the Consequences.

When Balaam, the pagan diviner, was paid by Balak, the king of Moab, to pronounce a curse upon the people of Israel, he lifted up his oracle and said:
How shall I curse whom God hath not cursed? Or how shall I defy whom the Lord hath not defied?’ (Numbers 23:cool

Be careful when you come against God’s Chosen people!

It’s not about the nation of ISRAEL!

It’s about the GOD of ISRAEL!

Stop all this God this n that....Israel is powerful yes n deserves to protect itself nt becos of some biblical verse
Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by Ndenomy: 3:10pm On Oct 15, 2024
please answer this simple question, are Iranians, Palestinians and Lebanese children of devil? Why do you think they don't have the right to exist?

You mind that old fool thats forming righteousness up and down but gets instant erection the minute he hears about Isreal and Iran.

Isreal want to drag US into this war and what they fail to realize that it is bad for the US and un strategic. A bomb on iran oil facilities means a cut in the world oil production which affects the price of, i rise of about 150-180$ per barrel is assured in just 3 month which is bad for both kamala and trump.

If Isreal fail to listen to the US and hit iranian oils then the us may not provide them aid should Iran ‘return the favor’ which will escalate the situation further.

I no blame you sha, what else do you expect from a pastor of doom

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Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by Gentlevip: 3:10pm On Oct 15, 2024
Hhhhhh so Israel is answers to US?

so the so called promise Land is to be coordinated by Us before Israel can ever breath

Is Us godly, satanic, judaic, atheist, Christian or ungodly secularist.

Which of these shit are the black monkeys Zionist apologists backing on.

Abi una God, wey una lie on, sanctions devil's work?

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Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by Johncarlo07: 3:12pm On Oct 15, 2024

The difference between me and you is clear, I am a moderate christian, you on the other hand is an extremist, a brainwashed and misguided christian

U get time dey answer Dat misfit!?
Omo! U no get work oo!!

Person wey b say na only him lyk Israel. We d remaining Christians don't🤣🤣

Dat guy needs psychiatric evaluation.

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Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by Nursepepeye(f): 3:13pm On Oct 15, 2024
When you have to fight someone you are afraid of, I think Israel wants to drag the United States into war with Iran, they also want the American people to pay the bill from their pockets.

They surely need US assistance to be able to strike Iran

I will never support oppressors, Iran has the right to defend itself too

Call me whatever you like, but nobody, no country should be allowed to act with so much impunity, we need the balance of power
don't start crying yet, you will have enough time to cry ocean just be patient
Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by doffman: 3:14pm On Oct 15, 2024
Nobody should come here to cry SOS, Innocent ooo, WHO, and all that rubbish that litters here when ISRAEL Strikes its Enemies.

If you are bold to come against GOD'S Signet and CHOSEN Nation on the face of the Earth, you should also be bold to collect the Consequences.

When Balaam, the pagan diviner, was paid by Balak, the king of Moab, to pronounce a curse upon the people of Israel, he lifted up his oracle and said:
How shall I curse whom God hath not cursed? Or how shall I defy whom the Lord hath not defied?’ (Numbers 23:cool

Be careful when you come against God’s Chosen people!

It’s not about the nation of ISRAEL!

It’s about the GOD of ISRAEL!

It is glaring , this terrorist man is not normal .

You support a child killer regime and you think you can end well . Impossible

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Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by God1000(m): 3:14pm On Oct 15, 2024
don't start crying yet, you will have enough time to cry ocean just be patient
Lol, please repent sis
Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by Nursepepeye(f): 3:15pm On Oct 15, 2024

U get time dey answer Dat misfit!?
Omo! U no get work oo!!

Person wey b say na only him lyk Israel. We d remaining Christians don't🤣🤣

Dat guy needs psychiatric evaluation.
you that hospital can't handle your matter, what can we call you? You people should not start crying yet, just be patient
Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by udemzyudex(m): 3:15pm On Oct 15, 2024
US is the one looking for a soft landing because of the election.

The democrat don't want price of oil to go up.

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Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by Johncarlo07: 3:16pm On Oct 15, 2024

Why worry about what Israel would target when they decide to attack Iran?

Iran decided on its own to attack targets in Israel in the manner they wanted. Israel too has the right to pick whatever target(s) in Iran and attack how they want accordingly.
The international community should stop complaining or tying the hands of Israel when it is Israel's turn to respond.

Who are d International Community warning Israel? D USA is only afta d welfare of Israel dats why it wants it to play safe.

U tink Israel will go head to head wit Iran nd win?
D USA knws d consequences if Israel attacks Iran oil nd Nuclear facilities.
If u want war, go wear bullet proof vest nd carry Gun.


Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by AngelicBeing: 3:19pm On Oct 15, 2024

You don start again..
You guys pushed Hamas Terrorist leaders to their Virgins. Both in gaza and inside Iran.
You pushed iran generals to their Virgins.
You Pushed Nasarallah to his virgins.
You pushed the one who replaced Nasarallah to his Virgins.
You pushed the one who replaced the one who replaced Nasarallah to his Virgins.

As of today Nobody wants to be head of Hezebollah as everyone rejects the appointment.

You are here again to push Iran leaders to hell again.
We will be here to listen to your usual cries of UN, UNESCO, DSS, SOS, etc

Listen! Everything Happening and to Happen has been Written.
Go and pick up the Holy Bible so as to have a knowledge of events playing.

GOD'S CHOSEN NATION ISRAEL, Will Hit and Crush Iran Dangerously. The hit will be too Hard and Harsh on Iran.
Go see the Jeremiah 49:34-39

After The Hit, the Next time you will Hear of Iran coming against ISRAEL will be when it join forces with RUSSIA, Turkey and a host of other nations to come for ISRAEL'S Wealth in the Ezekiel 38 &39 Gogmagog War.


Gbamsulotely grin
Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by bigpicture001: 3:19pm On Oct 15, 2024

You are absolutely correct! There’s been so many lies about their fighting prowess, which was up till recently not known that US Forces & CIA basically teleguided their previous military expeditions. They also cannot fight without US weapons & money, yet they keep killing poorer peoples who have no help! The US should stand back & let them fight by themselves otherwise it is a risk for the US to be drawn into military conflicts / wars it cannot afford while its citizens / interests languish at home.

As big as Russia is... They needed Iranian and north Korea weapons....

Nobody can stand alone.. even china... At a time... U will run out of armour..... Remember , Israel has been on it since oct. 7 last year....
Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by Johncarlo07: 3:19pm On Oct 15, 2024

Leave sentiments bro…this war is USA war using Israel to checkmate Iran in the Middle East everyone knows this but pretending like it’s Israel fighting 😂😂😂 I pity Iran sha Russia go give dem hope leave them at the worst

Russians are nt known to back u up nd den spite u. Dey mean it wen dey say it.
Iran already had d backing of Russia. Why do u tink USA is warning Israel to tread wit caution concerning Iran.

Dis is 2024 bro nt 1948 or 1968. If a war breaks out now in d middle East, even d USA will feel d wrath.


Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by TenQ: 3:20pm On Oct 15, 2024
please answer this simple question, are Iranians, Palestinians and Lebanese children of devil? Why do you think they don't have the right to exist?
Everyone has the right to exist except those who start wars they can't finish!

To you, October 7 is okay!?
To you supporters of October 7 are the good guys!?

Why don't you first tell your friends to release the Israeli Hostages they took?
Or have they been released?
Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by Johncarlo07: 3:23pm On Oct 15, 2024
you that hospital can't handle your matter, what can we call you? You people should not start crying yet, just be patient

Pls, did u slip nd hit ur head on a metal?
Cos d gibberish u wrote up dere are incoherent.
Go seek medical help if u tink ur nt feeling fine.


Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by BOBAN2710: 3:31pm On Oct 15, 2024
Nobody should come here to cry SOS, Innocent ooo, WHO, and all that rubbish that litters here when ISRAEL Strikes its Enemies.

If you are bold to come against GOD'S Signet and CHOSEN Nation on the face of the Earth, you should also be bold to collect the Consequences.

A dumb isreali puppet has spoken

When Balaam, the pagan diviner, was paid by Balak, the king of Moab, to pronounce a curse upon the people of Israel, he lifted up his oracle and said:
How shall I curse whom God hath not cursed? Or how shall I defy whom the Lord hath not defied?’ (Numbers 23:cool

Be careful when you come against God’s Chosen people!

It’s not about the nation of ISRAEL!

It’s about the GOD of ISRAEL!

Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by CoronaVirusPro: 3:33pm On Oct 15, 2024
Nobody should come here to cry SOS, Innocent ooo, WHO, and all that rubbish that litters here when ISRAEL Strikes its Enemies.

If you are bold to come against GOD'S Signet and CHOSEN Nation on the face of the Earth, you should also be bold to collect the Consequences.

When Balaam, the pagan diviner, was paid by Balak, the king of Moab, to pronounce a curse upon the people of Israel, he lifted up his oracle and said:
How shall I curse whom God hath not cursed? Or how shall I defy whom the Lord hath not defied?’ (Numbers 23:cool

Be careful when you come against God’s Chosen people!

It’s not about the nation of ISRAEL!

It’s about the GOD of ISRAEL!

STFU morafvcker!


Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by venabili: 3:39pm On Oct 15, 2024

You don start again..
You guys pushed Hamas Terrorist leaders to their Virgins. Both in gaza and inside Iran.
You pushed iran generals to their Virgins.
You Pushed Nasarallah to his virgins.
You pushed the one who replaced Nasarallah to his Virgins.
You pushed the one who replaced the one who replaced Nasarallah to his Virgins.

As of today Nobody wants to be head of Hezebollah as everyone rejects the appointment.

You are here again to push Iran leaders to hell again.
We will be here to listen to your usual cries of UN, UNESCO, DSS, SOS, etc

Listen! Everything Happening and to Happen has been Written.
Go and pick up the Holy Bible so as to have a knowledge of events playing.

GOD'S CHOSEN NATION ISRAEL, Will Hit and Crush Iran Dangerously. The hit will be too Hard and Harsh on Iran.
Go see the Jeremiah 49:34-39

After The Hit, the Next time you will Hear of Iran coming against ISRAEL will be when it join forces with RUSSIA, Turkey and a host of other nations to come for ISRAEL'S Wealth in the Ezekiel 38 &39 Gogmagog War.


This idiots sha. I thought by virtue of the new covenant all are now God's people. So Israel is the only God's nation? You do realize its a jewish nation? So whats all the fuss about you guys displaying ak47 madnessss in nigeria if you are not God's people?


Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by MrKodak(m): 3:47pm On Oct 15, 2024
Nobody should come here to cry SOS, Innocent ooo, WHO, and all that rubbish that litters here when ISRAEL Strikes its Enemies.

If you are bold to come against GOD'S Signet and CHOSEN Nation on the face of the Earth, you should also be bold to collect the Consequences.

When Balaam, the pagan diviner, was paid by Balak, the king of Moab, to pronounce a curse upon the people of Israel, he lifted up his oracle and said:
How shall I curse whom God hath not cursed? Or how shall I defy whom the Lord hath not defied?’ (Numbers 23:cool

Be careful when you come against God’s Chosen people!

It’s not about the nation of ISRAEL!

It’s about the GOD of ISRAEL!

omo, in this day and age, somebody thinks another person is chosen ahead of himself. No be only gods chosen, u wey get mind to serve dat god, why him no fit chose u.

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