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Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites - Foreign Affairs (4) - Nairaland

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Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by EmekaBlue(m): 3:49pm On Oct 15, 2024
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Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by Krismas(m): 3:49pm On Oct 15, 2024
If only u understand international politics, you will know that US must've called Iran to map out soft oil facilities targets for Israel to hit and US will use back door to pay for all repairs and more to the Generals and Iranian leadership.

It's been the arrangee...outright war between Israel and Iran will spell an end to the world.

All Isreal - Iran confrontations are staged and controlled.
grin better wakeup from ur daydreaming. This is real stuff. If Israel hit Iran, Israel will be leveled. There is no time to think. The attack will happen at the same time Israel is attacking. Forgot ur theory, it’s a LIE

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Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by Krismas(m): 3:53pm On Oct 15, 2024
What , how and when the target go happen lran no know.....
I like the suspense.....
E fit be the supreme rat wey dey hide up and down Dem go target....
Day go too sweet me.

Imagine a so called supreme leader running like commoner underground for that matter
Hand go soon touch am
grin Wen Natanyahu went today to Beyamina to inspect the damage, as soon as alarm blow from Lebanon area, na so them rush Natanyahu go hide inside hole!
Why Natanyahu Dey hide? He sleeps inside bunkers holds meetings inside bunkers! Abi wot are u prouding for?

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Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by MT: 3:56pm On Oct 15, 2024
When you have to fight someone you are afraid of, I think Israel wants to drag the United States into war with Iran, they also want the American people to pay the bill from their pockets.

They surely need US assistance to be able to strike Iran

I will never support oppressors, Iran has the right to defend itself too

Call me whatever you like, but nobody, no country should be allowed to act with so much impunity, we need the balance of power

Do you ever blame Hezbollah who use humans as shields, who fire into Israel from human communities?
Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by doffman: 3:57pm On Oct 15, 2024

You are a big fvool. You and your bloodthirsty God of Israel (thieves and land grabbers).


That guy is a terrorist sympathizer.

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Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by MT: 3:57pm On Oct 15, 2024
grin better wakeup from ur daydreaming. This is real stuff. If Israel hit Iran, Israel will be leveled. There is no time to think. The attack will happen at the same time Israel is attacking. Forgot ur theory, it’s a LIE

If iran is that powerful, why are they jumping from one arab nation to another seeking their support in case of attack?

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Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by hotboz: 3:58pm On Oct 15, 2024

The difference between me and you is clear, I am a moderate christian, you on the other hand is an extremist, a brainwashed and misguided christian

Your kind of Christian is what they refer to as 'necessary id1ot'.
Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by mikeapollo: 3:59pm On Oct 15, 2024
bros I agree with you my own be say make Israel attack Iran on time so we go fit get update😂 na that time you self go no say Israel na dodo with out American support and that is why before doing anything Israel have to talk with the American

Why always asking who is Israel without US support?
Who is Iran without Russian support?

Israel is a partner to US in the development of military/warfare technology and equipment.
Israeli scientists usually develop weapons, and US sponsors the mass production. That is the type of cooperation them.
The Israeli air defense system (David Sling) is a typical example of collaboration between Israel and US https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David%27s_Sling
Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by Ipobfraud: 4:00pm On Oct 15, 2024
Most people dont know international politics, iran want isreal to even strike their oil field and nuclear facilities so iran too can strike oil fields in middle east and block the strait of hormuz which controls transit of 30% of world oils. We pray everything is solved amicably but not with usa, they need war to thrive.


Why worry about what Israel would target when they decide to attack Iran?

Iran decided on its own to attack targets in Israel in the manner they wanted. Israel too has the right to pick whatever target(s) in Iran and attack how they want accordingly.
The international community should stop complaining or tying the hands of Israel when it is Israel's turn to respond.

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Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by doffman: 4:00pm On Oct 15, 2024
This is not what I envisaged.....isreal be acting like cowards that they are not known for

What went wrong why the sudden drags alwyss when it comes to hitting Iran.....if Iran had what isreal had in terms of arms and shields Iran will not contemplate hitting any where in isreal .......am begining to dislike this isreali approach.......more so, why the needles call or explanations to America . thereby making them to invalidate the only intrest of people towards them....cuz people often percieve them to be under Gods protective cover and fight ....but this sudden act of cowardice and call for America is making we to think other wise .....isreal destroy Iran pls ...stir my faith in God

It is well known and clear to a good person that Israhel is nothing without America . They can’t strike Iran without America support . They really know that Iran will strike them hard in return that is why they want to join the America in the fight .

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Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by FatimaAbubakar(f): 4:05pm On Oct 15, 2024
We must deal ruthlessly with all idiotic bastard terrorists!!!
Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by MrKodak(m): 4:05pm On Oct 15, 2024

How many wars has Iran fought in their lifetime?
How many military/war inventions and innovations do they have?
Israel has had nuclear weapons long before Iran started
una go see books but una chose only bible to be blinded by. Even d bible talked about the Persian Empire, if u dont know, that is the modern day Iran.

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Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by Saladdin: 4:06pm On Oct 15, 2024

You are just delu.ded to think this Isreal is the one in the Bible.

My brother, I wonder why this fact fly over the head of many people here, including the ones I had much respect for before.

Any mention of Israel, their brains get suspended and they refuse to do any independent research themselves.


Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by Originalsly: 4:07pm On Oct 15, 2024
Israel first attacked Iran .... Iran responded. How can Israel now want to claim counterstrike? .... and people are overlooking this ... the deception. Same with the Oct 7 attack .... that was a counterstrike for what Israel been doing before Oct 7. It's the same as if some farmers attack a group of killer herdsmen who been attacking the farmers all along ..... then the herdsmen begin shouting they were attacked and need to retaliate or counterstrike. This is a proxy war .... the US using Israel or is it Israel using the US to attack Iran? Note ....UN Charter is useless in such cases ....but should Russia ...China or North Korea support Iran.... we will hear the violations.


Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by Krismas(m): 4:08pm On Oct 15, 2024

As big as Russia is... They needed Iranian and north Korea weapons....

Nobody can stand alone.. even china... At a time... U will run out of armour..... Remember , Israel has been on it since oct. 7 last year....
grin Mumu comparison!
Russia is facing 50countries in Ukraine.
Who is Israel facing? Hamas wey their war heads no pass 10kg of unguided missiles? Or Hezbollah whey their highest warhead na 50kg bunkam? Israel wey dey drop 1000kg warheads easy supply from America!
Wots the comparison? Israel na mumu. They are about to FAFO grin

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Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by sreamsense: 4:10pm On Oct 15, 2024
When you have to fight someone you are afraid of, I think Israel wants to drag the United States into war with Iran, they also want the American people to pay the bill from their pockets.

They surely need US assistance to be able to strike Iran

I will never support oppressors, Iran has the right to defend itself too

Call me whatever you like, but nobody, no country should be allowed to act with so much impunity, we need the balance of power
Which defense is the Iran putting up? Iran is the evil arrow behind middle east unrest. Iran is the one sponsoring hamas, Hesbollah and other terrorists. Iran is the one causing disharmony among Islamic Arab world. Do you know how many Islamic and Arab countries including Saudi Arabia and UAE that Iran sponsor terrorists to destabilize? Iran never defends, Iran is the root of evil in the middle east, but Isreal is too hard for her.

USA and some Arab countries are the one giving reasons to Isreal why he shouldn't attack oil and nuclear sites. Google it and read those news one or too days after the Iranian attack to find out reasons cited. Hamas is down, Hezbollah is down, their sponsorer Iran will go their ways. Saudi Arabia and UAE will be happy if Iran is down because is the one sponsoring terrors against them. You will soon be calling "UNN" (not even UN) to safe you when it hits Iran hard
Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by Krismas(m): 4:13pm On Oct 15, 2024

If iran is that powerful, why are they jumping from one arab nation to another seeking their support in case of attack?
grin Iran show their power twice, April and Oct7. Even Israel does not doubt Iran.
Iran is not begging any Arabs to help them. What capabilities have those Arabs? How many of them make weapons? U can’t use America weapons against America. It won’t work. So Iran seeks relations with all its neighbors and those Arabs need constant assurances that Iran will not attack them.

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Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by PlanetZero: 4:16pm On Oct 15, 2024
please answer this simple question, are Iranians, Palestinians and Lebanese children of devil? Why do you think they don't have the right to exist?

No be Iran dey sponsor hezebollah all these while to attack isreal every year. Na Israel wan defend itself. Same Ayatollah that said he will wipe off Israel from the face of the earth. Iran has sent missiles twice now and Israel yet to respond. And u are say Iran is defending. You will soon cry as usual
Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by ViceGovernor: 4:19pm On Oct 15, 2024
Kindly do humanity a big favour by bombing the military,oil and nuclear facilities of the Persian terrorist nation of Iran.

If they ever get nukes the Jews and gentiles will not be safe in this world anymore.

Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by Krismas(m): 4:25pm On Oct 15, 2024

yes they are afraid of Iran that shot down its own passenger airliner.
grin Iran also shot down all the oil platforms of Israel in the Mediterranean October 1

Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by PropertyOffers(f): 4:32pm On Oct 15, 2024
...but ain't the USA already doing so with tax payers money
Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by hkidola00(m): 4:34pm On Oct 15, 2024
if dem strike nuclear site no think say u safe for naija oo cos wind and clouds will bring the particles to africa

Why worry about what Israel would target when they decide to attack Iran?

Iran decided on its own to attack targets in Israel in the manner they wanted. Israel too has the right to pick whatever target(s) in Iran and attack how they want accordingly.
The international community should stop complaining or tying the hands of Israel when it is Israel's turn to respond.
Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by abibun: 4:46pm On Oct 15, 2024
So Iranian late President also staged his life to be taken
If only u understand international politics, you will know that US must've called Iran to map out soft oil facilities targets for Israel to hit and US will use back door to pay for all repairs and more to the Generals and Iranian leadership.

It's been the arrangee...outright war between Israel and Iran will spell an end to the world.

All Isreal - Iran confrontations are staged and controlled.
Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by femi4: 4:48pm On Oct 15, 2024
Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by CoronaVirusPro: 4:59pm On Oct 15, 2024

And you too.......

STFU diick!
Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by Caseless: 5:16pm On Oct 15, 2024
please answer this simple question, are Iranians, Palestinians and Lebanese children of devil? Why do you think they don't have the right to exist?
You don't waste your time asking that to answer a question. He doesn't know Israel is out to protect themselves and don't give a fvck about his christianity.

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Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by IMAliyu2: 5:24pm On Oct 15, 2024

So what would have happened if isreali air defense systems failed the day Iran attacked them. Won't there be people killed in Isreali hospitals and schools if those systems had failed? It's up to Iran to defend themselves as well. It shouldn't be Isreal's worry if the bomb land on hospital, school , mosque or even on Ayatollah's head
You do know that's a war crime right?
Whether its Israel or Iran doing it. The difference is Israel has the USA (largest military) covering for their crimes.
Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by Bone147: 5:29pm On Oct 15, 2024
When you have to fight someone you are afraid of, I think Israel wants to drag the United States into war with Iran, they also want the American people to pay the bill from their pockets.

They surely need US assistance to be able to strike Iran

I will never support oppressors, Iran has the right to defend itself too

Call me whatever you like, but nobody, no country should be allowed to act with so much impunity, we need the balance of power

So Israel don't have right to defend themselves?
Pls go drink Agbo that your people know how to drink wella
Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by mrkia(m): 5:34pm On Oct 15, 2024
All I know is that israel 's end has come

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Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by hmohammed(m): 5:41pm On Oct 15, 2024
Nobody should come here to cry SOS, Innocent ooo, WHO, and all that rubbish that litters here when ISRAEL Strikes its Enemies.

If you are bold to come against GOD'S Signet and CHOSEN Nation on the face of the Earth, you should also be bold to collect the Consequences.

When Balaam, the pagan diviner, was paid by Balak, the king of Moab, to pronounce a curse upon the people of Israel, he lifted up his oracle and said:
How shall I curse whom God hath not cursed? Or how shall I defy whom the Lord hath not defied?’ (Numbers 23:cool

Be careful when you come against God’s Chosen people!

It’s not about the nation of ISRAEL!

It’s about the GOD of ISRAEL!

If you mistakenly find yourself in Gaza and BB is aware that you are christian, i can bet my life he will burn you alive irrespective of your religion. The Israelis are even more comfortable living with Muslims than christians. Dont be fooled...

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Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by Patriotic9ja(m): 5:42pm On Oct 15, 2024
When you have to fight someone you are afraid of, I think Israel wants to drag the United States into war with Iran, they also want the American people to pay the bill from their pockets.

They surely need US assistance to be able to strike Iran

I will never support oppressors, Iran has the right to defend itself too

Call me whatever you like, but nobody, no country should be allowed to act with so much impunity, we need the balance of power

Unfortunately "balance of power" is not gotten on a platter. Power is not shared but taken. Those who have power today once fought to get it and keep fighting to maintain it. Whatever Isreal is doing is what Iran or the entire Arab nations would do to Isreal if table turns.
Re: Israel Assures US It Plans To Target Iran’s Military, Not Oil Or Nuclear Sites by Gboy5050: 5:48pm On Oct 15, 2024
Nobody should come here to cry SOS, Innocent ooo, WHO, and all that rubbish that litters here when ISRAEL Strikes its Enemies.

If you are bold to come against GOD'S Signet and CHOSEN Nation on the face of the Earth, you should also be bold to collect the Consequences.
So which country is God forbidden people..
Don't forget they are all chosen country

When Balaam, the pagan diviner, was paid by Balak, the king of Moab, to pronounce a curse upon the people of Israel, he lifted up his oracle and said:
How shall I curse whom God hath not cursed? Or how shall I defy whom the Lord hath not defied?’ (Numbers 23:cool

Be careful when you come against God’s Chosen people!

It’s not about the nation of ISRAEL!

It’s about the GOD of ISRAEL!

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