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Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by DestinedForGrea: 8:41am On Jan 15 |
Guys, let's play a little simulation game. Build your ideal woman with ₦1000, with the following attributes. Let's go! 😄 8 Likes 2 Shares
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by DestinedForGrea: 8:43am On Jan 15 |
Here's mine: Being godly automatically comes with being respectful and faithful. So, my ideal woman: Godly= 300 Intelligent= 500 Beauty = 200 That would do for me. The others are secondary. We can learn to cook together. Who big breasts and buttocks epp? Good in bed? That's dicey. It's important but marriage is much more than that. As long as she doesn't deny me my conjugal sexual right, then we can always find a way to work around that. Funny? I only need a woman with a sound mind. If she's not funny, at least she's not dull or sadistic. Being intelligent and godly can make up for that, because a godly woman knows to always be in joy. So yeah, that's it for me. 😊 65 Likes 5 Shares |
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by Stephenmouka: 9:11am On Jan 15 |
DestinedForGrea: Don't say that my brother, if I don't see breast in a week to suck, my body will be itchinge 56 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by gunners160(m): 9:15am On Jan 15 |
Good in bed-200 ( some gals can make u crazy and u forget ur name) Faithful -300 ( i cant come and father anoda persons pikin) Respect-300 ( A man's currency is the respect given to him by his wife. No man can run a home when their is no respect. Infact, a man dont want love but he wants respect ) funny -200 ( No be every time u go dey vex na. Dey lively for us na. Be my friend not my enemy ). Worthy of mentioning but cant pick it because of how expensive it is "intelligence". For the godly aspect, it is also nice but menh, a woman can be godly and dont have respect for her husband except her pastor. She can be godly and attach godliness to every thing we do. Be it finance, sex live, social live etc............. Lastly, beauty dances to the rhythm of perspective." With money, she can become beautiful. In fact no woman ugly, na say she no get money. Give r money and take care of r.. Beauty go show 13 Likes |
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by Felimax(m): 9:17am On Jan 15 |
Beauty Godly Respectful Good cook 4 Likes |
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by DestinedForGrea: 9:18am On Jan 15 |
Stephenmouka:You need help bros. 4 Likes |
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by DestinedForGrea: 9:21am On Jan 15 |
gunners160:A man doesn't want love? That's not true. What is marriage without love? If a woman only respects a man without loving him, then that's a conditional respect. By the way, your money never finish o. 😀 |
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by RealityKings1: 9:21am On Jan 15 |
Faithful... 100 Intelligence..100 (make she no wise pass me) Beauty...300 Big Breast... 100 (the smaller the better) Big ass... 900 Godly... 100 Respectful... 100 Good in bed...400 Good cook...300 (I'm already good in that aspect) Funny ...100 (if she's too funny, that means she's wise so 100 is enough. Make she no too funny) 4 Likes |
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by gunners160(m): 9:25am On Jan 15 |
DestinedForGrea:a woman does not love...... A man only love....... Women love are conditional and they will always give it to their children. Respect is the only currency a man needs in marriage...... Know this and know peace 13 Likes |
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by DestinedForGrea: 9:27am On Jan 15 |
gunners160:What is your definition of love? 1 Like |
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by gunners160(m): 9:33am On Jan 15 |
DestinedForGrea:. A selfless and unconditional care for others. Now going by that definition, do women love "selflessly" or "unconditionally"? If you can answer that then u get ur answer..... Just know this as a man and have peace 5 Likes |
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by Everyday247: 9:35am On Jan 15 |
Big breasts - ₦500 Big Nyash - ₦500 The rest are irrelevant. 😏 43 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by RealityKings1: 9:38am On Jan 15 |
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by DestinedForGrea: 9:40am On Jan 15 |
gunners160:Well, you just gave a basic definition of love, which is obviously correct. I would like you to define love from the perspective of marriage, and more specifically for the different parties involved. |
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by DestinedForGrea: 9:45am On Jan 15 |
RealityKings1:Bros which kind skata-skata spending be this? 😂 Each attribute has a specific price tag. You can't pay ₦10 for something worth ₦300 or ₦200. You can't have it all, so arrange this thing well, make I see wetin dey your eyes. 3 Likes |
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by Lalami3232(m): 9:57am On Jan 15 |
![]() Is there a place they sell virginity for 1500? I will add my extra #500 to the #1000 you're giving to me What do I even know sef aside enlightening my fellow men nationwide with the good news Oga if you no meet your wife as a virgin, oga go for DNA test oooooooo because non-virgins aka boreholes can't be trusted atall atall 48 Likes |
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by richmond500: 9:58am On Jan 15 |
Can I use all the 1k to buy Ass? 38 Likes |
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by gunners160(m): 10:10am On Jan 15 |
DestinedForGrea:The fact is the concept " Love" has no universally accepted definition, it is based on how you decide to conceptualize it. In terms of marriage, the concept called love is different, in terms of a man and woman relationship, the concept " Love" is different. However, one thing for sure is that a woman's love to her husband will always be CONDITIONAL. In fact she stays because the man is fulfilling a certain condition. It might be financial, spiritual, bedmatics and even just by being the father of her children amongst other. The only difference is the preference of every woman is different. Just as as the saying "what rocks your boat might sink mine". This assertion is well supported by common words said by women like " I am staying in this marriage because of the children". However, you hardly here " I am staying in this marriage because of my husband". If you are a football lover you must be conversant with what happened to Kyle Walker and Pep. These case and many others are all practical examples of " WOMEN DONT LOVE". Just know this and know peace. Finally, please I am not advocating for men not to marry or men not to love their women ooo. Please just know that the notion of love is "conditional" for women" and "unconditional" for men...... 6 Likes |
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by adeoyekay(m): 11:14am On Jan 15 |
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by adeoyekay(m): 11:16am On Jan 15 |
Everyday247:You are the real og, don't you want i.q for your woman You want everything to sup up in front and back 3 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by keemsleek(m): 11:20am On Jan 15 |
1) Godly - a Godly woman will be faithful and respectful. 2) intelligent- that covers the outer beauty 3) Good cook- nothing like smiling and perceiveing the aweet aroma of your woman's food. It the joy of eating good food. |
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by Starz825(m): 11:31am On Jan 15 |
Respectful Godly Good in bed Good cook If she is Godly...she should be faithful and intelligent 🤓 |
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by Starz825(m): 2:01pm On Jan 15 |
keemsleek: She fit dey Godly, make she no dey respectful...and can be respectful and not Godly They are Mutually exclusive. 1 Like |
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by keemsleek(m): 2:48pm On Jan 15 |
Starz825: The term "Godly" refers to something or someone that is: 1. *Pious*: Showing reverence and obedience to God or a higher power. 2. *Righteous*: Morally upright, just, and virtuous. 3. *Devout*: Deeply committed to one's faith and spiritual practices. 4. *Holy*: Set apart for sacred purposes, pure, and untainted by sin. 1. *Moral excellence*: Exhibiting exceptional moral character, such as compassion, kindness, and humility. 2. *Spiritual maturity*: Demonstrating a deep understanding and application of spiritual principles in daily life. 3. *Faithfulness*: Remaining loyal and dedicated to one's faith, values, and principles. In essence, "Godly" represents a way of living that honors and reflects the character of God or a higher power, and is often associated with qualities like love, forgiveness, and selflessness. Hope you get it now. 1 Like |
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by Godwin4444: 3:59pm On Jan 15 |
Faithful = 300 Respectful = 300 Good cook = 200 Good in bed = 200 3 Likes |
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by Omoawoke(m): 4:00pm On Jan 15 |
Okay Big ass 500– sure banker Big breast 500 I will borrow 200 for good in bed Shikena Everyday247: A man after my own heart. May you proper in all your ways 3 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by WowSweetGuy(m): 4:00pm On Jan 15 |
Na waa. Nairaland and play |
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by Namaster: 4:00pm On Jan 15 |
With the #1,000, I'd buy TWO apples and a bottle of water. NO need to waste money building CALAMITY for myself with my own hands. 1 Like |
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by Savedday2: 4:02pm On Jan 15 |
Wetin dey there to build? E no get how you build 9ja girl reach, na ashawo she go still be. Kissssss! 1 Like |
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by Panda7(m): 4:02pm On Jan 15 |
Faithful Respectful Good in bed and a Good cook 1 Like |
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by FakeDoktor: 4:03pm On Jan 15 |
Use the money to eat. Even God could not build an ideal woman, she still defied Him right there in His garden. 1 Like |
Re: Build Your Ideal Woman With ₦1000 by rapheal5(m): 4:03pm On Jan 15 |
Big ass 500 Good cook 200 faithful 300 2 Likes |
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