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Kemi Olunloyo: The Last Kid To See Akintola Alive January 15th 1966 (pics) - Politics (7) - Nairaland

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Re: Kemi Olunloyo: The Last Kid To See Akintola Alive January 15th 1966 (pics) by ntyce(m): 12:31am On Jan 17
I don't like to address certain issues, the leaders who annulled June 12were mostly from the north I don't see you guys calling it a northern affair but rather a military affair, several other coups took place in Nigeria's history yet there is always an attempt to gaslight a particular ethnic group, Tinubu is leading Nigeria astray with corruption, and nepotism, Tinubu is being criticized as an individual mostly but if Tinubu were igbo, you folks would have rubbed his leadership on the entire igbo ethnic group, I don't think it is a coincidence that Nigeria has had several dark events in his history but only the 1966 coup is being used to revisit history, several coups occured after that they will tell you that that one was an igbo coup, why everyother one was a military coup how convenient. I am not igbo btw, because the default thinking of the bigots is anyone with contrary opinion is igbo.

I partly agree with you. But, no other coup aside the 1966 coup witnessed ethnic cleansing.
Re: Kemi Olunloyo: The Last Kid To See Akintola Alive January 15th 1966 (pics) by Goosethetruth(m): 1:21am On Jan 17

Did you read my comment at all?

I am not saying that Hausa-Fulani and Yoruba political leaders and military officers were not killed by the coupists who were mostly Igbo military officers.

I already acknowledged that huge mistake and also made mention that it was a fatal mistake done by young, naive and overzealous Igbo military officers and some of their military friends who were not only Igbos.

My point is, those Igbo military officers like Kaduna Nzeogwu and co never consulted any Igbo group or sociocultural group or went on igbo communities townhall meetings to seek for their approval and backing to carry out a coup to help Igbos for it to be termed an Igbo coup, instead it was a costly and dangerous military adventure ventured into by mostly Igbo military officers who felt they could use commando style to reset Nigeria then but still they allowed their ethnic sentiment or so to derail their original mission whereby they spared prominent Igbos like Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe who was never loved by most Igbos back then cos he was pan African man more than pro Igbo.

So tagging it Igbo coup just to target innocent unarmed Igbo civilians living in the north for massacre was the biggest mistake the Northern guys did. They ought to have stopped at the counter coup where they killed Ironsi and hundreds of other Igbo military officers then and not extend the madness to innocent Igbo civilians living peacefully in the North thinking they were living with people they called country men. That is my argument.

And if you check, after that coup, other coups still happened in Nigeria and were spearheaded by Hausa-Fulanis or Middlebelt soldiers but none was tagged Hausa-Fulani or Middlebelt coup even when Dimka killed Muritala Mohammed and his Aide, and even when Gideon Okar carried out the bloodiest coup against IBB, so why must Igbo case be different all the time?

Check how Yorubas twisted Peter Obi's emergence to tag it Igbo candidate but in 1993 when the two national parties fielded two Yoruba men as Presidential candidates, Igbos did not go on rampage accusing Yorubas of trying to dominate Nigeria or The South, rather Igbos happily picked one of the Yoruba candidates; Obasanjo and supported him massively after supporting MKO Abiola in 1993 still though Yoruba media lied to Yorubas that Igbos didn't vote MKO but the election result showed that MKO won Anambra state and got more than 40% of total votes cast in the remaining 3 Igbo states as at that time, making Tofa to win MKO in those 3 Igbo states with just slight margin less than 10% yet Yoruba media kept lying against Igbos, inciting ignorant Yorubas against Igbos that Igbos hate Yoruba and have never voted a Yoruba Presidential candidate even when the results are there to disprove them but you guys never look at the results u rather take the lies your political elites use media to spread every election year just as they have gradually started again to discredit Peter Obi ahead of 2027.

So in summary, I acknowledged the error and grave mistake of the naive young Igbo military officers that carried out that January 1966 coup that led to the death of prominent Hausa-Fulani and Yoruba politicians and soldiers but that does not make it an Igbo coup cos those soldiers did not consult Igbo unions or do a community consultation to get Igbo people's support before embarking on the coup, so tagging it Igbo coup just to tarnish the image of Igbos and to target innocent civilian Igbos for massacre was inhumane and abominable and deserve an official apology.

Also remember that Igbos have paid more than enough price for that January 1966 coup carried out by mostly Igbo military officers; the counter coup led to the death of Igbo military head of state, and hundreds of Igbo military officers, it led to a heartwrenching Northern pogrom against civilian Igbos living in the North in which thousands of civilian Igbos living in the North were murdered in cold blood, which led to the declaration of Biafra and the invasion of Old Eastern Nigeria by Nigerian soldiers to forcefully return Biafra back to Nigeria, and in the process millions of Igbo children, women and aged lost their lives to malnutrition due to a brutal blockade policy proposed by a Yoruba man, Obafemi Awolowo to force Biafra government led by Ojukwu to surrender.

All these are heavy prices Igbos paid for that January 1966 coup and even after the end of the civil war in 1970, Igbos have continued to suffer political persecution as Hausa-Fulanis and Yorubas ganged up against Igbos to ensure no Igbo person rose to become President or Chief of Army Staff or IG of Police or Chief Justice of Nigeria, etc and also intentional neglect of Southeast infrastructures and federal government organizations as a way of sabotaging Igbos economically to still punish them for the civil war they lost everything yet you guys dont see your own wrongs and wickedness but believe that Yorubas are saints who never did bad.

Make una no worry sha, time will teach u guys the bitter lesson about life, una go pay for all the wickedness against Igbos, not from Igbos but by nature.

You think the insecurity happening in Northern Nigeria is ordinary? It's a reward of their decades of killing innocent Igbos and Christians living in the North in the name of Islam and Sharia. So make una no worry, Yorubas are blameless, very righteous and spotless tribe, time will tell

As I have told you several times on this forum, there is NO tribe in Nigeria as adroit and expert at telling lies,falsehood and propaganda like the Ibo. It is a legacy passed onto you by your cursed forebears like Chinua Achebe,Uche Chukwumerije and the plagiarist Cyprian Ekwensi.
Children like you have recieved the baton from these evil men very well and are running with that false narrative regularly spreading falsehood and lies against the Yoruba nation on a forum owned by a Yoruba man. Just imagine the irony.
So it is no surprise you are on your usual job of spreading lies,falsehood and lamentations on this particular thread.
The January 15th 1966 coup in Nigeria was an Ibo coup . It was a lopsided coup in which the Ibo military wing decided to selfishly kill the military and political leaders of other tribes while surreptitiously protecting and saving their own Ibo military and political leadership. No amount of propaganda can change this because the facts and historical records are available. The aim of the Ibo coup of January 15th 1966 was simply to dominate power,politics and the economy by the Ibos. These are facts.
However in the usual cunning,crafty and serpentine Ibo way you are writing a narrative to paint yourselves as the victims in a bloody,merciless and lopsided coup in which you were actually the AGGRESSORS.

The Ibos got what they deserved in the aftermath revenge coup of July 1966 and the attendant 30 months civil war. If you play with fire,you are bound to get burnt. No amount of your twisting of history. No amount of your playing the victim or no amount of daily lamentations can change these facts.

I don't really blame revisionists like you . It is Yakubu Gowon I blame who in 1970 rewarded the Ibo for their rebellion and high treason with a No Victor,no vanquished mantra. It has never happened in any war in history where a conquered and subjugated people were rewarded for their rebellion with monetary rewards and immediate reintegration into a country they tried to destroy. This is the only reason why people like you franchasofficia will come on this forum to run your mouth and attempt to revise history.

You may like to watch the YouTube video of the daughter of Brigadier Ademulegun telling the story of how her parents were murdered in cold blood on the early morning of January 15th 1966 by Major Timothy Onwategwu. An Ibo soldier that was a regular visitor to the home of the Ademuleguns where he regularly ate and drank at Mrs Ademuleguns dinning table. These are historical facts.



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Re: Kemi Olunloyo: The Last Kid To See Akintola Alive January 15th 1966 (pics) by Truthcat: 2:15am On Jan 17
I just hope they can look at themselves and own their faults and mistakes.
very correct. Truth doesn’t change!
Re: Kemi Olunloyo: The Last Kid To See Akintola Alive January 15th 1966 (pics) by franvincoop: 2:59am On Jan 17
Na u go tire.
Nobody hates igbos, it's just that igbos are paying for the sins of their past.

It was an igbo coup.
If u like write from Genesis to Revelation.
All ur writeup just proves it was an Igbo coup cuz Igbo politicians were spared whether by luck or by collusion.
The direct beneficiaries of the coup were igbos and the igbo perpetrators were not executed.
1+1=2 not 11
Igbos living in the North were very reckless and were insulting and taunting Northerners after the coup.

You also mentioned Archbishop of Canterbury and not wanting to involve the British. Nice one.
Do you think the Archbishop of Canterbury is more important that Sir Ahmadu Bello?
Do you really know who Sir Ahmadu Bello is?
Killing Sir Ahmadu Bello is like killing the grandson of prophet Muhammed.
But Christians and especially igbos will never learn.
You decided not to involve the British, but you involved the whole of Muslim africa and Saudi Arabia.
Do you think Sir Ahmadu Bello concerns only Nigeria? Think again.
Either you are a poor history student or you've forgotten.
Who do you think brought Islam to West and Central Africa?
A few years ago, the biggest mosque was inaugurated in Cameroon and who do you think was invited to come and do the honours - Emir Sanusi Lamido and even at that time he was still banished and not the Emir of Kano.
Do you know how many Muslim countries in West and Central Africa look to Northern Nigeria for directives on fasting and appointment of Lamido and Emirs?
Boko haram which started in Nigeria, now affects how many countries?
Do you know why there was kwashiokor in Biafra? Ojukwu was planning to pass food and weapons from France and co. through Cameroon but the Cameroon President Ahmadu Ahidjo who is a distant relation to Modibo Adama who was the Cameroon Islam envoy of Uthman Dan Fodio (Sir Ahmadu Bello grandfather) received those weapons and aid and instead handed it over to Gowon. Due to this France replaced Ahidjo with Biya but Ahidjo knew that no matter the cost, the igbos must pay a very heavy price for the killing of Sir Ahmadu Bello.
Let me not talk about the riots in Chad, Mauritania and Niger once they woke up in the morning to the news that Sir Ahmadu had been killed.
What about the fatwas that were issued calling on Jihad and massacre of the igbos after every Friday prayers in these same countries?
I am just trying to give you the international dimension to what Sir Ahmadu Bello represented vis a vis the Archbishop of Canterbury whom I don't think you personally can take a bullet for?

The worst crime the igbo tribe ever committed was to kill Sir Ahmadu Bello and the Muslims have never and probably will never ever forgive them till thy kingdom come.

The consequences of killing Sir Ahmadu Bello still haunt the igbos till date.
Let me inform you the consequences.
1. Anger in the igbo pogroms and massacres in the North.
2. The brutal countercoup
3. Biafra civil war and the impoverishment of the igbos.
4. The continuous Northern coups till 1999.
5. The refusal to let the igbos ever enter Aso Rock.
6. The refusal to let the igbos ever secede and to always subjugate them.

You can see even in APC and PDP, they have gone round twice North and South but no igbo man even as VP.
Pls don't mention Goodluck Jonathan as an Ibo man, if he was an Ibo man they would never have allowed him to be even VP.
None of these parties are ready to hand over their ticket to an Igbo man because Northerners will never accept it.
Imagine Kwankwaso telling Obi to be his VP?
What read you from that?
That's the only way Obi can be VP because if Kwankwaso becomes Obi VP, then the ticket is useless as NNPP Kano people will refuse to vote Obi as President but will accept his as VP eventhough we know Obi will be bringing more votes to the table.
What was the use of Baba Datti Ahmed as VP to Obi ticket? minus zero.

I am not insulting igbos but merely stating the facts as you can never solve a problem that you have not diagnosed yet.

All insults are welcome but know that I am half Ibo and my maternal village is Ekwulobia, Anambra State but truth first before emotion/tribe/religion or nationality.

They have started again.

The coup was not carried out by only Igbos. There was Yoruba, Middlebelt, and today Niger Delta soldiers among the coupists but you unscrupulous elements always make it look like it was just done by only Igbos soldiers.

You guys also intentionally ignore to tell the world why Michael Opkara the Eastern Premier at Enugu at that time was spared; Archbishop of Canterbury visited him that day and the coupists didn't want to attract British wrath, so they spared him.

Nnamdi Azikiwe the President was marked for killing but unfortunately as it was, his cousin, Ifeajuna who happened to be among the coup leaders leaked the coup information to him and Zik sneaked out to the Carribeans on health vacation grounds.

You guys also forgot to tell the world that Akintola was told about the coup weeks before and he communicated to Sir Ahmadu Bello his best friend whom he aligned with to persecute Obafemi Awolowo which was the main thing that even angered the young soldiers to carry out a coup to stop the political turmoil in Western Nigeria today Yoruba region between Awolowo and Akintola in which they unjustly jailed Awolowo that angered most of the young soldiers that carried out the coup.

Go and read "Why we struck" by a gallant Yoruba soldier that was part of the coup planners and leader.

When Akintola learnt about the coup, he said went and purchased a pistol swearing to kill anybody that near his residence thinking it was a child's play while Ahmadu Bello laughed it off believing his juju would save him.

Tafawa Belewa was not marked for killing because the young soldiers liked him, they only believed that Ahmadu Bello and Akintola were misleading Belewa but when the coupists discovered that the coup was already failing in parts of Nigeria like Enugu, etc, they angrily shot Belewa, a very huge mistake they made cos Belewa was a nice man cry

The coup was a military affair but they made sure it was turned to an Igbo people affair even when civilian Igbos were never carried along nor consulted.

And why will Igbos who controlled most sectors of Nigeria carry a coup; Igbo man was the President though with less power which he did willingly by allowing Belewa to become Prime Minister after winning the election while he became President which has more foreign influence while PM ran the day to day activities of the nation, Igbo man was the Senate President (Nwafor Orizu), Igbo man was the Chief of Army Staff (Gen. Aguiyi Ironsi), a man loyal to the Igbos, who also came from Eastern Nigeria then was the IG of Police, Igbo man was the documented richest man in Nigeria then (Sir Louis Ojukwu, Ojukwu's father).

Igbos dominated even Northern civil service because they were the most learned and qualified then which made Bello to issue a statement that they will stop hiring Igbos and start hiring foreigners if they can't find Northerners to fill the position, and also made Awolowo to start free education in Western Nigeria to enable them catch up with Igbos occupying virtually all positions including in Western Nigeria.

So there was no need for Igbos to carry out coup, the coup was entirely carried out by young, naive soldiers of which majority were Igbos from today Southeast and South South/Niger Delta in their foolish effort to rescue Nigeria from the hands of corrupt Nigerian politicians the British people handed power to.

But due to the already brewing envy against Igbos for cheerleading in most sectors in Nigeria then by the Hausa-Fulanis and Yorubas, the coup was conveniently tagged an Igbo coup just as Yorubas conveniently tagged Peter Obi an Igbo Presidential candidate despite Obi winning massively outside Igbo states including in Lagos, Middlebelt, Northeast and Abuja.

Una go tire sha.

We will keep exposing you guy's lies and hatred for Igbos, all thanks to social media and Internet, so gone are the days of spreading dangerous propaganda against Igbos using Lagos-Ibadan expressway brown envelope newspapers shocked


Re: Kemi Olunloyo: The Last Kid To See Akintola Alive January 15th 1966 (pics) by Veggieseeddies: 5:19am On Jan 17

Lol, all those being killed weekly by Simon Ekpa are not your brothers abi.
Suffer no dey tire you....
Inasmuch as we remember Jan 15, so long you will remain 2nd class citizens in Nigeria.

S L Akintola will be brutally killed again Jan 15 2026 and you will cry again on that day
Re: Kemi Olunloyo: The Last Kid To See Akintola Alive January 15th 1966 (pics) by franchasofficia: 6:13am On Jan 17
Na u go tire.
Nobody hates igbos, it's just that igbos are paying for the sins of their past.

It was an igbo coup.
If u like write from Genesis to Revelation.
All ur writeup just proves it was an Igbo coup cuz Igbo politicians were spared whether by luck or by collusion.
The direct beneficiaries of the coup were igbos and the igbo perpetrators were not executed.
1+1=2 not 11
Igbos living in the North were very reckless and were insulting and taunting Northerners after the coup.

You also mentioned Archbishop of Canterbury and not wanting to involve the British. Nice one.
Do you think the Archbishop of Canterbury is more important that Sir Ahmadu Bello?
Do you really know who Sir Ahmadu Bello is?
Killing Sir Ahmadu Bello is like killing the grandson of prophet Muhammed.
But Christians and especially igbos will never learn.
You decided not to involve the British, but you involved the whole of Muslim africa and Saudi Arabia.
Do you think Sir Ahmadu Bello concerns only Nigeria? Think again.
Either you are a poor history student or you've forgotten.
Who do you think brought Islam to West and Central Africa?
A few years ago, the biggest mosque was inaugurated in Cameroon and who do you think was invited to come and do the honours - Emir Sanusi Lamido and even at that time he was still banished and not the Emir of Kano.
Do you know how many Muslim countries in West and Central Africa look to Northern Nigeria for directives on fasting and appointment of Lamido and Emirs?
Boko haram which started in Nigeria, now affects how many countries?
Do you know why there was kwashiokor in Biafra? Ojukwu was planning to pass food and weapons from France and co. through Cameroon but the Cameroon President Ahmadu Ahidjo who is a distant relation to Modibo Adama who was the Cameroon Islam envoy of Uthman Dan Fodio (Sir Ahmadu Bello grandfather) received those weapons and aid and instead handed it over to Gowon. Due to this France replaced Ahidjo with Biya but Ahidjo knew that no matter the cost, the igbos must pay a very heavy price for the killing of Sir Ahmadu Bello.
Let me not talk about the riots in Chad, Mauritania and Niger once they woke up in the morning to the news that Sir Ahmadu had been killed.
What about the fatwas that were issued calling on Jihad and massacre of the igbos after every Friday prayers in these same countries?
I am just trying to give you the international dimension to what Sir Ahmadu Bello represented vis a vis the Archbishop of Canterbury whom I don't think you personally can take a bullet for?

The worst crime the igbo tribe ever committed was to kill Sir Ahmadu Bello and the Muslims have never and probably will never ever forgive them till thy kingdom come.

The consequences of killing Sir Ahmadu Bello still haunt the igbos till date.
Let me inform you the consequences.
1. Anger in the igbo pogroms and massacres in the North.
2. The brutal countercoup
3. Biafra civil war and the impoverishment of the igbos.
4. The continuous Northern coups till 1999.
5. The refusal to let the igbos ever enter Aso Rock.
6. The refusal to let the igbos ever secede and to always subjugate them.

You can see even in APC and PDP, they have gone round twice North and South but no igbo man even as VP.
Pls don't mention Goodluck Jonathan as an Ibo man, if he was an Ibo man they would never have allowed him to be even VP.
None of these parties are ready to hand over their ticket to an Igbo man because Northerners will never accept it.
Imagine Kwankwaso telling Obi to be his VP?
What read you from that?
That's the only way Obi can be VP because if Kwankwaso becomes Obi VP, then the ticket is useless as NNPP Kano people will refuse to vote Obi as President but will accept his as VP eventhough we know Obi will be bringing more votes to the table.
What was the use of Baba Datti Ahmed as VP to Obi ticket? minus zero.

I am not insulting igbos but merely stating the facts as you can never solve a problem that you have not diagnosed yet.

All insults are welcome but know that I am half Ibo and my maternal village is Ekwulobia, Anambra State but truth first before emotion/tribe/religion or nationality.

Wow, just wow.

This is just another powerful insight to the Nigerian political problem.

I love reading honest political insights like this from intelligent people like you concerning Nigeria and why Nigeria has remained a snail moving state.

I never knew about some of the points you raised, will research on them and add them to my bucket of history knowledge, thank you so much Chief for sharing this with me.

But please let me reiterate my point once again so you guys won't get me wrong.

I acknowledged the mistake of the first coup spearheaded by mostly young soldiers of Igbo decent from today's Southeast and Southsouth Nigeria. I and most Igbos did acknowledged their wrong, they executed the coup poorly, not just about killing Sir Ahmadu Bello. They allowed ethnic or tribal sentiment to derail their original mission. If they had killed someone like Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe the then Nigerian President or Nwafor Orizu the then Senate President, I am sure the anger wouldn't have been that much from the North, and when Ironsi took over, he also managed the after coup poorly by not executing those coupists. Ironsi should have executed those coupist, if not for anything but to savage the situation and to clear his own path, situations like that calls for extreme decisionmaking. He should have executed them to assuage the angry North and to lower the tension that first coup generated in the North especially. So Ironsi messed up too and he paid the price anyway, such is life for us.

Those were the reasons for the Northern anger which I surely understood. It was highly suspicious, those young Igbo military officers that executed that January 1966 coup messed Igbos up no doubt because Igbos were doing excellently well and needed not to have been the ones to lead such movement.

Yoruba soldiers were the ones that should have even carried out a coup to start with even though there were more Igbo military officers in key positions then than Yorubas. I said this because the political battle between Awolowo and Akintola was almost consuming Western Nigeria (today's Southwest) and was among the key reasons those young soldiers struck, coupled with Sir Ahmadu Bello's leadership style that showed discrimination against Christian's. These were their main anger, especially how Ahmadu Bello was using Tafawa Belewa to favor Akintola against Awolowo whom the young Igbo military officers believed would have made the best President for Nigeria.

I know most Yorubas dont like to hear this bitter truth that the key reason those young military officers of mostly Igbo decent carried out the first coup was to carry out a political revolution to remove all the corrupt politicians leading Nigeria then, stabilize the nation, release Awolowo and hand over to him via election and knowing that they needed to eliminate some key military officers who would try to stop them, they marked some of them for elimination. This is a classified information from my late uncle who happened to be among the January 1966 coup planners. He did acknowledged their huge mistakes during the execution of the coup and he regretted it till his death.

According to my now late uncle who was a key member of that first coup, those marked for execution should they prove stubborn were:

Sir Ahmadu Bello
Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe (they never liked him)
Gen Aguiyi Ironsi
Minister of Finance then from Edo
and many others I cant remember

Those marked for arrest were:

Tafawa Belewa (they saw him as a good man being misled by Ahmadu Bello)

Michael Okpara
Nwafor Orizu
David West
etc, etc

I have forgotten many, I will need to consult my diary to check the names my late uncle gave us.

He said they had in mind to free Awolowo after successfully eliminating the key politicians and stabilizing things, then organize an election to hand over to Chief Obafemi Awolowo whom they believed was the best politician to lead Nigeria as at then. Unfortunately, he said their original plan got derailed by those appointed to lead the coup at various locations and that when they realized that the coup was already failing, they became frustrated and everything changed and they started messing up the plans and allowed ethnic sentiment to derail their judgment which led to the unplanned killing of both those marked for killing and those marked for arrest.

He said they never planned to kill Akintola but to arrest him but Akintola sighted their men and opened fire because he already got information about the coup days before and went to purchase a rifle and also informed Ahmadu Bello his friend who brushed the rumor aside saying nobody can dare near his residence nor harm him. But when Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe heard about it from his cousin Ifeajuna, he immediately left Nigeria on medical leave with his Yoruba Physician to the Carribeans, he didn't bother arguing or doubting it, he just left.

Some of those that died in the coup knew about it but thought it was a childsplay. Even Ironsi got to know about the counter coup plans and also neglected the signals and also got informed while he was at Ibadan government house but said he would talk to the angry Northern soldiers spearheading the counter coup, he was told to leave where he was but he refused.

Many of them back then had their traditional juju they believed so much in and always thought it would save them from such eventualities but it failed all of them when the time came. Only Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe that my uncle said had a powerful body tell jazz that always alert him of danger accurately even when he was fighting for independence from colonial masters that they plotted to eliminate him several times via poisoning, he would know and reject anything meal or handshake at some meetings to the surprise of the whites.

My uncle who went with Kaduna Nzeogwu side to eliminate Sir Ahmadu Bello also said Bello was a very strong man, that he kept disappearing and proving difficult until Nzeogwu another strong man did his own incantations and personally told them to stay back while he personally went for Ahamdu Bello who later ran to his wives' abode after his magical powers just failed. Let me stop here, it was a sad event I know, they went too far, it was really not necessary. They did Igbos bad, their action messed Igbos up in Nigeria and if not for the Igbo man's natural resilience, Igbos wouldn't have bounced back from that mess they caused.

So it's not as if we Igbos supported their action, most Igbos even wished they killed some poor performing Igbo politicians alongside those from other tribes, maybe it wouldn't have been tagged an Igbo coup if they had killed some notable Igbo politicians and military officers like Ironsi who also had his own powerful juju. He escaped by luck or by the making of his juju that made him not to be at the venue he was supposed to be when the coupists visited, which marked the beginning of the coup failure cos Ironsi then aligned with Ojukwu who never liked Kaduna Nzeogwu as at that time to foil the coup completely.

So while the coup was blamed on Igbos, few Igbo officers also played role in foiling the coup which nobody acknowledged to date according to my late uncle a key member of the January 1966 coupists.

And like you said, Igbos have paid enough price for that costly mistake of those young, naive and overzealous Igbo military officers that carried out that January 1966 coup, that coup messed Igbos up in Nigeria, I do agree with you.

And Northern Nigeria (Northeast, Northwest and Middlebelt) have also paid more than enough price for their atrocities against innocent Igbo civilians living in the North and Christians they massacred between 1950 to 2011. The insecurity in the North today is beyond ordinary. That is why it's difficult to stop. It has a natural and spiritual undertone. Nature is using it to pay North back for their evil acts of always killing innocent strangers, especially Igbos and Christians living in their region in the name of fatwa or Islamic Jihad. They seem to have realized this and reason they no longer hurriedly kill Igbos and Christians at every slightest provocation like before.

So quote me anywhere, the insecurity happening in the North and Middlebelt Nigeria is beyond what everyone thinks, it is part of the reward for the 1966 Northern pogrom against Igbos after the counter coup that killed Aguiyi Ironsi the then Nigeria Head of State of Igbo extraction. The North is paying for that needless and heartbreaking 1966 pogrom against civilian Igbos and the continuous massacre of Igbos and Christians in the North, and I doubt they know this. They said one particular pregnant Igbo woman Northern rioters brought out from her home with her children in the North and brutally killed her children before killing her and opening her pregnant bowel was laying a curse on the North that blood will continue to flow in the North, that God will never forgive them. A lot of Igbos killed in such situations laid serious curses on the North before dying, an Aunt that escaped by the whiskers in 1966 recounted one horrifying incident that happened in a market she was, she always cry about it, said cries of Igbo women and children filled everywhere, it was horrifying and those tears and blood are what North is paying for cos there has never been true apology, reconciliation and appeasement done because Nigerians dont take things serious, we brush issues like that aside out of tribal-religious or ethnic ego and superiority and it has been drowning Nigeria ever since without us all knowing.

They need to come out sincerely and apologize and seek for nature's forgiveness to ever enjoy complete peace, if not, all federal government efforts will continue to yield little or no tangible results.

And this is where Yorubas also need to learn some lessons from. Nature is powerful. Life is very sacrosanct.

Yorubas of the past were smart and wise. They always found ways to avoid killing or persecution of strangers in their land no matter the crises. They always tow the path of peace and political games than physical confrontation like the Igbos and violence like the North, and this is what helped Yoruba land to remain peaceful, progressive and calm for decades despite the numerous political crises in Nigeria.

But unfortunately the present day Yorubas are towing a very dangerous path which they may live to regret if they dont quickly retrace, and it's all thanks to Bola Tinubu's dangerous style of politics and some Yoruba Muslims ignorant push to align fully with the North in their effort to come to par with Northern Nigeria whom they look up to for Islamic religious practices.

This action will affect Yorubas and Yoruba land at the long run if they dont learn from what happened to Igbos and what's happening to Northern Nigeria.

If you check very well, Yorubas are gradually becoming extremely hostile to strangers living in Yoruba land, which they see as not tolerating Igbo peoples nonsense again, I laugh, dance start from clapping, time and nature will teach them the lesson about life. Nature always have a way of rewarding our wickedness to fellow humans no matter how smart we think we are. If Yorubas dont learn from others and retrace their steps and distance themselves from Tinubu's dangerous politics, it will affect Yorubas later, bookmark this page.

Igbos paid huge price for that costly mistake of the first military coup spearheaded by Igbo military officers and still paying the price till date.

Northerners are paying the price of their inhumane acts against Igbos in 1966 Northern Pogrom and other Northern massacre and killing of innocent Igbo civilians, Christians living in the North in the name of Islam and ethnic politics.

Every Nigerian, especially Yorubas of today need to learn from that or nature will teach them that hard lesson of life, peace.

And the reason for my initial comment condemning those still tagging this as Igbo coup even after several authentic information today have disputed that is that they are wrong, they are only using this false claim and conclusion that it was an Igbo people planned to continue to take advantage of Igbos and to incite Northerners against Igbos for political gain which has kept Nigeria down for years.

Whether Nigerians accept it or not, holding Igbos down intentionally since the end of the civil war in 1970 has never helped Nigeria, instead it has helped to keep Nigeria below par in many ways. We ought to have moved on beyond this and allowed Igbos have access to federal power like others as a way of destroying our dark past and moving on completely for the betterment of all Nigerians. Tagging that coup an Igbo coup when we knew those naive, overzealous Igbo military officers that carried out that first coup never consulted Igbo communities or Igbo associations to seek for their approval before carrying out the coup is devilish, its wickedness of the highest order just to exploit Igbos and to use such dangerous tales for political gain that benefit only the top politicians while majority of Nigerians from all tribe suffer due to bad leadership. The time to tell the real truth has come and the time to lay this lie to rest and bravely tell it as it was has come for the good of Nigeria if it must continue as one progressive nation.

Once again thanks for the wonderful insights on the effect of killing Sir Ahmadu Bello in the 1966 coup, I will make more research on some of the points and add to my knowledge, stay blessed


You can’t see how you shot yourself in the foot.
Zik, a sitting President was aware of the coup. But instead of stopping it, sneaked out of the Country.

Igbo dominated everywhere, and under their watch, a very deadly coup was plotted and carried out successfully. An Igbo chief of Army staff allowed such a coup under his watch and failed to jail the coupists despite the magnanimous impact it had on multiple people of different ethnicities in the Country.

This coup created everything bad that led us to where we are today . I tried to read your counter post with an open mind but it went on to reinforce how this was an Igbo- orchestrated move.

1 Like 1 Share

Re: Kemi Olunloyo: The Last Kid To See Akintola Alive January 15th 1966 (pics) by ntyce(m): 6:27am On Jan 17

S L Akintola will be brutally killed again Jan 15 2026 and you will cry again on that day

Lol, you've done your worst already...
Before that day, UGM would have killed many of your kinsmen for their Monday rituals
Re: Kemi Olunloyo: The Last Kid To See Akintola Alive January 15th 1966 (pics) by worworbabe: 6:58am On Jan 17
They have started again.

The coup was not carried out by only Igbos. There was Yoruba, Middlebelt, and today Niger Delta soldiers among the coupists but you unscrupulous elements always make it look like it was just done by only Igbos soldiers.

You guys also intentionally ignore to tell the world why Michael Opkara the Eastern Premier at Enugu at that time was spared; Archbishop of Canterbury visited him that day and the coupists didn't want to attract British wrath, so they spared him.

Nnamdi Azikiwe the President was marked for killing but unfortunately as it was, his cousin, Ifeajuna who happened to be among the coup leaders leaked the coup information to him and Zik sneaked out to the Carribeans on health vacation grounds.

You guys also forgot to tell the world that Akintola was told about the coup weeks before and he communicated to Sir Ahmadu Bello his best friend whom he aligned with to persecute Obafemi Awolowo which was the main thing that even angered the young soldiers to carry out a coup to stop the political turmoil in Western Nigeria today Yoruba region between Awolowo and Akintola in which they unjustly jailed Awolowo that angered most of the young soldiers that carried out the coup.

Go and read "Why we struck" by a gallant Yoruba soldier that was part of the coup planners and leader.

When Akintola learnt about the coup, he said went and purchased a pistol swearing to kill anybody that near his residence thinking it was a child's play while Ahmadu Bello laughed it off believing his juju would save him.

Tafawa Belewa was not marked for killing because the young soldiers liked him, they only believed that Ahmadu Bello and Akintola were misleading Belewa but when the coupists discovered that the coup was already failing in parts of Nigeria like Enugu, etc, they angrily shot Belewa, a very huge mistake they made cos Belewa was a nice man cry

The coup was a military affair but they made sure it was turned to an Igbo people affair even when civilian Igbos were never carried along nor consulted.

And why will Igbos who controlled most sectors of Nigeria carry a coup; Igbo man was the President though with less power which he did willingly by allowing Belewa to become Prime Minister after winning the election while he became President which has more foreign influence while PM ran the day to day activities of the nation, Igbo man was the Senate President (Nwafor Orizu), Igbo man was the Chief of Army Staff (Gen. Aguiyi Ironsi), a man loyal to the Igbos, who also came from Eastern Nigeria then was the IG of Police, Igbo man was the documented richest man in Nigeria then (Sir Louis Ojukwu, Ojukwu's father).

Igbos dominated even Northern civil service because they were the most learned and qualified then which made Bello to issue a statement that they will stop hiring Igbos and start hiring foreigners if they can't find Northerners to fill the position, and also made Awolowo to start free education in Western Nigeria to enable them catch up with Igbos occupying virtually all positions including in Western Nigeria.

So there was no need for Igbos to carry out coup, the coup was entirely carried out by young, naive soldiers of which majority were Igbos from today Southeast and South South/Niger Delta in their foolish effort to rescue Nigeria from the hands of corrupt Nigerian politicians the British people handed power to.

But due to the already brewing envy against Igbos for cheerleading in most sectors in Nigeria then by the Hausa-Fulanis and Yorubas, the coup was conveniently tagged an Igbo coup just as Yorubas conveniently tagged Peter Obi an Igbo Presidential candidate despite Obi winning massively outside Igbo states including in Lagos, Middlebelt, Northeast and Abuja.

Una go tire sha.

We will keep exposing you guy's lies and hatred for Igbos, all thanks to social media and Internet, so gone are the days of spreading dangerous propaganda against Igbos using Lagos-Ibadan expressway brown envelope newspapers shocked

You can’t see how you shot yourself in the foot.
Zik, a sitting President was aware of the coup. But instead of stopping it, sneaked out of the Country.

Igbo dominated everywhere, and under their watch, a very deadly coup was plotted and carried out successfully. An Igbo chief of Army staff allowed such a coup under his watch and failed to jail the coupists despite the magnanimous impact it had on multiple people of different ethnicities in the Country.

This coup created everything bad that led us to where we are today . I tried to read your counter post with an open mind but it went on to reinforce how this was an Igbo- orchestrated move.

1 Like

Re: Kemi Olunloyo: The Last Kid To See Akintola Alive January 15th 1966 (pics) by Veggieseeddies: 7:28am On Jan 17

Lol, you've done your worst already...
Before that day, UGM would have killed many of your kinsmen for their Monday rituals

Just today, I will read as ritualists behead and parade the heads of your kind that doesn't like peace and mutual respect



Re: Kemi Olunloyo: The Last Kid To See Akintola Alive January 15th 1966 (pics) by Afolue(m): 7:49am On Jan 17
I just hope they can look at themselves and own their faults and mistakes.
they won’t. They’re bitter. They brought evil upon themselves and they a being tormented by it by what’s going on in the south east today. It is as a result of the truth they a not willing to admit amongst themselves.

Truth doesn’t change!

1 Like

Re: Kemi Olunloyo: The Last Kid To See Akintola Alive January 15th 1966 (pics) by Raf4: 1:15pm On Jan 17

My comments were not for glorified clowns like you but U just had to prove that ur inanity is very high and now U are still proving that U have nothing but sawdust inside that head!
Zombified olodo!

Embittered soul............frustrated orangutan!
Re: Kemi Olunloyo: The Last Kid To See Akintola Alive January 15th 1966 (pics) by bentenny(m): 5:23pm On Jan 17

Embittered soul............frustrated orangutan!
See a glorified local pot calling a kettle black!
I made a simple and plausible comment that was explicit to even a dolt with an ounce of brain but being a pathetically unintelligent sycophant,U could not resist displaying ur empty head!
U are truly a rare mo.r.on!
Re: Kemi Olunloyo: The Last Kid To See Akintola Alive January 15th 1966 (pics) by femi4: 7:44pm On Jan 17
I would rather we stop opening fresh wounds where one is already healing.
However, the determination of some people to rewrite history - believing that the louder they scream concocted lies about, the more history will be rewritten - will only force more people to come out and set the record straight!
Your history is part of you...can't be erazed
Re: Kemi Olunloyo: The Last Kid To See Akintola Alive January 15th 1966 (pics) by Caseless: 6:21am On Jan 19
They have started again.

The coup was not carried out by only Igbos. There was Yoruba, Middlebelt, and today Niger Delta soldiers among the coupists but you unscrupulous elements always make it look like it was just done by only Igbos soldiers.

You guys also intentionally ignore to tell the world why Michael Opkara the Eastern Premier at Enugu at that time was spared; Archbishop of Canterbury visited him that day and the coupists didn't want to attract British wrath, so they spared him.

Nnamdi Azikiwe the President was marked for killing but unfortunately as it was, his cousin, Ifeajuna who happened to be among the coup leaders leaked the coup information to him and Zik sneaked out to the Carribeans on health vacation grounds.

You guys also forgot to tell the world that Akintola was told about the coup weeks before and he communicated to Sir Ahmadu Bello his best friend whom he aligned with to persecute Obafemi Awolowo which was the main thing that even angered the young soldiers to carry out a coup to stop the political turmoil in Western Nigeria today Yoruba region between Awolowo and Akintola in which they unjustly jailed Awolowo that angered most of the young soldiers that carried out the coup.

Go and read "Why we struck" by a gallant Yoruba soldier that was part of the coup planners and leader.

When Akintola learnt about the coup, he said went and purchased a pistol swearing to kill anybody that near his residence thinking it was a child's play while Ahmadu Bello laughed it off believing his juju would save him.

Tafawa Belewa was not marked for killing because the young soldiers liked him, they only believed that Ahmadu Bello and Akintola were misleading Belewa but when the coupists discovered that the coup was already failing in parts of Nigeria like Enugu, etc, they angrily shot Belewa, a very huge mistake they made cos Belewa was a nice man cry

The coup was a military affair but they made sure it was turned to an Igbo people affair even when civilian Igbos were never carried along nor consulted.

And why will Igbos who controlled most sectors of Nigeria carry a coup; Igbo man was the President though with less power which he did willingly by allowing Belewa to become Prime Minister after winning the election while he became President which has more foreign influence while PM ran the day to day activities of the nation, Igbo man was the Senate President (Nwafor Orizu), Igbo man was the Chief of Army Staff (Gen. Aguiyi Ironsi), a man loyal to the Igbos, who also came from Eastern Nigeria then was the IG of Police, Igbo man was the documented richest man in Nigeria then (Sir Louis Ojukwu, Ojukwu's father).

Igbos dominated even Northern civil service because they were the most learned and qualified then which made Bello to issue a statement that they will stop hiring Igbos and start hiring foreigners if they can't find Northerners to fill the position, and also made Awolowo to start free education in Western Nigeria to enable them catch up with Igbos occupying virtually all positions including in Western Nigeria.

So there was no need for Igbos to carry out coup, the coup was entirely carried out by young, naive soldiers of which majority were Igbos from today Southeast and South South/Niger Delta in their foolish effort to rescue Nigeria from the hands of corrupt Nigerian politicians the British people handed power to.

But due to the already brewing envy against Igbos for cheerleading in most sectors in Nigeria then by the Hausa-Fulanis and Yorubas, the coup was conveniently tagged an Igbo coup just as Yorubas conveniently tagged Peter Obi an Igbo Presidential candidate despite Obi winning massively outside Igbo states including in Lagos, Middlebelt, Northeast and Abuja.

Una go tire sha.

We will keep exposing you guy's lies and hatred for Igbos, all thanks to social media and Internet, so gone are the days of spreading dangerous propaganda against Igbos using Lagos-Ibadan expressway brown envelope newspapers shocked
You people lie too much to maintain victimhood.

Ifejuna told Azikiwe about the coup and he escaped on health ground.

Majority of the 300 mutineers were igbo. I just feel the counter-coup was worth it.

1 Like

Re: Kemi Olunloyo: The Last Kid To See Akintola Alive January 15th 1966 (pics) by Raf4: 7:56pm On Jan 20

See a glorified local pot calling a kettle black!
I made a simple and plausible comment that was explicit to even a dolt with an ounce of brain but being a pathetically unintelligent sycophant,U could not resist displaying ur empty head!
U are truly a rare mo.r.on!

Scornfụl scụmbag!
Re: Kemi Olunloyo: The Last Kid To See Akintola Alive January 15th 1966 (pics) by bentenny(m): 10:40pm On Jan 20

Scornfụl scụmbag!
Did you learn these disjointed vocabs from the waterside adult school that you recently attended?😂
Re: Kemi Olunloyo: The Last Kid To See Akintola Alive January 15th 1966 (pics) by Raf4: 8:16am On Jan 22

Did you learn these disjointed vocabs from the waterside adult school that you recently attended?😂

As you were ferried by night lorry from your dilapidated muddy village to Lagos to enjoy free and good education in our public schools here.
Re: Kemi Olunloyo: The Last Kid To See Akintola Alive January 15th 1966 (pics) by bentenny(m): 5:10pm On Jan 22

As you were ferried by night lorry from your dilapidated muddy village to Lagos to enjoy free and good education in our public schools here
Free what?
Lagos is doing free education yet verifiable stats clearly states that there were over two million 'out of school children'😂😂
It seems you were not informed😆😆
If there was free education like you are ignorantly claiming,you won't be doing waterside night school😄

The dilapidated and muddy depiction you are painting is an replica of the former and present status of your combined schools in your life...little wonder why you still had to resort to attending night school as you were having doubts over the 'oluwole' certificates given to you😄
Re: Kemi Olunloyo: The Last Kid To See Akintola Alive January 15th 1966 (pics) by Raf4: 6:45pm On Jan 23

Free what?
Lagos is doing free education yet verifiable stats clearly states that there were over two million 'out of school children'😂😂
It seems you were not informed😆😆
If there was free education like you are ignorantly claiming,you won't be doing waterside night school😄

The dilapidated and muddy depiction you are painting is an replica of the former and present status of your combined schools in your life...little wonder why you still had to resort to attending night school as you were having doubts over the 'oluwole' certificates given to you😄

Osu, ndi ayiyo. Go hawking.
Re: Kemi Olunloyo: The Last Kid To See Akintola Alive January 15th 1966 (pics) by bentenny(m): 8:45pm On Jan 23

Osu, ndi ayiyo. Go hawking.
If I dey do Hawking,nah better hustling nah....e better pass U way don turn bambiyala for social media....shameless beggar😂
Re: Kemi Olunloyo: The Last Kid To See Akintola Alive January 15th 1966 (pics) by Raf4: 11:05pm On Jan 24

If I dey do Hawking,nah better hustling nah....e better pass U way don turn bambiyala for social media....shameless beggar😂

Keep exposing yourself here. You truly sound like one of those online beggars. Ndi ayiyo.
Re: Kemi Olunloyo: The Last Kid To See Akintola Alive January 15th 1966 (pics) by bentenny(m): 11:17pm On Jan 24

Keep exposing yourself here. You truly sound like one of those online beggars. Ndi ayiyo.
Sound ke😂😂
Are we now using audio or just typing?
A glorified beggar like U should accept his career with his full chest! 😁😁
Re: Kemi Olunloyo: The Last Kid To See Akintola Alive January 15th 1966 (pics) by Raf4: 1:12pm On Jan 25

Sound ke😂😂
Are we now using audio or just typing?
A glorified beggar like U should accept his career with his full chest! 😁😁

We will soon dispatch you back to your barren enclave. We need our sanity back here.
Re: Kemi Olunloyo: The Last Kid To See Akintola Alive January 15th 1966 (pics) by bentenny(m): 5:44pm On Jan 25

We will soon dispatch you back to your barren enclave. We need our sanity back here.
It's only a glorified illiterate and sycophant who still ignorantly believes Lagos is the only state where everyone resides!
Re: Kemi Olunloyo: The Last Kid To See Akintola Alive January 15th 1966 (pics) by Raf4: 7:48pm On Jan 27

It's only a glorified illiterate and sycophant who still ignorantly believes Lagos is the only state where everyone resides!

From the osu evïl forest you came from, to the osu ëvil forest you must return. Selah.


Re: Kemi Olunloyo: The Last Kid To See Akintola Alive January 15th 1966 (pics) by bentenny(m): 1:46am On Jan 28

From the osu evïl forest you came from, to the osu ëvil forest you must return. Selah.
What a tasteless and colourless clapback from a glorified sycophant and a certified clown!
This regurgitated comment is a classic example of ikorodu copy and paste😆😆
Is that all U and ur analphabetic minions from d trenches could hilariously and pathetically muster after shamelessly disappearing!
Too predictable!🥱
Too bad that I expected more from a comcom brain!🤐
Re: Kemi Olunloyo: The Last Kid To See Akintola Alive January 15th 1966 (pics) by Raf4: 10:25pm On Jan 28

What a tasteless and colourless clapback from a glorified sycophant and a certified clown!
This regurgitated comment is a classic example of ikorodu copy and paste😆😆
Is that all U and ur analphabetic minions from d trenches could hilariously and pathetically muster after shamelessly disappearing!
Too predictable!🥱
Too bad that I expected more from a comcom brain!🤐

Keep repeating the same lines of your tomfoolery.
You must embrace your heritage - Osu evîl forest, your final abode.
Re: Kemi Olunloyo: The Last Kid To See Akintola Alive January 15th 1966 (pics) by bentenny(m): 3:07am On Jan 29

Keep repeating the same lines of your tomfoolery.
You must embrace your heritage - Osu evîl forest, your final abode.
Another pathetic repetition from a village stammerer and a community clown!
Of course U did copy and paste nah from ur illite.rate WhatsApp group admin😆😆
Indeed,two empty heads are worse than coomcoom🥱😂
Re: Kemi Olunloyo: The Last Kid To See Akintola Alive January 15th 1966 (pics) by Deadlytruth(m): 3:40am On Jan 29

Bro, your write-up try but contradictions plenty.

The ibos weren't responsible for the coup but you further agreed that it was mostly them that carried it out.

Now who were those leaders that the young ibo coupists are trying to save the nation from? Same ibos you already said were holding most political positions...

So, the young coupists, mostly ibos, orchestrated a coup against a government where their tribesmen hold most key positions...

Bro, no how weh you wan package this thing; the ibos flopped in epic proportions during the post colonial into military era with that coup.

I'm just glad you admitted by yourself that the coupists were mostly ibos trying to overthrow a largely ibo government.

You nailed it. The monicker you quoted wrote a lot of self contradictions in that comment of his but thought he was making a sensible point. Let me buttress your point further as follows: According to him, Igbo soldiers staged a coup to clear the corruption in an Igbo dominated government but ended up killing people from other tribes and none from the Igbo tribe which majorly ran that corrupt government. Isn't that supposed to be the more reason the coup was actually an Igbo coup? What an interesting irony!

1 Like

Re: Kemi Olunloyo: The Last Kid To See Akintola Alive January 15th 1966 (pics) by Deadlytruth(m): 4:17am On Jan 29

Yes we Igbos did condemned the coup and even wished Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe was killed to assuage the North but unfortunately that did not happen.

Also Northerners carried out bigger revenge through the counter coup which was justified cos it was a military affair and they ought to have stopped their military coup madness there but they continued and started to massacre Igbos in that heartwrenching 1966 Northern pogrom in which Igbo civilians living in the North were being massacred in cold blood in all parts of Northern Nigeria and were even spearheaded by Middlebelt people today.

The pogrom was the imminent cause of the civil war. If the Northern military guys had stopped at the counter coup which removed Aguiyi Ironsi and death of hundreds of Igbo soldiers in just two nights, there wouldn't have been civil war. So Igbos paid more than enough price but still they must be blamed for what ordinary Igbos had no hand in but even after those first coup and the counter coup, Nigeria still witnessed several coups spearheaded by Hausa-Fulanis and Middlebelt guys but Nigerians never for once blamed Hausa-Fulanis and started mass killing of Hausa-Fulanis because their soldiers carried out a coup.

Northerners and Yorubas never rose up against Middlebelt civilians to massacre them because Dimka carried out a coup that killed Muritala Mohammed and neither did they do same when Major Gideon Okar carried out his own coup that also led to the death of many soldiers but Nzeogwu from today Delta state known as Niger Delta plus other Igbo soldiers, and some Yoruba soldiers, Middlebelt soliders carried a coup based on their volition, Hausa-Fulanis and Yorubas turned around to tag it Igbo coup just because they were already envious of Igbos and looking for opportunity to destroy Igbos at all cost, of which the coup presented them with that barbaric opportunity but still after decades that Igbos lost virtually all they had in a preceding civil war, got politically marginalized by a gangup of Hausa-Fulanis and Yorubas since the end of the war in 1970 to date, some senseless, inhumane, unscrupulous people from Yoruba tribe still have the conscience to be blaming Igbos for whatever happened in 1966 instead issuing apology to Igbos and seeking for complete reconciliation and full reintegration of Igbos into Nigeria's federal politics to foster real peace, togetherness, love and unity.

Both Kemi and Reno Omockery will never die well, they will end in shame and their generation will reap the reward of their inhumane act and wickedness towards Igbos.

Personally, I still believe that Middlebelt people are reaping the fruit of their unjustified actions against Igbos between 1966 to 1970 in which they allowed Hausa-Fulanis to deceive them and used them to massacre innocent civilian Igbos living peacefully in their region because of what happened among the military. It ought to teach other Nigerians a lesson but they refused to learn and I strongly believe that nature will definitely teach those that are stubborn to learn from that their own hard lessons.

Lastly, I want you all to note that majority of Igbos did condemned the coup, what I am saying is that Igbo civilians were never consulted by the young Igbo officers that decided to go on a commando job to topple the first civilian government for whatever reasons best known to them. It was purely on their own volition, they didn't go to Igbo people's community townhall meetings or Ogbakor Ndigbo or Ohanaeze Ndigbo to seek for Igbo peoples approval before carrying out the coup? So why blame the whole Igbos for the action of few young military officers even after you revenge and killed the Igbo head of state and hundreds of Igbo military officers which was more than enough revenge to serve as a warning, why involve innocent Igbo civilians by starting a pogrom to wipe out all Igbos?

That is the issue. Nobody, to the best of my knowledge, most Igbos I know then and now never supported the coup yet they are blamed and killed and being persecuted and blamed till today, does that make sense to you guys?

That the Igbo soldiers that carried out the coup decided in their own heart to spare the Igbo officers and politicians is still their case which they later paid for via the counter coup that removed and killed the Igbo head of state and other top Igbo military officers.

Even Ojukwu never supported the coup as he never liked Major Kaduna Nzeogwu and also worked with Ironsi to ensure the coup was foiled.

Your defense line seems to revolve around the claim that the larger Igbo civilian population didn't support the coup. But records have it that after the coup, Igbos living in the North were seen openly taunting their Hausa Fulani neighbours over the death of Ahmadu Bello and other key Northern figures. You may deny this anyway but more importantly, as long as silence is consent, the failure or refusal of Ohaneze Ndigbo or any other Igbo sociocultural body to publicly issue a statement distancing the Igbo race from the actions of the coupists who were mostly Igbos helped in fuelling the perception that it was an Igbo coup amidst other reasons like:
1. No Igbo politician was killed despite the alleged corrupt government having them in a quite high percentage.
2. Azikiwe the overall Igbo leader was questionably out of the country when the coup happened despite him supposedly being on the coupists hit list
3. Aguiyi Ironsi, another top Igbo man on the hit list survived 'miraculously' and even became the chief beneficiary of the coup.

If you assume you are not an Igbo man and then reconsider these points as a non-Igbo man, you can't but be compelled to view it as an Igbo coup.

Let's use a role reversal scenario. Assume that during the immediate past Buhari administration a group of four Yoruba and one Igbo soldiers staged a coup killing Buhari the president, Amaechi the minister of transport, Elrufai a strong Buhari loyalist, Malami the Attorney General, Hope Uzodinma for being an Igbo governor licking the arses of Buhari a Fulani man, and then the likes of Osinbajo and Tinubu who practically brought to power that very Buhari government the coup was staged to remove were far away in the US on some purported holiday, is there any argument and apologetics that can convince you that such a coup had no Yoruba agenda underneath it?

1 Like

Re: Kemi Olunloyo: The Last Kid To See Akintola Alive January 15th 1966 (pics) by franchasofficia: 6:30am On Jan 29

Your defense line seems to revolve around the claim that the larger Igbo civilian population didn't support the coup. But records have it that after the coup, Igbos living in the North were seen openly taunting their Hausa Fulani neighbours over the death of Ahmadu Bello and other key Northern figures. You may deny this anyway but more importantly, as long as silence is consent, the failure or refusal of Ohaneze Ndigbo or any other Igbo sociocultural body to publicly issue a statement distancing the Igbo race from the actions of the coupists who were mostly Igbos helped in fuelling the perception that it was an Igbo coup amidst other reasons like:
1. No Igbo politician was killed despite the alleged corrupt government having them in a quite high percentage.
2. Azikiwe the overall Igbo leader was questionably out of the country when the coup happened despite him supposedly being on the coupists hit list
3. Aguiyi Ironsi, another top Igbo man on the hit list survived 'miraculously' and even became the chief beneficiary of the coup.

If you assume you are not an Igbo man and then reconsider these points as a non-Igbo man, you can't but be compelled to view it as an Igbo coup.

Let's use a role reversal scenario. Assume that during the immediate past Buhari administration a group of four Yoruba and one Igbo soldiers staged a coup killing Buhari the president, Amaechi the minister of transport, Elrufai a strong Buhari loyalist, Malami the Attorney General, Hope Uzodinma for being an Igbo governor licking the arses of Buhari a Fulani man, and then the likes of Osinbajo and Tinubu who practically brought to power that very Buhari government the coup was staged to remove were far away in the US on some purported holiday, is there any argument and apologetics that can convince you that such a coup had no Yoruba agenda underneath it?
Very sound argument from a reasonable human being.

You made very valid points and yes you are very correct with your points.

I understand it was convenient for them to tag it an Igbo coup considering the points you raised, but then, the counter coup which was bloodier and led to heavy Igbo casualties in the military was more than enough revenge for them to stop. Extending their revenge madness to Igbo civilians living amongst them peacefully before the first coup has no human justification. It was purely done out of decades of hatred, envy and suspicion of the Igbos being the most successful tribe occupying key positions and thriving in all regions as at then.

It was not about the purported Igbo coup or the claim that some civilian Igbos mocked some Hausa-Fulanis for the death of Ahmadu Bello, it was all lies fabricated to support and justify their inhumane act against Igbo civilians.

Mind you, before the January 1966 coup by Nzeogwu and co, there was a massacre of Igbos in the North by Northern Moslem fanatics around 1955 or so, why didn't the Igbo coupists use the opportunity of the January 1966 coup in which top Northern leaders and military were killed to extend their revenge for the Igbo massacre of the 1950s to killing civilian Northerners with the excuse that Northerners first killed Igbos?

You cannot deny the fact that Northern Moslems have always been thirsty for innocent peoples blood right from the 1950s, all thanks to Uthman Dan Fodio's violent way of trying to expand Islam at all cost in Nigeria and the Sahel.

Let me tell you the hidden truth, the hatred for Igbos by Northern Moslems is all about religion; Islam. They only hid it behind politics to deceive, convince and incite the rest of the North and Yorubas against Igbos.

In Nigeria, Old Eastern Nigeria dominated by the Igbos then was the only region and tribe that vehemently rejected Islam. Back then, you can hardly find one Igbo Moslem. Igbos vehemently rejected everything Islam and became an impediment to Uthman Dan Fodio's radicals spreading Islam beyond North, so they saw Igbos as a stumbling block that should be removed completely but the rest of Nigerian Christians are ignorant of this reality but will always align ignorantly with the radical Northern Moslems to fight Igbos thinking it's all about politics and stopping Igbos from dominating, dominate who and how?

How have Hausa-Fulanis dominating Nigeria helped Nigeria if it's all about who dominates who?

Though Middlebelt Christians later realized their mistakes around the late 1980s to 90s, but the deeds have been done by then, when their sons in military realized that they were being used by Hausa-Fulani Moslems to push for their dangerous Islamic Jihad war in Nigeria and waging war against Igbos whom they saw as the pillar of Christianity in Nigeria. This was what pushed Major Gideon Okar to carry out his coup which was more of a radical revolution, go and listen to his speech to understand my point.

Gideon Okar's coup was another missed opportunity to savage what was left of the dying Nigeria then, that coup would have reset Nigeria honestly.

So if you observe the pattern of events till today, you will realize that Northern Nigeria have always disliked Igbos and took Igbo matter differently and always interpreted Igbo matter with a harder stand all because of religion; they see Igbos as the pillar of Christianity in Nigeria and the main stumbling block to the expansion of Islam down Southern Nigeria. That is why they always act dangerously against Igbos at any slightest national political disagreement, you saw it under Buhari too, the same scenario has been repeating before and even after the January 1966 coup and civil war.

But it's fine, it's the price Igbos have to pay for standing up for Christianity and saying no to radical Islam expansion in Nigeria, unfortunately the rest of Nigerian Christians think it's an Igbo peoples war (especially Yoruba Christians), maybe by the time they will realize their mistake, it will be too late, maybe.
Re: Kemi Olunloyo: The Last Kid To See Akintola Alive January 15th 1966 (pics) by Raf4: 12:22pm On Jan 29

Another pathetic repetition from a village stammerer and a community clown!
Of course U did copy and paste nah from ur illite.rate WhatsApp group admin😆😆
Indeed,two empty heads are worse than coomcoom🥱😂

Head or tail, osu ëvil forest is your ancestral heritage. Embrace it with your full chest and stop dodging it. Sickly orangutan!

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