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Baby Food Recipes! by cookie27: 1:14pm On Mar 31, 2011 |
There's been so much talk on nairaland about adult food and all. We haven't really given much thought to nourishment for our younguns. So if you are a parent or guardian of little tots, be sure to join me on the OFFICIAL NAIRALAND BABY KITCHEN and let's whip up some scrumptious recipes that are just as fun to eat as they are to prepare! What's more they can be made from the most basic of ingredients. You don't have to scour the supermarkets or anything looking for them. I'll also be sharing nutritional facts on the various food items we will be using. BUT be sure to check that you little one doesn't have any allergic reactions to any of the ingredients that will be required in making them. Also, please note that it is advised (by the World Health Organisation) that babies be at least 6 months old before being introduced to solid foods. So, Let's get cooking! 1 Like 2 Shares |
Re: Baby Food Recipes! by cookie27: 1:38pm On Mar 31, 2011 |
Let's start with an item EVERYONE is familiar with, RICE! Yup, good old rice. Now the health benefits of rice are enormous. Brown rice (or ofada rice as we know it) particularly is nutritious as it contains vitamins A, C, B1, B2, Niacin, Folate, Potassium, Phosphorous, Magnesium, Calcium, Sodium, Iron and just a hint of protein. And let's not forget all the extra fiber. Never mind the smell or the taste, once combined with the right foods, it still makes for a delicious meal for your baby. So let's try the following rice recipes. Brown rice cereal 1/4 Cup Brown rice powder (Blend the rice in a food processor or dry mill) 1 Cup water a little formula or breast milk 1. Boil the water in a saucepan. Add the rice powder while stirring constantly or it will stick. 2. Simmer for 10 minutes, whisking constantly, mix in formula or breast milk if desired 3. Serve warm. 11 Likes 6 Shares |
Re: Baby Food Recipes! by Igonih(m): 2:08pm On May 11, 2011 |
My baby was fed apples and carrot sauce whenhe was 4 months old. We peel the apples and carrots , cut into small pieces and boil in a glass of water untill soft. After which we grind it to smooth paste allow to cool and feed baby. Also you can mash a medium size bannana and mix it with cerelac and feed baby. Or Boil irish pottato and blend to smooth paste mix with milk to feed baby. 13 Likes 6 Shares |
Re: Baby Food Recipes! by adetunrayo(f): 8:55am On May 12, 2011 |
more pls 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Baby Food Recipes! by queenex(f): 10:45pm On May 12, 2011 |
plz for an 8mths old baby,wat can i give him? plz |
Re: Baby Food Recipes! by cookie27: 8:07pm On May 14, 2011 |
Pawpaw Puree 6-8months Pawpaw, or papaya, is rich in the following; Vitamins: A, C, Folate Minerals: Potassium, Calcium 1 ripe papaya Peel, de-seed and chunk the pawpaw Place pawpaw chunks in a blender or food processor Add formula, breast milk, or water and blend or mash until the proper consistency for your baby is reached. Some infants have sensitive tummies. It may be helpful to give fruits a gentle steaming to help break down the sugars and fibers for easier digestion. If you feel this is the case for your infant, chunk the pawpaw and then steam for 5-10 minutes until very soft, before blending or pureeing. Enjoy. 2 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Baby Food Recipes! by Nomskylynd: 11:11am On Nov 03, 2011 |
I expected more recipes under this topic! being a monther of eleven month olds (quadruplets)! i need more. Currently, i feed my babies indomie, rice with okro soup made with little pepper, sweet potatoes mashed with butter (not margarine) and titus fish, semo with okro or egusi soup, deskinned boiled beans, pap (made from corn, millet and dawa) and mixed with formular (similac Advance). For snacks, i feed them with crackers biscuits,egg york, tangarine, oranges, bananas, blended carrots. I will say their main meal is pap being that they are four and it requires more than one person to feed them so feeding them with pap from a bottle lighten the load but I make sure they eat atleast one of the above once a day. Luckily for me, they have not reacted negatively to any of these meals but seems to enjoy it. I will be introducing moi moi and akara balls soon. ![]() ![]() 31 Likes 4 Shares |
Re: Baby Food Recipes! by tpia5: 12:14am On Nov 04, 2011 |
Please dont underestimate ewa agonyin as a nice food for toddlers. You can leave out the pepper sauce if you feel its too spicy for their palate. 3 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Baby Food Recipes! by tpia5: 12:16am On Nov 04, 2011 |
I think asaro is also good for babies who are old enough to eat adult food, but without the yam pieces- just the mashed part. 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Baby Food Recipes! by darami(f): 6:57am On Feb 28, 2012 |
Beef, Peas and Potatoes (3 servings) 1/2 cup of cooked beef 1/2 cup peas (fresh or frozen) 1 small potato 1. wash, peel and dice potato. Place in a saucepan, cover with water, and boil for 10-15 minutes. 2. Add peas to saucepan. Boil for another 5-10 minutes until peas and potatoes are both very tender. 3. Let cool, then place in food processor with beef. Puree as needed to reach desired consistency, adding leftover cooking water to thin out the mixture. Chicken, Carrots and Rice (4 Servings) 1/2 cup cooked chicken 1/4 cup cooked rice ( I prefer whole grain rice for my baby) 1 medium carrot 1. wash and peel the carrots. Cut into small pieces. 2. Place in a saucepan with enough water to cover the carrots. Allow the carrots to cook for about 15 minutes or until tender. 3. Place the carrots in a food processor/blender with the cooked rice. Add the cooked chicken and puree for 30 second. 4. Add water, formula, or breastmilk one spoon at a time to make the mixture smoother. Continue to pureeing until smooth. 5 Likes 6 Shares |
Re: Baby Food Recipes! by Nobody: 9:26pm On Oct 22, 2012 |
Vegetable Puree with Chicken breast Recipe for your babies, from 6 months old. HOW TO MAKE VEGETABLE PUREE FOR YOUR BABIES From 6 months old, babies need vegetables as it aids in their growth and development, infact we all need vegetables but this post and video will teach you how to make your own baby food and maybe quit buying baby food from the stores and feed your baby fresh food without any additives or preservatives. Ingredients •2 Irish potatoes •2 Carrots •Pumpkin •I fresh tomato •Chicken breast or Fish, please make sure the fish is boneless •Olive Oil or Vegetable Oil Wash all the vegetables and cut into smaller pieces and add water so that it is just slightly above the vegetables and then cook until the vegetables are soft, also add few drops of either olive or vegetable oil. Do not add salt if your baby is below 1 year old. Pour cooked vegetables into a blender and blend till it is smooth without leaving any piece of vegetable. You can also add formula to it and feed your baby. Yeah, that’s it, the yummy vegetable puree is ready to be fed to your baby and i am sure if your babies could talk, you would hear them say hmm… yummy after the meal. 7 Likes 5 Shares |
Re: Baby Food Recipes! by Nobody: 9:10am On Oct 23, 2012 |
Have a Food processor handy to enjoy your life and time as a mom. ![]() Beef and broth Beef round roast(soft part) blend and feed, same with chicken meat/chicken casserole Pasta(any kind) beef/chicken pasta sauce(contains;fresh Roma tomatoes, tomato sauce, tomato paste,fresh basil, parsley,extra virgin olive oil, cook for about 1hr and blend smooth and keep for use, I always buy it fresh at farmers market ![]() Blend after the pasta is cooked very very soft more to come later ![]() 1 Like 5 Shares |
Re: Baby Food Recipes! by Nobody: 7:20pm On Oct 23, 2012 |
okro soup: There is no better soup to start the kids off on swallow meals than the Okro Soup. This one has definitely got the kids approval. Also beans porridge helps too 5 Likes |
Re: Baby Food Recipes! by Nobody: 7:58pm On Oct 23, 2012 | has all d recipe u need. |
Re: Baby Food Recipes! by dominique(f): 8:28pm On Oct 24, 2012 |
I've tried out some of these recipies for my son. But he's so so selective with food. I'll try the apple and bananna puree again. I want to introduce spicy foods but he's not having it. Keep the recipes comming ![]() |
Re: Baby Food Recipes! by Nobody: 1:27am On Oct 25, 2012 |
dominique: I've tried out some of these recipies for my son. But he's so so selective with food. I'll try the apple and bananna puree again. I want to introduce spicy foods but he's not having it. Keep the recipes comming How old is he? Just make sure he drinks formula , it has all the good stuff and fruits to prevent constipation, mixed cereals are good options too ( nestle makes a variety of just add water kinds), oatmeal is also very nutritious, as long as he eats these oyinbo food, he'll learn how to eat other complicated stuff later. Apple doesn't blend very smooth and to avoid choking please leave out unless he's old enough to chew, you won't believe how small food they can choke on. Spicy food starts from chicken wings from soups so he can suck on, put your own food in his mouth, gradually he will get used to it. Banana makes a great bedtime snack too. Toast with unsweetened jam/ fruit spread yum! Dry cereals like Cheerios , corn pops, they melt quickly in their mouth and fill them good. You don't need too much ceremony for infant meal if you don't want to be disappointed cos of all your effort . That indomie( its diff name here) without the mix but pasta sauce is good too. Sticky rice ( sushi rice) with stir fry sauce. I've got a lot but it depends of the age group. 1 Like 2 Shares |
Re: Baby Food Recipes! by dominique(f): 3:42pm On Oct 30, 2012 |
@Jidegirl he's 19 months and he's been on formula since he was around 6 months. He refused all the formula we introduced to him alongside pap till i had to stop him from breastfeeding @ 11 months. till now, feeding him is a challenge. He'll accept one food today and reject it tomorroe. I've pureed bananna in his pap in the past. He took to it well only to reject it afterwards. Rice is a no-go area. I'm thinking of introducing pancakes with honey. What do you think? |
Re: Baby Food Recipes! by enkoby: 3:10pm On Nov 19, 2012 |
dominique: @Jidegirl hello dear. your story sounds so much like mine. after concluding my 6 months exclusive feeding, i tried all sorts of formula for my son, he rejected all of them. i tried SMA, NAN, Cowbell Infant, Lactogen. i tried all sorts of cereal and oatmeal for him, he rejected them. . . Frisco gold, cerelac, Beach Nut oatmeal, Beach Nut cereal, pap, golden morn, etc. infact the major problem is not just that he does not like them, he kips trowin up violently each time i feed him with these formula or cereal. the only tin he eats is mashed sweet potatoes, chicken, apples and carrots. Its so tiresome cos i now have to make two dishes wheneva i return from work. . one for the family, and one for him. but wat can i do, i dont love him any less ![]() ![]() 2 Likes |
Re: Baby Food Recipes! by Nobody: 9:58pm On Nov 19, 2012 |
@dominique I'm sorry it took me a while to reply, that must be very tiring for you! For 19 months , pancakes will be great with syrup , mix fruits with the batter before making the pancakes so its full nutrients . then try finger foods like ; plain potato fries or sweet potato fries with ketchup, Chicken nuggets Dry Cereals like Cheerios Have you thot of soy formula/ milk? The baby needs some kind of protein after weaning from b-milk you know? I'll brain storm more ideas and get back to you, Take care. |
Re: Baby Food Recipes! by papalsman: 4:42pm On Feb 21, 2013 |
jidegirl12: @dominique I'm sorry it took me a while to reply, that must be very tiring for you! |
Re: Baby Food Recipes! by papalsman: 4:48pm On Feb 21, 2013 |
Pls I need more of this baby recipes I hv a 12month baby she don't like okoro soup anything solid food hw do I intro other solid food and which solid food can she like. |
Re: Baby Food Recipes! by damiso(f): 9:58am On Feb 22, 2013 |
papalsman: Pls I need more of this baby recipes I hv a 12month baby she don't like okoro soup anything solid food hw do I intro other solid food and which solid food can she like. Eeya,some kids are just fussy eaters and its soooo frustrating but the sooner you keep on being consistent in offering a majority of foods the better.Loads of other examples on the thread but one thing i just wanted to add is some toddlers dont actually like that soft mushy baby food,just noticed my 11 month actually prefers the lumpier harder textures unlike my daughter who we still had to be pureeing for till almost two. You can try toast and butter cut into lil squares without the crust(that might choke them). Sweet or Irish potato boiled very soft with carrots cut into small cubes. Plantain and peas boiled and mixed with butter. Pap the soy one i think its called ogi baba in yoruba with loads of milk. Rice and stew(not too peppery o) but hers should be softer than the general one. Noodles without the sauce and mix in with veg i.e peas carrots brocoli cauliflower. Okra seems to be the best draw soup.for babies but if she does not like it maybe try ewedu. Just keep trying though it sometimes seems like a drag just remember there is hardly any 10 yr old that lives on milk alone ![]() Well done mummy. 1 Like 3 Shares |
Re: Baby Food Recipes! by ayindetemi: 11:26am On Mar 08, 2013 |
Please can I give my 8month milo cos he's not takin infant milk.urgent pls |
Re: Baby Food Recipes! by abiolu: 4:40pm On May 21, 2013 |
Pls don't give milo has too much Sugar, and babies need breastmilk or formular till age 1. U can add. Formula to baby's cereal orchange brand of formula |
Re: Baby Food Recipes! by cutiez2: 9:15pm On May 22, 2013 |
V enlightening,my 9months old baby dosent like her own food but will eat anything everyone else is eating will really appreciate suggestions of dishes she will be interested in thanku all 2 Likes |
Re: Baby Food Recipes! by abiolu: 12:52am On May 23, 2013 |
@ 9 months, your baby can eat anything you eat. Vegetables,grain,cereal,plantain, fruits etc. Make sure ur grains are boiled very soft (rice,potatoe,yam) you cn marsh it up. Youghurt is good as well,bred, scrambled/boiled egg. Watch the salt and sugar in baby's food. Also avvoid honey till baby is 1yr |
Re: Baby Food Recipes! by bukkieno(f): 6:52pm On Jun 17, 2013 |
Can I give my 9month old baby youghurt? If yes,sweetened or unsweetened? |
Re: Baby Food Recipes! by loverboy3060: 9:50am On Jun 18, 2013 |
good |
Re: Baby Food Recipes! by kreamidiva(f): 2:18pm On Jun 18, 2013 |
Any recipe for a 5 month old baby? |
Re: Baby Food Recipes! by abiolu: 12:00am On Jun 20, 2013 |
@ bukkie, yes u can give 9months old youghurt. Pls note Adult Youghurt is different from kids( cos of the sugar)fromage Frais is better for kids, but if you can't get it, you can use unsweetened adult youghurt, give it like that or sweeten with fruit puree @ kreamidiva 5months baby can eat mostly pureed fruit,pureed potatoe,pureed vegetable (potatoe,carrot,spinach). Sty away. From Gluten (wheat bsed product,egg) till bby is 6months. Happy weaning..... 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Baby Food Recipes! by Issfat: 12:46am On Jun 20, 2013 |
how many times can i feed a baby boy of 9 and half months daily |
Re: Baby Food Recipes! by bukkieno(f): 12:52am On Jun 20, 2013 |
@ abiolu,thanks. I would have just gone ahead and given her sweetened farmfresh youghurt ooo.thanks for the info 2 Likes 1 Share |
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