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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Pets / Raw Feeding Ideas For Nigerian Dog Owners (25268 Views)
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Re: Raw Feeding Ideas For Nigerian Dog Owners by Akunyun(m): 4:21pm On Aug 10, 2014 |
oluomoadebayo:Eggs could be a complete nutrition.... EGGS ARE NO SUPPLEMENTS! |
Re: Raw Feeding Ideas For Nigerian Dog Owners by boseikuejamuwa(f): 5:27pm On Aug 10, 2014 |
Hello seun, pls I av a 4 months old samoyed pop,(molly) wen it come to food she is very choosy, if I feed her pedigree dis week,next week she will just sniff it and won't eat it @ all, until I change her food, it happens like dt all d time, pls wat do u think I should do, cos av complained to my vet and wat he suggested is nt working, am actually fed up rite now pls help |
Re: Raw Feeding Ideas For Nigerian Dog Owners by Seun(m): 7:10pm On Aug 10, 2014 |
boseikuejamuwa: Hello seun, pls I av a 4 months old samoyed pop,(molly) wen it come to food she is very choosy, if I feed her pedigree dis week,next week she will just sniff it and won't eat it @ all, until I change her food, it happens like dt all d time, pls wat do u think I should do, cos av complained to my vet and wat he suggested is nt working, am actually fed up rite now pls helpMaybe she gets ill a lot and thinks that the current food she is eating is what made her sick. Animals have a strong reaction to any food that seems to make them sick. Another possibility is that she has noticed that you always change her food to something different when she doesn't eat the current one, so when she is bored of a food she stops eating it in the hope of getting something better. It's also possible that you're feeding her more than what she really needs, and so when she is full, she doesn't eat unless it's something new & exciting. I would recommend doing several things at once, since we're not sure of what the problem is: 1) If you're currently feeding her with adult dog food, switch to high quality puppy foods. If it smells nice to you, it's probably good. 2) To prevent her from getting bored with her food, feed her with a different brand and/or flavour of puppy food for every meal. 3) Don't leave food in her plate for more than 5 - 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, return any remaining food to your freezer to prevent spoilage. Next time you want to feed her, and you're sure that she's hungry, serve the same meal to her. If you are consistent and don't give her snacks in-between meals, your dog will get the message after a few days and start eating her food quickly before you take it away. 4) If she hasn't been dewormed recently, deworm her thoroughly. Get her checked for any illness that could cause her to lose her appetite. 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Raw Feeding Ideas For Nigerian Dog Owners by boseikuejamuwa(f): 7:26pm On Aug 10, 2014 |
Apitch: Boiled chicken and fish bones are bad for dogs cos they form needle like shapes that are harmful to the dogsis it okay to feed my dog fried chicken and fried meat. |
Re: Raw Feeding Ideas For Nigerian Dog Owners by boseikuejamuwa(f): 7:30pm On Aug 10, 2014 |
Seun:thank u very much I will do just exactly as u say. |
Re: Raw Feeding Ideas For Nigerian Dog Owners by Seun(m): 9:23pm On Aug 11, 2014 |
oluomoadebayo: feeding eggs is advisable 2 times a week and not as a whole food. it serves as a supplement not food.People say this because egg yolk is high in cholesterol, but recent studies have suggested that this is nothing to be worried about. Cholesterol content in food does not seem to determine the level of cholesterol in your blood. That is actually determined by the type of fat that you ingest. |
Re: Raw Feeding Ideas For Nigerian Dog Owners by Seun(m): 3:10pm On Aug 13, 2014 |
My dog is currently on a diet of orobo chicken lap, liver and kidney. The chicken lap provides meat & bones, while the organs provide vitamins. I dropped the titus fish because I've found that it's not so great for my dog's teeth. It's too soft to clean the teeth and contains sticky liquids. The suggested ratio for feeding a balanced diet is 80% meat/skin/fat, 10% bone, 5% liver, and 5% other organs. It's worked for many people. Yesterday I tried a feeding 85% orobo chicken lap, 7.5% liver and 7.5% kidney. Unfortunately, as it turns out, the orobo chicken lap has a high bone content just like the regular Chicken lap. Around 30%. So basically my dog got 60% meat, 25% bone, 7.5% liver, and 7.5% kidney. Instead of the chicken lap and organs mixing together in the dog's stomach and being passed out together in a firm brown poop, they came out separately. I saw black firm poop from the organs, because I fed the organs first, followed by the usual yellow chicken poop that turns white. This morning I tried to feed the chicken and organs concurrently. I gave him the chicken first and then as he was eating the chicken, I tossed bits of kidney and liver to him. This wasted my time because I had to wait for him to finish the chicken, but I'd like to see what will come of it. |
Re: Raw Feeding Ideas For Nigerian Dog Owners by fattbabakay(m): 3:31pm On Aug 13, 2014 |
Seun: My dog is currently on a diet of orobo chicken lap, liver and kidney. The chicken lap provides meat & bones, while the organs provide vitamins. I dropped the titus fish because I've found that it's not so great for my dog's teeth. It's too soft to clean the teeth and contains sticky liquids.see as dog dey chop wetin human being no see chop #Jah_Bless_Hustle !!! |
Re: Raw Feeding Ideas For Nigerian Dog Owners by Seun(m): 1:37pm On Aug 14, 2014 |
fattbabakay: see as dog dey chop wetin human being no see chop #Jah_Bless_Hustle !!!All the meat I give my dog is uncooked, if that's any consolation. So it's not as if he eats fried chicken from tantalizers. It's just raw meat. 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Raw Feeding Ideas For Nigerian Dog Owners by fattbabakay(m): 1:40pm On Aug 14, 2014 |
Seun:sounds same to me tho #Jah_Bless_Hustle |
Re: Raw Feeding Ideas For Nigerian Dog Owners by Seun(m): 11:27am On Aug 18, 2014 |
It seems that there are two types of Orobo chicken in the market. One (fake?) which is giant-sized but is identical to the regular chicken in every other way (tough meat, > 30% bone). And another one, which has really soft meat and very few bones, which is ideal for human consumption. When I feed my dog with the regular chicken or the tough orobo chicken, I often have to 'force' my dog to eat it by pretending that I want to take it away from him. However, when my dog is finished with it, his teeth are always impressively white, which is very important to me. When I feed him the soft, meaty orobo chicken, he loves it. He never gets tired of it so I don't have to encourage him to eat it. The bone ratio is very close to the ideal of 11%. However, I don't notice much dental improvement. His breath is ok, but his teeth remain quite yellowish. I guess I should just learn how to brush his teeth. ![]() |
Re: Raw Feeding Ideas For Nigerian Dog Owners by ntyce(m): 12:50pm On Aug 18, 2014 |
hello Guys, is it advisable to feed dogs on chickens. I run a poultry farm and I have been having some moralities in recent weeks with the carcass being thrown away. I just felt it will be a good idea raising dogs and feeding them with the dead birds. To what extent should the processing go? should it be fed raw or cooked? should the offals be removed or the whole chicken fed to the dogs? I would appreciate your response. Thanks |
Re: Raw Feeding Ideas For Nigerian Dog Owners by Seun(m): 1:02pm On Aug 18, 2014 |
@ntyce: If the chickens died of disease, you should cook them lightly (just to kill the disease causing germs) before serving them to the dogs. The offals should not be removed, but you should probably remove the gall bladder. The organs are a great source of vitamins for dogs. Update: most dogs find it challenging to properly digest a food they are not used to eating in large quantities, so try to limit their rations and/or mix the chicken with their normal food. Bones, if not properly broken down in a dog' stomach, can cause serious problems. |
Re: Raw Feeding Ideas For Nigerian Dog Owners by Seun(m): 7:51pm On Aug 19, 2014 |
Raw feeding is one of the few things I do with my dog that is not recommended by scientific authorities. Here's the US FDA's list of ways in which bones (an essential part of raw food for dogs) can be dangerous: 1. Broken teeth. This may call for expensive veterinary dentistry. |
Re: Raw Feeding Ideas For Nigerian Dog Owners by Seun(m): 11:43am On Aug 27, 2014 |
Every raw feeder should own a deep freezer and a kitchen scale. These two things will make it easier to balance your dog's diet properly. You should use the following nutrient database to find out which nutrients are in each food source: You can find out how much of each nutrient your dog requires daily here: |
Re: Raw Feeding Ideas For Nigerian Dog Owners by oluomoadebayo: 4:20pm On Oct 30, 2014 |
For raw feeders, what's your meats source? I usually buy freezer burnt meat and stuffs like that, any more ideas on how to get cheap meats ? |
Re: Raw Feeding Ideas For Nigerian Dog Owners by BOUNTYDOG(m): 7:34pm On Oct 30, 2014 |
The only raw food ican feed my dogs on is v fresh one where the blood is still dripping,not day old or frozen.I fear to do that |
Re: Raw Feeding Ideas For Nigerian Dog Owners by oluomoadebayo: 11:04pm On Oct 30, 2014 |
BOUNTYDOG: i can feed 1 year frozen foods with no problem. Dogs would bury foods for days in the sand and still eat it when they want without problem. |
Re: Raw Feeding Ideas For Nigerian Dog Owners by kuzee(m): 3:04pm On Oct 31, 2014 |
Seun:to be frank i dnt know what is an orobo chicken lap. if they re sold in d market,wat is the cost of it |
Re: Raw Feeding Ideas For Nigerian Dog Owners by BOUNTYDOG(m): 4:50pm On Oct 31, 2014 |
oluomoadebayo:Yeah I just fear to feed on raw frozen food even the can food I prefer to put it in thir store house once open and I make sure I finish sameday,I can only put in D fridge if it has to stay more than that day and use D microwave to reheat to room level when I want to serve, I don't just buy the idea of feeding directly on frozen foods,either raw or cooked as its not good for human.I don't even think my dogs would eat frozen chicken especially.they kill stray chicken and eat,even share with puppies.I buy raw meat and bones fresh for them. |
Re: Raw Feeding Ideas For Nigerian Dog Owners by oluomoadebayo: 11:18pm On Oct 31, 2014 |
BOUNTYDOG: i feed directly from the freezer once its not too hard .My dogs will finish all before 5 mins. |
Re: Raw Feeding Ideas For Nigerian Dog Owners by lahit14(m): 9:44am On Nov 01, 2014 |
Mynd44: Ur very correct, hav observd it too, cos I neva believd dogs could eat tasteless cocumber but anytim any having some and she comes arround, she'll evn eat it more thn me 1 Like |
Re: Raw Feeding Ideas For Nigerian Dog Owners by Seun(m): 6:14pm On Nov 01, 2014 |
kuzee:Yes, they are sold in the market. Just ask frozen chicken sellers if they have "orobo" (as in, opposite of 'lepa'). In my town, regular chicken lap costs 650 naira per kilo while Orobo costs 700 naira per kilo, but the regular chicken is mostly bones and a little meat that is very tough because it's from old layers (chickens raised for eggs) while the Orobo chicken lap is very meaty and fatty because it comes from broilers (chickens raised for meat), so looking at the cost of the meat minus the bones, the Orobo Chicken lap is actually cheaper in my opinion. It's very important to make sure that your dog gets at least 10% liver (or 5% liver and 5% kidney) because organs are very rich in vitamins. If you don't do this, your dog will suffer from all sorts of ailments that are caused by the lack of vitamins in his diet. If you feed raw, feed it right! I've tried feeding turkey wing as an alternative to Orobo chicken, but whenever I do that, I notice bones in my dog's poop. I don't know if it's because the bone ratio in turkey meat is very high or because the bones are more hard to digest than chicken bones, but I've stopped it. |
Re: Raw Feeding Ideas For Nigerian Dog Owners by Seun(m): 6:27pm On Nov 01, 2014 |
BOUNTYDOG:You can use your microwave oven to thaw frozen meat. My microwave has a special mode for thawing food, based on weight. Works perfectly. |
Re: Raw Feeding Ideas For Nigerian Dog Owners by oluomoadebayo: 11:16pm On Nov 01, 2014 |
Seun:I feed meat source available but the Orobo is more preferable because of the meat quality, most of the imported chickens are good and meaty but my supply is no where to be found ATM. |
Re: Raw Feeding Ideas For Nigerian Dog Owners by italent101: 8:33am On Nov 02, 2014 |
oluomoadebayo:where do you get the food and where can I get it around Ibadan |
Re: Raw Feeding Ideas For Nigerian Dog Owners by oluomoadebayo: 9:14am On Nov 02, 2014 |
italent101: My supplier has gone awol for couple of weeks now and I'm in need of another stock myself but you can contact the frozen chicken supplier and ask if they have any freezer burnt or non edible chicken. |
Re: Raw Feeding Ideas For Nigerian Dog Owners by Djdamian(m): 9:33am On Nov 02, 2014 |
boseikuejamuwa: I tink its in their nature,ours usually do dat,he doesn't eat any food without seeing beef in can be pretty annoying at times |
Re: Raw Feeding Ideas For Nigerian Dog Owners by oluomoadebayo: 9:47am On Nov 02, 2014 |
Djdamian: I have a choosy dog like that and i usually take the food away after 5 mins if she isn't eating and I will feed another dog in front of her kennel. Do that for a week and he will finish her food in less time. |
Re: Raw Feeding Ideas For Nigerian Dog Owners by BOUNTYDOG(m): 5:47pm On Nov 03, 2014 |
Seun: Yeah mine too like defrost,and that's the only way I can feed raw not directly from the freezer I mean |
Re: Raw Feeding Ideas For Nigerian Dog Owners by tranxo(m): 7:19pm On Nov 03, 2014 |
Please my people make una no laugh me ooo. I don't have a dog but just curious on 2 things; do you clean up your dog after each poo or are they self-cleaning? Also, how una dey take brush their teeth and also bathe them....? |
Re: Raw Feeding Ideas For Nigerian Dog Owners by mayorall(m): 8:24pm On Nov 04, 2014 |
tranxo: Oga mi. No tear my belle o. ![]() ![]() 1 Like |
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